When Yellowstone wakes up, Vanga's prediction. The earth will be split in the western part of America. What will happen to humanity

The blind Bulgarian seer Vangelia Geshterova, née Dmitreeva, spoke a lot about the end of the world in her predictions. But all of her most dire predictions directly concerned one country, the United States. It was with this country, with its deeds, and its future, that Vanga associated the coming of the Apocalypse.

And she said that it would hardly be possible to avoid this, since at that time a “black man” would be in power, at the helm of the superpower. Vanga’s predictions about the United States are all the more terrible now that the world is witnessing the first parts of the prophecy with its own eyes. Everyone is waiting in fear for 2017, knowing that by this time Europe should disappear from the face of the Earth.

Seventies. The United States is developing rapidly and is confidently moving towards the title of superpower. People are beginning to live better, and many countries are beginning to look up to America as a standard of prosperity, confidence in tomorrow and stability. But it was precisely during these years that the most terrible prophecy of the Vangelia sounded, and it concerned the inevitable collapse of the United States, which would bring with it the death of the world, and after 2017 the beginning new era.

No one will remember why exactly questions about this country were asked to the Bulgarian clairvoyant at that time, and who initiated this conversation. World leaders, observing the development of Europe and analyzing the history of the past, came to the conclusion that the birth of a strong state would lead to war. After all, power, especially great power, makes your head spin, and weak people They imagine themselves to be the rulers of the world.

The soothsayer confirmed that, yes, America will reach unprecedented heights in its development, but in 2017 there will no longer be such a state. Just at the peak of its glory, the United States will make a terrible mistake that will lead the country to devastation, collapse, and disappearance. But the main thing was not this, but the fact that the death of this state would bring with it a complete change in the world familiar to us. And the “black president” who came to power in this country will be to blame for everything. This was Vanga’s main prediction about the United States, and about the role of this state in the world tragedy and the death of the foundation familiar to contemporaries.

Vanga associated a terrible disastrous financial crisis in a superpower with the advent of a black president, and said: “Europe will freeze!” As the blind clairvoyant claimed, this would lead to the collapse of the United States into individual states, division of the country into southern and western states. Nobody believed such predictions, especially since people understood the “coming of a black man to power” in their own way - the coming to the “helm” of a man greedy for money and power. Everyone decided that “black” is a definition of essence, and not just color.

Wang linked the financial crisis with the advent of a black president

Vanga’s words were thought about only after African-American Barack Obama was elected President of the United States. It would seem that everything, after the election of Obama, the last barrier dividing this country along national lines has collapsed and this marks the beginning of a new era of prosperity, there are no more prejudices, and the state has reached the apogee of morality and equality in everything.

Barack was relatively young, full of strength and desire to move forward, leading the country to new heights and breakthroughs. But that was not the case, because fate made adjustments to Obama’s life plans. It was after the election of Obama that confirmation of the words spoken by the seer began to appear. Predictions about the United States began to rapidly come true.

“Europe will freeze! Empty Europe! Cold!”

The beginning of winter in Europe did not foretell anything terrible. Everything was as usual, except that the temperature dropped more sharply; at the beginning of winter there were already frosts. But now the second month of the cold season has arrived, and Europe has felt the climate change especially strongly. Abnormal frosts, snowfalls, heavy precipitation, icing and cold winds in the central states left terrible casualties and seriously undermined stability. The temperature dropped sharply to minus forty Celsius. And after heavy snowfall they were urgently closed:

  • kindergartens;

    the shops;

    flights cancelled;

    out of town travel is prohibited;

    highways are blocked;

    the country is paralyzed, almost all movement has stopped.

The US government is trying its best to stabilize the situation. All efforts are devoted to clearing cities of snow, tons of oil are used to heat houses and government institutions, and outwardly it seems that everything seems to be under control. But when the first human victims of frost and snowfalls appeared, panic began in the country.

