Supervolcano August. After the solar eclipse, the activity of the Yellowstone volcano increased sharply. How it was in the Baltics

1. Is the supervolcano about to explode?
2. Who is to blame?
3. What to do?
4. Will aliens help us?

1. Is the supervolcano about to explode?

The 50-kilometer caldera in Yellowstone National Park in the United States is the crater of a now dormant supervolcano. The periodicity of supereruptions is about 600 thousand years, and 640 thousand years have passed since the last one, so the next eruption is “delayed” by about 40 thousand years.

Now the situation in Yellowstone National Park is changing, and not in better side. Many facts indicate that the situation is worsening:

– rising temperatures, rising soil and formation of hills;
– increase in water temperature in Yellowstone Lake and nearby reservoirs;
– raising the bottom in the northern part of the lake;
– high seismic activity the bottom of the reservoir in the northern part of the lake, which increased sharply in 2008 and increased in the future, even up to 500 per day. The magnitude of some tremors exceeds 3 points, and according to scientists, an earthquake of 7 points or more can cause a supervolcano to erupt;
– high concentration of volcanic gases, especially in the northern part of the lake;
– faults, new cracks and new geysers at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake and near it;
– animal behavior; and others danger signs awakening of the megavolcano...

These figures are many times higher than in previous years. Since 2004, the visiting regime has been tightened national park, and some of its zones have become closed to public visits, and information about what happens in them is classified. All this indicates that the magma of the Yellowstone supervolcano is increasingly beginning to approach the surface. The situation continues to worsen. Scientists clearly say that the explosion of a supervolcano is inevitable.

From the magma chamber, fingers extend upward, as if directed towards the surface of the caldera. From some of them to the surface is a mere trifle, only about 8 km.

Edgar Cayce warned about a catastrophe that could practically destroy the United States during the reign of the 44th president.

Today, a super eruption would have catastrophic consequences not only for the United States, but for the entire world. Among them is a large part of the United States and Canada covered with a thick layer of ash, which would lead to irreparable consequences - primarily the death of people, animals and plants, not only from ash and lava, but also due to suffocation and hydrogen sulfide poisoning. And huge masses of ash in the Earth’s atmosphere, blocking the path of sunlight, would lead to a cooling of several degrees - nuclear winter, and as a result, global crop failure and mass famine on the entire planet.

Is there a possibility, even a speculative one, even the slightest hope that the consequences of a catastrophe can be avoided or at least reduced? According to the unanimous opinion of scientists, no, such possibilities do not exist for humanity.

“An epidemic can be stopped, a war can be prevented through the efforts of diplomats, an asteroid can be knocked out of its path with a multi-megaton charge. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to block the throat of a volcano, and even such a one. According to scientists, the explosion of such a supervolcano is expected in the near future.” Most people, having thought, then thought some more, and thought some more, are forced to agree with the opinion of scientists.

It could be like this:


And even more than that: THIS exists Here and Now - as one of the POSSIBLE options for the future. And it is possible! It is very energetically charged. And it seems inevitable.

And even more than that: THIS has already happened, and more than once.

Supervolcano Krakatau, 1883: even the name is mystical and somehow scary...
When this volcano erupted in 1883, a haze hung over the entire Earth for two years, caused by ash thrown to heights of tens of kilometers, then scattered in the atmosphere.

From 5:10 – Krakatau volcano:

“But the eruption now expected in Wyoming will be as much more powerful than Krakatoa as an artillery searchlight is more powerful than a flashlight.”...

Will it explode? Or won't it explode??? Hamlet’s question is in relation not to one, but to all inhabitants of the Earth... ... ...

2. Who is to blame?

Is it impossible without catastrophes, without these terrible eruptions, without death and without destruction? Without destroying what are called favorable conditions for human life?

Existing science teaches us that the Universe exists, and human life as if inserted into it, having appeared by chance, and can be accidentally destroyed, as they say, for example, astronomers, or now geologists. In fact - the reason natural disasters, clearly - this is a person being destroyed by negativity, he automatically, through his activities, introduces a destructive imbalance into nature, with an increase in the use of it to satisfy his growing desires.

Each of us asks the question: for what reason do certain events happen to me and not to someone else? Why are some people lucky and others not so lucky? When trouble comes, causing physical or moral suffering, then we are faced with the question: what is the most important thing in life? Metaphysicians argue that nothing arises without a cause, and everything has a purpose for its existence. Absolutely all troubles - from small everyday ones to major global disasters - do not happen just like that, without a reason.

