Psychology of diseases: Bad breath. cardiac ischemia. stomach and duodenal ulcer

Every person needs teeth in order to regularly process food. But this is the only part of the body that is not able to recover, so they need to be taken care of no less than other organs. Some people, psychologists and patients, believe that the appearance of pain may be associated not only with the presence of diseases in the oral cavity. In their opinion, many dental problems are associated with psychosomatics.

Psychosomatic reasons

Calcium deficiency

On a subconscious level, teeth serve as our body’s natural defense against external irritants, and also indicate the ability to chew food.

Some dental problems begin to appear when all the calcium is gradually washed out of them. The body is designed to work perfectly for many years. If calcium deficiency occurs, this may indicate psychosomatic problems.

That is, the body subconsciously refuses, which is responsible for the strength and durability of bones.

Moreover, if you pay attention to the fact that teeth are responsible for combat activity, then fear becomes much stronger than the desire to fight.

In other words, dental problems arise in people who are afraid to express their opinion and constantly expect condemnation.

Much depends on the diseases that arise, and also depending on age. The presence of caries in childhood and adulthood occurs due to various destructive thoughts.


Appears when a person is wary, but goes into battle, that is, takes a passive position. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to which teeth are deteriorating:

  1. Right side. This side is controlled by the left side of the brain. He is responsible for plans, work, success and ambitions. Additionally, the right side of the body is responsible for the relationship between you and men.
  2. Left-hand side. The right part of the brain is responsible for it. This is an attitude towards the surrounding beauty, the past, emotions and family. Problems in this part may also indicate problems with relationships with women.
  3. 4 upper incisors. This is the place that a person dreams of taking next to his parents.
  4. 4 lower incisors. This is the place that parents occupy.
  5. Top row. They are responsible for protecting our space and show how strong the walls of the house are. Also, the condition of these teeth determines the perception of family and work.
  6. Bottom row. He is responsible for the ability to attack.

Crooked teeth

If the teeth give way forward, this indicates that the child has to constantly hurry up. For example, this may happen when a child lives in large family and he constantly has to hurry. Or, on the contrary, he is constantly depressed and is afraid to take what should belong to him.

Gum inflammation

If painful sensations appear in the gums, this indicates that the person has made a decision, but cannot implement it for fear of offending someone. Gums are responsible for self-confidence.

If it occurs, this indicates the presence of fear of the outside world. A person is afraid to be real, so as not to lose the respect and love of others.


Psychosomatic reasons for the appearance are hidden in the presence of long-standing grievances. Sometimes it can be resentment towards ourselves. It is necessary to throw out all the bitterness and forget about it forever.


Appears when spawned conflict situation With myself. The main beliefs with which a person has lived for a long time are broken.

Periodontal disease

Appears due to the fact that a person is distrustful of the world around him. This leads to a weakening of the protective properties in the body and the appearance of an inflammatory process.


If it repeats, then you should consider the following causes of psychosomatics:

  • fear of speaking out;
  • frequent stress and conflicts;
  • resentment and anger over unspoken words.


- This is the tissue in which blood vessels are located. They are the ones that nourish the teeth and bring calcium to them. Delving into psychosomatics, it becomes clear what often occurs in those who have been in a conflict situation for a long time.

Additionally, this problem is created among those who, thanks to their professional activity They listen a lot and talk very little.

Other problems

According to psychosomatics, it can arise when making decisions that are absolutely not pleasing.

— subconsciously a person experiences severe mental pain, hatred or anger. He destroys himself from the inside and keeps loved ones at a distance.

If it appears, this indicates that the person is independently complicating his life. He constantly surrounds himself with unnecessary and unnecessary worries.

Making the decision to get teeth inserted indicates a desire to become more decisive.

Why do my teeth hurt?

If we consider it from a psychosomatic perspective, the reason may be due to the fact that a person is closed to the emergence of new information. The brain does not want to process new ideas, this damages the teeth and leads to pain. Especially it concerns . The person doesn't want to accept important decisions in his life, fences himself off from them.

In addition, if your teeth hurt, you may not be fighting enemies and ill-wishers.

Author's assumptions

Louise Hay

Louise Hay is one of the founders of the self-help movement and the author of more than thirty books on popular psychology. Among them is the book “Heal Yourself.” The table shows some of the causes of dental problems and ways to solve them, according to Louise.

V.V. Sinelnikov

Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov is a practicing psychotherapist, psychologist, and homeopath. He is the author of healing psychological techniques, which, in his opinion, help restore health.

He claims that diseases in most cases begin in the head. According to Sinelnikov, teeth grinding indicates that a person accumulates irritation and anger throughout the night, which he cannot express.

Caries is a very complex disease. It indicates that a person cannot digest someone or something. You need to learn to laugh at yourself and enjoy life.

When a person gets an artificial jaw, it is a bit of a deceptive situation. He strives to show how capable he is of making quick and quality decisions. But this appearance is deceptive.

Sharamon Shalila and Bodo Baginski

Authors of the book "Reiki - the universal story of life." The book describes metaphysical changes in human body. They argue that problems in the oral cavity occur when a person “stands still” and does not develop. We need to find new ideas.

These problems can also arise if anger builds up. It is necessary to allow yourself such emotions sometimes.

How are psychological problems treated?

It is believed that it is important to change the way you think. It is not always possible to change and eliminate external problems. You need to learn to think correctly.

However, it is difficult to independently eliminate the psychosomatic causes of dental disease. Of course, all of the above is only an assumption and without a high-quality medical examination it cannot be said that dental problems have psychosomatic roots.

If treatment does not produce results or there are other reasons to assume that there are psychological problems that have a negative impact on the condition of the oral cavity, you should seek help from a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist.

