Message: My future profession is a teacher. My future profession is a teacher. Essay-reasoning on the topic: “Profession teacher”

From the early age I started to think, what do I want to become? On this moment We have many professions, but after much thought I chose the profession to which I want to devote my whole life. This is a teaching profession primary classes. In my opinion, the teaching profession is one of the most important professions for society, since it ensures the development of the student’s personality, the formation of his moral ideals and behavior patterns, helps to open the way for him to a successful future. At the same time, this is one of the most complex professions, since it requires endurance, stress resistance, desire for self-development, the ability to find mutual language with kids. It seems to me that only a person who sincerely loves children can work in a school. After all, raising a child is, first of all, love for him, constant attention. In my opinion, a teacher should be a kind, open, caring, understanding, interesting person. “A teacher should have maximum authority and minimum power.” Thomas Szasz In my opinion, it is the first teacher who lays the foundations of knowledge and shapes the student’s positive or negative attitude towards learning.

My dream, becoming a teacher, is to be objective, fair, kind and honest. It's probably not always as easy as it seems. After all, each child is an individual to whom you need to find your own “key.” I really want to support children who have some problems: lack of parental attention, isolation, problems communicating with peers. After all, by helping them, I will help the future society to form self-confident and happy people. I would like to become the teacher whom children will look at with respect and delight, rushing to comprehend all the information conveyed to them and look forward to a new meeting. Naturally, I don’t think that I can change the world, but you can try to help at least one person. One day I came across a Vietnamese proverb that says: “Only by respecting a teacher, you can become a teacher yourself.” I thought about this statement and began to take a closer look at our teachers. And I realized how much strength - mental and physical - they give to us, their students. This is truly worthy of deep respect. It is the teacher who is the most important and clear example for the student. After all, if a teacher evokes respect and love, we try to be like him in everything, follow all his advice, listen carefully to his every word. Only by being able to arouse genuine interest in oneself can a teacher arouse interest in the subject. I know that I am choosing a difficult path. And sometimes I doubt my own abilities. But nothing is impossible. If you really want and strive to achieve your goal, then you can achieve what you want!

"My future profession-teacher"

There are many professions in the world, all of them are needed, although some remain in demand, some “die”. Professions such as pilot, doctor, cook, driver, economist, etc. are very well known to everyone. The number of professions is growing every year, because our lives include many innovative technologies, which require people of a new profession.

Since childhood, we imagine ourselves as people of different professions. We often play games such as “Shop”, “School”, “Cook”, “Hospital”, etc. This is done only when we comprehend the essence of this profession.

But what profession should you choose? It seems to me that the chosen profession is one that will help you demonstrate your abilities in some area.

When choosing a profession, we listen to the advice of parents and teachers, and often talk about this topic with our friends.

A teacher is a profession that requires from you not only knowledge, but also tolerance for the actions of children with different characters. The teacher must be a psychologist, have organizational skills and be a role model for his students.

I always looked with admiration at my first teacher Zemfira Shaikhetdinovna Aznabaeva. She gave us so much strength and love when she taught us to write and read. How many new songs we learned and how many poems we memorized. All this is in memory! I don’t remember her ever scolding us. On the contrary, our first teacher found words of encouragement and praise in any situation.

My classmates and I are lucky - we have kind and sensitive teachers next to us, giving knowledge and a piece of their heart to us, the students. They teach us to be kind and fair by their own example. For me, a role model is the teacher of Russian language and literature Magira Abdulkhakovna Sunagatova. She teaches interesting and very memorable lessons. Every student goes to Russian language and literature classes with pleasure. Our teacher always finds an approach to each of us, tries to cultivate interest and love for her subject. Her lessons are never boring or uninteresting, because she knows how to involve us all in a conversation, teaches us to think and boldly express our opinions. I believe that this is what a teacher should be.

