What kind of person is called courageous? What is courage? What kind of courage is there?

Essay “What is courage?” is a job that is assigned primarily to high school students. Children aged 16-17 have already developed an awareness and understanding of many things; they are capable of deeper reasoning than secondary and primary classes. So this task should not present any particular difficulties for them. However, for many, writing an essay or composition is a real challenge. Not everyone knows how best to start an essay “What is courage?”, how exactly to develop an idea, draw up a conclusion. Well, it’s worth talking about it.


Essay on the topic “What is courage?” you can start in different ways. Someone in the introduction identifies a topic and poses a question to the reader, to which he then provides an answer. Someone starts with reasoning, thereby paying attention to the text. There are plenty of ways. A good introduction would be the following words: “Sometimes we may hear someone telling another person to be more courageous. This happens quite often. People understand many words as they are, that is, by default. Not everyone tries to discern deep meaning in any familiar expression. It seems to be natural. On the other hand, each of us must know the true meaning of the words he uses in speech. The word “courage” also has its own deep meaning. And it should be talked about.”

This kind of introduction is good because it immediately reveals the theme of the essay, and it also becomes clear what you plan to talk about next. The technique of reflection is one of the most popular in this regard and, I must say, effective.

Parsing the term

Many people decide to take the issue literally. That is, not to philosophize, but to give an initially accurate definition of the word. A similar technique can be found in such work as the essay “What is courage?” But it is also difficult to define. You can, of course, rewrite it from the dictionary, but you must remember that an essay is piece of art at its core, intended for light, sometimes entertaining reading. It should not strain the reader. So the term should be described not in an official style, but in an ordinary, colloquial style.

You can write the following: “Masculinity is a quality associated with men. And you can understand this truth only by looking at the root of the word. To be courageous means to behave the way they do. And then everyone completes the term for themselves. Some believe that a man should be strong, self-confident, and purposeful. Others say that he must have certain manners, high morals, and decency. Still others support both opinions.” This kind of description of the term is quite suitable for it. It is extremely clear, concise and, most importantly, given without unnecessary complex words.

Reasoned reasoning

Essay “What is courage?” should not only be interesting, but also reasonable. Everyone knows that essays often contain elements of reasoning. In fact, this is the basis of any text. But here it is important that the reasoning is based on something. Facts, arguments, examples from life - all this is suitable. The main thing is that the author manages to convince his reader that his opinion is correct.

An example would be this: “Masculinity can have several manifestations. Firstly, it is the absence of cowardice. But this is not about sacrifice and boundless fearlessness. Courageous man takes bold actions only when everything has been thought out, and any risks, as well as their likelihood, are known in advance, as well as ways to cope with them.” From this small example you can see that there is both a statement and a reasoning based on thoughts and beliefs. This technique is quite suitable for the essay “Courage and Heroism.”

Essay and its main idea

What should be written about is up to each author. Some decide to start working on an essay called “Courage in War.” This kind of essay is not easy to write. The topic is exciting. But, nevertheless, “Courage in War” is an essay that can turn out to be very colorful, impressive and bright, since it is based on events that happened quite recently, and many in the family have their own Hero who can talk about those fears with which courageous fighters had to face.

Others decide to dedicate an essay on the topic “Courage” to girls and the destruction of stereotypes. Because in our society, which has become much more modern, there are still prejudices regarding the fact that women are the weaker sex. But we can actually see from examples that this is not the case. single-handedly raising five beautiful children, strong businesswomen who independently achieved a multimillion-dollar fortune, fearless saviors - can these girls be called weak? In general, the theme of courage can branch in many different directions. And here everyone chooses for themselves what worries them, what they should talk about.

Author's opinion


Students who have written essays more than once know what its structure is. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. “True Courage is Reticent” is an essay that has three main parts. This is the introduction, main idea and conclusion. The beginning identifies the topic and leads the reader to it. In the content it is most fully revealed and supported by interesting information, facts, examples and thoughts. And the conclusion seems to draw a line and put an end to history. There is nothing complicated - any literary text, be it an essay, article or book, is built on this principle. Including an essay on the topic “Courage”.


