If the husband offends. Ten signs that a man is destroying you Why do situations arise when a husband wants to re-educate his wife?

There are things that you should not do in order to win or keep the man you love. Firstly, because he will not appreciate it, secondly, he will misunderstand you, and thirdly, he will stop respecting you. If you do not do the things we have listed below, then you have every chance of building and maintaining a strong relationship with your beloved man.

Financial aid

You should not take on the responsibility of supporting your couple. If you turn a blind eye to the fact that your partner does not work, citing the fact that he cannot find a job, is looking for his calling, or the salary he deserves, then ultimately the entire burden of financial responsibility in your relationship will fall on you. fragile shoulders. And your beloved man will simply sit on your neck. Over time, you will begin to understand that he is not going to work, this will lead to quarrels and swearing that destroys your relationship.

Expensive gifts

You should not give your beloved man gifts that will cost more than his gifts to you. Let's start with the fact that this can hurt his pride and even offend him if he is not able to spend large sums on gifts. If you give your chosen one expensive gifts, or even worse, try to buy his love and attention with them, and he accepts them without remorse, then you should think about whether he is a real man and whether you need such corrupt love.

Expensive gifts are more appropriate in already established family relationships, when, by and large, your financial well-being is the result of joint efforts.

A pity

You should not feel sorry for a man, unless of course you want to remain just a friend for him. A man will never love someone who pities him, because his masculine nature will not allow him to do so. He is a male by nature, who must be strong and confident in front of his female. You must support him, you can give advice, sympathize, but do not feel sorry.


You should not show your superiority, point your finger at what he failed. Even if you warned him about something and he didn’t listen to you, you don’t need to remind him about it, believe me, he already knows about it. And with your reminder you will only humiliate him and trample him. By remaining silent and supporting, you will gain respect.

From one extreme to another

Home, children, family - this is wonderful and it all rests on women’s shoulders. But this does not mean that you should limit your life to only this and forget about your career, friends and hobbies. No matter how offensive it may be, housewives who live only with their household chores over time think less and less about their appearance, your wardrobe and your interests. This can lead to the fact that even a man who loves you will begin to look at more well-groomed girls who look more elegant, sexier and with whom you can talk about something other than everyday topics.

Of course, this does not mean that he will cheat on you, but he will definitely look at another and flirt with her. That is why you should not forget about yourself: work, communication with friends, your hobbies and shopping for your loved one must be in your life. But don’t go from one extreme to another! Your man will not appreciate it if you throw yourself into your career or spend too much time with friends, forgetting about home comfort, husband and children.


Women love to change something in their appearance: style, hairstyle, haircut, hair color. And it’s normal when you want it yourself, but when you do it only because your man likes it, but not you, it’s strange. And if your man constantly points out that there is something wrong with your figure: the wrong breast size, or you are too curvy, too thin, etc., then think about whether he really loves you, because when you just met, then everything suited him, he loved you for who you are and that’s exactly how it should be. If a man demands the impossible from you, then he is unworthy of you, do not hold on to him, and perhaps in this way he is simply trying to break off relations with you, without finding other compelling reasons.

Pride is energy nurtured. She can't wait towill increase.

Pride is stress that deprives a person of the ability to think and forces him to act. Pride does not wait to be formed, it forms itself. Forms material values, feelings, people. Shapes himself and those around him. At the same time, it does not care whether it is necessary or not.

Pride has the energy of stone.

The energy of the stone causes kidney stones and sclerosis of all tissues.

Man's pride is like stone. His insensibility is cold, harsh, heavy, hard, and therefore he is avoided. For the same reason desire to be better And unwillingness to be who I am, perform together. Many people are happy to announce that they want to become a better person, but at the same time they become very angry with their own pride. Fear tells a person to simultaneously desire and not desire the same thing.

