Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech for children with general speech underdevelopment. Notes for a lesson on the sound culture of speech on the topic: The sound “Ш” for children of the senior group Notes on the sound culture of sound

Liniza Mambetova
Lesson notes on sound culture speech “Sounds [З]-[З’]”

Lesson notes on sound culture of speech.

Topic: Sound Z-Z

Target: Acquaintance with the sound of Z. Formation of correct articulation of the sound of Z. Development of the muscles of the speech apparatus using articulatory gymnastics. Learn to pronounce the sound “z” firmly and softly, loudly and quietly. Development speech breathing and a targeted air stream. Development of phonemic hearing. Correct pronunciation of the sound z-z ​​in pure tongues.


educational: Exercise children in the pronunciation of the sound Z-z, in syllables and words; learn to pronounce the sound Z firmly and softly loudly and quietly; distinguish words with this sound.

developing: develop phonemic awareness: learn to distinguish by ear and name words that begin with a given sound and contain this sound, develop speech attention. Improve intonation expressiveness.

educational: to cultivate the sound culture of speech; enrich and activate the child’s vocabulary; cultivate a culture of communication.

Methodical techniques: Didactic game low mobility “Who can match their pictures faster?” conversation.

Material: Pictures - mosquito. Pictures for a given sound. A mosquito on a string. Big and small mosquito. Tambourine. Pictures are symbols of articulation exercises. Two identical pairs of pictures.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment.

Educator: “Guys, guests came to our lesson today. They want to look at you and see how smart and obedient you are. Let's show them what we can do. In class we learn to speak. And our lips, teeth and tongue help us speak. So let's first do some gymnastics for the tongue. And our friends will help us with this.”

The teacher takes out pictures - symbols.

Articulation gymnastics: Hippo, smile, fence, straw, hamster, horse, delicious jam.

2. Main part.

Educator: “Guys, listen, it seems there is someone else here - that is. Who is it ringing: “ZZZZZ.”

He takes out a box with a mosquito. Do you want me to teach our tongue to sing the sonorous song of a mosquito?

Invites the children to ring along with the mosquito. Voices movements. Explains articulation: when we sing a mosquito song, the tongue below, behind the lower teeth, the neck rings.

Educator: Let's all release our mosquitoes together and sing: “Z-z-z.” Let's now listen to the boys sing the mosquito song. Will girls be just as loud? Now watch my wand. When I raise my wand, you will loudly sing the mosquito’s song, and when I lower it, you will sing the mosquito’s song quietly.

Educator: “The mosquito wants to play with you. Let us catch mosquitoes."

Children, together with the teacher, sing a mosquito song, and then “catch” an imaginary mosquito with their palms (clap).

Educator: “And now you yourself will turn into mosquitoes, ring and fly. But as soon as you hear the sound of a tambourine, immediately sit down on the chairs.”

Game: “The mosquitoes flew in and sat on the balls.”

Educator: “Guys, the mosquito on its back brought you pictures. The pictures show objects whose names begin with the sound Z.”

The teacher displays pictures on a magnetic board. Children name words independently or with the help of a teacher. The teacher clarifies that all these words begin with the sound Z.

Educator “Now let’s blow on the mosquitoes and they will fly.”

Breathing exercise: “Mosquito on a string.”

A game for developing phonemic awareness “Which mosquito is ringing?”

The teacher shows two pictures: a big mosquito and a small mosquito. The big mosquito rings very angrily, evil - zzzzzzz. And the little mosquito rings tenderly, softly.

The teacher says the sounds z and z in sequence. And children make an angry expression on their faces if they hear the sound z - “the song of a big angry mosquito.” And they smile if they hear the song of a little mosquito.

(You can give the child pictures of two mosquitoes and ask him to pick up the desired picture when he hears the song of this mosquito.)

The mosquitoes are tired, let them rest, and we will play with you.

"One is many."

I will name one object, and you will name many.

One umbrella - many umbrellas.

One bunny - many bunnies.

One plant - many? Factories

One mosaic - many -? Mozaek...

Educator: Well done! In the mosquito music school, the kids are mosquitoes (they can also be called differently: you are guys, and they are (mosquitoes), you are kids, and they are (mosquitoes)

They perform complex songs.

