Kotova social studies exam


UDC 373:3
The publication was prepared with scientific and methodological support Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI)
And the second team:
O. A. Kotova, TE. Liskova
Unified State Exam. Social science
: standard exam E options: 30 options / O. A. Kotova, TEL iskova. - MI Publishing House National Education, 2017. -
480 pp. - (USE. F IPI - school The series "USE. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state
The collection presents. 30 typical exam options compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM Unified State Exam in social studies
2017. instructions for implementation exam paper. answers to all tasks. evaluation criteria.
Completing standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in Unified State Examination form, as well as objectively assess the level of your preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of student learning results educational programs average general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.
UDC 373:3
BBK I LLC Publishing House National Education, 2017
ISBN 978-5-4454-0891-8

Introduction Model answer forms Unified State Exam Instructions on completing the work. Map of the student’s individual achievements. Option 1 ................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ..... Option 2
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ... Option 3
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ... Option Option 5 Option 6
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ... Option 7 ..................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........ Option 8 Option 9
........................................................ ........................................................ ........................................................ ... Option 1 0 Option 1 1 Option 1 2 Option 1 3 Option 1 4 Option 1 5 Option 1 6 Option 1 7 ....................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ........................ Option 1 8 Option 1 9 Option 2 0 Option 21 Option 22 Option 23 Option 24 Option 25 Option 26 Option 27 Option 28 Option 29 Option 30 Answers and criteria for evaluating an and I.................................... ........................................................ .......................328

School social studies
is an academic discipline that combines knowledge of several social and humanities philosophy, social psychology, economics, sociology, political science, cultural studies, jurisprudence.
Control measurement materials make it possible to establish the level of graduates’ mastery of the requirements of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary general education in social studies.
The main purpose of the exam is to assess the quality of graduates’ training high school in social studies. Results of a single state exam recognized in social studies educational organizations higher education what are the results entrance examinations in social studies.
Control measurement materials (CMM) are based on the requirements for the level of training of graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of secondary general education in social studies. These requirements are universal - they must be implemented regardless of the set of textbooks used, the time of study and the characteristics of teaching the subject in an educational organization.
The objects of testing are content elements, as well as skills, methods cognitive activity, determined by the requirements of the Federal component of the state educational standard.
To achieve this goal, a set of tasks of different nature, focus, and level of complexity has been developed and used. The set of tasks offered in the exam is aimed at identifying the level of students’ preparation in the subject as part of a standardized test.
The model of the examination paper reflects the integral nature of the subject; in the aggregate, the assignments cover the main sections of the course, key concepts and theoretical principles of various areas of social science. As a result, the objects of testing are a wide range of subject skills, types of cognitive activity and knowledge about society in the unity of its spheres and basic institutions, about social qualities personalities and the conditions of their formation, the most important cultural, economic and political phenomena and processes, legal institutions, social relations.
CMM tasks vary in nature and level of complexity, which is determined by the method of cognitive activity necessary to complete the task. Completing CMM tasks involves the implementation of such intellectual actions as recognition, reproduction, information extraction, classification, systematization, comparison, specification, explanation, argumentation, evaluation, forecasting, etc. Tasks of increased and high levels of complexity, in contrast to basic ones, involve how As a rule, cognitive activity is complex in nature.
Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts and includes
29 tasks, differing in form and level of difficulty.
Part 1 contains 20 short answer questions.
The examination paper offers the following types of tasks with a short answer - tasks for choosing and recording several correct answers from the proposed list of answers - task for identifying structural elements concepts using diagrams and tables-task to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets - a task to define terms and concepts corresponding to the proposed context.
The answer to the tasks of part 1 is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word (phrase)
or a sequence of numbers written without spaces or separating symbols 2017. National Education Publishing House LLC.”

