Modeling as a method of cognition. The modeling method and its importance in the development of new technologies and designs. Modeling as a method of scientific knowledge

IN Everyday life, in production, in research, engineering or any other activity, a person is constantly faced with solving problems. All tasks according to their purpose can be divided into two categories: computing tasks the purpose of which is to determine a certain quantity, and functional tasks intended to create a certain apparatus that performs certain actions - functions.

For example, designing a new building requires solving the problem of calculating the strength of its foundation, load-bearing support structures, calculating the financial costs of construction, determining the optimal number of workers, etc. To increase the labor productivity of builders, many functional machines have been created (functional tasks have been solved), such as an excavator, bulldozer, crane, etc.

Computers of the first and second generations were used mainly for solving computational problems: carrying out engineering, scientific, and financial calculations. Starting from the third generation, the scope of computer applications also includes solving functional problems: database maintenance, management, design. A modern computer can be used to solve almost any problem.

Human activity and, in particular, problem solving is inextricably linked with the construction, study and use of models of various objects, processes and phenomena. In his activities - in the practical sphere, artistic, scientific - a person always creates a certain cast, a substitute for the object, process or phenomenon with which he has to deal. This could be a painting, drawing, sculpture, model, mathematical formula, verbal description, etc.

Object(from lat. objectum - object) is called everything that opposes the subject in its practical and cognitive activity, everything that this activity is aimed at. Objects are understood as objects and phenomena, both accessible and inaccessible to human sensory perception, but having a visible influence on other objects (for example, gravity, infrasound or electromagnetic waves). Objective reality, which exists independently of us, is an object for a person in any of his activities and interacts with him. Therefore, an object should always be considered in interaction with other objects, taking into account their mutual influence.

Human activity usually goes in two directions: study properties of an object for the purpose of using (or neutralizing) them; Creation new objects with useful properties. The first direction relates to scientific research and plays a major role in its implementation. hypothesis, i.e. predicting the properties of an object when it is insufficiently studied. The second direction relates to engineering design. In this case, the concept plays an important role analogies– a judgment about any similarity between a known and a designed object. The analogy can be complete or partial. This concept is relative and is determined by the level of abstraction and the purpose of constructing the analogy.

Model(from Latin modulus - sample) of any object, process or phenomenon is called a substitute (image, analogue, representative) used as the original. A model gives us a representation of a real object or phenomenon in some form that is different from the form of its real existence. For example, in a conversation we replace real objects with their names and words. And in this case, the most basic thing is required of the replacing name - to designate the necessary object. Thus, from childhood we are faced with the concept of “model” (the very first model in our life is the pacifier).

A model is a powerful tool of cognition. They resort to creating models when the object under study is either very large (model solar system), or very small (atomic model), when the process proceeds very quickly (internal combustion engine model) or very slowly (geological models), research of an object can lead to its destruction (training grenade) or creating a model is very expensive (architectural model of a city) etc.

Each object has a large number of different properties. In the process of building a model, the main, most significant, properties, those that interest the researcher. In that main feature and the main purpose of the models. Thus, under model is understood as a certain object that replaces the real object under study while preserving its most essential properties.

There is no such thing as just a model; “model” is a term that requires a clarifying word or phrase, for example: model of the atom, model of the Universe. In a sense, a model can be considered an artist’s painting or a theatrical performance (these are models that reflect one side or another spiritual world person).

The study of objects, processes or phenomena by constructing and studying their models to determine or clarify the characteristics of the original is called modeling. Modeling can be defined as the representation of an object by a model in order to obtain information about that object by conducting experiments with its model. The theory of replacing original objects with a model object is called the theory of modeling. The whole variety of modeling methods considered by modeling theory can be divided into two groups: analytical and simulation modeling.

Analytical modeling consists of constructing a model based on a description of the behavior of an object or system of objects in the form of analytical expressions - formulas. With such modeling, an object is described by a system of linear or nonlinear algebraic or differential equations, the solution of which can provide insight into the properties of the object. Analytical or approximate numerical methods are applied to the resulting analytical model, taking into account the type and complexity of the formulas. The implementation of numerical methods is usually entrusted to computing machines with high computing power. However, the application of analytical modeling is limited by the difficulty of obtaining and analyzing expressions for large systems.

Simulation modeling involves building a model with characteristics adequate to the original, based on some of its physical or information principles. It means that external influences on the model and the object cause identical changes in the properties of the original and the model. With such modeling, there is no general high-dimensional analytical model, and the object is represented by a system consisting of elements that interact with each other and with the outside world. By specifying external influences, it is possible to obtain the characteristics of the system and analyze them. IN Lately Simulation modeling is increasingly associated with modeling objects on a computer, which makes it possible to interactively explore models of objects of a wide variety of natures.

If the modeling results are confirmed and can serve as a basis for predicting the behavior of the objects under study, then they say that the model adequate object. The degree of adequacy depends on the purpose and criteria of the modeling.

Main goals of modeling:

7. Understand how a specific object works, what its structure is, basic properties, laws of development and interaction with the outside world (understanding).

8. Learn to manage an object (process) and determine the best ways control at given goals and criteria (management).

9. Predict the direct and indirect consequences of the implementation of specified methods and forms of impact on the object (forecasting).

Almost any modeling object can be represented by a set of elements and connections between them, i.e. be a system that interacts with the external environment. System(from the Greek system - whole) is a purposeful set of interconnected elements of any nature. External environment represents a set of elements of any nature existing outside the system that influence the system or are under its influence. At systematic approach To model, first of all, the purpose of the modeling is clearly defined. Creating a model that is a complete analogue of the original is labor-intensive and expensive, so the model is created for a specific purpose.

Let us note once again that any model is not a copy of an object, but reflects only the most important, essential features and properties, neglecting other characteristics of the object that are unimportant within the framework of the task at hand. For example, a model of a person in biology may be a system striving for self-preservation; in chemistry - an object consisting of various substances; in mechanics, a point with mass. The same real object can be described by different models (in different aspects and with different purposes). And the same model can be considered as a model of completely different real objects (from a grain of sand to a planet).

No model can completely replace the object itself. But when solving specific problems, when we are interested in certain properties of the object being studied, the model turns out to be a useful, simple, and sometimes the only research tool.