Liz Burbo in her book “Your Body Says Love Yourself!” writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
A healthy person's breath has virtually no odor. If bad breath is caused by a physical disease - DIGESTION disorder, DENTAL CARIES, etc. - see the corresponding article. The description below applies primarily to cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.
Emotional blocking:
A bad smell of this kind comes, as it were, from the depths of a person’s soul and indicates that this person is experiencing severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him; Thoughts about this cause him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to acknowledge them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.
Mental block:
If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, then he is saying that you should reconsider your attitude towards some things, since it greatly harms you. There is no wound that cannot be healed by true forgiveness. You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have maintained within yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a nice, pleasant person, and become like that in reality. (The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.)

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the Universal Energy of Life” write about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
You breathe out what is in your thoughts, and if it smells bad, then something in your intentions is rotten or spoiled. And in in this case a symptom makes us honest with ourselves and shows us what we are like internally. Therefore, pay attention to the world of your thoughts, what are they primarily aimed at? If your thoughts are again filled with love, friendliness and honesty, then you will exhale only goodness, your breath will again become pure and others will again be able to enjoy smelling you. And here Reiki will lead you to self-knowledge.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Disease” writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath:
Your “dirty” thoughts and feelings, your past are so outdated that they have already “stinked”. It's time to bring something new and fresh into your life.
A young guy came to see me. He held a handkerchief near his mouth.
“Doctor,” he said, “a year ago I started having bad breath.” I don't know what this is connected with.
Maybe from inflammation in the nasopharynx? But the doctors examined me and found nothing. And I feel that something is wrong there.
From communicating with the subconscious, it turned out that the cause of the problem was an unpleasant situation that happened just a year ago. And now, for a year now, the guy has been harboring anger and a desire for revenge.
I was able to convince him to reconsider his attitude towards the past and learn a positive lesson from it.
“Change your rotten old thoughts that have been preventing you from living all this time with new, fresh ones that will bring only pleasant experiences into your world,” I told him.

Ecology of health: Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it...

Do you have problems with your teeth? Let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of dental problems.

Here's what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about it.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems:

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations.

Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and unable to real life bite someone, stand up for yourself.

Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caff-fen:

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW associated with a person’s desire to manifest and express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH OF THE UPPER JAW connected with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself.

EIGHT RIGHT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction.

EIGHT LEFT TEETH ON THE LOWER JAW associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental blockage.

Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you should improve your relationship with your mother.

Besides, FOUR UPPER INCISERS(front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and FOUR LOWER INCISERS- the place your parents occupy.

Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself.

If you are suffering from WEAR teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually worn off from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to use you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them.

in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

Problems in the mouth area show you that you are to a certain extent unable to accept new impressions and ideas. You are guided by ossified views and adhere to old patterns of behavior. Say "Welcome" to new ideas and concepts! and accept new things readily. Be fluid and open, then your mouth will again become capable of receiving food.

With our teeth we bite. They are an expression of whether we can achieve our goal, energetically get down to business and overcome difficulties, whether we can show our teeth to someone, snarl. Bad teeth are a sign that you do not demonstrate your punching power well and cannot show your aggressiveness to the outside world, and you don’t see it or don’t want to notice it.What is it that is so hard for you to get your teeth into?

Often you cannot decide to do something and suppress your inner aggression out of fear that you will lose the love and recognition of others if you allow your aggressiveness or desires to manifest themselves. Be completely yourself, no matter what others expect of you. Accept your aggressiveness, let it show, don't judge yourself for it. This way, aggression can be transformed into a positive creative force that will help you achieve your goals with ease. Be honest with yourself.

Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of dental problems.

The skeletal system and teeth receive strength from faith, firmness and cleanliness in a person’s desires, will, speech, emotions, thoughts and actions.

Faith strengthens the immune system of the skeletal system, it also gives enthusiasm and joy in work, which leads to an increase in the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Mistrust reduces immunity. As well as the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.

Unbelief causes suppression of the immune system and causes infectious processes in the skeletal system and teeth.

Strength of character gives perseverance and elasticity of the skeletal system and teeth.

Weakness leads to decreased resistance and increased softness of the skeletal system and teeth.

Stiffness causes increased fragility of bones and teeth.

Cleanliness in character leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in bone tissue.

Sloppiness increases inflammation in bone tissue.

Sensitivity causes increased sensitivity bone tissue and teeth.

There is external and internal purity.

  • External cleanliness means cleanliness of the body.
  • Inner purity is purity of actions.

Both types of purity depend on purity of mind and purity of mind.

There is a dirty, defiled mind, and a pure mind. A pure mind always has pure, sublime thoughts. We can check whether our mind is pure or not. What are we thinking about, such a mind. If the mind is dirty, then there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes in the bone tissue and oral cavity.

If a person’s thoughts and will are not strong and persistent, then the teeth are not strong either, they quickly begin to crumble and fall out. And there are overly rigid and categorical thoughts, then the teeth will also suffer on the left. Quality: persistence, firmness, confidence. Inconsistency, indecision, uncertainty, desecration, uncleanliness, injustice, rigidity, aggressiveness in thoughts cause dental suffering on this side.

If a person has lost a tooth- this means that he did not act as expected. Excessively violent activities lead to the fact that a person loses his teeth. You see that everything is natural and there are no accidents.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of dental problems.

Prolonged indecision. Inability to recognize ideas for subsequent analysis and decision making.

Harmonizing thoughts: My decisions are based on the principles of truth, and I know that only the right things happen in my life.

Sergey N. Lazarev in his books “Diagnostics of Karma” (books 1-12) and “Man of the Future” he writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases is the deficiency, lack or even absence of love in the human soul. When a person puts something above the love of God (and God, as the Bible says, is Love), then instead of gaining divine love, he rushes to something else. To what (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationships, abilities, order, morality, knowledge and many, many other material and spiritual values...

