The main objective assessment of the level of education. Basic principles of education. State educational standard

Pedagogy test

for teachers and teachers of general education disciplines,

those applying for the highest and first qualification categories

Choose the correct answer

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

1. Educational program.

2. Curriculum.

3. State educational standard.

4. Law “On Education”.

Correct answer: state educational standard

Source educational information, revealing in a form accessible to students the content provided for by educational standards - this is:

1. Textbook.

2. Curriculum.

3. Curriculum.

4. Workbook.

Correct answer: textbook

The regulatory framework for the creation of general educational institutions Russian Federation working curricula, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

1. Law “On Education”.

2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

3. Basic curriculum.

4. State educational standard.

Correct answer: core curriculum

Under the system of value relations of students formed in the educational process - to themselves, to other participants educational process, the educational process itself, objects of knowledge, results educational activities The new standard of general secondary education means:

1. Personal results

3. Subject results

Correct answer: personal results

Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training is built, teaching practice. - This

1. Pedagogical technologies

2. Pedagogical rules

3. Pedagogical patterns

4. Pedagogical principles.

Correct answer: pedagogical patterns

Fundamental basis pedagogical activity based on a specific concept is:

1. Strategy

3. Technology

4. Methodology

Correct answer: an approach

Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:

1 Principle of fundamentalization

4. The principle of completeness of education.

Correct answer: principle of advanced education

Inclusion of activity components into the content of education - goal setting, planning, educational technologies, as well as types of student activities - research, discussions, construction, etc. is a reflection of:

1. The principle of structural unity of the content of education at various levels of community and at the interdisciplinary level

2. The principle of unity of content and procedural-activity aspects of learning

3. The principle of accessibility and natural conformity of educational content.

4. The principle of taking into account social conditions and needs of society.

Correct answer: the principle of unity of the content and procedural aspects of learning

Question: The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations forms the basis of:

Correct answer: information function of pedagogical activity

Will be replaced by

The set of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in which a person must be aware and have practical experience is:

1. Competence

2. Competence

3. Method of operation

4. Ability

Correct answer: competence

The requirement for the standardization of the actions of a teacher who transmits cultural examples to other people forms the basis:

1. Transformative function of pedagogical activity

2. Information function of pedagogical activity

3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity

4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

Correct answer: demonstration function of pedagogical activity

Question: Pedagogical support refers to types of teaching activities called:

1. Direct pedagogical

2. Organizational and pedagogical

3. Corrective

4. Methodological

Correct answer: correctional

Replaced by:

Methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects are

1. Personal results

2. Subject results

Correct answer: meta-subject results

Pedagogical diagnostics refers to types of pedagogical activities called:

1. Methodological

2. Creative and pedagogical

3. Organizational and pedagogical

4. Direct pedagogical

Correct answer: organizational and pedagogical

The judgment “They determine the tactics of pedagogical activity, have applied, practical significance, are aimed at solving particular pedagogical problems, reflect a particular pedagogical pattern or a separate cause-and-effect relationship” characterizes

1. Pedagogical principles

2. Pedagogical techniques

3. Pedagogical rules

4. Pedagogical methods

Correct answer: pedagogical rules

The method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:

1. Methodical technique

2. Rule

4. Technology

Correct answer: method

The principle that ensures the unity of the general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions - these are:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

Correct answer: principle of completeness of education

The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the learning process, stage-by-stage diagnostics, vary means and methods in order to correct results is

1. Efficiency educational technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

Correct answer: controllability of pedagogical technology

Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has high degree efficiency, reliability, guaranteed results - this is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

Correct answer: technology

The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

1. The principle of cultural conformity

2. Principle of individualization

3. The principle of natural conformity

4. The principle of personal orientation

Correct answer: principle of conformity with nature

1. Typical

2. Creative

3. Non-standard

4. Improvisational

Correct answer: creative

Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:

1. Learning

2. Research

3. Pedagogical communication

4. Education

Correct answer: study

Among the listed types of teaching activities, the basic ones include:

1. Design

2. Research

3. Organizational and methodological work

4. Pedagogical communication

Correct answer: pedagogical communication

A product that has the potential to improve results educational system when used appropriately it is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

Correct answer: innovation

In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods distinguished by:

1. Leading source of knowledge.

2. The nature of students’ mental activity.

3. Leading didactic goal.

4. Logic of reasoning.

Correct answer: leading source of knowledge

The program and methodological complex “Information Culture” as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

1. Level of general theoretical representation

2. Level of academic subject

3. Level of educational material

4. Level of the learning process

Correct answer: subject level

A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment

Correct answer: Innovation

Pedagogy test

for specialists in the field of education(social teachers, senior counselors, GPA teachers, hostel teachers; teachers and managers structural divisions MOU and GOU DOD),

those applying for the highest and first qualification categories

Choose the correct answer

The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is

1. Educational program.

2. Curriculum.

3. State educational standard.

4. Law “On Education”.

A source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in a form accessible to students is:

1. Textbook.

2. Curriculum.

3. Curriculum.

4. Workbook.

The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:

1. Law “On Education”.

2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation

3. Basic curriculum.

4. State educational standard.

The process of internal change in a person, ensuring the realization of his life potential and purpose is:


2. Training

3. Upbringing

4. Development

Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties to the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built - This

1. Pedagogical technologies

2. Pedagogical rules

3. Pedagogical patterns

4. Pedagogical principles.

The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

1. Strategy

3. Technology

4. Methodology

Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:

1 Principle of fundamentalization

The idea of ​​the movement “with children to the subject” refers to:

1. Nature-appropriate education system

2. Creative teaching system

3. Personally-oriented learning system

4. Culturally appropriate education system

The process of adaptation of an individual to life in society, the process of assimilation and reproduction by an individual of social experience, norms, values - This

1. Education

2. Education

3. Socialization

4. Development

A document in which the goal is recorded and presented in a reasoned manner educational process, thematic and curriculum, ways and methods of their implementation, criteria for assessing results in the conditions of a particular educational institution are:

