"people and demons" They are preparing for war with God!! aliens are demons. UFOs are biorobots of fallen angels Demons disguised as UFOs of history

They will tell people that they are being persecuted by “evil cosmic forces,” but in fact they are being persecuted by God. Their real look will be heavily disguised and act in real world "they" will be disguised as real people. In UFOs that have landed all over the earth, demons will invite people supposedly for “medical examination and treatment.” People will go to them en masse for “health”, and will come out as healthy zombies. And this will be just one type of fooling a person. There will be other methods of zombification, depending on the spiritual state of the person. They will deceive even the elect, i.e. believers, and therefore you need to pray diligently and be very careful. Slava said that people will be seduced and zombified in every way: “Some, he says, will be lured with bread, and others with a red robe” - there will be many types and ways of fooling people, and you need to be extremely careful not to fall into these networks of Satan. - From the book “Sent by God” The reign of this last Ruler in Russia, according to Slavochka, will coincide with the time of the worldwide accession of the Antichrist, i.e. the last Orthodox Tsar will be given to Russia as a counterbalance to the Antichrist. The youth also said that the world ruler (Antichrist) would suddenly come to power, and the last Orthodox Ruler in Russia would also come suddenly. So, according to the youth, they will rule almost at the same time. And the time will come very difficult, because as soon as the Tsar tells people the whole truth about what the Masons did to Russia, all the people will seem to wake up, come to their senses and be very indignant. And in order to distract people from the truth, UFOs (demons) will come to the aid of the world ruler. As I understood the boy, demonic UFOs will come to the rescue of the Antichrist and will help him fool and zombie people. In the sky, according to the boy, all sorts of signs will begin, and UFOs (demons) will land all over the Earth, in which the demons, under the guise of “aliens,” will begin to zombify people en masse. And people will voluntarily go to them. Slava said: “Mommy, they will go mainly for “healing.” The demons will set them up like these booths, and people will go to these booths for health, and zombies will come out of there.” These words surprised me then, and I asked: “Slavochka, how can this be? Even when there is a Ruler who will tell the people the whole truth, will people still go somewhere else? Will they listen to any other “aliens”?!” I think: “Wow!” This struck me as a person. How crazy can people get?! Many people, it turns out, are waiting and will not wait for these UFOs (demons). And they will run there for “healing”, and they will drag their little children there, and even line up for them. Slavochka said that demonic tricks in the sky and landing UFOs (demons) will captivate fooled people so much that many people will forget about everything, “About Gorbachev, and about Yeltsin, and about everything that the Orthodox Ruler told them about. They won’t care about the truth anymore.” This is where the madness starts to happen. - From the book “Sent by God” According to the youth: wiretapping, and microcircuits (chips), and world passports with a seal - this whole system will be created and will begin to operate even before the coming of the Antichrist. This will be preparation for his coming. And when everything is already prepared, then on the wave of all this he will suddenly come. As far as I remember, Slavochka said that the world ruler (Antichrist) will come suddenly and almost simultaneously with these demonic UFOs that will crawl out of the underworld and begin to land en masse all over the Earth. - From the book “Sent by God” Slavochka said that before the end of the world a lot of UFOs (demons) will launch from Lake Baikal. The boy literally said that “Most of the “aliens” (demons) will start from Lake Baikal.” There will be so many of these UFOs (demons) that they will fly across the sky like torpedoes.” This is where most of the demons will come to the surface. And the people, as Slavochka said, who live there, along the shores of Lake Baikal - they will all see these demons and begin to live under their leadership. - From the book “Sent by God” Slava said that “UFOs are semi-material objects built by demons to fight God and to zombify people.” The fuel for these UFOs is diamonds, which are supplied to them by dedicated people from the world government. Slava said that “Masons, dedicated people from the World Government, are in contact with demons and supply them with diamonds for UFOs.” - From the book “Sent by God” Slavochka said that before the end of the world, huge spaceships of demonic UFOs will fly up to the Earth, but people, for the most part, will not see them. And then a huge number of smaller ships will appear, which will begin to openly fly and land all over the Earth. He said that there will be very, very many of them, and “They will become insolent to such an extent that they will land everywhere.” But in Russia, according to the youth, the most of them will land, because in the West people will accept the satanic system earlier. Slava said that the UFO would land even here, in DOS, on a hillock, between the houses where he and the children played: “They will put a booth there, mommy, like an X-ray (Slavochka compared these booths to a medical booth for fluorography) and say: “We We’ll cure everyone, we have good equipment, and you’re all sick.” And they will say to themselves: “We are aliens, driven by evil cosmic forces. But we have good technology. And therefore, we need to unite with you so that we can jointly defend ourselves against these evil forces.” and so on. And Slavochka explained: “But in fact, mommy, they are persecuted by God.” And they will invite people into these booths supposedly for a “medical examination.” And people will be very happy to come into their booths. Slavochka said that “People will be very interested, and almost all of them will go there and drag their children into these cabins for “healing.” Moreover, Slavochka said that fooled people would even line up to them for “healing.” People will enter the UFO, and zombies will come out. After the demonic “medical examination” they will become absolutely zombified, soulless people. As far as I understood the boy, demons will set up these booths to pull souls out of people, and instead of a soul, a dark force will infuse a person, and people will begin to emerge from there as demons in a bodily shell. Because, according to the boy, people who have been in these booths will no longer be able to die - they will become like demons. And Slavochka also said that there would be many other types of fooling people, I just didn’t ask him about it in detail. - From the book “Sent by God” “Sent by God” Fifth Edition.pdf -

Those whom earthlings mistake for aliens are, in fact, nothing more than a real evil spirit - demons! This was stated at a recent ufological seminar organized by the Latvian Research Center anomalous phenomena, priest of the Riga Holy Trinity Cathedral Voris Vakumenko.

No matter how controversial such statements may be, there is some truth in this even to the picky eyes of ufologists and parapsychologists.

So, on the evening of October 25, 1973, in the Greensburg area (western Pennsylvania), about 16 people observed a red ball hovering over a field from afar. Farmer Stephen Pulaski, along with two 10-year-old boys, got into a car and went to see this miracle up close.

As they drove closer to the object, the headlights of Pulaski's car suddenly dimmed, emitting only a faint glow. The ball, emitting a dazzlingly bright white light, began to descend over the field.

Soon they were able to get a good look at him. The UFO was approximately one hundred feet in diameter, dome-shaped, and made sounds similar to a lawnmower.

Suddenly one of the boys screamed. He noticed something moving along the hedge towards them. The farmer pulled out a rifle, which he had prudently taken with him, and slammed the charge into where, according to his calculations, the Alien was located. A flash snatched two strange creatures from the darkness. They were very tall - 7 or 8 feet. The humanoids' arms hung almost to the ground, their eyes were greenish-yellow, and their body was covered with long dark gray hair. When the uninvited guests came very close, people felt the smell of burning rubber emanating from them. The aliens made whining sounds, reminiscent of a child's cry - perhaps this is how they communicated with each other.

Pulaski fired three more times, aiming for the larger humanoid. He whimpered and raised his right hand. At the same moment the ball disappeared, leaving a glowing White spot. One of the boys got scared and started running. And they slowly turned and moved towards the grove. They soon disappeared from view. Apparently, the shots did not cause any harm to the demons, but they realized that the person was aggressive and changed their minds about making contact.

Stephen Pulaski later showed the site to investigators from the Westmoreland County UFO Investigation Team (WNTU) and parapsychologists. And then miracles began! The dog began to behave as if it was hunting something invisible, and several people smelled the “aroma” of sulfur...

But the most amazing thing happened to Pulaski. He suddenly seemed to lose his mind and began to run in circles, waving his arms and growling like an animal. The man muttered strange phrases like that if humanity does not correct itself, then it will come to an end...” Then the farmer fell to the ground exhausted and fell silent.

Having come to his senses, Pulaski said that Death appeared before him with a scythe in his hand, and a voice was heard from the grove calling him by name...

This is just one episode from a whole “series” of contacts that covered Western Pennsylvania in 1973. In six counties across the state, witnesses observed dozens of furry creatures. Sometimes they suddenly appeared and disappeared right before our eyes, sometimes people saw only the traces they left. In some cases, they gave off a foul odor. Once the aliens killed chickens on a farm, another time they tore a St. Bernard into pieces, and tore the throat of a tame deer. A certain Pierre van Passen reported that his shepherd dogs entered into battle with “werewolves” and fought until three times until one of the dogs died... But these creatures never touched people.

Parapsychologists believe that the Pennsylvania "werewolves" were created by some unknown forces. Menacing-looking monsters, tormenting animals, leaving behind the smell of sulfur, perfectly correspond to human ideas about demons - people from hell... So the church ministers are, to some extent, right!