Winter 2014 became a test for US residents

The population, which believed in stability and regularity of life, turned out to be unprepared for the elements and its actions. The winter of 2014 became a terrible test for residents of the United States. But not only this crippled the country, there was also the financial side of the issue. And here everything was much more serious and much larger-scale.

Gas shortage in the USA and financial disaster predicted by Vanga

Abnormal cold, a sharp drop in temperatures and work to stabilize the situation required more and more financial investments. Gas, oil, fuel - the basis of life big cities. And during the winter of 2014, fuel consumption, and to be precise, gas consumption, exceeded the norm in the United States several times. Gas storage facilities are empty.

A serious financial hole appeared in the country's budget, which required immediate filling. And again, it was the residents of the country who were under attack. Without having time to recover from the events of the winter period, people find themselves in a government-created financial catastrophe. The tax breaks have expired, and the rent for entrepreneurial activity has risen by two percent or more. But it must be said that for private entrepreneurs this is serious sums and serious money. America is a country of trade and production, tax increases struck at the very heart of stability, and Europe felt this blow especially strongly.

Dissatisfaction with the Obama government, and the following incident had already raised a storm of indignation, Obama's popularity as president was becoming lower and lower. The government failed to adopt and approve the budget for the next year, and the future of the country was under threat. The year began with two million employees not receiving their salaries for the first two weeks of December.

This was an unprecedented incident in the United States. The president's popularity plummets after this. And disaster is brewing. This is exactly what Vanga was talking about. The United States will lose its authority in the world, and the government will lose the favor of the population. Due to exhaustion natural resources in the United States there will be not only a financial crisis and a gas shortage, but also a water shortage and the disappearance of fresh water.

An African American President Presages the End of a Great Power

And when in the European Union people work for water, and moisture becomes more expensive than gas, there will be a riot. Devastated Europe, cold due to lack of gas and changing temperature conditions. Empty Europe due to lack of water. As Vanga said:

“When Europe is empty (vital resources disappear), no one will live there! Empty Europe! Cold!

The 44th president of America, an African American, foreshadows the end of a great power, the collapse of the European Union, and the United States will not move into 2017 in its original shape. And as Vanga said, this fall will cause much more noise than the collapse of the Union. The wreckage of a once great state will crush many small countries and bring terrible losses. We will meet 2017 in a completely different world, with different foundations, canons and other life principles.

“Evil will burst out of the ground and everything will disappear! A lot of people will die!” - Vanga about the Yellowstone volcano

Vanga did not name the exact date when the worst tragedy would befall the United States, the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano. But her prophecy sounded like this: “Evil will burst out of the ground (the volcano will awaken)! Europe is on fire (the volcano spews lava and fire)! Everyone will die! Listen to me, listen! Contemporaries interpret this prediction in two ways.

The first assumption concerns the use of nuclear weapons by the United States. Europe will use a nuclear strike on eastern countries, Syria will fall under it. Russia, which stands on the side of independent Syria, will punish the aggressor country (the United States of America) with a retaliatory strike. In 2017, there will simply be no such thing as the European Union and Europe.

But, there is another explanation for this prophecy: “Evil will burst out of the ground!” This prophecy relates precisely to the awakening of the Yellowstone volcano, which is also prophesied for 2017.

Let's turn to history. And again to the words of Vangelia. On the territory of modern Syria there are many world shrines. The first of them is the Belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When did the US start fighting on the territory of Syria, which reached the point of using chemical weapons, even hardened skeptics shuddered. People started talking about what kind of behavior High power definitely won’t forgive, and such a sin will cost thousands of lives. And no matter how the United States tried to deny its involvement in this incident, everyone knew that now we had to wait for a big disaster.

It was the punishment from above that the Bulgarian seer mentioned when she spoke about the evil that came from the bowels of the earth. In the depths of the earth, lava is known as it erupts to the surface of the earth through a volcano. Depending on how big the volcano is, its destructive effect will depend. IN Lately The volcano began to remind itself more and more often. So far these are only quiet echoes, but no one can guarantee that tomorrow the volcano will say its word loudly. So loud that humanity will hear it and respond with sobs and death.

