The countdown has begun. The Earth's magnetic field is being destroyed. Scientists have recorded strange changes in the earth's magnetic fields. What happens if you destroy the earth's magnetic field

The situation in the South Atlantic Anomaly forces scientists to rethink the situation and the ongoing processes.

The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. This is what causes compasses to point north, and protects our atmosphere from the constant bombardment from space of charged particles such as protons.

WITH certain frequency the magnetic field is reversed. North points to south and vice versa. And when the poles reverse, the magnetic field also tends to become very weak. Scientists are tracking it dangerous weakening Earth's magnetic field.

Without a magnetic field, our atmosphere would be slowly destroyed by harmful radiation, and life would almost certainly cease to exist as we know it today.

It may seem to you that the magnetic field is something constant, an integral part of life on Earth, and to some extent you will be right. But the Earth's magnetic field is currently changing.

What is currently galvanizing geophysicists is the realization that the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been declining at an alarming rate over the past 160 years. This collapse is concentrated in a vast area of ​​the southern hemisphere, stretching from Zimbabwe to Chile, in a place known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. The magnetic field strength has weakened so much that there is a danger for satellites flying above this area - the field no longer protects them from radiation, which interferes with the operation of satellite electronics.

And the field continues to weaken even further, potentially heralding even more dramatic events, including a global reversal of the magnetic poles. This significant change will affect our navigation systems as well as the transmission of electricity. Spectacle northern lights can be observed at different latitudes. And because even more radiation will reach the Earth's surface at very low field strengths during the global reversal, this could also lead to an increase in cancer rates. We still do not fully understand the severity of these effects, which increases the relevance of our research. We now turn to some perhaps unexpected sources of data, including 700 years of African archaeological records, to understand them.

Magnetic field in motion

Sampling of sites in the Limpopo River valley yields first ancient geomagnetic history South Africa between 1000 and 1600 A.D. What we found shows that in the past, around 1300 AD, the magnetic field in this area was contracting just as quickly as it is today. The intensity then increased, although at a much slower pace.

The appearance of two intervals of rapid field decay - one 700 years ago and until today - suggests a recurrent phenomenon. Is it possible that the pattern of reverse movement currently observed within South Africa occurs regularly and has happened before, which is not in our records? If so, why shouldn't it happen again in this place?

Traditional Pole Shift Idea

The traditional idea of ​​inversions is that they can start anywhere in the nucleus. Our conceptual model suggests there may be special locations at the core-mantle boundary that promote reversals. We don't yet know for sure whether the current weakening of the field will last for the next few thousand years, or just continue for the next two centuries.

But the evidence provided by the ancestors of modern South Africans will undoubtedly help us further develop our proposed mechanism for a pole reversal.

If everything is correct and happens as we believe, then pole reversals may come from “Africa.”

A team of European researchers compared Current state Earth's magnetic field with its turbulent geological past and found that the current signs of magnetic field disruption are not similar to those that preceded previous pole shifts.

The current situation is reminiscent of events 49,000 years ago and 46,000 years ago - when there was some significant weakening in the strength of the magnetic field, but without a sharp shift in the poles. However, scientists still have many questions about what will happen next to the magnetic field.

The magnetic field inherently provides comfortable conditions for life on our planet. It protects the Earth from cosmic radiation and solar storms. In other words, if we didn't have a magnetic field, the Earth would probably look like a red wasteland, and it's unlikely that life would have evolved as much on our planet.

Moreover, this shielding effect deflects charged particles from the solar wind and prevents malfunctions on orbiting satellites important for GPS navigation, communications, and meteorology.

Current magnetic north and magnetic south are close to the geographic poles. Since direct observations began in the 19th century, scientists have observed that the field's strength has weakened by about 5 percent every 100 years, at least for the last two millennia.

Of particular interest is the "South Atlantic Anomaly" - an inexplicably weak part of the field where charged particles are strongly deflected and can cause serious damage to satellites.

The team decided to study several different periods of the magnetic field. Although the current anomaly in the South Atlantic is strange, the magnetic field at 49,000 and 46,000 years was similar without any extreme events. In all cases, after the anomalies, the field was stabilized by strong poles over several thousand years.

So, it is unlikely that we will see a polar reversal. " General conclusion is consistent with other recent studies that show that the current decline in field strength is not caused by an accelerated field shift,” says Maund. "The field strength fluctuates quite a bit over time, and there is nothing unusual about the relationship between the current strength and the rate of change."

Phil Livermore, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds, is a bit optimistic. He points out that there is no new evidence that the current weakening will end, especially since we still don't know what causes it.