Lecture 11_1. "Modeling as a method of cognition"

We are surrounded by extraordinarily interesting and complex world, which a person begins to learn from an early age.

Children's toys are similar to objects in the surrounding world: people, animals, cars, buildings, etc.

By playing various games, children reproduce the relationships that develop in society (“mothers and daughters”, “astronauts”, “hospital”, etc.)

At school, during lessons, various models, dummies, maps, diagrams, and tables are used as visual aids. All this serves to study those objects, phenomena and processes that are difficult or impossible to study directly.

In his professional activity– scientific, practical, artistic – a person also uses models, i.e. creates an image of the object (process or phenomenon) with which he has to deal.

The creation of models is resorted to when the object under study is either very large (solar system model) or very small (atomic model), when the process proceeds very quickly (internal combustion engine model) or very slowly (geological models), the study of the object can lead to its destruction (airplane model) or the creation of an object is very expensive (architectural model of a city), etc.

Thus, the creation and research of models is an integral element of any purposeful activity.

Models allow you to represent in a visual form objects and processes, inaccessible to direct perception.

It is impossible to formulate strict rules for constructing models, but humanity has accumulated a wealth of experience in modeling various objects and processes.

What is a model?

IN real life this term has many meanings:

Model (fr. modele, it. modello, lat. modulus - measure, sample) - This :

    some simplified similarity real object;

    reproduction of an object in a reduced or enlarged form (layout);

    diagram, image or description any phenomenon or process in nature and society;

    physical or information analogue of an object , the functioning of which in certain parameters is similar to the functioning of a real object;

    new object (real, informational or imaginary), different from the original one, which has properties essential for modeling purposes and, within the framework of these purposes, completely replaces the original object.

Visual models are often used in the process training. For example, in a geography course, we get our first ideas about our planet Earth by studying its model - the globe.

Models play an extremely important role in design and the creation of various technical devices, machines and mechanisms, buildings, electrical circuits etc. Without first creating a drawing, it is impossible to make even a simple part, not to mention a complex mechanism.

In the process of designing buildings and structures, in addition to drawings, mock-ups are often made. During the development of aircraft, the behavior of their models in air flows is studied in a wind tunnel.

The development of science is impossible without the creation theoretical models(theories, laws, hypotheses) reflecting the structure, properties and behavior of real objects. The creation of new theoretical models sometimes radically changes humanity’s understanding of the world around us (Copernicus’s heliocentric system of the world, the Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom, the model of the expanding Universe, the model of the human genome).

All artistic creativity is actually the process of creating models. For example, like this literary genre, like a fable, transfers real relationships between people to relationships between animals and actually creates models of human relationships.

Swan, pike and crayfish

When there is no agreement among comrades,
Things won't go well for them,
And nothing will come out of it, only torment.
One day, Swan, Cancer and Pike
They began to carry a cart full of luggage,
And together the three all harnessed themselves to it;
They are doing their best, but the cart is still moving!
The luggage would seem light to them:
Yes, the Swan rushes into the clouds,
The cancer moves back, and the Pike pulls into the water.
Who is to blame and who is right is not for us to judge;
Yes, but things are still there.

What kind of human relationships did Krylov model by transferring the relationships between people to animals?

Almost any literary work can be considered as a model of the real human life. Models that reflect reality in artistic form are also paintings, sculptures, theatrical performances etc.

Not only real objects, but also “abstract, ideal constructions” can serve as models. A typical example is mathematical models. As a result of the activities of mathematicians, logicians and philosophers involved in the study of the foundations of mathematics, the theory of models was created.

Probably the first models that replaced real objects were linguistic signs. They arose during the development of mankind and gradually turned into a spoken language. The first rock paintings (petroglyphs), dating back 200 thousand years, were graphic models that depicted everyday scenes, animals and hunting scenes. The next stage in the development of modeling can be considered the emergence of number systems and numerical signs.

Modeling was developed back in Ancient Greece. In the V-III centuries. BC

e Ptolemy created a geometric model of the solar system, and Hippocrates used the eye of a bull (as a physical model of the eye) to study the structure of the human eye.

Purpose of modeling

· Let's look at a few examples of models created for different purposes:

· simulator for learning to fly an aircraft;

· mannequin for trying on clothes;

· Moscow Kremlin plan

Mendeleev table.

Try to determine for yourself the purpose for which each of the listed models was created, and who can it be useful for?

· As can be seen from the examples, a person creates models of objects that allow solving a wide variety of problems:

· creating objects with specified properties;

· explanation of known facts;

· building hypotheses;

· obtaining new knowledge about the objects under study;

· forecasting;

management, etc. Different sciences study objects and processes from different angles and build Various types models. In physics, the processes of interaction and change of objects are studied, in chemistry - their chemical composition

, in biology, the structure and behavior of living organisms, and so on. Each object has a large number. various properties

No model can replace the object itself. But when solving a specific problem, when we are interested in a certain property of the object being studied, the model turns out to be useful, and sometimes the only research tool.

In the process of building a model, the main, most significant forongoing property research.

For example

: In the process of studying the aerodynamic qualities of an aircraft model in a wind tunnel, it is important that the model has a geometric similarity to the original, but, for example, its color is not important.

Different sciences study objects and processes from different angles and build different types of models. In physics, the processes of interaction and change of objects are studied, in chemistry - their chemical composition, in biology - the structure and behavior of living organisms, and so on. Let's take a person as an example: in different sciences he is studied within the framework of different models. Within the framework of mechanics, it can be considered as a material point, in chemistry - as an object consisting of various chemical substances, in biology - as a system striving for self-preservation. Thus, it can be said that

main purpose of modeling - this is the study and research of the object or phenomenon for which the model is built.


    modeling methods are:

    Shorter duration in time (for example, for economic models).

Disadvantages are:

    Difficulties in constructing an adequate model;

    collecting a large amount of reliable information.

The term “adequacy” (derives from the Latin adaequatus - “equal, equal”) means the correct reproduction in the model of connections and relationships of the objective world. This term characterizes the quality of the created model.

The model is not required to be reliable - in this case, the result will not be a model, but a copy.

The degree of compliance is determined by the goals of the modeling. Excessive resemblance to the original is just as useless as insufficient resemblance.

