Lost student ID, what to do? Lost student ID. What to do? Who is the scholarship paid to?

When preparation for the exams is already over and all stages of the entrance examination have been completed, you can submit documents to the chosen university. But not all universities and institutes in the country accept only Unified State Exam results, for example, in theater academy or the Faculty of Journalism must take additional entrance tests.

With the most successful outcome on the first of September, you will receive the treasured student ID and grade book. As a rule, on day departments this occurs as part of the student initiation ceremony.

However, there are other ways to become a student ID holder. If you didn’t manage to get into university or have no desire to study, buy a student card You can do it in our company.

Appearance of a student card

Student card in Moscow represents an official document of student identification. It confirms the fact of studying at a particular university, college, or technical school and at the same time serves as a pass to the educational institution.

A student ID card is two hardbound pages containing the following information:
IFI of the student;
Date of enrollment at the university;
Faculty and specialty.

In addition, the student card contains a photograph of the student and the signature of the responsible person at the university. Sometimes students lose their ticket and, accordingly, all the benefits, so they have no choice but to purchase a new document.

What benefits does a student ID provide?

In addition to confirming the student's identity, a student ID provides many useful benefits, such as:
Student discounts, reaching up to 50% when purchasing tickets to theaters, cinemas, museums, concerts, exhibitions, etc.;
Pleasant discounts when making purchases in shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, fitness clubs, mobile phone stores, etc.;
Student discounts when purchasing tickets to cultural and recreation parks, renting Finnish sleds, scooters, bicycles, boats, skates, etc.;
Saving on travel to public transport: 50% discount on tickets for students(trains, buses, air tickets, etc.);
Young people no longer need to be afraid of the military registration and enlistment office, because they have confirmation of their studies at a university. They are often stopped on the street by police officers asking to show their documents, and in this situation, in addition to your passport, you have the right to present your student ID. A kind of protection from being escorted to the military registration and enlistment office.

Discounts for railway students

Student train ticket(suburban service) provides a discount on travel for full-time students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. It is valid from 09/01/16 to 01/15/16 inclusive.

When paying for travel on suburban electric transport, a student must have with him student card, price which our company pleases all our clients.

In addition, any student of a university, technical school or college has the right to purchase student travel card for a month with a 50% discount. This benefit is provided within the framework of contractual obligations between the executive authorities of the regions of Russia and commuter transport companies.

Get a student ID with us

Buy a student card in Moscow Our website is beneficial because:
We only sell real sample student ID cards and do not copy poorly printed forms;
Low cost of the document, discounts are provided to regular customers;
The processing time for a student card is one day;
You pay for student ID upon receipt;
Delivery is carried out in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg and other regions Russian Federation.

Losing your student ID or having it stolen is now quite common. Why waste your time and nerves restoring a document in your educational institution, after all student ID with stamp You can buy from us by calling a multi-channel phone or filling out an electronic form on the website.

Experienced managers will contact you within 15 minutes and clarify all your questions, write down the missing information, and agree on the day and time of delivery. And after that, you will receive an official document as soon as possible.
Data that will need to be provided to our specialists when ordering a student card:
Full name;
Full name of the university, college or technical school;
Faculty, course;
Form of study (day, evening, part-time, part-time);
Your phone number to notify us that your order is ready.

Why is it profitable to order a student ticket from us?

In addition to the ticket, at the client’s request, we can issue a certificate of training in any higher institution Moscow;
This certificate is also available to students of a technical school or college;
After agreeing on all the data, your application is processed within one day;
Payment after verification of the document and delivery of the student card to an address convenient for you.

A certificate of study at a higher or secondary educational institution may be needed at the place of work, for obtaining a visa or passport, at the military registration and enlistment office, etc.

Buy your student ID while sitting on your couch.

We have been selling student tickets for many years, and in all these years not a single complaint has been received against our company. Working with qualified specialists is simple and profitable; we not only save clients time and money, but also provide prompt delivery of documents to any area of ​​the city.

