International distance competitions and olympiads. Olympiad for primary school from MDG “Mega-Talent” What we have already done

The list of school Olympiads and their levels for the 2019/20 academic year has been approved. Now we are monitoring it precisely: registration for participants in most major school Olympiads traditionally opens in October. We talk about the most significant and interesting of them: when they are held, how to take part and what privileges they can give to 2020 applicants.

So, the calendar of Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020 has been approved. But let’s make a reservation right away: not all school Olympiads 2019-2020 are equally useful for children.

The 2019-2020 Olympiads for schoolchildren are officially divided into three levels (this is important - the same Olympiad in a number of subjects can be assigned one level, and in the rest - another). The first guarantees the winners the right to enroll in a university at a specialized faculty without entrance examinations. However, it is better to find out details about each Olympiad in a specific educational institution. They are published on the websites of higher educational institutions in the Admission Rules (around October).

Victory in the second-level Olympiad brings 100 points to the Unified State Exam in a core subject. However, in order to take advantage of the bonus, you need to confirm the result by scoring at least 75 points in the subject on the Unified State Exam (each university sets it individually).

The third level of the 2019 Olympiad adds several points to the exam results, and not everywhere and not always.

The list of Olympiads for schoolchildren for each academic year, in which, in particular, their levels are established, is approved by order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. In 2019/2020, it included 80 Olympiads in various subjects. Document No. 658 dated August 30, 2019 was published on September 24.

Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020: official website of the legal information portal.

The schedule of Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020 can be found there, and more information can be found on the Olympiad websites.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is not on the list, but the winners of its final stage can count on admission to universities in their field without entrance exams.

Subjects: 24 disciplines from the compulsory school curriculum. There are different levels - I-III.

Dates: school stage - until November 1, 2019 (the schedule is approved in each district). District - until December 25, 2019, regional - until February 25, 2020, final - until April 30, 2020.

Grade: 4–11.

Peculiarities. If you are interested in prestigious Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020, then this is the main Olympiad in the country. The first stage for each subject is carried out in all schools.

How to participate? At the initial stage, anyone can participate. You need to contact the teacher of the relevant subject at your school. In the regional and subsequent stages, those who scored a set number of points in previous rounds.

If you are looking for All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020, the main official website:

Subjects: biology (I level), geography (I level), journalism (I level), engineering systems (III level), foreign languages ​​(I level), computer science (I level), history (I level .), Chinese language (I level), mathematics (I level), medicine (I level), social science (I level), law (I level), sociology (I level), physics (I level .), philology (I level), chemistry (I level), economics (II level).

Dates: the qualifying stage will take place from October 15, 2019 to January 14, 2020. Final - from February 1 to March 15, 2020.

Grade: 5–11.

Peculiarities. One of the most significant Olympics in St. Petersburg. It is worth taking note for everyone who is interested in correspondence Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020. More precisely, only the qualifying stage will be completed in absentia (online), followed by the intramural Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020 (official website).

How to participate? Register on the website during the qualifying stages. Then activate the tasks. A certain time is given for completion (usually 1–3 hours). There is no limit to the number of items you can select. Participants are admitted to the final stage based on the results of the qualifying rounds.

Subjects: in addition to standard school disciplines - biology (I level), geography (I level), foreign language (I level), computer science (I level), history (I level), Russian language (I level) , literature (I level), mathematics (I level), physics (II level), chemistry (I level), entire profiles are presented - geology (II level), journalism (I level), engineering sciences ( III level), geology (II level), astronautics (II level), international relations and global studies (I level), mechanics and mathematical modeling (III level), political science, law (I level), robotics ( III u.) and others.

Dates: Registration opens in November 2019. The first round of the qualifying stage will take place in November, and the second in December 2019. The final (face-to-face) stage will take place in February-March 2020. Dates will be announced later.

Grade: 1–11.

Peculiarities. Olympiad from Moscow State University, the program was prepared jointly with relevant faculties and organizations. In addition to tests and tasks, there are creative tasks in almost all subjects.

