System of secondary and higher education in China. Education and training in China as a result of the cultural revolution. Junior high school

It would not be entirely correct to assume that China's phenomenal economic success is caused only by stimulating exports and creating a favorable investment climate. The reform of local education played a positive role in the development of the country. IN last years Studying in China is becoming increasingly popular among foreigners. Large foreign companies operating in the field of international trade or just planning to enter the Chinese market need specialists who know Chinese or are familiar with the specifics of local legislation.

Benefits of Chinese Education

Despite the fact that the education system in China is in many ways similar to the Russian one, it is still not worth equating them. Differences exist both in the workload for each student and in the number of subjects taught. However, if parents working in this moment in China, have minor children, it would be in their interests to do everything possible to ensure that their child is able to learn Chinese. Subsequently, this will give him a significant advantage in finding a job and in his career.

Today there are no problems in terms of obtaining secondary education. A school with Russian language of instruction exists in Beijing (at the Russian Embassy), as well as in Guangzhou (primary). If they wish to learn Chinese, Russian citizens can enroll in training courses. Their monthly fees range from $100 to $200.

Considering obtaining higher education in China, we should not forget about another important advantage - the cost of studying at Chinese universities is 10-20 times lower than in Western Europe or USA. At the same time, many higher educational institutions have special groups for foreign students, where teaching and exams are taught in English.

Study in China

In 1985, an educational reform was launched in the PRC, which subsequently somewhat modified the school and preschool education. In particular, secondary education was divided into three levels, two of which became compulsory. The rights and opportunities for graduates to enter higher education institutions have been significantly expanded. The number of preschool institutions gradually began to increase.

Preschool education

As in Russia, preschool education in China is partially paid. Most of the costs of paying teachers and other personnel are borne by the state; parents only pay the cost of feeding their child.

In Chinese kindergarten Accept children starting from 3 years of age. The training period is three years - from 3 to 6 years. Each kindergarten has age groups:

  • initial;
  • average;
  • older.

Most public kindergartens not only provide day care for children, but also prepare them for school by teaching simple arithmetic operations and hieroglyphs. If parents want to more thoroughly prepare their child for first grade or are interested in him learning English, then in many cities there are private preschool institutions for this purpose.

The academic year in all Chinese schools begins on September 1. Primary education in China is compulsory for all children starting at age 6. Only in some remote and rural areas Schools are accepted from the age of 7.

The duration of primary school education is 6 years. Admission to first grade is based on test results. This allows you to identify the most capable students in advance.

Chinese school has some differences from Russian primary education. For example, in rural areas, many educational institutions do not have a heating system, which forces students to sit in classrooms in outerwear in winter. Every day in schools in the PRC they conduct exercises, after which a line is held with the raising of the flag.

The primary school curriculum includes:

  • Chinese;
  • natural history;
  • mathematics;
  • history;
  • music;
  • drawing;
  • physical education;
  • geography;
  • work;
  • political information and ethics of behavior.

Sometimes lessons are supplemented with cleaning work school grounds and excursions.

Secondary education

To accurately answer the question of how children study in China, it is necessary to take into account the division of the period of study into stages (levels). The first of these is primary school, which lasts 6 years. Then, at approximately 12 years of age, children move to the first level of secondary school. Like primary classes, it is mandatory.

Only then, after 9th grade, does the student have the opportunity to choose: continue his education in high school (grades 10-12) or transfer to vocational (special) education. This choice is very conditional. The opportunity to obtain a complete secondary education is provided to the student based on the results of final exams. If a teenager does not do well in basic subjects, no one will take him to 10th grade.

First level

Chinese high school has some characteristic differences when compared with Russian system education. For example, in the PRC it is common practice to fill classes with 35-40 students. In addition, the usual school day in China lasts not until 14:00, but until 16:00. However, it is divided into two parts: from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., children study basic subjects—algebra, Chinese and foreign language, physics, geography, etc. Then a whole hour is allotted for lunch and rest, after which, from 14 to 16 hours, teachers teach lessons in secondary subjects: drawing, physical education, singing, music. From 7th grade list compulsory subjects complemented by computer science.

Testing is often used to test knowledge. Students are graded on a 100-point system, but they are designated not by numbers, but by one of the Latin letters: from A to F, in descending order. The highest grade is A. It corresponds to 90 points. If the teacher wants to reward the student, he can add a few extra points to the grade.

Second level

After finishing 9th grade, the student takes final exams, on the basis of which the form of his further education is determined. Satisfactory test results allow the student to move on to the second level of secondary education. In other countries it is usually called senior classes.

As in Russia, in the 10th grade, students are divided by profile. There are only two of them:

  • academic profile ( in-depth study subjects required for admission to university);
  • vocational and technical profile (training for admission to technical or agro-industrial colleges).

