Development of education in extracurricular activities in elementary school. Report "Formation of educational activities in extracurricular activities." View the contents of the document “Formation of UUD in extracurricular activities. Creative workshop. »

Municipal budget educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 2 of the city of Krasnoarmeysk

Saratov region named after Hero Soviet Union Tantsorova G.V."

Formation of universal educational activities in extracurricular activities

Completed by: Alekseeva Larisa Valerievna,

teacher primary classes

highest qualification category

Krasnoarmeysk 2016

Formation of UUD in extracurricular activities

Universal educational actions are generalized actions that open up the possibility of broad orientation of students, both in various subject areas and in extracurricular activities.

Why in primary school Is there a special focus on extracurricular activities? At this time, the child takes his first steps in determining his personal interests, looking for himself in society. The school, together with his parents, should help him solve this problem and give him the opportunity to try himself in various spheres of life.

To organize extracurricular activities, forms other than training sessions:

  • Elective



  • Play


    Other forms

Formation of universal educational actions: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative - in educational process carried out in the context of mastering various academic subjects, in extracurricular activities through club and educational work.

Extracurricular activities help children feel unique and in demand. In elementary school, children are actively involved in general classes. During this period, intensive establishment of friendly contacts occurs.

From the first year of study, children accept Active participation in preparing and conducting literary quizzes, sports games, concerts, festive events, cool hours, Olympics.

When preparing and conducting such events, children learn to listen and hear each other, express their opinions and listen to the opinions of another person, fully and accurately express their thoughts, develop oratory and acting skills, their speech develops, and their vocabulary is enriched.

The work of the “Theater” circle helps me develop and form universal learning activities among students.

a brief description of theater club

Speech technique classes provide an opportunity to develop the speech apparatus and learn to speak correctly and beautifully. Stage movement classes are aimed at gaining control over your body.

Development of communication skills - the ability to clearly express your thoughts and feelings, the ability to understand other people. Development of basic mental functions - attention and memory. Overcoming fear of public speaking. Development of imagination. Opportunity for self-expression.

By means of Russian language and literature subjects, the skills are formed: to determine main idea and the heroes of the work, conduct a dialogue in various situations, work with words, navigate the moral content of what they read, draw conclusions, collectively discuss what they read, read by role, work in groups, creating dramatizations, scenarios, projects. Children learn to evaluate the positions of characters, the positions of the author of a literary text, and master the means artistic expression. In theater classes we develop these skills and bring them to the level of creativity. The children get the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in the lessons, the formation of universal educational actions takes place, namely the ability and willingness to cooperate and self-development.

UUD contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personality in any area of ​​his activity, including extracurricular activities. What is seen and heard, as well as performed by the children themselves, broadens their horizons, creates a friendly atmosphere that promotes the development of speech, the ability to conduct a dialogue and convey their impressions, which is especially necessary today, when the speech of our children can be meager and inexpressive.

In addition to aesthetic education, theater carries within itself the possibility of pedagogical education. The child becomes not only a spectator, but also a creator, taking an active part in creating the performance: playing a role, making scenery. Playing the role of a character endowed with certain negative traits, the child can notice them in himself and learns to overcome them or, conversely, cultivate positive traits. Therefore, plays and fairy tales are selected where you can laugh together and overcome the child’s laziness, fears, painful shyness and self-doubt.

Classes in the theater club help children:

Showcase your talent.

Ask, be interested in the opinions of others and express your own;

Compare different points view before making a decision or choice,

Nurturing the child’s creative individuality,

Development of interest in the art of theater and acting,

Children's mastery of vocal-choral and musical-rhythmic components of musical and stage activities;

The accumulation of a certain baggage of figurative actions necessary for the child’s initial expression of his personal attitude to music,

Awakening feelings of empathy for the embodied image,

During the classes, students learn the simplest rules for working in pairs and groups, and most importantly, gain experience in working together.

    full attention to a classmate;

    taking the thoughts and feelings of others seriously;

    tolerance, friendliness;

    no one has the right to laugh at a friend’s mistakes, because everyone has the “right to make a mistake” ».

At each of the theater club classes, the following universal educational activities are formed:

- educational– ability to solve problems and tasks;

We determine the topic of the lesson, set goals, learn to work according to the algorithm, exercise control and self-control - this is the formation regulatory UUD,

The ability to work in a group, in a team, the ability to negotiate, hear and understand a partner is the formation communicative UUD,

I would especially like to focus on communicative UUDs. Development of communicative universal educational actions in a primary school student" is actual problem, the solution of which is important both for each individual person and for society as a whole. Society is unthinkable without communication. Communication involves the transfer of information. Communication, according to psychologists, is the ability and skills to communicate with people, on which the success of people of different ages, education, different levels culture and psychological development.

It is in the sphere of communication that a person realizes both his professional and personal plans.

Therefore, communication skills are the key to a student’s success.

Speaking in front of classmates, receiving a positive assessment from classmates, the guys also assert themselves, gaining confidence in themselves and their abilities, all this allows us to talk about the formation personal UUD.

Thus, UUDs represent an integral system in which interrelated types of actions can be distinguished:

communicative– ensuring social competence,

educational– general educational, logical, related to problem solving,

personal– determining motivational orientation,

regulatory– ensuring the organization of their own activities.

The formation of a UUD is a purposeful, systematic process that is implemented through extracurricular activities. It is quite obvious that there is no strict gradation for the formation of a certain type of UUD in the process of work of the circle, and there cannot be. However, a shift in emphasis is possible. At the end of my speech, I want to conclude that the formation of universal educational activities is an integral part of the educational process and extracurricular activities. The main thing in a teacher’s work is to find methods of work that will make it possible to make the most effective use of the potential of extracurricular activities in developing the ability to learn.

Extracurricular activities as an aspect of the formation of universal educational activities of schoolchildren

Annotation.Under extracurricular activities during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary, basic general education is understood educational activities, carried out in forms other than classroom activities, and aimed at achieving the planned results of development educational program. Extracurricular activities at school implement educational goals, use forms and methods educational work with students, solves problems of individual socialization and is a component educational system schools. Extracurricular activities are organized in grades 1-4, 5-7 in accordance with the federal state educational standard for primary and basic general education.

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” (UAL) means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological meaning) this term can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as related skills academic work), ensuring his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process

Keywords:extracurricular activities, universal educational activities, personal universal educational activities, regulatory universal educational activities, cognitive universal educational activities, communicative universal educational activities, information and communication technologies(ICT).

Personal universal learning actions are actions that allow an individual to identify socially relevant tasks as significant.

Personal UUDs are divided into 3 component blocks:

The first block is self-determination.

Formation of personal universal actions for a schoolchild this happens through the formation of a number of self-determination tasks: “I know...”; "I can..."; "I'm creating..."; "I aim to...".

One of the areas in the self-determination of a student’s personality is self-esteem, which must be formed by the time he or she enters school and is diagnosed when determining individual readiness for schooling.