Since like attracts like, a person who wants to become a better person attracts someone who also wants to become a better person. As a result, two hard stones collide. Neither is going to give in to the other. Why? Imagine that these two hard stones are me and you. If I give in to you, you will feel that you are better. And I? I'm worse. That is why I will not give in to you. Does anyone wish for voluntary death?

For a person languishing in the captivity of his own pride, there is no middle ground. He believes that if he is not good, then he is bad. If he doesn't turn out to be better, then he turns out to be worse. If he is not the best, then he is the worst. That’s why he doesn’t give way to his rivals. He must win at any cost. When he emerges victorious, he becomes kind and generous to himself and to others. By the way, generosity is one of the signs of pride.Pride dominates a person, like other stresses. Wanting to prove that I'm better, she automatically proves that the neighbor is worse. At the same time, a person can wish only good things for his neighbor, or he can do this and be deeply unhappy that his neighbor does not accept anything from him. Pride does not have time to think, so a proud person does not understand that in this way his neighbor, out of pride, defends himself from shame.

Pride will not calm down until a person is a winner and his neighbor is a loser. However, life is arranged in such a way that the winner loses, the loser turns out to be the winner. In the end, both are defeated because neither one nor the other managed to stay human. Both wanted to become better people.

Pride does not calm down even if there is someone who does not want to become better than everyone else, because he knows that others are better, and therefore submits to his fate. Pride can crush the submissive like a bug,because she wants to advertise her victory. A submissive person humiliates her, but she does not tolerate humiliation.Victory in a duel without participation Pride disgraces the enemy. There is only one guideline for pride: higher and higher. Our pride does not allow us to understand that, causing humiliation and hating her, she hates the fruits of her work, considering them clearly bad. This is how we begin to blame the results of our actions and deeds and be ashamed of them.

The higher the level of material development, that is, the smarter and more prosperous people are, the more likely it is that the relationship is like two tough nuts to crack are intra-family. There are different options.

1. Wife and husband proving their superiority.

2. Parents and children proving their superiority.

3. Sisters and brothers proving their superiority.

The results depend on whether it is done openly or secretly. Overt pride is considered a fault. Secret pride is considered a virtue.

1. A wife and husband whose pride strives to prove its superiority (over the pride of the spouse), they destroy the family spiritually, mentally, physically, or in combination. The slightest illness in the family already indicates the victory of someone’s pride and someone’s shame. The higher the pride, the larger number future generations will experience its consequences. The most far-reaching consequences are led by contemptuous pride, which keeps its mouth shut, because this way one can show one’s superiority, and no one can refute this opinion.

A husband and wife who prove their superiority do not stop until the family is destroyed. But even in this case, they often do not calm down, but continue to turn each other’s lives into hell. If they prove their superiority in material terms, in terms of prosperity, then the man is the winner because he is a creator material world and he does it better. If the rivalry concerns which of the two is better as a person, then the woman comes out the winner. She is a creator on a spiritual level, and she does it better. As a person, a woman is always superior to a man.

It often happens that when a woman begins to lose her position to her husband, she makes a knight’s move - she abandons him - and now she has already proven that as a person she is better. The husband was left with his nose. His knowledge, dexterity and ability to conduct business affairs are no longer needed by anyone: neither his wife, nor his children, nor his mother-in-law and father-in-law, nor a mutual acquaintance. The women take their wife's side with glee. And men say: you yourself are a fool if you couldn’t be a man. Moreover, only those who do not know how to be a man themselves say this.

Unable to defeat each other, parents take their children to the role of arbitrator. To win the judge over to their side, each parent begins to prove that he is a better parent. The child is charged with the responsibility of expressing his assessment, and this is disastrous for the child. A child who protests against this gets sick. A child who makes a choice forced on him loses his second parent, at least spiritually.

Proving your superiority human qualities has a harmful effect on the head, especially the brain.

The head is also damaged in those who prefer to submit to the pride of their neighbor. Why? Because he sacrifices his own mind for the sake of the mind of his neighbor. He provokes his neighbor to ridicule his mental abilities.