“Beloved! Don't believe every spirit
but test the spirits whether they are from God,
for many false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John 4:1)

Majority modern people They sincerely believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, “older brothers in mind,” strive for contact with them and expect help from them. “They are wise, almost omnipotent, they will definitely come and help,” dreams a man of the 20th century. Therefore, they meet with special interest and attention all reports about UFOs and aliens.
What does the Christian Church think about this, how are these problems reflected in its sacred books?

In the book “Genesis” [Ch. I, Art. 1] we read: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” then the origin of all things is described according to the days of creation, and on the sixth day, as the crown of all created things, man is created, “... And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created them...” After this, the process of creation as such was completed, and nothing more was created. For it is further said: “And God finished on the seventh day His works which He had done, and rested on the seventh day from all His works which God had done. created" [Gen. 2.2-3]...

As we see, in the Bible there is no hint of the existence of other extraterrestrial civilizations.

According to archim. Seraphim Rose (Quoted from the book: pen. Seraphim Rose. Orthodoxy and the “religion of the future.” Ch. "Six Categories of UFO Encounters." CC "Taylan", Almaty, 1991 .) serious researchers began to agree that UFOs, although they have some “physical” characteristics, still cannot be someone else’s spaceships, but clearly belong to the realm of paraphysical and occult phenomena. And, really, why do so many UFOs “land” right in the middle of the road? Why do such advanced ships require such frequent “repairs”? Why do their inhabitants need to collect so many stones and sticks (again and again for more than 25 years) or “test” so many people?

All the contact scenes are deeply absurd, amazingly meaningless, devoid of any purpose or purpose. It has been suggested that the absurdity that characterizes almost all close encounters with UFOs is, in fact, a hypnotizing technique. "When people are taken out of peace of mind absurdities and contradictions and strain the mind in search of meaning, they open themselves exceptionally widely for the transmission of thoughts, for the perception of mental suggestion” (See source No. 13. - P. 150).

American explorer Dr. Balle compares these techniques with the irrational canons of Zen Buddhism teachers and notes the similarity of UFO contacts with occult initiation rites, opening the consciousness for mystical communication with fallen spirits. Therefore, it is legitimate to pose the question: doesn’t the idea of ​​“guests from outer space” serve for cover and camouflage really infinitely more? complex nature hiding its true essence and goals?

Summarizing the above data from observations of UFOs and contacts with “humanoids”, the following preliminary conclusions can be drawn.

In a number of cases, UFOs behave very aggressively, and without any need for themselves they damage and destroy planes and cars, which often leads to the death of people.

Cases have been recorded where, when attempting contact, a UFO simply kills people (as, for example, with Ancesio Bermudez); True, there are cases of physical healing after such contacts.

There are numerous cases of physical and mental violence by UFO nauts over earthlings, the use of hypnosis, and humiliation of human dignity.

As a rule, upon contact, people initially develop a feeling of strong fear, horror, and experience severe nervous shock.

The appearance of the aliens is different. These can be giants and dwarfs, women and men, handsome men and freaks. Often a glow emanates from them, communication occurs through telepathy.

They talk about themselves in an extremely vague way; the motive for their visits is stated to be concern for people, love for humanity, although their actions are extremely absurd and often indicate otherwise.

UFOs are almost always present where blood is shed (remember the escort of the troops of Alexander the Great, the presence on Battle of Kursk and so on), they themselves are also often involved in the illnesses and deaths of people. Who are they? Did you know such creatures? ancient church? Let us turn to the patristic tradition.


In the life of Rev. Isaac (See: Kiev-Pechersk Patericon. Translation. Poselyanina. - M., 1911. - P. 224) we read that once, after prayerful feats, Isaac extinguished the candle and sat down in his place; suddenly a light suddenly shone in the cave and, as the chronicle says, two demons in the form of beautiful young men came to him. Their faces shone like the sun, and they said to him: “Isaac, we are angels, but here comes Christ with the other angels.” Having stood up, Isaac saw many shining demons... After the ascetic bowed to the false Christ, he fell into a serious mental illness and only through the prayers of St. Theodosius of Pechersk, having survived three years of insanity, received healing.

But this is what the great ascetic of the 4th century, Ven. Anthony: “When the demons are unable to seduce the heart of the ascetic with clearly wicked desires, they attack again, but in a different way, namely: they arrange various ghosts to frighten him; why are they transformed into different types and take on various images - women, animals, reptiles, giants and many warriors...” (Philokalia. T. 1. - M., 1905. - P. 22.) They also take on the appearance of soothsayers and predict what will happen a few days later (Philokalia. T. 1. - M., 1905. - P. 22).

Also in the life of St. Anthony (Cheti-Minei, January. Life of St. Anthony the Great) we read that the demons, trying to frighten him, “appeared in the likeness of lions, wolves, snakes, scorpions, lynxes, bears” (Cheti-Minei, January. Life St. Anthony the Great) and, by God’s permission, they even beat him and “inflicted severe wounds,” but in the end they were always defeated by the saint’s prayer and sign of the cross. One day, we read in the life, a demon appeared to him from heaven in great radiance and said, “Anthony has come to give you our light,” but the saint closed his eyes, not wanting to see the demonic light, and prayed until the godless light went out. Another time, a demon appeared to him in the form of a terrible giant and tried to intimidate the monk, but Anthony the Great slapped the unclean spirit in the face and he disappeared with a great cry.

In the Fatherland of Ignatius Brianchaninov, we read the story of an old man who for a long time was tempted by a prodigal demon. Here it is: “... the enemy, seeing me in confusion, turned into some Ethiopian maiden, whom I once saw in the harvest, gathering ears of grain, and came to me, sat on my knees and darkened me so much that it seemed to me that I had copulated with her. Very saddened and enraged, I hit her on the cheek, and immediately she disappeared; from the blow, I could not raise my hand to my mouth for two years, because of the stench” (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Fatherland. - Publishing house “Life with God”, 1963. - P. 453).

And here's what we read in the life of St. Seraphim of Sarov (Arch. Seraphim Chichagov. Chronicle of the Seraphim-Deveevsky Monastery. - St. Petersburg, 1903.): “During prayer in the forest cell of St. Seraphim heard a terrible animal roar, then an invisible crowd noisily broke down the doors of the cell and threw a huge log into the room, which only 8 people could take out of it. Sometimes the doors of the cell fell apart before the eyes of the person praying and howling animals burst into it, a coffin appeared from which a dead man rose. Sometimes the evil forces, for these were their attacks, lifted Seraphim into the air and hit the floor with terrible force. “It’s terrible to see demons, because they are vile,” the saint later said. The attacks of dark forces were dangerous for the life of the hermit himself, and if it were not for the grace of God protecting him, he would have died physically or spiritually.”

Let us now consider cases of abductions of people by demons, which, by the way, were very similar to abductions committed by UFOs. This is what we read in the life of St. Nile of Sorsky (“Northern Bethaid.” – Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Herman of Alaska, 1975. – P. 91 – 92), who lived in Russia in the 15th century.

“A little later after the saint, a certain priest lived in his monastery with his son. One day, when the youth was sent on some “errand,” he was suddenly attacked by some stranger, who grabbed him and carried him, as if on the wings of the wind, into an impenetrable forest, brought him to a large room in his home and placed him in the middle at home against the window." When the priest and the brethren prayed to Saint Nile to help find the boy, the saint “came to the aid of the youth and stood in front of the room where the youth was placed, and when he hit the window with his staff, the whole building shook, and all the unclean spirits fell to the ground " The saint ordered the youth to be returned to the place from which he abducted him, and became invisible. Then, after the demons howled for some time, the same unknown person grabbed the boy and brought him to the monastery like the wind... and, throwing him into a haystack, disappeared. When the monks found him, “the boy told them everything that happened, what he saw and heard. And from then on the boy became very quiet and humble, as if he had become stupid. The priest, in horror, left the monastery with his son.”

S. Nilus also testifies to the case of such demonic abduction (S. Nilus. About the power of God and human weakness. - Trinity-Serg. Lavra, 1908): “The youth, after he was cursed by his mother for wickedness and bad behavior, was abducted by a demon and became the slave of the demon “grandfather” for 12 years, he could appear invisible among people to help the demon and confuse their souls.”

Finishing with excerpts from the lives of saints characterizing the struggle of demons with people, we present the statements of Gregory of Sinaite (Quoted by: M. V. Lodyzhensky. Dark force.– Petrograd, 1914.– P. 154) and Simeon the New Theologian (Philokalia.– T. 5.– M., 1900.– P. 464), warning about the dangers and types of demonic temptations: “When, doing your job ( that is, during prayer), if you see light or fire outside or inside, or some kind of face, do not accept it, lest you suffer harm.”