Many schoolchildren are faced with the question of how the essay should end. The essay “Courage and Fortitude” can be completed in different ways. Exactly the same as in the case of the introduction. But the most popular method is quotation completion. These are a couple of phrases from the author that sum up all of the above and sometimes express his own opinion, supplemented beautiful quote. The aphorism must be on topic. Fortunately, there are plenty of quotes on the topic under discussion. An example of a logical conclusion would be something like this: “Brave and courageous people have always been at a premium. After all, as Aristotle said, courage is a virtue by virtue of which people, being in danger, perform wonderful deeds.”

What kind of person can be considered strong? In my opinion, being a strong person means being able to forgive, having great willpower, and being able to make the right decision in a difficult life situation. I believe that such qualities are inherent not only in humans, but also in animals. To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the text of L.N. Andreev.

Firstly, the dog named Kusaka can be called strong. Because she overcame her fears and was able, despite her doubts, to approach the person. Kusaka forgave the man for all the evil he caused her. This is discussed in sentence 19.

Secondly, I want to give another example of a strong and strong-willed animal - this is a dog named Hachiko. A certain professor was given a puppy. The dog loved his owner very much and walked him to the station every day and met him in the evening. But one day the professor died. They tried to accommodate Hachiko, but he still returned to the station and continued to look for a familiar face in the crowd.

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The dog could not do otherwise, I think that for him to go to another person meant betraying his master, and until last days throughout his life he continued to wait for him.

Thus, I realized that being strong, in the moral sense, can be not only a person, but also an animal.

Updated: 2017-02-17

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See bold... Synonym dictionary

COURAGEOUS, courageous, manly; courageous, courageous, courageous (book). 1. Steady, energetic, brave. Courageous character. Courageous behavior. Courageous woman. A courageous man. 2. Expressing courage, strength.… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

COURAGEOUS, oh, oh; vein, vein. Possessing courage, expressing courage. M. character. M. species. | noun masculinity, and, women. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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Adj. 1. Distinguished by courage; persistent, energetic, brave. 2. Expressing courage, strength. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

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Dear Colleagues! Dear People!

No matter what you're doing, take a break for a few minutes. Read the article prepared by Moscow Society of Natural Scientists, about a member of the MOIP, about Dmitry Pavlenko. As a result of the tragedy, this guy lost his arms and legs, but, thanks to his courage, he overcame his illness and began to live life to the fullest. Dmitry, despite the absence of arms and legs, graduated from high school, learned to drive a car, work on a computer, and embroider icons. To do this, he developed his own technique, in which he held the needle with his teeth. He started a family, is raising two children, participates in competitions for the disabled, organized public organization– “Rehabilitation center”, which helps others just like him.

Dmitry does not have arms or legs, but unlike many of us who have all this, he does not “cry” or complain about his unfortunate fate. The life of this guy is an example for many people, especially those who drink alcohol, drugs and... simply do nothing in this life, burn through what is given by nature, parents, and maybe... God.

I think each of us has friends, acquaintances and just people who would benefit from reading the story of the struggle for life.

A.P. Sadchikov, professor at Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Vice President of MOIP (http://www.moip.msu.ru)

People of the older generation remember well, everyone young man At that time, there was a reference book by Boris Polevoy, “The Tale of a Real Man.” I had it too. Many years have passed, but I remember this book, I remember what it looked like, I remember its contents. Although it sounds a little pretentious, she was a guiding light for young people of my generation, including me. There is no need for modern “ideologists” to find fault with my words. Each time, each era has its own guidelines, its own examples to follow. They helped young people find their path in life.

I will briefly talk about this story, because... I’m sure many young people today don’t even know about its existence. After all, they are brought up by other examples, they have other idols.