While the history of the magnetic field provides useful insight into how it works and behaves, none of this research actually helps us predict the future. They just point out the large number of options.

Should we worry? Kurgan doesn't think: "The rate of change is slow enough that we can soften the blows." But he cautions that we don't know enough about what exactly those impacts will be.

It envelops everything on the planet, from the smallest magnets to our entire Earth, and is found even in space. Although we already know a lot about the magnetic field of our planet, it still holds many mysteries and exhibits strange phenomena.

Recent discoveries have shown us especially clearly how little is still known about geomagnetism and how these magnetic force lines affect not only our brains, but are even involved in the creation of legendary wormholes. Sometimes, somewhere far beyond the Earth's atmosphere, magnetic fields are created and then they themselves solve very interesting mysteries...

10. Magnetic moths

Australian animals are some of the strangest creatures on the planet. And now this mainland state can add the world's first magnetic moth to its list of wonders. The strange species was named Agrotis infusa or Bogon moth, and this creature is unique in that it is the first nocturnal insect to use the Earth's magnetic field during migration.

The discovery was made in 2018, and before it, scientists for a long time could not understand how exactly billions of such moths traveled a distance of almost 1000 kilometers, and always returned to the same caves in the Australian states of New South Wales and Victoria (New South Wales, Victoria). As a result, the solution was found after conducting experiments on several of these insects in special insulated rooms. It turned out that the Bogon moth uses a magnetic field for navigation, and it usually compares it with certain landmarks on the ground. If one of the conditions disappears, the insect loses its way and does not understand where to follow.

This is very interesting discovery, although it did not help scientists understand exactly how migratory birds and other animals that migrate over long distances use our planet’s magnetosphere. According to one interesting theory light rays affect certain abilities of birds at a quantum level. Birds probably navigate best magnetically when their eyes perceive light. During daylight hours, an electrical signal arises in the bird’s brain at the molecular level, which helps the animal recognize the magnetic field. However, bogon moths are nocturnal, so their mode of navigation probably works quite differently.

9. Epicenter of the geomagnetic field reversal

Photo: Live Science

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening and thinning, and it is thinnest now in the area between South Africa and Chile, for which this zone was even called the South Atlantic Anomaly. The researchers decided to take a closer look at this region in the hope that there they would find the answer to the question of why the entire magnetic field of our planet began to weaken.

In 2018, experts discovered another anomaly, and this time it stretched from South Africa to Botswana. When the Iron Age people built their clay houses here, the fire preserved magnetic minerals in the clay in such a way that the state of the geomagnetic field of those years could be determined from these artifacts. Over the course of 1500 years, the electromagnetic field in this part of the world either thinned out, then completely changed its direction, then compressed, then protruded outward above general scheme power lines.

All these changes gave scientists reason to believe that the South Atlantic Anomaly had occurred before, and each time it was a harbinger of a change in the poles of the Earth's magnetic field. If this is indeed the case, then an unusual area in the South African region could be the very place where these major changes begin.

The current thinning of our planet's magnetic field can lead to 2 different scenarios. Either another polarity reversal will occur, or the field will again become denser to prevent a change in vectors. The second option is much better, since a weak magnetic field is not able to protect us from a strong one. ultraviolet radiation sufficiently. It could all start with regular outages in power grids, which, if thinned, would become too vulnerable to geomagnetic storms, and would continue with much more unpleasant consequences.

8. The mystery of the bow shock wave

Photo: Live Science

The Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of approximately 108 thousand kilometers per hour. Just like the bow of a ship cutting through the water as it passes, our planet's magnetic field guides us through the extremely hot solar wind constantly produced by our star.

For a long time, researchers believed that this bow shock wave around the Earth was the reason why the solar wind usually dissipates, reaching the surface of our home planet as a gentle breeze rather than a sizzling element. Without this mysterious process, our Earth would have been charred long ago. However, all the details of what is happening are still not fully understood.

In 2018, one thing was probably done very important discovery. It turns out that the Earth's magnetic field destroys the sun's electrons. When scientists analyzed satellite data collected in the collision zone between the geomagnetic field and the sun, they were amazed at how the field was literally tearing apart the stellar wind.

When the supersonic solar wind reaches the Earth's bow shock region, the electrons are accelerated so strongly that they simply fall apart. As a result, the destructive energy of the solar wind is transformed into less dangerous heat.