The next direction in personal definition is actions that are associated with the formation of the student’s personal identity. The student’s internal position is one of the manifestations of identity, the acceptance of a new role, a new status, a positive attitude towards school and changes in the external environment.

The second block is meaning formation.

The meaning and motives of the teaching are of great importance. One of the most important tasks of the school is the formation and development of the student’s ability to set educational goals and determine motives for achieving them. This is facilitated by conversations about school, academic success and the widespread use of ICT.

The third block is moral and ethical assessment.

Personal UUDcontribute to the development of the ability to compare their actions with ethical and moral standards accepted in modern society, the development of the ability to evaluate one’s behavior and actions, contribute to the understanding of moral norms: mutual assistance, truthfulness, honesty, responsibility, and an attitude toward a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Task No. 1 “Chair for self-analysis”

When completing tasks, attention and observation skills develop. The children learn to analyze the situation, compare, prove, convince and be more tolerant of each other. Performance of this assignment allows each student to compare the extent to which his classmates’ ideas about him coincide with his own opinion about himself.

Age: 10-15 years.

Materials: writing sheets, pens.

Description of the task: At the first stage of completing the task, the teacher recommends that students draw up short phrases on a piece of paper, characterizing yourself. There is a “self-reflection chair” in front of the chalkboard. Each student, observing the order, takes a place on a chair. Classmates give their characteristics to the person sitting on the chair, and he, in turn, checks to what extent his opinion about himself coincides or does not coincide with the opinions of his classmates.

Lesson analysis. Students answer the questions: what did you like? What difficulties did you experience? Who is more difficult to evaluate - yourself or others? Did you learn something new about yourself (about your classmate)?

Homework. Draw “My Rays” at home. Draw a sun with many rays. Each ray of sunshine in the picture is a reflection of a certain characteristic of the student.

Task No. 2 “The Box of the Future”

Goal: students’ awareness of their qualities and motives, the formation of personal and communicative reflection.

When completing tasks, attention and observation skills develop. The children learn to analyze the situation, compare, prove, convince and be more tolerant towards each other.

Age: 10-15 years.

Form of completing the task: group game of students under the guidance of the teacher.

Materials: envelopes, writing sheets, pens.

Description of the task: one of the students leaves the class. The remaining classmates call positive traits graduated student who help him communicate with other people, and negative qualities, which prevent him from building friendships that he needs to work on to get rid of them. Qualities are written down on the board in 2 columns. Then they invite the student to come out and introduce him to what is written on the board. The student, having analyzed the opinions of his classmates, gives his assessment and answers the question: What would you like to change in yourself based on the results of working in the group? How are you going to do this? The student writes down the answers to these questions on a piece of paper and places it in an envelope. Envelopes with answers are signed and sent to the “Future Box”. After a certain period of time (from 1 to 6 months), the “Box of the Future” is unpacked and an analysis of the planned actions and those performed by students during this time is carried out.

Organization educational activities students are provided regulatory actions. These include:

1. Goal setting - setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown to students.

2. Planning - drawing up a plan and sequence of actions; determining the order of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result.

3. Forecasting the result, the level of knowledge acquisition and its time characteristics.

4. Control in the form of correlating the method of action and its result with a given standard to identify deviations and differences from the standard.

5. Correction - making the necessary changes to the plan and method of action if differences from the standard, real action and result are detected.

6. Assessment - awareness of the quality and level of knowledge acquisition.

7. Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to exert volition and to overcome difficulties.

Task No. 1 "Guess the definition."

Age: 10-15 years.

Description of the task: Students are asked to guess the word from its description. A necessary condition is an explanation of the progress of the task.

The state of the body, all functional systems of which fully perform their functions (Health)

Human behavior aimed at strengthening the immune system, preventing diseases and creating satisfactory well-being (Healthy lifestyle).

A system of knowledge aimed at ensuring safety in the production and non-production environment, taking into account the human influence on the environment(Life Safety).

Task No. 2 “Define the proverb”

Goal: enrichment vocabulary students and the grammatical structure of speech.

Age: 10-15 years.

Form of completing the task: frontal or individual under the guidance of a teacher.

Description of the task: What proverbs and sayings are encrypted here? Explain the meaning.

The gift is not discussed, but what is given is accepted.

(They do not look at a given horse's teeth)

In any team, everyone cannot be good; there will definitely be a bad person.

(Every family has its black sheep)

You need to learn throughout your life, acquiring new knowledge, life experience and wisdom.

(Live and learn)

If a person saves where he should not, then later such savings will cost him much more.

(Miser pays twice)

In any business, if you want to get the desired result, you must try and make an effort. (You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty).

Cognitive universal learning activities include:

1. Universal general educational activities, which are divided into:

- independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

- search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, also using ICT:

- changing an object from a sensory form into a model, highlighting the main characteristics of the object and transforming the model in order to determine the general laws that distinguish this subject area;

- ability to structure knowledge;

- semantic reading as the concept and acceptance of the purpose of reading and the choice of the type of reading depending on the purpose; selecting information from listened texts of various genres; highlighting primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of different styles;

2. Universal logical actions, including:

- analysis of objects in order to highlight main and secondary features;

- synthesis as the composition of a whole from several parts;

- selection of bases and criteria for comparison and classification of objects;

- summing up concepts, deriving consequences;

- finding cause-and-effect relationships,

- building a logical connection of reasoning,


- formulation of hypotheses and their justification.

3. Actions of posing and solving problems.

Task No. 1 “Choosing an excursion”

Goal: developing the ability to carry out empirical research. Age: 11-15 years.

Description of the task: Students are asked to choose an excursion during the holidays. The problem is choosing an excursion that is interesting for everyone. Preparatory stage- organizing the collection of information, selecting the main sources of information about various types of excursions in the city. The main stage is collecting information about different types of excursions from different positions (cost, excursion time, schedule - start, end time, etc.). Comparison of types of excursions according to different indicators with the choice of the most suitable options. Discussion. Summarizing. Formulation of conclusions.

Task No. 2 “People near you.”

Goal: developing the ability to carry out empirical research.

Age: 12-13 years.

Form of completing the task: work in groups of 4-5 people.

Description of the task: Students are asked to analyze the “neighboring” environment of people, using the following questions: how many children, adults, preschool and children live in their house (entrance) school age, the number of women and men, working and non-working, pensioners and students, as well as the professions of working people. At the main stage, information is collected and analyzed according to the indicators reflected in the questions, and compared with data obtained in other venues. Discussion. Summarizing. Formulation of conclusions.

Communication universal learning activities express social competence and consideration of the position of another person, a partner in communication or activity, the ability to listen and enter into dialogue, participate in collective discussion problems, more successfully enter the peer environment and build constructive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

The formation of communication and interaction skills in schoolchildren leads to an increase in the quality of the educational process.

