The latest scientific developments. Latest Russian technologies. Technology development in the future

Google Glass is a smart glasses from the search giant. They became available in mid-2014. The only reason why this technology has not yet become popular is the price. If you want to buy smart glasses from Google, you will have to spend $1,500.

But do not discount smart glasses. Once cell phones, too, not everyone could afford. Titans like Microsoft and Sony are working on their devices. This means that in the near future you will be able to watch videos with cats during your morning run.

Automation is one of the main tasks that modern technologies. While most processes are automated these days, there are some that we have to do manually. For example, add information to the contact list on the phone. You probably won't have to do it yourself soon.

RelateIQ is already working on a technology that will create a contact based on information about your current contact list, mailbox, messages. In the end, all you need to do is give the name of the person. All information will appear on your phone.

3. Wearable electronics

Smart glasses and watches are devices that connect us to the outside world. But there are also technologies that connect us with our body. They are being developed by large scientific institutes, corporations and small companies. We are talking about headphones that measure heart rate, lenses that monitor blood sugar levels, and with NFC technology.

As soon as developers can make such gadgets available, the market will be filled with various implants that will read important information in real time and display it on the same smart glasses.

4. Smart home

This technology has already become a reality. Refrigerators let you know which foods are running low, and you can control your oven with your smartphone.

In the future, the oven will learn to reheat food while you drive home, and the refrigerator will order food by itself. During this time, you can focus on more important things.

5. Virtual reality

Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR are a whole new gaming experience. Of course, science fiction writers have been flirting with the topic for a long time, but who thought about it seriously?

Game publishers and developers are spending multi-million dollar budgets to bring us new VR experiences. VR devices have room to grow: they are bulky and wired, but a start has been made. Soon we will be able to go anywhere in the world without leaving home.

6. Holographic images

Remember the holographic interfaces in Star Wars and Minority Report? Now this technology no longer seems like something fantastic.

The scope of holographic projections is limited not only to games and media. Imagine contact lenses that project an image onto the retina of the eye. People with vision problems will be able to see better without surgery.

7. Neural interface

A similarity of a neural interface has existed for a long time and has been successfully used in medicine. Quadriplegics - people with complete paralysis of the body - talk using a neural interface using a computer.

Of course, the technology is far from perfect. However, with the development of neurotechnologies, a paralyzed person will be able to return to society and live a full life.

Food delivery with one-stop service

The globalization of the Internet has reached incredible proportions. You can get access to the Web almost anywhere in the world, and if Elon Musk's large-scale project is successful, the Internet will be available everywhere.

It's no surprise that services like Uber are popping up. This is a taxi that you can call in almost any country using a mobile application. Recently, Uber has also become involved in food delivery. Soon there will be even more universal services.

9. Digital distribution

The world is rapidly changing. Some 15 years ago, we could not have imagined that we would no longer have to store stacks of music, movies and games at home. Steam and online cinemas have replaced our trip to the store. Instead of a new album from your favorite band, it's easier to buy a subscription to a music service at a similar price and get access to the entire discography.

Of course, digital distribution has not reached its peak, and many continue to use physical media, but such people are becoming less and less.

10. Robots

Robotics has come a long way in the last 10 years. Of course, more than a dozen years will pass before the appearance of terminators, but machines capable of shouldering heavy and monotonous work on their titanium shoulders will appear in the near future. For example, thanks to Boston Dynamics.

Solar panels - an environmentally friendly source of renewable energy

Almost certainly in the next 30 years we will completely switch from fossil energy sources to renewable ones. Oil and gas will eventually run out, but solar and wind power won't. In addition, solar panels are much more environmentally friendly.

Israel has already tested a road that will charge an electric car while driving. Apple this year patented a technology that will allow you to charge your smartphone over Wi-Fi. If the engineers can't create enough capacious batteries, then they will have to make sure that they do not discharge at all.

Constantly growing volumes of Internet traffic set the pace for the development of mobile networks. Messengers, video calls, 4K video and streaming services require new data transfer technologies, so the emergence of 5G Internet is inevitable in the near future.