For example, children's toys are models of real objects. The level of compliance depends on the age of the child. Toys for young children usually model only the shape of an object. For example, a model car for a three- to four-year-old child is adequate if it has a body, a cabin, four rotating wheels and maintains the proportions of a real car. In more complex toys, the interaction between the elements of the original object is simulated: the doors and hood open, the steering elements work. Adequacy of theoretical models to laws real world

verified through tests and experiments.

On the other hand, different objects can be described by one model. Thus, in mechanics, various material bodies (from a planet to a grain of sand) can be considered as material points. - Homework


FGOU VPO "Vologda State Dairy Farming

Academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin"

Department of Philosophy "Model and method of modeling in»

scientific research

Vologda - Dairy 2011


2.1. Concept model

.Classification of models and types of modeling

.Modeling Goals

4.1Basic Simulation Functions Modeling as a tool

4.2experimental research

5.Modeling and the problem of truth

The place of models in the structure of an experiment, a model experiment


Vologda - Dairy 2011

List of sources used A person begins to encounter the modeling process and various models from early childhood. So, not yet learning to walk confidently, the baby begins to play with blocks, constructing various structures (more precisely, models) from them. He is surrounded by a variety of toys, most of which more or less reproduce (model) individual properties

In school, almost all teaching is based on the use of models in one form or another. Indeed, to get acquainted with the basic structures and rules of the native language, various structural diagrams and tables are used, which can be considered models that reflect the properties of the language. The process of writing an essay should be considered as modeling some event or phenomenon using the native language. In biology, physics, chemistry and anatomy lessons, mock-ups (also models) of the real objects being studied are added to posters and diagrams (i.e., models). During drawing or sketching lessons, models of various objects are created on a sheet of paper or whatman paper, expressed in figurative language or in a more formalized drawing language.

Even such a difficultly formalized field of knowledge as history can also be considered a continuous evolving set of models of the past of a people, state, etc. Establishing patterns in the onset of different historical events(revolutions, wars, acceleration or stagnation of historical development), it is possible not only to find out the reasons that led to these events, but also to predict and even manage their appearance and development in the future.

Thus, a model can be considered a painting painted by an artist, piece of art and sculpture. Even life experience a person, his ideas about the world is an example of a model. Moreover, a person’s behavior is determined by the model formed in his mind. A psychologist or teacher, by changing the parameters of such an internal model, is able in some cases to significantly influence a person’s behavior.

Without exaggeration, it can be argued that in his conscious life a person deals exclusively with models of certain real objects, processes, and phenomena. Moreover, the same object is perceived by different people in different ways, sometimes exactly the opposite. This perception, the mental image of an object is also a type of model of the latter (the so-called cognitive model) and significantly depends on many factors: the quality and volume of knowledge, characteristics of thinking, emotional state a specific person “here and now” and from many others, often not accessible to rational awareness. The role of models and simulation is especially important in modern science and technology.

Is it possible to manage technology without using certain types of models? The obvious answer is no! Of course, a new aircraft can be built “from the head” (without preliminary calculations, drawings, experimental samples, i.e. using only a single ideal model that exists in the designer’s thoughts), but it is unlikely to be a sufficiently effective and reliable design. Its only advantage is its uniqueness. After all, even the author will not be able to re-make exactly the same aircraft, since in the process of manufacturing the first copy some experience will be gained that will certainly change the ideal model in the head of the designer himself.

The more complex and reliable a technical product must be, the more larger number types of models will be required at the design stage.

As a rule, complex products are created by entire teams of developers. The entire set of various models they use makes it possible to form an ideal model of the product being developed that is common to the entire team. A real technical product can be considered as a material model (analogue) of the ideal model created by the authors.

The increased interest of philosophy and methodology of cognition in the topic of modeling is caused by the importance that the modeling method has received in modern science, and especially in such branches as physics, chemistry, biology, cybernetics, not to mention many technical sciences.

However, modeling as a specific means and form scientific knowledge is not a 19th or 20th century invention. It is enough to point out the ideas of Democritus and Epicurus about atoms, their shape and methods of connection, about atomic vortices and showers, explanations of the physical properties of various things (and the sensations they cause) using the idea of ​​round and smooth or hooked particles, “interlocked together like branches entwined" (Lucretius), remember that the famous antithesis of the geocentric and heliocentric worldviews was based on two fundamentally different models of the Universe, described in Ptolemy's Almagest and the work of N. Copernicus "On Conversions celestial spheres” to discover the very ancient origins of this method. If you carefully trace the historical development of scientific ideas and methods, it is easy to notice that models have never disappeared from the arsenal of science.

1. Concept model

The word "model" comes from the Latin word "modelium", meaning: measure, method, etc. Its original meaning was associated with the art of construction, and in almost all European languages ​​it was used to denote an image or thing similar in some respect to another thing." According to many authors, the model was used initially as an isomorphic theory (two theories are called isomorphic , if they have structural similarity to each other).

On the other hand, in such natural sciences as astronomy, mechanics, and physics, the term “model” began to be used to refer to what it describes. V.A. Stoff notes that “there are two related, but somewhat different concepts associated with the word “model” here.” A model in a broad sense is understood as a mentally or practically created structure that reproduces part of reality in a simplified and visual form. These are, in particular, Anaximander’s ideas about the Earth as a flat cylinder around which hollow tubes filled with fire with holes rotate. A model in this sense acts as a kind of idealization, a simplification of reality, although the very nature and degree of simplification introduced by the model may change over time. In a narrower sense, the term “model” is used when they want to depict a certain area of ​​phenomena with the help of another, more studied, easier to understand. Thus, physicists of the 18th century tried to depict optical and electrical phenomena using mechanical ones (“planetary model of the atom” - the structure of the atom was depicted as the structure of the solar system). Thus, in these two cases, a model is understood as either a specific image of the object being studied, in which real or assumed properties are displayed, or another object that actually exists along with the object being studied and is similar to it in some respects. certain properties

In many discussions devoted to the epistemological role and methodological significance of modeling, this term was used as a synonym for cognition, theory, hypothesis, etc. For example, a model is often used as a synonym for theory when the theory is not yet sufficiently developed, there are few deductive steps in it, and there are many ambiguities. Sometimes this term is used as a synonym for any quantitative theory or mathematical description. The inconsistency of such use from an epistemological point of view, according to V.A. IIItoff, is that “such word usage does not raise any new epistemological problems that would be specific to models.”

