Rublev Petr – Transurfing practice. Awakening of the caretaker or a new reality. From reality transurfing: practice

Peter Lisovsky

In most of our Everyday life excess potentials are “hardwired” into our ordinary actions, for example, conversation. Often, we start talking to other people on autopilot. We don’t have our own goal or we don’t want to understand the other person. As a rule, such conversations turn into a useless conversation or a “battle of views” and successfully take away our attention and energy. Before you answer another person's question or start speaking yourself, it is useful to take a tiny (2 or 3 seconds) stop and realize your goals and the goals of the other person. After this, start the conversation gently, without haste, keeping the goal in mind. This way of speaking and listening removes excess potential in conversations.

Vladislav Loginov
My advice on practicing Transurfing

In my life I am guided by the main principle of Transurfing: “Allow yourself to be yourself, and others to be different.” This develops in me understanding, support and most importantly Unconditional Love.

I suggest using the Transurfing tool to achieve your goal.
This is the daily pronunciation of the amalgam, scrolling through the target slide, and focusing on the goal.
Specific actions:
1. In the morning after sleep and at night before bed, repeat the amalgam daily, with awareness and attention. 10 times.
2. Meditation with a target slide, once a day. 20-30 minutes.
3. Constant focus on the slide and the goal.
4. A vision board is a visualization of your dream life. You can do it either electronically or simply by cutting out pictures from magazines and gluing them onto cardboard. These will be images that are associated with what you would like to realize in life.

And of course, don’t forget to reduce your importance: switch to current household affairs, your interests, hobbies, and goals in other areas of life!

Tatiana Samarina
My advice on practicing Transurfing

One of the practices I use is the Caretaker practice. Helps to be in the present moment, not to be influenced by pendulums, to calmly make decisions, to preserve peace of mind and, as a result, health.

It can be used in any conflict or critical situation.

1. I remember breathing (this is the basis of life).

2. I begin to breathe so that my breathing becomes even and calm.

3. I take a step to the side (mentally, or if possible physically).

4. I look at myself and the situation from the outside. Sample observation questions: What is happening? What does this person (i.e. Me) want? What do others (those in this situation) want? What do I need now?

Inna Romanovskaya
My advice on practicing Transurfing

The practice of “balance”, it returns me to a state of unity of soul, mind and body. When I feel that I am picking up an insane speed in my thoughts and actions, I return myself to reality - I start with the awareness of my breathing, if it was not there, it appears, if it was uneven, it evens out. Afterwards, in my mind’s eye I go through the muscle tension in the body, making sure to relax the facial muscles. By consciously giving myself such a restorative pause, I come to a state of unity, an understanding of what is happening comes, thoughts and actions are streamlined.

Svetlana Radyul
My advice on practicing Transurfing

I use two basic principles of Transurfing:
1. “I allow myself to be myself, and others to be different.”
2. The world is a mirror and reflection of mine inner world. What is my condition - such is the reflection!

I use the practice “Staying on the Wave of Good Luck”. I keep a journal of Luck and Success: I write down my little and great achievements And in difficult moments of life, I pick it up and read it, remember it, feel it again and live through the situation. This helps to re-enter a state of lightness and flight in order to continue to ride the Wave of Luck. By the way, a state of lightness and playfulness also helps reduce Importance. For example, in this state I can jump on one leg along the street, like in childhood.
Those who don’t try don’t get new results. Experiment and you will ride the Wave of Luck!

I wish everyone Good, Welfare and new results!

Anna Melnikova

My advice on practicing Transurfing

I often use very simple practice, which I call “here and now.” It allows me to “turn on” my inner Caretaker, to realize this moment time, what is happening to me, what I feel, what I think and what I do. And everything I do now is the result of my intention. Therefore, through this practice, I can easily determine if I am getting the results I want in life. And if I don’t get it, then I can determine what exactly is preventing me from achieving the desired result. Keywords in this practice “HERE AND NOW”.

So, at any moment in time, when I need to realize the reality in which I am, I simply say to myself something like this: “here and now I am eating cottage cheese with fruit, here and now I am getting into the car, thinking about...”.