In the context of universal educational activities, communication is considered as a semantic aspect of communication and social interaction, which includes:

· the student’s need to communicate with adults and peers;

· mastery of verbal and non-verbal means of communication;

· positive attitude towards the interaction process;

· orientation towards the interlocutor;

· the ability to listen to a communication partner.

Communicative universal educational activities are considered from several positions:

- Communication as interaction implies communication with partners in joint activities or exchange of information, as well as the ability to act taking into account the position of another and the ability to coordinate one’s actions.

- Communication as cooperation is the organization and planning of educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, work in a group (including situations of educational cooperation and project forms of work) and adherence to moral, ethical and psychological types communication and cooperation.

- Communication as a condition of internalization points to speech actions as a means of regulating one’s own activities.

Task No. 1 “Building the future together.”

Goal: developing the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them, listen to the opinions of others, analyze them, change your point of view if necessary.

Age: 10-15 years.

Form of completing the task: frontal under the guidance of the teacher.

Description of the task: students are asked to unite in groups of 5-6 people and create a project in which everyone can have unlimited opportunities, power and funding. The group is looking for answers to the following questions: “Improving the lives of humanity,” “saving the environment from the influence of civilization.” A certain amount of time is given to complete the task. During the lesson, you need to respect the opinion of your interlocutor. If a person uses his experience, giving some examples, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to feel that he is right, to try to look at the world through his eyes. If someone disagrees with the interlocutor because he believes that he has a better solution to this issue, then we must try to agree and come to a common opinion.

Task No. 2 “Traveling through countries.”

Goal: developing the ability to think critically and solve problems.

Age: 10-15 years.

Form of completing the task: frontal under the guidance of the teacher.

Description of the task: Completing this task contributes to the understanding of the spiritual values ​​and cultures of different nationalities. Children learn to influence the way of thinking of their classmates, appreciate the importance of diversity of ideas and approaches to solving problems, and gradually master skills effective interaction. The class is divided into several teams, each representing a specific country of their choice. In a team, students have an excellent opportunity to express different opinions and participate in discussions. Each team tries to show the peculiarity, originality of the country and the people it represents, to reflect its uniqueness and originality. Other teams are trying to understand the reasons for these particular living conditions and the characteristics of a given nationality. Each team performance is viewed from several perspectives. The characteristics of each country are then recorded in a table. Later, when the tables of each country are filled out and the answers of the country representatives are heard, the participants try to find those values ​​that are unchanged and do not depend on the country or nationality. The next stage of the game is discussion. Freedom of expression creates the atmosphere necessary for successful practice. As a result, the guys get to know each other and themselves better.

1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2009. N373 “On approval and enforcement of the federal state educational standard for primary general education”

2. How to design universal educational activities in primary school: from action to thought: a manual for teachers / [A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya and others]; edited by A. G. Asmolova. - M.: Education, 2008. - 151 p.

Formation of UUD in class and extracurricular activities

One of the most important transformations in the general education system is the introduction of federal state educational standards general education of the new generation (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard), dictated by the need to prepare graduates for life in a high-tech competitive world.

In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological meaning) this term can be defined as a set of methods of action of a student (as well as associated learning skills) that ensure his ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

Universal educational activities provide the stages of mastering educational content and the formation of the student’s psychological abilities.

As part of the main types of universal educational activities, dictated by the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished:

    personal(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical assessment);

    regulatory(goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, volitional self-regulation ) ;

    communicative(planning educational cooperation, asking questions, resolving conflicts, managing a partner’s behavior, the ability to express one’s thoughts);

    educational(general education ( independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of necessary information, selection of the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions, etc..), brain teaser ( analysis, synthesis, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, etc..), actions of setting and solving a problem ( problem formulation; independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature)). However, these blocks do not stand separately from each other, they are located in close relationship, which can be represented as the following model:/

How to organically integrate universal learning activities into the educational process?

Thus, the conceptual idea of ​​developing students’ learning skills, adopted in educational system, is as follows: universal learning skills are formed in the same way as any skills. And the formation of any skill in schoolchildren goes through the following stages:

    Conception of action, primary experience and motivation.

    Acquiring knowledge about how to perform an action.

    Training in the application of knowledge, self-control and correction.

    Control of the ability to perform an action.

Consequently, the student goes through this same path when forming universal actions.

The basis for solving this educational task is learning based on an activity approach. It presupposes the activity of students, when knowledge is not transmitted by the teacher in a ready-made form, but is built by the students themselves in the process of their cognitive activity. Learning turns into collaboration—teacher and students working together to master knowledge and solve problems. The studies of many teachers and psychologists emphasize that the originality of thinking, the ability to collaborate, and the creativity of schoolchildren are most fully manifested and successfully developed in activities, and activities that have a research orientation. This is especially true for elementary school students, since it is at this time that educational activity becomes leading and determines the development of basic cognitive characteristics child. Research interest is a personality quality that is characteristic of a child to a particularly strong degree. During this period, forms of thinking develop that ensure further assimilation of the system scientific knowledge and the development of scientific, theoretical thinking. Here the prerequisites for independent orientation are laid, both in learning and in Everyday life.

My main goal pedagogical activity is the formation of a personality willing and able to learn.

A primary school teacher needs to develop a primary school student’s readiness and ability for self-development, i.e. universal learning activities. For this we need to create conditions.

So, what are the conditions that ensure junior schoolchildren formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities?

The first condition for the successful formation of UUD is the pedagogical competence of the teacher.

How to learn to set goals, plan activities, predict results, control, adjust and evaluate your activities? And most importantly, how to convince yourself of the need to return again and again to awareness, understanding and appreciation of your own teaching experience? Undoubtedly, this can only be learned by interacting with colleagues: to be ready to perceive innovative experience, to understand the need for self-education and self-improvement, to be able to cooperate with colleagues, sharing one’s experience and adopting the experience of other teachers.

The second condition for the successful formation of educational learning is the inclusion of students in active learning activities, the correct organization of which is that the teacher, based on the need and readiness of schoolchildren to master knowledge, knows how to set an educational task for them on a certain material, skillfully organizes the process of students completing educational tasks. actions (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation).

How do I do this?

I do not present students with new knowledge in a ready-made form, but organize the learning process so that they obtain this knowledge in the process of their own educational and cognitive activity, understanding and accepting the system of its norms;

I take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of children’s development;

I create a friendly atmosphere when organizing educational interaction;

I develop in students the ability to make analytical choices and make adequate decisions in a choice situation;

I create conditions for students to gain experience in creative activities;

I offer the student the opportunity to master the content of education at the maximum level for him and at the same time ensure that he masters it at the level state standard knowledge.

The WAYS in which I implement this condition are as follows:

TECHNOLOGY OF PROBLEM DIALOGUE (according to E. L. Melnikova), which is based on system-activity approach and ensures the creation of a basis for students’ independent successful acquisition of new knowledge, competencies, types and methods of activity. At the same time, students pose a learning problem and search for a solution during a dialogue specially organized by the teacher.