14. Artificial intelligence

Creating a full-fledged - only a matter of time. This will be a turning point in the development of human civilization, after which the world will change forever.

In fact artificial intelligence no longer seems to be something unattainable, especially with the rapid pace of development of neural networks. Machine learning has already reached a high level and is capable of many things, including writing scripts, books and songs.

Of course, the programs do not work as well as we would like, but the neural network is a great example that we are moving in the right direction.

15. Graphene

In 2004, the first graphene sheet was produced. Since then, scientists have been trying to find a way to mass-produce the material.

Graphene is a versatile material with exceptional properties. It can be used in almost all areas of our lives. High-speed data transfer, water filters, and even an unbreakable smartphone case - all this is graphene. When the production of this material is put on stream, another industrial revolution awaits us.

The results of the latest research were published by scientists in December last year. FROM the most media scientific projects were represented NUST "MISiS" and "TOP-science" magazinein the first scientific hit parade.

Magic pill for the liver

Employees of the First Moscow State medical university them. THEM. Sechenov on the eve of the New Year made a gift to all lovers of strong drinks. They announced the development of a drug that can save the liver from harmful effects alcohol and other toxic substances.

Despite the fact that the moment for the presentation of the new drug was well chosen - when, if not on holidays, to take care of the liver? – scientists still need to conduct preclinical trials of this form. This means that a magic drug that saves the liver in situations of "increased load" will appear on the pharmacological market in five years.

Instead of a driver - a radar

The theme of self-driving cars remains one of the most popular in Russian science. Scientists Tomsk University systems of control and radio electronics created two mock-ups of the radar for the first Russian unmanned truck. They promised to transfer them to KamAZ for testing by the end of 2017.

At the same time, we are talking about the own development of domestic scientists, and not about an analogue of foreign samples. Upon completion of the tests, university staff plan to create a compact prototype of the radar, after which they will begin preparations for mass production.

universe on a diet

The dark matter of the universe is "losing weight," Russian scientists warn. According to physicists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institute nuclear research RAS and Novosibirsk State University, it is the decay of some dark particles that can explain the well-known oddities in astrophysics.

We are talking, in particular, about the Hubble constant, which has different meanings in regions near and far from us. It is noteworthy that over 13.8 billion years dark matter managed to "lose weight" by only 2-5%.

Life of the Chelyabinsk meteorite

The Chelyabinsk meteorites are so severe that even four years after the fall they are of interest in the scientific world. Scientists from the Physico-Technological Institute of the Ural Federal University gradually restored all the "life" cycles of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which exploded not only in the sky over the Urals, but also on YouTube in February 2013.

However, Yekaterinburg scientists are not going to rest on their laurels. They have already announced the study of the "Yaratkulov meteorite" that fell on the territory Chelyabinsk region at the beginning of the 20th century.

Abibas vs Adidas

Researchers from the National Research University Higher School of Economics found that the total turnover of illegal products on the Russian consumer market in 2015 amounted to approximately 2.5 trillion rubles. It is noteworthy that the largest share of counterfeit products - about 40% - is recorded on the alcohol market.

Nuclear fuel electricity

Employees of the Far East federal university developed, according to them, a method that has no analogues in the world for the manufacture of nuclear fuel for nuclear reactors - using electricity. Recall that the main type of fuel for reactors are tablet uranium oxide compositions, which are produced from powder by granulation, pressing and sintering. Primorye scientists proposed a different method of production - electropulse sintering under pressure.

Forewarned is forearmed

Scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University propose to deploy in Russia a network of reference stations located at the same distance from each other. Such stations can measure their position relative to each other with high accuracy.

The method is based on the property earth's surface before an earthquake, to significantly change its height above sea level in the region of future shocks, which serves as a precursor of seismic movement. These changes will be recorded by the network of stations, the scientists promise. However, with all the advantages of this method, it has one significant disadvantage: it is too expensive.

fantasy thieves

Employees of the Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics surprised the scientific world with another discovery. They developed a program to recognize plagiarism. After the plot of the film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" was loaded into it, it turned out that the film coincides 90% with the content of the famous Soviet cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet", filmed by Roman Kachanov in 1981.