The same position is further developed Rev. Simeon: “Those who see light with their bodily eyes, smell incense with their nose, hear voices with their ears, and the like are deceived. Others were deceived by accepting the devil, who was transformed and appeared to them in the form of an angel of light, but they did not recognize him and remained uncorrected to the end, they do not want to listen to advice from any brother. Some of these took their own lives, having been prompted to do so by the devil, others threw themselves into the abyss, others hanged themselves. And who can retell the various delights with which the devil seduces them, when they are innumerable.

Demons take on forms that are easier to seduce modern man.

In modern, non-religious times, in the age of eclectic philosophy, when the very existence of God and the existence of fallen angels is called into question, it is more advantageous for demons to appear in the form of aliens - “elder brothers in mind”, “saviors of humanity”.


Currently, there is even a whole tribe of contactees who have periodic or constant contact with extraterrestrials, act on their orders, and impose the will of the “world mind” on lost humanity.

In fact, these people are mediums, possessed ones, through which evil spirits try to influence humanity. To confirm this thesis, we will give some of the most striking examples.

In the article “Seer Svetlana” (See next article: “Seer Svetlana.” – Newspaper “Smena”, March 15, 1991; “A surprising momera.” – Newspaper “Trud”, January 4, 1991; “Dorn Angelo.” – Newspaper “Rural Life”, October 11, 1990; N. Potapov. Where are we from, why and where. – Newspaper “Anomaly”, No. 2, 1990, etc.) a young woman talks about how she became a contactee. Here is her story.

Svetlana was an artist, performed in ice ballet, and was far from faith and “all mysticism.” One day I was returning home from a tour by train. My recently injured leg was hurting. Suddenly at night in the train window I saw “a glow, and of some unimaginable shape.” Soon after this, "strange things" began to happen to her. So, calmly, without a ticket, I began to go to any concerts, an interest in the “teachings of the East”, in astrology appeared, I “learned” and became an astrologer. Further more. I started getting information from there.

This is how she explains this phenomenon. “Pavel Globa believes that I am a relay of cosmic information: I receive energy from extraterrestrial civilizations that control our planet...

They see that the planet is dying, it needs to be saved - and they take control of us,” “they identify from us those to whom they can transfer information.” Further, Svetlana says that the “aliens” care mainly about our “spiritual development,” the development of that part of the brain that controls “unusual,” occult abilities, such as “telepathy.” And that she received these and many other wonderful data from the cosmic guest Ashtar Sheran. According to her, “this name is known today in many countries, guaranteeing truth and the highest knowledge.” This is a universal world teacher who must fulfill the mission of the messiah... “It is thanks to him, his information, that I make horoscopes like no one else in the world...”

Let's analyze this story. The artist Svetlana, far from the Christian faith, is exposed to the first influence of luminous demons on the train at night. Her soul opens completely to this phenomenon (interest is shown, attention is given, there is no resistance through prayer). Contact took place and communication was established. After all, according to the teaching of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, (See source No. 18.- P. 501.) “everything offered by demons must be rejected, without any exceptions. Arbitrary obedience to demons, even if it was done at their invitation and insistence, subjugates a person to demons, deprives a person of spiritual freedom, and makes him their instrument.”

After this, the influence of demons on the seduced soul constantly intensifies, and occult abilities begin to manifest themselves more and more in it. Involvement in Eastern religions and astrology further enhances them. As a result, Svetlana becomes an obedient instrument in the hands of unclean spirits, “receives cosmic information and energy from them,” and, on their orders, begins to help others and acquire similar “gifts.”

Moreover, when talking about themselves, the “aliens” (demons) do not particularly hide their goals. They are mainly concerned with “our spiritual development in occult terms.” And they accomplish this “development” with the help of ready-made contactees, conductors of these thoughts, ideas, and energy. Their task is to prepare people to accept the new “messiah”, the “universal world teacher” (that is, in Orthodoxy, simply the Antichrist), even the name is already known - Ashtar Sheran.

How well this all agrees with the prophecy about the end times given in the Gospel of Matthew: “...false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” [Matt. 24, 24].

By the way, the very name of the new “world teacher” is indicative. Ashtar, in Hebrew Ashtarot, in ancient Babylon and Assyria - Ishtar, the name of the same Greek goddess Astarte, the goddess of war and hunting, sky and stars, depicted dressed in flames (remember the appearance of UFOs), often with horns on her head, with a quiver and a bow (weapons of murder, death ), standing on a leopard (symbol of bloodthirstiness). At her temple, in addition to the priests, there were fornicators and harlots serving her with debauchery. The worship of this goddess was accompanied by all sorts of abominations. (See Erik Nyström’s Bible Dictionary, verse “Astarte,” Toronto, 1989, p. 31.)

This charming, ancient, horned teacher, who “guarantees the truth and the highest knowledge,” is widely advertised and promoted by the “seer Svetlana,” giving lectures to a wide audience, published in newspapers with a circulation of millions. And she is not alone in her actions; now there are many similar contactees and “seers”, psychics and astrologers, yogis and magicians, for whom the means mass media, as if by magic, they helpfully opened their doors...

Winston Churchill



Let's touch on another contactee - Nikolai Potapov. In his article (see source No. 28. – P. 4) he writes: “The initiative for contacts does not come from us... According to many testimonies, “they” carefully select contactees. You may ask why the participants in the “dialogue,” earthlings, do not shine with intelligence? Yes, we don’t know the purposes of these contacts!.. I think that they have a huge influence on our evolution, and “tell” us the path...”

Here Nikolai unwittingly tells the truth. Demons do select people who are predisposed to contact. Firstly, the mystically unprotected (i.e., non-Orthodox Christians). Secondly, they are often “not brilliant in intelligence” so that they would not suspect anything, but would be obedient tools. Thirdly, the so-called mediums, whose neurological and physical makeup are most suitable for these purposes.

The goals of the contacts are also very clear - “to influence our evolution and show us the way.” And we already learned from Svetlana’s “revelations” that evolution should be of an occult nature, and the path lies in accepting a false mission.

Another thing is interesting. According to Nikolai, at one time he tried to move away from this topic and do something else, but “outside of it, I felt internal discomfort. And when I returned, I realized that the discomfort was going away.” This recognition once again confirms the above thought of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov that a person, having come into contact with demons even once, cannot get away from them on his own! He is spiritually bound, his soul is completely under demonic influence. Only true church repentance, prayer, confession and communion can save such a person.

IN early centuries Christians treated with great caution unusual and new phenomena, especially of a mystical nature, remembering the machinations of the devil, but after the onset of “ new era enlightenment”, most people began to treat them only with curiosity, sometimes even chasing after them, pushing the devil into half-imaginary regions.

Meanwhile, the centuries-old battle not only did not subside, but intensified even more. Predictions come true Holy Scripture about the end of times and the coming of the Antichrist. The UFO phenomenon, “humanoids” with their predictions and “help”, poltergeists, house rats, magicians and astrologers, psychics-warlocks, a thriving cult of Eastern religions - all these are varieties of one force aimed at conquering the human soul.

It is appropriate here to cite the corresponding text of the Gospel of Luke. When the disciples asked the Lord about the end of the world, He spoke about the following signs: “Nation will rise up against nation and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes in places, and famines and pestilences, and terrible phenomena, and great signs from heaven, and people will die of fear and anticipation of the disasters coming to the world.”

Before the end of the world, as a result of people's unbelief, Satan and his hordes will be given great power. The power to destroy people who surrender to him. And now there is a division, for as it is said in the Gospel of Matthew [chap. 24, 40], “then there will be two on the field: one is taken, and the other is left,” but first “this Gospel will be preached throughout the whole world” [Matt. 24, 14].

IN modern period time the Gospel is being preached all over the world, and especially in our atheistic country. Everyone will learn about Christ the Savior. And everyone is free to either accept Him or reject Him. At the same time, the demons intensified their effect on the human race, trying to subjugate it to their influence and prevent it from accepting Christ.

All this requires from modern Orthodox Christians special spiritual vigilance, attentiveness and compliance with church rules and patristic decrees, remembering the words of the Apostle Paul: “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour; resist him with firm faith "[I, Peter. 5, 8].

Priest Rodion

IV. UFO phenomenon according to doctrine
Orthodox Church


Demonic forces are breaking into our irreligious and spiritless world more and more clearly and actively, trying to completely intimidate and thereby subjugate modern man to their influence. This dark business is carried out according to a pre-prepared and worked out scenario.

Everything was systematically done to deprive a person of faith and hope in Christ. Man himself, progress, and science were deified. They laughed at faith and called it the work of illiterate and ignorant people.

