Sokolov Maxim Yurievich: biography of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. Sokolov Maxim Yuryevich: biography of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Higher school teacher

Maxim Yuryevich Sokolov - until May 2018, the head of the Federal Ministry of Transport, previously - the head of the Government department, committees for economic development, industrial policy and trade, as well as for investments and strategic projects of the administration of the Northern capital.

In one of his interviews, he announced that the key principle of the department he heads will be the creation of a comprehensive system for ensuring the safety of Russians in transport.

Childhood and family of Maxim Sokolov

The future member of the Government was born into a family of doctors on September 29, 1968 in the city on the Neva. During his school years, the teenager was distinguished by his activity, headed the pioneer organization, and in high school - the headquarters of the pioneers of the Northern capital.

During organizational and methodological events, he met the current chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko, who headed the regional committee of the Komsomol at that time. Later, a photograph of them together hung in the official’s office in Smolny, emphasizing the long-standing friendship between the politicians.

The parents hoped that their son would continue their dynasty and become a doctor. But he entered Leningrad State University. At first, he became a law student, and after serving in 1987-1989. in the army, and at the same time studied issues of political economy at the Faculty of Economics.

At the university he met future Russian leaders. As a Komsomol organizer of the course, he met at meetings with Vladimir Putin, assistant rector in those years, and, as befits an excellent student, diligently studied his core subject - law, which was taught by Dmitry Medvedev.

The beginning of the career of Maxim Sokolov

After graduating with honors in 1991, Sokolov was an economics teacher at his native university for two years. In addition, in partnership with a friend, he was engaged in commercial activities, establishing in 1992 and heading the Rossi-Service company, specializing in the development of security systems, logistics management, and construction.

In 1999, three partners - Sergeenko, Sokolov and Sopromadze - created the dismantling enterprise "Corporation S". The "C" in the company's name is believed to be due to its presence in the owners' surnames. The construction of prestigious housing by this corporation in the central part of the Northern capital received scandalous publicity due to public protests for the preservation of the historical architectural appearance Northern capital.

Corporation C also carried out third-party orders, in particular from LSR Group. Its general director was the stepson of Deputy Governor Yuri Molchanov, Andrei, who in the future became Vladimir Putin’s confidant in the 2000 elections.

Thus, the company was closed after Maxim Yurievich left for public service. Its main owner, Vasily Sopromadze, who owned 50 percent of the enterprise, gave the project to build a hotel next to the Mikhailovsky Castle to Nikolai Sergeenko, and he himself went to the capital of Britain and acquired the lease rights to the famous Criterion restaurant in Piccadilly Circus.

Maxim Sokolov in civil service

In 2004, a successful entrepreneur moved to the civil service in the administration of St. Petersburg, according to some sources, on the initiative of Yuri Molchanov, and according to others, Valentina Matvienko. He took the position of head of the Committee on Investments and Strategic Government Projects.

The proactive official was able to attract a number of large investors to cooperation - Hyundai, General Motors, Toyota. But, at the same time, many of his undertakings became the subject of outrage - this is the construction of the stadium of FC Zenit, the "Embankment of Europe", a shopping complex under the Champs of Mars, providing for the transfer of a symbolic eternal memory fire and graves of victims of the revolution. There were serious issues during the implementation of the construction of a terminal on Vasilyevsky Island (when a company owned by Cypriot offshore companies) and the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter toll highway became a partner.

Maxim Sokolov inspected the construction of the WHSD

In 2008, Maxim Yuryevich defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 2009 he was included in the presidential program for training management personnel - the personnel reserve, and then was appointed head of the committee for economic development, industrial policy and trade of St. Petersburg. Subsequently, he received an invitation to the federal government and worked under Putin as head of the department of industry and infrastructure.

In 2010, the official was awarded the title of 1st class state councilor. He joined the supervisory boards of the Rosavtodor and Olimpstroy agencies. Since 2011, he began teaching and is the head of the department at the Graduate School of Management in his hometown.

In 2012, a federal official was appointed head of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in the government of Dmitry Medvedev.

In comparison with the richest member of the government, Alexander Khloponin, whose income in 2014, according to the declaration, amounted to 280 million rubles (4 times more than a year earlier), the annual earnings of the Minister of Transport are quite modest - 5.3 million (in 2011 he earned almost 4 million).