“You will live in terrible times! I feel sorry for you! - Vanga about the USA of our time

Do not think that the tragedy in the West will not affect the East and Central territories. All states of the world are interconnected. We should not forget that, attracted by deceptive promises, many countries are striving to join the European Union at any cost, including Ukraine. And the collapse of this power, the European Union, will inevitably mean the collapse of states, all states that at that time will be part of the Union or will maintain financial, commercial, or military relations with it. It is also worth considering that, according to Vanga, the war that began in the east will destroy the west by 2017.

The European Union is a world power

Several decades after the prophecy, we see that at least 20 countries have already become involved in the war in the East under the influence of Obama. This is an avalanche, the same volcano with its lava, which rushes at incredible speed, involving more and more countries, more and more states. If this action does not stop, by 2017 the entire earth will burst into flames. Vanga said: “In the spring the war will begin in the East, and there will be a Third World War! The Apocalypse is coming! Chemical weapons, bad! Europe will be empty, no one will live there!”

The United States, under the rule of Obama, will unleash a terrible war and itself will die from it, but along the way this country will destroy many other states. Vangelia argued that the war would begin for resources, and end with a war for water: “There will be little water, and there will be a war for water! There won't be much to eat! And there will be a war for food!” Be that as it may, a volcano will destroy Europe or a war, but it is thirst and hunger that are the most terrible human punishment, entailing death, grief, and, as a result, rage, which can only be stopped by death. 2017 predicts terrible trials for us, which not everyone will survive.

Seismologists are concerned about the situation that is developing around the Yellowstone supervolcano, located in the very center of the United States. If it erupts, North America will actually cease to exist, turning into a lifeless desert resembling the surface
Mars. And the worst thing is that this misfortune can happen... at any moment.


What if it's not so scary after all? Maybe the eruption, if it ever happens, will not be so destructive? Alas, Yellowstone has already demonstrated its violent temper. About 640 thousand years ago, during the last eruption of the supervolcano, its upper part fell into a hot abyss, forming a hole in the ground with hot magma splashing in it measuring 55 by 72 kilometers! An incredible amount of lava, ash, and stones splashed out. If such an incident occurs today, it is difficult to imagine how it will turn out for the whole North America. Since the 1980s, the number of tremors in the Yellowstone area has only increased year by year. And the volcano’s activity in 2007 was so high that it required the convening of a special US Scientific Council. which was attended by leading seismologists, geophysicists, as well as the United States Secretary of Defense and the heads of the CIA, NSA, and FBI.

Together they developed a coherent position, a clear plan that would determine once and for all what to do when the Yellowstone powder keg finally exploded. Then, fortunately, everything worked out. But whether it will work out in the future is unknown. Since then, the USGS has regularly published reports on observations of the Yellowstone supervolcano caldera. The last of them, dated July 1, 2016, did not reveal signs of an imminent eruption. But many researchers are skeptical about official reports. After all, only in June 2016 in Yellowstone national park There were 70 earthquakes, which is only two earthquakes less than in May of the same year. What does this mean? Just one thing: the supervolcano is constantly shaking. And each of the tremors is fraught with a catastrophic eruption that could destroy the United States.


The most paradoxical thing is that humanity learned about Yellowstone relatively recently. In 1807, during an expedition exploring the northwestern United States, John Colter first saw the Yellowstone area and described in detail the numerous geysers and springs gushing from the ground with hot water. But the public did not believe the scientist’s words, sarcastically calling his report “Colter’s Hell.” The name turned out to be symbolic. The second person to discover Yellowstone anomalies was hunter Jim Bridger in 1850. However, his description of unusual hot fountains was also considered fantastic. Only after an official report made by naturalist Ferdinand Hayden, who supported his words with photographs, did the US Congress in 1872 believe in the reality of the volcano.