Receiving secondary education ends after 12th grade. Considering that Chinese children enter first grade at six years old, the age of graduates does not exceed 18 years.


In addition to the usual educational schools, China has a wide network of vocational schools. Admission to these educational institutions is carried out after completing 9th grade. Vocational schools train qualified specialists for state and private enterprises with the further prospect of obtaining a specialty as an engineer. But for this, a vocational school graduate will also have to study in college.

Another type of special education is evening schools, where adult citizens can receive a certificate on the job. Also very popular distance learning. It is indispensable for those schoolchildren who live in remote areas and do not have the opportunity to attend classes every day.

Living and studying in China: Video

Structure of higher education

Despite the fact that the number of universities in China exceeds 2,500, higher education is not available to all school graduates. Firstly, an objective obstacle is the large competition for prestigious specialties at universities. Sometimes from 200 to 300 applicants apply for one student place.

Secondly, those school graduates who were unable to get a government-funded place at a university can receive higher education only on a paid basis. Many families cannot afford this.

However, the number of students in public and private universities in China is increasing every year. As of 2017, the number of students at universities and institutes exceeds 20 million people. The vast majority of students study for free, paying only for their accommodation in the dormitory.

Higher education in China can be obtained by completing a bachelor's degree and then a master's degree. If the master meets the requirements of the university, he can continue his studies in doctoral studies, which opens the way to obtaining an academic degree. The following stages of training are allocated:

  • Bachelor's degree – 3-5 years:
  • Master's degree – 2-3 years;
  • Doctoral studies – 3 years.

Popular educational institutions in China

Behind Lately The quality of higher education in China has noticeably improved. This is evidenced by the fact that at the end of last year, 23 Chinese universities were included in the top 500 universities in the world. According to this indicator, China is second only to the USA, Great Britain and Germany.

Universities in Beijing and Shanghai are considered the most popular among local applicants. However, this does not mean that all excellent students strive to enter only these two educational institutions. Do not forget that the competition for prestigious specialties in Chinese universities is huge. Therefore, most graduates, realistically assessing their chances of admission, choose to study at largest city own or neighboring province.

The best universities in China, in addition to Beijing and Shanghai, are concentrated in several megacities that are regional centers. If we take into account the formal ranking of Chinese universities, it looks like this:

  1. Tsinghua University (Beijing);
  2. Peking University;
  3. Fudan University (Shanghai);
  4. Sun Yat-sen University (Zhongshan);
  5. Shanghai Jiaotong University;
  6. Chongqing University;
  7. Nanjing University;
  8. Fudan University.

These universities provide a full range of educational services, from obtaining a bachelor's degree to doctoral studies. If a graduate is interested in technical colleges, then they can enroll in almost any large or medium-sized city in China.

Cost of education

Taking into account that higher education in Beijing and Shanghai is at a relatively high level, many foreigners, including from Russia, are interested in how much it costs to study in China.

Despite the fact that in China higher education for local citizens is mostly free (there are budgetary and paid forms of education), this does not apply to foreigners. They cannot do so on ordinary grounds. The only exception is receiving a government grant or participating in an exchange program. For everyone else, a paid form of training is available.

The cost of an academic year at a Chinese university remains relatively reasonable compared to many other countries - from 2000 to 4000 US dollars. The indicated amount does not include payment for accommodation in the hostel. That's about an extra $1,000 a year.

International student exchange programs

The Chinese authorities traditionally declare openness in scientific and educational sphere. This also applies to student exchanges with other countries.

In practice, this means that a full-time Russian student can apply to participate in an exchange program with a Chinese university. Of course, you shouldn’t count on studying at the most prestigious universities in Beijing or Shanghai, but provincial universities in China willingly participate in such programs. For a Russian student, this will be at least an excellent opportunity to improve their Chinese language skills. Moreover, under the terms of the exchange program, tuition fees are not charged.

Excellent students who speak Chinese or have an advantage to participate in the exchange English language. To begin the procedure, the applicant needs to submit an application to the dean’s office of his university. If educational institution participates in the exchange program, you will also have to prepare:

  • an extract from the record book for the entire period of study at the university;
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • recommendations from teachers.

How can a foreigner enter college?

In recent years, studying in China has become very popular for Russians, given not only the relatively low cost of education, but also the opportunity to qualify for a preferential student exchange program. In addition, there is another way to go to study in China for free. This option involves applying for a grant from the PRC government.

It is worth considering that this opportunity is available only to those who want to improve their Chinese language. In other words, an applicant for a grant for free education must master it at least at the everyday level.

To apply to study at a Chinese university or college, you must send an email to the address listed on the official website of the educational institution. The response will include information about current programs for foreign students. As a rule, they all require payment in one amount or another. Applicants for free education in China should contact the dean's office of their Russian university or look for information on the website of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China.