7. New magnetic environment


The fight between solar wind and our magnetosphere does not fully save the Earth from solar radiation. The decay of stellar wind particles is clearly a large load on our magnetic field, and as a result, its field lines are periodically broken. When one of these lines breaks, the energy absorbed by the solar wind field is released, causing problems with electrical grids, satellites and spacecraft.

In 2018, scientists decided to conduct another study to learn more about the nature of this problem. As a result, they discovered something completely new and absolutely amazing about magnetic activity. Previously, scientists have already noted that there is a special boundary between the solar wind and the magnetosphere. This zone was called the magnetolayer. However, the activity in this region was too high to determine whether our magnetic field lines in the same layer, along with solar electrons, were also being destroyed. With the help of several new satellites, scientists have confirmed that the process of reconnection (reconnection) also occurs in this magnetosheath.

When bonds are broken, particles begin to move 40 times faster than in a normal magnetic field. Researchers have discovered for the first time that two extremely important phenomena involving charged solar particles occur in the same place.

6. The Earth's magnetic field is shifting to the West

Photo: Live Science

Scientists have been observing our planet's magnetic field for more than 400 years. The information collected over all this time has increasingly puzzled researchers, who have long been struggling with one big mystery. For some reason inexplicable to us, the geomagnetic field is shifting in a westerly direction.

In 2018, researchers proposed a new and very unusual answer to this question. Jet currents in water, air and even the Earth's core create so-called Rossby waves. The entire outer core of our planet is actually a constantly rotating liquid, and these waves circulate with it.

By their nature, these traveling waves are already considered a rather strange phenomenon, and Rossby waves in the outer core behave completely differently from all other flows. Oceanic and atmospheric Rossby waves move toward the west, while waves in the outer core move toward the east. Although scientists cannot accurately calculate the direction in which all this power moves due to the significant depth at which these processes occur.

According to experts, despite the eastern orientation of Rossby waves in the outer core of the Earth, most of their energy shifts to the west and pulls the magnetic field along with it. In any case, researchers still do not have a clear explanation for why the geomagnetic field is shifting westward at a speed of 17 kilometers per year.

5. Earth's second magnetic field


Once again, scientists were perplexed to discover something amazing that had been right in front of their noses for so long. It turns out that our planet is surrounded by as many as 2 magnetic fields. Most people know that our main magnetic field owes its existence to processes occurring in the Earth's core. The second field was discovered quite by accident when the European Space Agency launched three new satellites into orbit to study geomagnetism.

After collecting data, researchers discovered that our planet has another secret. For 4 whole years, scientists from ESA analyzed the information received, until in 2018 they finally announced their amazing find to the whole world.

News of the second magnetic field was hidden for so long because its tidal force is extremely insignificant or almost imperceptible. If we compare it with the strength of the geomagnetic field that has long been known to us, it is weaker than it by as much as 20 thousand times.

In any case, the value of this discovery for scientists is extremely great, especially for those who have devoted their lives to the mysteries of geomagnetism. Each new part complements the overall picture, like a piece of a puzzle, and it may well help us explain other phenomena. For example, answer the question of why the Earth's magnetic field periodically changes its poles, or how both magnetic fields influence each other. In addition, the new discovery could help scientists better understand the electrical properties of the lithosphere and crust.

4. The Mystery of the Pillars of Creation Revealed


In 1995, the Hubble Space Telescope spotted the so-called “Pillars of Creation,” which became so famous that they were even printed on coasters and shown in movies. The delightful image of columns of interstellar gas and dust shimmering in different colors clearly resembles giant pillars, and, as we know, new stars are born somewhere there.

This cluster is located 7 thousand light years from Earth in the Eagle Nebula, and the mystery of the formation of these columns remained unsolved until 2018. New observations allowed scientists to detect a polarized glow emanating from, which revealed the presence of a magnetic field there. When experts were able to create a map of these fields, the origin of the famous trio was finally unraveled.

Magnetic forces slowed the spread of interstellar gas and cosmic dust within this nebula, and under their influence, these iconic columns were formed, recognizable almost throughout the world. The impressive space structure remains in its position for a long time. current form precisely because of the influence of magnetic fields, which actually protect the pillars from destruction by their tidal force, the vector of which is opposite to the direction of the external magnetic forces of the space surrounding this area. Given the fact that new stars are constantly forming in the environment of the Pillars of Creation, understanding the nature of magnetism in their case can change the way scientists think about the process of star formation.

3. Uranus' magnetic field is constantly collapsing


When it comes to the magnetic field, Uranus has a tough time. In 2017, scientists wanted to study the magnetosphere of a fairly distant planet, and for this they used computer simulations and data obtained back in 1986 from spacecraft NASA - Voyager 2 (Voyager 2). As a result, we learned something unexpected about a planet that was already quite strange for us.