One can say kind words about the teacher of Bashkir language and literature Gulsina Guzairovna Sakhautdinova. She enthusiastically introduces us to the Bashkir language and literature, where there are many interesting works that instill in us a sense of kindness, honesty and love for our native language, for our native nature, for the history of our people. It was these teachers and their lessons that gave me the impetus to choose the teaching profession.

I know that the teaching profession is an eternal profession, it will never disappear. No one should forget their teachers, remember with love and respect those who gave good advice and guided them on the right path in life.

Any profession becomes loved only when you are devoted to it with all your heart. It should become the meaning of life. For a teacher, school should become the place where he comes with desire, where he is met by his beloved students.

Every work has an initial result. For a teacher, the result of his work is literate and well-mannered students who can understand life situations and have become necessary in modern society.

« My profession is a teacher!

I'm proud of my profession

Because I warm a person’s soul,

Because I can understand children

And I live my childhood with them.

There are thousands of professions, all of them necessary and interesting. But each person must choose the one that best suits his natural abilities and inclinations, i.e. find your calling.

The desire to be a teacher was instilled in me since childhood. I, like many girls, loved to play school, imagined myself as a teacher: I taught my dolls and stuffed animals. But then I didn’t even imagine that teaching was my future profession. And over the years this idea has not gone away.

My first teacher, Vera Vladimirovna Zilina, also played an important role in choosing a profession.

Entering after graduation from the Industrial- Pedagogical University for the specialty " elementary education", I was confident in my choice of profession, as I had always dreamed of it.

In 2007, after graduation, due to lack of vacancy, my dream was to work as a teacherprimary school did not materialize, but I did not lose heart and began my pedagogical activity from the position of teacher-organizerin secondary school No. 4 in Krasnoperekopsk. I liked workingWith

children, write scripts, direct events, concerts, learn songs, poems, dances together with students, prepare props, decorate the hall for celebrations.

My work was enjoyable, but the dream of being a primary school teacher never left me. I wanted to teach children simple truths of life, to educate leadership skills(responsibility, determination, activity), explain how to behave in society.

Fate was kind to me. In September 2008, I was offered a job as a teacher of grade 1 “B”. This was my very first 1st grade. These were children for whom I became both an educator and a teacher.

Many difficulties had to be overcome. I wanted to make each lesson interesting and entertaining, taking into account their age and the short period of time called a lesson.

Of course it wasn't enough teaching experience. But his love for his work and his students helped him overcome difficulties.

Watching children who sit down at a school desk for the first time, begin to read, write, and solve simple educational problems, you begin to feel happy and understand that it is you who lead them from ignorance to knowledge and do it kindly and selflessly.

I have been working as a teacher for 10 years and all these years I have been in constant search. My principles were an individual approach to each child, the desire to reveal his talents and arouse in him a desire for self-development and self-improvement. I try to achieve that mutual understanding when children see in the teacher not only a mentor, but also a friend.

In my opinion, a teacher of the 21st century is distinguished by his awareness, willingness to communicate, determination, and ability to self-improvement. Modern lesson should be relevant and interesting. It is impossible to imagine it without the use of ICT and I, as a teacher, actively use them.

School is the most amazing country, where every day is different from the previous one, where every moment is a search for something new, interesting, where there is no time to be bored, quarrel and waste time, where every student is a builder of the future. And the teacher is a guide along the “golden ladder” of childhood, leading to a bright, peaceful tomorrow, to the future of new generations and eras.

Very soon the time will come when carefree school days will be behind, and you will need to make serious and important choices in life. Which path to the future should you choose? Which profession should you prefer? Already now it is necessary to think about these questions, because making a choice, and especially so that it is correct, is not at all an easy matter.

IN modern world There are quite a few professions that are very important and exciting. More and more universities are opening that train first-class specialists in a particular industry. Of course, everyone chooses their own specialty based on their interests and abilities. For example, I want to become a primary school teacher. It’s so great to go to school on the first of September and lead by the hand kids who know nothing at all about school and look at you with such surprise and interest with wide open eyes. It’s so nice to know that with the help of your work, little children turn into individuals, and how their knowledge accumulates by the end of the fourth grade.