The official owns an apartment in the Northern capital in a prestigious residential complex on Italianskaya street, 12, with an area of ​​336 square meters. According to unofficial data, each of the official’s three children also has apartments of the same size.

Minister Maxim Sokolov confirmed that the A321 broke up in the air

In 2015, Sokolov named the estimated cost of constructing the Kerch Bridge, the length of which will reach 19 kilometers, at one hundred billion rubles. Later, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said that the construction of a transport crossing that would connect Crimean peninsula with the main part of Russia, about 300 billion in national currency will be allocated. The estimated commissioning date for the bridge is June 2019.

Personal life of Maxim Sokolov

The head of the ministry is married. Together with his wife Tatyana, they are raising three sons. According to unofficial information, she and the children live abroad. In the period from 2003-2005. she worked at the US Embassy in Moscow.

IN free time The official loves skiing, he is not indifferent to show jumping and hunting. Maxim Yuryevich admitted in an interview that he used to cook well, especially game dishes - goose, roe deer, hare - which he considered tasty and healthy.

Maxim Sokolov now

Maxim Sokolov served as head of the Ministry of Transport until May 7, 2018. After the presidential elections and the formation of a new government, Sokolov's former deputy, Evgeniy Dietrich, became Minister of Transport. Maxim Yuryevich returned to St. Petersburg, where he was offered a place on the board of directors of the construction company LSR. In July 2018, the media reported on Sokolov’s possible transfer to the position of head of Aeroflot after Vitaly Savelyev’s contract expired in October.

The brilliant career of the current Minister of Transport Russian Federation Maxim Yurievich Sokolov, perhaps, can be envied. This man truly achieved real success in the political and economic field. Now his activities are attracting more and more attention due to his activity, initiative and brilliant leadership qualities as a politician.

Biography of Sokolov Maxim Yuryevich

The future politician was born on September 29, 1968 in St. Petersburg. He was raised in a family of doctors. While still a schoolboy, the boy stood out for his activity. For example, at school Maxim led the pioneer organization, and in high school he headed the entire headquarters of the pioneers of Leningrad. By the way, it is noteworthy that it was during this period of Sokolov’s life that he met the current chairman of the Federation Council, Valentina Matvienko. At that time, the girl headed the regional committee of the Komsomol.

Sokolov's education

Maxim’s parents really wanted their son to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor, but his choice fell on a different profession. Sokolov settled on Leningrad State University named after A. A. Zhdanov, having first graduated from the Faculty of Law. In 1987, Maxim had to suspend his studies to pass military service. But then Sokolov very quickly caught up with the program and resumed his lost knowledge. The young guy passed his final year program as an external student and graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the same university in 1991. Having received a diploma with honors, Maxim Yuryevich took the position of teacher of macroeconomics at his native faculty. Sokolov worked at the university for 2 years.

It was at the university that Maxim met many future leaders of Russia. As a Komsomol organizer, he attended meetings led by Vladimir Putin, who at that time was still assistant to the rector. And Sokolov studied one of his favorite subjects - jurisprudence - at the lectures of Dmitry Medvedev, who was a simple teacher.

Carier start

In addition to working at the university, Maxim Yuryevich, together with his friend, was engaged in commercial activities. In 1992, Sokolov founded and headed the Rossi-Service company, which was engaged in the development of security systems, construction, international logistics and technical supply of facilities.

In 1997, Maxim Yuryevich became a member of the council of an alumni association called “Commonwealth” at his native Faculty of Economics. At first, Sokolov gave preference to Komsomol work. However, he soon realized that this area was no longer promising and moved into the business field. Just a couple of years later, Sokolov and two partners organized the company "Corporation S", which specialized in the dismantling of structures.

Soon this company found itself at the center of numerous scandals due to the construction of elite buildings in the historical center of the city. This is what caused many protests from local residents and special authorities for the protection of architectural monuments. According to some sources, Sokolov is the main culprit behind a significant change in the historical landscape of St. Petersburg. Many believe that the damage caused to the city during the urban planning projects of the current Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation can be compared with the changes in Leningrad during the siege.

But after Maxim left for government service, the company closed, and passions around the company subsided. While still managing his own company in 2003, Maxim Yuryevich received the position of deputy president in the Association of House Builders and Manufacturers of Building Materials of St. Petersburg.