Buy a student card, price which is much lower than that of competing companies is very simple. You have absolutely nothing to fear, the document fully complies with the state standard: it is made on official letterhead and has all the necessary seals and signatures. Just one day after ordering and the ticket will be delivered to your home, work or the nearest metro station.

How to buy a student card and not be afraid of possible exposure to counterfeiting?

The issue of choosing a company that produces student tickets should be approached with the utmost care and responsibility. To avoid mistakes, study the market for similar services and choose an organization that already exists long time and has a positive reputation among clients.

Also, of course, customer reviews are important.

After all, no one will hide their personal opinion, so the expediency and logic of such a decision will immediately be clear.
If you see a lot of positive reviews from absolutely different people who used the service of purchasing a student card and were satisfied with the service and quality of the document, which means you can buy student ID and enjoy all the benefits of its owner.

Facts to consider when purchasing a student card.

If you are still in doubt, is it possible to buy a student card and never regret it while using it? Please pay attention to the following nuances:
Place an order only in a reliable and stable company, where all stages of purchasing and document production are simple and transparent;
The positive reputation of the organization must be confirmed by numerous reviews from satisfied customers who have ever purchased a student card from this company and use it without any difficulties or problems.

Spin off

Buy a student ID card It is also beneficial because many retail chains selling exclusive branded items create loyalty programs for students and provide large student card discounts. Buying shoes or clothes from a famous brand for very little money is very nice, isn’t it?

Buy student ID, sample which is presented on our website, you can place an order by calling the company. If you are interested in fashionable student card cover, we will be happy to advise you of partner organizations that are engaged in the creation of these stylish and vibrant masterpieces.

Student ID covers

As a student ID holder, you can buy cool and creative document covers. The original cover will highlight your individuality and help protect the ticket from accidental damage or, for example, getting wet during the rain.

In addition, designer covers for student cards are always a relevant and pleasant gift that will delight a student at any university. Stop waiting for big holidays, just give your friend a beautiful cover.

It is guaranteed to be an unexpectedly pleasant surprise for all those who value uniqueness and originality, and also want to be stylish and in line with the latest fashion trends.

Printing student cards

Online printing stubs of student cards is carried out on modern and high-quality equipment, which allows you to create documentation of any type in full compliance with government standards.

The student ID card is made in a hard cover, which is made from binding-type cardboard and special wrapping material. The color range is provided at the client's choice.

Student ID is valid for one year

The student card is valid for one year. You can extend it at our company. Just a couple of computer mouse clicks and no more overpayments in public transport, nightclubs and fitness centers. Discounts on tickets for students will be a pleasant gift and additional savings on your personal budget.

Feel the freedom and enjoy life, feeling like a student - so open, cheerful and carefree, who has a long, rich life ahead, full of hopes and achievements.

Student ID. new sample form

The new sample form for a student card, intended for students of universities, colleges and technical schools in Russia, has an established sample, valid from April 5, 2013.

The size of a student card is 64 by 90 cm. The binding must be hard. Colors: blue, green, burgundy, red.
Based on the innovations adopted in 2013, the student ID contains a note about the order number according to which the applicant is enrolled as a student. In addition, there must be a photograph of the established sample and a wet seal of the educational institution.
Without the signature of the responsible person or the head of the university, the student ID is considered invalid. Remember that the document is subject to renewal every year, and must be re-certified with the seal and signature of an authorized employee. An expired ticket is considered invalid.

Beware of buying fake documents and forgeries! Now many fly-by-night companies offer buy a student card with a stamp, price for which it is too low. As a rule, it contains false data and stamps.

Remember, only a properly prepared document will not arouse any suspicion. Contact large companies with a positive reputation and numerous reviews from satisfied customers.

Buy a student card with a stamp in our company it is to secure favorable discounts, student benefits, train tickets for students etc.

If you are still wondering: “ Where to buy a student card", call us, we will help you!

Convenient payment terms

You can pay for any documentation purchased from our company in the most convenient way for you. We accept payments by VISA and MasterCard cards, through mobile operators Megafon and MTS, as well as through electronic payment systems mail.ru, Yandex-money, qiwi-wallet, webmoney.