“The element is not blind. The element leaves its equilibrium state under the influence of your thoughts and your feelings if they are inharmonious. In the same way, the elements can enter into a balanced state if you make efforts to harmonize yourself and the people around you” (Gautama Buddha).

“We are all to blame for the disease of humanity that results in war” (N. Berdyaev, “The Fate of Russia”). “War only reveals evil, it throws it out. The external fact of physical violence and physical murder cannot be considered as an independent evil, as a source of evil” (N. Berdyaev, “The Meaning of History”). “It is not the history of mankind that is part of the history of the natural world, but the history of the natural world that is part of history. It is in history, and not in nature, that the meaning of world life is revealed.” (N. Berdyaev, ibid.).
“If there is no peace within us, it is useless to look for it outside” (Francois de La Rochefoucauld).

A war of another state against a person or a war of nature against a person in the form of disasters is, in principle, the same war. People's mistakes - such as hatred, lies, envy, etc. – emit destructive energies into the space of the Earth, into nature. And we, each of us - in varying degrees Let's contribute to this.

Two types of energies are now intensifying on Earth and in humanity - these are the energies of Good, Light, Love, Truth, and on the other hand - the energies of evil, darkness, hatred and lies. And every person - with every action, word and even thought - adds one or the other. A person spends the same efforts on good and evil. At the same time, the energies of good are strengthened from above, and the power of the energies of evil is reduced. And as a result, the same energies return like a boomerang to the karma of those who created them. It depends on each person what is happening around us and what changes are taking place - for better or worse.

N. Berdyaev writes that he never ran to a bomb shelter, and if he woke up in the middle of the night from fairly close explosions, he turned over on his other side and immediately fell asleep. And this is a consequence of his correct vision of reality, the absence of fear of the Universe, of nature, of life situations. N. Berdyaev also says that “catastrophic moments in history are especially favorable for building a philosophy of history.” Other philosophers (K. Jaspers and others) also believe that an unfavorable environment contributes to the search for the meaning of life.

“They will ask: how to combine the danger of the existence of the planet itself with the possibility of a Light Age? People are given full opportunity to enter into a happy era of great discoveries. But if free will keeps them from making new advancements, they can create a disaster of any size. Thus, people cannot complain that they are not given a wonderful lot. Only evil will can push peoples towards planetary cataclysms. Cannot cancel free choice“, full of countless possibilities, but people least of all think about how to use this freedom.”

How human behavior influences natural disasters.

There were 108 earthquakes in 1976;
in 1986 – 707;
in 1996 – 899;
in 1997 – 827;
in 2000 – 1067;
in 2001 – 961;
in 2002 – 754.
Information on the number of earthquakes is provided by the site:

You can notice a significant increase from 1976 to 1986, at which time “perestroika” was gaining momentum and tensions in society were growing. Over the year 2000 there was a significant increase, and then a decrease. At this time, there was a certain fear in connection with the “2000 problem”, the expectation of an unknown danger, fueled by the media. It is known that in the year 1000 in some countries people were so sure of the end of the world that many fields were not sown.
The next year, 2001, there was a decrease in the number of earthquakes, the fear passed, the danger, as people think, seemed to have passed.

Scientists point to many reasons for what is happening, but all these reasons are a consequence of other reasons that exist on subtle planes, based on the unreasonable, unspiritual behavior of a person, when selfishness, consumerism, momentary life are put at the forefront to the detriment of others and oneself, in damage to other life forms. Everything in nature is interconnected, and whether humanity will live on Earth or not is never decided by blind chance.

And in order to prevent disasters, you need to learn to manage your thoughts/energies. All processes occurring on the planet are not random, not spontaneous, they are manageable. Everything happens according to the Supreme Plan. Secret Powers, invisible to most, are the main and most effective. Without these forces, the World could not exist.

3. What to do?

Two eternal question our life – “who is to blame” and “what to do”. Having answered the first question, is it possible to answer the second? In fact, what can a person oppose to this element, which has already manifested itself more than once in the history of the Earth? So scientists say that it’s okay that people don’t have such opportunities. As they say, they earned it. They, of course, made money - the list of US crimes against humanity is too long. And those who do not fight against that system clearly support it. Those who are called ordinary people - they support it by being its consumers - they like it, they use it, they support it on subtle planes.