Answer the questions: “What are you thinking about right now?” "What do you feel?" Maybe it’s lightness in the body, or maybe it’s tension, it happens in different ways. If you feel tension, then see where exactly in the body you feel it, it is definitely in the body, where else should it be? In general, feel yourself, experience your sensations, be aware of the processes that are happening right here and now inside you, the thoughts and feelings that come. Don't run from it, don't hide, let it just be. This is the present moment and you are living it right now. And your experiences are the only thing that truly belongs to you.

You will make many discoveries about and for yourself through this practice.

Good luck to you, be happy.

Evgenia Makarochkina
My advice on practicing Transurfing

From time to time I start to feel irritated, angry, want to hurt to a loved one or show power. This makes me feel uncomfortable, I feel like I am depending on the circumstances, becoming a puppet. Then I begin to listen to myself, redirecting the focus of attention from the world around me to myself, my feelings. I calmly observe the reasons that cause all these feelings in me. Gradually I begin to let them go, the colors around me become clearer, understanding returns to me, enjoyment of life helps me consciously return to the present moment.

Elena Blokhina
My advice on practicing Transurfing

There are two main ways to achieve the goal:

The first is when the goal of your actions is to achieve a result in the form of certain events in your life (buying an expensive car, concluding an important contract, etc.).

The second is when the main ultimate goal of your actions is to achieve a result in the form of certain emotions and sensations. In this case, you do not just shape events in your life, you create events as a result of which you will experience strictly defined emotions and sensations.

The first approach says: “Define the goal, determine the conditions under which it will be achieved, analyze the situation in which you are and step by step take actions based on what you can. At each subsequent step, turn on control, analyze your state and new opportunities, and take action.”

The essence of this method: You are here, the goal is there.

Disadvantages of this method: You are constantly on the Path to achieving your goal. That is, all this time you are not satisfied with your life, since it constantly lacks what you strive for.

The second approach states that the first step is to completely disconnect from what you would like to achieve and, freeing your mind, build an image of the person you want to be (note the highlighted phrase - “who you want to BE”, namely BE, not BECOME) .

It is important here to try to build an image with as much a large number elements. The choice of options should be large. And each of the elements must be characterized in several indicators, depending on the specifics of your image:







And much more.

Select the most key indicators and use them to characterize each of the states of your life that precede the desired image of yourself. The main task in in this case is to create an image that would bring you happiness, comfort and pleasure.

In the second approach, the center of attention should be your feelings and sensations.

After you have completed a detailed construction of your image, you need to create an unbending intention - in any life situation to correspond to this image, always choose only those words, thoughts and actions that correspond to the image you created.

In this case, the Universe itself shapes the events in your life. And forms them in such a way that they take into account all the elements necessary for you to constantly stay at the end point.

Using the second approach, you will always remain in the end result. And if this result is your happiness, then you are always happy.

The first method of forming reality does not allow taking into account all the nuances of the event being realized. A person is not able to predict all cause-and-effect relationships. You create an event, but you don’t know how you will feel at the moment of its implementation, as well as at every next moment of your life.

The second way of shaping reality, provided that the image you choose corresponds to your best idea of ​​yourself, always guarantees you that no matter what event happens in your life, it will ultimately bring you only positive emotions.

Ziya Ovezova
My advice on practicing Transurfing

The first is to sincerely say what I feel.

Second, I use the phrase: “My world takes care of me.” For example, while I’m getting ready, I imagine a minibus driving up to the house, when I get out and say the words: “My world takes care of me.” I use this phrase when I have to do something that seems difficult.

Third - I don’t get involved in arguments as before, I don’t try to prove, consciously tracking my feelings, I ask myself “What’s happening to me?” Then, I stop, tune in to the person’s feelings, to my own experiences, and the struggle stops, because I sincerely speak about what I feel, then both I and the interlocutor in the dialogue receive satisfaction.

Fourth - I feel what I want to do and don’t do what I don’t want (of course, observing the agreements).

Fifth, I take responsibility for the consequences of my actions.


Transurfing in practice: configuration file

Dear readers, agree that it is necessary to learn transurfing in practice.