(Purely speaking:)

For - for - for - the goat goes.

Zu-zu-zu - I'm herding a goat.

For - for - for - the goat eats grass

Ze-ze-ze - give water to the goat.

For-for-for, zya - zya - zya - you can’t be naughty.

Zyu-zu-zyu, zu-zu-zu - don’t tease the goat.

Zu-zu-zu, zu-zu-zu, Zoya leads the kids and? ... a goat!

Zoy-zoy-zoy, zoy-zoy-zoy. The kids go with? ...Goat!

Educator: Children, now we are going to play the game “Who will match their pictures faster?” Listen to the rules of the game.

1. Divide all the pictures into two identical paired groups. Place one group of pictures in a stack on the table with the pictures facing down. Distribute another similar group of pictures to the children.

2. One child takes a picture from the pile and shows it to everyone. He calls it: “I have a nest.” Another child, having the same picture, says: “And I have a nest.” Both children place their paired pictures on the table.

3. Conclusion.

Well done! Let's remember again and tell you that the mosquito, for your correct answers, will rise higher and higher listening to you,

What new sound did we meet today?

(sound z)

Educator: What else did we call this sound?

(Song of a mosquito).

Educator: What does a mosquito song sound like?

Educator: “Well done guys. But our lesson has come to an end and it’s time for the mosquito to fly away. Say goodbye to him."

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the lesson on sound culture of speech “Sound [H]” Communication. (Speech development) Sound culture of speech: the sound “Ch” I show an image of the number 4. What do you think this is? Children call.

Summary of an integrated lesson on the sound culture of speech in the preparatory group "Family" Summary of the integrated lesson in preparatory group on the sound culture of speech “Family” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge of consonants.

Notes on the sound culture of speech Municipal budget preschool“Kindergarten No. 132” is a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the area.

Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech and preparation for teaching literacy “Funny Sounds” Program tasks: Learn to select words that sound similar, determine the length of a word. Learn to trace and hatch. Improve phonemic skills.

Summary of a lesson on the sound culture of speech in the first junior group “Sounds [t]-[d]” Program content. Educational objectives. To train children in the distinct pronunciation of isolated consonant sounds “t” “d”. Shape.

Integration educational areas: Communication, socialization, reading fiction.

Types of children's activities: Communicative, gaming, reading fiction.


Fasten correct pronunciation children of hissing “zh” sounds in words.

Learn to distinguish this sound by ear, clearly pronounce words and phrases with it when pronounced at different volumes (phonemic hearing).

Improve the clear pronunciation of words with a given sound.

Didactic material: flannelgraph, subject pictures (beetle, giraffe, circle), toys: bear cub, hedgehog, foal, dog, cube.

Progress of the lesson:

1. – Children, I went to the kindergarten and met the postman, he gave me this envelope. Do you want to know what's in this envelope?

Oh guys, there are children's faces painted here. Our guests would probably like to know what is depicted on the faces, we will tell them about it now.

1) This is the face of a boy. What's on his face, Katya?

He has eyes, nose, lips on his face.

2) - Well done. And here is the face of another boy. What is shown on his face, Anya?

The mouth is open, there are teeth behind the lips.

3) - Smart girl, right. And what is depicted on the face of this boy, Danya?

This is the tongue, and the mouth is the home for the tongue.

That's right, well done.

2. – Tongue was sitting in the house and heard: a cat was singing an unfamiliar song: w-w-w. “I don’t know how to sing like that,” Tongue was upset, “I know the song of the leaves, the goose, the snake.” What kind of song is this, remind me, Alyosha?

- “But this song is not so ringing: shhhh.” Children, help with your tongue, sing a sonorous song: w-w-w. Let's hear if Tanya's song will turn out to be a ringing one.

Yes, it worked, well done, Tanya. What about Kirill?

Smart girl. What about Alyosha?

Okay, and you did it. “Zh-zh-zh” is a beetle’s song, it is sung the same way as the song “Sh-sh-sh”, but only loudly, with a voice. Even the neck sings the song “Zh-zh-zh”. Place your palm on your throat and sing “zh-zh-zh.” Is the song already being sung, Misha?

Now place your palm on the throat and sing the goose song. Is your throat singing, Karina?