Well, what about us – all the other inhabitants of the Earth? Hard times await everyone in the event of an eruption.

At one time, in connection with what Porfiry Ivanov taught, people were told: don’t spit on the ground and you’ll stop getting sick. And people did this - and they actually stopped getting sick. And even scientists agreed with this and hastened to insert their 5 cents, fussing to explain what was happening: “these are micro-vaccinations!”

No micro- or macro-vaccinations - everything is much simpler. Let's imagine that a person decided, for example, not to give a damn about humanity. He walks down the street and spits at everyone... what will happen to him? Well, right, what are the questions here? So is the Earth - it is alive, and reacts in the same way - well, almost. Only there he will immediately get punched in the face - and will immediately understand why. But here - not right away, and it is unlikely that he will understand quickly, and maybe he will not understand at all. He will get sick, or get injured, stumble out of the blue, etc. etc., but is unlikely to connect emerging problems with his behavior.

Quote. “You cannot solve a problem at the same level at which it was created.” The problem is created at the level of ignorance. Everything that happens to people and around them happens not only “why”, but also “for what”, and is aimed at the spiritual growth of people. Healers say that at first fate, the situation develops according to the most gentle option, as a warning. We must assume that what is happening on the Planet now has just such options.

What’s interesting: it turns out that the thoughts that we have are not ours, but until we agree with them. A thought came, a thought went, you can’t count how many of them will pass in a day. But the thought/information/energy with which we agree is already beginning to affect us, whether for good or evil. Those. evil is relative, and it is good in the sense that it reminds us to think positively, without malice.

How to prevent a super eruption? In order to prevent the worst scenarios for the development of the situation from coming true, it is necessary to bring people’s thinking into line with the Supreme Reality. We need to turn to spiritual healing. Various types of problems are already being successfully solved by healers. The method allows you to achieve results with the least amount of time, effort, etc. Read more: “Spiritual methods for solving problems, in detail“

Exist effective methods combating disasters, you can significantly reduce their number in a short time, and in this case too - everything ingenious is simple, and the laws are known. They are given to people in primary sources as rules for safe living. We must keep in mind exactly what the primary sources say, and not what religions say.

Already now, at our level, it is possible to effectively get rid of some of the existing problems. And in fact, everything is not at all what scientists say. Scientists only see physical world, and offer different ways to solve problems, but - the problems are not decreasing - there are actually more and more of them. Scientists do not want to know anything about the secret powerful forces that control everything that happens on the physical plane.

“Man’s best defense is unity with the Universe, for when we are part of the Universe, we are invulnerable.”

From the ABC of Spiritual Healing:

- if there is no negativity on a person, no negativity is possible in relation to him;
- the cause of a problem or illness must be sought not outside, but within oneself;
- if the cause is eliminated, the problem (or disease) goes away;
- what is regulated on the subtle planes cannot be destroyed on the physical plane;
- a spirit walking along the Path of Ascension is under the complete protection of the Universe

ALL our illnesses and other troubles are the result of our mistakes. When accidents happen, it is wrong to say that innocent people died. If there is at least one person on a plane or ship who is not destined to crash or drown, that plane or ship will arrive safely at its destination. By removing errors and misconceptions from his internal thought streams, a person recovers, his problems are solved and abilities appear, he changes for the better. In this way, you can get rid of natural disasters and diseases considered incurable - cancer, AIDS and others. The main thing here is constant conscious positive work to change oneself, life in accordance with Cosmic laws.

We do not yet know the full power of our thoughts. For example, if today even 2% of people unitedly think about the world, then tomorrow the world will become different. Collective positive thoughts are the most reliable defense of the planet and humanity. The power of thought is not lost, does not dissipate in space. People forget, or don't even know, that we live in an abundant universe, and good health, prosperity and good relationships with everyone are the norm. And why we rarely see this norm in this world - it depends only on us and no one else.

“A miracle does not contradict nature, it contradicts our idea of ​​nature (Augustine the Blessed).”
“The supernatural is the natural, not yet achieved by us (Sri Aurobindo).”
Healers say: “A miracle is not a violation of the laws of nature, it is their restoration.”

“Remember, children of the Clans of the Great Race, that nothing ever happens to a person on Midgard-Earth by chance, for chance is a pattern determined by Fate and God’s Laws.”
“To the one who fulfills the Heavenly Laws of the Gods, Mother Nature grants vitality, and the Heavenly Gods grant the Family happiness in the heart and wealth in children” (Slavic-Aryan Vedas).