In the capital, payment is made after delivery of the student card by our representative to an address convenient for you. The client has the right to check all the original data of the document and pay for the work only in full compliance with the preliminary application.

When ordering from other cities of the Russian Federation, payment is made after the customer confirms the scanned copy of the student card sent by e-mail. Delivery to Russian regions is carried out by transport organizations, mail, and courier companies.

The main document during a student's studies is the student ID. And this is not without reason, because a student card is both a pass to a higher educational institution and a benefit of fundamental importance, which can be useful throughout the entire period of study at a higher educational institution. Absolutely all students know that it is strictly forbidden to lose your student ID. This is due to the fact that with rapid recovery certain difficulties may arise. And the recovery procedure itself lasts more than one day. Therefore, if you have lost your student ID, consider that you have missed out on a few months from the rich cultural life of a student.

But when such a situation does occur, every student should know how to act so that the procedure for restoring a student card goes quickly. We’ll talk about this in this article, because the loss, and even more so the theft of a student card, is quite common, but not everyone knows how to behave correctly in such a situation.

Many students in higher education institutions believe that a student ID is just a formality. More likely, even a convention or, say, a tradition that does not carry any serious information. These students are deeply mistaken.

A student ID card contains a lot of important information, because it is a student’s identity card, which confirms the fact of studying in a given specialty at a particular university. In addition, the student card provides numerous benefits to cultural events in the city in which you study. Benefits apply to museums, theaters, cinemas, exhibitions, art galleries and various student events and forums.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to remind you that a student card is also a benefit for travel on public transport. Here the benefit applies not only to travel on city public transport, but also on intercity and international transport. That is, upon presentation of a student card, it is possible to purchase a ticket for a bus or train at almost half the price. When traveling on public transport, you must present your student ID when presenting a discounted travel ticket. Otherwise, the benefit will not be valid, and such a passenger may either be disembarked or fined.

A huge problem when losing a student card arises for nonresident students who live in a university dormitory. This is due to the fact that the student ID is a pass to the dormitory. The fact is that the commandant, who is on duty at the hostel, may require you to present your student card, since he is not able to remember absolutely all the university students. In fact, this is just a minimal part of all the benefits of a student card that any university student can appreciate. Therefore, if you lose your student ID, you should act immediately.

The main question that arises in a student’s mind when he loses his student card is: what to do? To begin with, do not panic, but get together and try to find the loss yourself. Try to remember where you last used your student ID and where you put it. Then inspect all the places where your student ID may be stored. Nobody canceled muscle memory, so we can assume that they put it somewhere else and forgot about the student card.

After the search has not been successful, more difficult stage. Since the student ID will have to be restored, and the sooner the better. If your independent search for a student card ends in failure, then you need to as soon as possible after the loss, contact the university dean's office. The main thing is not to be afraid or worry - people also work there, although they may not seem friendly to you. The dean's office will tell you how to act in this situation and in what sequence. In general, the procedure in all universities is the same, as the standard says, but each of them has its own subtleties.

Naturally, your trip to the dean’s office will be accompanied by a lecture about your absent-mindedness and lack of concentration. But again, don’t worry, it’s their job to tell you this. In any case, you will be asked to write a statement about the loss of your student card. The application is written on official letterhead with the secretary. It contains standard points that it is advisable to answer honestly. Next, you should give the application to the secretary, attaching three more documents to it.

1. Color photography size 3*4, for a future student card.

2. Receipt for payment of the state fee for the production of a duplicate student card.

You will have to pay the state fee at the nearest bank branch, and not at the dean’s office. The amount of payment charged is not large, about two hundred rubles.

After all the documents have been collected, they are submitted along with the application to the dean’s office. You are given a special certificate stating that you are a student of this particular university. During the several months of waiting for a new student card, this certificate will come in handy more than once, but do not forget that it does not have the same weight as the student card itself.

The next stage is to be patient and wait, but periodically go to the dean’s office and remind them of your problem. A duplicate student ID is prepared within one or two months, it all depends on the workload of the dean’s office employees who are responsible for replacing such an important document for a university student.