How to participate? Register on the site. The qualifying stages take place online. Each lasts 4 days, during which the participant chooses a convenient time (exactly 24 hours are given to complete, complete and submit the task). The winners of the qualifying stages advance to the finals, which are held in person in Moscow and at regional venues (their list will appear later, but St. Petersburg is traditionally present in it).

Subjects: biology (I level), geography (II level), history (II level), literature (I level), mathematics (I level), physics (I level), social studies (I level) , foreign languages ​​(I level), journalism (I level).

Dates: the qualifying stage will take place in November-December 2019, the final stage in March-April 2020. Exact dates will appear later.

Grade: 5–11.

Peculiarities. A joint project of Moscow State University and the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Bookmark it if you are looking for university olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020. Official website:

How to participate? Register on the Olympiad website and gain access to your personal account, where the qualifying stage tasks are posted. It lasts about a month (students in grades 5–9 can complete assignments during this entire time; for grades 10–11 there is a session of 7 days, which can begin on any day of the correspondence stage). The final, full-time stage takes place at Moscow State University and at regional sites. For nonresident participants, if this stage is not held in their region, free travel and accommodation to the venue are provided.

Subjects: physics (I level), mathematics (II level).

Dates: qualifying stages - until February 2, 2020 (the date of the qualifying round at LETI will be announced later). Registration for the final stage until February 16, 2020 (for mathematics - until February 22, 2020, for physics - until February 23, 2020).

Grade: 9–11.

Peculiarities. The Olympiad from the Moscow University of Physics and Technology is aimed at finding talented applicants. Tasks of increased complexity.

How to participate? The online rounds of the Phystech and Psystech International Olympiads, as well as the in-person qualifying round at St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" are counted as the qualifying stage. To reach the finals, it is enough to become a winner of only one of them, but to increase your chances of winning you can take part in all of them. The final stage is held in person in several dozen cities. Suitable for those who are interested in physics Olympiads for schoolchildren 2019-2020, official website:

Subjects: biology (III level), design (II level), journalism (I level), foreign languages ​​(I level), computer science (I level), history (I level), mathematics (I level). ), social studies (I level), political science (I level), law (I level), psychology (II level), Russian language (I level), sociology (I level), physics (III level). ), philology (I level), philosophy (I level), etc.

Dates: registration from October 1 to mid-November, the first qualifying stage - in the second half of November, the second - in early February. Exact dates will be announced later.

Class. 7–11.

Peculiarities. Olympiad of the Higher School of Economics.

How to participate? Register on the site. The qualifying stage is held online at the specified time (2 dates are offered, but you can only choose one - there will be no chance to retake). The final stage is held in person at partner sites.

Subjects: mathematics (II), physics (I).

Dates: the qualifying round will take place in October-November 2019, the final round in February-March 2020. Exact dates will be announced later.

Grade: 7–11.

Peculiarities. A joint project between MEPhI and Rosatom. The tasks are complex and quite highly specialized.

How to participate? Register on the website of the Olympiad for schoolchildren 2019, go through the qualifying round online or take part in the in-person competition (in St. Petersburg it is held on the basis of LETI). Whoever copes with it successfully gets into the finals, which are also held in person.

Subjects: profiles, each corresponding to an innovative engineering field. For example, big data and machine learning, autonomous transport systems, wireless communication technologies, aerospace systems, virtual and augmented reality, financial technologies, cognitive technologies and so on. The profiles have different levels - II-III.

Dates: Registration closes October 30, 2019. The first qualifying stage will take place from October 1 to November 1, 2019 inclusive, the results will be announced on November 5, 2019. Dates for the second, team, qualifying and final stages will be announced later.

Grade: 8–11.

Peculiarities. The first qualifying stage is solving problems within the school curriculum. In the second round, schoolchildren form teams (you can initially come with your own or find partners among other participants), distribute roles (programmer, electronics engineer, designer, etc.) and solve engineering problems. This requires a fairly large amount of knowledge outside the school curriculum, but the organizers have prepared free video courses and lecture notes for each profile. In the final, the teams work on real engineering equipment and demonstrate their developments in action.

