Crystal people. Crystal People She will not touch the Earth, she will fly at a great distance from the Earth, and fly around the Sun, and spread the beautiful seeds of life on Earth. You are here at this moment in time, dear ones, at this critical time for all people.

Hello, dear friends! This is my first post in the friendly space of the Living Knowledge portal. I take whatever comes to me if my heart's filter allows it. And so here I am.

Lucid dreams were common for me. Being a small creature, I independently overcame sleep paralysis and learned to guide my sleep, wondering where I should be today. I knew that the buzzing and vibration in my ears was just a moment that I had to “step over” in order to be free. In my travels, my feelings were the clues. "Don't go there if you're scared"- I told myself. Astral world- This is my native home since childhood. My favorite world was the vision where I am the wife of an astronaut. But I was about 10 years old for a minute... He flew home on some spaceship and took off his spacesuit, sometimes we flew together on this ship, and outside the window there was space, completely unfamiliar planets, so beautiful...

Life at school was very boring for me. But the craving for the earth, for plants and animals - this is my school. I see auras of people, animals, plants, places, forests, spaces. I grew up in my nature, existing as if in parallel with society, family, and the game on Earth. The realization that I was “strange” overtook me in adolescence, when my body began to show signs of growing up, the need to work off family karma and personal karma were taking their toll. And this happened to me, as it did to all of us, angels playing on Earth, entangled in the emotions once emitted in past life. But I, as the wife of an astronaut, stayed with myself forever.

I do a lot of consulting with parents of “weird” children. And we are all already accustomed to the fact that indigo children are incarnating en masse now. We began to understand them, their mission, their independence, rebellious nature, desire to pull out all the old things from us, break and destroy. But it’s up to the crystal children, who are just beginning to come to Earth, to build and create.

What are they? How to raise them and whether to educate at all?

Let's talk about this.

There is one young man in my life whom I have identified as a person with a crystal soul. His aura resembles a soap bubble, the energy is transparent and dense, shimmers with rainbow light, everything inside is mobile and alive. This young man is now 19 years old. He speaks awkwardly and writes with errors. But he doesn’t even need to be told. He's drawing. He remembers everything, who and when he was, why he came. He says that he came to help “hold” the Earth. His drawings are the worlds of other people, in them all their lives and the moment Here and Now, the result of all past incarnations. This is a whole story about your soul with all its tasks. This is an amazing other new language, through which you gain new knowledge about who you are.

Jesus Christ was a crystal soul in his incarnation on Earth. We can remember everything we know about him and understand what a crystal soul means.

We haven’t encountered many such people yet and we can only imagine what they will be like. I would not divide them in any way, would not give them roles, would not compare them with others and, most importantly, with myself. And I wouldn’t raise her.

In general, everything that happens around you is your area of ​​responsibility. And the fact that there is such a child in your world is also you, your business, your world, your destiny. That's why you need to work with yourself. Educate yourself.

A child always comes to his parents, who need to be taught something. He is older than his parents in vibrations, in the number of incarnations here. And you are older than him in terms of experience of life in society in one Earthly life. There is a difference? If we learn to distinguish gods in them, the same as we ourselves, many questions, judgments, and comparisons will disappear. In general, the ability to accept everything as it is creates enormous potential for creativity.

Yes, creativity is perhaps what they will teach us in a global sense. And in particular, to be happy. How simple, you say! No, it's not easy. This is a science that I have been studying all my life. This is, first of all, a general cleaning of yourself, your subtle bodies and physics, which will free you from heavy vibrations. After this there will be something to be happy about. After all, high vibrations, joy, delight, gratitude need a place. And if you have stored in you since childhood: “don’t run, otherwise you’ll break your leg”, “if you play smart, you won’t get married”, “you have to work hard to achieve something” and other heavy energies, where does joy come from? Indigos help us in freeing ourselves from the old.

After all, everyone has long understood that a person is the sum of the vibrations of every thought, every action, every belief. That is, a certain number that occupies a place in one or another reality. This is where the expression comes from that we live in different parallel worlds and we may, even living next to each other, not see or feel each other. Yes, distance no longer has the same meaning. All that matters is the amount of building material - high vibrational energies - joy, gratitude, self-worth, material for the materialization of ideas sent to us by our oversoul, the Higher Self.

Everything is attracted by vibration. What world you find yourself in is still your business; the law of free will remains one of the fundamental ones on Earth. And creating worlds - new, incomprehensible to our awareness - is precisely the work of crystal souls.

