
Why can they be expelled from the university? We are soldiers, we are not to blameThe student has the right to leave the university at his own request. But there are a number of reasons why they may be forced to expel.collected cases when the administration of a Belarusian university, according to

Article 79 of the Education Code,

has the right to expel a student against his will. — Low academic performancePerhaps the most common reason for expulsion from a university. Failed three exams in the session

catch the expulsion notice. The list of academic debts also includes unfinished practice. You can also be expelled from the university due to uncompleted tests: if you did not receive a “pass” mark in at least one of the disciplines of the test session before the start of the first exam, you will not be allowed to take the exam session. The dean's office did not include your name in the list for the third exam

goodbye university. Skipping classes Frequent absences from lectures, seminars, tests, and laboratories are fraught with expulsion. Say goodbye to the university if you have not appeared within the walls of the educational institution for 30 days without good reason. When there are fewer absences, you will be given the opportunity to make up missed classes. But if so many of them have accumulated that it is impossible to cover absenteeism before the session, get ready to pick up documents from the dean’s office. The teacher has the right not to admit the student to the session without completed

independent work

, assumed by the training program.

It is possible that you have to leave the university due to the closure of the university or the loss of its teaching license. If a specialty is closed, students are usually transferred to a similar program. This happened to students of one of the specialties in 2017

Breaking the rules

Every educational institution has its own charter and rules. For gross violations of discipline, the university administration may expel a negligent student. The same applies to behavior in the hostel. Remember that a violent student party or damage to government property can result in problems or expulsion from the university. Late tuition fees. Late payment is a direct violation of the agreement concluded with the university upon admission. To prevent expulsion, write to the dean’s office in advance asking for a deferment. If you’re really tight on money, take a sabbatical and save up the required amount in a year.

Failure to appear after leaving the army

If you joined the army in the middle of your university studies, your place is retained for another year after discharge. The university has the right to expel you automatically after this period.

Separate rules govern the expulsion of cadets. Studying there is equivalent to service, so these universities adhere to the relevant legislation

You are definitely within your power to retain your place at the university. It is enough not to miss classes, follow the rules of the university, fulfill the requirements of the teacher and prepare for the session. In a word, everything is in your hands!

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Expulsion from a university is a fairly common practice of punishing students. The most common reason is poor performance. This threatens both public sector employees and students on a paid basis; numerous warnings from the dean’s office in such a situation are not obligatory. In addition, reinstatement at a university after expulsion for poor academic performance is not an easy task, because your reputation and status as a “slob”, “truant” and “low student” have already been tarnished.

Main reasons for expulsion from university

All of them can be divided into respectful and disrespectful. In the first case, it is one’s own desire, transfer to another university, or medical reasons. Disrespectful includes:

  • academic failure;
  • systematic absenteeism (they either directly lead to expulsion or lead to academic failure);
  • violation of the rules and regulations of the educational institution.

Expulsion from the university for poor academic performance

The abundance of unclosed “tails” or, in the language of the dean’s office, “failure to fulfill curriculum“This is the most common reason for expulsion.

Problems of this kind are possible if:

  • three or more disciplines in one session are not “closed” (they cost two marks or there is no access to the exam);
  • one subject was not passed by the certification commission (including two retakes);
  • the academic difference is not “closed” (when changing a specialty);
  • debts were not submitted within the deadlines established by the dean’s office;
  • the internship was not completed (the necessary reports on its completion were not provided).

Usually, debts roll in like a snowball, and at the end of the semester the surprised student learns that he will soon have to join the army or look for a job, because he will no longer be able to study here. The easiest way is to prevent such a situation in advance, approach teachers in problematic subjects, and, if necessary, order coursework online with us to access the session.

What to do after expulsion from the university?

If you couldn’t avoid trouble, then you need to understand what to do next.

The Ministry of Education warns: why are they expelled from a university or college?

The procedure for expulsion from the university is quite simple: the dean’s office notifies you, explains the reasons, issues an academic certificate, which confirms the fact of completion of training and contains information about all subjects passed with grades.

Reinstatement after expulsion for academic failure is one of the rights of an ex-student. In this case, it will no longer be possible to be on a budget again. Restoration occurs to the same course if all “debts” are cleared, or to the previous course with the need to re-take the material already learned.

It is also possible to enroll in another university after expulsion with the need to pass an academic difference - to cover those subjects that were taught in a given educational institution in the previous year, but you did not take them at your previous place of study.

We are also ready to help with recovery, namely closing debts and paying academic differences. With us you can write a custom essay, coursework, test papers to order, etc. In most cases, this is what is required to pay off debts and recover.