How to participate? Register on the website and go through the individual qualifying stage (participants have three attempts). Next, collect the required number of points and, united in a team, move from tour to tour. Olympiad schedule for schoolchildren 2019-2020: official website

Subjects: two complexes - 1. Academic drawing, painting, composition, history of art and culture; 2. Technical drawing, decorative composition. Both are level I.

Dates: the qualifying stage is held from September 2019 to January 2020, the final stage - in March 2020.

The system for identifying and supporting young talents is formed as a set of programs and activities that ensure the development and realization of the abilities of all children and youth in order for them to achieve outstanding results in their chosen field of professional activity and a high quality of life. Competitions and Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held in several stages free of charge.

Implementation of competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education.

To support talented children and youth, the Ministry annually identifies 5,350 young talents in all regions of Russia. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, 1,250 children - winners of Russian and prize-winners of international Olympiads - receive bonuses of 60 thousand rubles, and 4,100 people - winners of regional and medalists of Russian Olympiads - receive bonuses of 30 thousand rubles.

Some of the award winners are selected by the federal center from among the winners of international and all-Russian Olympiads among schoolchildren, vocational education students, students, as well as from among the winners and prize-winners of all-Russian events with youth proposed by federal executive bodies and all-Russian (international) public associations.

The second part of the winners of the Talented Youth Prize is determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The number of awards for each region is determined in proportion to the number of young people aged 14-25 years. Based on the results of regional Olympiads and other competitive events, 1,600 people are selected for the award. In accordance with the rules for awarding prizes for talented youth, the selection of candidates of the second group is made in five nominations: socially significant and public activities; scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities; professional excellence; artistic creativity; amateur sport.

Competitions and Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 74 “On approval of the Rules for awarding prizes to support talented youth and the procedure for paying these prizes,” a list of Olympiads and other competitive events is being compiled, based on the results of which prizes will be awarded.

Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held by one or more organizers - federal government bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state (municipal) educational institutions of higher professional education, non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, state (municipal) scientific institutions with the possible participation of one or more state (municipal) or non-state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, educational institutions of additional education for children, general education institutions, public organizations and state-public associations, the media, and other legal entities.

The number of prizes for Olympiads and other competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education is established in proportion to the number of citizens living in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraph 1 of these Rules, and is approved annually by order of the Ministry.

Competitions for schoolchildren are held by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the following categories:

Socially significant and public activities;

Scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities

Professional excellence;

Artistic creativity;

Amateur sports.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is one of the forms of work with gifted children in the Russian education system. This is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement educational programs of basic general and secondary general education. The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren helps identify gifted students starting from the 5th grade.

Successful participation and becoming a winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren guarantees students of graduating classes of general education organizations admission to any university in a specialized field without entrance examinations. In addition, winners and runners-up of the final stage of the Olympiad from grades 8-11 participate in international Olympiads in general education subjects.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 21 general education subjects: mathematics, Russian, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French), computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, art ( world artistic culture), physical culture, technology, basics of life safety.

The Olympics includes several stages.

School The stage is carried out according to tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad. The organizer of the school stage of the Olympiad is the local government body responsible for management in the field of education.

Grades 1-4 participate

This Olympiad is available to everyone!

For the most active primary school students we are launching an Olympiad in primary school subjects. A mix of mathematics, Russian language and other disciplines will help you quickly check your level of preparation, and rewards for passing will motivate students to new achievements.

How they teach elementary school subjects at the Mega-Talent center: test tasks with colorful illustrations are based on the school curriculum and include questions of different levels of difficulty.

What themes are we repeating this season:

  • Arithmetic questions
  • Grammar and punctuation
  • Literary reading and other topics

Participants will receive 15 test questions of various types:

  • Questions with one or more correct answers.
  • Tasks on correlating two data series and making comparisons.
  • Tasks requiring work with illustrative sources.