What should parents of such children do? Or for those who are just about to become parents?

Crystals often come to Indigo parents or if there are older Indigo children in the family, that is, the ground is already ready for them. They need protection and support in life on Earth. First of all, they need to be prepared a little for society and life here. And learn to trust their choices and not worry that something might happen to them. They have the strongest brigade of angels that are part of them, their superconsciousness. The laws of karma, including family karma, still apply on Earth. When incarnating, souls accept the karma of the clan in which they incarnate. Crystal children, due to the highest vibrations, often cannot enter our matrix due to heavy birth vibrations. If you have problems conceiving, work on releasing karma. It's not difficult at all now. Your intention is a law for the Universe. Do you now understand what work indigo souls are called to do?

There is an opinion that crystal souls have never played on Earth, they come to our aid. After all, there are still so many of us, sleeping, not remembering ourselves. And they remember everything, like a guy I know... They will tell you a lot about you. Just don’t betray them with your mistrust. Protect them with your love and delight. After all, they will be “strange” children for us. The same as I once was. Just imagine: they knew how to fly, cross universes, change their appearance and create cities with just a thought... And now they found themselves in a physical body. So that, in spite of everything, we do not forget our nature and teach us miracles!

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves arise and propagate in the crystal.

...the fourth dimension is the properties of psychic energy


Crystal people

Many thousands of years ago, on the planets in the Sirius system, there were two races of intelligent beings.

One - from the planet Kron - was humanoid, and called itself the civilization of the Crystal People.

Representatives of the second had a lion-like appearance, and sometimes also visited Earth.

The resemblance of the Sphinx to a lion is not a mere coincidence.

Lion-like Sphinxes were placed near the pyramids in memory of the representatives of this civilization that amazed the imagination of earthlings.

The legends about Shambhala say that from Sirius to Earth, through the constellation Orion, which is the channel through which the energy of Sirius reaches the Solar System, a giant crystal was delivered - the Chantomani stone, created by crystalline people to attract subtle energies from higher dimensions.

Chantomani is a crystal of life and consciousness, raising vibrations and helping those within its sphere of influence to move faster along the spiral of evolution.

Small fragments of Chantomani are laid in the ground in places where centers of culture or civilizations will arise in the future.

Also, small pieces of meteorite are given for storage to the most significant people, the Teachers of humanity.

At the end of the nineteenth century, information was received from contactees about another civilization from Alpha Centauri, which considered itself Crystalline.

Its representatives who flew to Earth were called the sons of Fire, bearers of knowledge.

They argued that the brain is a substance of liquid crystals, like everything in a person and in the world around him.

“The so-called fourth dimension is the properties of psychic energy,” writes Nicholas Roerich in “Living Ethics. In this fourth dimension of space around the Earth, there is a structure in the form of the Earth's crystalline grid - the Merkabah.

Its energy nodes have the shape of pyramids.

Einstein also predicted the birth of physics beyond permeable crystal structures.

Liquid crystals, without which the monitors of modern televisions, computers, and many other devices are unthinkable, were discovered by Russian physicists V. Tsvetkov and V. Friederichs at the beginning of the last century.

Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich in “Living Ethics”, even before this discovery, wrote:

“The element is a spatial substance, weightless and immeasurable. Semi-amorphous crystals in the form of so-called spontaneous manifestations. The substance of the unmanifested spirit permeates space.”

Later, physicist D. Randles suggested that our planet is formed by liquid crystal structures and that it itself is a giant crystal.

And Samara physicist Valery Trufanov believes that the entire Universe is a single Crystal, within which instant transmission of information is possible.

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves arise and propagate in this crystal.

The brains of people with paranormal abilities also emit not traditional transverse, but longitudinal waves that resonate with the radiation of the Crystal.

From this we can conclude that a person is an active part of the Monocrystal, interacting with it as a part with the whole, and receiving a response.

The structure of water also consists of liquid crystals sliding relative to each other, scientists believe. More than half of man is made up of water.

Therefore, we can say that we, like the Sirian civilization, are Crystalline people. Water accumulates and stores the information it receives. And it doesn’t matter to her what language they speak to her; she understands any speech.

This was discovered by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto.

His experiments showed that crystals formed from water differ in great diversity, depending on the nature of the information impact on them. The basic structure of a water crystal is a hexagon.

Space and time are not barriers to the transfer of information. The water in the body remembers all our everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions.