The expulsion of a student from a higher educational institution is a procedure that is best never to go through, but, nevertheless, it is required to be well represented to every student.

expulsion from the university for poor academic performance

It should be noted right away that the expulsion of a student is a step-by-step process that must be carried out in accordance with current legislation. When making a decision to expel a student from the ranks of students, the rights and interests of both the citizen and the higher education institution must be taken into account.

The issue of expelling a student at the initiative of the administration of an educational institution is considered by a special educational commission.

There are several reasons why a student may be expelled from a university, which can be divided into two groups:

  • The student’s own desire, which can be caused either by transfer to another educational institution, or a decision to complete studies, or other reasons;
  • Initiative of the university management due to failure to implement the curriculum, including low academic performance or failure to eliminate current academic debt; gross violation of the provisions of the charter and internal regulations of the university; low class attendance without good reason; failure to appear for exams without reason. Also, failure to return from academic leave, gross disciplinary violations, as well as, in the case of studying on a commercial basis, arrears in tuition fees or violation of other terms of the contract by the student can serve as a reason for expulsion.

Let's now look at the mandatory procedures for expelling a student at the initiative of the university administration.

When a student is expelled for failure to complete the curriculum or for academic failure at the initial stage, the dean of the faculty prepares a reasoned proposal for the student’s expulsion indicating the reason for expulsion and the date of expulsion, which is signed by the rector (vice-rector) within 3 days and transferred to the student personnel department for issuing an expulsion order. The student must be familiarized with the submission upon signature.

The expulsion of students for violation of duties stipulated by the internal regulations and other gross disciplinary violations is determined by Order No. 185 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation adopted on March 15, 2013, by the procedure for applying disciplinary measures to students and removing disciplinary measures from students.

According to this procedure, before applying a disciplinary measure, the university administration must request a written explanation from the student. If after three school days the student does not provide the specified explanation, then a corresponding act is drawn up. It should be noted that a student’s refusal or evasion to provide a written explanation is not an obstacle to his expulsion from the university. The expulsion order contains the following entry: “expelled from the student body (indicate full name), course number, specialty, form of study” and the basis and date of expulsion are stated.

Next, the student should sign the bypass sheet. This will require visiting several services of the educational institution, including the utility block, library, etc. Only by presenting a signed bypass sheet will the student be able to receive back the original documents on basic education (usually a certificate of complete secondary education). The record book is also handed over by the student and, together with an extract from the expulsion order, is stored in the archives of the educational institution.

In addition, a former student can write an application to receive a standard certificate of study at a university (academic certificate), which records the fact of incomplete higher education.

In the event that a student for some reason cannot appear for documents, this can be done by an authorized representative (with a notarized power of attorney) or his legal representative (if the student has not reached the age of majority).

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The procedure for expulsion from a higher educational institution is unpleasant for both the administration and the student. For management, this is a long, labor-intensive process that requires the preparation of a long list of documents and strict adherence to the procedure for expulsion from the university established by law. The culprit of the emergency will also have to go through not the happiest moments in life, so it is better not to bring the situation to the boiling point and know exactly why they can be expelled from the university.

Reasons for expulsion from university

According to Article 61 of the Federal Law on Education, there are two grounds for expulsion from a university: the initiative of the higher educational institution and the desire of the student, if he:

  • decided to transfer to another university;
  • changes place of residence;
  • are unable to continue their studies due to family (life) circumstances or due to deteriorating health.

At the request of the university, this is always an exception for unjustified reasons, which are considered to be:

  • Non-payment. Full-time and contract students correspondence departments You should be especially careful and control the deadlines within which you need to pay money for training. One day of delay, of course, will not be excluded, but if you do not promptly respond to the dean’s notice about the need to repay the debt and do not make a contribution, expulsion from the university for non-payment cannot be avoided.
  • Underachievement. This wording comes into force if there are three academic debts in one or more subjects:
  • failed tests, exams;
  • two unsuccessful retake attempts;
  • expiration of the “tails” liquidation period - usually the first 30 days after summer holidays or winter session.

Failures in coursework or practice also count as debt.

Rules for expulsion from a university for poor academic performance based on the Model Regulations on educational institution higher vocational training are compiled by all universities, institutes, colleges, academies independently and are prescribed in the charter, so the timing and number of retakes, periods for paying tuition may vary.

The application of disciplinary measures, which include expulsion, according to the 6th part of the 43rd article of the law on education, is unacceptable during academic leave, illness and holidays.

  • Other reasons. These include:
  • violation of the internal regulations of the university;
  • untimely exit from academic leave;
  • unjustified absence from examinations;
  • hooligan behavior in dormitories or academic buildings;
  • imprisonment.

