Mining Training Center Additional education in Rudny: truth and speculation. Curricula and continuing education programs for medical students

Sailors, and especially those with university degrees, are one of the most sought-after professions in the world. Those school graduates who decide to choose a maritime university will definitely not be left without work in the foreseeable future, because transportation by water - one of the cheapest and most reliable ways to move large volumes of cargo - is not going to lose its position as the most popular type of international transport. However, the profession is associated with strong physical and psychological stress, so only people with excellent health can master it.

List of universities

There are maritime universities in many regions of the country. In total there are more than 40 of them. Not as many as educational institutions training lawyers and economists. There are quite objective reasons for this - the profession is less attractive for applicants and difficult technical base, which the university must be equipped with for the normal organization of the learning process.

The list presented in the table shows the territorial spread of institutions with the number budget places for the current enrollment and the cost of paid training.

City Name of maritime university Number of budget places Cost of 1 course, rub.
Arkhangelsk ASTU - Arkhangelsk State University Technical University 62 170 000
Vladivostok FEFU - Far Eastern Federal University 67* 270 000
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky KamchatSTU - Kamchatsky State University 50 305 000
Sevastopol SevGU - Sevastopol State University 141 162 000 / 256 000 **
Kazan KNRTU - Kazan National Research University University of Technology them. A. N. Tupolev 15 190 239
Severodvinsk NArFU (Sevmashvtuz) - Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Technology (branch of the Northern Arctic federal university them. Lomonosov) 75 239 850
Saint Petersburg SPbGMTU - St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University 550 236 200
Saint Petersburg RGGMU - Russian State Hydrometeorological University 40 239 000
Kaliningrad KSTU - Kaliningrad State Technical University 45 182 200 / 126 300 / 126 300 ***
Nizhny Novgorod NSTU - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after. Alekseeva 66 187 950
Novosibirsk SGUVT - Siberian State University water transport 332 127 000 / 261 000****
Kaliningrad BGARF - Baltic state academy fishing fleet 260 174 700
Murmansk MSTU - Murmansk State Technical University 9 262 000
Nizhny Novgorod VGUVT - Volga State University of Water Transport 32 165 000 / 300 000 ****
Novorossiysk GMU - State Maritime University named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov 90 185 000 / 176 900 ****

* 40 budget places are allocated according to a quota from the Ministry of Defense; training in this case is carried out on the basis of the FEFU military training center.

** 162,000 - the cost of training in the direction of 03/26/02, other specialties - 256,000 rubles.

*** 182,200 - for specialty 03/26/02, the rest (05/26/06 and 05/26/07) - 126,300.

**** The minimum is a year of training in water transport management and shipbuilding, other specialties (05/26/05, 05/26/06, 05/26/07) are more expensive.

Most universities conduct impressive recruitment for budget places. This is due to the high demand for specialists in this industry in the economy.

Considering the serious prices for paid training, many maritime institutes Russia provides discounts. In particular, at ASTU the base price can be reduced for applicants with high Unified State Examination points(30% for those who have more than 200 points in three subjects, 25% for those entering with results in the range of 170-199 and 20% for those who scored from 130 to 169 points in the exams).

Many maritime universities in Russia have branches in other cities. For example, you can master the profession of a sailor at the VGUVT branches in Perm or Astrakhan. Applicants living in Yakutsk or Omsk can enroll in the SGUVT branch opened in these regions. The Institute of Water Transport named after G. Ya. Sedov, located in Rostov-on-Don, is a structural division of the University named after. Ushakova.

Faculties, directions, specialties

Having chosen a maritime university and specialization, after passing a competitive selection the applicant becomes a student of one of the faculties. It can be:

  • Maritime Institute (at FEFU, Northern State University, Kamchatka State University);
  • Faculty of Marine Instrument Engineering (SPbSMTU);
  • Institute of Marine Technologies, Energy and Transport (at ASTU);
  • Faculty of Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering;
  • Institute of Military Education;
  • Faculty of Ship Energy and Automation.