At the same time, she herself has a strong impact on a person, depending on the foreign information she stores. Space through water influences human development.

We can give the following example.

It has long been believed that at baptism water acquires the properties of living water. For a number of years, for several days a year, scientists have recorded intense bursts of neutron flux, exceeding background levels by 100 - 200 times, precisely on these days!

The maximums occurred on the 17th, 18th or 19th of January. The neutron flux from space comes mainly along the earth's axis and is maximum in the northern latitudes, where its impact on water is maximum.

Towards the south it gradually weakens, sliding tangentially to the surface of the water, and penetrates less and less into its thickness.

At the equator, its impact practically disappears.

Andreeva Galina Viktorovna


Humanity has made a turn, and as a result, people have let go of all attachments to reflections.

Many of you have seen the last of those who created the shell that protected the Earth from the beginning. These are the ones who built the pyramids. Many inexplicable things become clear when you look at things from the point where you are now.

Many artifacts on Earth still do not have a traditional explanation of where they came from and why they are on Earth. These memories were specifically blocked by you yourself according to the original plan.

The pyramids formed a protective shell around the Earth, even though they were forgotten in many places. True, not all pyramids created this shell; some were just copies of the original ones, created by mankind, with varying levels of efficiency.

Power of the Pyramids

A network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet that protected the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This protection was removed deliberately.

You've heard about the two landmark meteorites that made headlines around the world, but you don't know about the little meteorites that are appearing now.

Because the containment has been removed, you will see many meteorites falling to Earth this November. You will see a comet that will bring new life to Earth.

We tell you this because all life on Earth was brought by comets. Your scientists do not agree with us, but we tell you, none of you are from Earth.

You put yourself here very carefully.

Now you are on the path of evolution. Previously, to reach Home, you had to die and leave your physical body, then reincarnate again and return to Earth.

Now, for the first time, humanity has passed through the gate without physically returning home, without dying. You are walking the path of ascension and with every step, you are going further than you were yesterday. All this is the beauty that you hold in front of you. All this is under your control.

Don't be afraid of comets, they bring new forms of life, they water the Earth with new forms of life. You have been losing life forms for many years and the Earth is now being repopulated, so watch for the comet in November and celebrate its arrival.

You have already given her a name, but we will not say it because our names and yours are different. Your scientists know that this comet is approaching and that it will bring with it a cloud of cosmic dust.

Basically, it breaks up into many small particles every time, and this time it will bring cosmic dust to Earth.

Now, your scientists are trying to figure out whether they can see the falling dust. They expect this November comet to bring back a lot of dust.

This comet will not hit the Earth.

It will not touch the Earth, it will fly at a great distance from the Earth, and fly around the Sun, and spread the beautiful seeds of life on Earth. You are here at this moment in time, dear ones, at this critical time for all of humanity and for the Earth as a whole.

The Earth is being recharged with energies, its lines of energy, the magnetic lines of energy that form the magnetic grid, are now weakening their strength. The Earth's magnetic structures have weakened by 12% over the past 100 years.

This also leads to your awakening from sleep.

This is wonderful.

Espavo, Group


...there was a release of all energies from the 4th dimensional grid.

“The pyramids formed a protective shell around the Earth: A network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet that protected the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This protection was removed deliberately.”

Friends, We – the Planet and Humanity have left the crystalline lattice of the 4th dimension of Merkaba, having made a shift of Consciousness and therefore, the previous protections have been removed (all, not only from meteorites).

The Crystalline Grid has moved into the 5th dimension; the diversity of life forms is ensured from there;

Those who have moved their Consciousness to the 4th dimension rebuild connections in their consciousness with the higher octave and now receive vital energies from the fifth-dimensional structure.

This means that everyone is now moving from the collective egregors, which previously reflected strength/light/blessings/security - INTO THE INDIVIDUAL ESSENCE OF SELF.

This is where your personal power is present, flowing from your Essence!

And security is not a collective energy, but an individual one, it comes from this place.

Don’t look for the reflection of God in another person, look for this sacred place in yourself - it, the energy of security, is inside each of us, and no one else will give it to you.

Welcome to the NEW AGE

Good day, dear magazine reader! This is the very first article in this section. Many of us no longer just believe, but firmly know that humanity and the Earth have entered a completely NEW AGE, the Golden AGE, the Golden Era! Of course, all facets will not shine at once, and what is obvious to not many people now will soon be obvious to everyone. At its core, the period that humanity has entered is a huge construction site for the transition to New Age New Earth.