In my work I rely on the fact that if I use active forms work using activity-based learning technology, then Creative skills students will be developed at a higher level, as interest in the subject will increase, key competencies will be formed, and the quality of knowledge in the subjects will improve.

I have a tireless creative search, I model a lesson, taking into account every detail, using the experience of advanced teachers and my own creativity. I enrich the content of the subjects by introducing additional material. I teach how to work with additional literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books.

Using elements of adaptive learning technology allows me to vary teaching, master new lesson structures, which develops students’ ability to work independently, exercise mutual control and self-control.

Another effective method for forming UUD is group training, which involves high degree independence, initiative of students, forms the development of social skills of schoolchildren in the process of group interactions. Why do I think this method is effective? I started working in groups by developing basic rules. We came to the conclusion that the following should be achieved:

Full attention to your classmate;

Taking the thoughts and feelings of others seriously;

Tolerance, friendliness:

no one has the right to laugh at the mistakes of a friend, because everyone has the “right to make a mistake.”

All students took an active part in discussing these rules. Doing tasks together: analyzing a word or sentence in a Russian language lesson, solving mathematical problem etc. - attracts children because their communicative actions are allowed and even encouraged: children can consult with each other, give hints, argue,

prove - i.e. act naturally, relaxed, “not like in a lesson”

The use of ICT makes the learning process more fun and interesting for children. Children get more opportunities to develop logical and algorithmic thinking, imagination and knowledge of the world.

The third condition for the successful formation of UUD is diagnosis.

In my class, I diagnose the level of formation of components of educational activities, which allows, in the light of the new Federal State Educational Standards, to talk about the level of formation of regulatory educational activities.

    Types of tasks:

To form personal universal educational actions, the following types of tasks can be offered:

Participation in projects;

Summing up the lesson;

Creative tasks;

Self-assessment of an event, incident;

Diaries of achievements;

For the formation of cognitive universal educational actions, the following types of tasks are appropriate:

- “find the differences” (you can set their number);

- “what does it look like?”;

Search for the superfluous;

- "labyrinths";


- "chains";

Clever solutions;

Drawing up support diagrams;

Work with different types tables;

Drawing and recognizing diagrams;

Working with dictionaries;

To form regulatory universal educational actions, the following types of tasks are possible:

- "intentional errors";

Searching for information in the suggested sources;

Mutual control;

- "looking for mistakes"

CONOP (control survey on a specific problem).

To form communicative universal educational actions, the following types of tasks can be offered:

Create a task for your partner;

Feedback on a friend's work;

Group work on creating a crossword puzzle;

- “guess who we’re talking about”;

Dialogue listening (formulation of questions for feedback);

- “prepare a story...”, “describe orally...”, “explain...”, etc.

How do I form UUD in core subjects?

Mathematics (UUD)

    In elementary school, this subject is the basis for the development of cognitive actions in students, primarily logical, including sign-symbolic,

    as well as such as planning (chains of actions on tasks), modeling, differentiation of essential and non-essential conditions, development of computational skills.

    Mathematics is of particular importance for the formation of a general technique for solving problems as a universal educational activity.

    In tasks with incomplete conditions, children, based on their everyday experience, must enter the missing information.

    Another type of logical analysis is used in problems that require knowledge about arithmetic operations, components of actions and their relationships.

Russian language (UUD)

    Working with text opens up opportunities for the formation of logical actions of analysis, comparison, and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

    Orientation in the morphological and syntactic structure of the language, mastering the rules of word and sentence structure, and the graphic form of letters ensures the development of sign-symbolic actions

Substitutions (for example, a sound with a letter),

Modeling (for example, the composition of a word by drawing up a diagram)

Model transformations (word modifications).

Literary reading(UUD)

Provides the formation of the following universal educational actions:

    meaning formation through tracing the “fate of the hero” and the student’s orientation in the system of personal meanings;

    self-determination and self-knowledge based on comparison of “I” with heroes literary works through emotional-effective identification;

    emotional and personal decentration based on identifying oneself with the characters of the work, correlating and comparing their positions, views and opinions;

the ability to understand contextual speech based on recreating a picture of events and characters’ actions;

    the ability to construct contextual speech arbitrarily and expressively, taking into account the goals of communication and the characteristics of the listener;

    the ability to establish a logical cause-and-effect relationship between events and actions of the characters in the work;

    ability to build a plan highlighting essential and additional information.

UUD becomes a source of internal development of the student, the formation of his creative abilities and personal qualities.

Characteristics of the formation results

Personal UUD

Regulatory UUD

Cognitive UUD

Communicative UUD

1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “goodness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”.

2. Respect for your family, for your relatives, love for your parents.

3. Master the roles of the student; formation of interest (motivation) in learning.

4. Evaluate life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms.

1. Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.

2. Determine the purpose of completing tasks in class, in extracurricular activities, in life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

3. Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

4. Use the simplest instruments in your activities: ruler, triangle, etc.

1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine

skills that will

formed on

basis for studying this section.

2. Answer simple questions

find the information you need in


3. Compare objects, objects


commonality and difference.

    Group items

objects based on essential features.

Retell in detail

read or

listened; determine

1. Participate in dialogue in class and in life situations.

2. Answer questions from the teacher and classmates.

2. Observe the simplest standards speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

3. Listen and understand the speech of others.

4. Participate in pairs.

It should also be noted that the new generation standards include in the basic syllabus hours for extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren, which can be used, including for organizing their research activities.

Of course, the development of universal learning activities should not be limited only to research activities, but it may well become one of the conditions for the formation of UUD for younger schoolchildren.

With the aim of developing the intellectual, creative, organizational abilities of schoolchildren, acquiring social experience, creating conditions that maximize these abilities of students through the organization of extracurricular activities of students.

    Research to identify students' interests and inclinations (parents' wishes, analysis of students' interests);

    General school program of extracurricular activities (a set of educational programs is defined different types, a curriculum for extracurricular activities has been drawn up);

    Extracurricular activities programs class teachers; (developed by us and copyrighted).

    Schedule of extracurricular activities.

What do I expect from extracurricular activities:

After analyzing the results, I came to the conclusion that the use of the above modern technologies and techniques leads to stable results.

The level of students' knowledge in subjects has increased significantly.

During this period of study, the children's interest in educational activities increased.

Of course, I, a primary school teacher, cannot say that my graduates have fully developed all the components of educational activity. But with such an organization of the educational process, they have a solid foundation for its successful formation in primary school: the internal need and motivation to learn new things, the ability to learn in a team environment, and faith in their own strengths. The child has the opportunity to realize his abilities, he learns to live in society.

Briefly about other forms of educational activities:

Project activities

Work on projects harmoniously complements classroom activities in the educational process and allows you to work on obtaining personal and meta-subject educational results in more comfortable conditions for this, not limited by the time frame of individual lessons.

The focus of projects on an original final result in a limited time creates the prerequisites and conditions for achieving

regulatory meta-subject results.