Required documents

If your application to study in the PRC has been approved, the university will send detailed instructions on what documents are required for enrollment as a student. Typically this list includes:

  • international passport;
  • extract from the grade book (for students);
  • extract from the certificate of secondary education (for applicants);
  • medical certificate;
  • a copy of the payment receipt.

All documents issued in Russian must have a notarized translation into English or Chinese.

Scholarships and grants

As of 2020, the following grants for training foreign students exist in China:

  • Confucius Scholarship (for those who wish to study Chinese);
  • Government CSC Scholarship (Bachelors Russian universities wishing to obtain a master's degree in China).

Student accommodation

Living conditions for students at Chinese universities can be called Spartan. In any case, they are much worse than in Russia. For example, rooms for students are designed for 5-6 people. There is one kitchen per floor, and at 10 pm or 11 pm the electricity throughout the hostel is centrally turned off. Girls and boys live in separate buildings.

There are still certain concessions for foreign students. Usually they are accommodated in dormitories, where the rooms are designed for 2-3 people, and a kitchen and bathroom are available in each block of 3-4 rooms. But the cost of such privileges will be higher than for locals. If Chinese students pay 200-500 dollars a year for a dormitory, then a foreigner will have to pay about 1000 dollars.

Applying for a student visa

The main condition for obtaining a study visa is a study contract or the provision of financial guarantees. If there are no problems with the financial issue, the future student will need to contact one of the Chinese consulates operating in Russia.

Chinese diplomatic missions accept documents within the boundaries of their consular district. In practice, this means that a citizen of the Russian Federation who is officially registered in the Far Eastern federal district, can apply for a student visa only in Khabarovsk, but not in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Irkutsk. Despite the fact that Chinese consulates also operate in the listed cities, failure to comply with this rule will lead to rejection of the application.

A study visa to China has categories X1 or X2. In the first case, the planned duration of training is more than 6 months, in the second - less than 6 months.

List of documents

The list of documentation required to obtain a study visa includes:

  • international passport;
  • certificate of secondary education;
  • diploma of completion of a college or university (for those who already have one higher or secondary special education);
  • color photo 3.5 by 4.5 cm;
  • IELTS or TOEFL results (for those planning to study in English);
  • HSK (Chinese language proficiency test) result;
  • medical certificate of the established form;
  • letters of recommendation (if possible);
  • a copy of the training contract or a certificate of financial guarantees.

Is it possible to extend

A student visa is issued for the period of study specified in the contract, with a corridor of 1-2 months for arrival and settlement. In most cases, university students are issued an annual X1 visa. If a student arrives in the PRC for short-term language courses for less than 180 days, he will be issued an entry permit of category X2.

Extension of a student visa is allowed based on the presentation of documents confirming such a need. For university students, the visa is renewed annually without the need to leave China. To do this, you need to contact your local migration service.

Internship and job search after graduation

Successful completion of a Chinese university or institute does not mean that the graduate will automatically find a well-paid job in Russia or China. But no one will deny that a diploma from a Chinese university provides significant advantages in finding vacancies.

To do this, you can use popular job sites. Some of them are English speaking, i.e. designed for foreigners temporarily staying in China. Others only have the Chinese version. However, for graduates of a local university, language proficiency will not be a problem. Some of the most famous job search sites in China include: The Beijiner, CareerBuilder, ChinaJob, ExpatJobsChina.

You can also find work in China by browsing the websites of large local companies. Some of them have a special section for current vacancies.

Do not forget that many Russian companies need qualified specialists to work in their Chinese branch. To apply for such a position, you need to view vacancies on Russian employment sites or subscribe to the newsletter.

Today, the Chinese are increasingly occupying leading positions in science, culture and art. Residents of the Middle Kingdom leave no chance for Europeans brought up in greenhouse conditions. This happens because education in China means studying for ten hours a day. Every day and all year.

Illiteracy defeated

The UNESCO report “Education for All” notes that by 2003, China had taken first place in terms of educational development. Started in 1985, the education reform has yielded tangible results. A number of government legislation contributed to compulsory literacy training for all residents, the development of higher education, an increase in the number of foreign professors in universities and the influx of students from other countries. Thus, compulsory primary education was introduced in the 80s, and nine-year education became compulsory in the 90s.

One of the main indicators of the effectiveness of the fight against illiteracy is the percentage of women aged 15 to 24 who do not even have a primary education. In China it is 4%. Compare with India, where it is 44%, and in fairly Europeanized Turkey - 8%.

The percentage of illiterate adults in the Middle Kingdom today is about 4%. And back in the 50s of this century, 80% of the Chinese were illiterate. Young people aged 15 to 24 are 99% literate in China.