But all this is not the goal, but only the means for acquiring divine (true) love, love for God, love like God. And where there is no (true) love in the soul, illnesses, problems and other troubles come as feedback from the Universe. This is necessary so that a person thinks, realizes that he is going in the wrong direction, thinks, says and does something wrong and begins to correct himself, takes the right Path!

There are many nuances in how the disease manifests itself in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from the books, seminars and video seminars of Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of gum problems.

Gums are that part of the oral mucosa that covers the roots of the teeth. The description below applies to gum pain.

Emotional blockage.

A person whose gums hurt cannot put into practice decision because he is afraid of the consequences. He is also afraid to express his desires and needs, and experiences despair and helplessness.

Mental blockage.

You must find out how real and justified your fears are. If you have failed often before, this does not mean that you will not succeed this time either. Remember that there are no mistakes in life, there are only experiences that make you wiser and help you cope with new problems. Your body wants you to set goals and move towards them gradually, without trying to get everything at once. Believe in your strength and ability to create your own life.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of gum problems.

Just as your gums are the foundation for your teeth, self-confidence and self-belief are the foundation for your ability to get things done and to bite. Gum problems indicate a deficiency in this area, usually due to the fear of losing the love of those around you. You don't have the courage to crack hard nuts, you're too vulnerable and sensitive. When you learn to love and respect yourself, you will become independent of the love and respect of others and will find within yourself the strength to realize your real desires. And then you will be able to truly love others, because love will be in you.

Wonderful! Reiki will help you regain lost faith in yourself.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to disease) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the occurrence and healing of gum problems.

Inability to carry out decisions. Lack of a clearly expressed attitude towards life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I am a determined person. I go to the end and support myself with love.


Lack of joy in the decisions you make in life.
Harmonizing thoughts: I believe that only right actions take place in my life. There is peace in my soul.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life" indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

A healthy person's breath has virtually no odor. Bad breath can be caused by a physical disease - DIGESTIVE disorder, DENTAL CARIES, etc. The description below applies primarily to cases where bad breath is not associated with any pathology.

Emotional blockage.

A bad smell of this kind comes as if from the depths of a person’s soul and indicates that this person is experiencing severe internal pain, as well as hatred, anger and a thirst for revenge - towards himself or towards people who have somehow hurt him. Thoughts about this cause him deep shame - that's why he doesn't even want to acknowledge them - and gradually kill him from the inside. With the help of this unpleasant smell, he keeps people close to him at a distance, although in fact he needs their presence more than anything else.

Mental blockage.

If you think you have bad breath, ask a few people who know you well. Find out if this smell is associated with any disease. If not, then this means that you should reconsider your attitude towards some things, since it greatly harms you. There is no wound that cannot be healed by true forgiveness. You don't have to feel helpless anymore. Also get rid of the false shame that you have maintained within yourself for so long. Tell yourself that you are a nice, pleasant person, and become like that in reality.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

You breathe out what is in your thoughts, and if it smells bad, then something in your intentions is rotten or spoiled. And in this case, the symptom makes us honest with ourselves and shows what we are like internally. Therefore, pay attention to the world of your thoughts, what are they primarily aimed at? If your thoughts are again filled with love, friendliness and honesty, then you will exhale only goodness, your breath will again become pure and others will again be able to enjoy smelling you.

And here Reiki will lead you to self-knowledge.

Dr. Valery V. Sinelnikov in his book “Love Your Sickness” he writes about possible metaphysical causes of bad breath.

Your “dirty” thoughts and feelings, your past are so outdated that they have already “stinked”. It's time to bring something new and fresh into your life.

A young guy came to see me. He held a handkerchief near his mouth.

Doctor,” he said, “a year ago I started having bad breath.” I don't know what this is connected with.
- Maybe from inflammation in the nasopharynx?

But the doctors examined me and found nothing. And I feel that something is wrong there.

From communicating with the subconscious, it turned out that the cause of the problem was an unpleasant situation that happened just a year ago. And now, for a year now, the guy has been harboring anger and a desire for revenge.

I was able to convince him to reconsider his attitude towards the past and learn a positive lesson from it.

“Change your rotten old thoughts that have been preventing you from living all this time with new, fresh ones that will bring only pleasant experiences into your world,” I told him.

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of bad breath.

Angry thoughts, thoughts of revenge. The past gets in the way.

Harmonizing thoughts: I'm happy to part with the past. From now on I express only love.

WISDOM TOOTH (with obstructed slot)

Louise Hay in his book “Heal Yourself”, he points out the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of a wisdom tooth with an obstructed eruption.

You don't make room in your mind to lay a solid foundation for later life.

Harmonizing thoughts: I open the door to life into my consciousness. There is ample space within me for my own growth and change.


Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about the possible metaphysical causes of tartar.

From them you will learn about frozen, undeveloped aggressive moods that have actually petrified. This condition indicates to you that you must better consciously solve your problems, then they will not need to be deposited on your teeth.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of caries.

Emotional blockage.

Since teeth are necessary for chewing, that is, preparing food for digestion, caries indicates that a person does not want to accept someone or something. He feels intense rage, and therefore cannot take action and express his desires.

Caries also indicates that a person does not allow himself to laugh and takes life too seriously. If you want to find out what area of ​​your life the unsatisfied desires that caused caries relate to, see the article TEETH (PROBLEMS).

Mental blockage.

Caries says that your stubbornness only harms you: it causes the same pain in your soul as a bad tooth causes pain in your body. Instead of being constantly angry and keeping this anger inside, you should reconsider your attitude towards what is happening around you and understand that not all people think the way you do. Learn to laugh at yourself, see the funny in people and events. Also, stop thinking that sugar can make life more enjoyable and eat as little of it as possible.