The Olympiad tasks comply with the Federal State Educational Standard and help:

  • Master initial ideas about the norms of the Russian literary language.
  • Learn to perform arithmetic operations with numbers and numerical expressions, solve word problems.
  • Master accessible ways to study nature and society.
  • Master the basics of environmental literacy, basic rules of moral behavior in the natural world and people.

Separate awards await the organizer and parents

We will also send a special thank you to
ness to your educational institution

You will also receive

Gifts for all participants All participants receive a special “Table of Achievements”, in which they can enter information about the results of participation in our events and personal achievements.

Infographics Teachers who apply for 10 or more participants will be able to receive a personalized class rating in the form of an infographic

Info poster announcement With the help of the information poster you can easily start organizing our event in your educational institution Download information poster

  1. Register on the website website.
  2. Apply for participation by indicating the number of participants.
  3. Confirm your application by paying in a way convenient for you.
  4. One application may indicate only one name of the Olympiad curator and one name of the educational institution, which will be reflected in the award materials of the participants and the curator. You can submit multiple entries for an event if required.
  5. Use the received methodological materials to conduct the Olympiad (methodological recommendations, tasks for each category of participants, answer forms).
  6. Upload student work before debriefing begins.
  7. Download award materials from your completed application after the day the results are published.
  1. Students must complete all assignments independently, without outside help.
  2. Be responsible when filling out the answer table—the participant’s result may depend on it!
  3. Correctly fill in all required fields. Time to change the entered data is limited.
  4. Remember that the registration fee will not be refunded for participants’ works not added in a timely manner!

Who can win the Olympics?

Our methodologists create assignments that correspond to the school curriculum. They are simpler than at regional olympiads, but more interesting and varied than at school tests. Our assignments are completed by excellent students and students who know the material at a sufficient level. However, the experience of participating in Olympiads is also interesting for students with a satisfactory level of knowledge.

We took part in the Olympics last season. Are the tasks the same in this Olympiad?

No, we prepare new tasks for each season. Assignments for different seasons are based on different sections of the curriculum. You can take part in the Olympiad again.

What does a set of tasks for the Olympiad look like?

On the day the assignments are issued, all teachers who have paid for participation can download a set of materials for the Olympiad, which includes:

  • Methodological recommendations for holding the Olympiad.
  • Motivation letter to the participant from the director of the Mega-Talent MDG.
  • A set of 15 tasks of various types.
  • Calendar of upcoming events.

How are the results of the Olympiad assessed?

After you enter the answers into a special table on the website, they will be submitted for verification. For each correct answer, the student receives 2 points. If a test question has two answer options and the student indicated only one option correctly, he will receive 1 point.

How are rewards distributed?

  • A participant in the Olympiad who receives 30 points is awarded the highest award - a winner's diploma.
  • Participants who receive 26–29 points are awarded 2nd and 3rd places and given winners' diplomas.
  • All other participants receive personalized certificates.

Awards can be downloaded on the day of summing up.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad?

To pay, use one of the proposed methods:

  • Bank card VISA/MasterCard/Maestro
  • QIWI Wallet
  • Yandex.Money Wallet
  • Transfer through a bank or Russian Post office
  • Cash at self-service terminals

In order not to pay for each event separately and not have to fill in all the payment information again each time, you can top up your personal balance.

How can you save on paying for participation in the Olympiads?

We will compensate for the costs of holding the Olympiad. The more students indicated in the application, the higher the percentage of compensation for the teacher's expenses.

You can also save by replenishing your balance on the site. When you replenish your balance, you will receive a bonus of 7–20%, depending on the replenishment amount.

Why do teachers choose the Mega Talent Olympiads?

  • Simple application form
  • Convenient access to teaching materials and awards
  • Entering answers yourself and working on errors
  • Reimbursement of expenses for printing assignments and award materials
  • Unique and varied missions

Photos of participants

More than 1000 reviews from satisfied teachers

This is not the first time we have taken part in the Olympics, and we really like it. The format of the tasks is interesting, as well as the opportunity to do them in a comfortable environment and test your level. The students really like it. Thank you...