1. Educational standard.

2. Basic curriculum.

3. Calendar and thematic planning.

4. Educational program

A purposeful and organized process of interaction between teachers and children, aimed at students mastering knowledge, skills and abilities is:

1. Education.

2. Education.

3. Education.

4. Development.

The process of purposeful, systematic formation of personality in order to prepare it for active participation in social, industrial and cultural life - This:

1. Education

2. Training

3. Development

4. Upbringing

The judgment “They determine the tactics of pedagogical activity, have applied, practical significance, are aimed at solving particular pedagogical problems, reflect a particular pedagogical pattern or a separate cause-and-effect relationship” characterizes

1. Pedagogical principles

2. Pedagogical techniques

3. Pedagogical rules

4. Pedagogical methods

A method of orderly interconnected activities of a teacher and students aimed at solving educational problems is:

1. Methodical technique

2. Rule

4. Technology

The principle that ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions is:

1. The principle of openness

2. The principle of variability in education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of completeness of education

The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the learning process, stage-by-stage diagnostics, vary means and methods in order to correct results is

1. The effectiveness of educational technology

2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology

3. Controllability of pedagogical technology

4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology

Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:

1. The principle of cultural conformity

2. Principle of individualization

3. The principle of natural conformity

4. The principle of personal orientation

Methodological orientation in cognitive and practical activities, which involves the use of a set of ideas, concepts and methods in the study and management of open nonlinear self-organizing systems is:

1. Synergetic approach

2. Paradigmatic approach

3. Technological approach

4. Activity approach

In domestic pedagogy, the developer of the method of parallel pedagogical action, when in educational process the “teacher-student” interaction is complemented by the “team-student” interaction;


A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system if used appropriately is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

The easiest way to determine the type of lesson is:

1. For didactic purposes;

2. According to the sequence of lesson elements;

3. By the amount of time allocated to achieve the main goal of the lesson;

4. By teacher activity

In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:

1. Leading source of knowledge.

2. The nature of students’ mental activity.

3. Leading didactic goal.

4. Logic of reasoning.

The program and methodological complex “Information Culture” as an element of the content of general secondary education refers to:

1. Level of general theoretical representation

2. Level of academic subject

3. Level of educational material

4. Level of the learning process

A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment

Match the pedagogical discovery with the name of the scientist-teacher who made it

Principles of natural and cultural conformity of training and education

Progressivist didactic concept of “learning by doing”

The principle of educational teaching

F.A.V. Diesterweg

The first fundamental work on the theory of learning “The Great Didactics”

Match the group of competencies and personality traits of a school graduate

Communication competencies.

Ability to set a goal and organize its achievement

Sociocultural competencies.

Knowledge and application of rules of behavior in extreme situations

Natural history and health-preserving competencies.

Ability to act in everyday family situations

Possession various types speech activity

Matchname of the approach to the design of educational programs and its essence


2. Without losing sight of the original problem, the range of knowledge related to it is expanded and deepened


1. Separate parts (portions) of educational material are arranged sequentially one after another without duplicating the topics studied in different years of study.


3. It is possible to return to the same material at different periods of study, for example after several years, providing for the complication and expansion of its content

Match teaching method and corresponding didactic goal

Cognitive method

Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Control method

Creative use of skills and abilities

Conversion method

Identification of the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction

Systematizing method

Perception, comprehension, memorization of new material

Match the evaluation function with its characteristic


4. Identifying causes educational results


3.Formation adequate self-esteem student


2. Determining the degree of success of the student in mastering the educational material


1.Encouragement and stimulation educational activities

?To match the group of competencies and personality traits of a school graduate?

Sociocultural competencies

1. Having experience in perceiving the picture of the world

Value-semantic competencies.

2.Ability to navigate information flows

Information competencies

3. The ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their consequences

Educational and cognitive competencies

4. Knowledge of cultural norms and traditions

Match the form of training with its characteristics:


Organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds


Interaction between the teacher and the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility of each for the overall result


The teacher works with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks


Teacher interaction with one student

To match the aspect of the content of the pedagogical idea and its essence:

Sociopractical aspect

Correlation of an idea with certain attitudes of individuals, groups of people (communities) or society as a whole, compliance with sociocultural norms

Value-semantic aspect

Generalized characteristics of the subjects of pedagogical activity, regional and cultural-historical characteristics, temporal and spatial possibilities for the implementation of the idea, social, pedagogical, material and other conditions of training and education

Activity aspect

Mechanism for managing the functioning and development of an idea

Prognostic aspect

A way to put an idea into practice

To harmonize the educational approach and the features of its application in the educational process


Formation personal qualities students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality


Using the ability of socio-pedagogical systems to adapt to environment based on self-organization


Modeling pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience


Creating conditions for entering into the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning

Match the teaching method and the features of its implementation

Explanatory and illustrative

Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)


The teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving a problem, receive an example of the development of cognition

Problem presentation

The student performs actions according to the teacher's model


The teacher communicates information, the students perceive it

Match the name of the textbook component to its essential characteristics

Informative component

Focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical activities

Reproductive component

Presented using verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge)

Creative component

Reflects ideological, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations

Emotional-value component

Asked using problematic presentation, problematic questions and tasks

Matchtype of pedagogical analysis and its main task:

Didactic type of lesson analysis

Assessing the final result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students

Methodical type of analysis

Study and assessment of the activities of teachers and students through subject content

Psychological type of analysis.

