Why don't I know Arabic? Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic? Kamal Az-Zant

It can be said that the best evidence for pronouncing the adhan only in Arabic is that the adhan relates to worship and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). And in divine services there is no room for a different opinion. In other words, worship should be performed only in those ways determined by Allah and His Messenger. In addition, any worship with the passage of time and the passage of centuries must remain unshakable and undistorted. It must remain forever in its original form, so that its meaning and message can reach all subsequent generations of Muslims without changes, so that history cannot in any way influence it. How could this be achieved if such a service as adhan was not firmly tied to the Arabic language?
Islam is a world religion that strives to ensure that Muslims around the world act as a single community, so that in the eyes of all other people they look like united believers. The creation of such a community is simply impossible without all of them respecting the same language. Arabic, which is a perfect and all-encompassing language, can and will become an international language. This language is the language of adhan and prayer, the language of all Muslims and the reason for their unity and mutual understanding.

Detailed answer
In order for the answer to this question to become as clear as possible, it is first necessary to understand what is meant by the question. If the question means replacing the Arabic language in the adhan with some other language, then this question will still remain relevant for people who do not understand this language. If the question means why the adhan should be pronounced only in Arabic and why a person cannot say the adhan in his native language, then to answer it you need to draw the reader’s attention to a number of important points:

First: It can be said that the best evidence for pronouncing the adhan only in Arabic is that the adhan relates to worship and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (SAW). And in worship and prophetic traditions there is no place for any other opinion that differs from the opinion of Allah and His Messenger.
In addition, the Islamic religion has always strived and strives to ensure that any divine service (which is the azan) is always considered an unshakable postulate of the Islamic religion. So that over time it continues to remain in its original form without any distortion, reduction or addition. If Islam allowed the pronunciation of the adhan in the native languages ​​of different Muslims, then there would be a high probability that after years and centuries the adhan would be distorted. would be added to it various words and expressions, but something would be taken away. The adhan could be mixed with superstitions and nonsense. And all this could lead to the fact that the adhan would be completely forgotten, and its original meaning would never reach Muslims of subsequent generations. It is very clear that in order for something to remain immutable and unchangeable forever, it must have immutable criteria and standards that will never be subject to change. For example, measures of weight and distance such as gram, kilogram, liter, millimeter, centimeter and meter have similar standards and they will never be changed. The situation is exactly the same in the Islamic religion with obligatory and desirable services, which are the foundations of the worship of Allah. These services have been given a standard by Allah that will remain unshakable until the end of the world. And one of these standards is pronouncing the adhan in Arabic.

Second: Islam is a world religion that strives to ensure that Muslims around the world act as a single community, so that in the eyes of all other people they look like united believers. The creation of such a community is simply impossible without all of them respecting the same language. According to researchers, Arabic is a comprehensive language that has features that other languages ​​of the world lack. This language was chosen by Allah for the Quran. This language can and will become an international language. This language is the language of adhan and prayer, the language of all Muslims and the reason for their unity and mutual understanding. A similar basis is laid in many other commandments of the Islamic religion, for example, in the fact that Muslims all over the world pray in one direction - to the Kaaba.

Third: Perhaps someone will think that forcing a person who does not speak Arabic to pronounce the adhan and perform prayer in this language is fraught with numerous difficulties for him. This violates his rights and brings injustice into his life. But such thoughts are wrong. In answer to this question, the following should be said. A huge number of people in their Everyday life to solve numerous needs, they can easily learn dozens and even hundreds of foreign words and expressions. There is nothing difficult in memorizing the phrases of adhan and prayer, of which there are not so many. Their external meaning is light and simple, it is understandable to all people without exception. Every person can learn adhan and prayer without making significant efforts. Every person is able to understand the external meaning of the words of adhan and namaz, despite the fact that their internal meaning is deep and vast.
Fourth: From the point of view of linguistics and linguistics, Arabic is the most perfect language in the world, capable of conveying deep and sublime meanings in short and at the same time delightful expressions.
So, having read the above, it becomes clear why Muslims all over the world, belonging to different races and peoples, speaking different languages, must perform their services in the language of Islamic worship, which is the language of the Quran and Arabic.

In other words, worship should be performed only in those ways determined by Allah and His Messenger.
Al-mizan, vol. 4, p. 160; Tafsir Namune, vol.9, p.300 and vol.13, p.311.

