Certificate for a Sunday school student. Methods of encouraging children in Sunday school. And those around you should not be judged for their sins

Not only in ordinary schools, but also in the Sunday school “Dobrynushka” at the Verkhoturye St. Nicholas Monastery the bell rang last call. The children within the walls of this school learned a lot of new and interesting things over the past year. Many events took place: Christmas, Easter, Sretenskaya Week, Mother's Day, Victory Day; participation in exhibitions, in the scientific and practical conference “Family - past, present, future”, a trip to the diocesan theological conference took place. All holidays and events took place thanks to the efforts of the teaching staff under the leadership of the young school director Alena Dedova.
I would also like to note the students of the Bezdenezhny Sunday School, Ekaterina and Olga Lyubimova, who worthily represented the Sunday School at the XV Diocesan Theological Conference and actively participated in the life of the school, not missing events and helping the school director. Demin Ivan also distinguished himself, keeping up with the girls and worthily defending the honor of the school. At the last line, a prayer service of gratitude to the Lord was served, many children were awarded certificates for Active participation in school life and academic success. After tea, all children were given soft toys.
I would like to express special gratitude to the school director Alena Dedova. As an assistant dean for missionary work with youth, she conducts interesting youth events, which all teenagers remember with gratitude. Creative evenings, rope course, evenings around the fire - attracted a lot of young people and will remain in their memory for a long time. Also, through the efforts of Alena Dedova, such clubs as learning to play the guitar, photography, singing (church and folk) and a sports club were organized.
This year in Sunday School happened historical event. For the first time in all the years of existence of Sunday schools in Verkhoturye, the first graduation took place. Unfortunately, only one graduate received a school completion certificate. This graduate was me – Maria Maslova. With God's help and the kind preparation of my mentors Svetlana Maslova and Alena Dedova, I managed to receive a certificate with honors. The exam included questions on such disciplines as Old Testament, New Testament, Catechism, knowledge of prayers, structure of the temple, fasts and holidays, reading in Church Slavonic. The examination committee, chaired by the school's confessor, Hieromonk Simeon (Tsarev), congratulated me on my excellent graduation from school and presented me with memorable gifts.
I am grateful to Abbot Laurus for the existence of the school, and to the teaching staff for the contribution made to the development of the Sunday School students. I hope that my graduation will not be the last within the walls of this school, and that the knowledge gained will help in my life path. I wish all the students of the school to successfully complete it, and I also invite parents to bring their children to our school, because they teach only good things here.
Maria Maslova.

The school year ended at Sunday school. On May 13, exams were held in the 3 senior groups. Examination tickets contained questions from all the religious disciplines studied by the children:

Group 3 (7-8 years old) - Russian holidays Orthodox Church. annual circle, Sacred history The Old Testament, the sacred history of the New Testament, Lives of the saints of the Universal Church, Church Slavonic language.

Group 4 (9-10 years old)- New Testament. Sunday Gospels. Interpretation, Sacred History of the Old Testament, Moral Theology, History of the Russian Church in the Lives of the Saints, General Church History in the Lives of the Saints, Church Slavonic Language, Church Reading Skills and Basics of Worship;

Group 5 (11-13 years old)– Catechism and Dogmatic Theology, New Testament. Apostolic Epistles. Interpretations, Moral Theology, Old Testament, Liturgics, Church Slavonic, Church Reading Skills and Basics of Worship.

The examination committee included: Archimandrite Dionysius, Hieromonk Philaret, Priest Leonid, Anton Ruslanovich Zolotukhin (head teacher), Elena Viktorovna Strunina (assistant head teacher), Nikita Viktorovich Stratulat (candidate of theological sciences), Lyubov Anatolyevna Gvozdeva.

18 Sunday school students successfully passed the final certification.

After the exam was completed, a prayer service was served in the home church of the metropolitan chambers school year.

Then, a parent meeting was held in the lecture hall of the Metropolitan Chambers, at which Archimandrite Dionysius congratulated everyone on the end of the school year and summed up the results of the joint work of students, teachers and parents. The Sunday school head teacher announced the exam results. At the end of the school year, Sunday school students were awarded certificates of academic achievement.

For diligence, good behavior, conscientiousness and creative aspirations, the best students were awarded diplomas, certificates of commendation and memorable gifts.

Parents of students were also awarded certificates and memorable gifts for their active participation in the life of the school.