Based on the area of ​​interest, the applicant can choose one of the following specialties:

  1. 03/17/01 “Ship weapons” and 05/17/03 “Design, production and testing of ship weapons and information control systems” are suitable areas for those who gravitate toward the military environment.
  2. 03/26/01 “Water transport management and hydrographic support of navigation” - a comprehensive area that involves not only Maintenance, but also work with the ship’s navigation systems.
  3. Specialty for potential shipbuilders and repairmen - 03.26.02 “Shipbuilding, ocean engineering and systems engineering of marine infrastructure facilities.”
  4. Suitable directions for applicants interested in the development of layouts and design are 05.26.01 “Design and construction of ships, vessels and ocean engineering objects” and 05.26.02 “Design, manufacture and repair of power plants and automation systems for ships and vessels.”
  5. 05/26/05 “Navigation” is the profession of a ship captain in its purest form.
  6. 05.26.06 “Operation of ship power plants” and 05.26.07 “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment” are suitable for people with a mathematical mindset. Having mastered the direction, graduates will acquire the profession of an electromechanic.

The entire range of specialties is not represented in any university. The distribution of majors among higher maritime educational institutions is shown in the table.

University Specialty code
ASTU 26.03.01, 26.03.02, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
FEFU 26.03.02, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
KamchatSU 26.05.05, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
KNRTU 26.03.02
Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Sevmashvtuz) 26.03.02
SPbGMTU 17.03.01, 17.05.03, 26.03.02, 26.05.01, 26.05.02
RGGMU 17.03.01
KSTU 26.03.02, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
NSTU 26.03.02
SGUVT 26.03.01, 26.03.02, 26.05.05, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
MSTU 26.03.02, 26.05.05, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
VSUVT 26.03.01, 26.03.02, 26.05.05, 26.05.06, 26.05.07
GMU 26.03.01, 26.05.05, 26.05.06, 26.05.07

Table 2. Specialties at maritime universities in Russia

Training is conducted in full-time, part-time and completely correspondence formats. The duration of the program depends on the direction and level of training. You can become a bachelor in 4 years, and a specialist in 5 years. The study time for the specialty “navigation” is slightly longer than usual (5.5 years for full-time and 6.5 years for part-time).

Higher maritime education can be obtained at the bachelor's, specialist's and master's levels. Students study a complex of specialized disciplines (design, CAD and shipbuilding technology, hull design, ship theory, fluid mechanics, etc.). Sophomores who perform well academically are often recruited scientific research and receive grants. Work is often carried out under contracts with leading enterprises in the industry.

Admission rules

Maritime institutes accept school graduates through competition Unified State Exam results. For admission you will need the following items:

  • Russian language;
  • specialized mathematics;
  • physics (or computer science and ICT).

Each university sets the minimum thresholds individually. But to pass the selection, decent grades for the Unified State Exam are not enough. Firstly, if there is competition for the budget (and, as a rule, there is always one), higher results will be required than those of competitors. Secondly, in controversial situations (if there is an equal number of points), many maritime universities in Russia hold a certificate competition. Thirdly, taking into account the specifics future profession and difficult (sometimes even harmful) conditions in which they have to work, applicants must undergo psychological testing for professional suitability and a medical examination.

The rest of the package of submitted documents is standard:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • original certificate or other educational document along with the application;
  • photo for documents (quantity and format please contact admissions committee university);
  • documents confirming the availability of benefits upon admission;
  • diplomas of Olympiad winners and other evidence of personal achievements (if available);
  • certificate of completed medical examination.

The specified list is indicative; the exact set of documents must be clarified at the place of receipt.

According to the all-Russian admission rules, when entering maritime higher education institutions, it is mandatory to pass a medical commission. Before starting it, the applicant must prepare:

  • photocopied medical policy;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a copy of the registration certificate or military ID (for young men);
  • a copy of SNILS (or personal registration number of the insured person);
  • certificate of vaccinations;
  • blood test for hepatitis;
  • an extract from the clinic at the place of registration of the applicant;
  • conclusion from the dentist;
  • certificates from a tuberculosis clinic, psychiatrist, narcologist and dermatovenerologist.