The orientation of Uranus in space differs from almost all other planets in the Solar System in that its axis of rotation seems to lie on its side. Because of this, the planet's magnetic field is shifted from the geometric center in a rather unusual way. A day on Uranus lasts 17.24 hours, and the magnetosphere of this planet is greatly overloaded during one revolution around its own axis. In some places this magnetic field is almost completely destroyed, while in others reconnection occurs. This constant balancing explains the frequent occurrence of auroras.

Data from the Hubble telescope previously confirmed that auroras are formed on Uranus, very similar to ours on Earth. The magnetosphere, as a rule, creates a protective block, and its thinning is what causes the aurora. It seems that the appearance of gaps in its magnetic field is responsible for such frequent occurrence of aurora on Uranus, and through these “holes” solar wind particles enter the planet’s atmosphere, producing light shows upon contact with gases.

2. Magnetic wormhole

Photo: Smithsonian Magazine

Physicists are constantly conducting very strange experiments. In 2015, they created something completely incredible - a magnetic wormhole. Wormholes are a popular topic among science fiction fans, but this time things may go a little further than theories and spectacular films. According to the well-known hypothesis mole Hole capable of connecting two different areas in the space-time continuum. Theoretically, a traveler using such wormholes is able to overcome incredible distances in a matter of seconds.

In 2015, researchers developed a device that is a metal sphere made of several layers of metamaterial, which is unlikely to help us send space expeditions to the other end of the Universe in the near future, but scientists have already used it to create a magnetic wormhole.

Physicists placed a coiled magnetic tube inside this sphere, and then hid the whole device in another magnetosphere. For a moment, the cylinder literally disappeared into nowhere, and then returned to its place again. It did not literally disappear, but simply became invisible to magnetic sensors.

The interesting thing about this experiment is that during the manipulation electromagnetic energy a magnetically invisible tunnel was created between the interconnected poles of the magnet. This wormhole created the illusion of separation of opposite poles and thanks to it, “monopoles” appeared, which simply do not exist in nature.

1. Brain control

Photo: Live Science

One of the most alarming and unusual properties Magnetic field is an opportunity to control the functioning of the brain with its help. In 2017, scientists conducted a study during which a new discovery was made. Using magnetic fields, experts were able to remotely activate brain cells in experimental mice.

The main target of the impact was the striatum, the part of the brain responsible for the movement of the animal. Incredibly, scientists made rats run, freeze in place and spin in place. The main interest for researchers is the opportunity to understand how the processes responsible for certain behavior and emotions occur in our heads. This will likely tell us where the behavioral parts of the human brain are and help treat conditions such as Parkinson's disease (shaking palsy).

If you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist and are worried that this discovery will give the authorities complete control over us, you can breathe easy. Magnetic fields pass through biological tissue without any consequences. The experiment involved not the most ordinary rats, but animals with microscopic particles of magnets introduced into their brains. These particles were attached to brain cells, after which they were heated using a simulated magnetic field, and tiny magnets forced neurons to fire in such a way that the mouse changed its behavior according to a given scenario.

Any person who observes the phenomena occurring these days related to global climate change on the planet, one way or another, but thinks, firstly, about the reasons for the increase in the number and strength of natural disasters, and secondly, about the possibility of long-term forecasting of natural disasters in order to helping society. After all, today there is more and more information about humanity’s entry into the era of global natural disasters. Is there a possibility, if not complete prevention, then at least minimizing the consequences? global change climate on the planet? The search led to very impressive and positively encouraging information - a report from the ALLATRA SCIENCE community of scientists: " ". The report contains unique information for each person, as this is the key to solving climate problems of any complexity. It also shows a real way out of the current situation through the unification of the world community on a creative, spiritual and moral basis.

The Earth's magnetic field is the planet's natural “shield” from cosmic and solar radiation harmful to all living things. In fact, if the Earth did not have its own magnetic field, then life, in the form we are familiar with, would be impossible on it. The strength of the Earth's magnetic field is distributed non-uniformly and averages about 50,000 nT (0.5 Oe) on the surface and varies from 20,000 nT to 60,000 nT.

Rice. 1. “Snapshot” of the main magnetic field on the Earth’s surface in June 2014 based on data from Swarm satellites . Regions of a strong magnetic field are indicated in red, and regions of a weakened one in blue.