People are proud of both good and bad, for whoever considers bad to be good is proud of bad. For example, self-sacrifice. If a man is just a person He starts life with himself. If a person is a good person, he begins life with others. The better he wants to be,Moreover, he thinks only about others, worries about them and does everything for their sake, completely renouncing himself. So it turns out that especially good man sacrifices himself with especially great enthusiasm and condemns himself to the same suffering. Who consciously turns into a slave, wanting to prove his goodwill, loyalty, fidelity, love, etc. at any cost. d.,he earns brain cancer.

Why? Because after getting married, a good person begins to notice negative qualities spouse and begins to prove to the whole world that she is positive. He is ashamed to admit that he made a mistake in his choice. He does not realize that he sees his own hidden shortcomings in his wife. If shame for him is worse than death, he strives to develop in himself positive traits so that the same qualities will develop in the spouse and, perhaps, so that the reputation of the entire family will increase. He comes up with more and more new options, which exacerbates his unpretentiousness and self-denial, as he devotes himself to his family. He rejoices when his spouse responds to his good aspirations, but does not notice that joy time after time acquires the properties of gloating. He overcomes his husband’s resistance with his goodness and does not realize that he resisted because he did not need all this. If the spouse is afraid of upsetting him, then the spouse will continue to accept sacrifices from him.

A sacrificial person, if his family does not accept his excessive positivity, transfers the advertising of his unpretentiousness to his circle of friends or work team in order to fulfill any desires of those around him.Most often this turns out to be burdensome, and he comes home to cry, but until the lesson of self-sacrifice is fully learned by him, he will continue to sacrifice himself. He strives for universal love and recognition of his positivity, and this goal does not give him peace. The desire to prove oneself with the best side in the work collective often turns into hidden revenge against one’s own family, which does not wish for good. At least it seems so to the sacrificial person.

The sick family member seems to be proving to the proud parent that he does not want any good, and this makes the parent terribly angry. He can unleash a stream of cruel, painfully wounding words on a chronically ill child, which makes the child feel worse the better he wants to be. In the next moment, the parent may curse himself for what he said, but after a while the situation will repeat itself. Sick child, and heis a mirror reflection of the parents’ sick attitude towards life, moTherefore, you may be ill for the rest of your life. A parent who wants to boast about his child is deprived of such an opportunity. His husband, most likely, experiences a kind of bitter triumph of the winner on this occasion, because the child’s illness is primarily a consequence of the struggle for primacy being wagedbetween stress of both parents.

The more the winner triumphs, the more bitterness the loser experiences and the stronger their mutual karmic hatred, which will accompany them for more than one subsequent life. It doesn't matter whether it is expressed openly or not. He who is aware admits his error and thereby corrects it. He cannot do this for anyone else.

If a person is forced to accept sacrifices from his neighbor, he experiences mental anguish and feels indebted to him. Often such sufferers are husbands who, with all tenderness and caressThey persuade the wife to take a break from her troubles. A particularly good wife will not fail to be offended by her husband for his concern, even if she knows that he is right. In fact, it is not she who is offended, but her desire to be even better. The desire to show one’s best side forces one to get down to business even when a person is hopelessly ill and it’s time for him to start thinking about himself.

In the name of restoring the good reputation of the family, a person is able to devote himself to his family without reserve. He stops living own life. However, this does not solve the family problem.

Why? Because dedication to the saint goals turns spiritual light into spiritual darkness. Dedication goals there is self-sacrifice.

Sacrificing yourself for the good loved one, it doesn’t even occur to a wife or husband to ask the question, is this necessary? The neighbor does not need sacrifices, but the person, nevertheless, sacrifices himself. The destructive disease that has befallen him destroys his family, dooming his household to suffering. The state of illness is a kind of retribution to the family for being in debt to the benefactor. Unpaid debts bring retribution.