Liz Burbo in his book “Your Body Says “Love Yourself!”” he writes.

GRINDING of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger within yourself and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief.

You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth.

Bodo Baginski and Sharamon Shalila in their book “Reiki - the universal energy of life” they write about possible metaphysical causes of teeth grinding.

Grinding of teeth at night shows helpless aggression. The desire to actually bite is suppressed during the day, so the sharpness of the teeth decreases slightly at night. Be aware of your aggressiveness, your frustration and helplessness, do not push them into the night. (See also the information above on dental problems.)


Dr. Oleg G. Torsunov in his book “The Connection of Diseases with Character” he writes about the possible metaphysical causes of periodontal disease.

All this is due to the fact that a person is distrustful and sloppy. Mistrust reduces immunity, and sloppiness increases inflammatory processes. Periodontal disease begins when the gums become involved in the disease and purulent processes begin. This means that distrust and negativism have reached a fairly high level.

The same can be said about sloppiness. Even the horse obeys these laws. People have always determined the stamina and obedience of horses by their teeth; if a horse has good teeth, it means it will be calm and hardworking. published


All diseases are caused by nerves, doctors say. The Indians believed that we were sick from unfulfilled desires.

People get sick from anger, greed, envy, as well as from unfulfilled dreams and unfulfilled desires.

Is this really how it is?, to whom and why the disease comes, psychosomatics will tell you.

Psychosomatics of diseases

Psychosomatics is a field in medicine and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence of somatic, that is, bodily, human diseases.

Experts study the connection between the characteristics of what kind of person (his constitutional characteristics, character traits and behavior, temperament, emotionality) and specific bodily ailments.

According to followers of so-called alternative medicine, all our diseases begin due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders that originate in our soul, subconscious and thoughts.

For example, experts call bronchial asthma as one of the most typical diseases associated with psychosomatics. This means that the occurrence of asthma is based on certain psychological reasons.

Psychosomatic diseases

So, as has already become clear, psychosomatic diseases are those diseases that arise due to psychological factors, as a result of stressful situations, nervous breakdowns, worries or worries.

Thus, psychosomatic diseases are caused, first of all, by certain mental processes in the patient’s head, and not at all physiological, as most of us believe.

If specialists during a medical examination cannot identify the physical or organic cause of a particular illness, then such an illness falls under the category of psychosis. somatic diseases.

As a rule, they occur due to anger, anxiety, and depression. Guilt often contributes to the occurrence of psychosomatic illnesses.

The list of such ailments also includes irritable bowel syndrome, essential arterial hypertension, headaches, dizziness associated with stressful situations, as well as a number of other diseases.

It is also necessary to mention autonomic disorders associated with panic attacks. Somatic diseases caused by psychogenic factors fall into the category of psychosomatic disorders.

However, scientists are also studying a parallel area - the influence of somatic diseases on the human psyche.

Psychosomatics according to Freud

The fact that the internal state of the soul can influence the general physical tone and condition of the human body has been known since ancient times.

In Greek philosophy and medicine it was believed that the human body depends on the soul.

The founder of the term “psychosomatic” is the doctor Johann Christian Heinroth (Heinroth). It was he who first used this term in 1818.

In the early and mid-20th century, this area of ​​medicine became widespread. Such psychological geniuses as Smith Jeliffe, F. Dunbar, E. Weiss, as well as other eminent psychoanalysts, whose name in itself is authoritative, worked in this area.

The famous Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud studied psychosomatic diseases in detail.

It was he who gave the world the famous theory of the “unconscious” as a product of repression.

As a result, as mentioned earlier, some quite serious diseases fell into the category of “hysterical” or “psychosomatic”.

We are talking about the following ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies, imaginary pregnancy, headache and migraine.

Freud himself said the following: “If we drive some problem through the door, then it enters through the window in the form of a symptom of illness.” Thus, a person cannot avoid the disease if he does not solve the problem, but simply ignores it.

The basis of psychosomatics is the mechanism psychological protection-crowding out. This means approximately the following: each of us tries to drive away thoughts that are unpleasant to him.

As a result, we simply brush aside problems rather than solve them. We don't analyze problems because we are afraid to look them in the eye and confront them directly. It’s much easier to close your eyes to them and try not to think about unpleasant things.

Unfortunately, problems repressed in this way do not disappear, but simply move to another level.

What exactly will this level be?

All our problems ultimately transform from the social level (that is, interpersonal relationships) or psychological (unfulfilled desires, our dreams and aspirations, suppressed emotions, any internal conflicts) to the level of our physiology.

As a result, the human body takes the brunt of the blow. It begins to hurt and suffer from very real ailments.

Psychosomatics and bioenergetics

Researchers in the field of bioenergy agree with psychoanalysts that psychological factors are to blame for all our somatic diseases.

From a scientific point of view, it all looks something like this:

All a person’s problems, his anxieties, worries, worries, as well as long-term ongoing depression and nervous breakdowns wear away at the body from the inside. As a result, he becomes defenseless in the face of dangers in the form of diseases.

His body becomes vulnerable and unable to deal with dangers from the outside: viruses and microbes attack the body weakened by stress and experiences, and he is unable to resist them.

From the point of view of bioenergy, everything looks similar, with the only difference being that experts in this field say the following:

Shattered nerves, a weak and stressed-out human psyche wears away at him from the inside, destroying his aura. As a result of such a violation, cracks and sometimes even holes form in the aura, through which various diseases penetrate.

Experts even compiled a list in the form of a table, in which they indicated which psychological factor contributes to a particular disease.

It is important here that we can and should mention self-hypnosis, which has an amazing effect. It is self-hypnosis that plays an important role in a person’s consciousness and his perception of certain things.