Studying the teacher’s working style, students’ well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and development of educational activities


Assessing the representation of the following categories in the lesson: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, feasibility of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness

Match type teaching experience and characteristics of the appropriate level of professional pedagogical competence:

Personal experience

Design of new educational standards, pronounced authorship in all components of the pedagogical system

Massive Experience

Focus on pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system

Best Practices for Improvement

Possession the highest examples technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science;

Transformative best practices

Possession of the basics of the profession

Align the form of control of educational results and the target orientation of control:

Preliminary control

Comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process

Current control

Determining and recording the student’s initial level of training, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity

Periodic control

Diagnosing the quality of a student’s assimilation of the fundamentals and interrelations of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas

Final control

Systematic verification and evaluation of student’s educational results on specific topics in separate classes

Match the group of methods with the basis of their classification

Logical approach

Informing, formation of skills, consolidation of knowledge, verification of knowledge

Information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching

Correlation between the activities of the teacher and students

Explanatory and illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research

Didactic purpose

Inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis

Set sequence levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience in the logic of the transition from theory to practice:

1. Level of the subject.

2. Level of the student’s personality structure

3. Level of the learning process

4. Level of general theoretical understanding.

5. Level of educational material

Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

1. Partial search method

2. Reproductive method.

3. Research method

4. Method of problem presentation

5. Information-receptive method.

Establish the sequence of stages in the methodology for organizing student reflection in the lesson:

1. Restoring the sequence of actions of the completed objective activity.

2. Adjustment of subsequent subject activities

3. Completion or special stop of ongoing substantive activities

4. Comparison of the purpose of the subject activity and the sequence of actions performed.

5. Formulating the results of reflection.

Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation

2. The concept of educational content.

Establish the correct sequence of stages for drawing up a working paper educational program:

1. Concretizing the meaning of the course in terms of goals that represent the anticipated learning outcome.

2. Determination of children’s developed skills and abilities , priority for each course topic.

3. Establishing forms of control, reflection and evaluation of educational results.

4. Determination of forms and methods of teaching that ensure the implementation of planned activities of students and the development of appropriate abilities.

5. Identifying types of student activities that correspond to the skill or ability being developed.

6. Clarification and updating of the meaning of the course being studied.

7. Grouping the thematic content of the program.

Set the sequence of stages thematic planning training sessions:

1. Definition of the main blocks thematic plan.

2. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

3. Study of the educational program training course

4. Planning training sessions within each block of the training course

5. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course

Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

1. Identifying the need for changes in the subjects of the educational process

2. Introduction and dissemination of innovations Identification of the need for changes in areas of the educational process

3. Transferring innovation to permanent use

4. Developing ways to solve problems (innovation design)

Establish the sequence of stages of the problem lesson:

1. Reflection on the results and progress of solving the problem problem

2. Proposing a hypothesis as a projected result of solving a problem problem

3. Updating the knowledge and skills of students necessary to solve a problem problem

4. Introduction problematic situation

5. Testing the hypothesis

Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson

2. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson.

3. a brief description of class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material

4. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure

5. Assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities

Establish a sequence of stages for summarizing best pedagogical experience

1. Theoretical search

2. Accumulation and processing of factual material

3. Organizational stage

4. Propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience

5. Evaluating evidence and making decisions

Choose the correct answer:

1) Regulatory document ensuring the implementation of state educational
standard, taking into account regional (national) characteristics, type and type of educational
institution, educational needs and requests of students (pupils) are:

1. Educational institution development program

2. Basic educational program of the educational institution

3. Basic curriculum

4. Additional educational program

2) The system of value relations of students formed in the educational process -

1. Personal results

3. Subject results

3) The ability to plan one’s own activities in accordance with the assigned task and the conditions for its implementation refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. Cognitive actions

4. Personal actions

4) The ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, to act within the framework of moral standards refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. Cognitive actions

4. Personal actions

5) The ability to carry out an extensive search for information using library resources and the Internet, and exchange information in the educational process refers to:

1. Regulatory actions

2. Communicative actions

3. General educational activities

4. Personal actions

6) The basis for distinguishing the following types of educational lessons: a lesson in setting an educational task, a lesson in transforming an educational task, a modeling lesson, a lesson in transforming a model, a lesson in constructing a system of concrete practical problems, a lesson in control, an assessment lesson is:

1. Structure of educational activities

2. Techniques for activating cognitive interest

3. Ways to organize communication

4 Techniques for developing study skills

7) The principle that ensures the transition from an adaptive and reproductive model of education to an activity-based and transformative one is the principle:

1 The principle of complete education

2. The principle of variable education

3. The principle of advanced education

4. The principle of developmental education

8) Activities to transform educational practice, through the creation, dissemination and development of new educational systems or their components, are:

1. Pedagogical activity

2. Innovation activities

3. Design and research activities

4. Expert and analytical activities

9) Construction of developmental educational processes within a certain age interval, creating conditions for the development of the child as a subject of activity, is:

1. Social and pedagogical design

2. Pedagogical design

3. Psychological and pedagogical design

4. Didactic design

10) A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system if used appropriately is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Innovation

4. Technology

11) A purposeful change that introduces new stable elements into the implementation environment, resulting in a transition of the system from one state to another, is:

1. Innovation

2. Innovation

3. Technology

4. Experiment


12) Match the view innovation activity(project, research, educational) its characteristics -

design - aimed at developing special, instrumental and technological knowledge about that.
how based scientific knowledge in given conditions it is necessary to act in order to achieve this. What
could or should be (“innovation project”)

scientific research - aimed at obtaining new knowledge about how something can be
(“discovery”) and about that. how something can be made (“invention”)

educational - aimed at the professional development of subjects of a certain practice, at
formation of each person’s personal knowledge (experience) about this. what and how they should do to
the innovative project is embodied in practice (“implementation”)

13) Bring it into line with the system-forming principle modern education(principle
advanced education, principle of completeness of education, principle of variability, principle
fundamentalization) its content:

The principle of completeness of education - the unity of general, special and additional education in
all types of educational institutions

The principle of advanced education - priority development education sector compared to others
socio-economic structures

The principle of variability is the unity of diversity, allowing each person to choose and
develop your own position, your own educational trajectory

The principle of fundamentalization is the formation of a holistic picture of the world, adequate to the idea
interdisciplinarity of knowledge systems

14) Bring it into line with the educational approach (system-activity; personal-oriented: project-oriented: sociocultural) feature of its application in educational process:

System-activity - involves the development of the student’s personality based on the system
universal ways of activity

Design - involves ideal design and practical implementation, as well as
reflexive correlation of the plan and the consequences of its implementation

Sociocultural - involves the formation of socially significant competencies and
focus on core values social groups, most significant for a certain type

Personality-oriented - involves modeling pedagogical conditions for actualization
and development of personal experience