Short answer

Speech is the most important means of people interacting with each other. Allah Almighty teaches us that speech and the ability to speak are among His greatest mercies towards humanity, as mentioned in the opening verses of Surah “The Merciful.” Without exception, all prophets and messengers sent by Allah to guide humanity on the true path, in order to achieve this goal, must certainly speak the language of the people to whom they were sent. They must explain the doctrine, moral norms and practical provisions of religion in a language that is clear and understandable to representatives of their people. Allah Almighty chose his last prophet from the Arabs and the call of people to a new religion also ordered to start with the Arabs. For this reason, the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his family) had to communicate with his people in their language, that is, in Arabic, and all the revelations miraculously revealed to him also had to be presented in a language understandable to his fellow tribesmen. Therefore, the Quran was revealed in the form of Arabic words, expressions and sentences. Although one should not lose sight of the fact that the Arabic language, in addition to being the native language of the Prophet of Islam and his people, also has a number of features that distinguish it from many other languages ​​of the world. Such features, for example, include its extraordinary structure, the ability to convey deep meanings through a small number of words, eloquence, and so on.

Another question also asked on this topic is as follows. Why was God's last prophet chosen from among the Arabs, as a result of which the last heavenly scripture was revealed to humanity in their language? In response, it must be said that Arabs, more than other peoples, are jealous of their language, traditions, and culture. And such jealousy serves as an effective factor in the preservation of the language in which the last revelation was sent down. In addition, throughout history, not a single conqueror was able to conquer the Arabs, subjugate them to his culture and influence their language. Also, as mentioned above, the Arabic language has unique features that make it unique and unlike other languages. For these reasons, the Arabian Peninsula and the Arabic language are the best and natural means of protecting the Koran - the scripture of the last and most perfect religion, which is addressed to all mankind. Therefore, God's last prophet was chosen from among the Arabs and brought with him the Koran in Arabic.

Detailed answer

One of the divine traditions vital for humanity is the mission of prophets and messengers whom Allah sent to people to guide them on the true path. Interacting and communicating with people, the prophets spoke to them in their language, understandable and accessible to them, since understandable speech is the only way for people to communicate with each other. The communication of the prophets with their people in their language is another of the divine traditions mentioned in the Holy Quran: “We sent messengers who spoke the language of their people to give them explanations.” This divine tradition, that is, the communication of the prophets in the language of their people, even covers those prophets who were sent down to all humanity. They invariably began their worldwide prophetic mission with their people, and if this had not been so, the teaching that the Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and his family) brought with him would not have even reached the Arabs, let alone all other peoples.

The true meaning of the Qur'an is far beyond language and speech, and before it was clothed in the garb of Arabic, the Qur'an existed in another form of existence, inaccessible to the human mind. Allah Almighty brought it out of this form to make it understandable to humanity. He then dressed it in a special Arabic robe in the hope that people would become attached to it and learn the truths it contained.

Thus, the essence of the Qur'an is beyond speech and beyond being contained in any special language. But then why was it sent down in Arabic? Answering this question, it must be said that in addition to a number of features, the presence of which distinguishes the Arabic language from many other languages ​​of the world, the Messenger of Allah was chosen among the people who spoke this language, and began his worldwide mission with preaching among the same people. In order to convey to them the message of their Lord, he had to provide them with an extraordinary miracle, clothed in heavenly scripture, accessible to their understanding. He had to do this so that they would not reject him, so that they would believe in One Allah, so that they would help him spread the true religion. Of course, when we say that the Koran was accessible to them, we do not mean that they fully comprehended all the truths contained in this scripture, because this is simply impossible. IN in this case we mean a superficial understanding of the Koran, comprehension of its basic meanings. The Arabs of the pre-Islamic era, which in Muslim literature is called the era of ignorance, lived in the most insignificant conditions in every sense of the word. Therefore, Allah Almighty chose his last prophet from this people. Imam Ali (peace be upon him), pointing to the conditions and ignorance of the pre-Islamic era, said: “He sent it down, and people were in error and amazement, preparing kindling for heresy. They were overwhelmed by vain fabrications, exaltation led them astray, and were fooled by extreme ignorance. They are confused by the shocks of events and the misfortunes of ignorance. And the Prophet (may Allah bless him and his family) announced his instruction, and followed the right path, and called for wisdom and exhorted virtue.”

The conditions mentioned by the Imam were the reason why the Messenger of Allah was chosen from among the Arabs, so the book he brought from Allah had to speak in Arabic and not in any other language. But in this case, it is necessary to keep in mind that the truths contained in the Koran are important not only for the Arabs, but also for all other peoples. The Almighty Lord addresses people: “If We had made it the Quran in a language other than Arabic, they would certainly have said: “Why are its verses not explained? Non-Arabic speech and Arab? Say: “He is guidance and healing for those who believe. But the ears of the disbelievers are struck with deafness, and they are blind to him. These are those who are called from afar.”

Perhaps the reader will have another question that is also often asked in connection with this topic.Why was God's last prophet chosen from among the Arabs, as a result of which the last heavenly scripture was revealed to humanity in their language? Why was this mission not entrusted to a representative of another people speaking a different language?

