Retelling of the ugly duckling Andersen. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale characters: The Ugly Duckling. Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

Towards careful management reader's diary you need to learn from childhood. This skill will come in handy in high school when excellent knowledge literary works will have great importance at final exams. Therefore, the “Literaguru” team presents you with a sample design of this work using the example of the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”.

  • Full name of the author of the work: Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Title: "The Ugly Duckling";
  • Year of writing: 1843;
  • Genre: fairy tale.

Brief retelling . One day, a mother duck found a strange egg in her nest. The old duck kept saying that it was a turkey, but soon the duckling hatched. He was the very last, and he looked worse than the others - ugly, inconspicuous, unprepossessing, although he swam better than anyone else. Nobody liked the poor creature. Each inhabitant of the yard considered it his duty to push, offend and attack him. Soon the ugly duckling got tired of such a terrible attitude, so he decided to run away to the wild ducks in the pond. He immediately struck up a friendship with two ganders, but after a while they were killed by hunters. After this sad event, the little duckling decided to get to the hut in which the old woman, the cat and the Short-legged chicken lived. The woman sheltered him, but the other inhabitants of the house were not happy with their new “friend.” Like everyone else, they mocked and mocked the poor duckling. Then little hero decided to go live by the lake. It was there that he first saw beautiful, noble white swans, whom he fell in love with at first sight.

Winter has come, and with it came the cold. The ugly duckling was now sheltered by the hunter's family, but because of the children who constantly frightened him, the hero often got into trouble. Not wanting to stay with people anymore, the duckling again went to the lake, where he again saw beautiful swans. He always wanted to be like them, and now his dream has come true! Looking at his reflection, the duckling could not believe his eyes - a swan was looking at him. From a nasty creature he turned into a noble bird. Without wasting a minute, he swam to the other swans, who immediately accepted him and surrounded him with love. The children, seeing the new inhabitant of the lake, called him the most beautiful of all. This was real happiness for the ugly duckling!

Review. the main idea fairy tale that Andersen wanted to convey to readers - you should not pay attention only to the appearance, because a whole magical inner world. Also, the hero of the fairy tale proves to us that all difficulties are surmountable - it just takes time. The resilience of the ugly duckling simply cannot leave the reader indifferent! This is what makes this fairy tale memorable.

What I would call unusual in this work is the magical transformation, which brought the main character real and well-deserved happiness.

Perhaps the moments of cruelty made me think about behavior in society. People began to increasingly pay attention only to appearance. They stopped valuing kindness, sincerity and love. It seems to me that the author teaches us kindness and understanding, so that we change something in our attitude towards those who are not like us.

Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Year of writing: 1843 Genre: fairy tale

Main characters: rogue duckling, mother duck and wild swans.

Plot: An egg from a strange bird fell into the duck's nest of an inexperienced mother. The chick was not like other children, so it provoked ridicule from its “relatives” and residents of the entire poultry yard - “society”. His appearance repelled everyone, dooming him to always be alone. The hero had to go through many trials and it was they who made him a beautiful soul, with a sensitive heart. When he grew up, he turned into a beautiful bird, arousing the admiration of others.

The main thing in people is the beauty of their soul, their heart filled with warmth, and not what they look like on the outside. Everyone is different and you shouldn’t make fun of others’ external flaws.

Read a summary of Andersen's fairy tale The Ugly Duckling

Summer sunny days have arrived. A young duck was hatching white eggs in a dense thicket of burdock. She chose a quiet and peaceful place. Rarely anyone came to see her; everyone liked to relax on the water: swimming and diving.

Time passed and the shells began to burst. The little firstborns began to stir, slowly tapping their beaks, and finally their round heads appeared. They looked at the huge burdock leaves with curiosity. This is not what the mother duck said to the whole world. It is much larger than this plant, although I have not seen all of it. An old duck came up and asked how you were doing?

To which the young mother replied that all ducklings are like their father and we are waiting for the last one (the largest testicle).