And in 2004, as a successful entrepreneur, Sokolov moved to public service in the administration of St. Petersburg. Many say that it was an old friend, Valentina Matvienko, who helped Maxim settle in a new place. At the same time, he received the position of chairman of the committee for investments and strategic projects, where he worked for 5 years.


At the beginning of 2008 statesman defended his Ph.D. dissertation. And already in December of the following year, Maxim Yuryevich was included in the presidential program for training leaders. And very soon Sokolov was appointed head of the Committee on Trade, Industrial Policy and Economic Development of St. Petersburg.

Thanks to the successful performance of his duties in the position he received, very soon Maxim received a new offer: to go to the federal government and work under the leadership of the president himself. Having received the invitation, Sokolov took the post of head of the department of infrastructure and industry. And already in 2012, his rapid career reached its peak - Putin appointed Maxim Yuryevich Sokolov as Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Among the priorities of his activities, Sokolov highlighted reducing the role of the state in the activities of transport companies, stimulating the development of air transportation, increasing the comfort and safety of vehicles, as well as simplifying access for people with disabilities to transport.

It is interesting that before being appointed president to such a high position, Sokolov had never even encountered the transport sector. That is, he is certainly not a professional in this area. Maxim's only experience is supervising the reconstruction of Pulkovo International Airport. But even in this project, Sokolov’s role was insignificant - allocating budget funds for construction.

Achievements and awards

Among other things, Maxim Yurievich was repeatedly noted and awarded by the government of the Russian Federation. In 2010, Sokolov was rewarded with the first-class rank of state adviser. In 2008, Maxim was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. Also in his arsenal there is a breastplate for a transport worker of the Russian Federation."

Personal life of Sokolov

The current Minister of Transport is married. By the way, the wife of Maxim Yuryevich Sokolov lives outside of Russia, which has repeatedly aroused the interest of the press in the personality of Tatyana Alekseevna. The couple has three sons. Before her marriage to Maxim, Tatyana worked for several years at the US Embassy located in the Russian capital.

Free from political activity Maxim prefers to hunt and relax at ski resorts. Sokolov calls show jumping another hobby of his.

Birth: September 29(1968-09-29 ) (50 years)
Leningrad, Russian SFSR, USSR Father: Yuri Yakovlevich Sokolov Military service Years of service: since 2012 Affiliation: Ministry of Transport of Russia Rank:
Acting State Councilor
RF 1st class Awards:

Maxim Yurievich Sokolov(born September 29, 1968, Leningrad) - Russian statesman, 5th Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (since May 21, 2012).


  • In 1985 he entered the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University. A. A. Zhdanov at the department of political economy. He was actively involved in Komsomol work and was a Komsomol organizer for the course. In 1987-1989 was forced to interrupt his training to serve in the ranks Soviet army. In 1991 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University (LSU).
  • In 1989-1991 he studied at the Faculty of Law of Leningrad State University.

High school teacher

From 1991-1993 he taught the history of economic doctrines and macroeconomics at the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University.

In 2008, he defended his Ph.D. dissertation on the topic “Development of joint-stock companies and the stock market in Russia: 1870s - 1914.” According to Dissernet analysis, Sokolov’s Ph.D. thesis contains extensive undocumented borrowings from two Ph.D. theses.

Since 2011, he has been a teacher and head of the Department of State and Municipal Administration at the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University. Among the courses taught is “Public-Private Partnerships”.

commercial activity

  • From 1992 to 1999, he was the General Director of Rossi CJSC.
  • From 1999 to 2004, he was the General Director of Corporation S LLC.

In public service

  • Since 1997, he has been a member of the Council of the Commonwealth Alumni Association. Faculty of Economics St. Petersburg state university.
  • On December 4, 2009, he was appointed Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation. He worked under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - V.V. Putin.
  • In 2009, he was a member of the government of St. Petersburg, chairman of the Committee economic development, industrial policy and trade. Got into the golden hundred of the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2004, he joined the administration of St. Petersburg - he headed the committee for investments and strategic projects of the city government. Attracted a large pool of investors - automakers: TOYOTA, NISSAN, HYNDAI, GM, as well as Chinese investors - investments in the Baltic Pearl project amounted to more than $10 billion.
  • On May 21, 2012, he was appointed Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation (as part of the Government of the Russian Federation, formed by D. A. Medvedev).
  • Vice-President of the Association of House Builders and Manufacturers of Building Materials of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region,
  • Vice-President of the Association “Construction and Industrial Complex of the North-West”.

