Monologues of Vadim Galygin

Ah-ah-ah! Hi all! A! Hello! I greet you from the fur lovers community
animals. Because winter is coming and we will all need peace and rest.
Today I will tell you what all kinds of fur-bearing animals look like.
Mink. Mink, bitch, dangerous. The mink has the largest anus in the world, that's why it's so
and is called.
Ermine. Ermine, bitch, fluffy. The ermine is so called because it lives
alone in the steppe. The poet is an ermine. Ermine, bitch, very cowardly, that's why
As soon as he does so, he immediately hides in a hole.
Gopher, bitch, cunning. At first I was offended when they called me that. But after
thought that the gopher is the only animal that stands firmly on its legs and
looks forward to the future. Gopher, bitch, personality! But sometimes, too, just a little...
hides in a hole. And he doesn’t care that there’s already an ermine there. Because the mink has the most
biggest anus in the world!
Arctic fox. Arctic fox, bitch, scribe, what a dangerous one. And cunning. The Arctic fox is not visible in the snow.
White arctic fox, white snow - scribe, nothing is clear. Therefore, in order to catch
arctic fox, you must first come across a female bear with two small
bear cubs. After this, the snow will turn yellow and the Arctic fox will be visible.
Otter. Otter, bitch, lustful. She can rip anyone off. Especially loves
tear up a mink, because there is already an ermine and a gopher there...
Now imagine that we drank 700 liters of vodka in a week. Because
the conversation will be about protein.
Squirrel, bitch, strange. Firstly, she has the largest nuts and hollows in the world -
bigger than a mink. This is something that the ermine, the gopher, and the otter readily use.
Weasel. Weasel, bitch, nice. The caress is pleasant... What’s interesting is that the male weasel is
The mating season is first ******* 10 foreign females, and then your own. These are the 10
outsiders are called foreplay.
Foreplay is also very pleasant, bitch.
Now imagine that you stuck 20 grams of cocaine in a brick wall and you
hands tied.
Introduced? Therefore, next time we will talk about rodents!

Yep, hi! Today I will tell you about evil spirits. You can be afraid, you can
just write it down.
Vampires. Vampires bitch everywhere! Vampires are known to suck blood from the neck. There are
also vampires-*****s who suck. Vampires are afraid sunlight, That's why
They sunbathe in solariums, like all *****s. Vampires because they are afraid
sunlight, do not come across during the day. Well, if you come across them, then you can find them
only in tinted nines. All over the world there are two most famous
vampire: Count Dracula and Pankratov-Cherny. There are known cases when
Pankratov-Cherny bit a man and he started acting in shitty films
together with Kokshenov. Vampires are not reflected in the mirror. Therefore these are the only ones
people who are not afraid to go to the mirror on the morning of January 1st. A
female vampires, due to the fact that they are not reflected in the mirror, are forced to wear makeup
advice from your best friend, so they look especially scary. To kill a vampire
everyone knows that they need to drive an aspen stake into his heart. And the vampire-*****... Himself
God ordered. That’s why there are many suicides among vampire-*****s!
Werewolves. Werewolves are legendary bitches. According to legend, werewolves are people who
at sunset they turn into animals. However, false werewolves are more dangerous. False werewolves
These are people who, with the help of vodka, turn into animals in the light of day.
Usually werewolves turn into wolves, and false werewolves turn into pigs! But known
case when in Rostov a Caucasian bit a Slav, and after midnight he began
speak with an accent, his body was covered with thick hair, his fangs became
gold, and a fake passport. Many people strive to become werewolves from childhood. For
That's why they grow up stupid, rarely wash, beg, drink black, walk
in the same thing and in the end they are accepted into the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Tenth of November-
Werewolf Day! All day, on all channels: werewolf choir, Gazmanov, and others
Zombie. Zombies are scary as hell. Zombies live in two places: in cemeteries and in
mausoleum. There are two ways to turn into a zombie: either die and rise from
graves, or watch House-2 for a day. The first case is more pleasant, but the second one, bitch
more reliable. You can die and rise as if nothing had happened, a vivid example of this is
Yura Shatunov. Killing zombies is easy. This is usually done with silver bullets,
with a silver dagger or hang silver flasks on their belts. There is a known case when
In Naberezhnye Chelny, a zombie was crushed by a silver Kamaz.
Ghouls. Ghouls are zombies that come to Tina Kandelaki at night.
They look so that sometimes it is unclear where the Kandelakis are and where the ghouls are.
Mermaids. Mermaids are gullible bitches. Mermaids are half women, half fish.
That’s why they bite on both maggots and champagne. Unfortunately, by nature
mermaids have only one place in which she can satisfy a man. Therefore, with
You won't be able to sit and talk like mermaids.
Poltergey. Not to be confused with Poltergeist! Poltergey does not make noise like Poltergeist, does not
rattles frying pans and moans quietly behind the cupboard.
And finally the witches.
Witches, bitch mistresses. They brew a potion from mouse meat, worms and toad poop.
They call it DOSHIRAKUS. Witches fly on a broomstick. Average witch
sits on the broom at 14. And at 16 he is already sitting tightly on the broom. However, there are also witches
who, having sat on a broom all their lives, have never experienced the joy of flying. This is it, bitch
real witches. They should be feared.