So, the hero Newt Scamander is the same Professor Seleznev, Captain Zeleny became the prototype of Kowalski, and Porpentina is the same Alice. At the same time, we are talking not only about the number of main characters and their relationships, but also about the main storyline– search for fantastic animals

It is noteworthy that a year ago, TUSUR employees already made a similar disclosure. In February 2016, they stated that the content of the first film of the fantastic saga " star wars"Copies 96% of the fairy tale "Kashchey the Immortal", filmed by Alexander Rowe in 1944.


The world is improving every day, inventing and discovering something new, and without these achievements, we would not have come so far.

Scientists, researchers, developers and designers from all over the world are trying to implement something that will simplify our lives and make it more interesting.

Here are some technologies future that take our lives to a completely different level.

New technologies of the future

1. Biorefrigerators

A Russian designer has come up with a concept for a refrigerator called "Bio Robot Refrigerator" that cools food with biopolymer gel. It has no shelves, no compartments, no doors - you just stick your food into the gel.

The idea was proposed by Yuri Dmitriev for the competition Electrolux Design Lab. The refrigerator uses only 8 percent of the house's energy for the control panel and does not need any energy for the actual cooling.

The fridge biopolymer gel uses light generated at cold temperatures to preserve food. The gel itself is odorless and non-sticky, and the refrigerator can be wall or ceiling mounted.

2. Ultra-fast 5G internet from solar-powered drones

Google is working on solar-paneled drones that distribute super-fast internet in a project called Project Skybender. In theory Drones will provide Internet services 40 times faster than in 4G networks, allowing you to transfer gigabytes of data per second.

The project provides for the use millimeter waves to provide the service, as the existing spectrum for mobile transmission is too full.

However, these waves have a shorter range than a 4G mobile signal. Google is working on this problem, and if all technical problems can be solved, the Internet of unprecedented speed may soon appear.

3. 5D disks for eternal storage of terabytes of data

Researchers have created a 5D disc that records data in 5 dimensions that lasts for billions of years. He can store 360 terabytes of data and withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees.

The files on the disk are made up of three layers of nanodots. The five dimensions of the disk refer to the size and orientation of the dots, and their position within the three dimensions. As light passes through the disk, the dots change the polarization of the light, which is read by the microscope and polarizer.

The Southampton team that develops the disc has been able to get the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Newton's Optics, Magna Carta and the Bible onto the disc. In a few years, such a disk will no longer be an experiment, but will become the norm for data storage.

4. Injection of oxygen particles

Scientists at the Boston Children's Hospital have developed microparticles filled with oxygen that can be injected into the bloodstream allowing you to live even if you can't breathe.

Microparticles consist of a single layer of lipid capsules that surround a small oxygen bubble. The 2-4 micrometer capsules are suspended in a fluid that controls their size, as larger bubbles can be dangerous.

When injected, the capsules collide with red blood cells and transfer oxygen. Thanks to this method, it was possible to introduce 70 percent of oxygen into the blood.

5. Underwater transport tunnels

Norway plans to build the world's first underwater floating bridges at a depth of 30 meters under water using large pipes wide enough for two lanes.

Given the difficulty of moving around the area, Norway decided to work on the creation of underwater bridges. The $25 billion project is expected to be completed in 2035.

There are other factors to be considered, such as the influence of wind, waves and strong currents on the bridge.

6. Bioluminescent trees

The development team decided to create bioluminescent trees using an enzyme found in some jellyfish and fireflies.

Such trees will be able to illuminate the streets and help passers-by see better at night. A small version of the project has already been developed in the form of a plant that glows in the dark. The next step will be the trees that light up the streets.

7. Roll-up TVs

LG developed a prototype TV that can be rolled up like a roll of paper.

The TV uses polymer-based LED technology to reduce the thickness of the screen.

Apart from LG, other major electronics manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony and Mitsubishi are working on making screens more flexible and portable.

Technology development in the future

8. Bionic lens for lightRhuman vision

Canadian doctor is going to conduct clinical trials "bionic lenses" that improve 100% vision by 3 times with an 8-minute painless operation.