Most civilian maritime universities annually provide an impressive number of budget places, so the level of passing scores does not go off scale, especially for the target enrollment.

The values ​​of passing scores for universities are shown in the table and graph.

The name of the university Minimum score Passing score*
ASTU 99 149/131/174/155
FEFU 129 149
KamchatSU 99 132/115/122
SevSU 104 167/136/182/163/144
KNRTU 101 205
Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Sevmashvtuz) 110 192
SPbGMTU 101 160/174/155/198/150
RGGMU 99 164
KSTU 111 158
NSTU 110 150
SGUVT 99 129/153/133/134/125
BGARF 111 143/173/161/157
MSTU 115 146/133/133
VSUVT 99 130
GMU 99 209/191/172

* Passing scores are presented by specialties available at the university (the order of indicators corresponds to the order of codes in Table 2).

For ease of display, the diagram does not show passing scores for all majors at the university, but only the highest values.

The highest threshold is in Maritime University them. Ushakova. Kazan Research Technical University is not far behind it. At this university, the passing score for shipbuilding was 205. According to statistics, it is easiest to become a student at the Volga University of Water Transport (for this last year only 130 points were required).

Where do graduates work?

All bachelors and specialists who graduated from maritime higher education institutions in Russia can be divided into 2 groups: sailors and ship builders. The first ones spend most of their time on the water (captains and their assistants, mechanics, electromechanics, boatswains and junior command staff). The latter are involved in the field of construction and repair (engineer, shipbuilding technologist, shipbuilder, designer, mechanic).

Places of possible employment:

  • surface transport;
  • shipping companies;
  • fishing enterprises;
  • logistics and forwarding centers;
  • port administration;
  • Research institutes and design organizations;
  • security services and supervisory authorities for shipping and other enterprises of the fleet, transportation or fishing industries.

Future work has one specificity - the ship’s crew must be able to move anywhere in the world to transport cargo. Therefore, maritime universities issue international diplomas - most often a standard Russian document has an appendix translated into English language. By the way, knowledge of a foreign language is a prerequisite for employment as a seaman.

Getting a job on your own is not an easy task, except for those cases when the student studied under an integrated training system (it is practiced by Sevmashvtuz). The easiest way to find a job is to use the services of intermediaries. In the maritime industry, crewing companies are involved in personnel selection.

The seafarer's profession is recognized as one of the most difficult in the world. If the desire to master it is so great that the upcoming difficulties are not intimidating, Russian maritime universities are able to provide high-quality education in this field, and it will be highly rated abroad.

In connection with information disseminated in the media about the allegedly illegal “mass” issuance of documents on additional education, the press service of RUDN University reports that these “facts” cited in the media do not correspond to reality.


Is it true that RUDN does not have a license for all or some of the continuing professional education (CPE) programs implemented at RUDN?

This is absolutely not true. In accordance with the license of RUDN University dated November 28, 2011, reg. No. 2216, series AAA No. 002320 (clause 435, 439 of Appendix No. 1.1) and certificate of state accreditation dated June 22, 2009, registration No. 2058, series AA No. 002097 (clause 73 of Appendix No. 1), as well as in accordance with the license of RUDN University dated October 14, 2009. reg. No. 2328, series AA No. 002338 (items 306, 307) RUDN University has the right to implement programs professional retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists in the profile of the main educational programs of the university on the basis of secondary and higher vocational education (normative period of development: from 72 to 500 hours and over 500 hours).

Since the profile of the main educational programs of RUDN University by the above license includes more than 140 main programs of higher, secondary and postgraduate professional education (economic, legal, engineering, medical, agricultural, environmental, humanitarian, etc.), then RUDN University has full right to everything implemented in RUDN University DPO programs.