Yellowstone became the first US national park - one of the favorite vacation spots for residents of the country and foreign tourists. True, visitors to the park are not informed that at any moment the volcano located under their feet can fly into the air. However, if you are not burdened by thoughts about the future, then visiting Yellowstone is, of course, worth it: it is amazingly beautiful. On its territory there is a magnificent mountain lake, almost three hundred waterfalls, one of which is larger than Niagara. Well, there’s no need to talk about hot springs and exotic geysers: all of America comes to see them.


The average period of time between explosions of supervolcanoes, calculated theoretically, also does not add optimism. It averages 600 thousand years. The last time Yellowstone erupted was approximately 640 thousand years ago. Therefore, a new explosion can be expected at any moment. The force of the explosion of this volcano will be equal to the simultaneous detonation of several dozen modern nuclear bombs. In the event of a disaster, volcanologists believe, Earth's crust will rise several meters, the soil will heat up to 60 degrees Celsius, and the content of helium and hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere over America will increase significantly. Almost instantly, all life on an area of ​​1000 square kilometers will be destroyed.

Lava flows rushing at speeds of several hundred kilometers per hour will burn out gigantic territories, and volcanic ash will rise to a height of up to 50 kilometers, causing the effect of nuclear winter. The entire US territory up to the Mississippi will be in the “death zone”. The rest of the country will also be in trouble: it will be covered by a thick layer of volcanic ash. Nuclear, or rather volcanic winter over North America will last from one to four years. Of course, the climate will change catastrophically throughout the planet. At the same time, the safest place on Earth will be the center of Eurasia and Siberia, that is, the territory of Russia.


When will Yellowstone explode? No one can give an exact answer to this question. Some scientists expect an eruption any day now, others place it in centuries and even millennia. In 2006, volcanologists Ilya Bindeman and John Valey, writing in the journal Earth and Planetary Science, predicted a supervolcano eruption for 2016. However, as we know, the tragedy did not happen. Nevertheless, it is too early to calm down. Since the spring of 2014, when scientists noted a significant increase seismic activity and geyser emissions, national park The animals began to leave. The bison were the first to leave, followed by the deer. This sure sign an approaching catastrophe: animals, unlike people, unmistakably anticipate natural disasters.


Nature is preparing America terrible disaster- explosion of the Yellowstone supervolcano. A frightening forecast was voiced by psychic Vladimir Mikaev. According to him, the eruption of the fiery mountain will result in a tragedy for the entire planet.

“The earth will be covered in ashes—not just American territory. The sun will go away for a year and a half, plants will not grow, and food shortages will begin. This catastrophe will wipe out from the face of the Earth most of those people who interfere with the planet,” Mikaev said.

He noted that natural disasters will become the norm. According to Mikaev, in this way nature responds to “the boorish attitude towards itself on the part of people.”

“The weather will worsen, we will constantly see sharp continental changes from minus to plus, winter will come either in December or in January and summer will begin at different periods of time,” said the psychic.

According to him, Russia will also not stand aside. “This year there will be a second strike from the elements. Over the summer, the situation will repeat itself at least twice in Russia,” predicts Vladimir Mikaev.

Let us remind you that on May 29, an unprecedented hurricane hit Moscow. The disaster claimed the lives of 16 people and injured another 260.

general information

The Yellowstone volcano is not the usual volcanic cone, but a huge crater in the ground, the so-called caldera. The existence of a supervolcano became known only with the launch of satellites into space.

If you don’t yet know where the Yellowstone volcano is located, then let me clarify – in Yellowstone National Park in the USA. The caldera is located in the state of Wyoming. Its dimensions are amazing - 55 by 72 kilometers, which is a third of the entire territory of the park. The area of ​​the caldera is 4000 sq. km. – 4 times larger than New York and 1.5 times larger than Moscow. The Yellowstone volcano rivals Niagara Falls in popularity.

Yellowstone itself is considered one of the seismically active points on the planet - earthquakes constantly occur here.