Patriotic War. Air battle. The plane was shot down and fell in the forest behind the front line. Pilot Alexey Meresyev was seriously wounded, his legs were broken. A courageous man crawls to the front line. 18 days - without water and food, in the frost and cold. Frostbitten legs. Partisans. Hospital. Leg amputation. Life has lost its meaning. Thoughts of leaving this life began to come. Meeting a wonderful person. He revived the pilot’s desire for life and confidence that he could return to duty. An article about a Russian World War I pilot who, after losing his feet, continued to fly. Meresyev began training on prosthetics - running, jumping, dancing. Terrible pain. Medical commission. Meresyev insisted that he be sent to a training regiment. The pilot’s courage allowed him to continue to fly, fight, and beat the enemy.

The literary hero Alexei Meresyev had a prototype pilot Alexey Petrovich Maresyev. Due to severe wounds during World War II, both legs were amputated. However, despite his disability, the pilot returned to the skies and flew with prosthetics. In total, during the war he made 86 combat missions and shot down 11 enemy aircraft: four before being wounded and seven after being wounded. For courage and courage he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

A.P. Maresyev was a respected man, he lived a long and dignified life, living only two days before his 85th birthday. He educated the younger generation by his example.

The book “The Tale of a Real Man” helped many people find themselves in difficult situations. I can say this about myself too. There were times when I was having a hard time, I would pick up a book and hold it in my hands. There was no point in reading, because... I remembered its contents well. If a person without legs could fly, could live, be useful to society, why can’t I solve my minor problems on my own.

Much later, I came across a book by Dale Carnegie, where the author recommends that people who have lost self-confidence read the back page of the Sunday newspaper, where obituaries are published. He advises you to exchange your problems with those who have died. The dead, in his opinion, would gladly take all the problems of a disappointed person in exchange for further life.

And now a story about another, already modern, courageous and strong man. His story is probably more dramatic than that of the famous pilot. He had arms, legs, and although he had prosthetics, he could still walk. But our hero has neither one nor the other.

This man's name is Dmitry Pavlenko. While in the army, on compulsory service, a tragedy happened. As a result of the explosion of a live grenade, an 18-year-old boy was left without arms and legs. Imagine, a young man whose life was just beginning became a complete invalid, a burden for everyone, and, above all, for himself.

Life is over! This is for many, God forbid, if you find yourself in such a situation. But not for this guy. Despite the severe trauma he suffered, he began to live life to the fullest. This is a perfect example of the struggle for life. Indeed, in his situation, every day of life is a struggle for life itself.

I am writing this for young people and all those who aimlessly waste what is given by God, nature, and parents. They waste their health, their life, which is very short, despite the seemingly long years. Many people don’t know what to do with themselves. Hence alcohol, drugs, suicide, etc. They waste their meaningless lives in bars, nightclubs and just... doing nothing. All this is a tragedy for family and friends, for society, and, first of all, for the person himself. Ultimately, such people become useless to anyone in later life.

I think Dmitry is ready to take on all the problems of humanity, just for one thing, just to play football, walk with a girl arm in arm down the street, pick up a hammer and hammer a nail. Just for the problems of all people!

Dmitry, despite the absence of arms and legs, went to study, graduated from a university, mastered skills that would seem to be incompatible with his physical capabilities - he learned to drive a car, work on a computer, embroider icons. To do this, he developed his own technique, in which he held the needle with his teeth. It was embroidery with teeth that was the activity with which he proved to everyone and to himself something very important.

Dmitry graduated from higher education educational institution– Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law, Faculty of Psychology. The topic of his thesis is “ Features of psychological rehabilitation of wheelchair users", a topic that is much more relevant than many PhD and doctoral dissertations. In it he writes about life, about survival using his own example. How to survive without arms or legs. Isn’t this thesis a continuation of the well-known “Tale of a Real Man”? He wrote thesis, not realizing that it is a story about human survival in the most extreme conditions. Moreover, it is useful not only for disabled people, but also for healthy people who, for some reason, despair of life or have not found themselves in it.