The processes that occur will be given both a scientific and esoteric explanation on the pages of the magazine. There is no need to treat the word “esoterics” with fear, because translated from Greek “esoterikos” means hidden, internal.

Guardians, priests of different religions, clergy, were ready at all times to give their lives, protecting secret knowledge. And suddenly, in our time, almost all spiritual groups in the world opened their archives at the same time. Knowledge has become available. What happened? Why did this happen? Why did this happen now?

There is a merging of official and traditional medicine, knowledge gained by Western science and Eastern metaphysics. More and more scientists and researchers note the striking similarity between scientific and esoteric ideas about Man and the Universe. And again the same questions: What happened? Why did this happen? Why did this happen now?

Each of us, like an antenna, is tuned to certain frequency perception and pays attention to what others simply do not notice. By turning to various sources and using our own heart, our inner knowledge as a guide, we will see, feel or feel the multidimensionality of ourselves and the world in which we live.

Welcome to the New Age of Integrity and Unity on planet Earth!

Editorial staff of April Journal

Welcome to the New Epoch!

We are happy to greet you here, in April Journal and this is the first article in this section. The majority of us not only believes, but knows for sure that humanity and the Earth are coming into the totally New Epoch, the Golden Age, the Shining Era! Of course, not every verge is going to shine in one moment, but all the things that now are obvious for not large amount of people will soon be evident for everyone. In general, this new period of development is actually the huge building ground of transition to the New Epoch of the New Earth.

The journal will try to give the names for the current processes from scientific and esoteric points of view. Do not be afraid of the word "esoteric" because in translation from the Greek language it means "inner" and "hidden".

The secret keepers, ecclesiastics, priests of different religions through the all history were always ready to give their lives in order to protect secret knowledge. But nowadays these keepers revealed their knowledge in the same time. And all the information became available. What had happened? Why did it happen? Why now?

The consolidation of official medicine and ethnoscience is happening now, the consolidation of knowledge of western scientists and eastern metaphysicians. More and more scientists are discovering a great similarity between scientific and esoteric points of view about the human beings and the universe. And the same questions again: what had happened? Why did it happen? Why now?

Everyone of us is like an antenna which understands the certain waves and its information, and we pay attention to those things which cannot be noticed by others. While using the different sources of information our heart – our inner source of knowledge – navigate us; if that happens we will definitely see or feel our own and the world's complexity and diversity.

Welcome to the New Epoch of Unity and Integrity on the Earth!

"April Journal"

Activating the crystal within yourself

My question is: “What do crystal minerals want to say about what is happening on Earth and about our work that goes through me, through the group, through other people who surround us?”

Crystals are concentrated energy. By connecting with the energy of crystals, we connect with concentrated energy. And therefore it is very useful and very correct to do this work - to connect with the energy of crystals in all forms.

Non-activated crystals, so extinct, they are everywhere - in our body, in the earth, and in space. But through the intention to rise, through the intention to serve, the crystals are activated.

Of course, if the Earth is in the process of activation, the crystals will activate along with it. But I think the question here is how to approach this correctly, how to navigate correctly. What do they want to say?

In general, when this is all - one process, a single process of ascension, in which everything is involved - all the plans, and minerals, and the Earth, and nature, and people. But how can everyone navigate this correctly?

I see that the main crystal is inside each of us, inside a person.

What is this crystal? What is this: an allegory or something else?

This is a new energy matrix, a new spiritual matrix, according to which our entire body, physical and spiritual, is being rebuilt. Those. when the energy of service awakens in us, the crystal of our Spirit within us awakens. When we have reached the point where we are ready to accommodate and receive our Spirit into our physical body, this new light matrix is ​​activated.

What is it?

This is a new light consciousness, a new light Law.

Those. Can we say that the crystal is the new Law?

This is somewhat arbitrary, but you can say so.

And what in reality is this new light matrix, a new light crystal that begins to work inside us?

But in reality, this is that we have accepted our Spirit into ourselves, and we begin to see everything without the distortions of the ego, fears go away, doubts and traumatic experiences go away. We feel that we are filled with knowledge. And this knowledge is the crystal of our Spirit.

We are not looking for anything outside ourselves. Being in the crystal of our Spirit, we know everything we need to know because we are in a state of total acceptance. Opportunities for communication are revealed, and self-knowledge is revealed.

The task of each of us is to now see this crystal inside ourselves and light it with our free will. Those. to see that the spiritual life is inside the crystal, the life of our Spirit, it is within us and transforms all the circumstances of life in accordance with Divine necessity.