Let's learn the beetle's song. Open your mouth, place your tongue on your lower lip. Now quietly lift it up and hide it behind your upper teeth so that the tip does not peek out. Okay, close your mouth. Rest a little. Let's repeat. As soon as the tongue hides far, behind the upper teeth, immediately begin to sing “Zh-zh-zh”. First, let’s say it all together: “W-w-w.” Well done. And now Alyosha.

Well done. Now Misha.

Now let's all sing together the song of the little beetle and the big beetle. How will we sing the song of the little beetle, Anya?

Well done. And the song of the big beetle, Kostya?

Certainly. Well done.

Grisha, sing the little beetle's song.

Okay, Sonya sing the song of the big beetle.

Amazing. They sang very well.

3. Now let’s play the game “Give me a word.”

I will start the line, and you will finish it.

So, let's start:

1) The couch potato is a red cat, lying down... (stomach).

2) Mom is knitting a long scarf,

Because son... (giraffe).

3) And Aibolit runs to the hippos

And pats them on... (tummies).

4) The sun is shining very brightly

The hippopotamus felt... (hot).

5) And there are hippos nearby

They grabbed their ... (tummies).

Well done, you did a good job.

4. Now let’s rest a little and play the game “Bugs”.

“Beetles flew to us from the forest and buzzed (the children, together with the teacher, stretched their arms to the sides and pulled for a long time: w-w-;) / The beetles got tired and sat down to rest on a leaf (the children squat down). The beetles sat, rested, and flew into the forest again. They buzzed loudly at first, then quieter and quieter and completely flew away (2p.)

The beetles flew away, but left their “song” in the words:

5. (Flannelograph with pictures that contain the sound “w”).

Zhzhzhuk, circlezhzhok, zzhzhzhiraffe. Listen again to how the beetle sings in these words, and try to say the same as I do: zhzhzhuk, krugzhzhok, zhzhzhiraf. Let's say it all together. Now Sonya will speak.

Zhzhzhuk, circlezhzhok, zzhzhzhiraffe.

Well done. And now Misha.

Zhzhzhuk, circlezhzhok, zzhzhzhiraffe.

I know a lot of words that contain a beetle’s song: knife, circle, burn. Do you know the words to this song? (Children pronounce words emphasizing the “w” sound; if the child makes a mistake, the teacher slowly pronounces the word and invites the children to listen to whether there is a beetle song in it).

6. Children, a boy came to visit us. Let's give him a name where the sound “F” lives, Katya.

Fine. Look at the toys and give Zhenya those toys that have the sound “Zh”.

Beetle, giraffe, foal, bear cub, hedgehog.

That's right, well done. Why did the dog and Kirill the cube remain?

They don't have the "F" sound.

7. - Clever girl. Children, do you know pure sayings? Let's read them to the boy Zhenya.

Zha-zha-zha, the hedgehog has needles.

Ju-ju-ju, somehow I came to the hedgehog.

Zhi-zhi-zhi, show me the hedgehog.

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I’m friends with the Uzhat.

Zha-zha-zha, she’s already leaving the hedgehog.

Well done, they read the phrases correctly and tried to highlight the desired sound “Zh” with their voices.

8. How many of you know poems that contain the sound “F”?

1) There are miracles in the world

A wasp stung me

Stung him in the stomach

It hurts terribly,

“I find nothing;

But I still think more and more

It's better for you to lie on your back,

Until my stomach heals,

3) Zhzhzhuk fell and cannot get up,

He is waiting for someone to help him.

4) Grandfather Ezhzhok,

Don't go to the shore

The snowball melted there,

Floods the meadow.

9 – Well done, children, that’s how many poems with the sound “F” you know.

Now sit down at the tables. You must look at all the objects on the piece of paper and determine which words contain the beetle’s song. Circle them. Be careful. We did it well.

This is where our lesson ended.

You did great today, you worked very well, I’m pleased with you.

Let's remember what we did today, what new did we learn?

We got acquainted with the new sound “Zh”;

We learned to identify this sound in words and composed our own words with the sound “F”;

They taught pure tongues;

We read poems with the sound “Zh”;

We circled the pictures where there was a sound “Zh”.