Increased education is the key to success

Another indicator indicating that the level of education in China is growing at a rapid pace is the number of specialists with higher education per 100 thousand people. 20 years ago this figure was 600 graduates for every 100 thousand people. The Ministry of Education of the Celestial Empire plans to reach 13.5 thousand specialists by 2020.

In 1949, there were 205 higher education institutions in China. Today there are about 2 thousand of them with a student population of 20 million people.

Education system in China

The structure of acquiring knowledge in China is no different from most European ones. It includes the following steps:

  • Preschool (children from 3 to 5 years old).
  • Primary School and incomplete secondary (6+3, 5+4 or 9-year systems).
  • Secondary school (three-year education).
  • Secondary specialized education (2 years after secondary school, or 4 years after junior secondary school).
  • Graduate School.

The education system in China today provides for nine years of compulsory education (junior high school level). Then graduates either receive a special education or become university students. Or they stop further education.

Before school

Preschool education in China is represented by a network of public or private institutions. The country's legislation is aimed at supporting the private sector in this area of ​​education. The Ministry of Education has approved a unified program before school education. But if in government agencies While the priority is preparing children for school and labor education, private preschool institutions specialize in aesthetic, cultural and personality-oriented education for the child.

In general, the day of a Chinese preschooler is similar to the same day of a Russian child. Distinctive Features educational process characterizing education in China before school can be considered the following:

  • Morning in kindergarten is the time to raise the flag. Love and pride for the country is cultivated from preschool age.
  • Getting used to work consists of the fact that educational institutions have vegetable gardens where preschoolers learn to grow vegetables. And sometimes they are even cooked.
  • Even children's games are subject to strict discipline. Free time- a time of idleness, and this simply does not exist in China.

Strict discipline combined with control, which does not allow the child to even think that he is special, is often criticized. But for the Chinese, the rule “what is good for the state is good for the individual” is an unshakable rule.

Most kindergartens are open until six in the evening, but there are also those where children can stay around the clock.

Primary school and junior high

This segment of training is mandatory. It is paid for by the state. Primary school takes 6 years of study, and secondary school - 3. The program includes the study of Chinese (in depth), mathematics, history, natural history, geography, music. Variable part - ethics, morality and legal part. Assessment is carried out in the form of tests, using a 100-point system.

It is a mandatory practice for children to work for several hours a week in mini-enterprises or farms.

Idleness is considered unacceptable here. The workload on children is enormous, homework is mandatory. Even during the holidays, children do homework, which is quite extensive.

The discipline is very strict, the school gates are opened only to let children in and out. General school uniform for students of each school. Missing classes without an important reason will result in expulsion.

Interesting! In schools, the morning begins with exercises and a line with the obligatory raising of the flag. Daytime charging is also provided, and in the middle educational process- gymnastics for the eyes using acupuncture methods. After lunch, which lasts an hour, 5 minutes are provided for sleep.

High school and secondary vocational education in China

After high school, if the child chooses a certain direction and the family’s finances allow, you can continue studying for 3 years in high school.

There are two types of high schools:

  • Academic. These are specialized schools whose main task is to prepare the student for entering a university in the chosen field.
  • Vocational and technical. Here workers are trained for certain types of work.

You can enroll in a vocational educational institution after graduating from an academic degree. high school. Then the child will have to study there less - two years instead of three.

You can enter a university only after graduating from high school. At the same time, the scores that the student receives on the unified final exam determine the hierarchy of the future university, because upon admission they do not take exams - everything is determined by the high school score.

Higher education in China

Diplomas obtained from Chinese universities are recognized in 64 countries around the world. Russia is among them.

All top-level institutions have their own hierarchy established in a single rating. From point unified exam For a high school graduate, it depends on which institution he can enter - the “highest level” or the provincial level. The admission of an applicant is a celebration for the whole family, even if the child is enrolled in paid education. Students are offered state scholarships and subsidies from customer enterprises, which often bear the costs of training specialists.

Chinese High School is:

  • Colleges with two-year (intermediate certificate) and four-year (bachelor's degree) programs.
  • Higher education institutions (bachelor's, master's, doctorate), usually with a narrow specialization. Specialists are trained in 820 specialties.

Training is conducted in English or Chinese at your choice. The educational process system is semester-based with winter and summer holidays.

For gifted Chinese, winners of national competitions and Olympiads, as well as for children from low-income families, there are budget places, but there are very few of them, and the competition is very high.

International authority system high school China conquered a long time ago. IN scientific universities The Chinese are represented quite widely in America, Australia and Europe. About 20 thousand Chinese graduate from postgraduate and doctoral studies outside China every year.