However, observations show that The Earth's magnetic field is gradually weakening, while the geos shift magnetic poles. As stated in the above-mentioned report, these processes are influenced, first of all, by certain cosmic factors, although traditional science does not yet know about them and does not take them into account, trying to find answers in the bowels of the Earth to no avail.

Data transmitted by Swarm satellites launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) ), confirm the general tendency for the magnetic field to weaken, and the greatest level of decline is observed in the Western Hemisphere of our planet .

Rice. 2. Change in the strength of the Earth’s magnetic field over a periodfrom January 2014 to June 2014 according to Swarm. In the figure, lilac color corresponds to an increase, and dark blue corresponds to a decrease in voltage in the range of ±100 nT.

Analyzing the consequences of many natural disasters, scientists found that before seismic activity Anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field appear. In particular, the earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 in Japan was preceded by the activation of the Pacific lithospheric plate in subduction zones. This event became a kind of indicator of a new phase of seismic activity associated with the acceleration of the movement of this lithospheric plate. The displacement of the geomagnetic poles located in Eastern Siberia and the Pacific Ocean, due to cosmic factors, led to large-scale changes in secular magnetic variations in the territory of the Japanese archipelago. The result of these phenomena was a series powerful earthquakes, magnitude 9.0.

It is officially believed that over the past 100 years, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by about 5%. In the area of ​​the so-called South Atlantic Anomaly off the coast of Brazil, the weakening was even more significant. However, it is worth noting that previously, as well as now, ground-based measurements are carried out pointwise, and on land, which can no longer reflect full picture secular changes in the magnetic field. Also, holes in the Earth's magnetic field are not taken into account - peculiar gaps in the magnetosphere through which huge flows of solar radiation penetrate. For reasons unknown to traditional science, the number of these holes is constantly growing. But we will talk about them in the following publications.

It is known that the weakening of the Earth’s magnetic field leads to a polarity reversal, in which the north and south magnetic poles change places and their inversion occurs. Research in the field of paleomagnetism has shown that earlier, during polar reversals, which occurred gradually, the Earth's magnetic field lost its dipole structure. The inversion of the magnetic field was preceded by its weakening, and after it the field strength again increased to its previous values. In the past, these reversals occurred on average approximately every 250,000 years. But since the last one, according to scientists, about 780,000 years have passed. However, official science cannot yet provide any explanation for such a long period of stability. In addition, the correctness of interpretation of paleomagnetic data is periodically criticized in scientific circles. One way or another, the rapid weakening of the magnetic field these days is a sign of the beginning of global processes both in outer space and in the bowels of the Earth. That is why the cataclysms occurring on the planet are caused to a greater extent by natural factors than by anthropogenic influence.

Traditional science is still finding it difficult to find an answer to the question: what happens to the magnetic field at the moment of inversion? Does it disappear completely or weaken to certain critical values? There are many theories and assumptions on this subject, but none of them seems reliable. One of the attempts to simulate the magnetic field at the time of reversal is shown in Fig. 3:

Rice. 3. Model representation of the main magnetic field of the Earth in its current state(left) and in the process of polarity reversal (right). Over time, the Earth's magnetic field can turn from dipole to multipole, and then a stable dipole structure will form again. However, the direction of the field will change to the opposite: the north geomagnetic pole will be in the place of the south, and the south will move to the Northern Hemisphere.

The very fact of the presence of significant magnetic anomalies at the time of polarity reversal can lead to global tectonic phenomena on Earth, and also pose a serious danger to all life on the planet due to the increasing level of solar radiation.

The development of methods for observing the Earth's magnetic field, as well as septon field of the Earth is engaged . These data make it possible to respond in a timely manner to their variations and take countermeasures aimed at eliminating or minimizing natural disasters. Early identification of sources of future disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes) makes it possible to launch adaptive mechanisms, due to which the intensity of seismic and volcanic activity is significantly reduced, and there is time to warn the population living in a dangerous area. This direction of advanced scientific research called climate geoengineering and includes the development of its new direction and methods, completely safe for the integrity of the eco-system and human life, based on a fundamentally new understanding of physics ‒ PRIMORDIAL PHYSICS OF ALLATRA. To date, a number of successful steps have been taken in this direction, which have acquired a solid scientific basis and practical confirmation. The initial stage of practical development of this area is already demonstrating stable results... .