Joint creative activity students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subject communicative skills.

Personal results when working on projects can be obtained by choosing the topics of the projects.

Labor activity

Self-service, participation in socially useful work, in socially significant labor actions. Systematic work develops positive personality qualities: organization, discipline, attentiveness, observation.

The work of younger schoolchildren allows the teacher to get to know them better individual characteristics, find out their creative capabilities, develop certain abilities. Labor activity allows you to form personal universal learning activities.

Sports activity.

Mastering the Basics physical culture, familiarity with various sports, experience in participating in sports competitions will allow you to form volitional personality traits, communicative and regulatory actions.

MBOU Secondary School named after. I.Ya.Filko, Pavlodolskaya village


on the topic of:

"Formation of universal educational activities in lessons and extracurricular activities"


primary school teacher

Pavlenko E.V.

Federal State Educational Standards requirements and practice of detecting significant difficulties among school graduates related to self-identification and choice life path, increase the importance of school educational work and social adaptation students, including within areas of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school.

Extracurricular activities combine those types of children’s activities that are implemented in accordance with the educational program and contribute to:

  • optimization of the educational load in the institution;
  • social adaptation and comprehensive development of students;
  • the formation of universal educational actions;
  • successful preparation of schoolchildren for the upcoming solution of life problems;
  • providing students with the necessary knowledge base and skills for creative and professional self-realization.

Goals and objectives of extracurricular activities in grades 1-4 according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, extracurricular activities are a mandatory part of the school educational program and the educational process. At the same time, educational institutions have sufficient independence in the context of choosing the content of extracurricular activities for children, as one of the forms of organizing students’ free time.

Regardless forms of extracurricular activities in primary school, its purpose is to help maximize the coverage of OOP and achieve the planned subject, meta-subject and personal results based on the results of studying in the lower grades. So, based on the results of studying at primary school Children must not only know and be able to, but also feel, act and make decisions. It is for this purpose that an educational environment is created in schools, which makes it possible to activate the intellectual and social interests of students, to develop a creatively active, healthy personality that demonstrates legal self-awareness and civic responsibility. Only in certain conditions children acquire social experience, on the basis of which they accept the value system established in society. In the presence of free choice children successfully develop their interests, comprehend cultural traditions and spiritual and moral values.

All directions and types of extracurricular activities in the lower grades they are focused on the implementation of the following tasks:

  • instilling perseverance and determination in students;
  • social development of the personality of a junior schoolchild, which is carried out in the process of collective creativity and communication;
  • creative self-expression of the student based on a positive attitude towards the surrounding reality;
  • effective use of the material, technical, educational and methodological base of the educational institution, personnel and methodological potential.

Extracurricular activities in primary schools are organized in the following areas of personal development (sports and health, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural). The results of mastering extracurricular activities should be:

  • gaining social experience, social competence;
  • practice of independent social action;
  • positive attitude and acceptance of basic social values;
  • readiness to learn;
  • formed foundations of civic identity.

All results types of activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard qualified by levels:

  1. In a friendly group of classmates, children receive social knowledge(1 class).
  2. By interacting with social objects, students learn to empathize with basic social values ​​(grades 2-3).
  3. Schoolchildren gain experience in independent social action (4th grade).

To do this, teachers should identify the factors that promote children's development and those that inhibit it. Extracurricular activities should take place in an atmosphere of mutual trust and full pedagogical support in the format of a dialogue between teacher and student, in which the teacher refuses external assessment, stimulates the child’s independence, emphasizes strengths his personality.

Types of activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Directions and types of extracurricular activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard are interconnected and provide meaningful guidelines for organizing classes, while the development of forms of extracurricular employment is carried out on their basis. Various extracurricular activities are available in educational institutions.

Keep this for yourself so you don't lose it:

In the magazines “Directory of the Deputy Director of Schools” and “Directory of the Head educational institution» important materials for PA leaders have been published:

!!! About teaching children with disabilities
!!! Studying the level of adaptation of primary school graduates

Labor (production) activity

Labor education of junior schoolchildren within the framework of extracurricular activities is aimed at developing activity, labor consciousness, hard work and practical thinking. Students must understand the social importance of different professions, have basic work skills, and have a respectful and positive attitude towards any work activity.

IN clubs in grades 1-4 labor extracurricular activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard is carried out using the example of adults who use various methods, including artistic and manual labor (making crafts and drawings), landscaping the school and classroom grounds, cleaning classrooms, helping to develop in children an understanding of various work activities, social situations, and professions. Teachers come to the aid of:

  1. Games. Since vocational education is a key area of ​​labor education for primary school students, in role-playing games based on labor themes, children can temporarily transform into builders, agronomists, doctors, teachers, which will allow them to understand the principles of trade relations, work in the construction industry, and agriculture.
  2. Excursions. With junior students, you can visit local confectionery factories, hospitals, factories, agricultural and light industry enterprises: such excursions, organized with the participation of parents, will introduce children to the technology of production of certain products, and the labor functions of representatives of different professions.
  3. Master classes. By trying to make Christmas tree decorations or chocolates on their own, children gain invaluable practical experience and those positive emotions that will allow them to choose the right course in career guidance.
  4. Exhibitions. The competitive moment in organizing competitions and exhibitions stimulates children’s creative and labor activity, curiosity, captivates them, forming a positive attitude towards work.

Play activity

For preschoolers, play was the leading form of activity driving the child’s development, but in the lower grades play activity fades into the background, giving way to educational ones. At the same time, it is in the form of a game that students better master social roles, gain new knowledge and interaction skills, since most games are characterized by free developmental activity, a significant amount of improvisation, a wide field for creativity, competition, rivalry, actions according to the rules that reflect the logical sequence and content of the game .

Thus, the game is like one of forms of extracurricular activities in elementary school, performs the following functions:

  • socialization - including the student in the system of social relations;
  • communication - allowing you to assimilate general cultural and universal values, enter into the context of relationships between people;
  • self-realization - opening up a field for the child to express himself, resolve life’s difficulties, and demonstrate freedom of action.

For this purpose, in the practice of extracurricular activities, not only pedagogical, but also role-based ones are used (“My family”, “My school”, “My future profession", "Traveling according to traffic rules"), sports ("Running in sacks", "Knockout", "Tag", "Get in the basket", "Towns", "Fun Starts"), military-patriotic ("Shield", " I - future soldier", "Zarnitsa"), intellectual ("What? Where? When?", "Smart Men and Women", "Field of Miracles", puzzle games, quizzes), board games (chess, checkers, dominoes, tic-tac-toe, monopoly ).