Today I will tell you how to move correctly, and how to use what
it was actually invented to move correctly.
Locomotive. Locomotive, bitch, funny. (Our Steam Locomotive runs forward) Well, isn’t it fun? Before
Scientists are still arguing where the first steam locomotive was invented: in Russia or in
Holland? However, old-timers say that the first steam locomotive was invented in St. Petersburg on a bench
behind the park...
Carriage. Carriage, bitch, beautiful. The carriage was invented by the French *******s era
Cart. The cart was invented by horses, so as not to carry all sorts of *******s on their backs,
who don’t have money for a carriage. The young Rococos were not against it. By the way, and on
you can also sit quietly and look at the cart.
Moped. Moped, bitch, legendary. The most famous mopeds are Verkhovyna, Carpathians
and Riga, but there was also, bitch, a secret moped - Riga 22 on enriched manure. This
there was the only moped whose engine glowed at a speed of 40 km/h
darkness. While repairing such a moped in a garage, Academician Sakharov came up with a hydrogen
Motorbike. The motorcycle was invented by policeman Polishchuk, who was chasing a criminal on
motorcycle. Motorcycle, bitch, double, but motorcycle with sidecar automatically
becomes three, four, five, six, and in the village of Osovo, Krupsky district there was
a case was recorded when 36 fellow villagers on one motorcycle were traveling to Lithuania for
chanterelles. Seeing this, Lithuanian engineer Arūnas Ikarus came up with the idea of ​​a bus. Why
you can come up with something else when you see 36 people driving towards the border with
bus speed?
Ikarus came up with the idea of ​​a bus, and after visiting a neighbor for moonshine, the bus resembled an accordion.
Automobile. The first car was secret and it was called VAZ... it’s not
concerns, secret means everything, bitch, secret. It was collected where the centuries-old
there was dust.
Balloon. Balloon, bitch, impressive. The Indians invented the hot air balloon.
when at the leader’s bachelor party they put ****** on the peace pipe. The Indians also came up with
an excavator, a time machine and a DVD, stupidly giving Jules Verne tea with mushrooms.
Tractor. Tractor, bitch, Belarus. The Belarus tractor was invented in Lithuania, but
it was cheaper to clear customs in Belarus, so the Belarusians stole the tractor and so
Having covered their tracks, they named it “Kirovets” in honor of Stalin. As they say, Belarusians
took a risk, but the Lithuanians have not yet noticed.
Elevator. The elevator is stuck, bitch. The elevator was invented by the bastards so that it would be where ***** and
melt buttons. The buttons in the elevator are different. The “Stop” button was invented to help *******
a girl, and the “Call” button to chat with grandma. In addition to everything else, the elevator
medium of information. Only in the elevator can you find out that Tsoi is alive and Katya is a whore.
Armored car. The armored car appeared when Lenin was tired of performing on a motorcycle.
The armored car was made by NKVD officers, forcing a rhinoceros to sit on the machine gunner.
And the police invented the metro so that, bitch, they could make money all year round.
Speaking of money. Remember, the more money, the cooler the vehicle.
The cooler the vehicle, the cooler the chicks in the back seat. But most importantly,
so that later the chicks, so that later the chicks have normal beautiful long
means of transport. And then we got our feet in our hands and off we went!