You won't find anything new when you receive your new student ID. Everything will be according to the standard, only your photo will be updated. The duplicate, just like the original, is valid, so you can fully enjoy the benefits and benefits.

Above I stated that prerequisite To obtain a duplicate student card, you must present a note from a newspaper. Naturally, you have a question: how to do this?

From a large number of local city newspapers, you should choose one that accepts free advertisements. Find out the editorial office's phone number and call the number provided. Explain that you want to provide information about the loss of your student ID. In this case, be sure to mention the following points:

1. Stolen or lost.

2. Last name, first name and patronymic of the student.

3. Name of the university.

4. Student ID number. If you don’t remember the number, you can always find it out in the dean’s office.

Then you will have to wait a little for the next edition of the newspaper with your announcement about the loss of your student card to go on sale. Next, you purchase a newspaper and cut out the advertisement to submit to the dean’s office. This is done so that the person who finds your student ID cannot use it for their own purposes. After all, after publication in the media mass media, it will immediately become clear to everyone that the ticket is not valid and no benefits apply to it. Afterwards, the dean’s office staff will begin to produce a duplicate student card, and the future ticket will be considered the only one.

While a duplicate student ID is being prepared, the student is issued a certificate from the dean’s office stating that he is a student of this higher educational institution. This certificate is written on a standard form by hand and affixed with the seal of the educational institution. But unfortunately, the benefits do not apply to the certificate. So why is it needed? - you ask. There are places where this certificate is required:

1. Passage to the university.

2. Access to the student dormitory.

3. For presentation for practical training.

4. Admission to city and intercity Olympiads.

5. Where required.

It’s better not to lose the certificate, of course. After receiving a new student card, the certificate remains in the hands of the student. As a rule, this certificate is rarely used, but is always kept just in case.

1. The most important thing is not to delay going to the university dean’s office. As soon as your student card is lost, you should report it. After all, your student ID will be useful to you during the session, but it would be inappropriate to address this problem during the session.

Firstly, in the dean's office such news and extra work they won’t be happy, and secondly, in addition to passing tests and exams, you will also have to deal with the restoration of your student ID.

2. Try to write the application before the holidays or before the holidays. On such weekends, your problem will not be helped, and the wait instead of a month can last up to three months. Therefore, you will not be able to get a student card soon.

3. Before writing a note in the newspaper about the loss of your student ID, you should look for it at home. If, after the publication of the newspaper with your note about the loss, you accidentally find a student card, it will no longer be considered valid. And it will require replacement, which means additional hassle for you and unnecessary expenses.

4. Finally, I want to say that if you have lost your student ID, do not panic. After all, while you are a student at a higher educational institution, you must be given a duplicate, and the sooner the better. In addition, the amount of state duty in the amount of two hundred rubles is not significant enough to be upset. You just have to wait a little, but this is also not a global problem.

Now you know what to do if you lose your student ID. But it’s better to try not to do this.

If you are a student, then for you a student card, or as you simply call it “student”, is a cardboard box in which your student data is written. But in fact, this treasured crust carries much more semantic and practical meaning than you could simply assume. So, today we will focus on the topic of why a student needs his personal ID card.

Being the main document of the student, the ticket once again confirms the fact of his studies at a specific higher educational institution. The internal contents of the student's ticket contain a photograph and the necessary information about the owner (full name, university, faculty, form of study, course). Both are certified by the seals of the institution.

Ticket history

The first mention of a student card was in the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, adopted in 1936. Its purpose was to certify the student's identity, serving as a pass to the university building. In principle, now the functions of the ticket have remained virtually unchanged. Many universities also require a student ID upon entry.

Student ID today

Students become the holders of their own ticket on September 1st. If a student studies at a branch of a large university, he will have to wait a little longer to be issued a ticket. For this period, the dean of the faculty issues a certificate confirming the fact that the person is studying at this institution.
Every year when a student completes one course and moves on to another, he is required to put an extension on his ticket, otherwise it will not be valid. This is done in the office section of the university or institute. The seal of the university on the corresponding line in the ticket indicates that the person is really in this moment is a student at this institution. As soon as a student completes his education and receives the coveted diploma, his student ID is confiscated and attached to the student’s personal file.