The new lens will be available as early as 2017, improving the natural lens of the eye. During the operation, a syringe injects a saline lens into the eye, and after 10 seconds, the folded lens straightens and rests over the natural lens, completely correcting vision.

9. Spray clothes

Spanish designer Manel Torres invented the world's first spray-on clothing. You can spray on any part of the body and then take it off, wash it off and wear it again.

The spray is made from special fibers mixed with polymers that give the fabric elasticity and durability. This technology will allow designers to create unique garments with original designs.

10. DNA-derived portraits

Student Heather Dewey-Hagborg creates 3D portraits from DNA found on cigarette butts and chewing gum on the street.

She introduces DNA sequences into computer program, which creates the appearance of a person from a sample. Usually, during this process, a 25-year-old version of a person is issued. The model is then printed into 3D life-size portraits.

11. Shopping in virtual reality

One of these shops was opened at the railway station in South Korea, where you can place an order by photographing the barcode and your purchases will be delivered to your home.

Chain of stores home plus installed six screen doors with life-size images of shelves filled with items you would buy in a supermarket. Under each item there is a barcode that can be scanned and sent using the app.

You can place an order at the station on your way to work, and the goods will be delivered to your home in the evening.

12. Self-driving cars

Expected that by 2020 there will be about 10 million unmanned vehicles, which will reduce the number of deaths by 2,500 between 2014 and 2030.

Many car manufacturers have already begun to implement some of the automatic driving features in their cars.

There are also many companies trying to develop technologies for self-driving cars, such as Google, which announced a self-driving car prototype. A fully autonomous vehicle is expected by 2019.

13. City under the dome

Construction underway in Dubai a mall called the "Mall of the World" covered by a retractable dome which controls the climate inside, and supplies air conditioning.

The complex will occupy an area of ​​4.46 km2 and will include a large beauty and health center, a cultural and entertainment area, hotels with 20,000 rooms and much more. It will be the largest mall with a closed theme park.

14. Artificial Leaves Transforming carbon dioxide and sunlight into fuel

Scientists have developed new solar cells that convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere into fuel using the sun.

While many attempts have been made to convert carbon dioxide into something useful, this is the first time an actual method has been developed. Unlike other technologies that require precious metals such as silver, this method uses a tungsten-based material that is 20 times cheaper and 1,000 times faster.

These solar cells use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to produce syngas, a mixture of hydrogen gas and carbon monoxide that can be directly burned or converted into hydrocarbon fuels.

Technologies of the near future

15. Plasma force field that protects cars from accidents and collisions

Boeing has patented a method to create a plasma field by rapidly heating the air to quickly absorb shock waves.

The force field can be generated using lasers or microwave radiation. The plasma created is air heated to a higher temperature than the surrounding air, with a different density and composition. The company believes that it will be able to reflect and absorb the energy generated by the explosion, protecting those inside the field.

If the technology can be brought to life, it will be a revolutionary development in the military field.

16. Floating cities

Floating ecopolis called Lilypad, was proposed by architect Vincent Callebaut for future climate refugees as a long-term solution to rising sea levels. The city can accommodate 50,000 people using renewable energy sources.

The anti-plagiarism program brought Fantastic Beasts to light, a magic pill will save the liver after a festive feast, and earthquakes can finally be predicted ... This is only part latest developments Russian scientists, vigorously discussed not only in the scientific world, but also on the Web.

The results of the latest research were published by scientists in December last year. The most media scientific projects were presented by NUST MISIS and TOP-Science magazine in the first scientific hit parade.

Magic pill for the liver

Employees of the First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov on the eve of the New Year made a gift to all lovers of strong drinks. They reported on the development of a drug that can save the liver from the harmful effects of alcohol and other toxic substances.

Despite the fact that the moment for the presentation of the new drug was well chosen - when, if not on holidays, to take care of the liver? – scientists still need to conduct preclinical trials of this form. This means that a magic drug that saves the liver in situations of "increased load" will appear on the pharmacological market in five years.