Artistic and aesthetic activities

Artistic creativity aims to educate creative personality child, to form in him the ability to see beauty everywhere, to perceive positively the world, gain basic ideas about beauty, cleanliness and neatness, which will give a powerful impetus for mastering world culture and filling the student’s spiritual life. Aesthetic education children don't start with programs of clubs for types of extracurricular activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, and from decorative and applied arts, folk art, folklore, sculpture, dance, theater, music, cinema, painting and architecture, which primary schoolchildren should become familiar with during extracurricular activities at school, various events during the holidays and during visits to additional education institutions . It is important for teachers to introduce children to beauty, develop in them aesthetic needs and the ability to see beauty, and teach them to perceive different types of art (in elementary school, special attention is paid to the perception of works of art).

To do this, children are offered:

  1. visiting cinemas, museums, art exhibitions, performances, festivals;
  2. classes in applied arts and fine arts clubs (collages, embroidery, stained glass techniques, cold batik, working with straw and leather, sewing soft toys, floristry, wood painting, Lego construction, etc.);
  3. miniature games, dramatizations, computer games(approved and selected by the teacher), viewing educational programs, reading.

Scientific and educational activities

Cognitive extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren are carried out through the work of the school scientific society, clubs, electives, intellectual clubs, quizzes, olympiads, excursions, which will allow children to get acquainted with all aspects of human cognitive activity, which is not limited to schoolwork, but only begins with them.

Children acquire social knowledge or the results of the first level in the process of studying social world: They gain the skills and information they need to live comfortably in society. During educational classes, schoolchildren learn about everyday life, gain social knowledge, get acquainted with the norms of morality and ethics, universal values, and the specifics of interfaith and interracial relations.

The results of the second level - the formation of a favorable attitude towards social values ​​- are possible by adding a value component to everything directions, types and forms of extracurricular activities aimed at knowledge. It is important for teachers to stimulate children's thinking by providing the opportunity to freely express their thoughts, prove their position, lead a discussion, discuss a proposed topic, and stimulate discussions within small groups. In this regard, the most effective are:

  • intra-group discussions where students could express their opinions regarding bad habits, social problems, popular culture, ecology, morality and immorality of people, heroism, war and other things;
  • research projects;
  • intellectual marathons, olympiads, student conferences;
  • subject electives, intellectual clubs.

All these forms of interaction help students not only express their attitude to the subject of discussion, but also correlate it with the opinions of other teenagers, which can change their views on the world. To introduce a value component into cognitive extracurricular activities, it is enough to touch upon the moral subjects of interaction between science and the world, for example, ethical aspects genetic engineering, the duality of the meaning of the splitting of the atomic nucleus, the consequences of the era of the great geographical discoveries or the environmental consequences of producing cheap synthetic materials.

New career opportunities

To better understand the regulatory support for teaching activities, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and professional standard to a primary school teacher, to know more about the psychological and pedagogical culture of a teacher

For passing - a state diploma of professional retraining. Educational materials presented in the format of visual notes with video lectures by experts, accompanied by the necessary templates and examples.

The results of the third level will be achieved provided that students interact with social actors in an open public environment, during socially oriented events.

Sports and recreational activities

Involves laying the foundations for safe and healthy image life. With the start of school, the child’s body receives physical exercise that need to be compensated; for this, the skills that children receive in physical education lessons must be consolidated as part of independent health-improving activities. Younger schoolchildren can do morning exercises at home, do light gymnastics or participate in outdoor games during breaks at school, and attend additional classes and sections after school. Through the interdependence of extracurricular and educational activities, the desired health effect is achieved: children actively use the acquired knowledge, participating in physical education and recreation activities, and performing physical exercises. One of types of extracurricular activities in primary school is the process of mastering motor activity of a general developmental nature, which allows improving the physical fitness of children, stimulating their independence, creative thinking and consciousness.

Location Time spending Forms of organization of extracurricular activities
School First half school day Morning exercises, dynamic pauses during the lesson, breaks, dynamic pauses between lessons
Second half of the school day Walks, sports and recreational hours, free activities in the GPA, physical education holidays and competitions, electives, active, folk, and recreational games
Institutions additional education children, sports Second half of the school day, weekends Children's sports sections, clubs
School health camps Vacation time Various types of sports and recreational activities (in accordance with the camp program)

Tourism and local history activities

Starting to master tourism and local history activities, the child will receive basic social knowledge of the first level, become acquainted with the principles of behavior on the river, in the mountains, in the forest, rules of behavior in the archive, library, museum. However, junior schoolchildren most effectively acquire new knowledge in the field, getting acquainted with the life of fellow countrymen and residents of other regions, society, ethical standards, social values, and different religious beliefs. That is why this one is implemented through the following forms:

  • organization of museum, extracurricular and club activities, weekend trips, local history excursions and expeditions, sports and recreational trips;
  • work of field camps, rallies, archival and library work;
  • holding local history quizzes and olympiads;
  • correspondence and meetings with interesting people.

Teachers strive to lay out hiking and excursion routes so that children along the way visit churches, monasteries, ancient noble estates, historical monuments, museums and others. iconic places. It is especially important to organize meetings with eyewitnesses historical events, local residents, local historians, famous and interesting people, communication with whom will significantly broaden the children’s horizons.

In order for younger schoolchildren to achieve the results of the second level - the acceptance of basic social values ​​- the teacher should:

  • establish the unwritten rules of the tourist team, lay the foundation for the tourist traditions of the class. For example, children should share with friends, maintain the cleanliness of all objects visited by the group, strive to use the correct beautiful speech. Having mastered these simple rules, children, having already become experienced tourists, will present them to beginners.
  • Encourage students to comply with routines and avoid idleness. Since there is always enough work for everyone on an expedition, schoolchildren must pack their backpacks, make a fire, and prepare food quickly and smoothly.
  • To stimulate in children patience, willpower, and concentration, without which it will not be possible to overcome the obstacles encountered along the way and all the difficulties of camp life. The teacher should help schoolchildren to face challenges with dignity and go through them without losing fortitude and self-confidence.

The third level of results - gaining experience of independent social action - children acquire by actively participating in the marching rhythm of life and a system of shift positions (for example, navigator, timekeeper, local historian, duty officer and commander) - an important form of organizing camping life. In this case, the teacher should become a role model by involving children in clearing mass graves, tourist sites, garbage wells, helping veterans, caring for animals and other charitable events. Students will comprehend and assimilate this experience of social action, and then they will apply it reflexively.

The last important aspect of tourism and local history activities is reflection. Children should be able to analyze the difficulties they have encountered, their abilities and strengths, the work of the team, assess the degree to which goals have been achieved and their contribution to them.

Social creativity (socially useful activities)

School ideological and moral education is aimed at forming conscious citizens, and therefore it is important to instill in children hard work, honesty, respect for elders, the desire to be useful to society, focus, and social activity. Children must show a responsible attitude not only to personal, but also to public affairs.