Family and hobbies

Married, has three sons. He enjoys hunting, alpine skiing and show jumping.

Awards and titles

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An excerpt characterizing Sokolov, Maxim Yurievich (statesman)

- Why is this guy driving in front of the line? – someone shouted at him again.
“Take it left, take it right,” they shouted to him. Pierre turned to the right and unexpectedly moved in with the adjutant of General Raevsky, whom he knew. This adjutant looked angrily at Pierre, obviously intending to shout at him too, but, recognizing him, nodded his head to him.
- How are you here? – he said and galloped on.
Pierre, feeling out of place and idle, afraid to interfere with someone again, galloped after the adjutant.
- This is here, what? Can I come with you? - he asked.
“Now, now,” answered the adjutant and, galloping up to the fat colonel standing in the meadow, he handed him something and then turned to Pierre.
– Why did you come here, Count? - he told him with a smile. -Are you all curious?
“Yes, yes,” said Pierre. But the adjutant, turning his horse, rode on.
“Thank God here,” said the adjutant, “but on Bagration’s left flank there is a terrible heat going on.”
- Really? asked Pierre. - Where is this?
- Yes, come with me to the mound, we can see from us. “But our battery is still bearable,” said the adjutant. - Well, are you going?
“Yes, I’m with you,” said Pierre, looking around him and looking for his guard with his eyes. Here, only for the first time, Pierre saw the wounded, wandering on foot and carried on stretchers. In the same meadow with fragrant rows of hay through which he drove yesterday, across the rows, his head awkwardly turned, one soldier lay motionless with a fallen shako. - Why wasn’t this raised? - Pierre began; but, seeing the stern face of the adjutant, looking back in the same direction, he fell silent.
Pierre did not find his guard and, together with his adjutant, drove down the ravine to the Raevsky mound. Pierre's horse lagged behind the adjutant and shook him evenly.
“Apparently you’re not used to riding a horse, Count?” – asked the adjutant.
“No, nothing, but she’s jumping around a lot,” Pierre said in bewilderment.
“Eh!.. yes, she’s wounded,” said the adjutant, “right front, above the knee.” Must be a bullet. Congratulations, Count,” he said, “le bapteme de feu [baptism by fire].
Having driven through the smoke through the sixth corps, behind the artillery, which, pushed forward, was firing, deafening with its shots, they arrived at a small forest. The forest was cool, quiet and smelled of autumn. Pierre and the adjutant dismounted from their horses and entered the mountain on foot.
- Is the general here? – asked the adjutant, approaching the mound.
“We were there now, let’s go here,” they answered him, pointing to the right.
The adjutant looked back at Pierre, as if not knowing what to do with him now.
“Don’t worry,” said Pierre. – I’ll go to the mound, okay?
- Yes, go, you can see everything from there and it’s not so dangerous. And I'll pick you up.
Pierre went to the battery, and the adjutant went further. They did not see each other again, and much later Pierre learned that this adjutant’s arm was torn off that day.
The mound that Pierre entered was the famous one (later known among the Russians under the name of the kurgan battery, or Raevsky’s battery, and among the French under the name la grande redoute, la fatale redoute, la redoute du center [the great redoubt, the fatal redoubt, the central redoubt ] a place around which tens of thousands of people were positioned and which the French considered the most important point of the position.
This redoubt consisted of a mound on which ditches were dug on three sides. In a place dug in by ditches there were ten firing cannons, stuck out into the opening of the shafts.
There were cannons lined up with the mound on both sides, also firing incessantly. A little behind the guns stood the infantry troops. Entering this mound, Pierre did not think that this place, dug in with small ditches, on which several cannons stood and fired, was the most important place in the battle.
To Pierre, on the contrary, it seemed that this place (precisely because he was on it) was one of the most insignificant places of the battle.
Entering the mound, Pierre sat down at the end of the ditch surrounding the battery, and with an unconsciously joyful smile looked at what was happening around him. From time to time, Pierre still stood up with the same smile and, trying not to disturb the soldiers who were loading and rolling guns, constantly running past him with bags and charges, walked around the battery. The guns from this battery fired continuously one after another, deafening with their sounds and covering the entire area with gunpowder smoke.
In contrast to the creepiness that was felt between the infantry soldiers of the cover, here, on the battery, where a small number of people busy with work are white limited, separated from others by a ditch - here one felt the same and common to everyone, as if a family revival.
The appearance of the non-military figure of Pierre in a white hat initially struck these people unpleasantly. The soldiers, passing by him, glanced sideways at his figure in surprise and even fear. The senior artillery officer, a tall, long-legged, pockmarked man, as if to watch the action of the last gun, approached Pierre and looked at him curiously.
A young, round-faced officer, still a perfect child, apparently just released from the corps, very diligently disposing of the two guns entrusted to him, addressed Pierre sternly.
“Mister, let me ask you to leave the road,” he told him, “it’s not allowed here.”
The soldiers shook their heads disapprovingly, looking at Pierre. But when everyone was convinced that this man in a white hat not only did nothing wrong, but either sat quietly on the slope of the rampart, or with a timid smile, courteously avoiding the soldiers, walked along the battery under gunfire as calmly as along the boulevard, then Little by little, the feeling of hostile bewilderment towards him began to turn into affectionate and playful sympathy, similar to that which soldiers have for their animals: dogs, roosters, goats and in general animals living with military commands. These soldiers immediately mentally accepted Pierre into their family, appropriated them and gave him a nickname. “Our master” they nicknamed him and laughed affectionately about him among themselves.
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  • Ex-Minister of Transport Sokolov returns to St. Petersburg. He was tipped to replace Poltavchenko, and Andrei Molchanov called him to LSR. The ex-official will be responsible for the strategy, but what he will live on is another question.