The supervolcano will definitely not explode if at least some people start monitoring their thoughts and what they say, write in articles and comments, and do during the day. The correct idea of ​​the world is in a person’s subconscious. A person cannot say that he “didn’t study”, that he doesn’t know, because... in a series of reincarnations, he repeatedly came into contact with the Supreme reality, and this information is in his subconscious, and he hears it as the voice of reason, conscience, and it is better for him if he listens to this voice.

“There are troubles worse than a tsunami” (V. Vysotsky). It is these troubles - arrogance, hatred, lies, fear and other mistakes of people that are the cause of tsunamis and volcanic eruptions... Every person who hates, gets angry, lies, is afraid, etc., makes his own “contribution” in these and other accidents and disasters. There are any number of examples where people do something out of sincere confidence that they are doing the best, and then say that it turned out as always. They are fighting diseases - and there are more and more of them, they are fighting against thefts - and there are more and more of them. Many still remember the time when doors were not locked, and when leaving, people inserted a twig instead of a lock, and there was no theft. What funds are currently being spent on preventing theft is mind-boggling. How many times has the damage from theft increased since then? People are walking along the path least resistance- toughen, increase, punish, etc. And when I do all this and it doesn’t help, what next? Maybe they will start thinking after all?

Our time is the last such “dark time” on Earth, selfish and “lazy”. “Every person is responsible for shaping the future of humanity. Let's try to make our contribution to this. Be a good human being with a good heart. It will give you energy as well inner strength"(Dalai Lama).

About vibrations

According to the laboratory of Albert Vasilyevich Skvortsov (1990s), health vibrations begin at 40 hertz. A person achieves success in life when his average vibrations steadily maintain vibrations of 70 hertz and above.

But so far, unfortunately, the majority of people contain in their subtle bodies the prevailing vibrations are low, destructive for their health, relationships with others and with nature.

Emotions, feelings and vibrations, range or maximum value(hertz)

compliance – 38 and above
acceptance of the World as it is, without indignation and others negative emotions – 46
gratitude (thank you) – 50
speculative love – 50
generosity (nobility) – 96
heartfelt gratitude – 140 and above
unity – 144 and above
compassion – 150
heartfelt love – 150 and above
unconditional (sacrificial) love – 205 and above.

grief – 0.1-2.6
fear – 0.2-2.2
resentment – ​​0.6-3.3
disturbance – 0.6-1.9
false – 0.7-3.5
irritation – 0.9-3.8
flash of rage – 0.5
pride – 0.8
anger (hot temper) – 0.9
neglect – 1.5
feeling of superiority – 1.9
doubt – 1.9
self – 2.8
pity – 3.0
(From the report of Bozhenko N.M.)

Over 205 hertz are crystalline vibrations, or vibrations of the new, 6th race on planet Earth.

A person exhibits several different states of mind and feelings at the same time, and at the same time, as a rule, they constantly change, good thoughts, words and deeds change to the opposite. And a person is also influenced by emotions and thoughts from his early incarnations and coming from his ancestors. Therefore, it must be said that the same person provides different influences on nature and society.

You can float with the flow of the river while driving a boat or completely surrendering to chance. Most people throughout life follow the second path, or even worsen it - through hatred, fear, resentment, anger, lies and others - increasing their negativity. Therefore, it is increasingly important to monitor what a person says, does and even thinks. Displacing negativity from people’s lives can be compared to how if you pour clean water into a bucket of dirty water, then the water becomes purified.

New Earth– this is not a new place, but a new frequency of energy/light.

Those. Already at the existing level of human development it is possible to understand the cause of the disaster and eliminate it. Let's imagine that not one person, but 2-3% of the population are working on solving a problem common to all. And if a certain percentage of the population of the entire Earth is involved, for example in collective meditation, then it is even difficult to imagine how many times the energies of this action are amplified - millions of times? Or more? Yes, such power will not only shut the throat of a super-volcano, such power can do anything! Considering that there is a lot of help from above, and this help increases significantly with each new person who decides to take part in a common good cause.

Our planet is alive, and it also needs improvement. There is for this the only way– establish a friendly attitude of people towards each other and towards nature. On a subtle plane, all humanity is one whole; on an even more subtle plane, it is one with the Universe and with the Creator. Everything ingenious is simple, but how much effort and time does humanity spend to understand it. The more people monitor their thoughts and what they do, the less chance the forces of evil have, incl. elemental forces.