It's probably turkey. Oh! How hard it was to raise them, they don’t know how to swim at all. They caused me a lot of trouble.

And finally, the last one cracked, and a small chick emerged from it. His mother did not like the appearance. “I’ll test him, see if he can swim!” - she thought.

The weather was sunny and the family was swimming on the lake. Everyone dived very well, and the gray drake dived and stayed on the water surface no worse than the rest!

Now we're going to the poultry yard! I will show you to the whole “society!” - the mother duck said sternly. Behave yourself decently, bow to everyone. When they reached their destination, they heard strange noises. Because of the trophy: the head of a fish, there were battles between duck families. But the delicious head went to the cat. The mother sighed in disappointment; she also did not refuse food.

The family approached an important person - a Spanish duck, who had a scarlet ribbon tied on her leg. The common ducks were not happy that new “mouths” had appeared; they were especially irritated by the most “awkward” one. Everyone tried to peck him.

The noble lady expressed her sympathy for the little ones, only one failed. His mother said that he is very kind and a drake, so he will outgrow him. Having received permission, the ducklings began to play. Everyone pecked at the poor gray duckling and everyone tried to offend him. The whole family began to hate him, even his own mother wanted him dead. At first he didn't know what to do. And so, the awkward duckling decided to run away. Somehow he fell over the rickety fence. In the morning, the wild ducks, seeing the new duckling, also said: “He’s so ugly, but it’s okay if he doesn’t become one of our relatives.” On the third day, two important ganders arrived. They liked his funny appearance, and they even promised to introduce the “newbie” to geese. Shots rang out and he saw blood and dead friends. The shooting continued, the dogs ran around the pond and collected dead ducks, one ran past the hero, he shrank tightly and became silent.

The dog doesn’t even want to take me! - thought the duckling. Only in the evening, when there was dead silence, several hours passed when he tried to run further.

He ran to a dilapidated hut. Then the baby made his way inside, crawling through a small doorway. There lived a cat - Murlyka, a chicken and their owner - grandmother. The short-legged hen diligently laid eggs, for which grandma loved her very much. In the morning they noticed him, the old woman thought about eggs, unless it was a drake. He did not lay eggs, and he was humiliated by important animals: a cat and a chicken. The light burst in and the duckling wanted to swim. He decided to run away and settled on the lake where he swam, but everyone ridiculed him. And so, he saw wild swans, and he also screamed.

It came very Cold winter. He had to swim to keep the water from freezing. And so he froze, exhausted. A peasant picked him up and gave him to his wife. But, frightened by the peasant children, he spilled the milk, got into the butter, then into the flour. And persecuted by the entire peasant family, he ran away. The duckling had to go through a lot of troubles in winter. There was not enough food, and he was very cold.

Winter has passed and spring has come. Having emerged from the reeds, he took off. And flew to the blossoming apple trees. He noticed white swans. He felt sad.

Let me die from the blows of these beautiful birds rather than endure all the troubles! – he thought sadly.

The swans saw him and swam towards him. He asked them to kill him with his head down. And suddenly he saw himself. In the reflection was a beautiful swan. Large swans swam past and stroked him with their beaks.

The most beautiful and young one has arrived! – the children shouted cheerfully. And they started throwing pieces of soft bread.
The handsome white man was in seventh heaven!

Picture or drawing of the ugly duckling

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Hans Christian Andersen, the world-famous Dane, prose writer and poet, was a truly great storyteller. Until now, and a lot of time has passed since the publication of his works, his creations are still loved by both children and adults. Many children's fairy tales, known to us from the cradle, belong to his pen, including “ The Snow Queen" and "The Little Mermaid", "Thumbelina" and "Shadow". A striking example and a fairy tale " ugly duck" Hans Christian Andersen wrote more than 170 works in poetry and prose over his seventy-year life. And some researchers of his work claim that at least 200! Many people know them summary. “The Ugly Duckling” (fairy tale by H. H. Andersen) is no exception. Let us also remember its main plot.