Only those who perceive a family problem as a shame for themselves devote themselves to the family. People who admire such an attitude towards the family can write praises, because they want to partake of such a spirit, but in general, admiration quickly fades. There are people who, for the sake of family honor and pride, devote themselves so much to their family that they no longer see or hear anything else. This behavior is caused by subconscious fear God forbid people find out about the shame. Despite this, life, alas, does not remove the shame from us. It will manifest itself in subsequent generations.

The desire to achieve a goal, self-denial and self-sacrifice- all these are energies that need to be released.

The husband for whom home destroys the spirit of the family.Mental illnesses of children are the most serious consequences of such stubbornness of the father. The wife for whom home the goal is to prove your superiority, destroys the soul of the family. The family runs away and collapses. If a harsh word or the harsh hand of a father does not allow household members to scatter, they become mentally ill.

Spouses who do not yield the palm to each other begin to prove their parental superiority. According to the principle - if your own suffering is not enough, let the children suffer too. At first, the child is proud of one parent and ashamed of the other. Subsequently, he is ashamed of both. Moreover, the feeling of shame is destructive for the child himself, although the parents were the cause of shame.

2. Produces fundamentally the same destructive work undying rivalry between parents and children for primacy. To an outside observer, this spectacle may seem terrifying, while the direct participants in the heat of the struggle do not notice anything. The struggle continues until the relationship is completely broken, or until one of those involved leaves this world. Over time, when the wounds have healed, the person coldly renounces the child or parents. Because is this a child or is it the parents?

There are also parents who are constantly dissatisfied with their child, and for any reason. From birth, the child feels like a nuisance for his parents, superfluous and generally unwanted. No child feels something without a reason. If his feeling is reinforced by parental behavior, then he was indeed born unwanted. He has toendure nagging and reproaches until the limit comes. This usually happens when a child loses hope that his parents will ever love him, and he decides from now on to live an independent life.

Parents, confident in their superiority, do not agree with this, since a child who cannot cope with life would be a disgrace for them. At the mere thought that society will begin to point the finger at them, they rush to shame the child in order to somehow improve the situation. A child, whose feelings by that time have been completely killed, can, being in his right mind, raise his hand against his parents and kill them. To put an end to spiritual murder, he kills murderers.The real culprits get what they deserve, and the imaginary culprit goes to prison.

Parents, at least somewhat satisfied with themselves, do not shame the child in absolutely everything. They shame him for doing things he likes that they don't like. This means that they shame the child’s corresponding feelings. In extreme cases, the result may be the loss of a particular type of sensation caused by the death of the nerves of the corresponding sensory organ.

Parents whose pride wants to assert its superiority over their children walk around as winners while their children are small. By shaming a child, parents shame not him, but themselves. But they do not admit this, even when they say: "This childmy shame." If in this struggle the child is not completely finished off - spiritually or physically, as a person or as an animal, then the older he becomes, the more often he turns out to be the winner.

If, despite this, a child wants to earn the love of his mother or father, or both of them, wants to prove that he is better than his parents think, he can turn his own family life into hell. He gets irritated over any trifle that has to do with his parents, taking out his anger on his spouse. Or on someone who turns up, because he doesn’t understand the reasons for his anger. If people, when getting married, were able to leave the problems of their childhood in the past, if, as adults, they stopped perceiving themselves as their parents’ children, then in their family life there would be peace. If parents did not treat their children as their property, they would not interfere with their children's lives, and the children would be happy. Usually, a child has more than one marriage upset before he is able to tear his parents out of his heart, carrying a bleeding wound in his soul for the rest of his life.

Often relationships deteriorate due to grandparents who are running around with with his kindness and goodness, like with a written sack. They whisper one thing to one of the rival parties, another - another, and a third to the children, which is why everyone experiences distrust and anger against everyone else. When a person desperately wants to show his best side, he lacks the sober mind to appreciate the inert principles of older people.

Parents of husband or wifeonly add fuel to the fire, because also want to show their best side.