The essential feature that distinguishes a model from a theory (according to I.T. Frolov) is not the level of simplification, not the degree of abstraction, and therefore not the number of these achieved abstractions and abstractions, but the way of expressing these abstractions, simplifications and abstractions, characteristic of the model. In the philosophical literature devoted to modeling issues, various definitions of a model are proposed. Definition of I.T. Frolov: “Modeling means the material or mental imitation of a really existing system by specially constructing analogues (models) in which the principles of organization and functioning of this system are reproduced.” Here the idea is that a model is a means of cognition, its main feature is a display. look, most full definition

The concept of “model” is given by V.A. IIItoff in his book “Modeling and Philosophy”: “A model is understood as such a mentally represented or materially realized system that, displaying or reproducing the object of study, is capable of replacing it so that its study gives us new information about this object." In further consideration of models and the modeling process, we will proceed from the fact that a common property of all models is their ability to reflect reality. Depending on what means, under what conditions, in relation to what objects of cognition it is their general property

is implemented, a wide variety of models arises, and with it the problem of classifying models.

2. Classification of models and types of modeling

In the literature devoted to the philosophical aspects of modeling, various classification criteria are presented, according to which different types of models are distinguished. For example, in (2 p23) the following signs are named:

Construction method (model form);

According to the method of constructing models, there are material and ideal. Let's focus on the group of material models. Despite the fact that these models are created by man, they exist objectively. Their purpose is specific - to reflect spatial properties, dynamics of the processes being studied, dependencies and connections. Material models connected to objects by a relation of analogy.

Material models are inextricably linked with imaginary ones (even before building anything - first a theoretical idea, justification). These models remain mental even if they are embodied in some material form. Most of these models do not pretend to be materially embodied. In form they can be:

Figurative, built from sensually visual elements;

Sign-based, in these models the elements of relationship and properties of the phenomena being modeled are expressed using certain signs;

Mixed, combining the properties of both figurative and iconic models.

The advantages of this classification are that it provides a good basis for analyzing the two main functions of the model:

Practical (as a means of scientific experiment)

Theoretical (as a specific image of reality, which contains elements of the logical and sensual, abstract and concrete, general and individual).

B.A. has another classification. Glinsky in his book “Modeling as a method of scientific research”, where, along with the usual division of models according to the method of their implementation, they are also divided according to the nature of the reproduction of aspects of the original:





Depending on the way the model researcher thinks, his view of the world, and the algebra used, models can take different forms. The use of different mathematical tools subsequently leads to different possibilities in solving problems.

Models can be:

Phenomenological and abstract;

Active and passive;

Static and dynamic;

Discrete and continuous;

Deterministic and stochastic;

Functional and object.

Phenomenological models are strongly tied to a specific phenomenon. Changing situations often make it quite difficult to use the model in new conditions. This happens because when compiling the model it was not possible to build it from the point of view of similarity internal structure modeled system. The phenomenological model conveys external similarity.

An abstract model reproduces a system from the point of view of its internal device, copies it more accurately. It has more capabilities and a wider class of problems to solve.

Active models interact with the user; They can not only, as passive ones, provide answers to the user’s questions when he asks for it, but they themselves activate the dialogue, change its line, and have their own goals. All this happens due to the fact that active models can change themselves.

Static models describe phenomena without development. Dynamic models trace the behavior of systems, so they use in their recording, for example, differential equations, derivatives of time.

Discrete and continuous models. Discrete models change the state of variables abruptly because they do not have a detailed description of the relationship between causes and effects; part of the process is hidden from the researcher.

Continuous models are more accurate and contain information about the details of the transition.

Deterministic and stochastic models. If the effect is precisely determined by the cause, then the model represents the process deterministically. If, due to lack of knowledge of the details, it is not possible to accurately describe the relationship of causes and effects, and only a general, statistical description is possible (which often happens for complex systems), then the model is built using the concept of probability.

Distributed, structural, lumped models. If a parameter describing a property of an object has the same value at any of its points (although it can change over time!), then this is a system with lumped parameters. If the parameter accepts different meanings V different points object, then they say that it is distributed, and the model that describes the object is distributed. Sometimes a model copies the structure of an object, but the parameters of the object are concentrated, then the model is structural.

Functional and object models. If the description comes from the point of view of behavior, then the model is built on a functional basis. If the description of each object is separated from the description of another object, if the properties of the object are described, from which its behavior follows, then the model is object-oriented.

Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. Different mathematical apparatus have different capabilities (power) to solve problems, different needs in computing resources. The same object can be described different ways. An engineer must competently apply one or another concept based on current conditions and the problem facing him.

The above classification is ideal. Models of complex systems usually have a complex form and use several representations at once. If it is possible to reduce a model to one type, for which the algebra has already been formulated, then the study of the model and the solution of problems on it are significantly simplified and become standard. To do this, the model must be reduced to canonical form, that is, to the type for which algebra and its methods have already been formulated. Depending on the type of model used (algebraic, differential, graphs, etc.) different stages her research uses various mathematical tools.

Now let's move on to consider issues directly related to the modeling itself. "Modeling? a method of studying objects of knowledge on their models; constructing and studying models of real-life objects and phenomena (organic and inorganic systems, engineering devices, various processes? physical, chemical, biological, social) and constructed objects to determine or improve their characteristics, rationalization of methods of their construction, management, etc." (8 p421). Modeling can be:

Subject-based (study of the basic geometric, dynamic, functional characteristics of an object on a model);

Physical (playback physical processes);

Subject-based mathematical (study of a physical process through experimental study of any phenomena of a different physical nature, but described by the same mathematical relationships as the process being modeled);

Sign (calculation modeling, abstract - mathematical).