The parents of the students expressed gratitude to Archimandrite Dionysius for his many years of close attention to the problems of raising children and youth, for the love and kindness of the entire teaching staff and hope for further joint work in raising children.

At the end of the parent meeting, a pedagogical council was held, at which a positive assessment of the work of the teaching staff was given and a desire was expressed to maintain stability in the work of the Sunday school in the next school year.

The educational and methodological set "Vertograd" includes Teacher's Notes, Workbooks and Test Books in the following subjects:

1. TEMPLE STUDIES (Initial concepts about God, about prayer, about the temple)
2. ORTHODOX ICONOSTAS (Twelfth Feasts. Faces of Saints. Detailed analysis device of the iconostasis using a paper model).
6. ORTHODOX SERVICE (All-night vigil, Liturgy)

The set was developed on the basis of the classic textbook of Archpriest Seraphim Slobodsky, supplemented with modern theological and natural science knowledge, and enriched with information on Orthodox culture. Educational material distributed taking into account age characteristics students. Teacher's notes contain: short description course, lesson notes in accordance with the calendar-thematic plan and a list of references. Workbooks include: summary lesson topics and practical task- recording keywords, abstracts, coloring drawings, applique, paper modeling.
Created for Sunday schools, Orthodox gymnasiums, secondary schools.

The educational and methodological set, developed on the basis of the Vertograd Sunday school at the St. Michael the Archangel Church in Pushchino, was presented by the compiler as a final qualifying work at the Higher Theological Courses at the MPDA and recommended for publication.
Supervisor of the final qualifying work - , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Dean Faculty of Education PSTGU, director of the Institute of Expertise educational programs and state-confessional relations.

Church Slavonic language. Names. Workbook.Svirepova O.V., Zakharova L.A., Methodological development for 4th grade Sunday school, for children 10-11 years old. Pushchino, 2010

The lessons are developed based on the book by N.P.

Sablina “Slavic initial letter. Poetic history of the alphabet with the basics of Church Slavonic literacy." The author herself described her book as a collection of “popular science stories about the Letter in the Spirit: about the honorable external beauty of each letter, or its image; about the spiritual and mystical essence of the alphabet and the symbolism of letter names." The compilers tried to implement the manual in the same vein. Each sheet workbook

dedicated to one letter, a story about its name, origin. Also on the sheet dedicated to the letter, there are words starting with it under titles, names and their meanings, a short dictionary of frequently occurring words, an icon of the Virgin Mary, the name of which begins with this letter, an icon of a saint, riddles. Half the page is occupied by writing. The sheet is decorated with ornaments and all sorts of options for small initial letters, but there is also a place for the student to draw a beautiful initial letter himself.

(for 2 parts, Separate lessons, answers to more complex tests) Graduation at any time educational institution - an exciting and solemn moment, and especially in Sunday school. On May 27, at the Torbeevskaya Basic School, a prom for 4th year students of the Sunday School at the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. In a festively decorated office, the heroes of the occasion gathered, students of grades 8-9, who for 4 years had been studying the “Fundamentals Orthodox faith ", guests, junior schoolchildren

, teachers.

After the solemn beginning, the head of the diocesan department of religious education and catechesis, as well as the confessor of the Sunday school, Abbot Amphilochius, spoke with warm words and parting wishes. Father presented the graduates with certificates and letters of gratitude for their diligent study and active participation in the life of the Sunday School, and blessed the students with the holy book of the New Testament. The following teachers congratulated their students with good wishes: Perfilova V.F., Glukhova V.P.

6th grade students congratulated the graduates, wishing them success and peace. With special enthusiasm, Tatyana Perfilova performed the song “Rosinochka - Russia”, Marina Baykova, Irina Azyaeva presented the song “Mama” with love and tenderness. With delight, everyone watched a video about their years in Sunday school, given by the priest. We remembered with excitement the classes, joint visits to church, conversations with the priest about God and the lives of saints, an amazing Orthodox camp, an Orthodox patriotic camp, unforgettable pilgrimage trips to holy places. And there were a lot of them! For which everyone is very grateful to our priest, Father Amphilochius.

We ended the graduation party with a festive tea party. A warm conversation with such a beloved priest will long be remembered in our hearts.

Dear father, thank you very much for everything.

Grateful 9th ​​grade students and teacher V.P. Glukhova.

Sunday School graduation.