A primary school teacher opens up a huge and interesting world. How many new and exciting things children learn in junior school: about plants, animals, objects, concepts, learn to read, write and count correctly. In order to become a highly qualified teacher, you need to master more than one school subject. Future teachers need to study the Russian language, literature, mathematics, the basics of teaching, human physiology and anatomy, history, geography and psychology. Therefore, I study diligently at school and carefully prepare for admission.

A person who does not love children cannot become a teacher. After all, only love and patience make it possible to devote one hundred percent to your future profession. After all, children are different, and you always need to be able to find an approach to each child. A teacher is also a good psychologist who can patiently and persistently explain more than once new topic, listen and advise how to act in a given situation. Children are different, so you need to help them become better, develop and study well.

Becoming a real teacher means being educated in all areas, working hard on yourself, improving your knowledge and skills. This profession requires endurance and patience. A teacher is a living and clear example for a young student, so you always need to look decent in the eyes of a student, you need to skillfully interest him and arouse interest in a particular subject.

In the future, I want to become exactly the kind of teacher who will love what he does. I will strive to improve my skills and constantly develop in my profession.

When I was still in kindergarten, I really wanted to go to school. The schoolchildren seemed so mature, smart and happy to me. When the time came for me to become a student, I realized that the credit for this belongs to the teachers. They are the “culprits” of the smiles on the students’ faces.

Despite the fact that the profession of a teacher is very honorable, it is also a lot of work. After all, you need to prepare for each lesson in advance.

I like this profession because workers in this profession are responsible for the level of knowledge in our society. They help the family raise real, honest, good and strong people.

When I grow up, I will definitely become a teacher. My classroom teacher- great example good representative this valuable profession. You can always approach her and ask about something you didn’t understand or just ask for advice. These are the people who help you choose your path in life.

I have a toy board at home. I sometimes play it for school. I imagine that I am a teacher and teach a lesson in front of toys or guests when they are there.

We have a pedagogical university in our city, and after finishing school I will go to study there. And I will definitely become a teacher.

Essay Teacher is my future profession

As a child, we see the world in different colors. Everything around us seems fun and interesting. People in uniform, be they firefighters, military personnel or medical personnel, are especially delighted. Not everyone with early years determines for himself who he will become in the future. After all, choosing a profession is a matter of a lifetime.

This is work that you will have to do day after day, devoting yourself to your favorite (or not always) activity for years. Of course, adults try to give advice on this matter, talking about the pros and cons, illustrating in detail our potential future. And finally, on the eve of graduation, the choice falls on one of the many professions that were invented during the evolution of mankind over many centuries.

My calling is to study and become a teacher. After looking closely at various professions for a long time, I decided to become a teacher. I would like to justify my desire to teach others.

Firstly, I have always had and still have a desire to explain to people, and especially children, what they do not understand. And I do it quite well, people around me talk about it.

Secondly, by helping those in need understand the structure of our universe, I receive moral satisfaction from the fact that I am useful to someone. People are different, and everyone's worldview is different. Therefore, I believe that a teacher should explain to his students material that is difficult for them.

Thirdly, I myself have respect and respect for my teachers. I am very grateful to them for their attentiveness, patient attitude towards careless students and the inexhaustible energy they spend on our teaching.

In my opinion, you cannot overcome other professions without education and knowledge. To learn something, you need to have several levels of mastery in a particular area.

I am aware that working as a teacher is not at all easy. This profession requires pedantry, the ability to listen and hear people, interact with them, taking into account the individuality and character of the individual student.

I think, in addition to the above, the whole structure will not work if you do work without love. No matter how primitive it may sound, it is a sincere attitude towards people, students and children that gives the very result for which students attend schools, educational centers, schools, universities.

In conclusion, I will say: I consciously decided to work as a teacher.

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