Books are books, philosophy is philosophy, and then there is real life. This article will tell you how to use transurfing in practice. I will present the “Configuration File” transurfing technique and you will be able to put it into practice today.

Attention! With your thoughts you build a unique, individual version of your world. What is present or absent in your thoughts gets there or doesn't get there. It is very important that your thoughts

Now the question is: how to set the desired configuration of your layer? Very simple.

Friends, first of all, I’ll tell you that I started reading books about reality transurfing back in 2006, that is, a whole 10 years ago. Then it was a breath of fresh air - thanks to the author.

Later, I subscribed to the mailing list, where he answered letters from readers and analyzed complex issues of transurfing and wrote about how to apply transurfing in practice. In this article you will read the text that Vadim sent to readers in 2010.

The technique of applying transurfing in practice described below is very convenient to perform if you have a diary book “Projector of a Separate Reality” - this is a very cool, leather-covered book in which you write down your new reality and keep it “locked”. The book he authored was published, as far as I know, in 2015.

You will need the “configuration file” for the first time, until all the recorded parameters are clearly imprinted in your mind. Just don't hang this piece of paper on the wall for everyone to see.

Your thought forms are an intimate relationship between you and your world, with which you will realize them.

Transurfing in practice. Point 2.

Whenever you look at the world (that is, in the mirror), look at it through the prism of a given configuration. Or in other words, first into yourself, and only then into the mirror. No matter what is going on outside, you must fix a ray of attention on what suits you and what you like, and at the same time, carefully divert this ray from those things that irritate or interfere.

Let them be, these interferences. Bye. You don't care about them. You simply turn away from them. Soon all this garbage will be blown away from your planet.

For example, this is how you can filter the people you encounter. Keep your attention on pleasant and beautiful people– women, men – who and what interests you more. Admire them, communicate with them, smile at them, give yourself pleasure from their company. And those who are unpleasant to you, just politely tolerate them, covering your eyelids and renting yourself out. And even more so, if there is no need to communicate with them, just avoid them, turn away, walk past, do not stop your attention on them.

Gradually, your world will be filled with pleasant people everywhere, and what is most surprising, even in those places where you cannot count on pleasant company.

Not everything will always work out smoothly and the way you would like. From time to time you will have to face the negative aspects of reality. But you still, calmly and methodically pass all this rubbish through the filter of your configuration. All the same, stubbornly tell yourself that the world knows best how to take care of you, and everything is going as it should, because the principle of coordination of intentions, if followed, works flawlessly.


Declare your thought forms at every opportunity, especially when you find confirmation of them.

Set aside special time for this, and also carry thought forms with you constantly, in the background, so that you repeat them more often, like a prayer. Thus, firstly, you will learn to control the course of your thoughts, which is tantamount to controlling reality. And secondly, you transform the reality around you to the form that you need.

Literally it should be understood this way. You insert the desired “film strip” into your “film projector” and spin it systematically, constantly. Let your thoughts sometimes go to the side, let negative tapes sometimes turn on - don’t fight it, just calmly and pedantically return to your picture again and again. As a result, whatever film is playing in your virtual projector, you will watch the same movie in reality.

So, on the one hand, with a narrow beam of your attention you filter out only the good from everything that comes across you in the layer of your world, and on the other hand, you deliberately broadcast into the surrounding reality everything that is still missing there, but that you would like to see there .

It doesn’t matter how you pronounce thought forms - out loud or silently. Words are secondary, they are just the sound of air. Only thoughts matter, and only those that are broadcast constantly, systematically. If you begin to walk around for days, like a living television receiver, and broadcast one or several deliberately selected and fixed programs, the layer of your world will gradually come to a given configuration.
I emphasize that thought forms must be transmitted systematically.
This is concrete work, not head in the clouds. And this is the only secret that you should know, and which is not a secret at all. No secrets. All esoteric knowledge is open access, although not for everyone. The one who has discovered this “secret” for himself becomes the Maker of his reality.

You should also know that thoughts that scroll mechanically, unconsciously and thoughtlessly have no great strength. External intention is triggered only by thoughts coming from the heart, pronounced with feeling, in the unity of soul and mind.