In total, science knows of 3 powerful volcanic eruptions, which occurred approximately every 600 thousand years. As a result, the Island Park and Henry's Fork calderas were formed. The most powerful was the first eruption, which was 15 times greater than the eruption of Mount Tambora in 1815.

Scientists expect that in the coming years the volcano will awaken and cause serious climate changes and the destruction of most people and species of plants and animals.

This film, “When Will Yellowstone Wake Up? (06/01/2016),” examines the analysis of cataclysms on Earth in the winter-spring of 2016. Much attention is paid to studying the activity of the Yellowstone caldera in 2016 - the most dangerous point on the planet. Materials are presented in the style of programs typical for the REN-TV channel. But even if you are skeptical about various kinds of predictions and prophecies, we still recommend watching this video, because it contains a number of interesting scientific facts, excerpts from interviews with scientists, and at the end it talks about the only way to solve problems associated with upcoming global cataclysms - changing the perception of life by every person - from destructive consumerism to creative.

What else is worth paying attention to is that this spring - in March-April 2016, the probability of an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano was even higher than in 2014. That is, humanity stood on the threshold global catastrophe... If we compare this information with the community report ALLATRA SCIENCE for 2014, we can come to the conclusion that it is thanks to this group scientists world once again stood on the brink of a global climate catastrophe. After all, it’s them scientific developments significantly ahead of the achievements of official science. Read more in the report "PRIMODIUM ALLATRA PHYSICS". But how many more times will this happen and maybe it’s time for people to take action on their own? First of all, of course, we are talking about uniting the entire world community on the basis of universal human values ​​that are understandable to every inhabitant of the planet. We quote the report:

...Starting in 2002, scientists began to observe the following phenomena in Yellowstone National Park: the formation of new geysers, deformation earth's surface, an increase in soil temperature to the boiling point, the appearance of new cracks and crevices through which volcanic gases contained in the magma are released, and many others danger signs awakening of a supervolcano. It is alarming that these figures are several times higher than those of previous years. All this indicates that the magma of the Yellowstone supervolcano is beginning to approach the surface at a speed that has increased several times. In April 2014, the scientific group of the ALLATRA International Public Movement recorded a sharp abrupt increase not only in the emission of neutrinos in this area, but also an increase in the voltage of the septon field. Judging by the graphs of neutrino behavior and the increase in septonic field tension in April 2014, the Yellowstone supervolcano was on the verge of eruption. But what is even more alarming is that after relative stabilization, the activity rate indicators begin to grow again, that is, volcanic processes on this moment are rapidly gaining strength...

With the most conservative forecasts of many scientists, a super eruption of the Yellowstone caldera could lead to global sudden change climate throughout the planet. But the worst thing is that it is capable of instantly destroying life on almost an entire continent. Scientists have modeled this situation and came to the conclusion that already in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the area adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone, which covers the entire United States and part of Canada, will be covered in ash, which will lead to the death of people currently in this zone from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. And these are not all the deadly and destructive consequences...

Given the impending global disasters it is necessary for people themselves to begin to change their attitude towards themselves and towards society here and now. After all, it is not known who you will be tomorrow - a refugee or a host, and what your chances of survival will be in a given situation. IN Global climate change cannot be guaranteed for a single inch of land due to the emergence of new extreme natural anomalies that pose a danger even to relatively stable areas of residence. In other words, no one is immune from all sorts of growing risks, and each of us could become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual, moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in relationships between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future...

In the depths of the North American continent, a few kilometers from the surface, a hidden threat lurks. A huge volcano has awakened and is ready to destroy the entire continent. When? The US government is hiding the truth, scientists remain silent, but the fatal deadline is steadily approaching.

When will the mega-volcano erupt?

It is clear that no one knows the exact date of these events. But scientists are constantly monitoring the Yellowstone Caldera and making some predictions. Periodically, one of them tries to speak. Just... don't believe everything they write on the Internet. Everyone gives different dates:

The eruption will begin in the next two weeks or right now. Such sensational news occurs regularly, almost every month. In this case, everyone refers to the words of specific people, including:

Henry or Hank Hessler (Hank Hessler) - such a geologist really exists, he has been working in the park since 2002. True, he never said when Yellowstone would explode, but it is he who is most often credited with making such predictions.