Before answering this question, we consider it necessary to draw the reader’s attention to the following points:

1. When we talk about the last messenger of God (may Allah bless him and his family), we also do not forget those who were one of the first to accept his call, and also tried to preserve this call and its further dissemination.

2. There are always forces that invariably try to destroy true religion, its guardians and faithful followers. In order to realize this, it is enough to study the history of the former prophets and their followers. Therefore, He who established the last heavenly religion for humanity must think about how to protect it from fundamental shocks and distortions.

3. It is not a fact that miracles and acts beyond the control of most people will best preserve the true religion and the Koran from distortion, especially in the era that followed the death of the Prophet of Islam.

Let us now turn to some qualities of Arabs and the Arabic language. Having carefully studied these qualities, we will understand that it was not in vain that Allah chose the Arabs and their language to convey Islam to all mankind.

Firstly, Arabs, more than other peoples, are jealous of their language, traditions, and culture. It is almost impossible to force an Arab to give up his language and culture. Such zeal is an effective factor in preserving the language in which the last revelation was revealed. As an example, we can say that even in our time, when almost the whole world follows the same fashion and one culture, the Arabs did not take off their national clothes and did not exchange them for the clothes of other peoples.

Secondly, in addition to the zealous attitude of the Arabs towards their language, not a single conqueror throughout history was able to conquer the Arabs, subjugate them to his culture and influence their language. Therefore, the Arabs and their language have always been safe from shock and distortion.

Thirdly, one should not lose sight of the fact that the Arabic language, in addition to being the native language of the Prophet of Islam and his people, also has a number of unique features that make it unique and unlike other languages. Such features, for example, include its extraordinary structure, the ability to convey deep meanings through a small number of words, and eloquence. The Arabic language has vowels, singular, dual and plural, masculine and feminine, various plural forms, an abundance of metaphors and allegories, as well as a large number of other features.

For these reasons, the Arabian Peninsula and the Arabic language are the best and natural means of protecting the Koran - the scripture of the last and most perfect religion, which is addressed to all mankind. Therefore, God's last prophet was chosen from among the Arabs and brought with him the Book in Arabic. The Holy Quran, with its unique sound and melody, eloquence and perfect rhetoric, attracted the attention of the Arabs who lived during the era of the Prophet of Islam, and took its place in their hearts and minds. Thus, the heavenly scripture forever preserved itself from linguistic distortions.

In conclusion, we note that it is possible that the sending down Holy Quran in Arabic was the mercy of Allah towards the Arabs. After all, if the Koran had been revealed in another language, then the Arabs, who differed in their inner qualities from other peoples, would not have believed in it. In this regard, the scripture itself says: “If We had sent it down to any of the non-Arabs,and if he had read it to them, they would not have believed in him.”

Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic?

Allah Almighty said:
“We know what they say: Verily, he is taught by man. But the language of the one they point to is foreign, while this is clear Arabic" (An-Nahl 103)

“Verily, this is a Sent down from the Lord of the worlds. A trusted spirit (Jibril) descended with him onto your heart, so that you would become one of those who warn. It was revealed in clear Arabic" (Al-Shuara 192-195)

“The Koran is in Arabic in which there is no lack, so that they would be afraid” (Az-Zumar 28)

Literary Arabic in itself, as well as when compared objectively, occupies the highest place in its perfection among other languages ​​spoken in the world. It undoubtedly ranks first among languages ​​with active word formation, and represents the most developed language group V modern world. The Arabic language is distinguished by its richness and size (……). While we see that the number of words in French equals approximately 25,000, in English - 100,0000, in Russian - about (...), in literary Arabic we count about 400,000 roots. The Lisan al-Arabi dictionary contains 80,000 roots alone, not words. One of the famous Arabic linguists, al-Khalil ibn Ahmad, points out (...) that the Arabic lexicon contains 12,305,412 lexemes. The number of words actively used in the Arabic language is 5,990,400. No language can compare with the Arabic language in terms of the richness of its heritage and the number of synonyms.
The German orientalist Warnbach wrote: “Arabic is not just the richest language in the world. The number of outstanding authors alone who wrote on it is beyond calculation. Our differences with them in time and character (...) have created an insurmountable barrier between us, alien to the Arabic language, and their works, and it is only possible to see what is behind it with difficulty” (Anwar al-Jundi. Literary language Arabs. P.303)
“The national Arabic language developed and reached a degree of perfection in the middle of the desert, among nomads. This language surpassed other languages ​​in the number of words, the precision of meaning and the beauty of its structure. Neither his youth nor his old age were recorded in any of the periods of his life. We know almost nothing about him except his conquests and inimitable victories. We do not know a language like this. Which immediately appeared before the researchers as perfect, without gradual development, and preserving itself from any impurities" (magazine al-Lisan al-Arabi, 85/24)
Gustav Grünebaum wrote: “... Anyone who studies all languages ​​will not find, as far as I know, one like Arabic. The beauty of sound is combined with an amazing wealth of synonyms. The Arabic language is decorated with laconicism and brevity of expressions. The Arabic language - and in this it has no equal - is easy to use figurative expressions. Means of eutonymy, metaphors, wealth figurative meanings- all this raises it far above any other human language. The language has many stylistic and grammatical features, similar to which cannot be found in any other language. And along with this breadth and richness, this language is the most laconic in conveying meanings and conveying meanings. This shows that the Arabic form corresponding to any foreign example, turns out to be shorter in any case." (Anwar al-Jundi. Literary language of the Arabs. P. 308)
German orientalist Zeifir Haunga wrote: “How can a human being fight the beauty of this language, its impeccable logic and unparalleled magic?” The very neighbors of the Arabs in the countries they conquered were defeated by the magic of this language. Even people who preserved their religion in this stream began to speak Arabic with love” (magazine “al-Lisan al-Arabi, 86/24. From the book “The Sun of the Arabs Rises in the West”).