In the lower grades social development children is possible through such forms of organizing extracurricular activities in primary school, as problem-value communication, social creativity, work activity. All of them are indispensable for social communication and development of the child’s cultural and personal resources, adoption of the collective experience of generations. As part of extracurricular socially useful activities at school, summer school health camps or in additional education institutions, primary school students can:

  • take part in various holidays, events for veterans, disabled people and elderly people;
  • join in the gardening of the classroom and school grounds, subbotniks;
  • organize class duties;
  • conduct social events within the school or district;
  • practice social modeling role-playing games;
  • develop social projects;
  • take part in discussions, conversations, round tables touching on socially significant topics;
  • support the Timur movement, collective creativity and labor landing.

As example of extracurricular activities in primary school social creativity can be realized in the key patriotic education. The best forms of instilling patriotism are lessons in courage, meetings with veterans of the Second World War and the war in Afghanistan, watching patriotic films, military sports events, working in museum collections and archives, visiting museums, organizing exhibitions or creative competitions. In addition, socially useful activities can be implemented in the form of labor or volunteer activities, which encourage children to value work and take initiative in collective and group work.

Leisure and entertainment (leisure communication)

Leisure and entertainment communication as one of the forms of educational work contributes to the harmonious development of the child’s personal qualities, the unification of the student body, and the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere. Cultural and leisure - such type of extracurricular activities in elementary school according to the Federal State Educational Standard, which:

  • gives schoolchildren social skills and knowledge, the ability to navigate in a given social environment;
  • develops imagination, creativity and thinking, cognitive processes, emotional and volitional regulation;
  • involves students in joint activities;
  • develops aesthetic and moral feelings, desire and ability to learn;
  • forms a positive attitude towards social values ​​and realities, the ability to find compromises and communicate;
  • gives an understanding of everyday life, a positive emotional and value perception of others and oneself.

Since a comprehensively developed personality is the humane ideal of our time, cultural and leisure activities are the key to individual self-actualization of the individual and represent the interaction of the tendency towards socialization and individualization of the individual. Consequently, leisure and entertainment activities perform the functions of socialization, communication, accumulation and storage cultural heritage and values, the production of new values, recreation and hedonism.

During organization of extracurricular activities in elementary schools according to the Federal State Educational Standard Five types of children's active and passive leisure are used:

  1. Gaming, technical, artistic, research and labor activities - all that is associated with active creativity.
  2. Visiting exhibitions, museums, reading, excursions are things that are associated with the consumption of cultural and spiritual values.
  3. Sports events, recreational evenings, outdoor games, walks are what are aimed at restoring the child’s moral and physical strength.
  4. Holidays, circle work, children's clubs are what fulfills communication needs.
  5. Olympics, competitions, quizzes, local history and tourist trips, summer camps- something related to creative and educational activities.

In elementary school, children's leisure time is usually organized in the format of conversations, competitions, quizzes, various holidays, concerts, performances, theatrical performances, KVNs, interactive games, reading clubs and conferences, meetings with interesting people. Teachers choose the current form and methodology, guided by the needs of students, their age characteristics, the state of the student body and its individual members.

Problem-based communication

Extracurricular activities in the format of problem-value communication is based on such forms and methods of work, which influence children's perception of the world, the meaning of life, and everyday problems. As a rule, this type of activity is built in the format of discussions, thematic debates, and ethical conversations, which allow children to achieve results at all levels.

  1. Ethical conversation gives primary schoolchildren social knowledge and is a personal statement, rich in experiences and emotions, aimed at feedback from children. It combines improvisation and a strict program, raises important conflicts in literary texts or real situations and is built on the “teacher-children” communication channel, which does not imply communication between children.
  2. Debates allow you to form a positive attitude towards social reality. Two parties take part in them: those who support the topic of the event and those who deny it. The parties must convince the judges of the correctness of their version by presenting reasonable arguments and reasons. It is important that during debates, participants can sometimes defend a point of view that they do not actually support, implementing the role principle. The educational moment is manifested in the fact that children, selecting information and arguments in favor of a theory that is initially not close to them, gradually come to value self-determination.
  3. The problem-value discussion reflects the transition from the theory of discussion to practical action and confronts participants with a choice: to act or not, allowing them to achieve third-level results by launching the process of social self-determination. This is a group form of work where the teacher plays the role of organizer. Questions are raised during the discussion social reality, which are interesting and close to children. The most suitable topic is “The role of youth in the life of their hometown/town/village.” To determine the most current topics and pressing issues will require data from local sociological surveys, it is important to prepare a package of media materials that are related to the chosen topic.

Forms of organizing extracurricular activities in primary school

Academic hours, which are allocated to various types and directions of extracurricular activities in elementary school, are focused on the implementation of all forms of organizing the employment of junior schoolchildren outside of class. So that teachers can reveal the creative potential in children, introduce them to work, and introduce them to cultural and spiritual values, classes are held in the format of classroom hours, special events, competitions, quizzes, Olympiads, sports competitions, clubs and sections, KVNs, and research work. All this allows children to adapt among their peers, identify and develop their abilities, choose a course for further development, feeling their own relevance and uniqueness.

The psychophysiological characteristics of younger schoolchildren make long static loads impossible: children need to quickly switch from one form of work to another. In addition, elementary school students are still largely interested in the types of activities that they were interested in in kindergarten. The school administration chooses not only the number of hours allocated to each type of extracurricular activity, but also the direction and content of this activity, the principles of alternating academic and extracurricular activities, the forms of collective or individual work, other than educational activities, taking into account the needs of children, the existing material and technical base and the wishes of the students’ parents. If the school does not have the logistical ability to properly organize extracurricular activities, for these purposes, the capabilities of cultural and sports organizations, institutions of additional education for children are used.

Speaking about organization and forms extracurricular work, it should be noted that the success of these classes largely depends on the choice of topics that are interesting to students. Modern children in primary school skillfully use smartphones, are interested in robotics, programming, information technology. Extracurricular activities, dedicated innovative technologies, arouse the constant interest of primary school students and, thus, meet the goals and objectives of extracurricular activities.

Formation of UUD in extracurricular activities

A person who has felt the wind of change must

build not a shield from the wind, but a windmill.

Stephen King

Today's information society requires a learner, capable of learning independently and relearning many times throughout life, ready for independent actions and decision-making. In other words, the school should: “teach the child to learn,” “teach to live,” “teach to live together,” “teach to work and earn money” (from the UNESCO report “Into the New Millennium”).

The new standards raise many problems. What should be the main result of studying at school? How to build a training system so that a graduate can easily adapt to real world? The main answer to many of these questions is the application of knowledge and skills in real life. Who can use them? Only the student who masters the universal tool - UUD.

The main condition for the successful formation of a UUD is

inclusion of students in active extracurricular activities .

Based on the need and readiness of schoolchildren to master knowledge, I organize extracurricular activities (goal setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction).

How do I do this?

- I do not present new knowledge to students in a ready-made form, but organize

process so that they obtain this knowledge in their own educationally -

cognitive activity ;

- I take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of children’s development;

- creating friendly atmosphere ;

- I develop in students the ability to analytical choice And

adequate decision-making in a situation of choice;

- create conditions for students to gain experience creative

activities .