Summary: “The Ugly Duckling” (Andersen’s fairy tale)

When one duck has ducklings hatching from her eggs, an ugly, unsightly and awkward character is discovered among them. And besides, he was born later than everyone else. For all these shortcomings he receives the nickname The Ugly Duckling. An elderly duck, who knows everything, told the baby’s mother that he was actually not a duckling: most likely, he was a turkey! But our hero swam quite well, although all the inhabitants of the yard constantly tried to humiliate and offend him because of his unsightliness and clumsiness. Even his own mother took up arms against her own son, who seemed ugly to her. As a result, the Ugly Duckling was forced to escape from the yard into a swamp where wild geese lived.

Continuation of a story

Let's continue with the summary. The ugly duckling had many adventures in the swamp. He meets wild geese, even trying to be friends. But the hunters kill their newfound comrades, and the hunters' dog runs past the duckling. Our hero is upset: “I guess I’m so unattractive that even the dog doesn’t want to eat me.” At night he runs from the swamp and comes to a hut where an old woman, a cat and a chicken live. Elderly woman welcomes the duckling, but the chicken and the cat begin to persecute him. And the Ugly Duckling has to return to the swamp again. So he lived in the reeds all winter.

Magic ending

In the spring, our hero sees swans on the lake, whom he fell in love with even earlier, without understanding why. He tries to get to them and (lo and behold!) he sees his reflection in the water. It turns out that he also became a swan, young and beautiful. Next, the duckling joins his beautiful relatives.

This is the summary. "The Ugly Duckling", Andersen's fairy tale, talks about what lies hidden in every person hidden forces and inner beauty. And an ugly duckling can one day turn into a beautiful swan, you just need to believe in your own capabilities.

Andersen G-H. fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" and their characteristics

  1. The ugly duckling, who was unlucky to be born in a duck's nest, but who overcame all difficulties and became a beautiful swan, but with a kind heart
  2. Mother duck tried to take care of the ugly duckling at first, but then began to drive him away from her
  3. Birds - inhabitants of the poultry yard, Spanish chicken, Indian rooster, ducks.
  4. Wild ducks, ganders, victims of hunters
  5. The hunter's dog that didn't touch the Ugly Duckling
  6. An old woman with a cat and a chicken sheltered a duckling, but did not understand his desire to swim.
  7. A peasant, a peasant woman, and children saved the duckling when he was freezing, but drove him away when he knocked over the jar.
  8. Swans, beautiful birds who accepted the Ugly Duckling into their flock.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
  1. Big egg
  2. Swimming lessons
  3. Poultry yard
  4. Duckling Run
  5. Pond, ducks, ganders and hunters
  6. Dog in the reeds
  7. Old lady's house
  8. Cat and chicken
  9. Fall has come
  10. Peasant and his children
  11. Spring channel
  12. The duckling becomes a swan.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" for a reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The birth of the Ugly Duckling, poultry yard.
  2. The ugly duckling escapes and almost dies while hunting.
  3. The ugly duckling finds shelter with an old woman and argues with a chicken and a cat
  4. The ugly duckling freezes and ends up in a peasant's house
  5. The ugly duckling runs away in fear and survives the winter alone.
  6. The ugly duckling swims to the swans and sees that he himself has become a swan.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
In order to achieve something in life you always have to overcome difficulties.

What does the tale "The Ugly Duckling" teach?
The fairy tale teaches us to pay less attention to a person’s appearance, and more to his actions. Teaches you not to give up in the face of difficulties. teaches you to believe in yourself and your abilities. It teaches you not to become arrogant after achieving something, but to always keep goodness in your heart.