Olga Ruzhina

MAOU "Secondary School No. 56"

Thank you very much for the free art competition "Autumn Symphony". The 1st grade children enjoyed making crafts with their own hands. I really liked the diplomas.

Irina Romanova

FGKOU "Secondary school No. 140"

For the first time we took part in an event with 1st grade students and were very pleased. Thanks to the organizers for providing the children with the opportunity to feel mega talented!

Olga Kusakina

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 64 named after B. Ruchyov" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Dear colleagues, thank you for organizing this competition! The tasks are selected in a very interesting way with notes of folk culture (environmental world). The children and I were very pleased with the competition, and most importantly...

Irina Obrezkova

Municipal educational institution Ignatovskaya secondary school

Dear colleagues! I really like the Mega Talent Olympics, the tasks are interesting, the kids are happy to participate. The events help teachers prepare for certification. Thank you....

Natalia Podkina

GAPOU SO Technical College of Food and Services Industry "Culinary"

We thank the organizers for hosting the Olympiad. The tasks were interesting and educational. My students enjoyed doing them.

Tatiana Myasnikova

Thank you very much to the organizers of the Olympics. This was our first time taking part. The children were very interested in testing their knowledge. We wish you further success!!! Just excuse me for one question - students...


Thank you very much for organizing the Olympics for children. Your daughter takes great pleasure in solving your problems!!!

Daria Novikova


Many thanks to the organizers for providing the children with the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful and interesting event. We participated for the first time and hope to get a more significant result in...

Victor Permitin

MAOU secondary school No. 6

I thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate.

Anatoly Knyazkov

Good afternoon My students took part in the Mathematics Olympiad for the first time, got a good experience, and are happy with the result. Thanks to the organizers!

Anatoly Knyazkov

My students and I are participating in this quiz for the first time. Thank you very much. My students really enjoyed the quiz!!!

Lilit Vardanyan

Municipal educational institution Ramenskaya secondary school No. 9

Thank you very much to the organizers. You have a lot of different events on your website for schoolchildren and teachers. We will be glad to work with you again and participate in your events. Shandaraev S.A MBOU "Gusev...

Sergey Shandaraev

Good afternoon I thank the organizers for providing children with the opportunity to participate in the Olympiads. The Olympiad aroused great interest among students. We took part for the first time. Very interesting, sir...

Anatoly Knyazkov

Thank you very much to the organizers of the event! Interesting questions were selected for the crossword puzzle. The guys completed the task with pleasure!

Tatiana Korobeynikova

MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" MO "Buguruslan"

Thank you very much for trying to hold Olympics, Quizzes, Competitions, and various events for children. Your activities contribute to the development in children of a desire to study more deeply...

Sergey Astrakhantsev

MAOU "Secondary school No. 24, named after Hero of the Soviet Union M.V. Vodopyanov." Krasnoyarsk.

Participated in the quiz "Mastery of Didactics". Thank you for the opportunity to test your knowledge! I had to “puff”, but I’m very glad that I completed all the tasks.

Lyudmila Berdnikova

FKOU "Secondary School of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region"

Many thanks to the organizers for the opportunity for our “special” students to participate! Very interesting tasks, well-thought-out organization. KOGOBU VSSH village Lesnoy Verkhnekamsk district.

Anastasia Kuznetsova

KOGOBU VSSH village Lesnoy Verkhnekamsk district

The Mega-Talent Talent Development Center is the organizer of all-Russian and international distance Olympiads. We love to hold olympiads and competitions for primary school students, because children at this age are active, inquisitive and purposeful. We encourage these qualities. All participants in our Olympiads receive diplomas or certificates. We issue certificates and gratitude to teachers.