!! The main programs are programs of secondary and higher professional education, graduate school, residency and internship. The profile of the ongoing programs of additional professional education is determined based on their content.

Does the University need a separate license for each continuing education program implemented at RUDN University?

As noted above, RUDN without additional licensing can conduct educational activities for any further education programs relevant to the main educational programs of the university.

Educational plans and additional professional training programs for medical students

It was said in the media that RUDN University illegally trains doctors in an accelerated program? Is it so?

RUDN University trains specialists (teaches students) in medical specialties in basic and postgraduate educational programs at the Faculty of Medicine. These programs, in accordance with Federal state requirements, are implemented in full; RUDN regularly (every 5 years) undergoes state accreditation for all major educational programs.

In September 2011, during a conference held at RUDN University by the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev Meetings with a number of ministers, Russian Minister of Health T.A. Golikova was told during the Meeting that “RUDN University has a very good medical faculty.”

Faculty of Advanced Studies medical workers(FPK MR) is structural unit RUDN University The presence in the RUDN license of basic educational programs of higher professional education in the field of medicine (“general medicine”, “dentistry”, “pharmacy”), as well as internship in 27 specialties, residency in 53 specialties and postgraduate studies in 33 medical and pharmaceutical specialties, is given by RUDN and FPC MR the right to implement advanced training and retraining programs for specialists in all medical continuing education programs implemented at RUDN, corresponding specified specialties, since the university complies with all licensing requirements (availability of qualified personnel, availability of material and technical base, availability of basic and additional literature etc.).

In particular, FPC MR is absolutely competent to implement those additional vocational training programs that were mentioned in some media:

  • DPO program “Nursing” – the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, bachelor’s degree in “Nursing”, as well as internship and residency in “Management of Nursing Activities”;
  • The additional vocational training program "Obstetrics" - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty "General Medicine", as well as postgraduate studies, internship and residency in "Obstetrics and Gynecology";
  • DPO program “Plastic Surgery” – availability in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, residency “Maxillofacial Surgery”, residency, internship and postgraduate studies in “Surgery”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Urology”, etc.;
  • The additional professional training program “Psychiatry-Narcology” - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as postgraduate study and internship in “Psychiatry”, postgraduate study in “Narcology”;
  • Additional professional training program in “Dietetics” - availability of a license for the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as residencies in “Gastroenterology”, “General medical practice (family medicine)”, “Pediatrics”, “Therapy” and postgraduate courses in “Pediatrics”, “Therapy” " and etc.;
  • DPO program “Cosmetology” - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as internship and residency in “Dermatovenereology”;
  • DPO program “Manual Therapy” - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as internships and residencies in “Neurology”, “Therapy”, “Pediatrics”, “Traumatology and Orthopedics”;
  • The additional professional training program “Geriatrics” - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as residency programs in “General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)”, “Therapy”;
  • The additional professional training program “Occupational Pathology” - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty “General Medicine”, as well as residency programs in “General Medical Practice (Family Medicine)”, “Therapy”;
  • DPO program "Transfusiology" - the presence in the RUDN license of the specialty "General Medicine", as well as residencies in "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "Anesthesiology-Reanimatology", "General Medical Practice (Family Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Therapy", " Surgery”, etc.;

On what basis does the university determine the content of further education programs, including advanced training and retraining programs?

In accordance with the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for professional retraining of specialists (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2000 No. 2571, Section II, paragraph 10), “additional professional educational programs for professional retraining of specialists are developed, approved and implemented by the educational institution (division) independently on based on established regulatory documents taking into account the customer’s needs.”

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, by Order No. 705n dated December 9, 2008. “On approval of the Improvement Procedure professional knowledge medical and pharmaceutical workers" established (clause 6) that "The timing, forms, content and technology of training are determined by the educational institution implementing the relevant educational program, independently in accordance with the customer’s needs.”

At RUDN, the curricula of medical continuing education programs, in particular, indicate the names of sections and disciplines, their duration (by weeks and hours), as well as the form of control (for example, a test or an exam).