Instead of a driver - a radar

The topic of unmanned vehicles remains one of the most popular in Russian science. Scientists have created two radar models for the first Russian unmanned truck. They promised to transfer them to KamAZ for testing by the end of 2017.

At the same time, we are talking about the own development of domestic scientists, and not about an analogue of foreign samples. Upon completion of the tests, university staff plan to create a compact prototype of the radar, after which they will begin preparations for mass production.

universe on a diet

The dark matter of the universe is "losing weight," Russian scientists warn. According to physicists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Novosibirsk State University, namely, the decay of some dark particles can explain the well-known oddities in astrophysics.

We are talking, in particular, about the Hubble constant, which has different values ​​in the near and far regions of the Universe. It is noteworthy that over 13.8 billion years of dark matter managed to "lose weight" by only 2-5%.

Life of the Chelyabinsk meteorite

The Chelyabinsk meteorites are so severe that even four years after the fall they are of interest in the scientific world. Scientists from the Physico-Technological Institute of the Ural Federal University gradually restored all the "life" cycles of the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which exploded not only in the sky over the Urals, but also on YouTube in February 2013.

However, Yekaterinburg scientists are not going to rest on their laurels. They have already announced the study of the "Yaratkulov meteorite", which fell on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region at the beginning of the 20th century.

Abibas vs Adidas

Researchers from the National Research University Higher School of Economics found that the total turnover of illegal products on the Russian consumer market in 2015 amounted to approximately 2.5 trillion rubles. It is noteworthy that the largest share of counterfeit products - about 40% - is recorded on the alcohol market.

Nuclear fuel electricity

Employees of the Far Eastern Federal University have developed, according to them, a method that has no analogues in the world for the manufacture of nuclear fuel for nuclear reactors - using electricity. Recall that the main type of fuel for reactors are tablet uranium oxide compositions, which are produced from powder by granulation, pressing and sintering. Primorye scientists proposed a different method of production - electropulse sintering under pressure.

Forewarned is forearmed

Scientists of the Far Eastern Federal University propose to deploy in Russia a network of reference stations located at the same distance from each other. Such stations can measure their position relative to each other with high accuracy.

The method is based on the property of the earth's surface before an earthquake to significantly change its height above sea level in the region of future shocks, which serves as a precursor of seismic movement. These changes will be recorded by the network of stations, the scientists promise. However, with all the advantages of this method, it has one significant disadvantage: it is too expensive.

fantasy thieves

Employees of the Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics surprised the scientific world with another discovery. They developed a program to recognize plagiarism. After the plot of the film "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" was loaded into it, it turned out that the film coincides 90% with the content of the famous Soviet cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet", filmed by Roman Kachanov in 1981.

So, the hero Newt Scamander is the same Professor Seleznev, Captain Zeleny became the prototype of Kowalski, and Porpentina is the same Alice. At the same time, we are talking not only about the number of main characters and their relationships, but also about the main storyline - the search for fantastic animals.

It is noteworthy that a year ago, TUSUR employees already made a similar disclosure. In February 2016, they announced that the content of the first film of the fantastic Star Wars saga was 96% copied from the fairy tale Kashchei the Immortal, filmed by Alexander Rowe in 1944.

  • What Tomsk residents show at the Army-2018 forum

    The international military-technical forum "Army-2018" is being held in the Moscow region from August 21 to 26. A delegation of representatives of eight innovative companies, three universities and one research institute went there from the Tomsk region.

  • Tomsk student develops a device for postoperative cancer treatment

    Student of Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), participant of the UMNIK program Alena Anishchenko is developing a device for heating tissue-replacing implants used in the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

  • More than 30 TPU students and postgraduates received scholarships from the President and the Government of the Russian Federation

    Among the scholarship holders of the President of the Russian Federation are four students and seven postgraduate students of Tomsk polytechnic university. The Russian Government scholarship will be awarded to 13 students and seven postgraduate students. During school year In addition to the main one, they will receive an additional monthly stipend.

