What kind of generals are there? What are the ranks of generals in the Russian army. Interesting facts about ranks in the army of the Russian Federation

There are situations in life when it is vital for a person (often a soldier or conscript) to find out the ranks of the Russian army in ascending order. Or simply see before your eyes a list of military ranks in order in order to determine who is subordinate to whom. What am I telling you here! Each of us knows that such cases happen and cannot be avoided.

That is why I decided to make a short article-note, which contains the maximum benefit in answering the following questions:

  1. How are the ranks in the Russian army arranged in ascending order?
  2. How are the shoulder straps of military personnel in the Russian Army arranged in ascending order?

From words to deeds. Go!

Ranks in the Russian Army in ascending order

I will make one remark before the list. You need to understand that in our army there are 2 types of military ranks of military personnel - military and naval. If we roughly describe the difference between these two types of ranks, we can say this: military are the ranks of those who serve on the ground and in the air. Shipmen - those who serve on and under the water.

In addition, I conditionally divided all titles into 2 categories: officer ranks and ranks of other military personnel. Obviously, the officer > other military personnel. This is the hierarchy. And here she is, by the way:

Non-officer ranks in the army in order (lowest to highest)

  1. Private ~ Sailor.
  2. Corporal ~ Senior sailor.
  3. Junior sergeant ~ Sergeant major of the second class.
  4. Sergeant ~ Foreman of the first article.
  5. Senior Sergeant ~ Chief Petty Officer.
  6. Ensign ~ Midshipman.
  7. Senior Warrant Officer ~ Senior Midshipman.

Officer ranks in the army in order (lowest to highest)

Military rank ~ Ship rank.

  1. Junior Lieutenant ~ Junior Lieutenant.
  2. Lieutenant ~ Lieutenant.
  3. Senior Lieutenant ~ Senior Lieutenant.
  4. Captain ~ Lieutenant Captain.
  5. Major ~ Captain 3rd rank.
  6. Lieutenant Colonel ~ Captain 2nd rank.
  7. Colonel ~ Captain 1st rank.
  8. Major General ~ Rear Admiral.
  9. Lieutenant General ~ Vice Admiral.
  10. Colonel General ~ Admiral.
  11. General of the Army ~ Admiral of the Fleet.
  12. Marshal Russian Federation~ There are no analogues.

Total: more than 35 titles. Will it be difficult to remember? I hope no! And also that you found the answer to the question that brought you to my site. If not, then I am sure that you will find the answer to it in full version articles about ranks and shoulder straps in the Russian Army in 2017. Here's to her. Go ahead and read!

By the way, there is waiting for you at the end of the article interesting test of 10 questions, which will allow you to consolidate the knowledge gained during reading both articles.

Well, for those who came here for shoulder straps, as promised, I am enclosing a list of shoulder straps for servicemen of the Russian Army in ascending order. Here he is!

Shoulder straps of Russian Army servicemen ascending

For starters, the shoulder straps of military ranks in ascending order. Click on the picture to enlarge!