Humanity, of course, does not have such an opportunity to prevent the explosion of a supervolcano, the fall of an asteroid, or another disaster. The opportunity is there Higher Powers who do not leave the Earth and humanity unattended for a minute. A person’s salvation depends on his appeal to the Cosmic Source of life, truth. If there had been no help and protection from above, a catastrophe would definitely have occurred; scientists’ forecasts clearly agree in this regard.

By the way, don’t you find one really strange circumstance incomprehensible? Has anyone forgotten how people were preparing for the “end of the world,” how many hysterics there were about a generally invented, unreal, mystical event? How many fears did people instill in each other? How did people stock up on weapons, food, and build “shelters”? Have you decided to run away from karma? And in our time, the danger is real, the eruption is real, it is possible at any time, and with it real terrible disasters - death and hunger of people... Humanity is on the verge of death or great disasters... But no one even bats an eyelid blinks and doesn’t lift a finger, no one builds shelters and stores food? Isn't this the result of mass confidence in the best outcome? Well, how will it all turn out?

4. Will aliens help us?

Can aliens help in this matter? Well, or someone besides them, someone above them? The answer is clear: yes, they can. There are reasons for such an answer, and there are more than enough of them. Favorable conditions for life on Earth - created by the Higher Mind. The Universe did not appear as a result of a big or small explosion, it was CREATED, the Earth was CREATED, the conditions for the existence of life on Earth were CREATED, life on Earth was CREATED, it was transferred from others star systems. What is called Darwin's theory was never really a theory. For 158 YEARS, there is not a single fact to confirm it. On the contrary, all the facts speak against it. “The Earth was created by the Supreme Mind” Darwin was wrong Man was brought to Earth hundreds of millions of years ago

So why shouldn’t the Higher Mind “cancel”, if necessary, this super-eruption? Yes Easy!

Existing space technologies can be divided into global, medium and small. So, preventing a super eruption is just small space technologies.

The higher mind has interfered more than once with what is happening on Earth. And if he had not intervened, then humanity would have been captured long ago, or could have been destroyed, or would have destroyed itself. Brothers in mind protected us

And in our time - participation in the events of the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters, the presence of UFOs in areas associated with the testing of atomic weapons.

“Then they hang over the battlefield on the Kursk Bulge. Then during the “perestroika” unrest over the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi. Then over the fourth block of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant reactor... The “experiment” on the fourth block, which was supposed to lead to nuclear explosion, as a UFO appeared above the fourth block. And all the time, the “plate” hung over the station, and it lasted for six hours. The result was not a nuclear explosion, but only a thermal explosion. But let’s imagine that if there had been a nuclear explosion, half of Europe would have been blown up into the air, and the other half would now be dying from radiation sickness...” UFO and Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

UFO over Fukushima

“Increased “interest” of UFOs in areas associated with the use of nuclear energy, was noted back in the forties, when UFO appearances were recorded over the Los Alamos Atomic Center (USA).
According to a former employee of the Swiss consulate in Japan, the day after atomic bombing Hiroshima, August 7, 1945, a kind of “phantom” appeared in the sky above the destroyed city. Since 1947, objects similar to “silver disks” have been observed many times over the state of New Mexico, where nuclear tests took place during these years. UFOs did not ignore any of the atomic testing sites on earth. Over almost all sites where nuclear tests were carried out, such as the French test site in the Sahara, the American test site on Bikini Atoll, former Soviet nuclear test sites on the island of Novaya Zemlya and near Semipalatinsk - over all these areas, after almost every explosion, UFOs are observed “patrolling” this area.

“ have tremendous support from us and from other sources. There was never a time when we were not with you.”
"Many times have we assured you that we will not allow weapons of mass destruction to be placed in space... Your scientists have ignored our warnings many times and we have had to remove or destroy the weapons."
"We often take appropriate action to stop some of your events before they can go too far."
"Let me remind you that the Galactic Federation has millions of options at its disposal to protect situations and you."

“Until the Earth has rid itself of all negativity, its release through geophysical disasters will continue. Many invisible helpers will reduce the damage and death toll... their advanced technology will even out the effects of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms... For many decades, those souls have greatly helped save the Earth's life and breath! ...only the intervention of a benevolent space family kept the Earth in a stable orbit. ...the people of Earth must know that the sustained willingness of those civilizations to continue to help in any way is necessary!“

And as scientists say that nothing can be done...