Today I will tell you about what we all want to get bitch for the rest of our lives, and then
fuck we use it... we'll talk about professions:
Waiter. The waiter is an almighty bitch, he wants to spit in the tea, he wants to fart in
borsch. The bitch waiter sleeps slightly bent over even at night, but smiles all night long,
because he dreams about the crap he thinks about you.
Agronomist. Agronomist is a profession where you have a bitch under your nose all your life.
bed of corn and cornfields under ***. An agronomist has been freaked out all his life by two things:
Why the hell did he become an agronomist and how do combine operators drink? By the way, translated as combine
means cut mice.
Football player. Footballer bitch, where are you going, fuck yours, well... There are footballers
good and ours. The good ones are foreign players. Difference between foreign
and with our football players, do you know which one, no? Can you guess? (fans say)
foreign football players have beautiful wives, but ours have boots.
Baker. The baker is funny because every morning he makes buns and more
for yourself, but for the whole country.
Engineer. Engineer is a bitch engineer. An engineer is a man with a big pussy and
small salary. The engineer's pussy is big because he's been a bitch all his life
looks at her through glasses. In a word, an engineer is a person who has everything
life is a pencil behind your ear and not a damn thing in your bosom.
Watchman The watchman is a lonely bitch. Watchman is a profession where you spend your entire life
you read the light for the year 78 ***** to the warehouse, drink (’s not clear...), fuck the cap
and sleep, tomorrow is a hard day. Scientists around the world are struggling with the question of where
The watchman has a granddaughter, and why does she look like a hat?
Installer. An installer is a very strange profession. The installer is when everything
You drink all the time, but all the time the bitch is at its best. All installers drink, especially drink
high-altitude installers. But besides these devils, there are generally just terrible devils. This
High-altitude installers, yes. They drink so much that they then send greetings to you from above. Well
work like this...
Welder. The welder is a happy bitch. A welder is a profession where a person
Every day at work he thinks it’s New Year. Which one then New Year without masquerade?
That's why the welder wears a mask all the time, and it ruins his life. Welder everything
time thinks that everyone's faces are purple. But there is a bitch gas welder. This is very
rich welder. Everyone knows how much you can cook on gas, right? Can be cooked
so much that the son will never become a welder.
Photographer. The photographer is weird as hell. A photographer at work takes pictures of tits and
***s, and on vacation - toads and sky. The first photographs were very poor, so
They covered themselves with a black rag and lived like that. It was cold in winter and they warmed themselves
flashes. There was a lot of vodka then, but photographers didn’t have money for vodka,
that's why one day they soaked their rags with gasoline, and so the colored ones appeared
This profession is Stylist.
A stylist is a person who, for your money, will go with you to the store so that
advise you to use your money to buy you something that he would really like for himself.
Hairdresser. A hairdresser is a natural stylist. That's why the hairdresser is a poor bitch.
Cashier. The cashier is a masochist. He threshes all day long and sits on his belly with a box of
Pharmacist. The pharmacist is a bitch. The pharmacist is cool because he can read
any bullshit... any bullshit that the doctor wrote, that's why the pharmacist is cooler
doctor, because he can not only read any bullshit, but remember where it is
stands, and personally determines when, how, how much, in the head or in the ***, to eat before
this or not. But pharmacists, like hockey players, are people who watch all the time
at other people through glass. In general, a pharmacist is a profession where a grandmother
2 hours tells why her chest hurts in the knee area, and you stand like a bitch
and sleep. Such a profession.
Gardener. Gardener pissing in the garden. And this is the main point. Because in translation the gardener with
French sado-mo- ... means: "parsleying someone else's wife in the parsley bushes"
Well, such a bitch profession. So don't start gardeners, drink like installers,
in general, remember: people who work in their specialty live longer, but it’s a bitch
Live long, happily and richly!!

Society of ichthyophiles or, speaking in Russian, fish cutters! This Society consists of
the kind of idiots who love fish, but then also eat it. Today I'll tell you
to you about how to catch fish and other sea creatures with bare hands, bare feet and
naked.: In general, naked!
So, pike. Pike, bitch, cunning. Sly and toothy. To catch a pike we need
swimming trunks, brass knuckles and Emelya mask. We sneak up on the pike in Emelya's mask, knock it out
teeth - our pike! And you can even do as you please with the toothless pike!
The next sea and river reptile is crayfish. Cancer, bitch, biting. We put it in water 2
wires: blue and red. Crayfish have claws that bite everything. Bye
Cancer, like in the movies, thinks: Which one, bitch, blue or red?, the water will boil. Cancer
Following. Scat. Scat, bitch, dangerous, he's electric. Therefore, to
to win, you need to knock him out. There are two ways to cut down a stingray: connect
attach a light bulb and a radio to it and do not turn it off all night until the stingray sits down. And when
The stingray sits down - that's it, stop smoking! Sitting fish is not normal!
Further. Herrings. Herrings, bitches, are smart. They never swim alone. Them,
you see, you need a joint. But it’s stupid to give your school to the fish! Therefore it is better not
catch herring.
Hake. If you catch a hake, then so be it! Fuck him, bitch!
Further. Sea Horse. Horse, bitch, funny. To catch a seahorse
you need to stand on the shore and laugh stupidly. Honestly, when looking at a skate, don’t laugh
Further. Hammerfish. It's wrong to say that. It must be said that the fish is young. Let
lives while she's young! The most important. When fishing, the main thing is to fill the gills. And then
it will be cool, even if there is no cool! And, remember, fish love where it’s deeper, and
man - wherever necessary!