Part 2 contains 9 tasks with detailed answers.
In tasks with a detailed answer, the answer is formulated and written down by the examinee independently in detailed form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training.
Tasks 1 -2 0 represent five thematic blocks-modules: man and society, economics, social relations, politics, law. In all versions of CIM, the tasks of this part, which check the content elements of one total block-module, are under the same numbers.
Tasks 1 - 3 - conceptual tasks basic level difficulties are aimed at testing knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of man, the main stages and factors of socialization of the individual, patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes, etc. At the same position in different versions of CMM there are tasks of the same level of complexity, which allow you to test the same skills on different elements of content.
4 -1 9 basic and increased levels) are aimed at testing the formation of skills to characterize from a scientific point of view the main social objects facts, phenomena, processes, institutions, their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system to search for social information presented in various sign systems (text, diagram, table, diagram apply socio-economic And humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on current social problems. Note that task 14 in all versions tests positions 4.14 and 4.15, tested at the unified state exam in social studies, and task 16 - knowledge of the fundamentals of the constitutional system Russian Federation, human and civil rights and freedoms, position 5.4 of the codifier of content elements tested at the unified state exam in social studies).
Exercise 20 is aimed at testing the ability to analyze and systematize disordered social information. At the same position in different versions of CMM there are tasks of the same level of complexity, which allow you to test the same skills on different elements of content.
The assignment and I of Part 2 (2 1 -2 9) together represent the basic social sciences that form the social science course in high school (social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence).
Given and I 2 1 -2 4 are combined into a composite task with a fragment of a popular science text. Tasks 21 and 22 are aimed primarily at identifying the ability to find, consciously perceive and accurately reproduce information contained in the text explicitly (task 21), as well as apply it in a given context (task 22). Task 23 is aimed at characterizing (or explaining, or specifying) the text or its individual provisions based on the course studied, based on contextual social science knowledge. Task 24 involves the use of text information in another cognitive situation, independent formulation and argumentation of evaluative, predictive and other judgments related to the problems of the text.
25 tests the ability to independently discover the meaning of key social science concepts and apply them in a given context.
Task 26 tests the ability to concretize with examples the studied theoretical positions and concepts of the social sciences that form the social science course.
Task-task 27 requires an analysis of the presented information, including statistical and graphic explanations of the connection between social objects, the processes of formulating and arguing independent evaluative, predictive and other judgments, explanations, and conclusions. When completing this task, the skill of 2017 is tested. LLC Publishing House National Education.”

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apply social science knowledge in the process of solving cognitive problems on current social problems.
Task 28 requires drawing up a plan for a detailed answer on a specific topic in a social science course. When completing tasks of this type the ability to systematize and generalize social information is revealed; to establish and reflect in the structure of the plan structural, functional, hierarchical and other connections of social objects, phenomena, processes.
In each version of the work in tasks 2 1 -2 8, a total of five thematic blocks-modules are presented.
Terminates the alternative job
29, which directs the examinee to write a mini-essay on one of five proposed topics. Topics are set in the form of brief statements by representatives of social thought, politicians, scientists and cultural figures. In some cases, statements are aphoristic in nature. Each topic-statement is conditionally correlated with one of the basic sciences of the social science course (topics in sociology and social psychology are combined into a common block, but exam participants have the right to reveal it in the context of any social science or several sciences. This task tests a wide range of skills, including in particular, the ability to reveal the meaning of the author’s judgment, draw on the studied theoretical principles of the social sciences, independently formulate and specify their reasoning with examples, and draw conclusions.
The proposed edition contains 30 standard exam options for preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies in 2017. Instructions for performing the work, which are common to all options, are given at the beginning of the book.
After solving the options, the student can check the correctness of his answers using the answer tables at the end of the book. For tasks that require a detailed answer, elements of the correct answer and instructions for assessment are given.
The book contains standard Unified State Exam answer forms, as well as a map of the student’s individual achievements, which can be used to track the dynamics of performance in completing tasks of standard exam options.
By completing the tasks of standard exam options, the student has the opportunity to independently prepare for the exam.
For teachers, the book will be useful for organizing classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam, as well as for monitoring the results of students mastering the basic educational programs of secondary education in social studies lessons 2017. National Education Publishing House LLC.”
Copying, distribution and use for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is not permitted.