Easily doable - only if it comes to about the technical side. But the question is that they themselves do not completely interfere with what is happening on Earth. By participating in corrections events that happen, they cannot cancel karmic problems. Aliens will not descend from the heavens and overthrow the Cabal. They will help earthlings to overthrow the Cabal. A person must solve karmic problems himself, because these problems are a consequence of the negative qualities of his character and destructive energies, which a person must get rid of himself. And further. They can only help in response to a request for help. “To our Curators, our Elder Brothers in Mind: Appeal and Greetings”

Every effort is being made from above to prevent a catastrophe. The question is whether the efforts on the part of people will be sufficient.

And in connection with what has been said, please disseminate this information. And one more thing - since every person is interested in preventing the supervolcano from exploding, and every reader agrees that it is necessary to reduce negativity in the world, in humanity, then let everyone, even to the minimum, or better yet to the maximum, watch their thoughts , words, deeds, trying to exclude negativity. This will only make it better for everyone - the person himself, his family, his work team, the city, the country, the Earth, the Universe. Spread your love throughout the Planet in order to stop all negativity altogether.

Quote. “You can convey your messages with your thoughts. Your optimism about the future of the Earth will help dispel the low vibrations of anxiety that are delaying society's movement toward the abundance of the Golden Age. As you channel your energy into positive thoughts, feelings and actions that not only maintain progress to date, but add momentum so it can grow forward, send Light in abundance throughout the entire Earth. By visualizing the planet “returned to health and pristine beauty” and all peoples living in “peace, mutual respect, cooperation and living in harmony with nature,” it will hasten the coming of the time when such peace will be fully manifested.”

V. Khlynovsky

A NASA scientist talks about the threat supervolcanoes pose and the risky methods that can be used to prevent a devastating eruption.

Brian Wilcox, a former member of NASA's Planetary Protection Advisory Committee, shared a report on natural hazards that was not released outside the agency until recently.

There are approximately 20 known supervolcanoes on Earth that have the potential to erupt that would significantly impact global climate and ecology. A supervolcanic eruption can be one short-lived event or a long-term huge flow of lava that will flow for millions of years.

Major eruptions occur every 100 thousand years. The last known explosion of a supervolcano occurred in New Zealand 26.5 thousand years ago.

Such an eruption today could cause a long nuclear winter and global famine. The UN estimates that the world's food supply will last 74 days.

NASA is looking for methods to prevent a supervolcanic eruption, but so far all the proposed methods are quite risky. Some could even cause an eruption, which the space agency is trying to avoid.

One of the most dangerous supervolcanoes in the world is located under Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming (USA), where pressure accumulates in a huge magma chamber. Yellowstone now loses 60-70% of its heat into the atmosphere through water that seeps into the magma chamber through cracks. The rest accumulates in the magma and dissolves in volatile gases. When heat and pressure reach their threshold, an explosion is inevitable.

NASA believes that if Yellowstone, a huge thermal generator with the productivity of 6 industrial power plants, is cooled by 35%, it will no longer pose a threat.

But all the proposed tactics seem impractical and dangerous. One already rejected idea involved using water to cool a supervolcano. "Building a big aqueduct up a hill would be expensive and difficult, and people wouldn't want to waste water that way," Wilcox says.

Then NASA thought about drilling a supervolcano 10 km deep in order to pump water at high pressure. The circulating water will return to the surface heated to a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius and thus gradually extract heat from the magma chamber.

Although the mission would cost $3.46 billion, NASA considers it the most viable solution. The use of heat as a resource represents an opportunity to offset the cost of the project. “It is possible to create a geothermal power plant that will generate electricity at very competitive prices of $0.10 per kilowatt hour,” says Wilcox.

But this method can cause a supervolcanic eruption. “The cap above the magma chamber will become more brittle and prone to cracks. And you can trigger the release of volatile gases into the magma layer at the top of the chamber.”

Careful drilling from the undersides may be a solution, but it will be a painfully slow process, progressing at a rate of 1 meter per year, meaning it will take tens of thousands of years for the volcano to cool completely.

Photos from open sources

Scientists feared in advance that the solar eclipse would increase the activity of the Yellowstone Park supervolcano, but they also hoped at the same time that everything could work out. (website)

It didn’t work out, and today seismologists state that the volcano is no longer shaking like a child, since the caldera is boiling at record levels even compared to the turbulent current summer.