Have you ever paid attention to those who never get sick?

When a person is endowed with nerves of steel, he knows how to cope with nervous breakdowns. He manages to resist prolonged depression. As a rule, he easily tolerates diseases or does not get sick at all.

But a suspicious person, on the contrary, is regularly susceptible to various diseases. He gets sick extremely often, and even if he doesn’t have an illness, he will certainly invent one for himself.

For example, it is logical if bad or stale food causes stomach pain. A suspicious person will decide that he has an ulcer.

It’s a paradox, but if he really believes in this, then this same ulcer will definitely arise. After all, with his thoughts he attracts disease. About the same thing happens to those people who are always “sick” with acute respiratory infections.

Therefore, in order to avoid various illnesses, especially serious ones, you need to not let bad thoughts overcome you, drive them away from yourself and do not attract illness.

By not allowing negative thoughts to take over your mind, and by focusing solely on your health and inner strength, you can stay healthy for many years. After all, strength positive thinking, says psychosomatics, is capable of working miracles.

Remember also that our thoughts are material.

This applies to both positive aspects of life and negative ones. You can attract both financial well-being and destruction and illness.

Causes of psychosomatics

So, if we put aside physiological reasons, as well as genetic predisposition to diseases, experts in the field of psychosomatics identify the following causes of diseases:

Stress and experienced mental trauma (primarily childhood trauma).

This may include experiencing disasters, fighting, a loss loved one and other situations that can affect a person’s mental state.

Internal conflicts, which include depression, anger, fear, feelings of envy or guilt.

If we delve deeper into these points, we can also highlight the following reasons underlying psychosomatic diseases:

Reason No. 1. Chronic stress and constant emotional tension

As mentioned above, stress is indeed the “No. 1 cause” of all human diseases living in the modern world.

Residents of large cities are especially susceptible stressful situations. By and large, the life of every young able-bodied person– it’s just pure stress.

Misunderstandings with colleagues, bosses, quarrels in the family, conflicts with neighbors and others - all this contributes to the fact that we feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied. Stressful situations can also include traffic in big cities, as a result of which there are delays to work, chronic lack of time, constant rush, information overload.

And the lack of sleep and rest only contributes to the fact that, accumulating, this stress destroys our body.

All these factors are constant companions of our lives, without which, however, few people imagine life in the 21st century.

However, it is worth clarifying: there is nothing criminal in stress itself. Stress is not the most pleasant physiological state in which we feel a certain excitement, similar to the state when we are on high alert. Our psyche and entire body are ready to repel an attack from the outside.

However, stress should act as an emergency mode in case of emergency situations. The thing is that this very emergency mode is triggered too often. Sometimes this happens against the will of the person himself.

Imagine: if a system operates uninterruptedly in emergency mode, sooner or later it will fail, fail, and something will certainly break in this system.

The same thing happens to the human body: if it is constantly exposed to stress, the nerves cannot stand it, and physical and psychological exhaustion occurs. As a result, the body’s rhythm is disrupted, and internal organs “fail.”

According to experts, first of all, from constant stress and stress, the cardiovascular system suffers, as well as the organs of the digestive tract.

In addition, as a result of stress, another organ may suffer, becoming a target for a stressful situation. And if previously this organ was weak and shaky, it quickly comes under attack.

Psychosomatics works according to the principle “Where it is thin, it breaks.” This means that if any organ suffers, it is the first to be hit, and the weakened organ faces danger in the form of a serious illness.

Thus, stress contributes to the appearance of somatic illness.

Reason No. 2. Prolonged experience of strong negative emotions

Negative emotions are destructive to our body.

The most destructive emotions include resentment, disappointment, envy, anxiety, and fear of something. All these emotions eat us away from the inside, gradually wearing out our body.

The principle of the effect of negative emotions on our body is the same as that of stress.

Any positive or negative emotion is not only an experience in a person’s brain, it is also a state of health and all systems of his body.

For the body, every emotion experienced is an event. When we experience something too actively, the following things happen to our body: we feel jumps in blood pressure, blood circulates more actively through the veins, the muscle tone of the body changes, breathing becomes more frequent and active.

In a word, a whole series of changes occur in the body.

However, unlike stress, not all emotions contribute to the body going into so-called emergency mode.

Each of us, even those who are far from medicine and are not doctors, knows that as a result of the fact that we experience strong emotions, blood pressure can jump up significantly.

For example, these days, it is quite common to experience negative emotions in relation to politicians, ruling parties, the president, and so on.

The so-called emotion of aggression-negativism has become a frequent companion modern man. This emotion arises in relation to those who live better than us, who rule the country, etc. The development of such emotions is facilitated by daily news releases and the Internet, which provides us with news online.

It is worth noting that such a very toxic emotion is destructive for a person. But most people simply plunge into this emotion, criticizing and scolding everything around them.

A sharp jump in pressure when a person experiences it is a completely expected response of our body.

But what can happen if this very negative emotion develops into a permanent habit? It is logical that surges in blood pressure also become a constant habit and an unchanging companion of the person who succumbs to it.

All this can lead to serious illnesses awaiting him in the near future. First of all, we are talking about diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, if a person long time is subject to some negative emotion or is not in the best state for a long time emotional state, as a rule, the reason for this is internal conflict With myself.

There are many serious studies linking certain emotions to specific diseases and illnesses.

For example, the cause of childhood neurodermatitis is the child’s excitement, his experiences, a feeling of insecurity, as well as the fear that he is not protected by loved ones.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually occurs as a result of experiencing some kind of tragedy. For example, the cause of this disease is the loss of someone close, as a result of which the disease arises.

Reason #3. Unlived emotions

As researchers in the field of psychosomatics say: “Sadness that does not result in tears makes other organs cry.”