bj Unified State Exam m
s i i No. Fill in with a gel or capillary pen in BLACK ink IN CAPITAL LETTERS following samples of the procedure for conducting a unified state exam familiarization Match the digital values ​​of the barcode on the registration form and the unique CMM number with other values
_ I confirm on the envelope the signature of the participant is strictly inside the window
IN N I M A N I E All silt forms with control measuring materials are considered as a set.
Results of tasks with SHORT ANSWER 3
4 5
21 22 23 24 25
26 7
27 8
28 9
29 10 30 11 12 13 14 15 16 36 17 37 18 38 19 39 20 Replacing erroneous answers to tasks with SHORT ANSWER 32 33 34 35

to complete the work
The examination paper consists of two parts, including 29 tasks. Part 1 contains 20 short answer questions. The part contains 9 tasks with detailed answers.
To complete the examination work in social studies, 3 hours are allocated -
(235 minutes).
The answers to the tasks in Part 1 are a word (phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write your answer according to the samples below in the answer field in the text of the work without spaces, commas and other additional characters, and then transfer it to answer form No. 1.
KIM Answer
1 MORA A b
7 2 5
3 2 3 1 The tasks of part 2 (2 1 -2 9) require a complete answer (give an explanation, description or justification, express and argue your own opinion. In answer form No. 2, indicate the task number and write it down complete solution. By completing the last task of your work, you can demonstrate your knowledge and skills in the content that is more attractive to you.
All Unified State Exam forms are filled out in bright black ink. You can use gel, capillary, or fountain pens.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in the draft are not taken into account when grading work.
The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.
She wanted him from the ground. LLC Publishing House National Education.
Copying, distribution and use for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is prohibited.

Map of individual student achievements
Enter the points you received when completing standard exam options into the table.
Total points 2017. National Education Publishing House LLC.”
Copying, distribution and use for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is not permitted.


Option 1 Part The answers to the tasks are a word, phrase) or a sequence of numbers. Write down the answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples provided in the form. Write down the word missing in the table.
Social institutions
Reproduction needs
Needs for safety and social order
Political institutions
In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).
Under registration on departure and proper behavior, a personal guarantee of a preventive measure, bail, house arrest.
Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept social control) reward) punishment) social mobility) social norm) social sanction) social stratification Find two terms that fall out of the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.
Choose the correct judgments about morality and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Moral norms reflect the needs of society) Morality is formalized in normative legal acts) Morality helps a person evaluate the events of social life) The basis of morality is the internal motivation of a person and his self-control) Morality always ensures mutual understanding of people in society.
© 2017. National Education Publishing House LLC.”
Copying, distribution and use for commercial purposes without the written permission of the copyright holder is not permitted.

OPTION 1 Establish a correspondence between the methods and levels of scientific knowledge that they illustrate for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.
1) empirical level
B) putting forward hypotheses
2) theoretical level) experiment D) description
D) measurement
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Series “Unified State Exam. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam.
The collection contains:
-10 standard exam options compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017;
-instructions for completing the examination work;
- answers to all tasks;
-evaluation criteria.
Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs of secondary general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).
Socio-political movement; political norms; Political Party; state; politic system society.

Below is a list of examples. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to human biological needs.
1) Requirement for breathing air; 2) the need for movement; 3) the need to achieve a higher status; 4) the need for self-preservation; 5) the need for communication; 6) the need for procreation.
Find two examples that “fall out” from the general series and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

Choose the correct judgments about truth and its criteria and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Absolute truth, unlike relative truth, is theoretically based knowledge.
2) Absolute truth is exhaustive knowledge about a subject.
3) Relative truth is knowledge that can change and be supplemented as the capabilities of knowledge develop.
4) The only criterion of truth is compliance with existing scientific theories.
5) Truth is knowledge corresponding to the properties of the cognizable object.