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QUESTION: Assalamu alaikum.

Here are your words:

“I don’t know Arabic. No matter how hard I try to learn, Allah does not give me such abilities. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was also an illiterate person. Many ignorant people think that in order to understand the religion of Allah, you must know Arabic. If so , then why do the Arabs themselves, who speak Arabic perfectly, do not understand the Koran and Sunnah as they should, but, having divided into dozens of sects and movements, are at enmity with each other?!! Knowledge and understanding of their religion is given only by Allah alone, and not by knowledge. Arabic or some university

I have a question: If you don’t know Arabic, then in what language do you read the Koran, the collection of hadiths, the books of scientists?

ANSWER: wa alaikum as salaam!

My brother, I have already answered this question many times similar questions, especially recently. But you don’t seem to understand anything and are quoting my words. I quoted the verse of Allah: “He bestows wisdom on whom He wills, and the one who is given wisdom is rewarded with great good. However, only those with understanding remember edification” (2:269). Even this clear verse is not proof for you. It’s just that not everyone is given an understanding of these words of Allah, even if they are the simplest. Now I will quote a hadith and hope that they will reach your mind: Mu'awiya said: “ I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: Allah brings to understanding of religion the one for whom he wishes good. Verily, I only distribute, and Allah grants "(Bukhari, Muslim, etc.).

As you can see, knowing and reading the Quran and Sunnah in Arabic does not mean that this person automatic will become a great scientist. If Allah has not given this person an understanding of religions and the necessary knowledge, even if he reads the Quran and Sunnah in Arabic at least a million times, he will not really understand anything, for example, like the Arabs themselves, who are divided into dozens of sects and are at enmity with each other . Since you reproach me for not knowing the Arabic language and doubt my knowledge, then why don’t you ask yourself a reasonable and fair question: “ Why do Arabs, who speak Arabic perfectly, do not really understand anything about the Koran and Sunnah? ?!” Just in K Our example is given of those who read the Scripture but do not understand it, although they have a perfect command of the necessary language:“Those who were instructed to adhere to the Torah, but did not adhere to it, are like a donkey loaded with books.” (Quran, 62:5). These verses also apply to our Arabs, who read the Koran and Sunnah in their native language, but like a donkey laden useful books, they don’t understand anything about them.

The necessary knowledge from Allah means understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah properly and the ability to draw correct religious conclusions, and not just a mechanical reading of the Qur'an and Sunnah in Arabic. Knowledge is bestowed only by Allah, and not by a teacher or a university. But our great scientists and Muslims cannot even understand such basic things. They only introduced innovation into the religion of Allah with their ignorance. Every sectarian or madhhabist considers only himself to be on the path of truth, and others as lost. None of them calls for the unification of Muslims, but on the contrary,only provoke a split among Muslims.Therefore, every madhhabist and sectarian blindly and fanatically follows the insanity of his false scientists and the traditions of his ancestors, leaving the Koran and Sunnah as secondary: “But they have torn their religion asunder, and each sect rejoices in what it has.” (23:53).

Each scientist interprets the Quran and Sunnah at his own discretion, each of them understands them in his own way and distorts them in his own way. The distorted understanding of Islam based on the insanity of false scientists is the biggest problem that has been going on for more than 1400 years. This fitnah of Shaitan will spread until Muslims go to the primary sources without anyone’s insanity - to the Koran and Sunnah.

Allah sent down the religion of Islam to us not so that everyone should follow what he likes or the traditions of his ancestors, but in order to unite believers under his Sharia into one Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).Only by relying on the Koran and Sunnah will we take the right path.

I read semantic translations of the Koran and Sunnah, I don’t read the insanity of false scientists. Alhamdulillah, Allah Himself guides me to the truth and leads me on His straight path.