Bacteria that humans use. Practical use of bacteria in food production. When the medicine is more dangerous than the disease

Due to the wide variety of enzymes they synthesize, microorganisms can perform many chemical processes more efficiently and economically than if these processes were carried out using chemical methods. The study of the biochemical activity of microorganisms made it possible to select conditions for their maximum activity as producers of various useful enzymes - pathogens of necessary chemical reactions and processes. Microorganisms are increasingly used in various branches of the chemical and Food Industry, agriculture, medicine.

In our country, a new industry has been created and is successfully developing - microbiological, all production of which is based on the activity of microorganisms.

Microorganisms with the help of which food products are produced are called cultural. They are obtained from pure cultures that are isolated from individual cells. The latter are stored in museum collections and supplied to various industries.

As a result of chemical reactions carried out by cultural microorganisms, plant or animal raw materials are transformed into food products. Many vital food products are obtained with the help of microorganisms, and although their production has been familiar to man since ancient times, the role of microorganisms in it has been discovered relatively recently.

Bakery production.

Bread baking is based on the activity of yeast and lactic acid bacteria developing in the dough. The combined action of these microorganisms leads to the fermentation of flour sugars. Yeast causes alcoholic fermentation, and lactic acid bacteria cause lactic acid fermentation. The resulting lactic and other acids acidify the dough, maintaining an optimal pH level for yeast activity. Carbon dioxide loosens the dough and accelerates its ripening.

The use of cultural microorganisms in the form of pressed baker's yeast, dried or liquid starters improves the taste and aroma of bread.

Cheese production.

Cheese making is based on the activity of many types of microorganisms: lactic acid bacteria (thermophilic streptococcus), propionic acid bacteria, etc. Under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, lactic acid accumulates and milk is fermented; under the influence of other beneficial microorganisms, cheese ripens. Some molds are also involved in this process. Rennet and lactic acid bacteria produce deep breakdown of proteins, sugar and fat. Various bacteria cause the accumulation of volatile acids in sharp cheeses, giving them a specific aroma.

Production of fermented milk products.

Cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, acidophilus, and yogurt are prepared using pure cultures using various starter cultures. The milk is pre-pasteurized. Mesophilic lactic acid bacteria are used to produce cottage cheese and sour cream; fermented baked milk, Varenets and similar products - thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus; acidophilus - acid-tolerant lactic acid bacteria; kefir - multicomponent starter cultures consisting of yeast, lactic acid and often acetic acid bacteria. To make cultured butter, a starter of lactic acid bacteria is added to pasteurized cream and kept until the required acidity.

Brewing, alcohol, distillery and wine production.

Wine, beer, kvass, vodka and other drinks are prepared using yeast, which causes alcoholic fermentation of sugar-containing liquids. As a result of fermentation of liquid (wort, mash, juice, etc.), alcohol, CO 2 and small amounts of by-products are formed. Lactic acid bacteria play a supporting role: they acidify the environment and facilitate the activity of yeast (for example, in the production of kvass). In the production of alcohol and beer, enzyme preparations of fungal and bacterial origin are also used to saccharify mashes.

Pickling and salting.

The essence of this method of preservation is to create conditions for the preferential development of some microorganisms - lactic acid bacteria - and suppress the development of others - putrefactive bacteria. Cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, and watermelons are fermented. This method is also used when storing livestock feed for long-term storage - green mass from herbs, plant residues, etc. is fermented. This process is called feed ensiling.

Preparation of organic acids.

Acetic, lactic and citric acids are also produced with the help of microorganisms. Lactic acid is produced by fermentation from sugar-containing raw materials - molasses, starch, whey, etc.

Lactic acid bacteria are grown on media containing up to 15% sugar. The yield of lactic acid reaches 60-70% of the mass of sugar contained in the mash.

Industrial production vinegar for food purposes is based on acetic acid fermentation. Acetic acid bacteria in special vats on beech shavings oxidize the incoming nutrient medium - acetic-alcohol solution - to acetic acid.

Citric acid was previously obtained from citrus fruits. Currently, it is also produced by fermentation. The causative agent of fermentation is the fungus Aspergillus niger, the main raw material is black molasses. Fermentation occurs in a solution containing 15% sugar under aerobic conditions at a temperature of about 30 °C. Citric acid is used in the confectionery industry, production of soft drinks, syrups, cooking and medicine.

One of the many animal kingdoms is bacteria. In this article we will talk about the role of bacteria in nature and human life, and introduce pathogenic representatives of this kingdom.

Bacteria in nature

These living organisms were among the first to appear on our planet. They are distributed everywhere. Bacteria live at the bottom of reservoirs, in the soil, and can withstand both low and high temperatures.

The importance of these organisms in nature is undeniable. It is bacteria that ensure the circulation of substances in nature, which is fundamental to life on Earth. Under their influence, organic compounds change and disintegrate into inorganic substances.

Soil formation processes are provided by soil microorganisms. The remains of plants and animals disintegrate and are converted into humus and humus only thanks to bacteria.

IN aquatic environment Representatives of this kingdom are used to purify water bodies and wastewater. Thanks to their vital activity, bacteria are dangerous organic matter make safe inorganic ones.

Rice. 1. The role of bacteria in nature.

Pathogenic microorganisms

However, there are bacteria that cause harm to other living organisms. Pathogenic microorganisms can cause disease in plants, animals and humans. For example:

  • Salmonella causes typhoid fever;
  • Shigella - dysentery;
  • Clostridium - tetanus and gangrene;
  • Tuberculosis bacillus - tuberculosis
  • Staphylococci and streptococci - suppuration, etc.

The routes of transmission can be varied:

  • when sneezing, talking, coughing from a sick person;
  • with physical contact;
  • with the help of carriers (insects, rodents);
  • through penetration into wounds.