1. The next military rank is assigned to a serviceman on the day of expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, if he occupies a military position (position) for which the state provides for a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the serviceman.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2007 N 364, paragraph 2 of Article 22 of these Regulations is set out in a new wording, which comes into force on January 1, 2008.
2. Time limits are established for military service in the following military ranks:
private, sailor - five months;
junior sergeant, sergeant major 2 articles - one year;
sergeant, foreman 1st article - two years;
senior sergeant, chief petty officer - three years;
ensign, midshipman - three years;
Ensign- two years;
lieutenant - three years;
senior lieutenant - three years;
captain, captain-lieutenant - four years;
major, captain 3rd rank - four years;
lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years.
3. The military rank of a senior officer may be assigned to a military serviceman after at least two years of his military service in the previous military rank and at least one year in the military position (position) to be filled by senior officers.
The terms of military service in the military rank of colonel general (admiral) and army general (fleet admiral) are not established.
By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2007 N 364, paragraph 4 of Article 22 of these Regulations was amended, coming into force on January 1, 2008.
4. The period of military service in the military rank of lieutenant for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract who have graduated from military educational institution By full-time studies with a five-year term and above are set at two years.
5. The period of military service of military personnel in the assigned military rank is calculated from the date of assignment of the military rank.
6. The period of military service in the assigned military rank includes the time spent in military service.
The following is counted within the specified period:
a) the time of break in military service in the event of unjustified prosecution of a serviceman, illegal dismissal of a serviceman from military service and his subsequent reinstatement in military service;
b) the time of suspension of military service;
c) time spent in reserve.
7. When a serviceman is appointed to the highest military position (position), at the same time, and if simultaneous registration is not possible, from the date of appointment to the highest military position (position), he is assigned the next military rank if his term of service in the previous military rank has expired, provided that that for this military position (position) the state provides a military rank equal to or higher than the military rank assigned to the military member.
In this case, the military rank of a senior officer is assigned taking into account the requirements of paragraph 3 of this article.
8. A military serviceman who has the military rank of officer and is successfully studying full-time at a military educational institution, postgraduate course, military doctoral program, the next military rank up to lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank inclusive, is assigned on the day of expiration of his military service in the assigned military rank, regardless of military position (position) that he held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate studies, military doctoral studies.
9. A serviceman who has the military rank of officer, who, before entering a military educational institution, postgraduate course, or military doctorate, held a military position (position) for which the state provides for the military rank of colonel, captain 1st rank or senior officer, the next military rank up to colonel, captain 1st rank inclusive is assigned in accordance with the military position (position) held before entering the specified educational institution, postgraduate course, military doctoral program after the expiration of the length of service in the assigned military rank.
10. A serviceman may be awarded the next military rank ahead of schedule for special personal merits, but not higher than the military rank provided for by the state for the military position (position) he occupies.
11. A military serviceman whose period of military service in the assigned military rank has expired, for special personal merits, may be awarded a military rank one step higher than the military rank provided by the state for the military position (position) he occupies, but not higher than the military rank of major, captain 3 rank.
12. The military rank of corporal (senior sailor) may be awarded as an incentive for special personal merit to a military personnel holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of private (sailor).
13. The military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) is assigned to a private (sailor) holding a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of junior sergeant (sergeant major, article 2) and above, upon expiration of his military service in the previous military rank, as well as a serviceman who has successfully completed training in a military training unit under the sergeant (sergeant major) training program.
14. While serving a sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest, a military serviceman cannot be assigned another military rank.
15. The time spent serving a sentence in the form of a restriction on military service or arrest is not counted towards the period of military service in the assigned military rank.

In the army, as in any military structure, there is a clear distinction between ranks. It is worth figuring out what rank the officer corps begins with and what it ends with. It is very important to know how to distinguish one rank from another in order to maintain subordination and clarity in relationships in the army team.

The history of the first officers

The first officers appeared under Peter the Great. After the defeat near Narva, he issued a decree on mandatory military service for the noble class. Before this, the service consisted of hired military personnel from other states. During the entire period of formation tsarist army officer ranks underwent many changes.

But the main task of Russian officers was to protect the interests of the country in various military operations, which throughout Russian history was enough. They took part in battles from Poland to the Caucasus ridge. After a long service, the officers completed their military career in St. Petersburg or Moscow. During the existence of the officer corps, certain traditions and attitudes towards military duty have developed.

All modern officer ranks in Russian army can be attributed to different compositions:

  • younger;
  • eldest;
  • higher.

Junior officers

Junior officers - this is the first step in an officer’s career, beginning with the rank of junior lieutenant, which can be awarded to:

  1. A citizen who has vocational education and graduated from officer courses.
  2. A serviceman entering service through a contract who does not have military ranks. But in this case, he must graduate from an educational institution with a military specialty. It is assigned upon admission to a position that requires such a title.
  3. A reserve soldier after completing mandatory military training and successful completion corresponding credits.
  4. Graduates of civilian universities who were trained in military department educational institution.

The maximum position for this rank is platoon commander. Insignia, one small star on the shoulder straps. Nowadays, in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces, junior lieutenant is given little credit. This is due to the fact that every year the number of military personnel serving under contract who have graduated from a higher educational institution increases, and in this case they are assigned the rank that comes next in their army career.