Sound culture of speech: sounds t, p., k

Target. Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound t in words and phrasal speech;


Educational- teach children to clearly pronounce onomatopoeia with the sounds t, p. k;

Developmental- practice pronouncing onomatopoeias at different speeds and volumes.

Educational- cultivate activity and attentiveness in class, a positive emotional attitude towards animals, the desire to speak correctly and beautifully, the ability to listen to each other.

Methods and techniques:



Material: bear and puppy toys, pieces of cotton wool for each child, multimedia presentation, tongue mitten, large and small watches.

Preliminary work

Prepare demonstration material.

Outdoor game "Train"

Sedentary games “Big feet walked along the road”, “Clock”

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, look, look, I found a letter. Listen to a hundred people write here: “Hello guys. Come visit us in? . Tyapa and Topa. “I wonder who Tyapa and Topa are. Shall we go? What can we go on? Great, let's take the train. Look who's greeting us? That's right, a puppy and a bear cub, and their names are Tyapa and Topa. Let's say hello.

Educator: Little Bear has a spring breeze. Let's blow a warm, barely audible breeze onto our palms. And now a strong wind blew. Now let's see how the breeze blows away the dust particles, put cotton wool on your palm and blow it first with a quiet breeze, and now with a strong one. Let us tell you our fairy tale about Tongue. The tongue is very curious, and therefore every now and then it peeks out of the house (show, and the teeth sometimes do not allow the naughty Tongue to peek out, forming a fence (show: teeth closed, exposed).

“I want to see,” the teacher continues, “if your teeth can build high fences.” And Topa and I will look at your “fences”. After completing the exercise, he gives the children the opportunity to rest. And Tyapa wants to look (he suggests making fences again and opening the teeth, allowing the tongue to peek out).

And then one day Tongue was sitting in his house, and he became bored. He raised his tail and began to quietly knock on the top door with his tail: “T-T-T-T” - Show me how the Tongue knocked. This is a new song that Tongue sang; at first he sang it quietly. Then the tongue opened its little house wide and began to knock louder: “T-T-T! ”

Children sing the song all together and one at a time (2-3 children).

Physical education lesson: Didactic exercises “Big - small legs, clock”

The teacher draws attention to the bear cub Top and the puppy Tyap, explains that the bear walks top - top - top, top - top - top, and the puppy runs top, top, top, top, top, top, clarifies with the children how the bear walks, puppy.

The teacher draws attention to the big and small clocks, demonstrates and explains that the big clock goes like this, like this, like this, like this, like this, and the little clock runs tick-tick-tick, tick-tick-tick, clarifies with the children, how the big and small clocks move.

Educator: Guys, do you remember the names of our friends. Let's repeat it together. How did we play with them today? What fairy tale did we tell Tyapa and Top today? Our tongue has learned new song? Which one?

The locomotive whistle sounds.

Guys, our train is leaving, and you and I need to catch it. Let's say goodbye and go back to the group.

Topic: “Pronunciation of the sound “Z”

Goal: To introduce the sound “Z”.


Educational: Exercise children in pronunciation of the sound “Z” in syllables and words; learn to pronounce the sound “Z” firmly; distinguish words with this sound.

Educational: Develop phonemic awareness; learn to distinguish by ear and name words beginning with a given sound; develop speech attention. Improve intonation expressiveness of speech.

Educational: Foster a culture of communication.

Progress of the lesson:

  1. Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, look, guests came to our lesson today. Let's greet our guests, smile and show how good and smart we are. Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children: Autumn

Educator: What time of year do you like?

Children's answers

Educator: Why?

Children's answers

Educator: I also like summer, it’s warm in summer, there are a lot of berries and flowers, you can swim. Would you like to be in a beautiful meadow in the summer, where there are many flowers, berries, and beautiful butterflies flying?

Children's answers

Educator: So let's get on the time train and hit the road. Is everyone seated? Tu-tu-oo-oo the train departs (children move in a circle imitating a train). Here we are. Look how beautiful it is here, how many flowers there are. Let's collect a big beautiful bouquet. Guys, inhale its aroma. Oh! Are you tired from the road? Let's sit down and relax. (Children sit on chairs).

  1. Main part.

Educator: Oh - oh - oh, what is this, someone is biting me. Guys, look who it is?

Children's answers: mosquito

Educator: Guys, do you know that every insect has its own song?