Written down thought forms acquire additional power. No wonder they say: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe.” When you not only think something through, but also declare it in writing, the soul and mind are activated and strive to come to unity. For this reason, writers often realize in their lives the plots, events, and people they write about in their books. I can personally confirm this fact.

Letter from a reader:

I accepted transurfing in one breath, as a part of my life. The results were not long in coming, but these were only trifles. I need a car - please, expand the apartment - no problem, and the options seemed to find me on their own. But I could not even imagine that the power of intention is limitless, that it knows no such limitations as space and time.
In short, I used to live like everyone else, everything was like everyone else, but nothing good. The soul asked, simply begged, to do one thing, but the mind, under the influence of “well-wishers,” did exactly the opposite. This continued until the soul turned to the mind and said: “Let me try, give me the helm, just once, for a minute.” Reason reluctantly agreed. The impossible has happened. Reality changed within 24 hours! The mind was in shock, but the soul sang and flew! I understood what the Path that has a heart is!

Each person is the ruler of his own world, he is simply disfigured by society (the matrix) from childhood. It’s just that when making any decisions, especially at key moments in life, you need to send all “well-wishers” and advisers away, plunge into silence, turn off the stupid TV (which broadcasts programs for the insane around the clock), go into the forest, lock yourself in a room, stop thinking, weighing the pros and cons, and just listen to the quiet voice of your heart. His answer will be the only one the right decision, even if it is illogical at first glance.

Authors - Relav and LexxZone

When people ask me about Transurfing (hereinafter referred to as TS), I usually laugh it off and say that these are legends from the dreams of the soul about the delusions of the mind. After this phrase, everyone usually smiles and advises them to see a doctor. And so with about 90% of all those who asked...

And if any of them knew that this was not a joke...

And this happens almost always.

Now it’s quite difficult for me to imagine myself and the world around without a vehicle. It (knowledge) allows me not only to take a different look at the world around me, at my World around me, but also to change this world around me easily, naturally and the way I want!

This may seem like complete nonsense, especially for those who are encountering vehicle technology for the first time. But I and many others who have already discovered this amazing world, TS technology - we are 100% sure that this is not an illusion or a deception. It all works! Works anytime, anywhere! It's hard to believe, but this was originally and always was like this.

It is enough just to remember what has already happened to you in the past. Give it a try. Many who begin to use these techniques in their lives later remember some events from their lives and recognize the already familiar TS laws that provoked those events.

And now you have an amazing opportunity to discover amazing techniques for controlling reality with the help of Transurfing. As for us, we will try to help you master these not always simple, but very, very, and once again very effective techniques.

With respect to you, transferrs – Relav and LexxZone.

Reader comments

Guest/ 10/19/2012 karma-karma! everyone talks about karma! no one can know anything about her in this world! is she there or not? one of many secrets!

Guest/ 03/11/2012 A child is born with a clean slate of personal history. In the process of life he makes mistakes - this is true Karma. The rest is just deception with a hint of historical references. We are not responsible for the past and because it does not exist for us - a new body is a new place of residence - birth. We're in real life unused - River Styx. It’s up to you to decide whether I’m right or wrong. The noosphere is completely different and don’t confuse the sinful with the righteous

Bulgarians/ 04/26/2011 I would like to recommend you all good people read "Kybalion". It says there that "mind" is everything - aren't you that very mind...? There is another good passage from the book for SMERSH-a-psychophysiological preparation.
And you will feel divine power yourself, only when you rely only on yourself.

Guest/ 03/28/2011 I’m not going to suffer from guilt, karma is only what we think about ourselves and every action is bad or good only because we think it is so. So this is all nonsense. There are no good and bad people - there are happy and unhappy ones. I get a thrill from life in all its possible manifestations... And I will continue as long as I can))... ARE YOU STILL TROUBLED WITH YOUR GUILT, CONSCIENCE, KARMA? Then we are not coming to you)..

XXX/ 12/28/2010 2 RRRRR: If you blame responsibility on karma, you may achieve nothing at all, and even moreover, you will fall into a hole. This typical mistake- external control. Maybe you wanted to say that you need to change not through transurfing - in that case, you may be right. Regarding Freud, Kant completely agrees. Everyone, no matter who he was, did something for this - it was not at all the wave of karma that brought him there. But external circumstances cannot be excluded either. The truth lies in the middle.
I myself cannot say whether the vehicle works or not. But at least for some categories of readers, such literature is harmful.