Photos from open sources

By the way, on the day itself solar eclipse, that is, on August 21, Yellowstone demonstrated six serious tremors, the magnitude of which reached 3.2 on the Richter scale, and in just August, about nine hundred earthquakes have already occurred in the national park, which can be compared with the two-year norm, say, five years ago. This is a very alarming signal, and therefore scientists, for example, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Member Russian Academy Sciences Yuri Zhivlyuk, believe that today the entire world community needs to be involved in this problem. The United States simply cannot cope with it on its own.

As we already wrote, NASA planned to “calm down” the volcano in two ways - by artificially detonating a small atomic bomb or through . Currently, the leadership of the aerospace agency has already abandoned the mine method, however, according to some volcanologists, the water option could turn into a real tragedy, which would be worse than complete non-intervention.

The problem with the Yellowstone volcano needs to be solved by the whole world

That is why Yuri Zhivlyuk proposes to solve this problem, as they say, with the whole world, because Yellowstone at any moment can explode and boom in such a way that it will not seem like much not only to the residents of North America, but also to the Earth as a whole.

Source of magma of any large volcano, writes the scientist, is located at a depth of about 100 kilometers, and Yellowstone has a magma chamber only 8-16 kilometers from the surface of the earth, which is why it, as they say, is about to “be born.” Its explosion will be equivalent to a large-scale nuclear war. The territory of the United States and part of the server areas of Canada will be swept away in the blink of an eye, and then giant tsunami waves after some time will wash away Spain, Portugal, England, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Korea and China will get it well, as well as Russia.

Hole area in earth's crust after such an explosion it can reach four thousand square kilometers, and from this fiend of hell tens of thousands of cubic kilometers of ash will be thrown into the atmosphere, which will completely cover the sun. And long night and winter will come all over the Earth, after which neither plant nor animal world. A handful of people who manage to take refuge in shelters will be doomed to a miserable existence in these conditions, since they and their children will inherit a lifeless and poisoned planet for many centuries...

Photos from open sources

This, of course, is the worst option, says Yuri Zhivlyuk, but it is quite possible, and therefore all countries of the world must today unite their efforts in the face of such a universal danger that hangs over us. And at this time we continue to fight and intrigue each other, well, like children, really...

Photos from open sources

05/20/2016 Russian People's Line published my article “Yellowstone Volcano under American Sanctions”, so the articles “Yellowstone – urgent need to act” published on 08/01/2017 and “Yellowstone problem - under the control of the international community” forced me to express my opinion on this topic once again.

In the twentieth century, scientists have never been able to predict the date and time of a volcanic eruption and thereby save even one life. It is unlikely that this will be possible to do in the twenty-first century. This does not mean that it is not worth studying volcanic activity, but if the Yellowson problem is facing the United States, let them do it, why should we spend money on it?

Andrey Soshenko believes that “Given the degree of real and unprecedented danger to Yellowstone for the whole world, the combination of concerns of the world community and reports about this in the media, the need to bring this issue to the international level is long overdue. If the danger of an eruption, with all other consequences, is “grossly exaggerated,” then let an independent international scientific commission, recognized by the entire world community, report this based on the results of an analysis of the situation. The situation must be clear and under control. Otherwise, all of humanity will remain “on a powder keg.”

Regardless of the opinion of the international scientific commission, if the Yellowstone volcano is destined to explode, it will explode. In addition, the international scientific community cannot solve the problem at the level of knowledge of the Soviet ten-year period and is actively struggling with natural phenomenon, thanks to which comfortable conditions have been created for the existence of life on earth, the world community cannot understand Yellowstone.

In any trouble you need to find positive sides. According to Yuri Zhivlyuk, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, “ Portugal, Spain, France, England, Germany, Italy and many other European countries, as well as many countries in eastern Asia, including China, Japan, Korea." The USA will cease to exist by definition. Russia is not included in the list of countries subject to destruction. From this we can draw two conclusions: one of a religious nature, the other of a commercial nature.

By the will of God, the Orthodox received huge territory with huge reserves natural resources, which will survive even after the eruption of the Yellowstone volcano. God is One. Religions are different. Since God allowed the Orthodox to have this particular territory, it means that He is interested in preserving, first of all, Orthodox faith.

From previous publications it is known that “The US Geological Survey conducted a study using special program, which simulated the Yellowstone eruption and its consequences. Scientists have concluded that the eruption will kill approximately 90 thousand people almost immediately. Cities at a distance of more than 480 km around Yellowstone Park will be under a layer of ash up to 90 cm.