The most popular universities in China

According to the QS ranking (2017), 4 Chinese institutions are in the top 100 universities in the world: Peking University, Shanghai Zhao Tong University, Fundan and Qingau Universities. And in some disciplines (engineering and information Technology, chemistry and others) Chinese universities lead the world rankings. For example, Shanghai Jiaotong University of Transport Communications is a leader in engineering technology.

Nine leading universities in China have joined an educational project called the K-9 Group. This group is comparable to the well-known Ivy League in America. The costs of scientific research and technical development in this group are fully funded by the state, and this is 10% of the annual budget! In addition to the four ranking universities already mentioned, the Chinese Ivy League includes Nanjing University, Zheng University, China University of Science and Technology (Beijing), Xi'an Jiaotong University (Beijing), and Harbin Institute of Science and Technology.

In terms of article citations and the number of patents for inventions, China is in third place, after America and Japan. But with such government support, which ensures the rapid growth of education and science, the likelihood of China's rating increasing is quite high.

Education in China for Russian students

Studying in China is not as unattainable a goal as it seems. There are many educational programs and agreements between universities in Russia and China. A student exchange system has been developed and, of course, it is easier for those who are already students to study in the Celestial Empire.

For graduates who want to get into universities in the Middle Kingdom, a school completion document will not be enough. In addition, upon admission you will be required to pass the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi language exam. The largest universities set their own additional rules, such as additional testing or age limits.

In any case, preparation for admission involves individual selection of a university and careful preparation of documents according to the requirements of a particular educational institution.

Bottom line

The whole world has long been “engulfed in an oriental boom.” The study of Japanese and Chinese languages ​​is growing steadily. An increasing number of young people are interested in the history and traditions of the countries of the East. Our neighbor, the largest country in Asia, is increasing its influence in various spheres of life of the world community. The breakthrough in the economy and the victory over illiteracy make us think about the exceptional features of education in China as a component of the success of the Celestial Empire.

Currently, education in China is one of the priority areas. It's hard to believe that in the mid-20th century, more than 80 percent of the people in the country were illiterate.

Levels of education

The education system in China has three levels. Preschool education, as in our country, is presented here in the form of kindergartens. Children from the age of three can visit them. Preschool education in China lasts three years.

The second option is designed for six years of primary school, then three years of junior high school.

Further education in China is aimed at teenagers. After three years of education, they will be able to enter a university, then graduate school.

Vocational schools

Such education in China is presented in two varieties:

  • for teenagers who have graduated from junior high school it is designed for 4 (or 3) years;
  • For high school graduates who are 22 years of age, a two-year option is offered.

graduate School

Higher education in China (bachelor's degree) lasts 4-5 years. To become a professional doctor, you need to study for at least 7-8 years. Graduate schools in China prepare:

  • masters (2-3-year option);
  • Doctors of Science (3 years).

Masters must not be older than 40 years, and doctors must not be older than 45.

Preschool education

The preschool education system in China includes private and public kindergartens. Here children from three to six years old prepare for school and master the school curriculum. In one preschool institution There are about 270 kids, each group has 25-26 people. About five percent of children spend here not only the day, but also the night; the rest go home with their parents after 18-00. Each group has two qualified teachers and one assistant.

Secondary education

The basis of school education in China is nine years, and it is paid. Its purpose is to educate the working person, as well as prepare him for subsequent higher education. In elementary school, children learn Chinese literacy for six years and receive basic knowledge about society and nature. Particular attention is paid here patriotic education, and physical culture.

From the third grade, in addition to Chinese, mathematics, physical education, music, ethics, children learn a foreign language. The peculiarities of education in China are that from the fourth grade, children work for two weeks in workshops and on the farm, and once a week they are engaged in social activities.

On weekdays, children have 6-7 lessons. China has strict discipline, so schoolchildren are prohibited from missing more than 12 classes without a good reason. Each class has its own classroom.

After finishing seventh grade, children take exams in China. The subsequent fate of schoolchildren depends on the results they show. China also has a Unified State Exam, based on its results, the best students receive a “lucky ticket” to a higher education institution. Final exams take place in May.

What else is it characterized by? modern education? China has introduced certain rules for obtaining a certificate. To become the proud owner of the treasured document, you must pass exams in mathematics, physics, political science, history, chemistry, computer science, and languages.

Focus of vocational schools

What can you say about this education in China? Let us briefly note that vocational schools in this country are designed to train specialists Agriculture, legal sciences, medicine. In addition, there are certain technical educational institutions that train workers for the steel, pharmaceutical, fuel, and textile industries. Among the prestigious areas in China, vocational agricultural education is highlighted. The course lasts only three years.

For children who came to China from other countries, the opportunity to receive an education in special private boarding schools is provided. After completing the course of study, the graduate receives an official diploma of secondary education.