At the same time with late XIX century, science fiction literature appears that invents the existence of other, more developed civilizations, fantasizes about what they are like, and tries to occupy people’s minds with this, and, I must say, with some success.

Most modern people sincerely believe in the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, “older brothers in mind,” strive for contact with them and expect help from them. “They are wise, almost omnipotent, they will definitely come and help,” dreams a man of the 20th century.

Therefore, they meet with special interest and attention all reports about UFOs and aliens.

What does the Christian Church think about this, how are these problems reflected in its sacred books? Let us turn to the Holy Scriptures, to the Bible, this inspired book containing the entire history of the creation of the world and humanity by God and containing prophecies about their end.

In the book of Genesis we read: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” then the origin of all things is described according to the days of creation (here we must remember that God’s day is not those 24 earthly hours that we are used to counting as a day, but a completely different, unknown period of time), and on the sixth day, as the crown of all creation, man is created, “... and God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him...” After this, the process of creation as such was completed and nothing more was created. For it is further said: “And God finished His work that He had done on the seventh day, and rested on the seventh day from all His work that God had created and made” [Gen. 2, 2-3]. So, in the Bible we have an indication of creation at the beginning of “heaven”, by which the holy fathers (such as St. Basil the Great, Theodoret, John of Damascus, etc.) understand the creation of the invisible angelic world, disembodied spirits, and then the earth, the material world - light and firmament (that is, the sky in our understanding). There is no talk of any other civilizations. There is only man as a microcosm (for it is concentrated in him as material world

- body, and the spiritual world - spirit, soul), and the invisible spiritual angelic world, consisting of angels of light, souls of the dead and fallen spirits - demons. As we see, in the Bible there is no hint of the existence of other extraterrestrial civilizations. But perhaps an indication of their existence is contained in other written sources

antiquities? We will try to explore them as much as possible.

UFOs have been known since ancient times. So, in Sanskrit (an ancient Indian language that was in circulation around the 2nd millennium BC), the word “bhash”, meaning “demon”, at the same time had the meaning “luminous”, that is, apparently, demons appeared often in the form of luminous objects (in modern terms - UFOs).

In the ancient Sanskrit manuscript "Sanarangana Sutradhara" we read the following description of a UFO: "When taking off, the chariot immediately turned into a pearl in the sky." With the help of such chariots, “the inhabitants of the earth can rise into the air, and the inhabitants of heaven can descend to the earth.”

In the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" you can even read about some technical details of UFOs: "The flying machines had the shape of a sphere and moved through the air...".

Ancient Chinese chronicles report on Emperor Huang Di, who reigned in the 26th century. BC e. in the Yellow River basin. According to legend, Huang Di and his assistants arrived from Heaven, “the emperor had a chariot that, like a dragon, could fly across the sky, become heavy and light, stand still and walk.”

In the description of the campaigns of Alexander the Great (the great Macedonian conqueror of the 4th century BC) there is evidence of the presence of UFOs accompanying the troops. Thus, during the passage of his troops across the Tigris and Euphrates, a record was made of the observation of a flying object, one of those to which Aristotle gave the name “flying discs”.

During the heyday of Christianity, evidence of UFO sightings disappeared. And we can find only a separate hint of their existence in the Vologda-Perm Chronicle of the 16th century: “The same summer there was a great sign: in the sky there were 3 suns in the east, and the 4th in the sky in the west, and in the middle of the sky there was a great month, like Duse, I stand as a sign from morning to noon." Some authors interpret this place as a UFO phenomenon in the 16th century.

Further, reports of UFOs appeared in large numbers in the middle of the 19th century; during the Second World War, a lot of documentary evidence appeared about a direct UFO invasion on earth. Let's list just a few of them.

Modern evidence of the UFO phenomenon

In a brief memorandum to President T. Roosevelt dated February 26, 1942, Chief of Staff General D. Marshall reported on an air commotion over Los Angeles, during which air defense batteries fired a total of 1,430 gun shots at 15 unidentified targets flying over the city.

During the famous tank battle on the Kursk Bulge, both Soviet and German troops recorded the presence of a UFO. Moreover, both of them suspected them to be the enemy’s secret weapon.

Already in February 1953, a US air defense representative said: “We have a huge amount of reports of flying saucers. We take this very seriously, since we have already lost many people and aircraft trying to attack UFOs.”

Indeed, according to an analysis of the available data, close contact of people with UFOs in a number of cases gave tragic results. Here are just a few examples.

On June 16, 1948, test pilot Apraksin took his car into the air. Half an hour later, at an altitude of 1,500 meters, he noticed a “cucumber-shaped object” descending on a transverse course. Sheaves of light rays emanated from him. It was reported from the ground that the object was also visible on the radar screen. Apraksin directed the plane towards the object. When the distance between them was reduced to 10 km, the rays from the object “opened up like a fan” and “pierced” the plane, momentarily blinding the pilot. The electrical part of the aircraft and engine control failed. While planning, Apraksin still managed to land the plane and reported in detail about the incident.

On January 7, 1948, at an Air Force base near Fort Knox (USA), aircraft flight commander Captain Mentel, while approaching a UFO, which he made in order to “get a better look at it,” was the last to be shot down, and his body was found among the wreckage of the plane.

On July 2, 1956, two Starfire aircraft from the 27th Squadron, armed with missiles, were sent to intercept a UFO in the vicinity of Attica (USA). The "flying saucer" responded to the approach with a beam weapon pulse at the nearby interceptor. The plane caught fire, the pilot and radar operator bailed out.

July 4, 1969 Colombia, Anolaima. Ancesio Bermudez gave the signal flashlight a silvery object flying at low altitude over his farm. The device responded to the signal with a flash. On July 6, Bermudez was hospitalized in serious condition in Bogota and died from gamma radiation damage.

According to UFO researchers, people caught under low-flying UFOs can get burned, there have been moments of temporary blindness, and there are cases of injury electric shock when touching the “plate” body. Being at the UFO landing site causes changes in blood pressure, blood composition, and pronounced sensory changes occur. According to eyewitnesses, at the moment of close observation of this phenomenon they experienced “a feeling of fear and internal discomfort.”

Cases of contact between earthlings and “aliens”

Now let's move on to a direct examination of the contacts of UFO creatures with people. Due to lack of space, we will consider only a few of the most typical cases.

Here is the story of one UFO observer dated July 6, 1968 about a contact that occurred in a field near the village. Khushtosyrt, Chegmen district of the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

At about three o'clock in the morning I suddenly saw a meteorite falling vertically, unusually bright. Then the brightness decreased and the object smoothly descended behind the mountainside not far from me. A man appeared about 100-150 meters away. It was either burning or glowing... I... took off running, but immediately felt my legs and arms shackled, it was impossible to even move them. I broke out in a cold sweat, but the fear soon passed and a feeling of lightness appeared in my body. I was called. Behind the hillock on the site stood a huge disk-shaped apparatus. I was greeted by a creature that looked like a human. A glow emanated from his head and hands. They "read" all my thoughts. In response I heard a voice in the purest Russian language. They took my left hand and brought the device. A moment - and a piece of my skin remained on the instrument. And on the hand there is a red triangle... "Where are you from?" - I asked. Their answer was remembered in fits and starts. Allegedly, they are from a large stellar inhabited “country” that is adjacent to our galaxy. They control our planet. Much here worries them and... attracts them.

So, let’s note the main characteristics of the meeting:

  1. the contactee has a feeling of fear and horror;
  2. violence by “aliens” over his will and body;
  3. senseless taking of a skin sample (it is not clear why or for what purpose);
  4. an absurd, poorly remembered answer to the question of where they came from and why.

Now let's move on to the description of another incident that took place in the USA, in Etland, on December 3, 1967 at 3.5 am.

A local policeman saw an object on the road with flickering lights that rose into the air as he approached. He reported to his boss about the “flying saucer” and went home with a severe headache; there was a buzzing in his ears, and there was a scar under his right ear. It later turned out that there was a 10-minute break during the night, which he remembered nothing about; Under hypnosis, he said that he followed a UFO that landed.

The UFO nauts illuminated him with a bright light, and then took him on board their “ship”. The “humanoids,” dressed in overalls with winged serpent emblems, told the policeman that they had come from a neighboring galaxy, had bases in the United States, had casual contact with people, and “wanted to intrigue people.” They released the policeman, ordering him “not to talk about what happened that night.”

As we can see, with this contact all the main characteristics of the above first meeting work, plus 5) the influence of hypnosis is added, that is, violence against the human psyche. An interesting detail of the clothing of the “aliens” is the emblem with the image of a winged serpent, a symbol known since ancient times - Satan, the “murderer” and the adversary of God [From. 12, 9; 20.2].