Can everyone study under continuing education programs?

All continuing education programs contain a mandatory item – “Category of trainees”, which describes who can study under this program. Since we are talking about programs of additional professional education, students must at least have a higher or secondary vocational education

A student who does not have the appropriate knowledge and skills is not allowed to study in this program!

Particularly stringent requirements are imposed on advanced training and retraining programs for medical workers. In particular, for medical and pharmaceutical professions, admission to further education programs at RUDN University requires specialized secondary or higher education. special education in relevant medical and pharmaceutical professions.

For example, in the curriculum of the program of additional professional training “Plastic Surgery” (professional retraining) it is said that:

The purpose of the training is to obtain additional competencies in the specialty “Plastic Surgery”. The category of trainees includes only doctors - obstetricians-gynecologists, pediatric surgeons, thoracic surgeons, urologists, surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons. Listeners must have a higher education professional education in the specialty “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Pediatric Surgery”, “Thoracic Surgery”, “Urology”, “Surgery”, “Maxillofacial Surgery”. Duration of training in the additional professional training program at RUDN University is 720 hours. Certification form is exam (State certification).

During advanced training in advanced vocational training programs in the specialty “Midwifery,” training at RUDN University takes place in several programs, depending on the position occupied by the midwife. So, for example, according to the DPO program “ Modern aspects obstetric care in obstetric institutions”, midwives of maternity hospitals, departments and antenatal clinics are trained.

The purpose of the training is to improve the qualifications of this category of workers. Students must have a secondary vocational education in the specialty “Midwifery.” Duration of education is 216 and 288 hours. The certification form is an exam.

Under the program of additional vocational training “Women's Health”, midwives of paramedic and obstetric stations, health centers and examination rooms are trained at RUDN.

The purpose of the training is to improve the qualifications of this category of workers. Students must have secondary vocational education in the specialty “Midwifery”. Duration of education – 144, 216, 288 hours. Certification form – exam.

When upgrading your qualifications in the specialty “Nursing”, training at RUDN University takes place in more than 25 different continuing education programs, depending on the position held by the student and his basic level knowledge. The programs have a duration of 144, 216, 288 hours, which meets all regulatory requirements.

The curriculum of the Manual Therapy (Vocational Retraining) program states that:

The purpose of the training is to train doctors in manual therapy. The category of trainees includes persons with higher professional education in the specialties “General Medicine” or “Pediatrics”, as well as those with postgraduate professional education in one of the following specialties: “Neurology”, “Pediatrics”, “Therapy”, “Traumatology and Orthopedics”. Duration of education is 576 hours. Certification form is exam.

The curriculum for professional retraining in “Cosmetology” provides the following:

The purpose of the training is to train specialists in the specialty “Cosmetology”. Students must have a higher professional education in the specialty “General Medicine” or “Pediatrics” and primary specialization in dermatovenerology. Duration of education – 576 hours. Certification form – exam.

Does each specialty have only one continuing education program and curriculum?

One specialty may offer different programs of varying duration. It depends on the goals of the training, the category of the student, his wishes and the requirements of his employer. This corresponds to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 9, 2008. No. 705n, which states that “The timing, forms, content and technology of training are determined by the educational institution implementing the relevant educational program, independently in accordance with the needs of the customer” (clause 6).

At RUDN, the specialty “Obstetrics” offers programs of 144 hours, 216 and 288 hours.

For example, the Ministry of Health and Social Development recommends that midwives in examination rooms undergo a training program lasting 144 hours every five years.

Is it only at RUDN University that this approach to the diversity of further education programs takes place?

No, RUDN University is far from the only one educational institution, which offers programs of varying lengths. This is a nationwide practice, including in all medical universities and colleges in Russia.