But what to do if the ticket is lost? There's really nothing wrong with that. Losing a student card does not threaten dire consequences, especially since any student can quickly take steps to obtain a new document. But still, while the ticket is not in hand, the student cannot:

freely enter the building of any building of your university.
take literature to educational library. Even if a student can present a library card, but without a student's certificate, books will not be issued to him.
receive benefits to which this document gives the right provided by the state. For example, a student with his personal ticket can visit the theater, libraries, cinema and other similar institutions for free or at a reduced cost. Students are also entitled to other benefits, for example, purchasing travel tickets at a reduced price.

Now we will take a closer look at the benefits that our modern students. By the way, these benefits are constantly being reviewed, but no significant changes have been made to them for a long time.

Benefits for students with a student card

Quite significant benefits apply to student transportation. For example, a ticket gives a discount on train travel. In 2015, commuter passenger companies introduced season tickets with a 50% discount, valid for students of secondary and higher educational institutions. In addition to transport benefits, students are provided with incentives such as:

tax deduction. If a student studies on a commercial basis, then after graduation he will be refunded 13% of the amount he paid for the entire duration of his studies.
deferment from the army.
different types of scholarships.
The right to free (or inexpensive) use of the services of state and municipal libraries, free visits to a number of museums, as well as substantial discounts in shops and shopping centers.
The fee for living in a dormitory should not exceed 5% of the monthly scholarship amount.

For working students in part-time or evening classes, a reduced rate may be established. work week. During the period of release from work, 50 percent of the average salary is due, but not less than the minimum wage.

Student cards abroad

In other states, students also have student cards. For example, in Ukraine and Lithuania, a student card is a plastic card, similar to a credit or driver's license. This card contains the following information: student’s full name, name of the university, photograph, form of study and specialty in the form of an established barcode. This card gives rights such as unhindered entry into the university building, a 50% discount on travel documents, and others.

In Belarus, student cards are also represented by a plastic card with a built-in chip module. This module allows you to read all the necessary information about the student from the card.

So, you must agree that being the holder of a student card, and therefore proudly wearing the title of student, is quite beneficial. The student receives so many benefits and incentives during his educational activities. BUT all this is only a minimal part compared to how many positive emotions education at a university can bring, and how much it gives the student for subsequent adult life.

Student years are a time of low income and associated problems. Young people, in particular, have to travel a lot throughout the metropolis and beyond. And this leads to additional expenses. Therefore, in the regions, discounts have been established for students on travel.

Let's look at what benefits young people will be able to take advantage of in 2019.

Public transport

This type of government preferences is financed from regional budgets. This is stated in the Federal Law “On Education” No. 273-FZ dated December 22, 2012. To provide young people with a discount on public transport, local authorities must enter into appropriate agreements with carriers. Educational institutions are informed about this and explain everything to students.

A young person can take advantage of this preference by issuing a student travel card. The government of the Russian Federation decided to take advantage of international experience in solving this problem. That’s why city transport passes are now issued in the form of a smart card. It operates on all routes for which the authorities have concluded agreements, which is convenient for students. After all, young people have to move from their place of residence to educational buildings, libraries, enterprises, and so on.

Download for viewing and printing:

The pass gives you the opportunity to use the following types of transport operating on city lines:

  • by bus;
  • trams;
  • metro;
  • trolleybuses;
  • boats (in some cities).

As a rule, benefits do not apply to travel in taxis and minibuses. However, there may be exceptions. You should find out about them from the faculty dean's office or the rector's office.

Preferences are provided only to young people studying full-time at state educational institutions:

  • higher;
  • medium special.

Procedure for obtaining a travel pass

In order to get a smart card, you need to go to the leadership of the trade union committee of the educational institution. This organization issues a document confirming the student’s rights to benefits. You should have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • student ID;
  • black and white photograph (3x4).
It is recommended to make photocopies of identification papers. They will be required to remain in the union.