Such a document most often has a double template. One is in Chinese and the other is in English. Boarding houses accept children from the age of nine. Such educational institutions make this country open to children from any country, including Russia.

The only Russian school in this country can be found only in Inin. It is an elementary version of education and does not have its own dormitory. In this regard, only children who live in Yining can study there. Lessons in this educational institution conducted in Russian and Chinese. The program includes music, language literacy, physical education, and mathematics.

Vacation time

Chinese children have two types of holidays. Summer holidays last from mid-July to the end of August. Winter holidays are designed for the period from January to mid-February.

Unlike our country, throughout the holidays, children do a variety of homework. Not all students are sent abroad by their parents for two weeks to undergo internships in various academic disciplines.

Features of higher education

There are currently many academies and state institutions. Some higher education institutions have huge campuses. After completing the academy, almost all graduates receive assigned jobs.

If desired, foreign citizens can also obtain a Chinese diploma of higher education. To do this, it is necessary to translate all educational documents into Chinese and have them notarized. Some higher educational institutions in the Celestial Empire do not require notarization of documents; they are content with the signature on the materials of the vice-rector for international work, as well as their certification with the official seal.

The process of recognizing foreign higher education diplomas as equivalent (nostrification of Chinese and Russian documents) is carried out automatically. This is facilitated by the agreement that was signed in 1995. According to the document, citizens who received education in one country have the right to obtain a job in their existing specialty in another state where the agreement is in force.

If an agreement has not been signed with the country in which the specialist received his diploma, he will have to legalize his documents. For this purpose, special extraterritorial offices of state issuance have been created in China; in addition, such a procedure can be carried out in the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Students from Russia can receive education in 12 main specialties in China. In this eastern country There are about five hundred universities at the service of Russians that have the right to accept foreign students for study.

Students from the Russian Federation can study:

  • warfare;
  • agronomy;
  • engineering;
  • natural Sciences;
  • history;
  • management;
  • pedagogy;
  • medicine;
  • philosophy;
  • jurisprudence;
  • economics;
  • mathematics.

Chinese legal education is especially popular among foreign students. Training is provided in English and Chinese. These higher education institutions have their own language training centers, which are intended for foreign students. To do an internship at such a center, it is enough to have a minimum level of proficiency in Chinese.

Over two years of intensive education, foreign students sufficiently master national language China, receive admission to study selected disciplines related to the specialty they like.

If a student demonstrates an excellent level of preparation in all subjects, he receives the right to an additional specialty. In this case, his diploma indicates the points for each specialty.


Currently, China has a well-thought-out, level education system. After completing a course of study at a higher educational institution, young graduates have the opportunity to undergo extra education in graduate school. It has a two-level option.

At the first stage, you can obtain a master's degree after completing a bachelor's degree.

Only those students who have successfully completed a master's course are accepted into doctoral studies in China. Postgraduate education is offered on both a paid and free (grant) basis. In order for a foreign student to be admitted to graduate school, he must speak Chinese at level 4 of a special qualifying exam. The program includes a variety of specialized lectures, passing exams, preparing a dissertation, and seminars. In China, there is a mandatory check of the defended dissertation for plagiarism. The uniqueness percentage must not be less than 85, otherwise protection will be prohibited.

In order for a student to count on receiving in the Celestial Empire free education, he needs to win one of the grant programs.

Today's China is one of the most promising countries in the world. The success of the Chinese economy would not be possible without a properly organized educational system in the country.

And although China has an unemployment problem, and V big cities Tough competition, residents are proud of their state and are ready to work for its benefit, sparing no effort.

Education in ancient China depended on the social and property status of the person.

The basis of education and training was the religion and ideology of Confucianism.

The emphasis was on harsh methods. Students in an ancient Chinese school had to memorize huge treatises based on the teachings of Confucius.

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Now 99% of Chinese children attend school. In rural areas, the level of education in schools is still far from ideal, but it is constantly improving.

The Chinese education system is currently at a developing stage: teachers and theorists study modern methods and experience of other countries and periodically introduce adjustments to training and development programs.

Preschool education in China

Chinese family founded. Here the younger ones are subordinate to the elders, and the wives are subordinate to their husbands. However, the love for children here is limitless.

The only child in the family (the Chinese are not allowed to have more) becomes the object of adoration and reverence for all relatives.

In Chinese families, there is a widespread tradition of raising children by grandparents - parents most often do not have time to sit with their children due to being busy at work.

Preschool education carries out several types of institutions:

  • kindergartens (public and private);
  • nursery;
  • pre-school groups;
  • combined type kindergartens.

In kindergartens, children develop mainly according to national education and training programs.

Chinese kindergarten is all about games, healthy eating and teaching children social skills plus strict discipline.