3. Modeling goals

A well-built model, as a rule, is more accessible, more informative and more convenient for the researcher than a real object. Let's consider the main goals pursued when modeling in the scientific field. The most important and most common purpose of models is their use in the study of predicting behavior. complex processes and phenomena. It should be borne in mind that some objects and phenomena cannot be studied directly at all. For example, wide-scale full-scale experiments with the country’s economy or with the health of its population (although both are carried out and implemented with a certain periodicity). Experiments with the past of any state or people are fundamentally impossible ( History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood ). It is impossible (at least at present) to conduct an experiment to directly study the structure of stars. Many experiments are not feasible due to their high cost or risk for humans or their environment. As a rule, at present, all third-party preliminary studies of various models of a phenomenon precede any complex experiments. Moreover, experiments on models using a computer make it possible to develop a plan for full-scale experiments, find out the required characteristics of the measuring equipment, outline the period for carrying out observations, and also estimate the cost of such an experiment. Another, no less important, purpose of models is that with their help, the most significant factors that form certain properties of an object are identified, since the model itself reflects only some of the basic characteristics of the original object, the consideration of which is necessary when studying a particular process or phenomenon . For example, by studying the motion of a massive body in the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface, based on known experimental data and preliminary physical analysis, one can find out that acceleration significantly depends on mass and geometric shape of this body (in particular, on the size of the cross section of the object transverse to the direction of movement), to a certain extent on the surface roughness, but does not depend on the color of the surface. When considering the motion of the same body upper layers atmospheres where air resistance can be neglected, both the shape and surface roughness become insignificant.

Of course, the model of any real process or phenomenon is “poorer” than itself as an objectively existing one (process, phenomenon). In the same time good model"richer" than what is meant by reality, since in complex systems A person (or a group of people), as a rule, is not able to understand the entire set of connections “at once.” The model allows you to “play” with it: enable or disable certain connections, change them in order to understand their importance for the behavior of the system as a whole.

The model allows you to learn how to properly control an object by testing various control options. Using a real object for this is often risky or simply impossible. For example, it is safer, faster and cheaper to gain the first skills in flying a modern aircraft on a simulator (i.e. a model) than to put yourself and an expensive car at risk.

If the properties of an object change over time, then the task of predicting the states of such an object under the influence of various factors. For example, when designing and operating any complex technical device, it is desirable to be able to predict changes in the reliability of operation of both individual subsystems and the entire device as a whole.

So, the model is needed in order to:

) understand how a specific object is structured: what is its structure, internal connections, basic properties, laws of development, self-development and interaction with environment;

) learn to manage an object or process, determine the best methods of management for given goals and criteria;

3) predict direct and indirect consequences of the implementation of specified methods and forms of influence on the object.

simulation science experiment

4. Basic modeling functions

1 Modeling as a means of experimental research

Considering material models as tools experimental activities raises the need to find out how those experiments that use models differ from those that do not. The transformation of experiment into one of the main forms of practice, which occurred in parallel with the development of science, became a fact since the widespread use of natural science in production became possible, which in turn was the result of the first industrial revolution, which ushered in the era of machine production. Specifics of experiment as a form practical activities is that the experiment expresses a person’s active attitude to reality. Because of this, in Marxist epistemology a clear distinction is made between experiment and scientific knowledge. Although every experiment also includes observation as a necessary stage of research. However, in addition to observation, the experiment also contains such an essential feature for revolutionary practice as active intervention in the course of the process being studied. “An experiment is understood as a type of activity undertaken for the purpose of scientific knowledge, the discovery of objective laws and consisting in influencing the object (process) under study using special tools and devices.” .

There is a special form of experiment, which is characterized by the use of existing material models as special means of experimental research. This form is called a model experiment. Unlike an ordinary experiment, where the experimental means interact in one way or another with the object of study, there is no interaction here, since they are not experimenting with the object itself, but with its substitute. In this case, the substitute object and the experimental setup are combined and merged into a single whole in the current model. Thus, the dual role that the model plays in the experiment is revealed: it is both an object of study and an experimental tool. A model experiment, according to a number of authors, is characterized by the following basic operations:

The transition from a natural object to a model - building a model (modeling in the proper sense of the word);

Experimental study of the model;

The transition from a model to a natural object, consisting in transferring the results obtained during the study to this object.

The model enters into the experiment, not only replacing the object of research, it can also replace the conditions under which some object of a conventional experiment is studied. An ordinary experiment assumes the presence of a theoretical moment only at the initial moment of the study - putting forward a hypothesis, its evaluation, etc., as well as at the final stage - discussion and interpretation of the data obtained, their generalization. In a model experiment, it is also necessary to substantiate the similarity relationship between the model and a natural object and the possibility of extrapolating the data obtained to this object. V.A. IIItoff in his book "Modeling and Philosophy" says that theoretical basis model experiment, mainly in the field of physical modeling, is the theory of similarity. It gives modeling rules for cases when the model and nature have the same (or almost the same) physical nature (2 p31). But at present, the practice of modeling has expanded beyond a relatively limited range of mechanical phenomena. The emerging mathematical models, which differ in their physical nature from the modeled object, made it possible to overcome limited opportunities physical modeling. In mathematical modeling, the basis for the model-nature relationship is a generalization of the theory of similarity that takes into account the qualitative heterogeneity of the model and the object, and their belonging to different forms of matter motion. This generalization takes the form of more abstract theory isomorphism of systems.

4.2 Modeling and the problem of truth

An interesting question is what role does modeling itself play in the process of proving truth and searching for true knowledge. What should be understood by the truth of a model? If truth in general is “the correlation of our knowledge with objective reality” (2 p178), then the truth of a model means the correspondence of the model to the object, and the falsity of the model means the absence of such correspondence. Such a definition is necessary, but not sufficient. Further clarification is required, based on taking into account the conditions on the basis of which a model of one type or another reproduces the phenomenon being studied. For example, the conditions for the similarity of a model and an object in mathematical modeling based on physical analogies, which presuppose identity when the physical processes in the model and the object differ mathematical form, in which their general patterns are expressed, are more general, more abstract. Thus, when constructing certain models, they always deliberately abstract from certain aspects, properties and even relationships, due to which, the similarity between the model and the original in a number of parameters is obviously allowed. Thus, Rutherford’s planetary model of the atom turned out to be true within the framework of the study of the electronic structure of the atom, and J. J. Thompson’s model turned out to be false, since its structure did not coincide with the electronic structure. Truth is a property of knowledge, and objects material world not true, not false, just existing. The model implements two types of knowledge:

Knowledge of the model itself (its structure, processes, functions) as a system created for the purpose of reproducing a certain object;

The theoretical knowledge with which the model was built.