And today I will tell you how to have a cool and extreme relaxation without leaving
own apartment.
Let's begin.
Skiing. Alpine skiing, bitch, is dangerous. To set up a ski resort at home,
you need to smear the stairs with Vaseline at the entrance, stick photographs on the walls
oligarchs and write on the wall in blood: “Courchevel.” The ski resort is ready!
Surfing. Surfing, bitch, extreme. You need to get drunk on tequila, and, standing on
ironing board in wet leggings, catching a wave. Many people catch the lighthouse. This
wrong. If the surfer actually catches the lighthouse, good luck to both the lighthouse and the surfer!
Diving. Diving, bitch, is interesting. Diving is done in order to
look at exotic fish. Buy a kilogram of regular sprat, wrap it
with red and blue electrical tape, stick colorful feathers into the *** - simple fish
became exotic! Pour the sprat into the bath and start making the sea. For
Three types of sea are suitable for diving: Red, Dead and Black. For the Red Sea
you need corals and ketchup, for the Dead you need a lot of salt and a corpse, and to make Black
sea, you need to spit some sunflower seeds on the floor in the bathroom, throw some bullheads under the bath
on*****, in the bath on***** - that's the Black Sea for you!
Rafting. Rafting, bitch, is scary - this is when you go down a mountain river in a boat.
To find out what rafting is, you need a talking parrot. Flush it down the toilet and
go to the wastewater treatment plant.
The bird will definitely share its impressions with you!
Picnic. Picnic, bitch, nice. You can have a picnic in the apartment. To have a picnic
It turned out great, start drinking in the morning. Then take an ax and use it
10 minutes and place the chopped furniture on the gas stove. The fire is ready! Further.
Spraying air freshener "Needles" around the apartment and making a sound with your lips (a sound similar to
to the squeak of a mosquito), poke yourself hard with a needle, while saying: “How
these mosquitoes have taken over!". In an apartment during a picnic, you must definitely step in
shit. And in this state go to bed. However, before going to bed, do not
forget to give a damn about the gas stove, because an unextinguished fire can become
the cause of a fire in the forest!

Hello everyone, hello! I greet you from the society of couch potato idiots,
Geographical Society of Homebodies. Our society is made up of assholes,
whose head is like a globe, that is, the bitch looks beautiful, but inside is empty. AND
today I will tell you how to learn geography without leaving your apartment.
Wardrobe, wardrobe is a bitch China. Yes, you can tell anyone HUGO BOSS,
COVALLI, GUCCI (shows a fig) KI-TAI.
Mezzanines, mezzanines, this is Mongolia, because it’s not clear what’s there
lies, what is happening there is not at all clear.
Kitchen, kitchen is a bitch Middle East, because there is always something being prepared there
everything is on knives, constant minced meat, meat on the walls, tears, snot and in the center of it
A dictator who bitch stinks of chemical weapons.
If you live with your mother-in-law, then the mother-in-law's room is the USA. We open the door - here it is,
the stupid face of the head of state. And if you just pop into the Middle
East, ***Ah, war is guaranteed.
Toilet, toilet is a bitch Holland. Because the tiles are unevenly laid
constantly reminds you that some *******s put it there.
TV, TV is Ukraine. Because the control panel is moving around,
Therefore, every minute in Ukraine there is a new program.
Cat, if you have a cat, then this is the Baltic states. Eats for free, drinks for free,
He does minor mischief and pretends that the bitch doesn’t understand Russian.
The refrigerator is the bitch European Union, what is there, and everything seems to be lying there
neatly, on the shelves, but always, one thing stinks. As soon as you eat
there’s no point, everyone is immediately meddling in the European Union, and the Baltics are also sticking their nose in there.
Balcony is a bitch Egypt. Nowhere in the world will you find more
antiquities, and there are whole pyramids of this shit.
Old hammer, old hammer this is Luxembourg. "And where he? God knows where
Garage is Paris bitch. In the center there is a large pile of iron, under which you can
*******sya for hours.
And in fact, you are Russia in all this. For the time being, we smile at the USA. We feed
Baltic states. You are fighting for the right to own the control panel of Ukraine.
You are in contact with the European Union. But I want to die in Paris.