In China, due to high competition, children are instilled with a super task from childhood - to be the first in everything.

In the competitiveness that the Chinese are taught from childhood, all means are good. If you are not the smartest, be the strongest, cunning, etc.

Not all children are able to get into kindergartens, despite the fact that even government agencies charge a certain fee.

In private kindergartens it is even higher and not all Chinese parents can afford it.

Upbringing and education in China, therefore, directly depends on the well-being of the family.

School education in China

The peculiarities of education in China are that Any school and especially university education here is paid.

Opinion polls show that Chinese families spend about a third of their total budget on education.

Consists of two stages.

Primary education in China receive from 6 to 12-13 years of age in primary schools.

Here students receive basic knowledge in general education subjects.

Much time is devoted to patriotic education, as well as physical education.

In general, sport in this country is part of the national cult.

From the 4th grade of primary school, children spend 2 weeks in academic year are spent working in workshops or on farms, where they are taught the basics of crafts and agricultural activities.

Discipline in Chinese schools is very strict. For 12 classes missed without a valid reason, the student faces immediate expulsion. Children here don’t go from class to class – teachers do that.

At the end of primary school, students hold . For those who do not pass the test, the road to a higher-level school will be closed, and with it admission to a university and the chance to get a prestigious job.

high school divided into incomplete and senior.

At the first stage, children study for 4 years.

For those who managed to obtain the right to study in high school, there are two possible directions of study.

The first is a 2-year training with the prospect of entering vocational schools, the second is a 4-year training with the possibility of further education at a university.

In vocational schools you can study to become agricultural specialists, etc. Medical education in China can also be obtained in secondary specialized technical schools.

Schools in the People's Republic of China operate a system of universal state exam . Students with the best results are admitted to universities. Russia borrowed from China the practice of the Unified State Exam as a method objective assessment students' knowledge.

Higher education in China

Having a higher education in China is very prestigious. In this country 3 types of universities:

  1. professional higher schools;
  2. universities.

For the purpose of economic modernization, Chinese universities place emphasis on mechanical engineering, economics and technical sciences, as well as Computer techologies and industry.

Chinese universities are divided into multidisciplinary and single-disciplinary.

In educational institutions of the second type, specialized technical specialties are obtained. General universities teach the humanities and sciences.

Competitions for some universities in China – 100 people per 1 place. Admission to such a university is a real achievement for a Chinese applicant.

The standard training period is 4-5 years. The graduate is awarded the title of bachelor.

There are also art and music schools in China.

Excellent music education in China, which is rated throughout the world, can be obtained at the Shanghai or Beijing Conservatories.

Education in China is quite accessible for Russians: just write to the university on the Internet and send them the Unified State Exam results.

Most students from Russia study Chinese here.

Today, looking at the successful economic policy of the Celestial Empire, it is difficult to believe that until the mid-20th century, more than 80% of its population was illiterate.

Looks like Chinese education system to ours and includes the following steps:

Now the last two stages operate together, alternately, with a duration of study of 5 and 4, 6 and 3 or 9 years. The second one is more popular, that is, in primary school education lasts 6 years, and in junior secondary school - 3 years.

  • Complete secondary school is for teenagers from 15 years old, where they will stay for 3 years.
  • Postgraduate studies.

Instead of high school, the education system in China also provides the opportunity for some children to go to secondary vocational schools. They come in 2 types:

  • for those who have completed junior high school, that is, teenagers aged 15-16 years. The training will be 4 (sometimes 3) years;
  • for those who have behind them full school, and these are people under the age of 22. They will have to gnaw on the granite of science for another 2 years.

In China, universities train people for a bachelor's degree for 4-5 years.

If we are talking about medical education in China, the period increases to 7-8 years. The graduate school here is a little different from ours and prepares:

  • masters (2-3 years);
  • Doctors of Science (3 years).

The age of the former cannot exceed 40 years, and the latter - 45.

Preschool education

Kindergartens in China are divided into:

  • government;
  • private.

Children aged 3 to 6 years old are sent there. Preschool Chinese education its goal is to prepare the child for schooling, harmonious development school curriculum. Typically, there are about 270 children in one kindergarten, 26 people in each group. At the same time, 5% of the children stay here all night (except Wednesdays and Saturdays), the rest are taken home by their parents at 18:00 to be brought back by 8:00 in the morning. Each group of students has 2 certified teachers and 1 assistant.

Secondary education in the country

The school education system in China is fee-based and lasts 9 years. Its goal is to create a working person or prepare him for entering universities. For 6 years, the primary school teaches children Chinese literacy, basic knowledge about nature and society, and pays a lot of attention to physical education and patriotic education. From the 3rd grade, in addition to mathematics, Chinese, ethics, music and physical education, children begin to learn a foreign language. And already from the 4th grade, every year they work for 2 weeks on the farm and in workshops, and once a week they carry out social activities.