15) Match the teaching method (reproductive: problem presentation: explanatory-illustrative: research) with the features of its implementation:

Explanatory and illustrative - the teacher communicates information, students perceive it

Reproductive - The student performs actions according to the teacher’s model

Problem presentation - The teacher poses a problem to the students and shows the way to solve itsolutions: students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive an example of the development of cognition

Research - Independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical)

Set sequence:

16) Establish the sequence of design stages in education:

1. Model

2. Motivational

3. Reflexive-expert

4. Conceptual

5. Implementation

2, 4, 1, 5, 3 motivational, conceptual, model, implementation, reflective-expert

17) Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students:

1. Reproductive method

2. Information-receptive method

3. Partial search method

4. Method of problem presentation

5. Research method

2, 1, 4, 3, 5 information-receptive, reproductive, problem presentation, partially search, research

18) Establish the sequence of components of the structure of educational activity in the logic of its formation:

1. Monitoring and evaluation activities

2. Cognitive need

3. Learning task

4. Educational and cognitive motive

5. Learning activities

2, 4, 3, 5, 1 cognitive need, educational-cognitive motive, educational task, learning activities, monitoring and evaluation activities

19) Establish a sequence of development situations aimed at mastering the content and form of students’ leading activities:

1. Educational and project

2. Preschool playroom

3. Educational

4. Preschool and educational

5. Educational and professional

6. Gaming

6, 2, 4, 3, 1, 5 play, preschool-game, preschool-educational, educational, educational-project, educational-professional

20) Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process:

1.Identification of the need for changes in subjects of the educational process

2.Identification of the need for changes in areas of the educational process

3.Development of ways to solve problems (designing innovations)

4.Transfer of innovation to permanent use

5.Introduction and dissemination of innovation

2, 1, 3, 5, 4 identifying the need for changes, identifying the need for changes in subjects, developing solutions, implementation and dissemination, transferring the innovation to permanent use

For teachers and teachers of general education disciplines,
those applying for the highest and first qualification categories.

Choose the correct answer
The basis for an objective assessment of the level of education and qualifications of graduates of an educational institution is
1. Educational program.
3. State educational standard.
4. Law “On Education”.
A source of educational information that reveals the content provided for by educational standards in a form accessible to students is:
The regulatory framework for the creation of working curricula by general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics and conditions of their functioning, is:
1. Law “On Education”.
2. National doctrine of education in the Russian Federation
3. Basic curriculum.
4. State educational standard.
The process of internal change in a person, ensuring the realization of his life potential and purpose is:
2. Training
3. Education
4. Development
Stable, objective, significant connections between the parties to the pedagogical process, social and pedagogical phenomena, on the basis of which the theory and methodology of education and training, pedagogical practice are built.
1. Pedagogical technologies
2. Pedagogical rules
3. Pedagogical patterns
4. Pedagogical principles.
The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:
Priority development of the education sector against the background of other socio-economic structures presupposes the principle:
1 Principle of fundamentalization

4. The principle of completeness of education.
The idea of ​​the movement “with children to the subject” refers to:
1. Nature-appropriate education system
2. Creative teaching system
3. Personally-oriented learning system
4. Culturally appropriate education system
The process of adaptation of an individual to life in society, the process of assimilation and reproduction by an individual of social experience, norms, values ​​is
2. Education
A document in which the purpose of the educational process, thematic and curriculum, methods and methods of their implementation, criteria for assessing results in the conditions of a particular educational institution are recorded and presented in a reasoned manner - this is:
1. Educational standard.
2.Basic curriculum.
3. Calendar and thematic planning.
4.Educational program
A purposeful and organized process of interaction between teachers and children, aimed at students mastering knowledge, skills and abilities is:
1. Education.
2. Training.
3. Education.
4. Development.
The process of purposeful, systematic formation of personality in order to prepare it for active participation in social, industrial and cultural life - This:
4. Education
The judgment “They determine the tactics of pedagogical activity, have applied, practical significance, are aimed at solving particular pedagogical problems, reflect a particular pedagogical pattern or a separate cause-and-effect relationship” characterizes
1. Pedagogical principles
2. Pedagogical techniques
3. Pedagogical rules
4. Pedagogical methods
A method of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving educational problems, is:
1.Methodological technique
What principle ensures the unity of general, special and additional education in all types of educational institutions?
1. The principle of openness
2. The principle of variability in education
3. The principle of advanced education
4. The principle of completeness of education
The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the learning process, stage-by-stage diagnostics, vary means and methods in order to correct results is
1. The effectiveness of educational technology
2. Reproducibility of pedagogical technology
3. Controllability of pedagogical technology
4. Conceptuality of pedagogical technology
Legislative pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is
1. Approach
2. Methodology
3. Technology
4. Method
The principle indicating the objective need to bring any pedagogical activity in accordance with human nature is:
1. The principle of cultural conformity
2.Principle of individualization
3. The principle of natural conformity
4.Principle of personal orientation
Methodological orientation in cognitive and practical activity, which involves the use of a set of ideas, concepts and methods in the study and management of open nonlinear self-organizing systems is:
1.Synergetic approach
2. Paradigmatic approach
3.Technological approach
4.Activity approach
In domestic pedagogy, the developer of the method of parallel pedagogical action, when in the educational process the “teacher-student” interaction is complemented by the “team-student” interaction, is;
1.S.T. Shatsky
2.N.K. Krupskaya
3.V.A. Sukhomlinsky
4.A.S. Makarenko
A tool that has the potential to improve the results of the educational system when used appropriately is:
1. Innovation
The easiest way to determine the type of lesson is:
1.For didactic purposes;
2. According to the sequence of lesson elements;
3.According to the amount of time allocated to achieve the main goal of the lesson;
4. By teacher activity
In the classification of teaching methods, verbal, visual and practical methods are distinguished by:
1. Leading source of knowledge.
2.The nature of students’ mental activity.
3. Leading didactic goal.
4. Logic of reasoning.
basis modern theory education can be considered:
1. Personality of the teacher;
2. Family;
3. Team;
4. Child's personality.
Choose the correct answer
The purposeful transformation of educational practices, carried out with the aim of increasing the efficiency of the educational system as a whole or its individual parts, is:
1.Project activities
2.Research activities
3.Innovation activities
4.Innovation activities
Match pedagogical discoveryThe first fundamental work on the theory of learning “The Great Didactics” The principle of educational teachingPrinciples of natural and cultural conformity of training and educationProgressivist didactic concept of “learning by doing”the name of the scientist-teacher who made itF.A.V. Disterweg J.A. Comenius J. Dewey I.F. Herbart