Today I will tell you about birds. They surround us everywhere, but we don’t know by sight
Falcon. Falcon, bitch, unique. The only bird from which beer is extracted.
The falcon is put into the falcon extractor - the beer is ready.
Hawk. Hawk, bitch, is a gourmet! It feeds on rotten and rotten meat. Therefore the hawk
can be found at a meat processing plant.
Eagle. Eagle, bitch, is a city. That's why he's scary, bitch. Named after the city
bird. There are known cases when an eagle flew up to a herd of rams, grabbed a lamb and
flew into the nest, but! near the Zarechensk NPP a case was described when a lamb flew up
to the herd of eagles, snatched the eaglet, neighed and flew into the den.
Owl. Owl, bitch, funny. The owl always has such an expression on his face as if he
shits all the time. But that doesn’t stop her from making money in “What? Where? When?" Although
What's the point of this money - she's still wasting it all.
Owl. Owl, female, international. "Filin" means "feeling". Although
what feelings can there be with a bird that shits all the time?
Vulture. The vulture feeds on bitches. Therefore, it can be found above any
sauna in Moscow.
Stork. Stork, bitch, is a hard worker. Everyone knows that the stork brings babies, but not everyone
They know that the stork also carries away old people.
Kobchik. The falcon is a falcon that lives practically in the ***. That is, in
Duck. Duck, bitch, shy. Because he lives under the bed and is constantly in it
someone is pissing. True, they hunt ducks. Hunters and nurses hunt. Chicken.
A hen is a woman between 30 and 35 with a thick *** and short hair. Chicken
fried. Moreover, both people and roosters roast. Although there are roosters that are roasted
Pigeon. The dove is a peaceful bird, but, bitch, accurate. Dove, bitch, unique. Total
from 20 grams of food he can produce 200 kilograms of shit. Pigeons that
They realized their destiny, they fly forward.
And finally, the mole. Many will say that a mole is not a bird, but if you kick it in the snout,
He's flying, bitch.
Because nature is Magic power. Take care of her!

Hello! I welcome everyone from the society of idiots like me! I remind you that in
Our society consists of idiots like me. We are not allowed to rest in any
Disneyland, not Luna Park - nowhere. We didn't even go through face control into the park.
culture and recreation named after Gorky! Therefore, we are forced to rest at home without leaving
from the apartment. Today I will tell you how to build small attractions from
improvised means in your apartment.
First of all, invite your neighbor to visit. Stand outside the door. Hide. When
neighbor comes in, hit him hard on the head with a bottle of vermouth - Paratrooper Day
the park of culture and recreation has begun! While your neighbor is unconscious, take it in one hand
ammonia, and a sparkler in the other; put on a Bin Laden costume;
bring ammonia to your neighbor - he will open his eyes; smile in Arabic
wave a sparkler - a joyful and affectionate Bin Laden is always
bitch, surprise! And surprise is the main attraction of any park!
We take posters of Shura, Marina Khlebnikova, Dominic Joker, get high,
Stick it up chaotically in the toilet - the laughter room is ready!
After that, in the same toilet, where Joker, Khlebnikova and Shura are already hanging, we turn on
their songs are a panic room ready!
Carousel. We get drunk on vodka, stick photos of relatives inside the drum
car, put your head in the drum, turn on the car...
la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-beee... - carousel, bitch, fun!
After that, we eat 70 kilograms of expired “Bush legs”, go to the toilet and
We're doing a roller coaster. "Roller Coaster" is the same shit!
Illusion. Illusion, bitch, interesting. We take 15 fly agarics, eat them, and wait.
Aquapark. To make a water park at home, you need to open all the taps and go to bed.
The doorbell and swearing will indicate that the water park has started. Take a towel
put on your swimming trunks, go to your neighbors - there is a water park there! Take a walk in the park. Invite
neighbor kids, pump 40 liters of beer into each one, put them on their backs,
make them sing “The Circle of the Sun.” Singing fountains, bitch, are impressive!
Ferris wheel. Scatter trash and other shit around the apartment and put it in the center
stepladder Climb up slowly, look down. This is what Moscow looks like