Dmitry organized " Rehabilitation center of Dmitry Pavlenko" V Sverdlovsk region. Having gone through a difficult path, he chose his own, no less difficult one - to help those who find themselves in a difficult situation. The motto of the Pavlenko Center is “ Everything depends on you».

The activities of the "Dmitry Pavlenko Rehabilitation Center" are aimed at providing rehabilitation assistance to people who suffered as a result of emergency events - war veterans, family members of those killed in the performance of military duty, hostages, victims of terrorism, man-made, natural disasters, disabled people, including disabled children, and other citizens who suffered as a result of injuries suffered. A person, first of all, needs a convincing example of the behavior of another in a similar situation. The presence of a proper name in the name of the organization is a sign of personal, personal responsibility for the work carried out by the Center, for its quality and level. Dmitry maintains the functioning of his page on the “WORLD OF HUMAN” website and maintains correspondence with readers (http://www.mircheloveka.ru/node/5). He shows by his personal example how to get out of a psychological impasse.

In “The Tale of a Real Man” there was a man - a commissar who helped a desperate pilot. Dmitry also had (and still has) such a person. This is Valery Mikhailovich Mikhailovsky, a rehabilitation doctor. Now he is not so much Dmitry’s doctor as a mentor and senior comrade. They were introduced by a wonderful female teacher, Lyudmila Alekseevna Korchagova, who, on her own initiative, visited hospitals where military personnel wounded in Chechnya were treated.

Dmitry receives great moral support from his family - his parents and his wife Olga, who is a certified social work specialist. She knows the problem of rehabilitation not theoretically, she lives it. Dmitry and Olga had a daughter six years ago. And now the family has expanded even more - a little son has appeared. Dmitry and Olga take care of their children with great parental tenderness and love. I think such a friendly family is not afraid of any adversity.

Founder "Dmitry Pavlenko Rehabilitation Center" is an autonomous non-profit organization “Interdisciplinary Institute of Human Rehabilitation named after Professor M.S. Mikhailovsky” (WORLD of Man), headed by V.M. Mikhailovsky. “MIR of Man” established and helped organize several original rehabilitation centers - in Moscow, Moscow region, Krasnoyarsk region, Sverdlovsk region (http://www.mircheloveka.ru/). All established “WORLD OF HUMAN” centers are united by a common rehabilitation strategy developed by Mikhail Semenovich Mikhailovsky, who himself, at the age of 18, lost both legs at the front in 1941, but despite this became a doctor, professor, and president of the Disabled Sports Federation. In his view, rehabilitation is the process of educating a creative, socially useful personality. This rehabilitation strategy unites the “Human WORLD” centers established in several regions of the Russian Federation to provide assistance to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The son of M.S. Mikhailovsky, Valery Mikhailovich, developed his father’s ideas and made rehabilitation the main work of his life.

It is very difficult for a person who has received physical and psychological trauma to cope with it on their own. He needs the help of a rehabilitation doctor. The main task of a rehabilitation therapist is to help this person survive the trauma and teach him to live in a new way. A rehabilitation doctor must bring a person back to life, make the person want to change his destiny.

Valery Mikhailovich did not just declare ideas for rehabilitation. In 1990, in Zelenograd, he organized a non-governmental Center for the disabled and war veterans called the “School of Rehabilitation,” which provided free assistance to people for seven years. In 1998, this Center was reorganized into the state institution “Rehabilitation Center for Social Adaptation of Disabled Persons and Participants of Military Actions” of the Department social protection population of the city of Moscow. Considering that the framework government agency constrained the director’s initiative, V.M. Mikhailovsky organized the “WORLD OF HUMAN” in 2004, uniting people in a voluntary social movement, aimed at supporting war veterans, disabled people, family members of deceased military personnel, the development of rehabilitation, and the creation of an effective rehabilitation service in Russia.