The trade union committee specialist will ask you to fill out an application. There is no need to do this in advance, since the application for a smart card is written on a special form. In this case, the following requirements must be observed:

  1. Personal data is entered into the cells. They are filled in block letters.
  2. When filling out the form, only blue ink is used. Writing in other colors is strictly prohibited.
  3. All data must be entered accurately and without errors. In addition, they must correspond to those indicated in the passport.
Applications that are wrinkled, filled out with errors and blots are not considered by the trade union committee.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Algorithm for obtaining a smart card

  1. An application received from a student is processed in approximately two days. This time is necessary to verify the information entered in the form. If everything is filled out correctly, then young man a decision is handed over.
  2. With this paper you need to go to a special cash desk that sells public transport coupons. As a rule, next to it hangs an advertisement for accepting applications.
  3. The cashier is obliged to check the accuracy of the application. To do this he:
    • compares the photo with the applicant’s face;
    • requires you to provide identification.
The student himself must go to the cashier with the application form. You must have your passport or student ID with you.
  1. The cashier gives the young man the counterfoil of the form.
  2. You should return to the checkout with it two weeks later.
  3. You receive a travel ticket by the stub.
To activate a smart card, it must be topped up. Initially its balance is zero.

This document entitles you to a 50% discount on public transport. It cannot be used in a taxi.

Smart card validity period

The travel card can be used for five years. That is, the student has the right to apply for it in the first year and not worry about renewal. You will only need to top up your balance. But remember that the smart card is protected from fraud. Universities submit lists of expelled students to organizations that issue travel cards.

As soon as a student completes his studies at the educational institution, his travel card is cancelled.

Discounts on commuter trains

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 27, 2010 No. 1163, providing benefits for students to travel on electric trains is the responsibility of regional authorities. They must conclude an appropriate agreement with JSC Russian Railways. The preference is 50%. In practice this happens as follows:

  1. The region is adopting a law on preferences for students in paying for tickets on commuter trains.
  2. Based on this, an agreement is drawn up with the service provider.
  3. The carrier receives a subsidy from the budget to cover the costs of services provided.
If the authorities do not carry out the work described above, then there will be no discounts on trains.

How to buy a discount ticket for a student

According to the established procedure, young people are given a discount based on documents confirming the preferential category. They must be presented to the cashier. That is, when purchasing a travel pass, you need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • student ID;
  • a certificate from an educational institution stating that the person is studying there (upon request).

All of the above documents must be:

  • valid;
  • issued to the same person.

There are a number of restrictions on the provision of this type of preference in 2019. Namely:

  1. The discount on train travel is valid during educational process: from September 1 to June 15 of the following year.
  2. It applies only to students and pupils of state educational institutions studying full-time.
  3. The discount is valid only on suburban routes.

Discounts on electric trains are not available to students studying:

  • in absentia;
  • in branches of foreign universities.

In 2019, students and pupils have the right to purchase train tickets. The discount on them is also 50%. To do this, you should contact the Russian Railways ticket office, having the documents with you (indicated above).

For reference: these benefits do not apply to intercity trains. However, Russian Railways provides discounts on some seats, for example, upper shelves. This allows students to save money on travel.

International travel card: ISIC card

There is another type of preference, which applies to 130 countries around the world. This is an ISIC card. It entitles you to discounts:

  • for travel on public transport in the European Union countries;
  • on discount tickets on international flights (from 10 to 30%).
You should find out more about preferences at card processing centers. They operate in big cities Russia.

Who can get an ISIC card and how?

This card is designed for young people aged 12 to 26 years. The main condition for its provision is studying at an educational institution during the daytime. That is, like the travel card, it is not issued to absentee students.

As a rule, the issuance of an ISIC card is handled by university trade unions. In addition, students and schoolchildren can independently contact the appropriate centers. You need to have the following documents with you:

  • passport or birth certificate (for children under 14 years of age);
  • student or school ID card;
  • 3x4 photo.

The ISIC card replaces an identity card when traveling abroad. In addition, it provides an opportunity to receive a discount on housing rent.

This card is issued for one year only. You'll have to pay for it. In 2019 it costs 600 rubles.