3. Sibling rivalry becomes stricter as material well-being grows and the desire to increase one’s wealth. Children of the same parents can become each other's most sworn blood enemies - the blows they inflict are the most merciless, since knowing each other's weak spots, it is easy to hit the mark. Wanting to assert his superiority, a person without a twinge of conscience puts his neighbor in a shameful light. He is so embarrassed over a mere trifle that he dies. But even after death he does not forgive the offender.

For another person, the death of a sister or brother, or someone who has become a sister or brother in spirit for him, is perceived as a universal tragedy, since he desired this death in his soul. He doesn’t understand why such a terrible thought stuck in him. And it stuck because a person is ashamed because he was unable to prove his superiority over his neighbor. A thought always comes to tell a person that he needs to think about his life first. And only after that act, if necessary.

The rivalry between brothers and sisters for primacy is the more merciless, the more unevenly the parents treat their children. The greatest mistake parents can make with their children is ranking their children. The consequence of this is a lifelong blood feud between children, even to the point of bloodshed. As long as the memory of shame remains in the memory, the thirst for revenge is passed on from generation to generation, who bear the responsibility to avenge injustice. Otherwise they will not be able to breathe, because the physical life and physical health of a personhas, thanks to a diaphragm that operates exclusively on communication energytoast. Discrimination between children is an injustice to those consideredthe best, as well as those who are considered the worst.

Whoever does not honor the family as a shrine in his heart will be disgraced by his family.

In the same family, perhaps, there is a person who, despite everything, reveres the family as a shrine, and it is impossible to dirty him with dirt. Everyone else may want it badly, but the dirt won't stick to him. In an attempt to dirty it with dirt, people get dirty themselves.

A pure soul cannot be soiled.

Unfortunately, in our era, children with disabilities in developed countries are so untainted. mental development, as a rule, congenital.

Taking the right position in life, we will not have superiority - we are natural. A man who has not lost his naturalness is not afraid or avoids a woman. He will not despise her, he will not develop hatred towards her, because he is not obsessed with her...

If a man constantly insists on his own in a relationship with a woman, he insists on his own superiority. This is his conditioning, and he is in a struggle with the woman.

Taking the right position in life, we will not have superiority - we are natural. A man who has not lost his naturalness is not afraid or avoids a woman. He will not despise her, he will not develop hatred towards her, because he is not obsessed with her.

When a man is obsessed with a woman, she is an acute reflection in his life, and he is in constant struggle with her. The highest form of such struggle is the achievement of intellectual superiority. This suggests that the man is obsessed with the woman in his mind and fights with her through his mind. Showing his superiority, he demands that the woman take the position in their relationship that he indicates to her. That is, she must sit on a leash, on a leash, and do everything the way he wants. Then she will be deterministic, predictable, he will not be afraid of her, and on such conditions he will agree to live with her.

The man doesn't even understand how this happens. In his struggle, he tries to defeat a woman precisely because he is obsessed with her, obsessed by nature, but does not understand this. He does not recognize his own nature, does not allow it to manifest itself in the conscious part of the mind, so that, with awareness, he can free himself from the dependence that is obsession. He needs to bring awareness to his obsession, and not fight it by suppressing it into the subconscious. This obsession gives rise to male limitations, a constant demand for superiority over women, chauvinism, and misogeny.

It is useless to fight against one’s own nature, but being in conditioning, in the limitations of a mechanical mind, a man does not understand this. And he always feels disadvantaged because he is dependent on a woman, but by insisting on his own, fighting intellectually, he proves to her that he is higher, that he is stronger, that he is freer. But in reality, everything is far from the case. Once you see his superiority, you can already understand that he is deeply dependent. If it were otherwise, he would not have to constantly insist on his own.


Where there is violence, where there is cunning, where deception, ignorance, substitution reign, there is always a struggle. A woman will evade, maneuver, be cunning, entangle a man with cunning and lead him. The man will fight back. He can drink himself to death, run around with prostitutes, take revenge on a woman in any way possible, but he will not do anything to her.