“At night I was plowing a field alone... I saw a luminous egg-shaped object rushing towards me unusually fast. It stopped at a height of 50 meters above my head. The tractor and the field were lit as brightly as on a sunny afternoon. I was terribly scared. I jumped out tractor and started to run. But it was too late... Someone grabbed me by the hand. It turned out to be a small strangely dressed creature that reached up to my shoulder... I was immediately grabbed by three of the same strange creatures. They tore me off the ground, tightly. holding my arms and legs. I tried to fight back, but in vain. They dragged me into the car (UFO). They stripped me naked and rubbed my body with some liquid. They took blood from both sides of my chin. .. Then they left, and I was left alone. I looked around the room and saw a woman slowly approaching me. She was completely naked, just like me. She was very beautiful, but a completely different beauty compared to me. those women I met... This woman silently came up to me and looked at me. Suddenly she hugged me and started rubbing her face against mine. Alone with this woman I was terribly excited. She made some grunting sounds that completely confused me. I was terribly angry... Then one of the ship's crew came with my clothes, and I got dressed again. They led me to a metal staircase and made it clear that I could walk..."

As we see, for this contact the above 1-3 points of characteristics of encounters with UFOs are obvious, plus a 6th is added - a mockery of the human dignity of the Brazilian: undressing, rubbing with an exciting liquid and, finally, violent, real or rather suggested, imaginary intimate contact with "alien". Somehow all this is meaningless, absurd, and does not resemble a meeting with the highest good mind.

And finally, let's look at the last case of contact - the testimony of 18-year-old Anatoly M., a state farm worker and amateur artist.

On July 21, 1975, Anatoly went to a forest clearing “for sketches.”

Around eight in the evening, he suddenly felt alarmed, looked back and saw a disk-shaped apparatus, from which three human figures in silver spacesuits emerged. They invited Anatoly to come into the “plate” and took him to their planet. According to M., the flight lasted about 40 minutes, then the blackness of space parted and a planet shrouded in a shining haze appeared ahead. The population there was mixed. A. met people three meters tall, and dwarfs, and... a neighbor who died three years ago, several years before this incident...

A. was examined by psychologists and psychiatrists. A hypnologist talked to him twice and conducted hypnosis sessions. The results of the examination make us trust the young man’s words.

Particularly interesting for this contact is Anatoly’s vision of his deceased neighbor, which cannot be explained by any materialistic concepts. Both foreign and our researchers emphasize that close contacts with UFOs are often closely related to paranormal and occult phenomena. Jacques Ballet in his book “The Invisible College” writes that immediately before an encounter with a UFO, people sometimes have terrible dreams, or strange visitors come to them, or they hear a knock on the door when there is no one behind it. I. Tsarev in his article also points to the phenomenon of the “black man”, who is often seen just before the onset of anomalous phenomena.

According to Hierarch. Seraphim Rouzansky, serious researchers began to agree that UFOs, although they have some “physical” characteristics, still cannot be someone’s spaceships, but clearly belong to the field of paraphysical and occult phenomena. And really, why do so many UFOs “land” right in the middle of the road? Why do such advanced ships require such frequent “repairs”? Balle compares these techniques with the irrational canons of Zen Buddhist teachers and notes the similarity of UFO contacts with occult initiation rites that open the consciousness for mystical communication with fallen spirits. Therefore, it is legitimate to pose the question: doesn’t the idea of ​​“guests from outer space” serve to cover and camouflage a truly infinitely more complex nature that hides its true essence and goals?

Summarizing the above data from observations of UFOs and contacts with “humanoids”, the following preliminary conclusions can be drawn.

In a number of cases, UFOs behave very aggressively, and without any need for themselves they damage and destroy planes and cars, which often leads to the death of people.

Cases have been recorded where, when attempting contact, a UFO simply kills people (as, for example, with Ancesio Bermudez); True, there are cases of physical healing after such contacts.

There are numerous cases of physical and mental violence by UFO nauts over earthlings, the use of hypnosis, and humiliation of human dignity.

As a rule, upon contact, people initially develop a feeling of strong fear, horror, and experience severe nervous shock.

The appearance of the aliens is different. These can be giants and dwarfs, women and men, handsome men and freaks. Often a glow emanates from them, communication occurs through telepathy. They talk about themselves in an extremely vague way; the motive for their visits is stated to be concern for people, love for humanity, although their actions are extremely absurd and often indicate otherwise. UFOs are almost always present where blood is shed (remember the escort of the troops of Alexander the Great, presence at the Battle of Kursk, etc.), they themselves are also often involved in illness and death of people. Who are they? Did the ancient Church know such creatures? Let us turn to the patristic tradition.

Images of the temptation of Christian ascetics by evil spirits
(based on the lives of saints)

In the life of Rev. Isaac we read that once, after prayerful feats, Isaac extinguished the candle and sat down in his place; suddenly a light suddenly shone in the cave and, as the chronicle says, two demons in the form of beautiful young men came to him. Their faces shone like the sun, and they said to him: “Isaac, we are angels, but here comes Christ with the other angels.”

But this is what the great ascetic of the 4th century, Ven. Anthony: “When the demons are unable to seduce the heart of the ascetic with clearly wicked desires, they attack again, but in a different way, namely: they arrange various ghosts to frighten him; for which they transform into different forms and take on different images - wives, animals, reptiles , giants and many warriors...". They also take on the guise of soothsayers and predict what will happen a few days later.

Also in the life of St. Anthony, we read that the demons, trying to frighten him, “appeared in the likeness of lions, wolves, snakes, scorpions, lynxes, bears” and, by God’s permission, even beat him and “inflicted severe wounds,” but in the end they were always defeated by prayer and the sign of the cross of the saint. One day, we read in the life, a demon appeared to him from heaven in great radiance and said, “Anthony has come to give you our light,” but the saint closed his eyes, not wanting to see the demonic light, and prayed until the godless light went out. Another time, a demon appeared to him in the form of a terrible giant and tried to intimidate the monk, but Anthony the Great slapped the unclean spirit in the face and he disappeared with a great cry.

In the Fatherland of Ignatius Brianchaninov, we read the story of an old man who for a long time was tempted by a prodigal demon. Here it is: “...the enemy, seeing me in confusion, turned into a certain Ethiopian maiden, whom I once saw in the harvest, gathering ears of grain, and came to me, sat on my knees and darkened me so much that it seemed to me that I I had sex with her. Being very sad, in a rage, I hit her on the cheek, and immediately she disappeared from the blow; for two years I could not raise my hand to my mouth because of the stench.” But this is what we read in the life of St.

Let us now consider cases of abductions of people by demons, which, by the way, were very similar to abductions committed by UFOs. This is what we read in the life of St. Nil Sorsky, who lived in Russia in the 15th century.

A little later after the saint, a certain priest lived in his monastery with his son. One day, when the youth was sent on some “errand”, he was suddenly attacked by some stranger, who grabbed him and carried him, as if on the wings of the wind, into an impenetrable forest, brought him to a large room in his home and placed him in the middle of the house against the window. When the priest and the brethren prayed to Saint Nile to help him find the boy, the saint came to the aid of the boy and stood in front of the room where the boy was placed, and when he hit the window with his staff, the whole building shook and all the unclean spirits fell to the ground. The saint ordered the youth to be returned to the place from which he abducted him, and became invisible. Then, after the demons howled for some time, the same unknown person grabbed the boy and brought him to the monastery like the wind... and, throwing him into a haystack, disappeared. When the monks found him, the boy told them everything that happened, what he saw and heard. And from then on the boy became very quiet and humble, as if he had become stupid. The priest, in horror, left the monastery with his son.

S. Nilus also testifies to a case of such demonic abduction: “The boy, after he was cursed by his mother for wickedness and bad behavior, was abducted by a demon and became the slave of the demon “grandfather” for 12 years, he could appear invisible among people to help the demon to confuse their souls."

Concluding the excerpts from the lives of saints that characterize the struggle of demons with people, we will cite the statements of Gregory of Sinaite and Simeon the New Theologian, warning about the dangers and types of demonic temptations: “When doing your job (that is, during prayer) you see light or fire outside or inside, or any face, do not accept it, lest you suffer harm.” The same position is further developed by Rev. Simeon: “Those are deceived who see the light with their bodily eyes, smell incense with their sense of smell, hear voices with their ears, and the like. Others were deceived by receiving the devil transformed and appearing to them in the form of an angel of light, but they did not recognize it and remained uncorrected to the end, they do not want to listen to advice from any brother. Some of these took their own lives, being prompted by the devil, others threw themselves into the abyss, others hanged themselves, and who can recount the various delights with which the devil seduces them, when they are innumerable.”