Lieutenant is the most common rank in the army, which is assigned upon entering service on a contract basis. It is received by military personnel who have graduated from a higher military institution.

Another option for obtaining this rank is for warrant officers who have received higher education. A young lieutenant who comes from university can be promoted to the position of head of some service. In the future, he may be promoted up the career ladder with another asterisk on his shoulder straps. Lieutenants have two stars on their shoulders.

Find out: What kind of shoulder straps does a lieutenant colonel wear, how many stars are there on them?

The next level, senior lieutenant, can be promoted to military personnel who have served more than two years in their position. He may be entrusted with the position of deputy company commander or may be entrusted with working with personnel. The senior lieutenant wears three stars on his shoulder straps.

The captain is also the representative of the junior officers. He is appointed to the position of commanding a company or may be deputy battalion commander. The captain's shoulder straps have four small stars.

Senior officers

These officers include:

  • major,
  • lieutenant colonel,
  • Colonel.

Majors are most often the heads of certain services, battalion headquarters or commandant's office. On the major's shoulder straps there is one large star.

The next step in the army hierarchy is lieutenant colonel. This rank is usually given to deputy regiment commanders or chiefs of staff, and it is also assigned to battalion commanders. You can achieve this position at a fairly mature age. IN in rare cases retire from service at a more senior rank. The lieutenant colonel has shoulder straps with two large stars.

Colonel is the last level in the senior officer ranks. A serviceman with this rank most often holds the position of unit commander or division chief of staff. These are usually very balanced people, because in ordinary positions in the regiment this rank is the last step in their career. Higher officer ranks are given extremely rarely.

Senior officers

The composition of the highest officer ranks includes the following ranks:

  • major general
  • Lieutenant General,
  • Colonel General,
  • army General.

The rank of major general is the junior among generals. Such a soldier usually holds the position of division commander or deputy district commander. Major generals have one star of the largest size.

The district commander often has the rank of lieutenant general. It is difficult to see such servicemen in a regular unit. They serve at the district headquarters or come to the unit, then only with a check. The lieutenant general has two large stars on his shoulder straps.

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Only a few manage to achieve the rank of colonel general; it is awarded to the deputy general of the army. The position involves command of military districts and constant contact with higher army ranks. Above is only the army general and commander in chief, who is the President of the country.

Many civilians have a question about why a major general is lower than a lieutenant general in the hierarchical ladder. It's all about the meaning of titles. Initially, titles were assigned in accordance with the position held. The translation of the word "lieutenant" means "assistant". Therefore, this prefix is ​​suitable for a lieutenant general, who is essentially an assistant to his leader. The meaning of the word "major" sounds like "big", he can command a district, but falls short of the next rank.

Interesting Facts about officer ranks:

  1. In the Russian Army, the commander-in-chief of the army has the rank of colonel. It was in this rank that V.V. Putin resigned from the FSB, but this does not prevent him from managing the highest ranks of the army.
  2. In guards units, the word “guards” is added to the rank; this rule applies to all ranks, including privates.
  3. According to tradition, new stars on shoulder straps should be “washed”; this officer ritual is invariably followed in the Russian army to this day.

Tasks and service of officers

The main task of officers is to organize the functioning of the army in the area entrusted to his command. An officer of the RF Armed Forces must effectively solve the tasks facing him. In addition to command, an officer must be able to resolve personal issues of his subordinates. A good officer must perform highly qualified work in the position entrusted to him, and this may be work of a narrow specialty that requires specific knowledge.

To understand what ranks there are, what they are awarded for, or at least what they look like, you need to serve in the army. At school, boys are forced to learn them by heart, but it’s so easy to get confused in them that it’s better not to even bother. In this article we will try to explain it in a simple way and help you understand all the ranks, what they look like and what they give.

All ranks in the Russian army - from junior to senior

Knowing all the ranks in ascending order, you can easily understand who you are addressing or who is addressing you. In Russia there are only two types of military ranks, military and naval. Sailors usually belong to ship ranks:

  • Coast security;
  • naval military units;
  • surface and submarine forces.