- I teach how to work with additional literature: dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books.

One of effective methods formation of UUD is work in a group, which assumes a high degree of independence and initiative of students, forms the development of social skills of schoolchildren in the process of group interactions.

I started working in groups by developing basic rules. My students and I came to the conclusion that what should be achieved:

    full attention to a classmate;

    taking the thoughts and feelings of others seriously;

    tolerance, friendliness:

    no one has the right to laugh at the mistakes of a friend, because everyone has the “right to make a mistake.”

All students took an active part in discussing these rules. In the process of completing this task, students developed universal learning actions in personal spheres (basic values: patience, kindness, mastering the role of a student, developing interest in learning), communicative (participation in dialogue), educational (answered simple questions from the teacher), regulatory (work according to instructions that you yourself have developed) spheres.

- I use ICT, which allows me to make extracurricular activities for children more exciting and interesting. Children get more opportunities to develop logical and algorithmic thinking, imagination and knowledge of the world.

Personal UUD I form by asking questions that help create motivation, i.e., a question aimed directly at developing the interest and curiosity of students. For example: “What would you do...”; "What would you do…";

I try to promote the emergence of a personal, emotional attitude of students to the topic being studied with the following questions: “How do you feel...”; "How do you like…".

Through creation problematic situation and conducting problematic dialogue, children formulate topic and purpose classes.

Tasks for the formation of cognitive universal educational actions:

- "Find differences"

- “what does it look like?”;

- search for the superfluous;

- "labyrinths";

- ordering;

- "chains";

- clever solutions;

- drawing up support diagrams;

- work with different types of tables;

- work with dictionaries;

Cognitive UUD form, encouraging students to

action: “Think”, “Complete the task”,

“Analyze”, “Draw a conclusion...”

Working on the formation regulative UUD , I teach specific methods of action: planning, setting a goal, using an algorithm for solving a problem.

Tasks for the formation of regulatory universal educational actions:

- "intentional errors";

- search for information in the proposed sources;

- mutual control;

- "find mistakes"

Tasks for the formation of communicative universal educational actions:

- create a task for your partner;

- review of a friend’s work;

- group work on making a crossword puzzle;

- “guess who we’re talking about”;

- interactive listening (formulation of questions for feedback);

- “prepare a story...”, “describe orally...”, “explain...”, etc.

I work with 1st grade children. Level of preparedness at

The moment of entering school was different: there were children who read, who simply knew letters, who tried to add syllables.

Observing first-graders, I noted that many children

it is difficult to communicate politely with each other, they do not know how to properly

seek help from children and adults. Sometimes they just demand help, do work for them, and don’t know how to thank people. It is difficult for children to agree with each other, obey certain rules, or even listen to the teacher, so I pay great attention to the development of communication skills.

Students' mastery of universal learning activities occurs in the context of different academic subjects. It is quite obvious that there is no strict gradation for the formation of a certain type of UUD in the process of studying a specific subject, and there cannot be. However, a shift in emphasis is possible. In some topics, great attention may be paid to the formation of certain types of UUD, in others - on the formation of others. But in general, during the lesson all four types of universal learning actions are formed.

From the first minute of class, students are included in organizing your educational activities (regulatory UUD) . These include:

goal setting, as setting a learning task (-What would you like the lesson to look like? What qualities need to be demonstrated for the lesson to turn out like this?). Next, students, having solved the puzzles, independently formulate the topic of the lesson.

Conducting a lesson in the “Our Planet” circle on the topic “Why does it rain?” The guys are faced with a problem.

- Why does it rain on Earth? Each of the guys thinks differently, but experience helps us choose the correct answer (an experiment is carried out with commenting).

- What am I doing? (heating the water)

- What in nature heats water? (Sun)

- The sun is the strongest source of heat in nature.

- What do you think will happen if steam comes into contact with a cold object?

- Let's check if this is true? (showing)

- Why did the droplets form?

- Why is it raining?

Thus, the guys independently drew a conclusion and compared it with the conclusion of scientists (reading the conclusion in a notebook). The children took an active part in the experiment. At this stage, classes developed UUD in all areas:

- personal (formation of interest)

- regulatory (use of simple objects to conduct experiments)

- educational (observed and made conclusions, worked with the text in a notebook)

- communicative (participated in dialogue, answered questions, listened and understood the speech of others)

It is important to note such a universal educational action as reflection. Students' reflection of their actions presupposes their awareness of all components of learning activities.

- Take your drop and place it on a black cloud if you were bored in class.

- And, if you were interested in class today, place your droplet on the blue cloud.

"Intellectual vitamins" - workbooks for extracurricular activities, which contain tasks for the development of: productivity of thinking, spatial thinking, numerical skills, system analysis, verbal flexibility, reasoning ability, verbal perception, ability to work with information presented in different ways.

To form a UUD in extracurricular activities, I use the following types of work:


Each group receives a sheet with tasks. Tasks are performed on

Whatman paper The results are recorded on the board.

 « Tasks for girls and boys."

On the board there are options for word problems separately for girls and boys.

Each task has a certain point. The sum of points determines who wins.

 Task cards.

Each group receives task cards. For discussion and

Time is given to complete the task. Then we check the work. The groups' responses are listened to and errors are corrected.

 Working with cards of different colors and shapes.

 Dramatization of fairy tales.

 Reading competition.

Creative tasks.

Creative tasks are aimed at developing students'

cognitive skills and creative abilities.

The guys are happy to do the following:

 Come up with your own rules of behavior at school, in nature, on excursions, in the park, when communicating with strangers.

    Come up with your own behavioral signs and drawings.

 Solving crossword puzzles.

 Quizzes on the covered topic.

 Write a poem, a fable.

 Create an illustration for a fairy tale.

 Game activities.

To analyze our successes, we use the “Ladder of Achievement” with three steps.

It can be used on different stages extracurricular activities.

Step 1 – I understand everything, I can help others.

Step 2 - I understand, but I still need to work.

Step 3 – I don’t understand, I need help.

I believe that universal learning activities are

foundation for the formation key competencies

students. The important thing is that children can feel

equal participants in the educational process. They themselves

they try to teach themselves, I acquire knowledge on my own, they teach

others. And, at the same time, it is important for them to know that in case of difficulty

the teacher can help them, guide them and their actions. The main thing in

extracurricular activities become cooperation,

mutual understanding between all participants increases

performance and motivation to learn.

Of course, I, a primary school teacher, cannot say that my graduates have fully formed all the components of educational

activities. But with such an organization of the educational process, they have a solid foundation for its successful formation in primary school: the internal need and motivation to learn new things, the ability to learn in a team environment, and faith in their own strengths. The child has the opportunity to realize his abilities, he learns to live in society.

At the end of my speech, I want to conclude that the formation of universal educational activities is an integral part of the educational process and extracurricular activities. The main thing in a teacher’s work is to find methods of work that will make it possible to make the most effective use of the potential of extracurricular activities.