A man has a natural, root fear of a woman, because a woman gave birth to him. A woman is incomprehensible to a man; he has a fear of this feminine incomprehensibility, the unknown. And it creates intelligence. A man works very hard on it, making a big breakthrough compared to a woman who does not work on her intellect. If logic comes easily to her, if her mind combines well, she sharpens her intellect, if not, she is not concerned about it.

And a man is concerned because he needs the perfection of logic, he needs the perfection of logical consistency so that he can operate with it, proving his superiority. A woman is rooted in life, rooted in everyday life, and more often than not she is happy with what she has. Her desire is final and irrevocable - to have her own pocket man.

A man doesn't want to be pocket-sized. He wants to move according to his interest, because he needs a woman occasionally, he does not need her 24 hours a day. He needs her when he needs sex, he needs care, so that he can come home, close the door, calm down, relax, and so that a woman is nearby, warm and affectionate. But he doesn’t need her at all all 24 hours - he has his own interests. In logic, in intellect, he has his own interests, there are male companies where he finds consonance, where they speak the same language.

How a woman chirps, how a woman babbles, how she pesters, how she plays around, how she emotes! A man cannot withstand such a barrage. Although, it all depends on the woman. The woman is gorgeous, she is intelligent, she is amazing. If she understands a man, she creates such magnificence that the man simply bows before her, because without her he is nothing. And great women stood behind great men. The whole world knows this. If ever a man became great, in most cases, if you looked around him, you could see a great woman. She helped, supported, did everything in her power, becoming the basis for his greatness.
But even next to herself the best woman a man needs a break when he can be without her. Without the most beautiful, the most beloved, the most desired, it is so good for him to do what he wants. But when he has done all his business, he hears in himself that he needs to return to the woman. And this is a balance, because neither a man can live without a woman, nor a woman can live without a man, performing the dance of Nature itself.

And only awareness unites the experience of all men and women in a person. It leaves man undisturbed in his unity. And he celebrates life whether he is alone or around another.

Veronica asks
Answered by Alexandra Lanz, 01/12/2013

Question: “I read many replies to other people’s letters and noticed that a woman’s duty to obey a man is explained by the fact that God created Eve from the side of Adam. Why did God do this, can a woman be considered more imperfect than men? Why is religion divided men and women, doesn’t God love us all equally?”

Hello to you in Christ, Veronica!

To be honest, I don’t quite understand what kind of answers you mean, because it’s unlikely that any of the respondents on this site expressed exactly such thoughts. What you wrote in your question are the world's dominant ideas that have nothing to do with Biblical truth. In order not to linger long on the analysis of the misconceptions you have listed, I will allow myself to get straight to the point... Let's just look at how things really are. According to the Bible.

Here is the first mention of the creation of man:

And God said: Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth. 27 And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them. 28 And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth ().

Did anything jump out at you as you read these words? Look again at verse 27: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them" . In the first case it is said "created man" And "his" , and in the second "man and woman" And "their" . Explicit parallelism, i.e. both parts of the statement say the same thing, but in different words.

Here is the second mention of the creation of man:

“And the Lord God created man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. And the Lord God planted a paradise in Eden in the east, and placed there the man whom he had created. ...And the Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a helper suitable for him...And the Lord God caused the man to fall asleep; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs, and covered the place with flesh. taken from a man, a wife, and brought her to the man. And the man said: Behold, this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from man" ().

What conclusions do we draw?

A man and a woman are a person.

Man and woman were created at the same time, but woman was not a separate person until a certain time.

Woman was separated from man, created from man so that he would have an assistant corresponding to him, who would be at the same time like him, but not different, far from being like him in everything.

Pay special attention not to what God created " accordingly» assistant. Those. someone neither lower nor higher than him, but someone who stands on the same, so to speak, level, although he has a different range of responsibilities and opportunities than a man.