Fee-paying students may be expelled when they violate the terms of their contract.

Deduction procedure

If expulsion occurs at the request of the student, an application must be written to the rector, which will be considered within a period not exceeding 10 days.

How to avoid expulsion from university

The student is considered officially expelled only after signing the order.

Be careful! In paid departments, tuition fees are charged until an expulsion order is issued, even if the student does not attend classes.

If the initiator of the exclusion is a university, then the administration must first request a written explanation from the student. Refusal to provide information about the reasons for academic failure, arrears in fees, non-attendance, or unwillingness to explain other circumstances that forced the educational institution to raise the question of the student's status does not prevent expulsion.

If satisfactory and respectful explanations are not provided or there are compelling reasons for disciplinary action, the dean of the faculty sends a reasoned proposal for expulsion to the rector's office. Within three days, it is signed by the head of the university and transferred to the student personnel department, where the corresponding order is issued.

What documents are issued to an expelled student?

In exchange for a walk-in sheet signed in the library, utility room, or dormitory, the ex-student receives his school certificate and all original documents provided upon admission. When transferring to another educational institution, you will need an academic certificate, which lists the courses completed, indicating the number of hours attended and grades received.

It is extremely rare for a student to be expelled without the right to reinstatement and almost never instantly. There is always time and a chance to correct the situation.

More articles on the topic

Procedure for expulsion from the university

The procedure for expulsion from a higher educational institution is unpleasant for both the administration and the student. For management, this is a long, labor-intensive process that requires the preparation of a long list of documents and strict adherence to the procedure for expulsion from the university established by law. The culprit of the emergency will also have to go through not the happiest moments in life, so it is better not to bring the situation to the boiling point and know exactly why they can be expelled from the university.

According to Article 61 of the Federal Law on Education, there are two grounds for expulsion from a university: the initiative of the higher educational institution and the desire of the student, if he:

  • decided to transfer to another university;
  • changes place of residence;
  • are unable to continue their studies due to family (life) circumstances or due to deteriorating health.

At the request of the university, this is always an exception for unjustified reasons, which are considered to be:

  • Non-payment. Full-time and part-time contract students should be especially careful and control the deadlines within which they need to pay money for their studies. One day of delay, of course, will not be excluded, but if you do not promptly respond to the dean’s notice about the need to repay the debt and do not make a contribution, expulsion from the university for non-payment cannot be avoided.
  • Underachievement. This wording comes into force if there are three academic debts in one or more subjects:
    • failed tests, exams;
    • two unsuccessful retake attempts;
    • expiration of the deadline for eliminating “tails” - usually the first 30 days after the summer holidays or winter session.

Failures in coursework or practice also count as debt.

The rules for expulsion from a university for poor academic performance on the basis of the Model Regulations on an educational institution of higher vocational training are drawn up by all universities, institutes, colleges, academies independently and are prescribed in the charter, therefore the terms and number of retakes, periods for paying tuition may vary.

The application of disciplinary measures, which include expulsion, according to the 6th part of the 43rd article of the law on education, is unacceptable during academic leave, illness and holidays.

  • Other reasons. These include:
    • violation of the internal regulations of the university;
    • untimely exit from academic leave;
    • unjustified absence from examinations;
    • hooligan behavior in dormitories or academic buildings;
    • imprisonment.

Fee-paying students may be expelled when they violate the terms of their contract.

If expulsion occurs at the request of the student, an application must be written to the rector, which will be considered within a period not exceeding 10 days. The student is considered officially expelled only after signing the order.

Be careful! In paid departments, tuition fees are charged until an expulsion order is issued, even if the student does not attend classes.

If the initiator of the exclusion is a university, then the administration must first request a written explanation from the student. Refusal to provide information about the reasons for academic failure, arrears in fees, non-attendance, or unwillingness to explain other circumstances that forced the educational institution to raise the question of the student's status does not prevent expulsion.

If satisfactory and respectful explanations are not provided or there are compelling reasons for disciplinary action, the dean of the faculty sends a reasoned proposal for expulsion to the rector's office. Within three days, it is signed by the head of the university and transferred to the student personnel department, where the corresponding order is issued.

What documents are issued to an expelled student?

In exchange for a walk-in sheet signed in the library, utility room, or dormitory, the ex-student receives his school certificate and all original documents provided upon admission. When transferring to another educational institution, you will need an academic certificate, which lists the courses completed, indicating the number of hours attended and grades received.

It is extremely rare for a student to be expelled without the right to reinstatement and almost never instantly. There is always time and a chance to correct the situation.