In a period of increasing danger of global climate events, it is vital for humanity to unite on creative spiritual and moral foundations and constantly expand knowledge PRIMORDIAL PHYSICS ALLATRA, develop promising scientific directions mentioned in the report. SPIRITUALITY And ALLATRA SCIENCE- this is precisely the solid foundation that will allow humanity to survive in the era of global climate change and create, under new conditions, a new type of society that humanity has long dreamed of. Initial knowledge was given in the reports of the ALLATRA SCIENCE community, and now a lot depends on each person so that it is used exclusively for good!

Vitaly Afanasiev


Report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems" by an international group of scientists of the International social movement ALLATRA, November 26, 2014;

This article is not a revelation from various “masters” and “lords”, nor was the information presented obtained through various sophisticated practices and communication with spirits.

This material is the author's thoughts. It’s just that at a certain moment a rather interesting logical chain of facts and events developed. I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and possible gross errors. I would be grateful for criticism, as well as possible additions. I would like to hear the opinions of people who know.

I want to talk about the Earth's magnetic field. There is plenty of information about it and it all comes down to one thing - the Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from the destructive effects of solar and cosmic destructive energies delivered to us by the solar wind.

The destruction of the magnetic field threatens the death of all life on Earth, etc. and so on. Neither more nor less, the death of everything, period.

Is it really? Let's try to figure it out. What can be so destructive and destructive in the solar wind?

Let's not torment ourselves with searching and turn to Wikipedia:
Solar wind is a stream of ionized particles (mainly helium-hydrogen plasma) flowing from solar corona at a speed of 300-1200 km/s into the surrounding outer space. It is one of the main components of the interplanetary medium.

A bunch of natural phenomena associated with the solar wind, including space weather phenomena such as magnetic storms and auroras.

In relation to other stars the term stellar wind is used, so in relation to the solar wind one can say “stellar wind of the Sun”.

The concepts of “solar wind” (a flow of ionized particles) and “sunlight” (a flow of photons) should not be confused. In particular, it is the effect of pressure sunlight(not wind) is used in so-called solar sail projects.

Due to the high conductivity of the solar wind plasma, the solar magnetic field is frozen into the outflowing wind flows and is observed in the interplanetary medium in the form of an interplanetary magnetic field.

The solar wind forms the boundary of the heliosphere, thereby preventing the penetration of interstellar gas into the Solar System. The magnetic field of the solar wind significantly weakens galactic cosmic rays coming from outside.

On the planets of the solar system that have a magnetic field, the solar wind generates phenomena such as the magnetosphere, auroras and radiation belts planets.

And it is the magnetic field that saves you and me from this flow of ionized particles.

It is known about the magnetic field that it is not constant and its strength varies. It seems that the cycle of its maximum and minimum strength is even established at 4000 years. You can also find information that the magnetic field is closely related to the Earth's ionosphere. It is also known that magnetic and electromagnetic fields are similar in nature.

This is where doubts appeared. Does the solar wind really bring deadly particles with it? Or maybe it's the other way around? Maybe the particles that the Sun shares with us are not destructive at all, and they contain the energy we need. Isn't the Earth's magnetic field an artificial shield created (or strengthened - more on that below) for the purpose of blocking this energy.

Our ancestors called the sun Dazhdbog. Was it really only because the Sun gave them warmth and light that people worshiped and idolized it? Maybe the Sun gave something else? Maybe this was something that was the energy that was delivered to us by the solar wind?

Today there is a lot of talk on the topic of climate weapons. We are all well aware of the American HAARP installations installed in several places. Allegedly, with their help, through influencing the Earth's ionosphere, Americans manage to influence the weather.

The ionosphere is directly related to the Earth's magnetic field. I think talk about climate weapons is a shambles. The real purpose of HAAPR installations is to strengthen the Earth's magnetic field!

For the same purpose, another monster was built - the hadron collider, which is essentially a giant electromagnet. The whole world is crammed with electrical appliances, surrounded by high-voltage wires and penetrated through and through by waves of various natures. Just look at the subways in megacities all over the planet - these are huge emitters of electromagnetic waves. By the way, the announced unprecedented construction of the metro in Moscow may be connected precisely with this.

As we know, during moments of so-called magnetic storms, electronics fail, and people dependent on weather conditions experience health problems. We are told that disturbances in the Sun are to blame. But is it? As is known, both the USSR and the USA explored the energy of the solar wind, launching devices into space, and successfully explored it. These devices were sent directly into the flow of solar and wind and did not break anything, successfully completed the task and sent data to Earth. But the electromagnetic field, here I think physicists will agree with me, can easily disrupt the operation of electrical appliances.

Do not the comrades who control the world use the above amplifiers so that at the moment of emission solar energy at the right moment to increase the protective force of the Earth's magnetic field?