Match group of competencies(Tocommunicative competencies; sociocultural competencies; natural history and health-preserving competencies; educational and cognitive competencies) in mastering various types of speech activity; ability to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere; knowledge and application of rules of behavior in extreme situations; ability to set a goal and organize its achievement)

Match analytical skills, predictive skills, projective skills, reflective skills (ability to diagnose pedagogical phenomena,selection of ways to achieve pedagogical goals, control based on analysis of the results of actually performed actions, translation of the goals and content of education into specific pedagogical tasks) related to the content of the teacher’s theoretical readiness

Match teaching method ( cognitive method; control method; transformative method; systematizing method) and the corresponding didactic goal (perception, comprehension, memorization of new material; creative use of skills and abilities; generalization and systematization of knowledge; identifying the quality of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, their correction)

Match evaluation functions ( motivational; diagnostic; educational; informational) its characteristics ( o determining the degree of success of the student in mastering the educational material; identifying the causes of educational results; encouragement and stimulation of educational activities; formation of adequate self-esteem of the student)

Match group of competencies ( Withsociocultural competencies; value-semantic competencies; educational and cognitive competencies; information competencies) and personality traits of school graduates ( having experience in perceiving the picture of the world; mastery of cultural norms and traditions; the ability to make decisions and take responsibility for their consequences; ability to navigate information flows)

Match form of education ( individual; frontal; collective; group) its characteristics (organization of joint activities of schoolchildren on various grounds; interaction between the teacher and the class based on the division of labor and the principle of individual responsibility for the overall result; the teacher works with the whole class at the same pace with common tasks; interaction between teacher and student)

Match private teaching skill (developing skills; motivational skills; communication skills; information skills) corresponding group of pedagogical skills (logically correct construction and conduct of a story, explanation, conversation; the ability to attract attention in different ways (verbal and non-verbal); judicious use of reward and punishment methods; creating problematic situations) related to the content of the teacher’s practical readiness

Match educational approach (active; synergistic; hermeneutic; personality-oriented) and features of its application in the educational process (creating conditions for entering into the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning, using the ability of socio-pedagogical systems to adapt to the environment on the basis of self-organization; modeling of pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience; using the ability of socio-pedagogical systems to adapt to the environment based on self-organization formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality)

Match teaching method ( explanatory and illustrative; problematic presentation; research; reproductive) and features of its implementation(the teacher provides information, the students perceive it; independent search activity of students (practical or theoretical); the teacher poses a problem to the children and shows the way to solve it; students follow the logic of solving the problem, receive a sample of the development of knowledge; the student performs actions according to the teacher’s model)

Match the name of the textbook components ( e emotional-value component, reproductive component, informative component, creative component ) its essential characteristics ( p is presented using verbal and symbolic presentation, as well as illustrations (vocabulary, facts, laws, methodological and evaluative knowledge); focuses on general educational, subject-cognitive and practical activities; is asked using problematic presentation, problematic questions and tasks; reflects ideological, moral, practical and labor, ideological, aesthetic and other orientations)

Match type of pedagogical analysis (didactic type of lesson analysis; psychological type of analysis; introspection; methodical type analysis) and its main task ( o assessment of the representation of the following categories in the lesson: purpose, principles, logic of educational materials, logic of the learning process, feasibility of using teaching aids, student activity and effectiveness; O assessing the final result of the lesson by comparing what was planned with what was implemented, taking into account the success and progress of students; Andstudying the teacher’s work style, students’ well-being at all stages of the lesson, the level of understanding and maturity of educational activities; studying and evaluating the activities of teachers and students through subject content)

Match type of teaching experience (personal experience; advanced improvement practices; transformative best practices; mass experience) and characteristics of the corresponding level of professional pedagogical competence ( P designing new educational standards, clearly expressed authorship in all components of the pedagogical system; O possession of the basics of the profession; focus on pedagogical search within the framework of improving individual components of the pedagogical system; possession of the highest examples of technologies, methods, techniques known in pedagogical science)

Match form of monitoring educational results (preliminary control;final control; periodic monitoring; current control) and target orientation of control ( o determining and recording the student’s initial level of training, his knowledge, skills and abilities related to the upcoming activity; diagnosing the quality of the student’s assimilation of the fundamentals and interrelations of the studied section, his personal educational increments in the previously identified areas; comprehensive verification of educational results for all key goals and areas of the educational process; systematic testing and assessment of student’s educational results on specific topics in separate classes)

Match group of methods basis (correlation between the activities of the teacher and students; degree of activity cognitive activity; didactic purpose; logical approach) their classifications (inductive, deductive, analysis, synthesis;information-generalizing, performing, explanatory-motivating and partially searching, motivating and searching; explanatory-illustrative, problematic, heuristic, research; informing, formation of skills, consolidation of knowledge, verification of knowledge)

To establish a sequence in logic from theory to practice of levels of educational content as a pedagogical model of social experience ( at the level of the student’s personality structure; level of the learning process; level of educational material; subject level; level of general theoretical understanding )

Establish a sequence of teaching methods in the logic of increasing the degree of independence of students ( h partial search method; reproductive method ; research method; information-receptive method; problem presentation method )

Establish the sequence of stages in the methodology for organizing student reflection in the lesson ( adjustment of subsequent subject activities; completion or special stop of ongoing substantive activities; comparison of the purpose of the subject activity and the sequence of actions performed; restoration of the sequence of actions of completed objective activities; formulating the results of reflection)