What we have already done:

  • We conducted 400 Internet Olympiads in 47 school disciplines.
  • We helped 22,500 schoolchildren from 12 countries to prove themselves in competitions for primary schools.
  • We paid teachers 2,500,000 rubles as compensation for organizational expenses.
  • We found like-minded people in the person of 20,000 teachers. 98% of them became permanent organizers of the Olympiads.

5 steps towards a teacher

We want you to find it easy and pleasant to work with us. To do this, we follow 5 steps, designed with the teacher in mind:

  1. We give the teacher Olympiad assignments for all classes and draw up methodological recommendations for conducting the Olympiad.
  2. We prepare a certificate and gratitude for the teacher’s portfolio.
  3. We save the teacher’s personal funds by compensating for the costs of printing assignments and award materials.
  4. We reward the most active organizers of the Olympiad with valuable gifts.
  5. We stay in touch to answer your questions.

Remote Olympiads “Mega-Talent” are convenient

The format of distance Olympiads allows the teacher to choose the place and time of the event. At such Olympiads, students are less nervous and pay more attention to the tasks that they are asked to solve.

The Mega Talent Olympiads are held for a wide range of students with different levels of achievement. The tasks of the Olympiads are compiled taking into account the content of the school curriculum and comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The assignments help assess knowledge and encourage students to develop logical and analytical thinking.

Sets of tasks for each class consist of 15 test questions of different types:

  • Questions with one correct answer.
  • Questions with multiple correct answers.
  • Questions on analytical and chronological sequence.
  • Tasks on correlating two data series.
  • Tasks for working with illustrative sources.

How much does it cost to participate in competitions for primary schools?

On the page with information about the Olympiad, the amount of the registration fee for one participant is indicated. Up to 30% of this amount remains with the teacher as compensation for the costs of organizing and holding the Olympiad.
You will print assignments, answer sheets, certificates and diplomas. We don't want you to pay for all this out of your own pocket. The amount of compensation increases with mass participation in the Olympiad. You will find out the exact amount after registration .

In addition to compensation, the most active teachers receive gifts from us. We formteacher rating , based on the results of which, every month we reward the most active organizers of the Olympiad.

How often do we hold competitions in primary school subjects?

The Mega Talent Olympiads are held throughout the academic year. We have three All-Russian Olympiads. They are held once a season: autumn, winter and spring. In between, we hold 3 international Olympiads, and at the end of the academic year - the final Olympiad.

The tasks for each season are tied to the content of the curriculum and correspond to the topics covered at the time of the Olympiad. Each season, students are presented with new assignments on new topics.

How do we check the answers of Olympiad participants?

We have developed a system that automatically checks and evaluates participants' work. You only need to enter the answer options that your students have chosen on the site. After publishing the results, you will be able to download certificates and diplomas.

How to become an organizer of the Olympics?

  1. Register on the site.
  2. Submit an application to participate in the Olympiad for primary schools. Indicate how many students will participate.
  3. Confirm your participation to gain access to tasks and methodological recommendations for the Olympiad.
  4. Print out the received materials and conduct the Olympiad.
  5. Enter your answers on the site so that we can evaluate them and prepare rewards for participants.
  6. Download reward materials. The participants will receive certificates and diplomas, and you will receive a certificate and gratitude.

How to pay for participation in the Olympiad for primary school?

The following payment methods are available to you:

  • Payment by bank card (online);
  • Payment by receipt, at the Russian Post office;
  • Payment using electronic payment systems (online).

Can schoolchildren and students from other countries participate in the event?

MDG "Mega-Talent" conducts educational events of international level. Anyone can participate in our Olympiads, regardless of nationality or country of residence. However, in order to understand the essence of the tasks, students must be fluent in Russian.

  • Contest
  • Olympics
  • Competition-game
  • Subject week
  • Family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • Control test
  • Summer camp
  • Tests online
Distance Olympics of the Snail Center

Goals and objectives of distance Olympiads of the Snail Center:

  • checking students' knowledge level
  • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills for independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills in using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.


They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family competition

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. competitions

They give the participant the opportunity to test and deepen their knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one section of it. All tasks of distance Olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.