Here in the comments to one of the answers there were so many stereotypes - “how can you expect something from a child” (i.e. a graduate); some woman wrote that for a girl, the opinion of her parents regarding her choice of university is especially important; it was said that it was absurd to think that a high school student knew what he wanted to do with his life; that in America parents (!) give (!!!) to their children the so-called. gap year after school, so that they can relax and understand what to do in the future - so, there are so many stereotypes that I wanted to tell my story. Sorry for the length of my answer.

So here's my story. I'm 25. I just finished my second year of bachelor's degree. How did this happen? Look. - I finished one of the best schools Moscow in 2011. (Gymnasium 1514, Department of Theory and History of World Culture, if anyone is interested.) I had a very clear idea of ​​where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do all my life. My entire family (several generations) graduated from the physics department of Moscow State University. And I was going to enter Moscow State University to study philosophy. And then go to work at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the logic sector. I had no alternatives, I didn’t want anything else from life or study. Mother believed that I should go or technical specialty(physics department, mechanics and mathematics department, computer science...), or to law school (her second higher education). Otherwise, she said that she would not give me a penny after graduation. There is no father. My grandmother insisted that I apply to other faculties and other universities in case I didn’t get in, just in case. Grandfather directly pointed out my short-sightedness and immaturity - and suggested that I go to Samara, where he was sent in the late 70s to open a branch Physical Institute Academy of Sciences (and in 1998 he became director of the Samara branch of the Lebedev Physical Institute). He had connections all over Samara region and he could “place” me wherever I wanted. My supervisor at school discouraged me from going to philosophy and strongly recommended history. I didn’t argue with them, I didn’t defend my innocence. I simply said what I was going to do and submitted the original documents to the Philosophy Department of Moscow State University. I was aware that I had nowhere to rush, and was ready to try to enroll there year after year, even for ten years in a row. But this was not necessary: ​​I was at the top of the list and easily entered the first wave.

They all had to accept my choice. (Well, except for the school scientist, with whom I have not communicated since then.) Mom began to respect me after this story. Soon she died and did not live to see my first regalia in the field of philosophy. But my grandparents were (and are) proud of these regalia - and both apologized for not believing in me.

But after the first course, my major depressive disorder with psychotic episodes began to progress. I was forced to take academic leave and go to the hospital. I was treated for a year, then recovered and completed another course. However, I did not study as carefully as I would have liked during the second semester of my second year. I had vending machines for almost all subjects, but I did not mark them and took the documents. Since I was not expelled and I did not have the slightest problems with my academic performance, I had the opportunity to recover on the budget within five years without exams.

And so, in 2018, I wrote an application for reinstatement. I had a good reputation at the faculty, they remembered me, so the deputy dean supported my application, and the CPC reinstated me without any problems. I successfully studied and completed the session with almost all the machines and with excellent marks.

What have I been doing these five years? During my time at school, I read all the major books of all the major philosophers - from Fragments of the Early Greek Philosophers to Ingarden and Chalmers. And I devoted these years to reading non-core books by authors already known to me and getting to know new philosophers. I also really love the poetry of the 20th century (Trakl, Heim, Werfel, Jandl, Lasker-Schuler, Celan, Herbert, Ruzhevich and many others). So, in addition to philosophy, I also read it, including in the original (since many authors have not been translated into Russian at all). Deepened my knowledge in the field of history of culture and art (including reading writers more than early eras, even, so to speak, unloved ones). I learned to live with my psycho. illness. She kept diaries and wrote articles (a couple of which she published when she returned to university). I met the editor of a good publishing house, who offered to publish my texts. So for part of these years (and still are) we were (and are) preparing for the publication of my book. Well, plus, not being limited in the place of residence, I went to visit friends in St. Petersburg and lived with them for six months, talked, went to exhibitions (for myself) and to all sorts of film screenings and performances with subsequent discussion (for the sake of communication). Also - to clubs, to concerts, to raves. Also for the sake of communication. I look younger than my age, and when people see me, they usually assume that I am a naive and inexperienced creature, a girl with an excellent student complex. And when I mention clubs, they think I’m talking about the Goethe fan club at the district library. Meanwhile, these years of free existence allowed me to live without worrying about “study tomorrow” - and I had the opportunity to try MDMA, opiates, and other different things. Until I was 20, I didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and especially didn’t take anything like that. Then the body was formed, there was no threat to mental development - and I allowed myself all these things. Except, by the way, booze and cigarettes. Alcohol intoxication gives me nothing except (at some stage) loss of coordination and clarity of articulation - and then I just pass out. The legs do not open, lightness does not appear, clarity of judgment is not lost, and one does not want to be frank. I don’t even understand cigarettes (as, by the way, I don’t understand weed either). Why?.. Yes, I started talking about alcohol - and remembered the archaeological expeditions :), which I went on since school. During these five years, I also went on several expeditions: Tyva, Solovki (Neolithic), Caucasus.