Establish a sequence of levels of presentation of the content of education in the order of its external manifestation ( content of training course cycles; concept of educational content; content of the academic discipline within the course; content of education by levels and branches of education; training course content )
Establish a sequence of documents in order to specify the pedagogical goal ( Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; comprehensive regional target program for the development of education in the Nizhny Novgorod region for 2006 - 2010; lesson project; educational program of the school; modernization concept Russian education for the period until 2010)
Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions ( final layout and design of the annual thematic plan; studying the educational program of the training course; determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan; distribution of the total number of annual training hours by sections and topics of the course; planning training sessions within each block of the training course)
Establish the sequence of stages of the innovation process ( Transferring an innovation to permanent use Identification of the need for changes in areas of the educational process Identification of the need for changes in subjects of the educational process Introduction and dissemination of an innovation Developing ways to solve problems (designing an innovation) )
Establish the sequence of stages of the problem lesson ( testing the hypothesis; updating the knowledge and skills of students necessary to solve a problematic problem; putting forward a hypothesis as a projected result of solving a problem problem; reflection on the results and progress of solving a problem problem; introduction of a problem situation)
Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson ( assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities; a brief description of the class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material; content description of the lesson topic; justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure; highlighting the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson)
Establish a sequence of stages for summarizing advanced pedagogical experience ( propaganda, dissemination, implementation of experience; assessment of factual material and decision making; theoretical search; organizational stage; accumulation and processing of actual material)

Choose the correct answer:

60. The need to exchange cultural experiences between generations forms the basis of:

61. The requirement for the standardization of the actions of a teacher who transmits cultural examples to other people forms the basis for:

1. Transformative function of pedagogical activity

2. Information function of pedagogical activity

3. The communicative function of pedagogical activity

4. Demonstration function of pedagogical activity

62. Pedagogical support refers to types of pedagogical activities called:

1. Direct pedagogical

2. Organizational and pedagogical

3. Corrective

4. Methodological

63. Pedagogical diagnostics refers to types of pedagogical activities called:

1. Methodological

2. Creative and pedagogical

3. Organizational and pedagogical

4. Direct pedagogical

64. The type of aggregate subject of pedagogical activity formed on the basis of the unification of scientific-pedagogical and social-pedagogical communities is called:

1. Collective

2. Group

3. Integrative

4. Corporate

65. Type of aggregate subject of pedagogical activity formed by association educational institutions, called:

1. Collective

2. Group

3. Integrative

4. Corporate

1. Typical

2. Creative

3. Non-standard

4. Improvisational

67. Conducting a training session in place of a sick colleague belongs to the group of pedagogical tasks called:

1. Typical

2. Creative

3. Non-standard

4. Improvisational

68. Among the listed types of teaching activities, service activities include:

1. Learning

2. Research

3. Pedagogical communication

4. Education

69. Among the listed types of teaching activities, the basic ones


1. Design

2. Research

3. Organizational and methodological work

4. Pedagogical communication

70. Among the listed products, the products of pedagogical activity include:

1. Quality of organization of the pedagogical process

2. Professional growth of a teacher

3. The quality of students’ knowledge in the subject

71. The results of teaching activities include:

1. Typology of lessons for the training course

2. The quality of students’ knowledge in the subject

3. Publication of an article in a subject journal

4. Card index creative tasks

72. Among the listed professional mistakes of a teacher, the group of design and analytical mistakes includes

2. Wrong choice of approaches, ideas, principles of designing the pedagogical process

73. Among the listed professional errors of a teacher, the group of methodological and technological errors includes

1. Lack of logic when choosing forms of work, determining their relationship and sequence of implementation

2. Speech errors

3. Erroneous forecast about the adequacy and effectiveness of the chosen means, methods and procedures of teaching activities

4. Wrong choice of approaches, ideas, principles of designing the pedagogical process


74. Solution stage pedagogical task(analytical, search-heuristic, solution progress, verification of the correctness of the solution) and the content of the stage for the task “to analyze the level of mastery of certain educational material”

1. Expert assessment of the conclusions drawn by colleagues and administration

2. Selection of indicators of the degree of mastery of educational material

Selecting a form for organizing the information obtained during the analysis (table, graph, etc.)

3. Search for analogues for solving similar problems

Statistical calculation of results

Qualitative interpretation of the data obtained

75. The criterion for the correctness of a pedagogical action (success, usefulness, efficiency, manufacturability) and its essence

1. The ability to produce a planned change based on the results of an action with a high degree of probability

2. Achieving all specified goals in the most optimal way

3. Thanks to this action, achieving the goal becomes easier or possible

4. The desired results are achieved at the lowest cost

76. Levels of methodology in the structure of pedagogical activity (general methodology, private methodology, specific methodology) and their characteristics

1. A program for the design and organization of an integral pedagogical process as interaction between teachers and students in certain conditions

2. Sequence of actions and methods of interaction between teachers and students in given forms of organizing teaching activities

3. Organization of individual components of the process and areas of pedagogical activity, embodied in a system of rules and norms for organizing the pedagogical process, regulating the solution of certain pedagogical or organizational-pedagogical tasks

77. Particular pedagogical skills corresponding to the group of pedagogical skills related to the content of the teacher’s practical readiness (developmental, informational, motivational, communicative)

1. The ability to attract attention in different ways (verbal and non-verbal)

2. Creation of problematic situations.

3. Reasonable use of reward and punishment methods

4. Logically correct construction and conduct of a story, explanation, conversation

78. Particular pedagogical skills corresponding to the group of pedagogical skills related to the content of the teacher’s theoretical readiness (analytical, predictive, projective, reflective)

1. Selection of ways to achieve pedagogical goals

2. Control based on analysis of the results of actually performed actions

3. Translation of the purpose and content of education into specific pedagogical tasks

4. Ability to diagnose pedagogical phenomena

79. Stages of solving the pedagogical problem “to analyze the level of mastery of certain educational material”

1. Selecting indicators of the degree of mastery of educational material and the form of organizing the information obtained during the analysis (table, graph, etc.)

2. Working with the content of the standard on the subject, highlighting a set of information units for content analysis (facts, concepts, theoretical positions, ideas, etc.)