RRRRR/ 12/27/2010 Guys, I read it all and tried it, better read good books, that’s all. I read it only out of love for mysticism, I tried everything, complete idleness, I spent a year of my life practicing TS... I love the truth, look for it, it’s not there .... karma certainly exists, if judged correctly, of course the world is a mirror, but if you were born with a certain worldview, why change it? A book for those who are sick willpower, and will not be driven by the TS...Zeland, for example, contradicts himself...with the same Orthodox prayers you can achieve much higher results, I saw how people refused the idea that the cat is driven by the TS, I know from myself that you have to pay for everything, we are for we all pay, it’s better to know morals, Zealand doesn’t teach morals, complete immorality, there shouldn’t be a feeling of guilt, there should be... because this is education, it’s better to listen to adults and read Kant, Freud, and other people who really achieved results and whom they know, but even their theories are just their built-in karma from birth... look at your loved ones who they are and who they are, this is the truth, it’s you. Why give up on yourself? this is funny, there are many other books in the world that will help you find your happiness and harmony, isn’t it clear that this is just commerce, and maybe Zeland never happened... love success, everyone and everything. We’ll all die sooner or later anyway. Why deceive yourself

weeeh/ 09/23/2009 the gentleman’s theory is obvious. but karma is a tricky theory

Vadim Boring/ 08/22/2009 The entire ingenious theory of Mr. Zealand is shattered to smithereens by just one concept - KARMA. No spiritual technologies will help a person avoid personal Karma, as well as family, national, racial, etc. No wonder he was afraid to talk about the philosophy of Karma...

skibat/ 06/10/2009 The chapter “Revision of your values” is an excellent exercise for combating your own fears of losing something.

UUH/ 06/09/2009 Well done
It’s just that it seems that Zeeland has already voiced this
Although knowledge must always be increased

Anton/ 06/07/2009 Ukrsal-u: the following words are written so, for that matter, justified, calculated, empirically derived.
Judging by the number of your mistakes, you are one representative of this group of authors :) Such authors, other than ruining the Russian language, are unlikely to be able to teach anything. Here no one compares theory with practice, since metaphysics at the moment cannot have a theory, but can only be a hypothesis... well, God be with it... there was a request to provide specific results of the application of this “knowledge”, and not theoretical layout! We are talking about different things, dear Ukrsalo

Constantin/ 06.06.2009 It’s just that those who have achieved something will not trumpet it to the whole world. Here you begin to understand that you don’t need to talk about it. And whoever wants to check it himself. Maybe stop looking for advice, and it’s worth really trying.....

Ukrsalo/ 06.06.2009 To Anton: “conveyor” is spelled like this!...
By the way, there are mechanisms that are developed without a clearly substantiated theory. And they calculate using empirically derived formulas, and quite successfully!.. It’s just that theory doesn’t always keep up with practice. The criterion of truth has always been and will be practice. Those who do not believe in the teaching should try it...

Valera/ 06/3/2009 I absolutely agree with Anton. Dear Relav and LexxZone or the team of authors :) If we do not touch on the topic of respect for readers, then let’s touch on the topic of at least respect for ourselves. How much you have to disrespect yourself to make so many mistakes and typos on just the 51st page of the book. This is the first point, and the second is what is the point of writing about absolutely the same thing that Vadim Zeland has already written about more than once. Absolutely NOTHING new, except mistakes)) Maybe it’s better for you to become repeaters of other ancient knowledge or “invent” something of your own? Because in this book no real results are described, only a few terms are introduced... in general, it’s a horror nightmare and not a book!