It is quite possible that the malfunction of satellites, deterioration of health and failure of transformers, computers and other devices are the result of these manipulations.
Perhaps these manipulators are able to control the magnetic field, but they do it only in “one direction” - in the direction of increasing its strength. It’s hard to imagine that having the opportunity to reduce this field, they would not use it to allow “destructive” solar energy into any of the “inconvenient countries”. This is precisely what gives reason to believe that the energy coming from the solar wind is not destructive, but divine in nature, and its penetration onto Earth poses a direct threat to world rulers and does not fit into their plans. For them, this is fraught not only with the loss of power, but with the loss of life, full exit situations out of control.

In turn, information came across about the reversal of the poles and the possible loss of the Earth’s magnetic field for several days. It was said that people could go crazy from this. It is quite possible that the energy of the sun will bring people the truth, which not everyone will be able to perceive. Isn’t this a deliberate hoax, so that anyone who receives a dose of this energy will be declared crazy and dangerous to society and subject to liquidation? It’s not for nothing that coffins are laid in the USA stocked up))))

Nowadays the works of Nikola Tesla are very popular. Various coils, generators, transformers. I could be wrong here and I apologize again. If electricity is capable of creating an electromagnetic field, then from electromagnetic field you can get electricity. Tesla found a way to draw energy from the Earth's magnetic field. This frightened the manipulators, they brainwashed him and Tesla destroyed his developments because he was sure that if the Earth’s magnetic field disappeared or weakened, it would lead to the death of all life on the planet. Then the psychiatric hospital, then we all know how it ended.

And humanity is becoming more and more dependent on electrical energy. Mobile communications, computers, televisions, microwaves and other items of our Everyday life. This makes a person a cell in a huge network for the production of electromagnetic fields aimed at maintaining a “protective shield”.

There are suggestions that the Egyptian pyramids, as well as structures in China, Bosnia and other places, were some kind of power plants. Perhaps they were powered by the energy of the sun, whose access to Earth is blocked today. And they did not generate electricity, but energy of a different kind?

One good thing is that the magnetic field is decreasing, solar Activity growing, it means everything is going as usual. The shield will be broken! The sun will not leave his sons.

Thank you, good luck everyone!

Comments: 11 comments

    Good article! Not a bad theory, I'll take note)

    “Mind manifests itself through Light. The intelligence of your Sun holds your Solar System within its energy field. The events currently occurring are related to a source beyond your Sun. The influence exerted by your Sun is not currently sufficient to break through the vibrational shield around your planet. Therefore, other Suns come to the aid of the Earth's Sun. Your Sun shoots out prominences like tentacles that attract cosmic rays, trapping and integrating them into the Solar System. These cosmic rays are solar prominences from the Central Sun, located far in the center of the galaxy. A certain group of beings who are not interested in the spiritual development of humanity have organized an entire company against the Sun, as if the creators of your world had flaws in their developments and made a mistake by placing the Sun in the center of your solar system. This idea is being imposed on people by both scientists and doctors. And you people, just to prove your stupidity and how controlled you are, believe everything you read. There is nothing terrible about the fact that the ozone layer around the Earth is disappearing. ... Holes in the ozone layer allow energies of different quality and light spectrum to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere. When a new spectrum of energy absorption manifests itself on a mass scale, deep within human body a chemical response occurs. The radiation of light energy changes the body at a subatomic level, promoting your further spiritual development. Thus, humanity is like intelligent species will become much stronger." This is an excerpt from Barbara Marciniak’s book “Earth. Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library."

    I do not agree with most of the author's positions. Magnetic fields play a mainly protective role, deflecting cosmic flows of charged particles and hard radiation. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't exist. Another thing is that we live in the Earth’s magnetic field and are connected to it by our energy fields. The magnetic field affects many biological processes in nature and in living organisms.
    All changes in the Earth’s magnetic field are reflections of changes in the electromagnetic and material components of the new outer space into which ours has recently entered. solar system, as well as changes in the solar radiation spectrum. And it's not even about the ozone hole. Ozone layer, in general, plays a secondary role; you can live without it. The ozone hole or depletion of ozone in the atmosphere occurs under the influence of UV radiation. Longer wavelength UV rays help create ozone, while shorter wavelengths destroy ozone. The ozone concentration depends on the balance of these radiations. But new solar radiation affects our lives. This is a large set of high-frequency linear and torsion radiation. The most amazing thing is the appearance after a six-thousand-year absence of intelligent torsion energies - the creators of the World. Don't confuse them with GOD. Energies carry information, plans and orders. Today they determine many changes in nature, in man and in human society. Please note - some people are beginning to see the light, to think about the meaning of life, the structure of the Cosmos, the true history of Russia. This group of people is gradually moving away from the material side of life. Positive changes are taking place in them. There is another type of people who show aggressiveness, intolerance, lies, hypocrisy, etc. This is the negative part of society. People are being sorted. The consequences are clear. Negativity occurs with religions and many social, political, scientific and economic structures. Embittered confrontations and wars arise. These are the signs of the so-called last times. The finish line is coming soon.
    The distribution of intelligent energies occurs through the system of channels of the Suns. Chain - Central Sun of the World - Central Sun of the Universe - central Sun of the Galaxy - our Sun. There are no barriers to these energies; they pass through any obstacle. And everything is predetermined. Higher Plane unshakable.