3. Statistical calculation of results and qualitative interpretation of the data obtained

4. Analyzing the products of students’ activities with entering data into a prepared form

5. Examination of the conclusions drawn by colleagues and administration

80. Stages of organizing the pedagogical process at the level of a specific methodology

1. Planning (collective, group, individual)

2. Preliminary preparation

3. Current organizational activities

5. Conducting a business (event)

81. Establish the sequence of stages of thematic planning of training sessions:

1. Planning training sessions within each block of the training course

2. Determination of the main blocks of the thematic plan.

3. Distribution of the total number of annual teaching hours by sections and topics of the course

4. Study of the educational program of the training course

5. Final layout and design of the annual thematic plan

82. Establish the sequence of elements of the teacher’s speech with self-analysis of the lesson

2. Justification of the objectives of the lesson, the choice of its type and structure

3. Brief description of the class, identifying groups of students with different levels of mastery of program material

4. Identification of the main stage of the lesson and its full analysis, based on the actual learning results in the lesson.

5. Assessing the success of achieving lesson goals, justifying real result indicators and determining prospects for improving one’s activities

Educational approaches and technologies

Choose the correct answer:

83. Legal pedagogical activity that implements a scientifically based project of the didactic process and has a high degree of efficiency, reliability, and guaranteed results is

2. Methodology

3. Technology

84. The fundamental basis of pedagogical activity, based on a certain concept, is:

1. Strategy

3. Technology

4. Methodology

85. Methodological orientation in cognitive and practical activity, which involves the use of a set of ideas, concepts and methods in the study and management of open nonlinear self-organizing systems is:

1. Synergetic approach….

2. Paradigmatic approach

3. Technological approach

4. Activity approach

86. The set of methods and means for the implementation of a certain content of training and education within the framework of one subject, class, teacher’s workshop characterizes pedagogical technology in

1. General pedagogical level

2. At the private methodological level……

3. Local (modular) level

87. Psychotherapeutic focus on supporting the child’s personality is characterized by:

1. Collaboration technologies

2. Technologies of free education

3. Humane-personal technologies……

88. Judgment “The main method of teaching is the way the student’s thoughts ascend from the abstract to the concrete: the student analyzes the content of the educational material with the help of the teacher; highlights the initial general relationship in it; detects its manifestation in private relationships; fixes the selected initial general relationship in a symbolic form, reveals the natural connection of the original relationship with its various manifestations, obtaining a meaningful generalization of the desired subject” characterizes:

1. Didactic system L.V. Zankova

2. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvilli

3. Developmental training system D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova......

4. Collective way of teaching V.K. Dyachenko

89. The primary role of the child’s inner essence in learning is characteristic of:

1. Culturally appropriate learning systems

2. Nature-appropriate teaching systems……

3. Personally-oriented learning systems

4. Creative learning systems

90. A specific feature of the organization of the educational process in a modern basic school is:

1. Introduction of assessment security rules

2. Organization of educational cooperation

3. Construction of individual trajectories of students’ self-movement in educational areas…….

4. Organization of pre-professional testing experience

91. The purpose of the advanced project as a form of organizing the educational activities of primary school students is to:

1. Building an individual trajectory for students’ advancement in the subject material 2. Developing skills for independent learning activities...... 3. Transferring formed concepts, methods of action, laws, etc. into a new, non-standard situation to identify and eliminate gaps in educational material 4. Determining a holistic understanding and knowledge of the subject content being studied

92. Students’ activities related to solving a creative problem with a previously unknown solution and involving the following stages: formulation of the problem, study of the theory devoted to this issue, selection of research methods and practical mastery of them, collection of their own material, its analysis and generalization, scientific commentary, their own conclusions are called:

1. Educational and research activities

2. Research activities

3. Project activities

4. Design and research activities

93. Pedagogical technologies built on the basis of activation and intensification of students’ activities include:

1. Humane-personal technology Sh.A. Amonashvilli

2. Problem-based learning

3. Collective way of learning

4. Technology of probabilistic education

94. Pedagogical technologies built on the basis of the effectiveness of the organization and management of the educational process include:

1. Collective way of learning

2. Gaming technologies

3. Problem-based learning

4. Technology “Dialogue of Cultures”

95. Among the listed didactic principles for the system of developmental education L.V. Zankova refers to:

1. Connection of learning with life

2. Natural conformity of training

3. Students’ awareness of the learning process

4. Relationship between theory and practice

96. To the features of the organization of the educational process in modern primary school relate:

1. Changing the classroom-lesson education system

2. Organization of various forms of children’s and child-adult collaboration

3. Introduction of project-based forms of educational activities for schoolchildren

4. Construction of individual trajectories of students’ self-movement in the subject


97. Educational approach(activity-based, personality-oriented, synergetic, hermeneutic) and features of its application in the educational process

1. Modeling of pedagogical conditions for updating and developing personal experience

2. Creating conditions for entering into the world of another person’s feelings, into a text, into a situation in order to understand their original meaning.

3. Using the ability of socio-pedagogical systems to adapt to the environment based on self-organization

4. Formation of personal qualities of students in activities adequate to the nature of this quality

98. Methodological requirement for pedagogical technology (conceptuality, controllability, efficiency, reproducibility) and its content

1. The ability to set diagnostic goals, plan, design the educational process, diagnose, vary means and methods in order to correct the result

2. Possibility of using pedagogical technology in other institutions, by other entities

3. Optimal cost, guarantee of achieving a certain level of results

4. Philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-psychological justification for achieving educational goals.

99. The name of didactic systems (culture-appropriate, creative, organizational, personality-oriented) and the corresponding group of pedagogical technologies

1. Developmental learning Collaborative learning

2. Problem-based learning

Heuristic learning

3. Russian school of I. F. Goncharov

School of dialogue of cultures by S. Yu. Kurganov and V. S. Bibler

4. “School of Life” by Sh. A. Amonashvili

Step-by-step teaching of physics on a humanistic basis N. N. Paltysheva

100. The name of the form of organization of educational activities of students in a basic school (modular learning, immersion, concentrated learning) and its specifics

1. Dividing the learning process into target functional units that combine educational content and technology for mastering it.