Bearing in mind precisely the theoretical considerations and methods underlying the construction of the model, one can raise questions about how accurately this model reflects the object and how completely it reflects it. In this case, the idea arises of the comparability of any human-made object with similar natural objects and about the truth of this subject. But this makes sense only if such objects are created with the special purpose of depicting, copying, or reproducing certain features of a natural object. Thus, we can say that truth is inherent in material models:

Due to their connection with certain knowledge;

Due to the presence (or absence) of isomorphism of its structure with the structure of the simulated process or phenomenon;

due to the relationship of the model to the modeled object, which makes it part of cognitive process and allows you to solve certain cognitive problems.

“And in this respect, the material model is epistemologically secondary, acting as an element of epistemological reflection” (2 p180).

A model can be considered not only as a tool for checking whether such connections, relationships, structures, patterns that are formulated in a given theory and implemented in the model really exist. The successful operation of the model is a practical proof of the truth of the theory, that is, it is part of the experimental proof of the truth of this theory.

5. Place of models in the structure of the experiment, model experiment

It may seem that every well-constructed experiment involves the use of a valid model. In fact, since in an experimental setup a phenomenon is studied in its “pure” form and the results obtained characterize not only this single phenomenon in a single experiment, but also other phenomena of this class, to which the results of the experiment are transferred in some way, this phenomenon can be considered in a certain sense, a model for other phenomena of the same class. However, this is not so, because the relationship between the phenomena that is studied in a given single experiment and other phenomena in the same area is a relationship of identity, not analogy, while it is the latter that is essential for the model relationship. Therefore, a special one should be highlighted! a form of experiment, which is characterized by the use of existing material models as special means of experimental research. This form of experiment is called a model experiment or simulation.

A significant difference between a model experiment and a conventional one is its unique structure. While in an ordinary experiment the means of experimental research directly interact in one way or another with the object of study, in a model experiment there is no such interaction, since here they are not experimenting with the object itself, but with its substitute. At the same time, it is noteworthy that the substitute object and the experimental setup are combined and merged into one whole in the current model. “Modeling,” writes academician L.I. Sedov, “is the replacement of studying a phenomenon of interest to us in nature by studying a similar phenomenon on a smaller or larger scale model, usually in special laboratory conditions. The main point of modeling is that, based on the results of experiments with models, it is possible to give the necessary answers about the nature of the effects and about the various quantities associated with the phenomenon in natural conditions.”

In this regard, let us consider in more detail the structure of the model experiment using a specific example. For this purpose, let us take a model of the movement of gases in a steam boiler. Such a model is constructed and studied as follows. From industrial tests of the boiler-object, some data and parameters are obtained, presented in the form of characteristic quantities. Using appropriate theoretical means (logical rules, mathematical tools, rules and criteria of similarity theory), the model is calculated, which makes it possible to resolve the issue of optimal conditions for its design (dimensions, physical nature modeling elements, choice of materials, methods and purposes of its subsequent research). Thus, the first stage is a theoretical calculation of the model, theoretical considerations about the tasks, goals and methods of subsequent experimentation with it. The next step is to create the model itself. Next, observations are made, measurements of the necessary parameters, changes and variations of conditions, repetition of the operating conditions of the model itself, etc.

For example, studying the model of gas movement in a boiler is as follows. Not limiting themselves to simple observation, which is clearly not enough, they take photographs using special lighting and create line drawings, which, although they bear the imprint of subjectivity, are still distinguished by great simplicity and clarity. To improve the conditions for observing the movement of liquid through tubes, various methods of tinting it are used. Then measurements are made of pressure or speed of movement of water or gases, liquid flow, temperature, amount of heat, etc.

Thus, at the new stage of the experiment, when the model is built, the subjective activity of the experimenter continues, but new aspects related to the objective side of the experiment are added - the model itself (i.e., some experimental setup) and technical means(lamps, screens, cameras, chemical substances, thermometers, calorimeters and others measuring instruments), with the help of which observations and measurements are carried out. All these means that are used when studying a model are material means that characterize the objective side of any experiment. But here, in addition to them, the model itself, in our case, the model of a steam boiler, belongs to the objective side.

It is legitimate to ask the question: what is the place of the model in the experiment? It is clear that it is part of the epistemological object, as well as the means of experimental research, but is it entirely part of the latter or is it something different from them?

On the one hand, it is obvious that the model is not built as an end in itself, but as a means of studying some other object that it replaces, with which it is in certain relations of similarity or correspondence. The researcher is not interested in the properties of the model in themselves, but only insofar as their study allows one to judge the properties of another object and obtain some information about it. This subject acts as a genuine object of study, and in relation to it, the model is only a means of experimental research. On the other hand, in this experiment the model is the subject of study. The mode of its operation is being studied certain conditions, not only visual observations are carried out on it, but its parameters are also measured using special instruments. It is subjected to certain causal influences, and the experimenter records the reaction of this system to these systematic influences, etc. In a word, in this experiment the model is studied as a certain object of study, and in this respect it is the object of study.

Thus, a dual role is revealed that the model plays in an experiment: it is both an object of study (since it replaces another, genuine object) and an experimental tool (since it is a means of cognition of this object).

Due to the dual role of the model, the structure of the experiment; changes significantly and becomes more complex. If in an ordinary, or full-scale, experiment, the object of study and the device were in direct interaction, since the experimenter, using the device, directly influenced the object being studied, then in a model experiment, the experimenter’s attention is focused on studying the model, which is now subject to all kinds of influences and is studied using devices . The actual object of study is not directly involved in the experiment itself.

A model experiment is characterized by the following basic operations: 1) transition from a natural object to a model - building a model (modeling in the proper sense of the word); 2) experimental study of the model; 3) transition from a model to a full-scale object, consisting in transferring the results obtained during the study to this object.

A model enters an experiment, not only replacing the object of study, it can also replace the conditions under which some object of a conventional experiment is studied.

Due to the fact that in a model experiment it is not the object of study itself that is studied, but its substitute, the question naturally arises on what basis and within what limits it is possible to transfer the data obtained from the model to the simulated object. This issue is resolved depending on the characteristics of various groups of material models.