Anton/ 06/2/2009 to KatenOk excellent, I am sincerely happy for you. Maybe then it’s better for you to write similar books, because this, as they called themselves, “team of authors” again has 51 pages of metaphysical water (although no, water compared to this is something sacred... the word cake would be better suited, as something unclaimed ) So these guys have 51 pages of metaphysical pulp and sometimes you get the feeling that this book was written by a couple of ninth-graders who played Quake and had big problems with the Russian language. In this book I came across such words as: lust, become material and the like. In addition, since the author Vadim Zeland stated that he is just a relay of ancient knowledge, then the result must be mathematically accurate, otherwise who cares " ancient knowledge" stuck? (This is in reference to KotenKa's comment about the accuracy of the mathematical formula... the conveyor would not be used by the masses if it worked every other time, so why throw this "ancient knowledge into the masses" if it works every other time?) And it seems like inside Do you feel that there must be something like this to control reality, but maybe this is all just an artistic movement of neo-romanticism literature :)

Maksim/ 06/1/2009 “The paradox of human existence is that when you start doing something, you will be sure that you are either able to do it or you are not capable. And in any case you will be right! ”, Henry Ford

It doesn’t matter what specific technique you are working on (TS is only one of dozens and hundreds). It’s not a matter of techniques; gradually everyone comes to this understanding.

P.S. By the way, it’s better not to shorten Transurfing in this way. The abbreviation "TS" is more reminiscent of "Turbo-Gopher". :-)

Ian/ 1.06.2009 2 Anton: I agree. But the criterion of truth is practice.
On the other hand, Comrade Zealand is in hiding. And if he told you that he has a beautiful wife and a million-dollar bank account, how would you check? In general, I haven’t read about transurfing yet, so I won’t judge.

KatenOk/ 06/1/2009 this technique allows you to remove or minimize the obstacles that occur on life path. when achieving any goals. Specifically, it doesn’t work as a mathematical formula, don’t wait. Simply, when applied in a certain area of ​​life (for example, work or personal relationships), options for solving problems that previously seemed insurmountable appear by themselves! Even more specific? Personally, I solved the housing problem - for a long time I could not occupy a legal apartment. And there were no prospects. And resettlement was not foreseen even in the project. nevertheless, after six months of training, mainly on clearing my own thinking, I live in my own living space + received another apartment as a gift from relatives. almost by accident too. Are you satisfied with the transurfing action???

Anton/ 06/1/2009 at least one of the transferers would post the specific results achieved simply in a sea of ​​continuous unproven metaphysics, which Pelevin would call combat NLP, because a person talks about something that obviously does not exist and therefore he knows more about it anyway anyone...even Vadim Zeland did not indicate what he achieved with the help of this technique except that he described how he effortlessly released a series of books on different languages about the technology that allowed him to release this series of books... doesn't it seem a little strange?
Thus, if people do not know what this technique has helped specific people achieve, it obviously exists only in the inflamed brain nowhere else...doesn't it seem obvious?

“Theory is theory, but what about practice?” - I thought and decided that I wanted to write about how I apply Transurfing knowledge in life. Perhaps this technique is in the book, but it seems to me to be quite universal relative to any technique of working on oneself; it’s just that in transurfing there is a model for it, which makes the essence of the technique more obvious.

First, a summary of the theory:
Reality has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. Space options- this field information about what was, is and will be. Your choice Always being implemented. What you choose is what you get. Each organism contributes to the formation of material implementation. No need fight for happiness- you can just choose to myself option to your liking.

Implemented not a desire, but intention- determination to have and act. Inner intention is the determination to act. External intention is the determination to have. The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention. is selected. Inner intention tends to directly influence the world. External intention gives the green light to independently realize the goal.

A dream is a virtual journey of the soul into space of options. In reality, the dream continues in reality to varying degrees. To gain control over external intention, it is necessary wake up. Until reality is realized, it is not controlled, but “happens”. Control should be aimed only at allowing into your life desired scenario .

Initial situation: a person has a goal, but there are stable failures on the way to the goal. From the point of view of transurfing, firstly, the person is clearly asleep, his dream does not coincide with reality (as we say, “reality does not coincide with reality”), and secondly, there is a problem with external intention. Why with him? A person takes action, which means that the internal intention is in order: the determination to act goes directly into action. The determination to have, formulated in a dream, does not turn into the acquisition of what is formulated in a dream.- this is how the initial situation is described in terms of transurfing.