Hello! I am glad to welcome you all from the society of neuropsychiatric abnormalities
hunters and fishermen. Our society “Vobrnakhpsikhoirybpostav” consists of people
who for special reasons are not given... are not given licenses for guns, axes, knives,
forks, fishing rods - they don’t give us anything. So we're forced to just take the beast
with bare hands. Bare hands, bare feet, basically bare! Today I'll tell you
it's like taking an animal with your bare hands. You can write it down in case someone wants to
join our society...
Let's start with small animals.
Squirrel. Squirrel. The squirrel is cunning. Lives and hangs out in the forest. Finding a squirrel in the forest is easy -
I need to go to the songs. We go to the songs, find a squirrel, sharply hit it in the nuts -
our squirrel!
Mole. The mole lives in the ground, eats worms. That's why you have to sit in a worm suit at night
over the mink, singing Stevie Wonder and waving a clinic brochure over the hole
laser vision correction. In any case, the mole will come out either to receive treatment or
sing along! The mole comes out, two fingers in the mouth - our mole!
Hedgehog. To catch a hedgehog, you need apples and mushrooms. We eat mushrooms and poke out the hedgehog
eyeballs! We poke it out, and a hedgehog without eyeballs is already a mole! But as
catch the mole, we already know!
Further. Fox. The fox is a cunning animal. Sits in a hole. The fox needs to be smoked out of the hole.
It is best to smoke Moroccan hashish. We smoke Moroccan hashish
fox - she will come out of the hole for mineral water anyway! The fox is ours!
Next is a dangerous animal - a bear. This is the most sentimental animal. The most
sentimental. Therefore, while he is away, you need to sit on his chair and
break him, lie in his crib and crush it and eat from his bowl. Bear
will come and start looking for Mashenka. At this moment you need to come out and say: “Mary
died! - this will kill the bear!
Sloth. It's easy with a sloth. We stupidly approach, take it and leave.
But the most terrible, the most evil, the most dangerous and unpredictable animal is
rhinoceros. To catch a rhinoceros, you need to know a lot. First of all you need to get it right
get dressed. Over the diapers you need to wear thick steel pants with mirrors
rear view. Because the rhinoceros is an unpredictable animal! Besides
The rhinoceros is a very smart animal. Therefore, hope for a simple Russian “shoo” -
stupid. In addition to all this, the rhinoceros is also a very strong animal. That's why
hoping for a simple Russian “na, b*d” is also stupid! In general, it’s better to go for a rhinoceros
don't hunt!
In general, if anyone is interested in our society of hunters and fishermen
“Rybsnab...”, well, you remember, sign up!

Hello! Today I will tell you about what kinds of poisonous creatures there are. Write down
because you don't have long to live.
Spectacled cobra. A spectacled cobra bites its victim in the butt. That's why it's called that.
There are cobras that only bite basketball players. They are called two- and
three-pointers. In addition, there is a very spectacled cobra. She's not dangerous. She
is born in a hole, manages to crawl out somewhere and dies there.
Viper. The viper is not deadly, but the bitch is offensive. The viper stupidly shits on the victim, and
then he disdains to bite and finish her off.
Scorpion. Scorpio, bitch, cunning. There is a sting in the scorpion's butt. Therefore, Scorpio -
the only one who is not bitten by the spectacled cobra.
Wasp. Wasp, bitch, dangerous. The wasp, like the scorpion, has a sting in its butt. But the wasp has everything
much less - both sting and ***.
Bee. Not to be confused with a wasp, because a wasp is a female wasp. Bee, bitch, rich.
Because she is a mobile phone sponsor. Few people know that in the evenings the rich
the bees pick up the heifers and fly to the "Bee Out".
Skunk. The skunk, bitch, better be poisonous.
Let's move on. Although much further - it already stinks everywhere! The next poisonous creature
- fly "this-this". In Ukrainian it is "tsetse". Extremely poisonous and dangerous. Tsetse - no
a simple shit magnet with a “bzzzz” function, but a calculating, hungry killer. Fly
Tsetse, like the TT pistol, BT cigarettes and the Ex-BB group, kills even a horse.

Jellyfish. Jellyfish, bitch, slippery creature. Many people believe that jellyfish do not have a brain.
And many are right!
Women. Women are not poisonous, but they can, bitch, poison life for 20-30 years
even on distance.
Further. Toads. Toads are ugly, poisonous women who don't just poison
life, but something else, bitch, and they croak constantly! Remember: you can't eat a toad
deceive, but you can cheat. And the best thing is to kiss, and then any creature
will turn into a beautiful princess!

So what?