According to experts in psychiatry and psychology, the most terrible emotion is an emotion that has not been experienced and responded to by a person.

If we experience negative emotions for a long time, it negatively affects our health. However, if you suppress them and keep everything inside, it is also very dangerous for your health.

Holding back and not experiencing negative emotions has a bad effect on your body. Remember the advice of psychologists: if negative emotions go off scale, go, for example, to the gym, so that you can definitely throw them out there.

After all, in essence, emotion is energy formed from a person’s interaction with other people and the world around us.

Energy needs to come out, manifesting itself in our behavior and actions. If we deprive her of this opportunity, she looks for other points of contact. Often this very point becomes the human body.

Experts say that unlived and suppressed emotion remains inside a person and turns into a somatic, that is, bodily disease.

A simple example, confirmed by research: when a person cannot control his aggression and anger, his risk of developing a stomach ulcer increases significantly.

It will be better if you pour out this negative emotion outward, in the form of criticism or complaint, rather than keeping it inside.

As a result, aggression turns into auto-aggression, that is, emotion eats away a person from the inside, thereby provoking a peptic ulcer.

The weaker we recognize and understand our own emotions, the higher the risk that they will transform and develop into real bodily diseases.

Each of us needs to learn to see and feel our emotions. Thanks to this ability, we will be able to express them as flexibly as possible, which, in turn, guarantees that our physical health will be stronger.

Reason No. 4. Motivation and the so-called conditional benefit

Why are you sick? Why are you sick?

Such questions sound very strange. In fact, questions of this nature occur in some cases of the disease.

Have you ever noticed that it often seems from the outside that some people simply use their own illness to solve psychological problems.

They seem to be hiding behind their illness, pretending to be sick.

Experts say there are a number of cases when the disease is beneficial to a person. Its owner simply hides behind it.

This “method” of solving any problems received its special name - going into illness.

And what’s most interesting is that, as a rule, in such cases the disease is not a deception or stimulation.

The disease in this case is not a deception or a simulation, as it seems to others. Thus, the emergence of a disease symptom actually occurs automatically at an unconscious level.

A person simply does not see the connection between a physical illness and his psychological problem.

For example, illness may benefit a schoolchild when he does not have to go to school. If he is sick, he can avoid going to his least favorite class. Another benefit is that the sick child begins to receive increased attention, he is pampered, he is bought everything he wants.

The child begins to feel loved, and it is quite logical that he begins to like it.

That's why sometimes children resort to illness for help. After all, in this way they try to attract attention to themselves, as well as make up for the lack of this same attention and love.

For adults, illness can become one of the ways to justify laziness, inaction and unwillingness to do something in order to change their life.

It looks something like this: What can I do? I'm sick!

The understanding that we are not able to pull ourselves together and force ourselves to do something that needs to be done becomes more difficult than the symptom of the disease itself.

The disease becomes the only way step away a little from the everyday routine, bustle, problems, the need to do something. Illness is like an escape from the stress that each of us faces every day.

In psychology, there have been cases where, in this way, workaholics tried to take a break from the daily stress.

Similar situations often occur in family therapy. For example, if the parents are at the stage of divorce, the child suddenly begins to get sick.

In this unconscious way, he tries to glue the relationship of his parents together, as if to rally them around his illness. And sometimes the child succeeds.

According to psychologists, if there is some conditional benefit hidden behind a certain illness, this is a completely different level of illness. Then the person, with the help of his illness, tries to resolve serious psychological problems.

It is noteworthy that such diseases cannot be cured with drugs, therapy and other traditional ways, which will be offered to you by medicine and doctors at a local clinic or hospital.

Medical methods work only in cases where the problem itself is considered from a psychological point of view: for example, through awareness of the cause-and-effect relationship between this problem and the disease itself.

Very effective way will be our efforts that we are making to resolve this problem.

But experts do not advise going into illness! According to psychologists, escaping from reality and going into illness is a very unsuccessful way to deal with stress.

Psychosomatics table of diseases

The psychosomatic table describes a variety of diseases and the causes of their occurrence.

Experts are constantly arguing over the formation of a definitive list of psychosomatic diseases.

However, some of them raise no doubt that their cause lies precisely in psychological rather than physical factors.

Here is a list of these diseases:

- essential arterial hypertension;

-stomach ulcer and duodenum;

-ischemic disease hearts;

-bronchial asthma;



-rheumatoid arthritis;

-hypertension (or high blood pressure);

-gastrointestinal diseases;

- heart attack;

-sexual disorders;

-oncology and some types of tumors.

This list may vary depending on which psychosomatic specialist compiled it.

Obviously, the list of diseases is quite impressive and somewhat unexpected. Some of the diseases on this list are surprising.

For example, you must admit that few people expected to see rheumatoid arthritis on the list. But some other ailments are quite expected, since the psychological factor at their basis is pronounced.

Here are the most common diseases and their causes, according to the theory of psychosomatics:

Psychosomatic causes of insomnia

Insomnia is one of the most unpleasant disorders of our time. Insomnia is familiar to many of us.

According to statistics, every second person suffers from this disease to one degree or another. Its reasons are nervous tension, anxiety, stress.

As a rule, a person suffering from insomnia does not leave his problems at work, but brings them home with him to his family.

In addition, such a person is not able to properly distribute his time, as well as set life priorities and decide what is important to him and what should be of secondary importance.

In other words, he tries to do everything at once, tries to cover all areas of life. As a result, all this results in enormous stress, which results in insomnia.

Perhaps you should try to put aside this daily bustle, daily worries and problems that prevent you from relaxing and breathing deeply. They are the reasons for our sleepless nights.

After all, our subconscious seems to extend time so that we can solve the problems that arise during the day.

Psychosomatics of headache

Another common problem is the frequent headaches that most of us experience.