Comparative analysis of contacts and the impact of UFOs and demons on people

Summarizing all of the above, we bring to our reader’s attention a summary table, where on the left side are the results of the analysis of people’s contacts with UFOs and UFOnauts, resulting in 10 observation points, and on the right side the results of the analysis of the types of temptations to which demons exposed the ascetics, also on the corresponding 10 points .

So, as we see, the nature and essence of the actions of the notorious UFOs and “aliens” - “saviors and elder friends of humanity”, completely coincides with the demonic method of seducing Christians of all times and peoples. Only the appearance has changed, the guise in which evil spirits appear to the human race.

Demons take those forms in which it is easier to seduce modern man. Ancient humanity was exclusively religious and mystical. Atheism was extremely a rare occurrence. Therefore, it was beneficial for demons to appear from the sky in fire and light, striking people with the greatness of their coming, calling themselves gods and accepting honors and sacrifices.

As St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, when “...finally the enjoyment of passions seemed to people the supreme bliss, they deified sin and its leader, the devil. Idolatry appeared, in which every sin was depicted as an idol, and every sin was worshiped by lost humanity. The prince of the century not only invisibly, but captivated with thoughts people, but also entered into open communication with them, making prophecies from idols and opening face-to-face communication with desperate villains, such as Jannes and Omri and other magicians and sorcerers. The delusion was supported by false miracles and demonic prophecies.”

After the coming of Jesus Christ in the great era of early Christianity, when Christians were persecuted by pagans and when Christian martyrdom shone with an invisible light - when his struggle with evil was intensified to the highest degree - this era was remarkable in that the mystical dark force was constantly recognized by Christians.

The fight against demons in the first centuries of Christianity was a real war. That's how St. Athanasius the Great characterizes his time in this regard: “For a long time, demons,” he says, “sowed discord and wars between people, so that they, engaged in mutual struggle, would not turn their hatred against them. Now their (the demons’) fears have come true, the disciples of Christ live in peace among themselves, but for this their enmity has turned against the devil. Nowadays Christians, with their morals and virtuous lives, take up arms against demons and persecute them and laugh at their leader the devil, because in their youth they were chaste, abstinent in temptations, patient in their work, those who were insulted endured insults, those deprived of them neglected it, and, what is most surprising, they despise death and become martyrs of Christ."

In these centuries, demons appear to tempt ascetics both in their own vile guise and in the form of reptiles, animals, people of various sexes and species, and extremely rarely in the form of flying saucers. At least, practically no such evidence has reached us.

In modern, non-religious times, in the age of electrical philosophy, when the very existence of God and the existence of fallen angels is called into question, it is more advantageous for demons to appear in the form of aliens - “elder brothers in mind”, “saviors of mankind”. The spirit of science fiction, the ideas of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, planetary intelligence, have permeated the modern generation, preparing it for contact with the demonic world.

If, before the 20th century, a humanoid, often luminous creature of gigantic or dwarf stature, with glowing or red eyes appeared before Christianity, at the appearance of which fear or horror was experienced, then the believer had no doubt who it was, and drove away the demon with the sign of the cross and prayer. Now, if such a monster appears in front of an atheist, he takes it for an alien and readily comes into contact with it.

Some are confused by the question: if UFO nauts really are unclean spirits, then how are real material traces in the form of unknown metal alloys and the like discovered after their impacts on nature and people?

As was shown in the first chapter of our work, demons, due to their structure, are capable of causing similar changes in the material world. In addition, in the lives of saints, for example the Monk Martyris, we read about a certain seduced monk Anatoly, to whom demons, appearing in the form of angels of light, presented him with light clothes made of unusual material. The latter was carefully examined by the fathers of the monastery and were convinced of its reality, and only when they brought the gift of demons to the court of St. Martiris, under the influence of the grace emanating from him, she disappeared. In recent times, as stated in the Revelation of St. John the Theologian, due to the unbelief of people and the lack of fasting and prayer, the forces of darkness will receive great strength and power in tempting the human race. So even “they will bring down fire on the earth” [Rev. 13:13]. We are beginning to see the manifestation of such signs in modern world

, which, by the way, is evidenced by the numerous but clearly meaningless miracles of UFO nauts.

UFO contactees

Currently, there is even a whole tribe of contactees who have periodic or constant contact with extraterrestrials, act on their orders, and broadcast the will of the “world mind” to lost humanity.

In fact, these people are mediums, possessed ones, through which evil spirits try to influence humanity. To confirm this thesis, we will give some of the most striking examples.

In the article “Seer Svetlana,” a young woman talks about how she became a contactee. Here is her story.

This is how she explains this phenomenon. “Pavel Globa believes that I am a relay of cosmic information: I receive energy and information from extraterrestrial civilizations that control our planet... They see that the planet is dying, it needs to be saved - and they take control of us,” “they identify those of us to whom the information can be passed on." Svetlana goes on to say that the “aliens” are mainly concerned with our “spiritual development,” the development of that part of the brain that controls “unusual” occult abilities, such as “telepathy.” And that she received these and many other wonderful data from the cosmic guest Ashtar Sheran. According to her, “this name is known today in many countries, guaranteeing truth and the highest knowledge.” This is a universal world teacher who must fulfill the mission of the messiah... "It is thanks to him, his information, that I make horoscopes like no one else in the world...".

Let's analyze this story. The artist Svetlana, far from the Christian faith, is exposed to luminous demons for the first time on the train at night. Her soul opens completely to this phenomenon (interest is shown, attention is given, there is no resistance through prayer). Contact took place and communication was established. According to the teachings of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, “everything offered by demons must be rejected, without any exceptions. Arbitrary obedience to demons, even if it was done at their invitation and insistence, subjugates a person to demons, deprives a person of spiritual freedom, makes him their instrument.”

After this, the influence of demons on the seduced soul constantly intensifies, and occult abilities begin to manifest themselves more and more in it. Involvement in Eastern religions and astrology further enhances them. As a result, Svetlana becomes an obedient instrument in the hands of unclean spirits, “receives cosmic information and energy from them,” and, on their orders, begins to help others acquire similar “gifts.”

Moreover, speaking about themselves, the “aliens” (demons) especially do not hide their goals. They are mainly concerned with "our spiritual development in occult terms." And they accomplish this “development” with the help of ready-made contactees, conductors of these thoughts, ideas, energy. Their task is to prepare people to accept a new “messiah”, a “universal world teacher” (that is, in Orthodoxy, simply the Antichrist), even the name is already known - Ashtar Sheran.

How well this all agrees with the prophecy of the last times given in the Gospel of Matthew: “...false Christs and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” [Matt. 24,24].

By the way, the very name of the new “world teacher” is indicative. Ashtar, in the Hebrew language ashtarot. in ancient Babylon and Assyria Ishtar, the name of the same Greek goddess Astarte, the goddess of war and hunting, sky and stars, depicted dressed in flames (remember the UFO phenomenon), often with horns on her head, with a quiver and with a bow (weapon of murder, death) standing on a leopard (symbol of bloodthirstiness). At her temple, in addition to the priests, there were fornicators and harlots who served her with debauchery. The worship of this goddess was accompanied by all sorts of abominations.

This charming, ancient, horned teacher, who “guarantees the truth and the highest knowledge,” is widely advertised and promoted by the “seer Svetlana,” giving lectures to a wide audience, published in newspapers with a circulation of millions. And she is not alone in her actions; now there are many similar contactees and “seers”, psychics and astrologers, yogis and magicians, for whom the media, as if by magic, helpfully opened their doors.

Let's touch on another contactor - Nikolai Potapov. In his article, he writes: “The initiative for contacts does not come from us... According to many testimonies, “they” carefully select contactees. You may ask why the participants in the dialogue, earthlings, do not shine with intelligence? Yes, we don’t know the purpose of these contacts!.. I think that they have a huge impact on our evolution, and “tell” us the path...

Here Nikolai unwittingly tells the truth. Demons do select people who are predisposed to contact. Firstly, the mystically unprotected (i.e., non-Orthodox Christians). Secondly, they are often “not brilliant in intelligence” so that they would not suspect anything, but would be obedient tools. Thirdly, the so-called mediums, according to their neurophysical makeup, are most suitable for these purposes.

The goals of the contacts are also very clear - “to influence our evolution and show us the way.” And we already learned from Svetlana’s “revelations” that evolution must be of an occult nature, and the path lies in accepting a false messiah.

Another thing is interesting. According to Nikolai, at one time he tried to move away from this topic and do something else, but “outside of it, I felt internal discomfort. And when I returned, I realized that the discomfort was going away.” This recognition once again confirms the above thought of St.