Secondary school in China means 6-7 lessons every weekday. Severe discipline involves expelling a student for missing 12 classes without a valid reason. Each classroom has its own office.

At the end of the seventh grade, students take exams in China, the results of which determine admission to school highest degree, and after her to the institute. This country has a familiar Unified State Exam, based on the results of which the best students are admitted to universities. It is held in May.

To obtain a certificate of secondary education in China, you must also pass exams in physics, languages, biology, mathematics, political science and history, computer science and chemistry.

As for vocational schools, they are designed to train personnel in the field of medicine, legal sciences, and agriculture in China. There are also special technical educational institutions that train future workers in the textile, pharmaceutical, steel and fuel industries. Agricultural sector is considered the least prestigious professional education in China, so they study there not for 4 years, but for 3.

For foreign students, there is a chance to gain knowledge in private boarding schools, after graduation from which the person will be awarded a diploma of secondary education. Such a document is usually of double type: Chinese and, for example, English. These boarding houses accept children over 9 years old. Accordingly, it is possible to study in China for Russians and representatives of other nationalities.

In Yining there is also the only Russian school in China. It represents the primary stage of education and does not have a hostel, so only children from this city are accepted here. Here lessons are taught in both Chinese and Russian. They consist of mathematics, physical education, language arts and music.

Children's education during the holidays

Children have holidays in the summer (from mid-July to the end of August) and in the winter (from January to mid-February), that is, twice a year. Here, unlike Russia, children study throughout the holidays homework, and some of them are also sent by their parents abroad for 2 weeks to attend additional educational courses, for example, to improve their English.

Chinese higher education system

There are more than a hundred state institutes and academies in the Celestial Empire. Many of them are entire campuses. When most people graduate, they immediately get assigned jobs.

As for foreigners receiving higher education in China, this is also possible. You will need notarized translations, as well as copies of previously received educational documents. Some Chinese universities do not require notarization, limiting themselves to the signature of the vice-rector for international relations on the materials and affixing the official seal.

Nostrification of Russian and Chinese diplomas (that is, the procedure for recognizing foreign diplomas as equivalent) most often occurs automatically on the basis of the 1995 Agreement between states on the mutual recognition of educational documents and academic degrees. This means that citizens of one country, having received an education in it, can continue it or start working in their specialty in another.

For representatives of other states with which similar agreements have not been signed, legalization of documents will be required. It is carried out in extraterritorial representations of the issuing state, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Ministry of Justice.

Education for Russians

There are more than half a thousand universities in the country that have been granted the authority to accept foreign students, including those from the Russian Federation. Most of these institutions offer training in 12 basic specialties:

  • agronomy,
  • warfare,
  • natural Sciences,
  • engineering,
  • story,
  • mathematics,
  • medicine,
  • management,
  • pedagogy,
  • philosophy,
  • economy,
  • jurisprudence.

It is legal education in China that is in greatest demand. There are two main languages ​​of instruction: state and English.

Such universities have language training centers for students from other countries. At the same time, the degree of knowledge of Chinese does not matter. In 1-2 years, having mastered the language sufficiently, foreign students are allowed to master disciplines in the desired specialty. Education in China in English can also take place.

If a student does well in his studies, then he is allowed to take additional study of a second, different from basic specialty. In this case, his diploma will indicate the points scored for both.

Postgraduate education

The graduate program here is two-level. To begin receiving a master's degree, a student must have completed a bachelor's degree. Doctoral studies accept students who have completed a master's degree. Training there takes place both on a paid and on a grant basis. To enter here, a foreigner must speak the state language at least at level 4 of the qualifying exam. You can also choose to study in English, but the cost of studying in China for this program is much higher.

The training program consists of listening to lectures, passing exams, speaking at seminars and preparing a dissertation research. Such work will be subject to verification by a plagiarism detection system; 15% of borrowed information is allowed.

About free education in China

The higher education system in China also allows education on a free basis. To get this training at an educational institution in China, a student must win a special grant (full or partial payment) for the preparation of a master's, bachelor's or doctorate, or a grant for a student studying Chinese as a specialty.

If a person applying for free education knows perfectly official language, then he can try to achieve the HSK scholarship.

There is also a Great Wall grant, short-term programs language courses for Chinese teachers, mayoral and other scholarships.

Russians have access to free education in China under Chinese government scholarships for accredited institutions and university scholarships.

To receive a scholarship from the Confucius Institute, you must show excellent results in the study of Chinese and culture at any of these institutes. There are about 20 of them in the Russian Federation, for example, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Irkutsk and Kazan.