Jamie Farrell is a professor and researcher at the University of Utah. He studies seismic, volcanic and tectonic processes in Yellowstone, but he also never promised an imminent eruption. Once, however, he said that this could happen, but when exactly is unknown.

Howard Huxley is an American scientist and journalist who has been working at the reserve for 30 years, is connected with the CIA... and he figured it all out! This is what is referred to most often. Only... There is no such scientist. And it never was.

The volcano will explode in the very near future with a 10% probability. Yellowstone poses a greater threat than nuclear war, asteroid collision with Earth And global warming. This is allegedly what is written in a special report by the European Science Foundation. True, few people here have read it; everyone refers to the Daily Express, where a brief and inaccurate retelling was published:

If anyone is interested, the Extreme Geohazards report itself can be read on the European Science Foundation website. Yellowstone is mentioned there only once, by accident and in a completely different context.

Yellowstone will explode in the next 20 years or in 2075. These figures are given by our geophysicist, professor, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A. Gorodnitsky with reference to the Geological Survey of America. Here is a quote from his book “Secrets and Myths of Science. In search of truth":

The eruption will take place in 2012-2016. These data are also attributed to scientists from The Geological Society of America. Like, they double-checked everything again, and the following numbers turned out. But there is no evidence of this. But we managed to find old publications where 2011-2012 appeared in the same texts:

But time ran out, the volcano never exploded, so new dates had to be set. When 2016 ends, they will write that the eruption will begin a little later, for example, in 2017-2020.

Indirect signs of an imminent eruption

And yet, events can go according to the worst scenario. Perhaps empty chatter, fake news and gossip are just a way to hide the terrible truth. Here are some facts that indicate that Yellowstone Volcano may explode earlier than scientists say:

Back in 2004, the US government restricted access to the national park. And some areas were completely closed to visitors.

Then there was information about the creation of a special Scientific Council under the Office of the President of the United States. And the source is the same Howard Huxley (Howard Huxley), who, however, does not exist... but he writes his own blog:

In the spring and summer of 2014, first in Burzhunet, then in our RuNet, the following messages began to appear:

Finding the original source was difficult. Most sites link to the Daily Mail or Howard Huxley, which is confusing. Who knew that the original article was on the South African news site Praag.co.za? It's called "African National Congress Refuses R1000 Billion for Fear of Too Many Whites":

That is, perhaps all this is true, and the US government really made such a request to them. It is impossible to verify the competence and awareness of the author. And the fact that the press secretary of the South African Ministry of Foreign Affairs was already Nelson Kgwete, and Sipho Matwetwe is highlighted only in connection with Yellowstone - these are the costs of translation.

On March 4, 2014, information appeared on intellihub.com that, by order from the White House, USGS (United States Geological Survey) employees were prohibited from disclosing information about swarms (groups of earthquakes) in the Yellowstone caldera area. In this case, the source was a letter received by a fairly well-known blogger Tom Lupshu (he often provides information about this volcano):

It is a fact that data on earthquakes is indeed suppressed. Those who periodically monitor the readings of seismic sensors (which simply turn off when strong tremors occur) know this. I don’t know whether there was an order from Washington, or whether the USGS is acting on its own initiative.

The information background has changed. TV channels show popular science films about Yellowstone. The media has become more frequent in rumors that the volcano is about to explode. The Internet is full of videos where it is recorded the roar of the earth, which many consider a harbinger of future disaster. Ordinary Americans are building bunkers to wait out the eruption. And authorities are purchasing coffins that can accommodate millions of victims when disaster strikes.

It turns out that the eruption is cancelled? Or is it simply postponed indefinitely? Not necessarily... And scientists are clearly hiding real facts. So it’s too early to discount the Yellowstone volcano. It could explode at any moment. When? The question remains open for now.