Ignatius Brianchaninov says that a person who has come into contact with demons at least once cannot get away from them on his own! He is spiritually bound, his soul is completely under demonic influence.

Only true church repentance, prayer, confession and communion can save such a person.

In the early centuries, Christians treated unusual and new phenomena with great caution, especially of a mystical nature, remembering the machinations of the devil, but after the advent of the “new era of enlightenment,” most people began to treat them only with curiosity, sometimes even chasing after them, pushing the devil aside. semi-imaginary areas.

All this requires from modern Orthodox Christians special spiritual vigilance, attentiveness and fulfillment of church rules and patristic decrees, remembering the words of the Apostle Paul: “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour; resist him with firm faith "And, Peter. 5, 8].

List of cited literature

  1. See, for example. New encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus in Efron, Art. "Demon." -T. 9.-S. 50.
  2. Quote by: A. S. Kuzovkin and A. E. Semeon. Unidentified objects: idle fiction or reality. - M" Knowledge, 1990. - P. 19.
  3. Quote from: "Heavenly Chariots". - Bulletin "Vyborg Side", 1990. -№1.-S. 2.
  4. See source. No. 3.-S. 3.
  5. 5. See source. No. 2. - pp. 19, 20.
  6. See source. No. 2. -C. 21.
  7. See source. No. 3, art. "The UFO Phenomenon." -WITH. 5, 6.
  8. See source. No. 3, art. "Contrary to the laws of nature." - P. 8.
  9. Art. "They're on friendly terms with me." - Newspaper "Anomaly", 1990. No. 2. -P. 1.5.
  10. Quote according to the book: Hierom. Seraphim Rose. "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the World". Ch. "Six categories of UFO encounters." CC "Tailan", Alma-Ata, 1991.
  11. Art. "Kidnapped by Inoshinetyatsa." - Bulletin of the “Vyborg Side”, 1990. -No. 1.-P. 14.
  12. Tsarev I. Extraordinary adventures. - Newspaper "Trud", November 21, 1990.
  13. Jais Vadie. Invisible yumshedj. - New York, 1975. -S. 17.21.
  14. See source. No. 13. -WITH. 150.
  15. Si-: Kisvo-Pecherspi Paterik. Per. Villager. -M., 1911.- C 224.
  16. Philokalia. -T. 1.-M^ 1905. - P. 22.
  17. Cheti-Miasi, January. Life of Rev. Anthony Velitego.
  18. St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. Otechnig.-Publishing house "Life with God", 1963. - P. 453.
  19. Archim. Seraphim Chichagov. Chronicle of the Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery. - St. Petersburg, 1903.
  20. Quote by: M. V. Lodykhenskaya. Dark force. - Petrograd, 1914. - P. 154.
  21. "Northern Vifaida". - Publishing House of the Brotherhood of St. Geria^ Alaskan, 1975. - pp. 91-92.
  22. S. Nilus. About the power of God and human weakness. - TroilgoSer.
  23. Lavra, 1908.
  24. Philokalia. - T. 5. - M" 1900. - P. 464.
  25. The left and right sections of the table should be read in parallel, that is, first item No. 1 from the left part and immediately item No. 1 from the right.
  26. Holy Ignatius. A word about angels. - J. “Works of Theology.” - No. 30.-M., 1990. - P. 316.
  27. See source. No. 30. - P. 146.
  28. See next. Art.: "Providipa Svetlana". - Newspaper "Smena", March 15, 1991; "Amazing momera." - Newspaper "Trud", January 4, 1991; "Dori Anjepo." - Newspaper "Selyota" life", October II, 1990; N. Potapov. Where are we from, why and blasphemy. - Newspaper "Anomaly", No. 2, 1990, etc.
  29. See source. No. 18. - P. 501.
  30. CM. Eric Nyström's Bible Dictionary, Art. "Astarte". - Toronto, 1989. - P. 31. 31. See source. No. 28. -WITH. 4.

The phenomenon of poltergeists in the light of patristic teaching

From time to time, notes appear on the pages of our press about so-called anomalous phenomena taking place in people's apartments. Knocks and rustling noises are heard, strange voices are heard, things fly spontaneously through the air, water flows spontaneously from the walls and ceiling of the house, and sometimes the owners receive beatings from invisible hands. What is this? - atheist scientists wonder, - a breakthrough of an extraterrestrial civilization into our world? Or simply natural phenomena that have not yet been discovered by science?

“There are more than twenty hypotheses trying to explain poltergeists,” says Professor G. Gurtovoy. “For ourselves, we note some analogy between the manifestations of poltergeists and ball lightning.” What made the respected professor lean toward such a “profound” hypothesis? Apparently, both phenomena are equally incomprehensible to science. According to A. A. Gorbovsky, “researchers from different laboratories and scientific institutes countries, on the territory from the Baltic states to Novosibirsk and from Leningrad to Transcaucasia." The result is 20 theories.

So, as we see, official materialist science has reached a dead end in explaining this phenomenon. As, indeed, whenever one encounters the manifestation of the invisible world in earthly reality.

Meanwhile, the answer to the poltergeist lies in its very name, which translated from German means “noisy spirit.” A spirit that harms people with its noise and actions. Who this is is no mystery for a Christian - it is still the same crafty demon, tirelessly seeking the destruction of a person. The fact that the unclean spirit is capable of performing all those “wonderful actions” that lead Soviet scientists to a dead end is clearly shown in the first chapter of our book, dedicated to the nature and properties of fallen angels. But so that the reader is left with no doubts on this score, let us analyze several of the most typical cases of the poltergeist phenomenon.

First, let's go back to the depths of centuries, when people's faith was still strong, and demons were met and treated properly.

In the winter of 1666, Tsar Alexei, the second of Romanov dynasty, reported that evil spirits had appeared in a Moscow almshouse, near the Ivanov Monastery. Someone invisible knocks there day and night, shouts in a bad voice, and most importantly, does not allow the inhabitants of the almshouse to sleep, throwing them out of bed. Then, on the advice of the boyars, the tsar ordered to find and bring to him the Monk Hilarion, about whom they said that he had been given power over spirits. By order of the tsar, having appeared at the almshouse, the monk served there the evening service with tears and zeal and commanded everyone, having crossed themselves for the coming sleep, not to be afraid of anything and to go to bed.

“In fear, I covered myself with a fur coat and hid under it,” wrote a witness and chronicler of the event.

“The monk fought with that devil for five weeks, diligently making his prayers to God, and sprinkling holy water everywhere; and then, little by little, that demon disappeared from there, of course, and besides, it was nowhere in sight.”

As we see, the pious Tsar of Russia with the boyars, even without the help of many research institutes, identified the source of the disorder and correctly prescribed a course of treatment, sending St. Hilarion to the scene. The same one, through prayer, with the help of God’s grace, drove out the unclean spirit.

Well, how do they react to the appearance of a poltergeist in our time?

One day Vladimir saw “him” with his own eyes and believes that it was a miracle that he remained alive... They saw each other for about 30 seconds. “His” gaze is paralyzing. It is impossible to breathe, to move. There was only one defense left - who would reconsider whom. “His” gaze was piercing, furious, searing.

IN “He” melted, hastily backing towards the wall, went into it, and the eyes were the last to disappear. Vladimir managed to see him well - up to the waist. Height is about one and a half meters. The face is oblong, lean, the eyes are small, the nose is thin, oblong, probably eight to ten centimeters long. The ears are round, regular, shoulder width is approximately 30 centimeters. All covered with brown fur. Last year

life together

"he" knocked furiously. His wife told Vladimir that nothing good could be expected. They soon separated, hating each other. Then, when Vladimir was already living without his wife, “he” came once (and disappeared). Miracles disappeared along with his wife.

The Belousovs turned to the city clairvoyant and healer Galina Anatolyevna, a deeply religious person. “Well,” she told the Belousovs when they came to her, “you can even see who sent this poltergeist. I think we can stop it without much difficulty.”

Usually, in order to stop the poltergeist, she first advises those who turned to her to go to church to confess and receive communion. After this, without going to the scene of the incident, staying at home, she reads certain prayers with them, and the phenomena really stop...

According to A. Gorbovsky, six similar cases were studied by members of the Gorky section of anomalous phenomena. When Galina Anatolyevna was again asked to stop them, it turned out that behind each of the six cases, like the Belousovs, there were individuals who inspired them. These were not always 100% sorcerers, more often people involved in this practice in one way or another. As is clear from this case , poltergeist phenomena can be the result of witchcraft, when someone, having hated his neighbors and wanting to harm them, either casts a spell and sends evil spirits to them (poltergeist), or turns to a professional sorcerer for this. In all details we can trace the mechanics of such an action by turning to the life of the priest. Cyprian, which describes the evil that he did to people at that time when he was still friendly with evil spirits. But, as in those times when all his tricks were broken by the faith, fasting and prayer of St. Justin, even now all witchcraft actions turn to dust when colliding with the power of God. But for this, first of all, people need the Christian faith, fasting, prayer, church life with confession and communion. IN special cases

I myself have had to use this rite more than once when consecrating houses whose owners complained about the manifestation of demonic power in their home. It manifested itself in frequent illness and death of livestock, a feeling of discomfort in the house, and various insurances. After confession and communion of the owners, when they themselves began to fast, pray and lead a church lifestyle, the above prayer singing was served and, as a rule, everything that bothered the owners disappeared.