Military titles include all other people serving in military units:

  • Armed forces;
  • other military units and bodies.

Now let's decide what titles there are - from least to greatest. There are only a few subtypes of titles:

  1. Non-officer title.
  2. Officer's title.

Non-officer titles include privates, corporals, junior sergeants, “middle” sergeants, senior sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, and senior warrant officers. In the ship type: sailors, senior sailors, foremen in the second and first classes, chief foremen, chief ship foremen, midshipmen and senior midshipmen.

Military ranks Ship ranks
junior officers Ensign Ensign
lieutenant lieutenant
senior lieutenant senior lieutenant
captain captain
senior officers major third level captain
lieutenant colonels second level captain
colonels first level captain
senior officers major generals rear admirals
lieutenant generals vice admirals
colonel generals admirals
army generals fleet admirals
Marshal of Russia there is no analogue

All these titles are distinguished not only by their names, but also by the presence of shoulder straps. Each title has its own shoulder strap. Soldiers and sailors have no identifying marks. The sergeant and sergeant major have so-called stripes - these are fabric braids. In the army they were nicknamed “snots.” The ensign and midshipman wear vertical stars on their shoulder straps with edgings, but without gaps. The officer corps differs in the number and size of stars.

In the first officer corps (junior) there is one strip, the so-called lumen, the stars must be made of metal and have a diameter of 13 mm. Senior officers have two stripes and stars 20 mm wide. The third officers, that is, the highest ones, have embroidered stars on their shoulder straps of a rather large size (22 mm); they do not have stripes. Army generals and navy admirals have one large embroidered star 40 mm wide on their shoulder straps. The Marshal of the Russian Federation has one large embroidered star, like army generals with a diameter of 40 mm, but silver rays diverging in different directions are also added to it, which form a kind of pentagon. The coat of arms of the Russian Federation must be present in the background.

Now let's look at the faces of all titles, that is, the people leading the Russian army. It is worth noting that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is the current President of the Russian Federation. It is generally accepted that the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is not a rank, but a position. It is this position that gives the right to be higher than the Marshal of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Defense has the right to simultaneously be the commander-in-chief of the ground and naval forces.

Interesting facts about ranks in the army of the Russian Federation

Military ranks, which are assigned to military personnel of Guards units, have the prefix “Guard,” that is, “Guard lieutenant colonel.”

  1. Depending on which service the soldier belongs to (it can be legal or medical service), either the word “justice” or “medical service” is added to the title in the required case.
  2. For military personnel who are retired or in reserve, the word “reserve” or “retired” is added to their rank, depending on the situation.
  3. People who entered military service and who are studying at a military school are divided into two groups: those who do not have a military title - cadets, and also students.
  4. Citizens who did not have a military title before joining military school, or who held the title of sailor or soldier when they entered Educational establishment, have the rank of cadet. In other cases, all ranks assigned upon admission are retained.
  5. People who serve in the military receive ranks only for good services to the state. Also, based on the statute on service in military units, a specific period of time is determined, that is, the title can be received by:
  • sailors, soldiers – six months;
  • junior sergeants, senior sergeants of the second article - 365 days;
  • sergeants and foremen of the first article, junior lieutenants - 2 years;
  • senior sergeants, chief petty officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, lieutenants and senior lieutenants - 3 years;
  • captains, captain-lieutenants, majors and captains of the third level - 4 years;
  • lieutenant colonels, second-level captains and remaining military personnel - 5 years.

It is worth remembering a very important detail: a serviceman has the right to receive the title if his unit has a corresponding position.

  1. Based on new laws adopted in 2012, the titles petty officer and chief petty officer are no longer awarded. However, they still remain documented.
  2. All titles assigned to military personnel must be written in small letters.
  3. The title of major is considered higher than the title of lieutenant, but major generals are lower in rank than lieutenant generals.
  4. IN this moment within 365 days, a serviceman has the right to receive the highest title - sergeant.