The population of the United States as of 2017 is about 325,000,000 people. 90 thousand dead at once is a regrettable thing, but the remaining 324,91,000 people will remain alive and will seek salvation. The $20 billion received by Argentina and Brazil will not fundamentally change the situation for several reasons.

With this money, only 20 million people can survive for a year. 322 million 91 thousand people doomed to a slow death may rebel and sweep away American democracy along with the government.

“Also, the release of gases into the atmosphere will lead to a volcanic winter, similar to a nuclear one, which will last about a year. The US will become darker and colder due to insufficient supply sunlight and warmth. This, in turn, will cause crop failure and famine.” A year-long winter in Brazil will lead to the death of all vegetation and in a year there will be nothing to eat there.

Besides, “From August 2, 2017, humanity begins to live on credit, which nature issues to it for several months. On this day, all the renewable resources of the Earth that were given to people for whole year. These calculations were made by the non-governmental organization Global Footprint Network. In seven months, humanity has eaten more fish and cut down more trees than the planet will be able to restore this year. Carbon dioxide, which entered the atmosphere in a little more than six months, oceans and forests will also not be able to absorb in the next five months.”. Humanity does not mean Russia.

Technically, Russia is capable of additionally creating forest areas comparable to the territory of France, possibly larger. Research needs to be done. Russia can increase its fish and drinking water supplies. Russia can increase its acreage. Russia can feed the whole world. To do this, the country's leadership must move from the vector of development to the direction of development.

American scientists promise a year-long volcanic winter. Considering the eight-month cold period in many of our territories, the nature of Russia will be preserved much better than in Brazil, and accordingly, its full restoration will be more effective. In addition, a year-long winter is predicted taking into account the natural deposition of dust. Its deposition can be accelerated in at least two ways: by spraying water over dust clouds and collecting it using ionizers. Considering that the territory of Russia will be least affected by a possible eruption of the Yellowstone volcano, special aircraft and ionizers should be located on its territory. Theoretically, it is possible to minimize air pollution over Russia in a few months.

American citizens who want to die due to age, and not from a volcanic eruption, need to invest money in Russia. 22 thousand disappeared from the map of Russia settlements, in thousands of villages only “baba Masha” and “grandfather Maxim” live. Therefore, it is better to have a dacha in the ecologically clean village of Gadyukino than in California, which is subject to destruction.

Americans do not read my articles and thereby endanger their lives. Regardless of nationality, we are all children of the Creator and, in a way, brothers, so I propose to create a think tank on the basis of RNL that can convince our government that Russia is a unique country capable of preserving human civilization and that for this it is necessary to organize an “Institute for Propaganda of Exceptional Russia’s role in preserving civilization.”

Alexander Ufaev specially for Planet Today

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24.08.2017 07:00

Volcanic activity in North America is under constant monitoring by the Volcano Observatory and this organization expresses serious concern. Scientists were concerned about the activity of the most famous volcano in the United States, Yellowstone.
It was not for nothing that this volcano was called a “supervolcano” in the American media; its dimensions are simply amazing - 55 by 72 kilometers. In the event of an eruption, a cataclysm will occur that threatens not only America, but all life on Earth. Scientists from the US Volcano Observatory are developing plans that can save them from the cataclysm.

So far, the study of the Yellowstone volcano problem consists of studying volcanic activity and compiling complete reports on earthquakes that have already occurred in the national park. The official report makes us think about the possibility of resisting the elements, because in July 2017, 528 tremors were recorded, which, fortunately, were not significant.

On August 1 of this year, volcanologists recorded an earthquake in the area of ​​the Yellowstone volcano with a magnitude of 3.1 on the Richter scale. This shock was also recorded by the US Geological Survey, which published accurate data.

The earthquake started at 13:16 UTC.

The epicenter of the earthquake was 15 miles north of West Yellowstone.

The source of the earthquake was at a depth of 7.3 kilometers.

The second shock was recorded at 15:15 UTC, with a magnitude of 2.8 points.

The epicenter was located in the same place as in the first case; the source was at a depth of 7.5 kilometers.

Monitoring of the Yellowstone caldera (crater) showed that despite the past earthquakes, changes are minimal for July values.

The Norris Geyser Basin to the north of Yellowstone Caldera continues to rise at a low rate. The USGS believes that everything in the caldera area remains within limits for now. historical values norms.