Plus, during my first year of study, I organized a literary club - we met at my house once a week and talked about foreign poetry. So, after taking the documents from the university, I continued to lead this circle for another two or three years. In addition, my younger sister was finishing school, entering school, but her studies were going very poorly, she constantly skipped school and did not open her textbooks at all. And so, I helped her: I explained school material, wrote essays and cheat sheets, prepared for the Unified State Exam. Her scores were so-so, but I still found her a faculty at the Russian State University for the Humanities, where she could enter under a preferential quota (as an orphan) and which essentially suited her. Then she began helping with university studies.

And during these years I made money by translating low-quality literature - this provided the necessary financial minimum, while not taking up so much time.

In general, as you can see, everything turned out well. I got where I wanted. I got sick and took an academic appointment. I returned and studied for another year. Then I took the documents for five years. Over all these years, I have not doubted one iota that I want to engage in philosophy professionally and that I am ready to live on the meager salaries of research assistants. I did everything I wanted. I was sad, and hard, and happy, and calm. I don't regret anything from this break - and I especially don't regret taking it at all. When I left, my university friends said that I would not return. I will have to earn money, I will find a job - and life will draw me into its whirlpool, so that the university, turn after turn, will turn out to be further and more illusory. However, when my five years passed, I confidently applied for reinstatement. Now I'm receiving social payments I practically don’t work. (Only sometimes I take some part-time jobs on the Internet.) I enjoy learning. I’ll finish my bachelor’s degree, then my master’s, then my graduate school, and then I’ll go to work at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Everything was as originally planned. Everything is fine. The course schedule did not allow for much that was interesting to me, would be useful to me and, in my opinion, would give me a useful and interesting experience. I took a break from my studies - I lived a free, comfortable life for me - and returned to finish my studies. Everything is great. :)

Conclusion: (1) sensibly evaluate your life: your capabilities and your desires, (2) do not let the idle chatter of others influence this assessment, (3) act firmly, confidently and consistently - and (4) listen to yourself! Don't be afraid to admit your mistake and change course. Don't be afraid to do what you think is right. Don't look at stereotypes and act as you need.

Successfully fulfilled the requirements of the state final certification. Expulsion at one's own request is made within no more than 10 working days from the date of registration of the student's application in the dean's office of the relevant faculty.

When expelled due to transfer, the student must provide the dean of the faculty with a certificate from the host university in the prescribed form.

It should be noted that students can be expelled for good reasons, for academic failure or failure to comply with the terms of the contract at any time (including during the holidays).

Before expelling students for academic failure, faculty deans place lists of students subject to expulsion from the university on the notice board of the relevant faculty.

Before issuing an order to expel a student for unexcused reasons, the dean of the department must request a written explanation from the student. The student may refuse to give an explanation - this will still not affect the resolution of the issue. But in this case, the dean must request a written refusal with the following wording - “I refuse to give an explanation about (reason for expulsion), student (full name, faculty, specialty, signature, date).”

If it is impossible to obtain an explanation from the student in writing, employees of the dean’s office must, no less than two weeks before issuing the order of expulsion, send the student a notice of the upcoming expulsion with a requirement to appear at the dean’s office within 14 days to give an explanation in writing.

After registration with the dean's office, a written notice is sent to the student by registered mail with notification to the address indicated in the student's personal file, or handed to the student himself or his representatives against signature.

The student’s failure to appear to give written explanations is not an obstacle to expulsion - and in this case, the dean, within 14 days from the date of sending the notice, prepares an appropriate order for the student’s expulsion. And in this case, for other reasons, including at your own request, it is no longer possible to be expelled.

The date of termination of the student’s educational contract is the date specified in the expulsion order. Lists of expelled students are posted on the faculty dean's notice board. Well, the dean of the faculty itself needs to notify the student’s parents (or legal representatives) of this within 14 days from the date of issuing the expulsion order by sending them copies of the expulsion order by registered mail. Also, within two weeks from the date of issuing the order for the expulsion of a student who studied with payment for tuition under the contract, the dean’s office is obliged to notify the payer about this by sending a registered letter with a copy of the order for expulsion attached to the address specified in the training contract.

What remains for the student? The student has 10 days from the date of issuance of the order of expulsion for any reason to submit to the dean’s office student ID, grade book and completed worksheet. Students living in a dormitory are required to vacate the premises within 10 days with the appropriate mark on the bypass sheet.