What does this mean from a psychosomatic point of view?

If you often have headaches, the reasons may be:

Low assessment of one's own personality, internal fear, dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, internal reproaches and complaints to oneself.

It is likely that you feel humiliated or insulted, or perhaps in some way underestimated by others.

Perhaps you should forgive yourself for some moments, and then the headache will go away on its own.

In addition, frequent headaches bother those who have a lot of different information spinning in their head.

When a person’s thoughts “hurt”, headaches occur. You need to be able to let go of negative thoughts and the flow of information in order to also let go headache and feel lighter and calmer.

Low resistance to stressful situations. A person who has headaches is usually a “bundle of nerves.” He is tight and tense. Nervous system is on alert. And the first symptom of approaching diseases is headaches.

Observations also show that frequent headaches occur in highly intelligent people who do not express, but restrain their emotions. We are also talking about an excess of information here.

Loss of connection with your true self. The desire to meet the high expectations of others: family, loved ones, friends.

Trying to avoid making any serious mistakes also leads to frequent headaches.

Fear, fear of something new or unknown.

According to Dr. Sinelnikov, the cause of headaches is hypocrisy or a discrepancy between your thoughts and behavior.

For example, you smile at someone who is unpleasant to you. You flatter him by saying pleasant words, although in fact, this person causes you hostility, antipathy or rejection.

By pretending to like someone you don't love, you create an inner imbalance.

Such a discrepancy between your feelings, thoughts and actions leads to overstrain in the body, resulting in a headache.

Perhaps you should be more sincere and not try to deceive yourself. Try to communicate with those who are pleasant to you. Whenever possible, surround yourself with people you love, appreciate and respect.

Psychosomatics of migraine

Psychosomatics claims that migraine is a disease of overly self-critical people who subject themselves to strong pressure.

Many people knew that excessive criticism is not good. But experts in the field of psychosomatics unanimously claim that it can also cause migraines.

Those who are not in harmony with their inner world are susceptible to migraines. Perhaps such people set themselves impossible tasks, go towards unrealistic goals, and when they cannot achieve them, they begin to reproach and scold themselves.

The result is self-torture and a feeling of complete powerlessness. You shouldn’t chase imaginary perfection and constantly find fault with yourself.

After all, in this way, you do not correct the situation, but only aggravate the feeling of guilt that causes prolonged migraines.

Constant feelings of guilt, as well as inferiority complexes, also contribute to the development of migraines. Try to love yourself more, pamper yourself, praise yourself. And if you set some goals for yourself, then if you fail, praise yourself for trying to achieve it.

Psychosomatics of hypertension

Many people suffer from high blood pressure. Doctors identify a number of physiological factors that contribute to the development of hypertension. But how does psychosomatics interpret hypertension?

The cause of hypertension is excessive self-confidence in a person. Perhaps such a person tends to overestimate himself.

Also, the basis of this disease may be impatience or the desire to put everything on one’s shoulders. All this leads to sudden surges in pressure.

Try to relax, do everything in your power, but don’t try to jump over your head and take on the solution to all the world’s problems.

Psychosomatics of hair problems

When your hair “sicks,” it is also directly related to psychological factors.

Hair problems (early graying, hair loss, lifelessness, fragility and loss of shine) are a consequence of stress, an indicator of helplessness, anxiety and despair.

Hair, especially for women, plays a special role in self-acceptance and self-love. Hair can rightfully be considered a symbol of vital energy. They hand over a person if there are any serious failures.

Hair problems arise when a person is in constant tension, experiences anxiety and fear.

Perhaps you should try to become yourself, to believe more in yourself, in your own strengths, but also in help from above.

Psychosomatics also interprets hair diseases as a response to an overly impudent ego, excessive pride, and resentment against higher powers.

Psychosomatics of diabetes

Diabetes is one of those diseases where people get sick because of unfulfilled desires. As a rule, not getting what he wants, a person falls into depression, followed by diabetes.

People with this illness very often mentally turn to the past and miss it, certain things, people or events.

It may also be worth erasing all negative thoughts from your mind and trying not to do bad things.

Try to enjoy even the little things, greet every new day with a smile and give in less to negative thoughts. Do not pay attention to minor failures and problems that arise.

The ability to look at the world positively is the key to a happy and healthy life without diseases, health problems and depression.

Psychosomatics of arthritis

Psychosomatics says: the cause of arthritis is dislike for oneself, as well as a constant feeling of stress and depression.

Perhaps because a person judges himself too harshly and demands too much from himself, he is unable to relax. But sometimes you just need to understand that our body needs rest, and also remember what real, sincere and genuine human happiness is.

Also, those who are susceptible to arthritis are usually very good people. They never go beyond the established rules. For them there is always the word “need”. Therefore, they often go against their real desires, overstepping themselves.

Self-criticism is very developed, which is not always beneficial. Maybe you should sometimes break the rules to be happy?


Frequent dislocations of limbs, from a psychomatic point of view, mean that a person allows others to control the failure. It is possible that he is being manipulated by family members, friends or colleagues.

Knee problems reveal a stubborn, proud person. It also suggests that someone is depressed and experiencing a feeling of fear.

Psychosomatics of neck pain

Neck pain also has its own interpretation from a psychosomatic point of view.

Psychologists say the neck is a bridge between the mind (head) and feelings (body). Therefore, it is logical that neck problems signal that your mind and feelings are not in harmony with each other.

On a metaphysical level, this must be interpreted as how the bridge between the spiritual and the material has been broken.

Neck problems mean that a person lacks flexibility. Perhaps he has a fear of finding out what others are saying behind his back, and instead of understanding the current situation, he simply lets it pass by, as if ignoring it.

If you have problems with your neck, just try nodding your head affirmatively and shaking it negatively. Thanks to this simple way, you will be able to understand if you have difficulty being able to say “Yes” or “No”.