However, there are times when the demon cannot be expelled from the house immediately.

This depends on the strength of the demon (its hierarchical degree - see Chapter No. 1), the lifestyle of the owners and the personal grace of the priest, which is connected with his personal life, the feat of fasting and prayer, the strength of faith, chastity and purity.

Cases have been recorded when fallen spirits do not seriously harm people, but simply indulge in petty hooliganism, accustom them to themselves and become, as it were, a familiar part of a person’s environment. A typical example of this is a sensational incident that took place in one of the construction dormitories in Moscow.

In the fall of 1988, there was a knock on the door of the room where three girls lived: Fluza, Tanya and Firuza. When they opened the door, they found no one. From that moment on, inexplicable knocking and self-moving of things around the room began. The girls named the source of these phenomena the drummer and “became friends” with him. He answered all their questions by knocking, if yes, then once, no, twice. Moreover, the drummer showed amazing awareness in all areas of life. Such communication captivated the young builders. They drew attention, scientists began to come to study the phenomenon. Then the little guy gave his consent, and his friends were taken with him somewhere for study.

In this story you can see the voluntary union of a person with a fallen spirit. Derived from the religious illiteracy of girls, their unbelief and lack of a clear understanding of the other world and its laws. The demon-drummer gradually took over the minds of her friends, they began to communicate with him and follow his advice. Why did the fallen spirit need this? - you may ask. The answer to this question is given by the following case of a poltergeist phenomenon. where three girls live, strange guests began to appear. Moreover, their appearance was preceded by the unpleasant state of the girls, from which they woke up. If the guest paid attention to one, then the others were in complete stupor and the next morning they discovered weight loss and vice versa.

One day a very tall woman in a long robe entered the room (the previously locked door was open the next morning), sat down on the bed and began to look at the girl, who was already filled with anger and who thought: “What do they all want from me?” The woman immediately responded: “Give me your resurrection!” To which the girl replied: “No way in the world!”

As we see from this story, the demon, who appeared in the form of a tall woman, did not hide his interest; he wanted to gain power over the girl’s eternal afterlife and therefore told her directly: “Give me your resurrection.” Demons pursue the same goal in their contacts with people, no matter what form they take and no matter what clothes they dress up in.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that the increasing frequency of poltergeist phenomena in our society is a consequence of its lack of spirituality and depravity, when demons, without meeting opposition, openly enter people’s lives and, enslaving them, destroy their souls.

List of cited literature

  1. Sat. "Secrets of the 20th century".-M., 1990.-P. 159.
  2. Gorbovsky A. A. Uninvited guests. - Knowledge (popular science subscription series), "Question Mark", 5, 1990. - P. 16.
  3. Dyachenko G. Spiritual world. - M" 1901. - P. 274-275
  4. Quote according to the source No. 1.-S. 132-133.
  5. Quote according to the source No. 2.-S. 28-30.
  6. Quote according to the source No. 2.-S. 36-38.
  7. Sat. "Club Fenid". "UFO: pros and cons." - Howled. No. 1-2. - Gomel 1990. - pp. 82-83.
WHY DO PLANES FALL??Youth Vyacheslav told scientists studying gifted children: “Don’t believe it, there are no aliens. The aliens you believe in are not aliens, they are ordinary demons. Fear for your souls, don’t talk to them, don’t communicate with them” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 1, part 3, 0:08).

“People shouldn’t swear. Evil spirits on lowest level They swear a lot, and swearing is their colloquial speech.” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 1, part 3, 0:24).

“There will be no demons in hell lately. Everyone will be on earth and among people” (Rev. Lavrenty Chernigovsky /4/, p.122).

Demons must be called enemies (or show V), otherwise, by calling them by name (“demons”), you are summoning them. (/12/ “Salt of the Earth” (Film 5), Hegumen Gury, 0:50).

"Father /Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky/ said that from Bermuda Triangle all sorts of evil is happening, which is somehow concentrated there” (Elder Thaddeus Vitovnitsky /55/).

"The Youth Vyacheslav said that nuclear war nothing compared to the impending catastrophe that there are a lot of demons, so-called aliens, on the moon. Only they can perform tricks on the Moon, the sky and the Sun. “And therefore,” he said, “you can’t be curious, mommy, no matter what interesting things happen there” (youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.84).

“The youth Vyacheslav told about signs literally what is written in the Gospel about the deception of people and asked me not to look, not to get carried away by these “miracles”, of which many will be shown in the sky and on the moon - this is demonic seduction. (youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.262).

“In the last times, do not look at the sky: you may be seduced by the miracles that will happen there, but you will be mistaken and perish.” (/26/ " Orthodox elders O Last Times. Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze)" 3rm.info /49/)

“The devil has 666 networks. In the time of the Antichrist, people will wait for salvation from space. This will be the devil’s biggest trick: humanity will ask for help from aliens, not knowing that they are demons.” (/26/ “Orthodox elders about the Last Times. Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze)” 3rm.info /49/).

“The youth Vyacheslav said that the earthly World Government is directly connected with “aliens”, and that with their permission, as he put it, “people are dragged into these ships, dragged away and various experiments are done with them.” That it is possible to make a diamond out of a person, and if the experiment succeeds, that a person can be compressed together with his soul in some way, then you will get a very good diamond, an almost inexhaustible source of this power. Demons, calmly on human souls, can fly there in their UFOs... He said that the earthly government allows these aliens, who do not exist, that they are just demons, to conduct various experiments with people, and that in the end, they themselves will be very afraid of them. This World Government is afraid of its “aliens”, but uses all their technologies. This is terrible, terrible technology, if you can make diamonds out of a person and roll them on your UFOs. And the fuel is the same diamonds that the World Government supplies to them. And the larger the diamond, the longer it lasts” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 2 /24/, 1:56:20).

“He also said that “alien” ships, disguised as alien demons, will land on Earth. And when they approach Earth, they will be accepted to Earth, because in the Baikonur area they have a huge secret landing site, and in some state of America there are large lands protected by the World Government for UFO landing (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 2 /24/, 1:58:00).

“So the youth Chebarkulsky said that it is absolutely impossible to believe these “aliens”, because, Slavochka said, there were no aliens on our planet, there are no and there never will be. Slavochka said that no one will fly to us from other planets.

He said that when people understand and suffer from these “aliens” - from demons, and in general from everything that happens, they suffer greatly, understand that there is God, they will then put the face of Jesus Christ on their planes, on submarines and an inextinguishable lamp. It will be a transparent cone, and there, inside this cone, there will be an unquenchable lamp and the face of the Lord will stand, and no matter what turns this plane makes, no matter how it tilts, the face of Christ and the lamp will quietly, quietly, quietly burn. It surprised Slavochka that people could do this” (Russian Angel. Youth Vyacheslav. Film 2, part 2 /24/, 2:02:10).

“The youth of Chebarkul said more than once that the so-called aliens, that is, demons, hate marble, because it is alive, it has a pulse” (youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova / 7 /, p. 130).

“...Evil spirits cannot stand the icons of the Savior, the Mother of God and the faces of saints. They also do not like burning wax candles, the smell of incense, and especially Sunday prayer, from which they begin to rush about and disappear” (youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.137).

“Mommy, evil spirits constantly attack a person from above. Demonic energy in the form of black clots constantly moves at high speed, trying to penetrate a person, pierce him, and if they fail, then the person still experiences sharp pain somewhere in his body, including, like you are experiencing now at the temples” (the youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.138).

“Demons hate people with fierce hatred because the Lord with saints replenishes the number of fallen angels, whom He threw from Heaven for disobedience and turned into demons” (the youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.139).

“The youth Vyachesla of Chebarkul said that the so-called aliens, i.e. demons are in the airspace and when planes and helicopters begin to crash frequently, it will not be because they are old or something is broken in them, but this will happen until people understand that they do not want to occupy airspace , since human flights interfere with UFOs, i.e. demons, to perform their actions in the air, because they are preparing for war with God and are fooling people’s heads by being in contact with powerful people of this world” (youth Vyacheslav in the book by L. Emelyanova /7/, p.80).