Regardless of the final conclusion about the cognitive capabilities of model experiments, one should immediately pay attention to the fact that in the structure of these experiments the role of theory is significantly strengthened as a necessary link connecting the setting up of the experiment and its results with the object of research. If an ordinary experiment assumes the presence of a theoretical moment in the initial stage of the experiment - the emergence of a problem, the formulation and evaluation of a hypothesis, the derivation of consequences, theoretical considerations related to the design experimental setup, and also at the final stage - discussion and interpretation of the data obtained, their generalization, then in a model experiment, in addition, it is necessary to theoretically substantiate the relationship between the model and the natural object. Without this justification, a model experiment loses its specific cognitive significance, because it ceases to be a source of information about a real, or natural, object. Thus, in a model experiment the theoretical side is represented much more strongly than in a regular experiment; it is even more a combination of theory and practice.

Although the model experiment expands the possibilities of experimental study of a number of objects, in the circumstance just noted one cannot help but notice some weakness of this method in comparison with conventional experiment. The inclusion of theory (the conscious activity of the subject) as a link connecting the model and the object can become a source of errors, which reduces the evidentiary power of the model experiment. However, the unlimited possibilities for the practical study of the properties, behavior, and patterns of objects that are inaccessible for some reason for ordinary direct experimentation, the possibility of discovering new ways to expand the scope of human cognition through the use of a model experiment indicate its advantages over direct experiment.

Since in a model experiment a model is directly examined, and the research results are transferred to the modeled object, the theoretical justification for the right to this transfer is prerequisite and an integral part of such an experiment. Therefore, the description of the theoretical means by which the transfer of the results of model research to the “real” object of study is ensured is a necessary component of the description of the essence of any model experiment.

The place of models in the structure of an experiment, a model experiment

In connection with the above, it seems appropriate to conclude that the modeling method is one of the most acceptable adequate, objective and reliable methods of scientific research, allowing the most objective and comprehensive analysis of many phenomena or processes in most sciences with minimal losses and risk.

This abstract analyzes modern views on the concept of modeling, both from a practical and methodological point of view. An attempt has been made to understand the theoretical and philosophical aspects of measurement as a cognitive process.

In my understanding, the main task of this work is to comprehend the role that modeling played and plays in the development of science and technology in the historical aspect, to identify the philosophical basis of modeling.

All of the above is necessary for the adequate and fruitful use of models and simulations in the process of conducting experimental work and their mathematical processing in the study of the processes considered in my scientific research.


1.<#"justify">2. Shtoff V.A. Modeling and philosophy. M.: “Science”, 1966.

Vedenov A.A. Modeling the elements of thinking. M.: “Science”, 1988.

Kochergin A.N. Modeling thinking. M.: “Science”, 1969.

Frolov I.T. Epistemological problems of modeling. M.: “Science”, 1961.

Batoroev K.B. Cybernetics and the method of analogies. M.: " graduate School", 1974.

Bir S. Cybernetics and production management. M.: “Science”, 1965.

Experiment. Model. Theory. M. - Berlin: “Science”, 1982.

9. Mukhin O.I. Electronic resource.

Sedov L.I. Methods of similarity and dimension in mechanics. M.: "GITTLE", 1957.

Shtoff. V.A. Modeling and philosophy. M.-L., “Science”, 1965.

Shtoff V.A. Introduction to the methodology of scientific knowledge. Ed. Leningrad University, 1972.


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Model - a formalized representation of a real object, process or phenomenon, expressed by various means: mathematical ratios, numbers, texts, graphs, drawings, verbal description, material object. The model must reflect the essential features of the object, phenomenon or process being studied.

Modeling is a method of cognition consisting in the creation and study of models.

Modeling goals:

1. Understand the essence of the object being studied;

2. Learn to manage an object and determine the best methods of management;

3. Predict direct or indirect consequences;

4. Solve applied problems.

2. Classification and forms of presentation of models

Depending on the task at hand, the method of creating the model and subject area There are many types of models:

· By area of ​​use There are educational, experimental, game, simulation, and research models.

· According to the time factor There are static and dynamic models.

· According to presentation form models can be mathematical, geometric, verbal, logical, special (notes, chemical formulas and so on.).

· By presentation method models are divided into informational (intangible, abstract) and material. Information models, in turn, are divided into sign and verbal, sign models into computer and non-computer.

Information model is a set of information that characterizes the properties and state of an object, process or phenomenon.

Verbal model- information model in mental or conversational form.

Iconic model- an information model expressed by special signs, that is, by means of any formal language.

Mathematical model– a system of mathematical relationships that describe a process or phenomenon.

Computer model - mathematical model, expressed by means of the software environment.

Experienced models these are reduced or enlarged copies of the designed object. They are also called full-scale and are used to study an object and predict its future characteristics.

Scientific and technical models are created to study processes and phenomena.

Simulation models do not simply reflect reality with varying degrees of accuracy, but imitate it. The experiment is either repeated many times to study and evaluate the consequences of any actions on the real situation, or is carried out simultaneously with many other similar objects, but placed under different conditions. Similar selection method the right decision called by trial and error.

Static model it’s like a one-time snapshot of information on an object.

A dynamic model allows you to see changes in an object over time.

As can be seen from the examples, it is possible to study the same object using both static and dynamic models.

Material models can otherwise be called objective, physical. They reproduce geometric and physical properties original and always have a real embodiment.

Information models cannot be touched or seen with your own eyes; they have no material embodiment, because they are built only on information. This modeling method is based on an information approach to studying the surrounding reality.

Topic 1. Modeling as a method of cognition


1. Model, simulation

2. Classification of models. Material and information models

1.Model, simulation

American science fiction writer Ray Bradbury has a story called “A Sound of Thunder.” It tells the story of a company that organizes travel 60 million years into the past. All visitors to the past must move only along a specially laid path, because one careless step can already disrupt subsequent History. Through the mouth of one of the company’s employees it is described as follows:

“Suppose we accidentally killed a mouse here. This means that all future descendants of this mouse will not exist... You will destroy not one, but a million mice... But what about the foxes, for which these mice were needed? If ten mice are not enough, one fox will die. Ten less foxes - the lion will die of hunger... And here's the result: after 59 million years, a caveman, one of the dozen that inhabit the whole world, goes hunting for a wild boar or a saber-toothed tiger. But you, having crushed one mouse, crushed all the tigers in these places. And the caveman dies of hunger... This is the death of a billion of his descendants. Maybe Rome will not appear on its seven hills..."