  • Tomsk University presented equipment for creating the Internet of things and 5G at the Army forum

    ​Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), together with Tesart, presented equipment for high-precision measurements at the Army-2019 military-technical forum, which is necessary for creating Internet of Things (IoT) systems, 5G networks , as well as the development of radars and radio navigators.

  • TUSUR Rector takes part in Russian Blockchain Week – 2017

    TUSUR Rector Alexander Shelupanov takes part in the Russian Blockchain Week - 2017 forum, which takes place on October 26 - 28 in the Russian economic university them. G. V. Plekhanov (PRUE).

  • TUSUR presented successful practices in science, education, innovation at VUZPROMEXPO

    ​TUSUR Rector Viktor Rulevskiy and university president Alexander Shelupanov took part in the business program of the national exhibition VUZPROMEXPO-2019, presenting successful cases of the university at several venues of the event.

  • Russia is one of the world's largest countries capable of conducting advanced developments in various branches of technology and production. AT last years many successful projects have appeared using the latest Russian technologies.

    The Vocord company has come up with an innovative face recognition system. It is suitable for smartphones and other gadgets. Their competitors are the big market companies Samsung and Apple. But the latter still have serious difficulties and shortcomings. For example, a Samsung smartphone can be easily unlocked by holding a picture of the owner downloaded from social networks. Therefore, the Russian development is of great interest. Vokorod prophesies that their novelty has great prospects.

    A Russian company has successfully developed a cloud service for drones. It's called Le Talo Robotics. It has all the statistics on the operation of the drone. Using it, you can easily evaluate the status of the device and identify emerging problems. Also, scientists have already invented a charging station for drones, which aroused the curiosity of many investors.

    Domestic printer prints products using electron beam technology. The equipment was created by the Tomsk company TETA, and the project was developed at the Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science.

    The printer has the ability to take into work alloys that change their properties when in contact with air. As for the sizes, they can be very different.

    The developers plan to actively use the innovation also in shipbuilding and mechanical engineering


    With the help of new technologies, Russian scientists have come up with a "man-borne robot" called ExoAtlet. Its purpose is the rehabilitation of patients with the following problems:

    • unsuccessful operations;
    • trauma;
    • post-stroke states.

    Such a robot helps the patient in independent movement, speeds up the recovery process.

    It is a vehicle powered exclusively by solar energy. The car receives it due to solar panels, the total area of ​​​​which is 4 square meters. m. The body is made of a composite material, also used in space production and rocket science.

    The creation of the solar car is carried out by specialists at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. The project is actively supported Russian Ministry industry and trade, as well as Kaspersky Lab.

    Moscow technical institute presented a unique new invention - a virtual reality helmet equipped with built-in intelligence. It is suitable for use in a wide variety of industries. Among them:

    • entertainment industry;
    • education;
    • the medicine;
    • art;
    • defense.

    The creators claim that the helmet has surpassed foreign analogues in all technical characteristics.

    The largest corporations from Silicon Valley are busy creating vehicles that can fly. Our country is also not lagging behind and is preparing to release similar devices. Hoversurf has invented a flying motorcycle "Scorpion-3", which develops a speed of 320 km / h. It has the ability to keep recharging up to 450 km. The new Russian technology of the future has already aroused interest from abroad.

    Researchers at Tomsk Polytechnic University are developing unique technologies that provide wireless energy transmission via mobile communications over impressive distances. At the same time, it is planned to use fifth-generation communications. According to the invented algorithm, the transfer of energy will occur from one device to another along with the radio signal. Now this innovation is being tested for effectiveness.

    Among the latest Russian technologies and developments is the BiTronics designer. Its purpose is to study human biosignals. For example, it is possible to create human-machine control interfaces.

    Additional branches of use:

    • the study of robotics, physical and mathematical sciences among schoolchildren;
    • improvement of sports sensors, heart rate monitors and other devices.

    In the future, it is possible to bring the product to the international level.

    The company "Motorika" creates highly effective methods for limb prosthetics with a unique design. They created an innovation that allows a person with an injury to return the grip function to the upper limb. It's called an active traction prosthesis. Devices can be built into it to provide wireless Internet access. The data is displayed on the display, which is located on the forearm.