March 18, 2017, 07:31 March 3, 2019 13:49

Good day, dear readers. This time we want to tell you about a student’s student ID and everything connected with it. What is a student ID? Why does a student need it? Why does it need to be kept like the apple of your eye? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

So, first, let’s define what a “student card” is? If you are a freshman or a student who is interested in student life, then the following brief information specially for you! Students, of course, know what “jelly” is

(in student jargon - “studen”, “studnyak”, “studen”, “studak” or “studik”) - this is an official document issued by a secondary or higher educational institution as confirmation of the fact of your studies at a secondary school or university (who doesn’t know , SSUZ is a secondary specialized educational institution).

It is a small book consisting of a hard cover, on which, as a rule, the name of your educational institution is indicated. Inside the cover there is a paper pasted with information about the owner and his training.

This is a kind of student “passport”. How should you handle your passport? Carefully and caringly. The same thing applies to student card. This “passport” will be very useful to you. Below we will tell you in what situations you simply cannot do without “jelly”.

A student ID is a student's passport

But before we talk about the privileges that having a student ID gives you, we want to say a few words about the process of obtaining it. Remember when you applied to a university, they required 6 3x4 photographs from you? Surely you thought: “Why so much? Are they salting them or something?” Well, one of these six photos goes exactly to your future student ID. The rest are for a grade book, personal file, etc. Yes, yes, it’s a personal matter, we didn’t confuse anything. That’s what they call a folder in universities with all the student’s documents, just like in the police, oh, sorry, the police already

However, let's return to the process of obtaining student card. Usually, if you study at the main university or institute (i.e. not at a branch of the university), then your student “passport” will be in your hands during the first week of study. Most likely, even earlier, right on September 1, they will issue it in a solemn ceremony.
Now read carefully for those who are studying or will study at a branch of the university. There is one interesting point here. The whole point is that when you come to the Day of Knowledge, no one will give you “jelly”. Moreover, for about a month (maybe a little more, maybe less) you will go to school without an official student document.

Why is this happening? And this happens because the branch receives all the student’s main documents (grade book, diploma, student ID) from the main university. As is usually the case in Russia, this cannot be done in advance. So the poor freshmen have to wait for their cherished document. Without it, they cannot feel like full-fledged students. In addition, the absence of “jelly” imposes a number of restrictions on you, especially if you study at a branch of a university.

As we wrote in our previous article: A car for students: all the pros and cons that those students who study at a university branch have the opportunity to drive home every day, thereby not living in a student dormitory. However, most students still cannot afford a personal car, so they are forced to travel from one city to another by bus using a travel card. You must show your travel card to the driver along with student card so that he can recognize that you are a student.

But you don’t have a student’s ID yet! And to study you need to ride every day! A paradoxical situation arises: you buy a travel ticket, which will save you more than 75% of money in a month, but you cannot use it, because... you don't have a student card. Yes, Russia is a country of opportunity...to find ways to resolve bureaucratic delays!

What is the way out of this situation?

Well, okay, there is always a way out, otherwise we would not have raised this problem. We know the solution and share it with you, dear readers. Here it is: when you come to a line at a university dedicated to the Day of Knowledge (you buy a pass in advance, in August, and on September 1 you go to the university, of course, for money), you do not immediately leave home or on some excursions by bus , and go straight to the branch administration.

There you ask the person who is responsible for various kinds of pieces of paper. You go to him and say, you are from another city, you need a temporary certificate stating that you are a current student of the branch. Usually the branches have heard about such problems, and they already write out a stack of certificates in advance, in which you only need to enter the required last name, first name and course.

You receive a certificate and now you can rightfully ride the bus, pointing this certificate to the driver if he asks for a student card. From a formal point of view, the driver will be right if he does not want to drive you with a travel card without a document certifying that you are a student. And since now you have it (even though it’s a temporary certificate, it’s still a document), you can forget about this problem forever! By the way, you will still need this certificate when your parents fill out a tax return. They require it at work. So save it.