    Former transport Maxim Sokolov has been nominated as a candidate for the board of directors of LSR Group. The annual meeting of shareholders of the country's largest construction holding is scheduled for June 29. It will be a surprise if, based on its results, Sokolov is not declared a member of the Council, or even the entire chairman.

    Builder's Day is as close to 49-year-old St. Petersburg resident Maxim Sokolov as Railway Worker's Day or Sea and River Fleet Worker's Day. This is only the last six years of his career, which is clearly connected with the transport industry. And in 2004, 36-year-old Sokolov came to Smolny from a construction site. He is one of the three founders of the now-defunct S Corporation. The nineteenth letter of the Russian alphabet is dear to the hearts of all three - Sokolov Maxim, Sopromadze Vasily, Sergeenko Nikolay.

    It was Corporation C that built the building of the Consulate General of Finland on Preobrazhenskaya Square and the club "House on Manezhnaya Square" with a monument to Ivan Turgenev in the front garden. The company's most famous project is the "House on Fontanka" opposite the Engineers' Castle. Actually, Sokolov’s family is close to one of the five-room apartments in this high-status four-story building.

    Everything in this building really breathes success. The first house on Fontanka remembers the steps of a top banker and the wife of the ex-chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Tamara Stepashina, entrepreneur Dmitry Lutsenko, who together with Sergei “who does not have a billion” Polonsky created the Mirax Group, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Imperial Porcelain Factory Galina Tsvetkova, former vice-governor of Ugra Vyacheslav Novitsky, vice-president of the ICT group of companies Nikolai Dobrinov and many other VIPs.

    By the way, on the facade of the “House on Fontanka” hangs a plaque from the memorable and anniversary year of 2003 for St. Petersburg. where you can find the name of the future, as 47news suggests, a member of the board of directors of LSR.

    It has been discussed for a long time that Maxim Sokolov may lose his portfolio as Minister of Transport. And on May 7, Vladimir Putin took office as President of the Russian Federation for the fourth time and took part in the parade of the Kremlin Presidential Regiment. From 47news we add that Sokolov’s eldest son, Maxim Maksimovich, knows perfectly well what it’s like to gallop around the Kremlin’s Cathedral Square in hussar dress uniform. And in the end, Maxim Sokolov Sr. really wasn’t there.