Psychosomatics of eye problems

Psychosomatics interprets myopia as the inability to see beyond your nose. This is a complete lack of foresight, fear of the future and unwillingness to look around.

Those who suffer from farsightedness do not know how to live in the present, to enjoy today. A person with farsightedness thinks for a very long time before deciding on anything. As a rule, he carefully thinks through all the details of what he needs to do.

It is also difficult for him to see and evaluate the current situation as a whole.

Surprisingly, psychosomatics also interprets color blindness. When a person sees everything in gray colors, this means that he is not able to perceive joyful moments in life.

Glaucoma or eyesore, as a rule, occurs in someone who does not want to let go of the past and lives in the present.

Perhaps we should forgive and accept our past and realize that today is another day...

Psychosomatics of dental problems

Dental disease is associated with indecisiveness and the inability to make decisions. The causes of dental diseases can also be the following:

Fear, fear of failure, loss of self-confidence.

Instability in desires, uncertainty that you can achieve your chosen goal.

Understanding that you cannot overcome obstacles.

Also, dental disease is typical for those people for whom decisions are made by others, and they themselves are not able to analyze life situations and face the problems that have arisen.

If you have problems with your chewing teeth, this means that you are unable to accept the circumstances.

It is noteworthy that the upper lateral teeth are directly related to decision making, and the lower ones are responsible for taking responsibility for one’s decisions. There is also an opinion that problems arising on the left side indicate problems in communicating with the mother, while on the right - with the father.

In other words, serious dental problems indicate that it is time to move on to real action, learn to identify and realize your desires, and immediately begin to realize your goals. There is no need to sit still waiting for something.

Psychosomatics of problems in the oral cavity

As a rule, diseases of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis, indicate that a person is being eaten away from the inside by severe resentment.

Perhaps you should let go of the grievances that have been tormenting you for a long time.

Biting your tongue means punishment for being too talkative and talkative; biting your cheeks means excitement, reluctance to share your secrets.

Roth is directly responsible for the acceptance of new ideas. Therefore, problems in the oral cavity indicate this.

Psychosomatics of bad breath

Based on psychosomatics, bad breath means the following:

Bad thoughts, often thoughts of taking revenge on the offender. Real life a person is poisoned by negative thoughts about the past, hatred. Sometimes such thoughts may be unconscious.

Perhaps you should let them go and learn to live in the present.

Perhaps dirty rumors are being spread about him behind a person’s back, people around him are gossiping and gossiping about him.

Psychosomatics of lips

Lips are responsible for our sensual side of life. Depending on what internal problems bother a person, the following unpleasant moments may be reflected on the lips:

Cracks - a person is bursting from the inside with many conflicting feelings.

He suffers from uncertainty and from a lack of understanding of what to do, who to be with, where to go.

Lip biting - in this way, a person punishes himself for being overly sensuality and outpouring of feelings.

Herpes also reveals a person who has shown his sensuality too clearly.

Psychosomatics of excess weight

Based on psychosomatics, if a person is overweight, he should think about what is wrong with his inner world.

Extra pounds indicate that a person has serious problems inside that need to be corrected.

As a rule, the body retains extra pounds to protect itself from external factors, often negative.

A person is defenseless in front of the outside world and is not always able to confront emerging problems.

Liz Burbo about the psychosomatic causes of bad breath.

A healthy person is practically not bothered by bad breath. It may be associated with any diseases - the digestive system, dental caries, etc. Psychosomatic causes of bad breath apply to people who do not suffer from any pathology.

Liz Burbo writes in her book that bad breath is associated with the fact that a person experiences severe emotional pain, hatred, rage, malice and seeks revenge on himself or people who have offended him in some way. This smell “spreads” as if from the depths of the human soul.

Moreover, he does not want to realize that he is experiencing such negative emotions and feelings; he lives as if without noticing it, which leads to severe shame.

Thoughts about the pain that people have caused to a person “corrode” him from the inside. This smell is “vital” for a person to keep people close to him at a distance, although more than anything else he wants to be loved and needs their support!

Advice: If you are worried about bad breath, first of all find out if you have any disease of the digestive system or teeth.

If this is not observed, find in yourself that pain, that hatred and anger that you have driven deep into your heart. Look at her in a new way, let go of everything negative and finally forgive those people who caused you severe pain. This will help heal your Soul and heart. Only then will you stop feeling helpless.

Perhaps you feel some kind of false shame towards yourself. Then repeat the healing affirmation day after day: “I am a pleasant, kind, good person.”

Bad breath: psychology

Sharamon Shalila associates bad breath with how pure a person's thoughts are. AND if it smells bad, it means that the person’s thoughts and intentions are negative and “rotten.” This suggests that inner world the person “leaves much to be desired.”

Advice: Start tracking your thoughts and controlling them. After all, where thoughts go, attention goes, and where attention goes, energy goes. Understand that if your thoughts shine with love, you will again “breathe out” goodness.

Bad breath: psychosomatic causes

Sinelnikov about the metaphysical problems of bad breath.

In his opinion, the thoughts and feelings of a person with bad breath are so stagnant, old, unchanging that they have begun to emit an unpleasant odor.

And it’s time to start changing your thoughts, and at the same time your life, making new and fresh changes.

Bad breath: psychological reasons

Advice: Louise Hay believes that bad breath haunts a person who is angry with someone and dreams of revenge. Another reason could be “being stuck in the past.”

Forgive and release the person who caused you pain and suffering. Start living in the present time and radiate kindness and love. Affirmations for bad breath:

I'm letting go of the past. I forgive myself and all the people who hurt me. Now I exude only joy and love. Repeat them in the morning and evening every day for 3 months 15-20 times.