As for Lemurian crystals - all this is to help, all this is a means to activate the crystal of our Spirit inside us. That's how I see it.

I don't know much information about this. But from the feeling it turns out that all these Lemurian crystals and points of Power that are on Earth are all just to help activate this crystal of your Spirit inside each of us.

Here is the latest part from a 2008 channel on the subject of the crystal within a person.

The value of everyone is in him and in the gifts of the world in him. Everything is different and all aspects of One, but everything to which the concept of time-death is applicable will pass away.

The crystal of the person himself, located in the heart, is valuable, since it is everything! God is new, you cannot even contain all his beauty, since you go to him within yourself every day of your life, approaching him.

Father on the horizon. Father is everywhere. But a son born in a crystal heart is equally Divine. And more than that.

The information was announced that every person has a CRYSTAL, which is part of the UNITED CONSCIOUSNESS of planet Earth. Let's look a little deeper into the structure of the Unified CONSCIOUSNESS and each individual crystal. This will help you answer a few more questions that arise from time to time.

Since each crystal is an integral part of a single LIVING CRYSTAL, then perhaps this explains your inner desire for integrity and harmony. You understand that if you remove even one crystal, the integrity will be compromised. It’s the same in life, you can’t throw anything away.

Look now how this is reflected in the world where we live. Each person brings a lesson into our lives so that we remember when interacting with him that we are ONE.

EXACTLY when INTERACTING with someone!!! they show us that I am not alone in the WHOLE world.

No matter how much you try in life to escape from any situations, thoughts, memories, they still bother you. The lesson is repeated until you complete it. You are running from yourself. You cannot accept everything as it is. And the secret is that you just need to ACCEPT the situation as part of your experience. This is part of a whole that you cannot ignore. The ability to ACCEPT is very IMPORTANT! Please note that accepting does not mean forgiving. If you do not ACCEPT something or someone, then you do not accept the ONE. But then you tear yourself apart, trying to throw out some of the memories, experiences, emotions, feelings from your life. But they are already part of YOU, your life - the one, the ONLY one. If you consider any life situation from the perspective of gaining experience and knowledge from interaction that is important to you, you will feel that the ONE WHOLE only helps you. And with great LOVE.

Several more interesting patterns can be noticed if you understand the structure of the crystal itself. The crystal that vibrates in the HEART OF THE SOUL cannot be touched, it is invisible in this dimension. But he has a certain form and color. The corresponding materialized original is located in another dimension. I note that in other dimensions and on other planets there are also copies of your crystal. And we always keep in touch with each other. This connection is called with oneself. That's why it's very important to find it. Find the INTEGRITY OF YOURSELF.

Now let's look inside the crystals, which are 97% empty, filled with the energy of LOVE. And only 3% of the crystal space is rotating Mobius rings. The number of rings in each crystal is always a multiple of three and depends on the magnitude and frequency of its vibration.

For a person who is far from spiritual search, the rings move very quickly, like in a rally, so it is almost impossible for a person in such a state to remember HIMSELF and his true purpose. For those who strive to find THEMSELVES, their purpose, the speed of movement of the spirals is very low. Often, people who carry such crystals have the impression that they are not of this world, that they are guests on this planet. Sometimes in moments of despair the thought even flashes: “I want to go home.” Sound familiar? In our common HOUSE LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS always reign. And you remember it, and naturally look for a similarity in this world.

And it is in US! There is no need to go far, because a piece of the common HOME is always within ourselves. This is the space between the Mobius rings in the CRYSTAL, it is filled with bright white light in which LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS reign.

This is a piece of our common Home, where we ALL came from to fulfill our destiny. This is the space that we are looking for, raising our heads to the sky, which we call GOD, the Universe, the Absolute. And it is inside you!

The program with which the Soul came into this incarnation - PURPOSE - is written on the crystal rings.

We are truly HAPPY when we fulfill the MISSION with which we came into this body. The more people remember their purpose, the more HAPPINESS there will be around. There is an alphabet or algorithm that allows you to start the process of finding YOURSELF and remembering your true purpose.

Crystals radiate LOVE exactly as much as we reflect it within ourselves, finding there everyone and everything we love. These are not only living beings, but also everything that surrounds us. It is also alive, but you don’t feel it yet. But if you think about it, it’s not without reason that we sometimes become attached to certain objects and value them. Try to feel this object, there is so much LOVE for you in it!