Are common guidelines in preparation for the social studies exam
Standard Unified State Exam answer forms
Instructions for performing the work
Map of individual student achievements
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
Option 9
Option 10
Answers and evaluation criteria.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the Unified State Exam book, Social Studies, Model exam options, Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E., 2017 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

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Unified State Exam Social Studies 30 Kotov options is a guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies in 9th grade. The authors of Kotov Liskova also made a notebook on social studies, in which you left notes and analyzed the material received. Always a specific variant of human behavior: characterized by action or inaction. Volitional human behavior: actions that depend on the will and consciousness of the participants, carried out by them voluntarily. An offense is the only basis for legal liability. This must be remembered if we want to download the Unified State Exam Social Studies 30 Kotov options online and study this science seriously. Show the inconsistency of the offender’s actions with existing standards, and warn against repeating this in the future.

Compensate for damage and restore the rights of other participants in public relations who were infringed by the offense. Under certain circumstances, the guilty person may be fully or partially released from legal liability. However, this does not mean that as a result of such an act, the committed act ceases to be illegal and socially dangerous. Simply, due to certain reasons, the meaning of the guilty person’s further undergoing measures of influence is lost. Thus, preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies of Kotov’s 30 options will help us pass the state exam.

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Anyone who wants to take the test can download the Unified State Exam Social Studies 30 Kotov options. There are a number of circumstances that exclude legal liability; they are related to the peculiarities of the situation, reasons and grounds for committing an offense. Age: persons from 16 years of age are subject to disciplinary and administrative liability, and from 18 years of age to civil liability; to criminal - from 16 years of age; and for a number of crimes - from the age of 14. Necessary defense: actions that are formally similar to a crime, but committed in defense from an attack, an attack on life, health, or property. Record these skills in workbook in social studies, this is interesting. Providing equal rights to national development, development national culture and language, guarantees of the rights of indigenous peoples. It is understood that the self-determination of the people should not violate both the rights of individual peoples and the entire multinational people of Russia.

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Unified State Exam 2017. Social studies. Typical exam options. Kotova O.A., Liskova T.E.

M.: 2017. - 176 p.

Series “Unified State Exam. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measuring materials (CMM) of the unified state exam. The collection presents: 10 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM Unified State Exam in Social Studies 2017; instructions for completing the examination work; answers to all tasks;

evaluation criteria. Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam. Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of the results of students’ mastery of educational programs of secondary general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Format: pdf

Size:4.7 MB

Watch, download:
Introduction 3
General guidelines for preparing for the social studies exam 6
Standard answer forms for Unified State Exam 21
Instructions for performing work 23
Card of individual student achievements 24
Option 1 25
Option 2 35
Option 3 46
Option 4 56
Option 5 66
Option 6 76
Option 7 86
Option 8 97
Option 9 107

Option 10 117
Answers and assessment criteria 127
The proposed collection contains 10 standard exam options for preparing for the unified state exam. After completing the options, the student can check the correctness of his answers using the answer tables at the end of the book. For tasks that require a detailed answer, detailed solutions and evaluation criteria are provided. The book contains standard Unified State Exam answer forms, as well as a map of the student’s individual achievements, which can be used to track the dynamics of performance in completing tasks of standard exam options. School social studies is
Control measurement materials make it possible to establish the level of graduates’ mastery of the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in social studies.
The main purpose of the exam is to assess the quality of training of secondary school graduates in social studies. The results of the unified state exam in social studies are recognized by educational organizations of higher education as the results of entrance tests in social studies.
Control measurement materials (CMM) are built on the basis of the requirements for the level of training of graduates of the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in social studies. These requirements are universal - they must be implemented regardless of the set of textbooks used, the time of study and the characteristics of teaching the subject in a particular educational organization.
The model of the examination paper reflects the integral nature of the subject: in total, the tasks cover the main sections of the course, key concepts and theoretical principles of various areas of social science. As a result, the objects of testing are a wide range of subject skills, types of cognitive activity and knowledge about society in the unity of its spheres and institutions, about the social qualities of an individual and the conditions for their formation, the most important cultural, economic and political phenomena and processes, legal institutions, social relations.