Thus, a woman's duty was not to obey a man, but to to be his appropriate assistant. I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that we are now considering the ideal situation of Eden, where there was no need to wash dirty laundry, stand at the stove preparing lunches, wipe the noses of sick children, or pull out a car stuck in impassable mud. So the Edenic word “helper” meant something different.

Let's continue... woman was created equal to man, but with a different "set" of responsibilities and privileges. And no one, in principle, could oppress or subjugate anyone. Why? Because God arranged everything incredibly wisely and Adam understood this well:

“And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from man.”

If a husband oppresses and oppresses his wife, then who is he actually oppressing? “This is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” - yourself, isn't it?

Thus, according to the Bible, a woman is the same perfect creation of God as a man.

Next, the Bible tells us how a man and his wife (i.e., man) abandoned God in favor of the serpent. In order to preserve their physical life and give them another chance, God adapted His creation to the current situation. One of the "devices" was...

“I will multiply your sorrow in your pregnancy; in illness you will give birth to children; and your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you” ().

This is where the word “dominance” appears, which modern men love so much, absolutely not understanding that this situation is the result of sin, not an ideal. This is the first. But there is a second one, which is much more important.

We tend to distort the word “dominate” very much. We are constantly confused only by the negative meaning of this word: “to be a tyrant”, “to put pressure with authority”, “to force” and “everyone must do what I say.” The Bible clearly indicates the positive meaning of this word. To see it, let us meditate on these passages:

When the *ruling righteous people multiply, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.

Mercy and truth protect the king, and by mercy he upholds his throne.

the superiority of the country as a whole is the king who cares about the country.

If a husband is a king and master over his wife, then he only faithfully fulfills his role when he himself is a righteous man, when he lives by mercy and truth and is constantly caring for his kingdom (wife-family).

Let's complete this picture with the words of Jesus, which will knock out any Christian who tries to dominate his wife not according to Biblical rules:

“You know that the princes of the nations rule over them, and the great rulers rule over them; but let it not be so among you: but whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant; and whoever wants to be first among you must be your slave...” ().

It turns out that ideally a master over his wife is a servant serving his wife. This is exactly how Christ understands the word “dominate.” But it was He who said it when he said “And your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.” (). He will serve you, protect you, take care of you, be responsible for your well-being.