    Great article, something to think about.

    I am not a very scientist or a physicist, but the question is, why don’t astronauts die in a weakened magnetic field? And on the contrary, do they develop so-called super abilities? Why didn't the Americans die on the Moon? Well, in the end, how did the poor Mars rover get to Mars without its electronics being destroyed by the “TERRIBLE” and “DEATHING” Solar radiation?

    I answer Vitaly:
    Cosmonauts, firstly, fly in a weak magnetic field, secondly, the cosmonauts are protected from solar radiation by a special metal lining of the ship, and thirdly, healthy astronauts lose their health during the flight and after returning from space they require a long rehabilitation period. Their blood composition changes, unfavorable changes occur in joints and bone tissue, etc. Some astronauts become disabled. They do not develop any supernatural abilities in flight. There are elements of mental disorders and hallucinations.
    The worst thing about astronautics is one fact. Americans have never been to the moon. Even today, such a flight with landing on the Moon is extremely difficult task. And then this task was absolutely impossible. It was possible to land the astronauts, but not to take them back. I'm afraid it's the same story with the Mars rover. The very “Martian” surface is reminiscent of the Rocky Mountains in Nevada. In addition, many devices launched into deep space disappeared, or went off course, or functioned limitedly. This is the influence of solar radiation, especially during periods of solar activity.
    And my addition to Irina. Her presentation by Barbara Marciniak is very revealing and interesting. This woman actually receives mental information from one highly developed human consciousness from deep space in order to warn earthly humanity about upcoming changes. She catches this information perfectly. I should envy her. But she's not tall educational level does not allow qualitative analysis of information and processing it into simple verbal form. But still, her works contain a lot of useful and informative information.

    I am very glad, Albert, that you responded so well to what Marciniak is taking. The information in her books helps change consciousness and break stereotypes so much that sometimes the brain begins to spark, burning out thought patterns.
    And further. It is wonderful that you confirmed the information that there were no astronauts on the Moon. If I’m not mistaken, then it seems that Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book “ Ancient mystery Flower of Life" says that a person in a physical body cannot overcome large distances in space due to the strict binding of our consciousness to the Earth and with the current way of perceiving time and space. If he decides to do this, then after flying a certain distance from the Earth, the person will simply go crazy.

    • In a good hour, it was said and heard! In a good hour! I really hope and believe so!

  • I fully support the author's position. There is only one conclusion - demagnetize all these artificial magnets, destroy their man-made nature - a fiend of hell. Simple logical analysis consistent actions of finance and power. structures on Earth, gives reason to believe that they constantly maintain magnetization, and one might say, even strengthen it, thereby destroying biosystems, including humans. The Sun is always depicted as the basis of the vital force of the Earth and nature, and also as the heart (engine) of man. Only it can give us strength and reason. Therefore, forces alien to our Universe, having closed us from our source of strength, deprived us of will and reason, filled the space with false information about the so-called science and art, about their science and their anti-art, harmful to earthlings. Being in this special prison, we are degrading every year. But last years, with coming new era They are very afraid of the sun breaking through this magnetic pie and introducing a photon cloud of light to earthlings, awakening all our sleeping capabilities, which will make us completely invincible, and evaporate them from space, even their black glasses will not help them.

    The Sun has a definition - it shone more, a lamp,
    it is not said about him - the star in Genesis 1:1-31.
    If you think about it, it is possible to regulate the lamp,
    halo fields that protect the Earth and other planets from increased activity. And in general, so as not to
    revolved around the Sun, the geocentric worldview is the main thing, since the Earth is from the Solar
    system are the center of everything cosmic
    space. You are smart for asking such questions
    and still want to figure it out.