Review of the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
The tale "The Ugly Duckling" is very beautiful and touching. I felt so sorry for the poor duckling, who was humiliated and beaten just because he was not like the others. I felt very sorry for the lonely duckling during his wanderings. But this fairy tale has such a beautiful ending and the once ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan. He deserves happiness and achieves it.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"
There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help.
Without tasting grief, you will not know happiness.
All's well that ends well.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Ugly Duckling"
A duck was hatching eggs in the burdocks. All the chicks had already hatched, but the largest egg was still lying there.
The old duck assumes that it is a turkey and advises him to throw the egg. The young duck refuses.
Finally, the big egg hatched and the ugly duckling was born. He was big and scary, but he still knew how to swim and the duck decided to leave him.
The next day the duck took the ducklings to the poultry yard to show them off. All the inhabitants of the yard immediately disliked the Ugly Duckling and began to peck and pinch him. The duckling endured it for a long time, but then ran away.
The ugly duckling joined the wild ducks on the pond. There he met young ganders who agreed to be friends with him because the duckling was very ugly. But then hunters appeared and killed the ganders. Dogs ran through the reeds and one of them found the Ugly Duckling, but did not touch him. The duckling decided that it was because he was scary.
The duckling ran away and found shelter in a hut where a cat, a chicken and an old woman lived. The old woman thought that the duckling was a duck and would lay eggs. But the duckling could not lay eggs. He argued with the cat and the chicken about how to swim well. And he left the old woman.
The duckling sees beautiful swans and envies them.
Autumn came and it became cold. One day the duckling was very frostbitten, but a peasant picked him up. He brought the duckling home and the children wanted to play with the duckling, but the duckling got scared and knocked over the jar of milk. The housewife ran after him around the house, the children laughed, and the frightened duckling ran away.
He barely survived the winter, and in the spring he again saw beautiful swans on the canal. The duckling decided to swim up to them because the beautiful birds had killed him, but suddenly he saw his reflection. He himself turned into a swan.
The swans took him in, the children threw crumbs to them and said that the young swan was the best. But the Ugly Duckling was not proud, because he had a kind heart and survived so many trials.

Illustrations and drawings for the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"

The main meaning of Andersen's fairy tale is that one must endure difficulties and adversity steadfastly and patiently. The unfortunate duckling (who was actually a swan) had to endure a number of cruel experiences early in his life. He was teased and bullied by rude relatives. His own mother duck turned away from him, afraid of public opinion. Then, when he escaped from the poultry yard and made friends with wild geese, these hunters, and the duckling himself, was saved only by a miracle. After this, the unfortunate duckling was picked up by an old woman and brought into her house. But its inhabitants - a cat and a chicken - laughed at the new tenant and unceremoniously taught him to be smart. The duckling had to leave the old woman's house; he spent the winter in the reeds near the lake, where the following spring he met beautiful swans. And the fairy tale ended with a happy outcome.

The moral of this tale is that life can present many difficult challenges, but we must not lose heart and not give up. After all, it was very difficult for the swan duckling, but he endured everything and eventually became happy.

In the same way, a person who does not bow to fate can ultimately triumph.

What started the duckling's troubles in the first place?

The moral of the story is that you shouldn’t be afraid to be different from others. The duckling looked different from the other ducklings. That is, he was not like everyone else. And so the ducks began to tease him and poison him. Why was he scolded and unceremoniously lectured by the cat and the chicken? Because he didn't behave the right way. That is, again he was not like everyone else! The duckling had a choice: either accept the fact that you cannot be different from others appearance, neither behavior, nor habits, or behave in accordance with the principle: “Yes, I am different, but I have the right to it!” And he made this choice without fear of incurring misunderstanding, scolding and even bullying.

A person should also defend the right to be himself, even if this means going against public opinion.

Some experts in Andersen's work believe that the author of the fairy tale portrayed himself in the image of the ugly duckling. After all, Andersen also had to endure a lot of ridicule, misunderstanding and unceremonious teachings from the people around him before he became a famous writer, and his appearance was very different from the appearance of the “average” Dane. Never give up, fight for your happiness, despite all obstacles.