For example:

IN Medical College No. 6 of the Moscow Department of Health, whose director is Alla Skrebushevskaya (whose interview was shown in a story about RUDN University in the Vremya program on Channel One), also implements 2 continuing education programs in the field of obstetrics: 144 and 216 hours. In the Russian medical academy Postgraduate education in the calendar plan of the cycles “Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery” presents the “Plastic Surgery” program lasting 3 months. The plan was approved by the head of the department, doctor of medical sciences, prof. Nerobeev Alexander Ivanovich (an interview with whom was also shown in a story about RUDN University in the “Time” program on Channel One). RUDN University implements similar continuing education programs with a larger volume of hours and a longer duration.

Legitimacy of certificates, certificates and diplomas of RUDN University

What documents does a RUDN student receive after successful completion of further education programs, in particular advanced training and retraining?

All documents issued by RUDN University comply with the current regulations Russian Federation regulatory framework, in particular:

graduation documents from advanced training programs:

  1. from 72 to 100 hours (short-term), specialists with higher and secondary vocational education receive a “Certificate of short-term advanced training”;
  2. from 100 to 500 hours, specialists with higher and secondary vocational education receive a “Certificate of Advanced Training”;

graduation documents of professional retraining programs ( the new kind professional activity):

  1. over 500 hours, specialists with higher and secondary vocational education receive a “Diploma of Professional Retraining”;

graduation documents from professional retraining programs to obtain additional qualifications:

  1. over 1000 hours, specialists with higher education and students graduating from a university receive a “Diploma of additional (higher) education.”

A specialist certificate is issued to persons who have secondary or higher professional education in the field of medicine and pharmacy, have completed training in advanced training programs and have successfully passed the qualification exam. The presence of this certificate is prerequisite for the implementation of current and future professional activities.

Is there any basis in the allegations that documents confirming completion of RUDN Further Vocational Education Programs are invalid?

All of the above suggests that the documents issued by the RUDN University for further education programs are legitimate, the document forms are strictly accountable documents, and the RUDN University maintains a corresponding database on them - by numbers, by names - to whom they were issued, etc.

Are the qualifications of specialists at RUDN sufficient to implement continuing education programs in medical programs?

The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Education of the Russian Federation have highly qualified scientific and teaching staff: about 200 doctors work at these faculties medical sciences, more than 300 candidates of medical sciences, 33 academicians and corresponding members Russian Academy Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Academy of Education. Thus, RUDN University has one of the strongest medical faculties among universities in the Russian Federation.

It is no coincidence that for 12 years now the Chairman of the Council of Deans of Medical Faculties of Universities of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has been the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the RUDN University, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor V.A. Frolov.

Why did false information appear in the media?

The Rectorate of the University uncovered some other violations in the management of the further education system at the University, as a result of which, at the beginning of March 2012, the vice-rector for additional education A.N. Kirsanov, as well as the director of the Institute of Additional Education E.V. Shvedchikov were relieved of their positions. and Dean of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Medical Workers Lamash V.A. Some of these individuals and their “associates”, in particular, are involved in recent history with deceived listeners at MC LLC. Department of Management”, which were promised to be issued diplomas from RUDN University, in the absence of the necessary agreements with RUDN University.

Immediately after the dismissal of the above-mentioned persons, taking into account the discovered circumstances in their activities, the rector of the University V.M. The Filippovs sent two submissions to the Moscow Prosecutor's Office with a request to conduct an investigation into the violations they committed.

Therefore, this information in the media is an attempt on the part of the above-mentioned persons to organize a “fight against incriminating evidence” in order to avert responsibility for the violations committed, for which they face criminal liability.

The University administration is ready to answer your questions on this topic.

Send your questions by E-mail: [email protected]

Contact phone numbers:

  • 8-495-434-66-41 Vice-Rector for Additional Education Dolzhikova Angela Viktorovna
  • 8-495-434-66-66 Dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education MR Prof., Doctor of Medical Sciences Ogurtsov Pavel Petrovich

RUDN University (Russian Peoples' Friendship University) - higher education educational institution, founded in 1960 under the rule of N. Khrushchev. At that time, it was the only university in Russia where Russian was taught as a subject for foreign citizens and students. According to Interfax, every year since 2011, RUDN University takes 4th-6th place in the ranking of universities in our country. This is partly due to its popularity among Russian and foreign students. And due to the acute limitation of budget places, applicants are interested in the question of the cost of training at RUDN University 2017-2018.