    At the same time, Sokolov, even when he was a minister, was stubbornly wooed to become governor of St. Petersburg. Every next rumor about the upcoming, impending and simply inevitable resignation of Georgy Poltavchenko was sure to hover in conjunction with his last name. Any visit of Maxim Yuryevich to St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region was accompanied by speculation about negotiations, interviews and reconnaissance, etc. At the same time, Sokolov is not just one of the St. Petersburg elites - he is one of the Leningrad elites. Back in 1982 at Palace Square Chairman of the city pioneer headquarters Maxim Sokolov reported to the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol Valentina Matvienko. And Sokolov’s middle son, Roman, also knows what the breath of large St. Petersburg spaces is. A student of the Zenit football school, Roman Sokolov, was one of the boys who led the main team of blue-white-blue onto the Petrovsky field from the premises under the stands.

    And the origin of Maxim Sokolov’s return from Moscow to the LSR headquarters in St. Petersburg is also in Leningrad times, only university ones. It was within the walls of Leningrad State University that Sokolov met the future owner of LSR and ex-senator from the Leningrad region Andrei Molchanov.

    "The faculties are different, but the years of study are the same, some are older, some are younger. Our friendship is from the university. Many funny incidents there were, but I won’t tell you about them. Molchanov and Sokolov know each other very well. It is logical that Maxim Yuryevich, who has thrown off a heavy state burden, can be useful to LSR. Only the board of directors is not an executive body. It's like a public chamber, a supervisory board or an Areopagus, or something. That is, Sokolov will not go to work at LSR and fire people. Behind it is strategic development. And it’s comfortable to communicate with him. He's decent good man", one of the founders of LSR, who remembers Maxim Sokolov as a student at the Zhdanov Leningrad State University, told 47news.

    At the same time, people were waiting for Sokolov not only in Smolny. Kommersant's sources sent the retired transport minister to the boards of directors of two state-owned companies - Transneft and Aeroflot. The option with main oil pipelines seemed preferable. Still, the collapse of VIM-Avia in September 2017 is still memorable, when clients of the bankrupt airline could not return to Russia from tours. Vladimir Putin then announced to the minister that he was incompletely fit for duty. The disciplinary sanction against Sokolov was lifted the day before the inauguration. It may be funny, but the work book is nice.

    Minister Sokolov was criticized for introducing a system of collecting tolls on federal highways"Plato". There were complaints about the construction of the next Moscow “ring” - the Central Ring Road. The deadlines for the construction of a new expressway were not met highway M-11 St. Petersburg - Moscow. The route was supposed to appear in time for the World Cup, and now they are talking about launching the route in December 2018.

    Photo: photo: Valentin Ilyushin

    Sokolov’s colleagues in the Russian government, who were not included in the new cabinet, are also finding jobs. Arkady Dvorkovich, who left the post of Deputy Prime Minister, has already been elected co-chairman of the board of the Skolkovo Innovation Fund, and former First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov has been appointed head of Vnesheconombank. Ex-Minister of Construction Mikhail Men is aiming to become the President's Plenipotentiary Representative in the Central Federal District, and ex-Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev may head Rosselkhozbank.

    But Sokolov got the construction airfield. It is native and durable. In 2017, the revenue of PJSC LSR Group amounted to 138.5 billion rubles. The company plans to launch five apart-hotel projects and develop housing in the southern part of the alluvium on Vasilyevsky Island. There is a transport project - a private tram in the Krasnogvardeisky district. But again, the paths lead to LSR facilities in the Rzhevka-Porokhovye area. In 2014, a group on the territory of the former Rzhevka airport in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad region.

    Delivery is also carried out from LSR quarries. The group has six sand quarries in the Leningrad region: Vorontsovskoye, Apraksin Bor, Manushkino, 50th Quarter, Brusova Gora and Kallelovo.

    Let us note that we were not the first to say that Sokolov was not the first to come to LSR from the corridors of power. In 2010, the post of general director and chairman of the board of LSR was taken by the construction ex-vice-governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Vakhmistrov. In a conversation with 47news, Vakhmistrov expressed absolute confidence that the initiative to invite Sokolov to LSR came personally from Molchanov. Naturally, long-standing friendship is no secret for the construction patriarch of St. Petersburg.

    “I also came to LSR from power. When an official comes to business, they always say that he will lobby someone’s interests. But if you are in a company, then you must protect its interests. When I came to LSR, I got the impression , that I worked in the company all my life. Everything is like in Smolny. Issues of development, urban planning. And the remuneration on the Board of Directors was insignificant, because I was also the general director,” Alexander Vakhmistrov told 47news.

    Alexander Kalinin