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Hello. We are the same age - 29 years old. Have no children. There's a wedding in two months. We've been living together for 3 years. My future husband is not a bad person: kind, sympathetic, but very unbalanced. Absolutely does not know how to restrain his emotions. If he is irritated, worried about something, or some emergency situation occurs, then he starts screaming, swearing and throwing insulting words at me or at his mother. But she cools down very quickly and behaves as if nothing had happened and says not to be offended. Over the years, a huge resentment accumulated from this behavior and everyday life began to crush the relationship. One day the following incident happened: I bought claw caps for a cat. They needed to be glued. The glue included in the kit is very caustic, similar to super glue. I cut off the tip of the tube to open a hole and at that moment my cat jumps on my knees and pokes his nose into this tube and the tip of the cap falls into his mouth. The caustic glue makes him foam at the mouth. I was very scared and ran into the bath to wash out his cavity. At this time, my husband runs and shouts at me with obscenities that I have no mind, that he knew that this would happen and that how can I be trusted with a child if I treat the cat so irresponsibly. And I’m shaking all over even more. No, to support me, this is how he finishes me off even more. Half an hour passed, I was all teary, and he said not to be offended, I’m not out of malice. At that moment I felt completely crushed both morally and as a woman. A similar incident occurred when hot dough poured from a silicone mold into a hot oven. I was also confused and began to take it out of the oven and this dough flowed down my hands, getting burns, and he shouted after me that I had no head, that I was not capable of anything at all and his favorite phrase: “I I knew it." Well, it was all over and he calmed down and was cheerful and cheerful again. But in my soul I have a huge, fat spit and a feeling that I don’t have a man’s reliable shoulder. He also likes to poke his nose at me, for example, in a mug left by the computer, when the floors are not washed, or the laundry is washed or ironed. To all my requests for help, he first freaks out, we have a fight, and then he does it. Well, or he will happily forget and have to do it himself. Or he will wash the floors, and then beat himself in the chest, saying, look, I washed the floors, and you are not doing anything. I stopped asking him for something so as not to hear his psychos, if I could do something myself. This is what I do, but it turns out that I can do almost everything. He hasn’t been working since October - in session, defending his thesis. We live on my salary. He promised to find a part-time job, but it turned out to be not so easy; official employment is required everywhere. I went to a couple of places and they refused, so I spent the entire session at home. I started to think that another guy would have found it and that many people are messing around and doing something, somehow getting out of it, but it turns out he can’t do anything. To all my proposals for hackwork, he responded with a refusal, saying that I don’t want this and I don’t want that either, I need to sit and prepare for this kind of work for my diploma. According to him, he stated that I would even work as a loader. But as it turned out later, he felt sorry for himself because of his back and his health was not the same as working as a loader. I work 5 days a day, work at the computer, sometimes I sit for 18 hours, come home like a zombie, and start cooking. There is no longer enough time for cleaning. It’s not every weekend that I get to tidy up, but he expects everything from me, that I will do everything according to his schedule. And if, God forbid, I didn’t wash the floors on the weekend and moved it to the middle of the week, then he’ll go crazy and wash them himself and start blaming me again for not doing anything. I, in turn, begin to defend myself, we argue. Several times I told him to leave, because he didn’t have the strength to live like this. And he cools down for five minutes and everything is fine with him. Only I no longer have any feelings for him, just fatigue. He wants me to devote the entire weekend to him alone or to cooking or cleaning. I was dancing, but I had to quit because he started reproaching me for not helping him do his diploma. From time to time I want to quit my job so I can sit and clean the house to please him. But on the other hand, I understand that he won’t appreciate it, and I won’t be able to sit at home without work. He seems to be attentive and caring, but he gets fixated on everyday little things that I wouldn’t pay attention to at all. And then he blames me for everything. I forgot to turn off the light in the bathroom, so he won’t remain silent, but will definitely poke me: “Why didn’t you turn off the light in the bathroom?”, I will remain silent, and he repeats again. I’m just telling him to back off, because I don’t have the strength to make excuses and tuck my tail between my legs. Nothing criminal happened. And for him this is a whole tragedy. He has the same attitude towards his mother. When he comes to her, he finds fault with her that it doesn’t stand that way and that it doesn’t lie that way. She is silent. She told me that she sometimes cries because she feels hurt. But I can’t remain silent and we fight again. If I start to remain silent, he begins to trample more and more until you shout at him. I no longer feel like a woman next to him. I talked to him about this you, but it was useless. He begins: “But you... but look at yourself....” He is constantly dissatisfied with everyone, condemns everyone. It feels like he's completely negative. I’m always depressed too, and he tells me later that I’m unhappy all the time. But I can no longer be satisfied, because when I come home every now and then I expect some comment from him on the topic of housekeeping. I am a clean person, but it’s always too little and little and little. But I don’t know what he really wants from me. According to him, every weekend she should clean, do laundry and cook, and then be free. And after all this, I don’t need anything anymore. And I’m only 29, I want to take my two days off and do my own thing, read, and eventually go see a friend. I'm starting to think that he is a tyrant and whether I'm doing the right thing by marrying him. I don’t even know how to build a relationship with him. I have a feeling that I am doing or have done something wrong and this is the attitude towards me or he is waiting for something from me, but I don’t know what. The feeling that he needs not a wife, but a housekeeper and maid, and also a part-time mistress, for which he no longer has the strength. I can't do something when I'm told to and live up to someone else's expectations. And he is always waiting for me to stumble so that he can crush me again. What am I doing wrong and what should I do about all this? I turned to other psychologists, they told me, why do you need such a husband? Why should you understand someone, but I think that this is wrong, that everything can be solved and that in our case something can still be changed