We gave you this advice because many first-year students do not know how to solve such a problem. Now you have become a little more literate with us

Kohl, above we have already touched upon the issue of the privileges that student ID, it’s time to tell you in more detail about the opportunities that owning a student “passport” gives you. Are you ready? Let's go!

Why do you need a student ID?

We have specially prepared for you a small list of the things that having a student card gives you. If you know any other privileges of the “jelly”, then please write them below in the comments, we will add to the list.

1. Passage to study.

In many educational institutions Student ID passes are valid. At the entrance it says: “Entrance only with a student card.” True, if you have been studying at the university for more than a year, then all the guards already know you by sight, so nothing bad will happen if you forget your student ID once.

This applies more to freshmen who are not yet known by sight. Therefore, do not forget to take your “jelly” with you to study every day!

2. Discounts for travel on electric trains.

Probably the most important thing, besides the fact that student ID is a student’s personal identifier, why do you need a “student” - these are travel benefits. Benefits for travel on buses have already been mentioned above. But this applies to a greater extent to, so to speak, “provincial” students. IN in a good way this word. Most of all, students take advantage of the discount on travel on electric trains. This becomes especially true when you go with your group on vacation outside the city.

A student card gives a 50% discount on travel to students who study at state universities full-time education. On July 6, 2011, Vladimir Putin signed a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation stating that this benefit will continue for the next year. So don’t ride the train like a rabbit, the government is already trying to reduce prices for you, dear students.

3. Free visits to museums and exhibitions.

Again, it’s a benefit, but it works out 100%. A student, as we have already written more than once, is, first of all, a cognitive person. And visiting museums, exhibitions and other cultural institutions is the best way to promote your development. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to go to a museum, go. One of your friends invites you to the theater - go.

As our law teacher said: “Develop yourself every day. Go to theaters and museums while you are young. And then it’s just work, a sofa and TV.” There is no adding or subtracting here. Since the state encourages students, through free visits to cultural institutions, to experience beauty, it would be a sin not to take advantage of this.

Some readers may be indignant and ask what, where is this city where students can attend theaters for free? There are such cities, there are such theaters. Here, in addition to your student card, you will most likely need membership in a trade union or any other similar organization of your university or institute. However, we know for sure that in St. Petersburg, students who have distinguished themselves in some matters, or just like that, are sent to theaters. They send lists of students by email, and all you need to do is take it with you. student ID and present it at the entrance to check with the list you received earlier. So that.

4. The army will wait.

If you are a male student studying at big city, such as St. Petersburg or Moscow, then you have probably been stopped more than once by police officers and checked your documents. Well, sometimes it happens that they ask for “jelly”, otherwise, if you don’t present it on the spot, you may end up in the duty station until all the circumstances are clarified. What if the army is crying for you? So wear it student ID always with you just in case.

By the way, there is now a whole industry with fake student IDs. They are specially purchased by students so that during document inspection they can pretend to be a student. This is what those people do who do not want to join the army for various reasons. So know that yours student ID may even become a subject for theft. Remember this.

There are also privileges, but we don’t want to overload you with information. If you want, write, as we have already said, in the comments your suggestions regarding the benefits of owning the “jelly”.

Before summing up this article, we will give you one more important recommendation.

[Student ID must be renewed every year!]

What does it mean to renew? Where to renew? Surely you have similar questions, especially if you are just about to join a friendly student community.

Let's explain. Renewing a student card is, from a purely technical point of view, putting a stamp on your “jelly” with a signature. The renewal is done at the university administration, if you are a student at the branch, then you already know where (read above). You need to renew your student card so that you can prove that you are actually in your 3rd year or only in your 5th year. On trains and police officers check whether your student ID or not. So don't forget about this one!

The conclusion is one of the student's main documents. It is needed for your personal identification as a student. The student card also allows you to take advantage of a number of benefits provided by various organizations. In particular, you can ride trains from September 1 to June 15 with a 50% discount. Keep your student ID as if it were your second passport. In fact, this is your second passport for several years - a student passport.

We hope you found it interesting and learned something new from this article. We will be happy to continue to do our best for you, dear readers.