For whom will there be discounts on studying at RUDN University in the 2017-2018 academic year?

It's no secret that every year the cost of studying at the country's leading universities increases by geometric progression, as well as a passing, entrance score. Next year will not be an exception, however, there are some categories of applicants for whom Peoples' Friendship University provides discounts:

  • students from low-income families;
  • students from large families;
  • students with honors for secondary education;
  • student winners of various regional, regional and all-Russian Olympiads;
  • disabled students.

The size of the discount is not specified, and it is also unknown whether it will be the same for all specified categories of students, or, for example, students from large families will have more significant benefits. We recommend that you contact the admissions committee for an answer to this question.

How does RUDN University spend funds paid by students for education?

Perhaps the issue of spending money worries students and their parents as much as the cost of education in 2017-2018 academic year. There is probably no need to list all the points, so we will note only the most important:

  • the needs and requirements of the teaching staff;
  • buying different printed publications(books for the library, manuals, etc.);
  • conducting internships in schools and other organizations;
  • advanced training of teaching staff;
  • payment of utilities and other related expenses.

Tuition fees at RUDN University in the period 2017-2018

You can complain for a long time that education is everything to us, and the cost of education increases from year to year. But only knowledgeable people understand that raising prices is a completely legal and, moreover, necessary measure. This is the policy of the state and no matter how paradoxical it may sound, such measures are aimed at improving the quality of education in our country.

In the spring of 2016, the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation set a standard for various specialties, below which the price cannot be lower. But how much higher it can be is a decision governing body university, in in this case, RUDN University

RUDN University is international university, which means prices for Russian and foreign citizens will vary slightly. The latter, of course, will pay more for education in Russia.

Full-time education

The most accessible areas for full-time students will be such areas as psycho-pedagogical, applied mathematics and computer science, the cost of a year of study for which will not exceed 160 thousand rubles per year.

A fairly wide selection of specializations is presented in the price range from 160 to 200 thousand per year: agronomy, veterinary medicine, land management, philosophy, oil and gas business, etc.

With a budget of 200-250 thousand rubles at RUDN you can master political science and sociology, architecture and design, nanoengineering, psychology, business informatics and many others.

For 250-300 thousand you will have access to such specialties as state and municipal administration, foreign regional studies, journalism, television, law, management and economics.

The maximum price tag falls on the following areas:

  • medical treatment – ​​from 310,000 rubles;
  • international relations – 312,000 rubles;
  • advertising and public relations – 315,000 rubles;
  • dentistry - from 330,000 rubles (this is the maximum cost of study for a year at RUDN University).

training in humanities - 220,000-260,000 rubles per year.

Foreign applicants must add an average of 30,000-50,000 rubles to this price.

Full-time and part-time forms of education

Naturally on full-time the cost of training itself is more expensive for students. Let's look at the price tags for annual training for correspondence students.

For only 60 thousand you will study applied mathematics and computer science, management of technical systems, design and technological support for machine-building industries.

Add a little and you can count on training in the following areas: veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, agronomy, philology, tourism and hotel management.

Linguistics, jurisprudence, advertising and public relations, customs, journalism, political science, state and municipal administration cost more than 100 thousand a year.

The maximum price tag of 187 thousand per year falls on the direction of international relations.

Additional professional education

If existing professional skills and knowledge are available higher education it’s not enough for you, at RUDN University you can always supplement them. You will be able to study in seven programs:

  • General management;
  • Modular program;
  • Marketing and effective sales;
  • Advertising and PR business;
  • International Business;
  • Financial management;
  • Human resource management.

The cost for all routes is the same. For the entire period of study, which is only 2 years, you will have to pay 380 thousand rubles.