4 years of study flew by unnoticed. Sunday school is a place of spiritual education and development. During these years of study, teachers taught us kindness, attention to people, we studied the Old and New Testaments, and most importantly, we learned to love God and the Church of Christ. But we not only studied, we had joint holidays, unforgettable trips to Holy places. We attended church services, participated in the sacraments, took part in all Orthodox holidays and festivals, took prizes in competitions. We felt like one family.

The graduation party, the culmination of our education, was held in a festive atmosphere. We heard many warm words and wishes from Abbot Amphilochius, teachers, and younger comrades. Father presented certificates and letters of gratitude, and presented the graduates and teachers with a New Testament. We were very satisfied and joyful. Everyone remembered the happiest moments together, looking at photos on the big screen.

The graduation evening ended with a festive tea party. Such events bring us together and help us remember all the good things we experienced together.

Graduation in our Sunday school became a memory, joy, a hymn of love, kindness, gratitude to the Lord God.

Sunday school is a stepping stone to God,

To walk along the ladder to the sky -

Look at yourself repentantly and strictly,

And those around you should not be judged for their sins.

Sunday School graduate Queen Valentine

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Children do not always want to study, children do not always want to go to school. Even on Sunday. Good teacher He tries not only to teach the lesson in an interesting way, but also to encourage the children. Encourage them to come to Sunday school on time, encourage them to listen and memorize Bible events.

Caterpillar (encouraging kids)

This method of encouraging attendance is for the little ones. If your Sunday school children use notebooks, you can use this method.

At the beginning of the school year or when starting a new notebook, give all children a small circle of colored paper with eyes and a mouth. This will be the head of the caterpillar. If your children already know how to draw, then they can draw the eyes and mouth themselves. Let each child glue this circle into his notebook on the first page. When the children come to the next lesson, again give them one colored circle. And let them paste it into their notebook again next to the first one. And do this in every lesson. For one visit, the child receives one circle. His notebook should contain a caterpillar.

Tip: When you give out circles, give out circles of the same color for one lesson, otherwise the children may not be able to divide them among themselves.

Train (encouraging kids)

How to encourage children to attend Sunday school? Here is one of the tips. You will need a large board or sheet of whatman paper. For each child, stick a train on the left side of the board. When a boy or girl comes to class, one trailer is added to their train. Thus, after a few lessons it will be a whole train. The competition is to see whose train is longer (that is, who has more cars).
The peculiarity of this method is that children do not need to count (especially if they do not yet know how). They can compare their trains by length because they are located one below the other on the board. And to distinguish trains, you can stick small photographs of children in the window of the locomotive (that is, on each train there is a photograph of the child owner).

Corona (encouraging attendance and participation in the lesson)

If you want to encourage your students not only to attend Sunday school, but also to participate in the lesson, then this method of encouragement is suitable for you. If you are studying the books of Kings and several Bible lessons are devoted to the stories of David, Saul, and Solomon, then this method will be perfect.

Make each child a crown from colored cardboard. Older children can make their own crowns in class using your templates. Label each crown with (child's name). Give children one “precious” stone for attending each lesson. Such “pebbles” can be cut out of gold or foil, or you can paint some small flat objects, such as buttons, with gold car paint from a can. For special participation in the lesson, you can give out additional pebbles of a different color. At the end of each lesson, the child himself glues the resulting pebble to his crown. By the end of a certain period, children will have their own decorated crowns, which they, of course, will try on their heads. In the last lesson, we can summarize: who has what crown, who received pebbles for what, etc. Take a group photo of your “kings” and give the crowns to the owners! Until the crowns are ready, it is recommended to leave them with the teacher.

A face instead of a clock (how to deal with being late for classes)

How can you prevent children from being late for Sunday school classes?

Before the lesson begins, hang a smiling face on the door of the room where Sunday school classes are held (as in the picture on the right). As soon as the hour for the start of the lesson has struck, turn it over to the other side, on which a sad face should be depicted. When a child comes to class, he will know exactly whether he is late. At the very beginning of the lesson, hand out some candy to everyone who arrived on time (it's not much, but it's still an incentive). Children who are late do not receive candy.

Build a snowman

This is a way for a Sunday school teacher to encourage class attendance. The idea is especially good for kids who do not yet know how to count, but can also be used for younger schoolchildren.

This reward method is best used in winter. Its essence is simple - you need to build a snowman. When attending each lesson, the child receives one part of a snowman cut out of cardboard: first one circle, then a second, a third, a whisk, a hat, a carrot, etc. Children can stick a snowman on their notebook, or designate a space for each child on the classroom wall (don't forget to write the child's name).