What to do? We take ourselves and, at a minimum, a sheet of paper/notebook and a pen/pencil/felt-tip pen (any writing utensil that you like/want to write with). Using a computer or performing actions in your head is not recommended, because performing actions here and now is important, it reduces the percentage of sleep in our actions.

So, we sat down more comfortably, relaxed, took a deep breath and exhaled deeply. Describe your goal one word and write it in the center of the sheet with a capital letter. So that you can write, for example, “Elephant”. Elephant is written with a capital letter, because there are many elephants: concrete, non-specific, living, toy, etc. It may be quite difficult for someone to choose a name, but they will have to come to an agreement with themselves. If you are shy, you can use the Elephant, meaning by it what you want. The main thing is to feel what you want visually, auditorily, kinesthetically, gustatoryly, olfactorily, in general - fill the Elephant with sensations, imagine it.

Next, a little to the side - it doesn’t matter, to the right or to the left, but to the side - we move the arrow away from the inscription “Elephant” and small write “I want an Elephant”, and then we move the arrow to the center and write in regular font “I get an Elephant”. As you might have guessed, “I want an Elephant” is your internal intention, “I get an Elephant” is your external intention. Since we assume that this is where the dog is buried (well, yes, we are sleeping, so the dog is buried in the elephant /:) ), then we place the inscription “I get an Elephant” in the center.

How does it feel? Do you feel the emotions coming from the failures you have experienced? Or, in order to get what you want, can you write about the Elephant?

Now slowly, without rushing, ignoring the inner elephant trainer critic, we begin to write down all those sensations, all those characteristics, all the expectations with which the Elephant is filled. I deliberately do not give any epithets, so that even while reading this instruction, you can allow your imagination to shoot with various associations and fantasies of what kind of Elephant you can find. The characteristics of an elephant do not have to be written down in one word: they can be phrases or whole sentences. Release those emotions that have accumulated in the process of receiving completely different Elephants. If you run out of paper, just take another one and write further, without repeating the entry “I want”/“I receive” (by the way, if you want to repeat it, repeat it: this is your work on your own external intention).

Have you written everything down? Re-read what you wrote down over and over again, looking for inaccuracies in the wording. If you want to correct it, correct it: it’s better for the paper to suffer than for you to suffer another failure.

When the desire to correct and supplement dries up, put the writing instrument aside and take what you have written in your hands. How do you like your Elephant? Do you want it? Generally speaking, most likely you want it, but in some cases it may turn out that you didn’t want the Elephant, but the Elephant itself. Process of Obtaining an Elephant, I wanted all these trials, errors, searches and experiments. The same thing is possible, and - congratulations: You have what you really want.

If the Elephant has not transformed into a process, then re-read for the 101st time the same list that you have already read 100 times. Are all the characteristics of the Elephant really important, do they all have importance? Now try to give up this characteristic and get an Elephant. Would you choose this Elephant if there were no others? If not, we leave the characteristic; if we would have chosen it, we cross it out. All those characteristics that do not influence the choice are superfluous, create unnecessary significance and force us to get a completely different Elephant than we want.

So, you have crossed out all unnecessary characteristics. Among the remaining ones, are there those whose wording contains “not”? Small, doesn't eat bananas, etc. By formulating the characteristic through “not”, you are not describing the receipt of an Elephant, but the refusal of other Elephants. That is, the significance is transferred not to the Elephant, but The Process of Giving Up Other Elephants. Again, congratulations: you have what you want. If you still need an Elephant, and not refusals from other Elephants, then you need to clarify all the characteristics so that the “not” particle disappears, or remove them from the agenda altogether, since they are also completely insignificant and do not affect Elephant's choice.

Now let's reread the list again. If you had to scribble a lot, then you can even rewrite it, although in fact, what matters is not what the piece of paper looks like, but what happens to your intentions. What do you feel now in relation to the Elephant and the sensations that still fill it after all the transformations? Do you want it?

If you want, answer the last question: does it even exist? If exists, then just go and get it. Are you missing some resources? No question: we take resources, go and get an Elephant. We decided that we wanted an Elephant, and we decided that we were getting an Elephant. All that remains is to simply complete all the steps to obtain the Elephant - and the Elephant will make us happy.