Children's answers

Educator: So the mosquito has its own song. Today we will learn how to sing the mosquito song correctly. The most important of the mosquitoes, the Squeaky Mosquito, came to visit us. He loves to sing songs. Listen to his favorite song (Z – z – z). Did you like this song?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, look at how we pronounce the sound “Z”. lips smile, teeth make a fence, a tongue behind the lower teeth. Let's try to pronounce the sound "Z".

Children pronounce the sound “Z” from the beginning in chorus (loudly, quietly), one at a time.

Educator: Now let’s play the game “Echo” (The teacher pronounces the syllabic paths; the children must repeat them)

Educator: For - zo - zy; Zu - Zo - For; Zy – Za – Zo;

Children repeat syllable paths.

Educator: Well done, Komaru liked you all and he prepared a task for you. The game “Syllable Songs” is being played

The teacher pronounces syllabic songs and the children repeat them.

For - for - for - a dragonfly flew in (children repeat from the beginning in chorus, then 1 - 2 children).

Zu - zu - zu - don't tease the goat. (children repeat from the beginning in chorus, then 1 - 2 children).

PS - PS - PS - the dragonfly has wings. (children repeat from the beginning in chorus, then 1 - 2 children).

Educator: Now let’s take a rest.

Physical education minute

Gray bunny sitting

And he wiggles his ears

It's cold for the bunny to sit

I need to warm my paws

One - two; one - two

We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

The bunny needs to jump

Someone scared the bunny

The bunny jumped and galloped away.

Educator: Let's play the game “Say the Word”

The mother mouse came running and became the pike’s nanny... (Call);

The owner abandoned the bunny, he was left in the rain...(Bunny);

Oh, and the bear cries and roars, cubs from the swamp... (Calls); Children must identify the first sound in the completed word.

Educator: Guys, Komar has prepared a game for us.

The game “One - Many” is played

The teacher names the words in the singular, the children must name these words in the plural.

Umbrella – umbrellas; hare - hares; factory - factories; tooth teeth; hairpin - hairpins; star - stars; castle – locks; fence – fences; snake - snakes; castle – locks;

Educator: Well done! Let's sit on the chairs. (Children sit on the chairs).

Educator: Well done, and now I propose to play another game called “Catch the Sound”. I will tell you the sounds, and when you hear the sound “Z”, clap your hands.

The teacher names the sounds “C”, “K”, “Z”, “S”, “M”, “Z”.

Educator: Well done! Guys, Komar invites you and me to play one more game. The game "Fourth wheel" is played

(Pictures are hung on the board. Children must determine which picture is the odd one out)

  1. Hare – Umbrella – Ball – Castle.
  2. Snake – Teeth – fence – Cube.
  3. Lock – Hairpin – Star – Pyramid

The teacher asks the question why?

Educator: Well done! Well, our lesson has come to an end.

Lesson summary:

The teacher asks the children questions:

Guys, what sound did we meet today?

What did you like?

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution child development center kindergarten No. 10

Educator: Razmeta Tatyana Evgenievna

Art. Kanevskaya 2015

Software tasks:

  1. learn to find pictures with a given sound "sh" at the beginning, middle, end of a word
  2. practice dividing words into parts
  3. exercise education relative adjectives, in the selection of related words, in the transmission of narrative, interrogative and exclamatory intonation
  4. develop phonemic sound

5-. develop logical thinking.

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures with sound "sh" , asking riddles (bear, mouse, cat, car), learning tongue twisters.

Equipment: toys (doll, mouse, bear, cat), subject pictures with sound "sh" , a game "fun train" , "pyramid" .

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. "Gymnastics for the mind" . Answer the question with a word starting with a sound "sh"

Hats (cap, hat) Number greater than five (six) Wheel part (tire) How does a snake sound? (hisses) Conifer fruit (cone)

Board game on a square board (checkers, chess) Children teach there (school)

Part of the body between the head and torso (neck) Narrow on the contrary (wide)

2. Analysis of sound articulation "sh"

  • Make a sound "sh" watching articulation in the mirror (the lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward. The teeth are brought together, widely forming a gap with the palate. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. The air stream is warm, running down the middle of the tongue. The voice does not turn on.)
  • Tell me, what sound is this? Sound "sh" always firm, agreeable

3. Exercise in pronunciation of sound "sh" A.

  • The mouse rustles - pronunciation of the intermittent sound sh-sh-sh
  • The forest is noisy - prolonged pronunciation of the sound sh-sh-sh
  • Let's drive away the sparrows - shoo-shoo
  • The goose hisses sha-sha-sha, shu-sha-sho, sho-sho-sho, shi-shu-sha
  • Raise your flashlight when you hear a sound in a word "sh" (balloon, tail, burst, blue, airy, hisses, releases, playful)

4. The Masha doll appears. Today we visited the doll Masha. Guess

who came to visit her?