    The price of such a product is an order of magnitude lower than that of foreign developments. In some cases, the state provides compensation, and you can get a prosthesis absolutely free.

    Modern aircraft cover long distances, but they take a lot of time. Russian aviation science Center engaged in work on the creation of supersonic airliners. For this, third-party specialists are actively involved, since the range of tasks is very wide. By preliminary estimates, the new aircraft will emit noise comparable to that of conventional civil aircraft.

    Scientists are faced with the following tasks:

    • development of a preliminary structural-power scheme of the airframe;
    • selection of basic structural materials;
    • evaluation of engine characteristics;
    • alignment of the necessary thermal protection of the device;
    • development of requirements for measuring instruments.

    Supersonic aircraft will be able to make a transatlantic flight in just a couple of hours.

    Robot rover

    The Anywalker device has become a useful domestic startup. It is a small robot capable of moving independently. Anywalker also presses buttons and opens doors, moves up stairs.

    A plan has been developed to scale the production of such devices up to one thousand copies annually.

    This is a device that provides a direct quantum channel for the exchange of information between two subscribers. This invention is being developed by scientists Faculty of Physics in Moscow state university. Conversations on such a device will be completely protected from "eavesdropping". This requires that the phones are connected by fiber optics. It is through it that the transmission of quantum states of light takes place.

    "Smart" agricultural machinery

    This project is being actively developed and supported by financial injections from the state. Cognitive Technologies has developed a computer vision system that allows agricultural machinery to see dangerous objects in the fields in the form of poles, stones, etc. This information is used to ensure the safety of mechanisms during harvesting.

    The first tractor equipped with this system has already been successfully tested on Russian fields. The widespread use of "smart" agricultural machinery will significantly save money (up to tens of millions of rubles annually on a single farm).

    Tomsk State University has invented a special laser designed to cut biological tissues and bones. The setup was developed on strontium vapor and can operate at different wavelengths. It is compact and fits on a regular table. Under the influence of a laser beam, a cut and a thin film remain on the tissues.

    Scientists plan to test the invention and want to use it in neurosurgery, implantology and other medical fields.

    Microchips are at the heart of all modern technology. The smaller their size, the more compact the device will be. Moscow scientists have come up with the thinnest microcircuit in the world, its thickness is only one molecule.

    When the new Russian technology is introduced into production, there will be miniature gadgets, pacemakers and other devices. This invention, according to experts, is capable of "turning the world." It will reduce energy consumption, weight and dimensions of gadgets, and performance will rise to a new level.

    Students from Perm decided to make a robot that can not only move independently, but also communicate with people. They created Promobot, which determines the age and gender of a person, recognizes faces. He owns a huge vocabulary, connected to the Internet and can provide answers to many questions. Such a robot is suitable for performing the functions of a seller, waiter or administrator. Promobot is used by some Perm shopping and entertainment centers and banks. Its cost is ten thousand dollars, which is much cheaper than Korean counterparts.

    In the coming year, Tomsk Polytechnic University plans to start creating a new X-ray tomograph. It will differ in that it can work with the phase of an electromagnetic wave. While conventional devices work only with its amplitude. This will allow the device to obtain much more information about the structure of the objects of study.

    In addition to application in the medical field, the invention is suitable for diagnosing composite products.

    The project is actively financed by the state and industrial partners.

    Drones are being developed not only in America, but also in our country. At the Urban Forum, the Volgabas company from the city of Volzhsky developed and presented the first unmanned bus. It is made entirely from spare parts of domestic production. Such a bus is suitable for transporting passengers in closed areas. It is planned that in 2018 the first copies will already appear in the capital.

    Rostec Corporation presents the latest unique camera. Her main feature in that it has a short-wave infrared range. It achieves high levels of natural contrasts and better night illumination.

    "All-seeing" cameras can be used in different areas. Among them:

    • monitoring of agricultural land;
    • ship navigation;
    • checking the authenticity of banknotes.

    There are many in Russia talented people, which can bring a lot more interesting ideas and inventions. In the coming years, there will be many more new technologies that will radically change the world.