In vain one of the heroes of the story begged to be returned to 60 million years ago in order to revive the butterfly he accidentally crushed. He ended up in a completely different History and died.

This, of course, is just a fantasy, a fairy tale, a situation simulated by the author, but it contains a hint to all of us how careful we should be in our communication with nature. How often our decisions turn out to be ill-considered: either we suddenly decide to destroy all the wolves, which supposedly bring only harm, or we populate the entire continent with rabbits (this happened in Australia) and then we don’t know how to get rid of them. Every time we want to return to that fateful moment and take what we think is a more correct step. But this, alas, is impossible - there is no time machine that would take us back to the past.

There is, however, a “time machine” that allows you to look into the future, analyze, simulate a process, a situation - this is science.

Let's look at an example from life. In 1870, the British Admiralty launched the new battleship Captain. The ship went out to sea and capsized. The ship was lost, 523 people were killed.

This was completely unexpected for everyone. For everyone except one person. He was the English shipbuilding scientist W. Reed, who previously conducted research on a model of the battleship and found that the ship would capsize even with slight waves. But the lords from the Admiralty did not believe the scientist who was doing some “frivolous” experiments with a “toy”. And the irreparable happened.

We encounter various models back in early childhood: A toy car, airplane or boat was a favorite toy for many, as was a teddy bear or doll. Children often model (play with blocks, an ordinary stick replaces a horse, etc.).

In the development of a child, in the process of his cognition of the world around him, such toys, which are essentially models of real objects, play an important role. In adolescence, for many, the passion for aircraft modeling, ship modeling, and creating toys with their own hands that are similar to real objects influences the choice of life path. Models and simulations have been used by humanity for a long time. In fact, it was precisely models and model relationships that determined the emergence spoken languages, writing, graphics. Rock paintings of our ancestors, then paintings and books are model, informational forms of transferring knowledge about the world around us to subsequent generations.

Let's try to understand what a model is.

It would seem that what is common between a toy boat and a drawing on a computer screen depicting a complex mathematical abstraction? And yet there is something in common: in both cases we have an image of a real object, which is a “substitute” for some original, reproducing the original with varying degrees of reliability or detail. In other words: A model is a representation of an object in some form that is different from the form of its real existence.

In almost all sciences about nature (living and nonliving) and society, the construction and use of models are a powerful tool of knowledge. Real objects and processes can be so multifaceted and complex that the best way to study them is this: to build a model that reflects only some facet of reality and therefore incomparably simpler than this reality, and to study this model first. Centuries of experience in the development of science have proven in practice the fruitfulness of this approach. The model is an invaluable and indisputable assistant to engineers and scientists.

Here are a few examples, explaining what a model is.

The architect is preparing to build building of a type never seen before. But before he builds it, he builds this building made of cubes on the table, to see what it will look like. This building model.

To explain how it works circulatory system, lecturer demonstrates poster with diagram, on which arrows depict the direction of blood movement. This model of the functioning of the circulatory system.

Hanging on the wall painting, depicting apple orchard in bloom. This apple orchard model.

A literary genre, such as a fable or parable, is directly related to the concept of a model, since the meaning of this genre is to transfer relationships between people to relationships between animals.

Let's try to understand what the role of models is in the examples given.

Of course, an architect could build a building without first experimenting with cubes. But he's not sure the building will look good enough. If it turns out to be ugly, then for many years it will be a silent reproach to its creator. It's better to experiment with cubes.

Of course, the lecturer could use a detailed anatomical atlas for demonstration. But he does not need such a level of detail when studying the circulatory system. Moreover, it interferes with learning because it prevents you from focusing on the main thing. It is much more effective to use a poster.

Naturally, walking in a fragrant apple orchard, you can get the richest emotional impressions. But if we live on Far North and we don’t have the opportunity to see the apple orchard in bloom, we can look at the picture and imagine this garden.

In all of the listed examples, there is a comparison of some object with another that replaces it: a real building is a construction made of cubes; circulatory system - diagram on a poster; apple orchard - a painting depicting it.

So, let's give the following definition of the model:

Model - This is a material or mentally imagined object that, in the process of study, replaces the original object, preserving some typical features of this original that are important for this study.

Or you can say it in other words: model - it is a simplified representation of a real object, process or phenomenon.

The model allows you to learn how to properly control an object by testing various control options on a model of this object. To experiment with a real object for these purposes is, at best, inconvenient, and, as a rule, simply harmful or even impossible due to a number of reasons (the long duration of the experiment in time, the risk of bringing the object into an undesirable and irreversible state, etc.)

So, let's draw conclusions: The model is needed in order to:

Understand how a specific object is structured - what are its structure, basic properties, laws of development and interaction with the outside world;

Learn to manage an object or process and determine the best management methods for given goals and criteria (optimization);

Predict direct and indirect consequences of implementing specified methods and forms of impact on the object.

No model can replace the phenomenon itself, but when solving a problem, when we are interested in a certain property of the process or phenomenon being studied, the model turns out to be useful, and sometimes the only tool for research and knowledge.

Modeling refers to both the process of building a model and the process of studying the structure and properties of the original using the constructed model.

Modeling technology requires the researcher to be able to identify problems and pose problems, predict research results, make reasonable estimates, identify major and minor factors for building models, select analogies and mathematical formulations, solve problems using computer systems, and analyze computer experiments.

Modeling skills are very important for a person in his daily activities. They help to wisely plan your daily routine, study, work, choose the best options if you have a choice, and successfully resolve various life problems.

Material (subject, physical) usually called modeling, at which real object its enlarged or reduced copy is compared, allowing research (usually in laboratory conditions) using the subsequent transfer of the properties of the processes and phenomena being studied from the model to the object based on the theory of similarity.

Examples: in astronomy - a planetarium, in architecture - building models, in aircraft engineering - models of aircraft.

Fundamentally different from material modeling perfect modeling, which is not based on material analogies between object and model, A on ideal, thinking.