Dmitry Pavlenko holds an annual marathon for wheelchair users, and he himself participates in these competitions. He took part in the New York Marathon (photo), in the race on the Borodino field, in marathons in the Sverdlovsk region and other regions of the country. Marathons make it possible to attract public attention to the problems of people with disabilities, as well as to reveal their potential, demonstrate fortitude and desire to be useful to society. Dmitry and his comrades, by personal example, convince people with certain health limitations that the key to success lies in themselves. Rehabilitation consists, first of all, in a personal desire to change the situation, in the willingness to work on oneself, to work, to overcome oneself and one’s adversities.

Dmitry constantly takes part in the Scientific and Practical Conference “Problems of Modern Rehabilitation Science,” which is held annually on May 14 at the Rehabilitation Center in Zelenograd. There he talks about his successes and achievements. In 2013, it was already the 12th such conference. The work of this conference is inextricably linked with the name of Professor Mikhail Semenovich Mikhailovsky, who, in fact, is its main ideological inspirer.

The conferences are preceded by a divine liturgy at the Spaso-Borodinsky Convent, where the tomb of St. Mary of Borodino is located. It was on the Borodino field, thanks to the ascetic activity of Mother Superior Maria (in the world, Margarita Mikhailovna Tuchkova), that the process of rehabilitation of people who lost their loved ones in the War of 1812 began to unfold. At that time there was no idea about post-traumatic stress disorder or rehabilitation centers. But people after the War of 1812 suffered no less than modern veterans and family members of the dead. Margarita Mikhailovna helped everyone who turned to her for help, both with the word of God, and prayer, and human sympathy, and a kind word. She created an almshouse at the monastery, where she provided assistance to disabled participants in the Battle of Borodino.

V.M. Mikhailovsky believes that “the experience of the ascetic activity of Mother Superior Maria is the most important source for the development of domestic rehabilitation science and is of scientific and practical interest for the modern rehabilitation of war veterans and members of their families.” Therefore, they begin all their events (conferences, marathons and other good deeds) after the Divine Liturgy at the tomb of Mother Superior Maria (see photo).

In 2012, the Presidium of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists established a “Rehabilitation” section. This section is organized on the initiative collective member of MOIP– Rehabilitation center “Human WORLD” named after Professor M.S. Mikhailovsky and employees of the Moscow State Budgetary Institution “Rehabilitation Center for Social Adaptation of Disabled Persons and Participants in Military Actions.”

The Moscow Society of Nature Testers is proud that such courageous and strong people are its members.

The activities of the MOIP, organized in 1805, are surprisingly intertwined with the historical military events of 1812, the Battle of Borodino. Many members of the MOIP and its presidents took part in the military events of that time. It is very symbolic that the “Rehabilitation” section appeared on the eve of the bicentennial celebration of the victory Patriotic War. For many years, the people who make up the section have been striving to create an effective model of rehabilitation services for war veterans and disabled people. A significant part of this work is carried out on the Borodino field, where the Human WORLD Rehabilitation Center “House of Defenders of the Fatherland” was created on the Borodino field by volunteers, including disabled people and war veterans.

In search of new forms and effective methods rehabilitation V.M. Mikhailovsky came to an interesting mass work, combining the possibilities of sports and group rehabilitation support, which was called the “Rehabilitation March-Run”. For the first time, the Rehabilitation March-Run was carried out in Borodino on August 14, 2010 along the route Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery - Rehabilitation Center “House of Defenders of the Fatherland” on Borodino Field. The length of the route is 5.5 km. 157 people took part in the first rehabilitation march, 254 people took part in the second, and about 400 people took part in the third (2012) (and this despite the heavy rain). See photo.

Anyone interested in developing a rehabilitation service for war veterans and disabled people in Russia, MIR Man and the Dmitry Pavlenko Rehabilitation Center are invited to cooperate.

For my part, I appeal to journalists and writers with a request to write a story (story) about Dmitry Sergeevich Pavlenko, which would become a life guide for modern young people.

Anatoly Sadchikov,
Professor of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov,
Vice-President of the Moscow Society of Natural Scientists