2. Alternation of cycles (blocks of lessons on a topic, section of the curriculum of an academic subject)

3. For a long time (from several days to several weeks) only one subject is studied, and the rest of the subjects at this time are mastered in repetition or training mode

Set the correct sequence:

101. The main structural components of pedagogical technology in logic from the idea to the practice of its implementation

1. Conceptual framework

2. Activities of the teacher in managing the activities of schoolchildren

3. Methods and forms of activity of schoolchildren and the work of teachers

5. Diagnostics of educational results

102. Stages of organizing problem-based learning

1. Introduction of a problem situation

2. Updating the knowledge and skills of students required to solve a problem situation

3. Proposing a hypothesis (the projected result of solving the problem)

4. Reflection

5. Checking the produced solution

103. Elements of the structure of a creative lesson

1. Creating an educational situation that motivates students to creative activity

2. Identification personal experience and students’ attitudes regarding the object being studied

3. Execution creative work personally for each student (group of students)

4. Reflection on one’s own actions to solve a creative problem

5. Demonstration of the results of creative activity, systematization of students’ educational products, their comparison with cultural and historical analogues


Choose the correct answer:

104. This style is characterized by: superiority of one partner; businesslike, short orders, threatening prohibitions, unfriendly tone, the ability to quickly make decisions to stabilize communication




105. This style is characterized by: providing partners with equal conditions for making decisions, setting goals, evaluating work, respectful attitude and concern for the needs of communication partners. Contact is realized through persuasion, suggestion, argumentation




106. This style of communication is distinguished by: the desire to evade decision-making, shift this task to a partner, and almost complete indifference to the results of activities.”




107. Conflict is:

1. clash of opposing positions based on opposing motives or judgments

2. confrontation between the parties

3.rivalry aimed at achieving victory in a dispute

4.dispute, discussion on an acute problem

108. Conflictogens are:

1. manifestations of conflict

2. words, actions (or inactions) that can lead to conflict

3.causes of conflict due to social status personalities

4.personal states that occur after conflict resolution

109.The basis for the conflict is:

1. motives for the conflict

2.positions of the conflicting parties

3. subject of conflict

4. parties to the conflict

110.Discussion of human behavior in the midst of conflict is:

1. necessary measure of influence



4. situational measure of influence

111. Intrapersonal conflict is:


2.deep emotional experiences by the individual of his failures

3. clash of oppositely directed personal motives

4.collision between two or more people

5.all answers are correct

112.The correct combination of behavior strategies in conflict is:

1.compromise, criticism, struggle

2.concession, withdrawal, cooperation

3.fight, care, persuasion

4.cooperation, consensus, concession

113.The strategy of behavior in conflict is based on:

1.models of interest in the success of another

2.models of interest in one’s own success

3.dual interest models

4.all answers are correct

114.What is stated to each other during a conflict or in the negotiation process:

1. parties to the conflict

2. subject of conflict

3.image conflict situation

5. motives for the conflict

115.Conflicts are resolved most effectively at the following stages of the conflict:

1.the emergence and development of a conflict situation

2. awareness of a conflict situation

3.beginning of open conflict interaction

4.development of open conflict

5. conflict resolution

116.The right of a psychologist to conduct a diagnostic examination of children is determined by:

1.parental consent order of the director

3.decision of the teachers' council

4.job description

117.Technology effective communication in conflict comes down to such methods, techniques and means of communication that allow you to achieve the following goals:

1.convince your opponent that you are right

2. achieve superiority in a dispute

3. achieve an agreement even at the cost of a serious concession from the opponent

4.achieve mutual understanding and mutual empathy with your opponent

5.all answers are correct

118. Internal driving forces pushing subjects of social interaction towards conflict

1. parties to the conflict

2. subject of conflict

3. motives for the conflict

4.image of a conflict situation

5.positions of the conflicting parties

119.The universal system for collecting information about the state of the educational environment is:




4.conversation with teachers

120.Ability to understand emotional condition other people refers to the skills:

1.interpersonal communication

2.perception and understanding of each other

3.Interpersonal interaction

4.information transfer

121. Low professional training, leading to a conflict situation in the team, manifests itself in:

1.incorrect assessments, judgments about the actions of other subjects interaction

3.errors in drawing conclusions regarding specific situations

4.marriage at work

5. inability to make an adequate decision

6.all answers are correct

121.An essential characteristic of conflict escalation is:

1.using threats against an opponent

2.recognition of the reality of the conflict

3.extension social environment conflict

122.Representation of the subject of the conflict in the minds of the subjects of conflict interaction is called:

1. parties to the conflict

2.image of a conflict situation

3. motives for the conflict

4.positions of the conflicting parties

Choose the correct answers:

123.The dynamics of the conflict are reflected in:



5.all answers are correct

124.Pedagogical and psychological methods(means) of conflict resolution are:


3. request

4.order from the manager

5.all answers are correct

125.The conditions for psychological safety of the educational environment are:

1.compliance with the regulatory framework

2. compliance of the psychologist’s activities with the institution’s development program

3.compliance with ethical standards

4.availability of institution security

5.mental health of the teacher

6.all answers are correct

126.Depending on the content, conflict resolution can be achieved by the following methods (means):

1.pedagogical and psychological



5.all answers are correct

127.One teacher complains to another about numerous and frequently repeated errors in her work. The second teacher takes the complaints expressed as an insult. A conflict arises between them. Cause of conflict:

1.poor communications

2.violation of communication ethics

3.violation of labor discipline

4.all answers are correct

5.psychological characteristics of those in conflict

128.A psychotraumatic situation in the educational environment is:

1.presence of conflicts among teachers

2. the presence of conflicts among parents

3. inconsistency between the actions of the psychologist and the administration

4.lack of a psychologist’s office

5.low level of material support for the institution

Set the correct sequence:

129.Main stages of the conflict:

1. conflict resolution

2.beginning of open conflict interaction

3.development of open conflict

4. emergence and development of a conflict situation

5. awareness of a conflict situation

130.Main phases of the conflict:

1st lifting phase

2.initial phase

3.decline phase