Lurking under the floor Afraid of cats


The teacher demonstrates a toy - a mouse. The mouse sang expressively. Children perform syllable sequences with different intonations.

  • She stated ush-osh-ash
  • I was happy about shva-shvo-shvu
  • Asked sha-sho-shu

Educator: listen to the poem, tell me who else came to visit Masha?

Masha has a midge in her porridge. What should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a bowl and fed the cat

Teacher: demonstrates a cat toy Name the words with sound "sh" in a poem.

5. Game "Pyramid"

Educator: Help, guys, teach Masha’s guests to play this game

  • Fold the pyramid from big to small (details are ovals)
  • Be careful - the pyramid is magical, you need to choose those parts where the sound is "sh" at the beginning of the word, put the extra ones aside.

Educator: listen, who is knocking?

  • Finish the word, find out who else is Masha’s guest?

Puffs like a plump Clubfoot... (bear)

Teacher: demonstrates a teddy bear toy

  • The bear brought the balls, let's play with him! Imitation of movements. The teacher reads a poem. Children imitate movements.

6. Doll Masha, a cat, a mouse and a bear will introduce guests to a new game "pick a rhyme"

  • Children have one picture to choose a rhyme

Pine Pine Cat Pillow Shirt

Mouse Potato Frog Chamomile

Tower Accordion Tumbler Cannon

The teacher names the words, and the children name the rhyming word from the pictures.

One - a mouse rustling in the closet Two - a frog in the pillow Three - a jackal went into the reeds And four - a mouse in a hat Five - let's write a mouse at school Six - a monkey is making noise, playing pranks Seven - our cat is on the roof Eight - a bumblebee flew into the window Nine - a hat the seamstress sews Ten - I walked along the sleepers

A game "Fun Train"

Goal: Development phonemic awareness, visual attention, fine

motor skills.

Instructions: help distribute the items and send them on a journey on a fun train. Name each item, highlighting the sound "sh" , clap your hands for the number of syllables in each word and you will find out which object will travel in which train car (the number of syllables coincides with the number of windows in the carriage). Place the item in your carriage.

A game "Repeat after me"

Sh - always a hissing sound On the stones the snake hisses, Sh-sh-sh-sh

The black sea is noisy, Sh-sh-sh-sh How good the weather is. The snakes hissed - sha-sha-sha, I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere. The snake hissed - shu-shu-shu, Breathe fresh air - shi-shi, How pleasant it is to the soul The snakes smiled - shi-shi-shi.

7. Lesson summary:

  • Conversation with children about the lesson
  • Why did Masha invite a mouse, a cat, a bear to visit? Tell us about the sound "sh"

8. Encouragement

Masha brought you balloons as a gift, they also have sound "sh"

Application to the lesson:

Sasha loves sushi, and Sonya loves cheesecakes. Did Sasha buy a dryer? Sasha bought a dryer. Sasha sewed a hat for Sashenka. Sasha knocked the bumps off with his hat. Sasha was walking along the highway.

Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby. Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter. Ash-ash-ash - Vova has a pencil.

Hush, mice, cat on the roof. Our Masha was given semolina porridge. I can't find our frog's ears. Lesha and Klasha eat millet porridge. Yashka in a cap rides on a turtle

On the window, a cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw. Masha is tired of the porridge, Masha has not finished the porridge. Masha, finish your porridge, don’t bother Mom


Soft paws, and scratches in the paws.


Two bellies, four ears.


Small, but not cute to anyone


The little animal is jumping

Not a mouth, but a trap.

Will fall into a trap

And the mosquito and the fly (frog)

Hidden under the floor......

Afraid of cats?