Army ranks and ranks in Russia are divided into two subcategories, namely ranks in the Navy (Navy) and military (VS). These two subcategories can be assigned to military personnel of the Russian naval fleet:

  • submarine and surface military forces of the Navy;
  • naval units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Coast Guard Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Military ranks are also awarded to other military personnel who serve in the army:

  1. In the Russian Armed Forces.
  2. IN Federal service security
  3. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  4. In the FSB.
  5. In the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
  6. In the Foreign Intelligence Service.
  7. In other troops, military formations and bodies.

Now let's look at the titles and ranks from lowest to highest on the career ladder and divide them into subcategories:

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 8th level: private - sailor;
  • 7th level: corporal - senior sailor;
  • 6th level: junior sergeant - sergeant major of the second class;
  • 5th level: sergeant - foreman of the first class;
  • 4th level: senior sergeant - chief petty officer;
  • 3rd stage: petty officer - chief ship's foreman;
  • 2nd level: warrant officer - midshipman;
  • 1st level: senior warrant officer - senior midshipman.
  • 3rd level: junior officers;
  • 2nd level: senior officers;
  • 1st level: senior officers.

Junior officers

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 4th level: junior lieutenant – junior lieutenant;
  • 3rd level: lieutenant - lieutenant;
  • 2nd level: senior lieutenant - senior lieutenant;
  • 1st stage: captain – captain-lieutenant.

Senior officers

Military rank - Navy rank

  • 3rd level: major – captain of the 3rd rank;
  • 2nd level: lieutenant colonel - captain of the 2nd rank;
  • 1st level: colonel - captain of the 1st rank.

Senior officers:

Military rank - rank in the navy

  • 5th level: major general - rear admiral;
  • 4th level: lieutenant general - vice admiral;
  • 3rd level: Colonel General - Admiral;
  • 2nd level: army general - fleet admiral;
  • 1st level: Marshal of the Russian Federation - absent.

As can be seen from the above, there are one less level of military ranks in the Navy than military ranks. Therefore, in the Russian Army the highest military rank is called Marshal of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the highest rank in the Navy is fleet admiral.

In addition, the highest rank - Marshal of Russia - was awarded to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Igor Sergeev. This title was entrusted to him in 1997 by the head of state. However, after the death of Sergeev in 2006, the duties of marshal in the Russian Federation were not granted to anyone.

The position of fleet admiral is the Commander-in-Chief Navy. As a result, the highest military positions in the Russian Army are two - Marshal of Russia and Admiral of the Fleet, but this does not take into account the position of Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and this can be considered the highest military position in the world.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the highest position is considered to be a police colonel general. The colonel general's shoulder straps have three big stars, which are placed in a row. An ignorant person can confuse the shoulder straps of a police colonel general with the shoulder straps assigned to the position of police colonel. The police colonel's shoulder straps also have three stars, but their size is smaller and they are placed in the form of a triangle.

In addition, military ranks can be awarded upon completion of service for a certain period of time, as well as for personal merit. So how long does it take to serve in order for a person to be awarded a specific rank? In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 22 of the “Regulations on the procedure for military service,” specific deadlines are established for military service in military ranks:

  • after 5 months of service - private, sailor;
  • after 12 months of service - junior sergeant, sergeant major of the 2nd article;
  • after 2 years of service - sergeant, sergeant major 1st article;
  • after 3 years of service - senior sergeant, chief petty officer;
  • after 3 years of service - warrant officer, midshipman;
  • after 2 years of service - junior lieutenant;
  • after 3 years of service - lieutenant;
  • after 3 years of service - senior lieutenant;
  • after 4 years of service - captain, captain-lieutenant;
  • after 4 years of service - major, captain of the 3rd rank;
  • after 5 years of service - lieutenant colonel, captain 2nd rank - five years, other ranks are awarded after 5 years.

Let's add some facts:

  1. Such ranks as foreman and chief petty officer have not existed since 2012, but they are still present in the documents.
  2. Each military rank - from private to marshal of the Russian Federation - should be written with a small letter.
  3. A major is higher in rank than a lieutenant, but a major general is lower in rank than a lieutenant general.
  4. In Russia, the highest rank that can be awarded to a soldier for a year of military service is currently sergeant.