Interesting literacy tests. Check spelling and punctuation online, check spelling in the text. Testing knowledge of the school curriculum

Online spelling and punctuation checking service is a unique free service for finding errors and typos.

An effective website algorithm finds many errors, including:

  • unpaired parentheses and apostrophes;
  • two commas or periods in a row;
  • separating introductory words with commas;
  • errors in coordination;
  • grammatical and logical errors;
  • typos;
  • extra spaces;
  • repetition of words;
  • lowercase letter at the beginning of a sentence;
  • hyphenated spelling;
  • and much more.

On our service you can not only find out the uniqueness of the text, but also check its spelling and punctuation. When checking text, you can also easily get rid of typos, which are not always noticeable when typing quickly. When using this service, you will be confident in the quality of the text.

Checking text for errors online, correcting errors in text from the website

Correcting errors in text online, checking spelling and punctuation will allow you to check the literacy of the text.

Online error checking will help you find errors and typos in the text. Checking text for errors is useful when analyzing any text if you want to check its quality and find any errors. If you're having trouble primarily with punctuation rather than spelling, consider checking commas. The service will point out problem areas where extra or missing punctuation marks were found, for example, several commas in a row or unpaired parentheses.

One of key features free error checking on the site is the ability to correct them directly in the text. The verification algorithm is simple.

  • Paste the desired text into the spelling and punctuation checker.
  • Click on the “Check for errors” button.
  • Pay attention to the areas highlighted in a contrasting color and the number of errors found under the verification field.
  • Click on the highlighted word and select the correct spelling from the list that opens.

Tse cop, this bud, this ly, this rber, this dra, this on, about this stupid, this cellulose, this lofan, this baby, this wisdom, this ntner, this foam, this Remonia.


Qi stubble, qi panties, qi fra, qi ferblat, qi rk, sir qi ry, qi new, qi nga, qi anit, qi clone, qi lindr, qi mbala, qi tadel, qi tata, qi rroz, qi rkul, kvar qi T.


Tsy ts, tsy gan, on tsy kidneys, tsy films, tsy pa, tsy roll

In this section we post tests on individual topics of the Russian language.

Check your literacy

We offer everyonetest your literacy for free. This is a completely anonymous check, only for yourself. The result is not saved anywhere, so if you fail the test the first time, no one will know about it.

All tasks are only for spelling test. From five hundred phrases, the computer randomly selects eighty, from two to six phrases per rule. In addition, the words are chosen in such a way that to write each phrase you need to know several spellings.

Phrases you will have take dictation, so first make sure you turn on the sound on your device. Depending on the typing speed, the test will take from 10 to 20 minutes. You will be able to listen to audio files repeatedly. For each answer, 2 attempts are given (in case you made a mistake the first time).

Spelling assessment:

    less than 85 points - 2 (unsuccessful)

    85 - 90 points - 3 (satisfactory),

    91 - 95 points - 4 (good),

    96 - 100 points - 5 (excellent).

The scoring system is designed taking into account the fact that two attempts are given for each phrase. Regardless of the result, after the dictation you will be able to see the correct answers and compare them with yours.

You can retake the test as many times as you like. Just refresh the page, and the program will compose a new unique version of the online dictation for you every time.

Additionally, you can enable

Online tests in Russian language

Testing knowledge of the school curriculum

Name Author
Take the test 2-3 grades. Phonetics. Sounds and letters Kashchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna, school No. 1412, Moscow
Take the test 3-4 grades. Composition of the word Nikolaeva Svetlana Ivanovna, gymnasium No. 70, Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region
Take the test 5th grade. Noun Novak Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Lyceum No. 57, Leninsky district, Rostov-on-Don
Take the test 5th grade. Syntax and punctuation Sycheva Elizaveta Sergeevna, secondary school No. 53, Saratov
Take the test 5th grade. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Orthoepy. Spelling Chichuga Galina Aleksandrovna, secondary school No. 1, Klimovsk, Moscow region
Take the test 5th grade. Homogeneous members offers Byakova Anna Vladimirovna, MBOU "Kolyanovskaya Secondary School" of Ivanovsky municipal district Ivanovo region
Take the test 5-6 grades. Adjective Salikhova Raushaniya Muzagitovna, Secondary School of the village. Kakre-Elga, Tatarstan
Take the test 5-6 grades. Phraseologisms and their meanings Byakova Anna Vladimirovna, “Kolyanovskaya high school", Ivanovo region
Take the test 6th grade. Vocabulary and phraseology Zigangirova Yulia Fedorovna, “Russian-Tatar secondary comprehensive school No. 136" Privolzhsky district of Kazan, Tatarstan
Take the test 6th grade. Morphemics and word formation Yausheva Irina Alekseevna, school No. 128 of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod
Take the test 6th grade. Noun as part of speech Zubova Evgenia Valerievna, secondary school No. 28, p. Pervorechenskoye, Dinskoy district, Krasnodar region
Take the test 6th grade. Numeral Shepeleva Ekaterina Leonidovna, secondary school No. 48, Samara
Take the test 6th grade. Spelling vowels and consonants in prefixes Geymur Victoria Andreevna, secondary school No. 47, Orenburg
Take the test 6th grade. Participle Eremina Natalya Viktorovna, secondary school No. 2, Redkino village, Tver region
Take the test 6th grade. Verb Karapetyan Lyudmila Anatolyevna, MKOU "Korbolikhinskaya secondary school" Tretyakovsky district, Altai Territory
Take the test 7th grade. Participle as an independent part of speech (verb form) Natalya Aleksandrovna Emelyanova, Boarding School No. 30 of JSC Russian Railways, Komsomolsk-on-Amur
Take the test 7th grade. Adverb as an independent part of speech Zemtsova Natalya Valentinovna, GOU secondary school No. 603, St. Petersburg
Take the test 7th grade. Participle. Generalization of what has been learned Petrushenko Natalya Nikolaevna, school in the village of Vasilievka, Terbunsky district, Lipetsk region
Take the test 7th grade. Participle Chichuga Galina Aleksandrovna, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, Podolsk, Moscow Region
Take the test 7th grade. Pretext
Take the test 8th grade. Dash between subject and predicate Dautova Nadezhda Nikolaevna, secondary school No. 84 s in-depth study individual items, Izhevsk
Take the test 8-9 grades. Types of one-part sentences Karapetyan Lyudmila Anatolyevna, "Korbolikhinskaya secondary school" Tretyakovsky district of Altai Territory
Take the test 8-11 grades. Collocation Kazitskaya Irina Borisovna, GBOU school No. 459, St. Petersburg
Take the test 8-11 grades. Lexical norms Khabarova Anna Sergeevna, Oktyabrsky Lyceum, Kalachevsky district, Volgograd region