Many diseases are fatal; due to their ability to adapt to drugs, bacteria are not so easy to destroy. Modern science actively fights pathogens by releasing new drugs.

Rice. 2. Pathogenic microorganisms.

The study of bacterial physiology was founded by Louis Pasteur back in the 1850s. His research was continued by M.V. Beyerinck and S.N. Winogradsky, who investigated the importance of microorganisms in nature.

Use of bacteria

Humanity has learned to use bacteria for its own benefit, for example:

  • in the production of medicines;

There are special types of bacteria that are capable of producing powerful antibiotics, such as tetracycline and streptomycin. Their effect kills many pathogenic microorganisms.

  • preparing new food products;
  • release of organic matter;
  • production of fermented milk products (yogurt, starter cultures, kefirs, fermented baked milk);
  • production of various types of cheeses;
  • winemaking;
  • pickling and fermenting vegetables.

Rice. 3. Human use of bacteria.

What have we learned?

In nature and human life, bacteria have great importance. Without these microorganisms, the cycle of substances in the environment could not occur. And although many of them can be harmful to life and health, the use of bacteria by humans has made it possible to fight many diseases and produce a lot of new food products.

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Microorganisms and their metabolic products are currently widely used in industry, agriculture, and medicine.

History of the use of microorganisms

As early as 1,000 BC, the Romans, Phoenicians, and other early civilizations extracted copper from mine waters or waters that seeped through ore bodies. In the 17th century Welsh in England (County Wales) and in the 18th century. The Spaniards at the Rio Tinto mine used this "leaching" process to extract copper from the minerals containing it. These ancient miners had no idea that such metal extraction processes active role bacteria played. This process, known as bacterial leaching, is now used on a large scale throughout the world to extract copper from low-grade ores containing trace amounts of this and other valuable metals. Bioleaching is also used (though less widely) to release uranium. Numerous studies have been carried out on the nature of the organisms involved in metal leaching processes, their biochemical properties and potential applications in this area. The results of these studies show, in particular, that bacterial leaching can be widely used in the mining industry and, in all likelihood, can fully meet the need for energy-saving, environmentally friendly technologies.

Somewhat less known, but equally important, is the use of microorganisms in the mining industry to extract metals from solutions. Some advanced technologies already include biological processes to obtain metals in dissolved or particulate form from wash waters remaining from ore processing. The ability of microorganisms to accumulate metals has long been known, and enthusiasts have long dreamed of using microbes to extract valuable metals from seawater. The studies carried out dispelled some hopes and largely determined the areas of application of microorganisms. Metal-assisted recovery remains a promising method for low-cost treatment of metal-contaminated industrial wastewater and economical recovery of valuable metals.

It has long been known about the ability of microorganisms to synthesize polymer compounds; in fact, most cell components are polymers. However, today less than 1% of the total amount of polymer materials is produced by the microbiological industry; the remaining 99% comes from petroleum. So far, biotechnology has not had a decisive influence on polymer technology. Perhaps in the future, with the help of microorganisms, it will be possible to create new materials for special purposes.

Another important aspect of the use of microorganisms in chemical analysis should be noted - the concentration and isolation of trace elements from dilute solutions. By consuming and assimilating microelements in the process of life, microorganisms can selectively accumulate some of them in their cells, while purifying nutrient solutions from impurities. For example, molds are used for selective precipitation of gold from chloride solutions.

Modern Applications

Microbial biomass is used as livestock feed. Microbial biomass of some crops is used in the form of various starter cultures that are used in the food industry. So the preparation of bread, beer, wine, alcohol, vinegar, fermented milk products, cheeses and many products. Another important area is the use of waste products of microorganisms. Based on the nature of these substances and their importance for the producer, waste products can be divided into three groups.

1 group- These are large molecules with molecular weight. This includes a variety of enzymes (lipases, etc.) and polysaccharides. Their use is extremely wide - from the food and textile industries to the oil industry.

2nd group- these are primary methanobolites, which include substances necessary for the growth and development of the cell itself: amino acids, organic acids, vitamins and others.

3 group- secondary methanobolites. These include: antibiotics, toxins, alkaloids, growth factors, etc. An important area of ​​biotechnology is the use of microorganisms as biotechnical agents for the transformation or transformation of certain substances, purification of water, soil or air from pollutants. Microorganisms also play an important role in oil production. Traditional way No more than 50% of the oil is recovered from an oil reservoir. The waste products of bacteria, accumulating in the formation, contribute to the displacement of oil and more full exit it to the surface.

The huge role of microorganisms in creating, maintaining and preserving soil fertility. They take part in the formation of soil humus - humus. Used to increase crop yields.

IN last years Another fundamentally new direction of biotechnology began to develop - cell-free biotechnology.

Selection of microorganisms is based on the fact that microorganisms bring enormous benefits in industry, agriculture, animal and plant life.

Other Applications

In medicine

Traditional methods of vaccine production are based on the use of weakened or killed pathogens. Currently, many new vaccines (for example, for the prevention of influenza, hepatitis B) are obtained using genetic engineering methods. Antiviral vaccines are obtained by introducing into the microbial cell the genes of viral proteins that exhibit the greatest immunogenicity. When cultivated, such cells synthesize a large amount of viral proteins, which are subsequently included in vaccine preparations. The production of viral proteins in animal cell cultures based on recombinant DNA technology is more efficient.

In oil production:

In recent years, methods for increasing oil recovery using microorganisms have been developed. Their prospects are associated, first of all, with ease of implementation, minimal capital intensity and environmental safety. In the 1940s, many oil-producing countries began research on the use of microorganisms to stimulate flow in production wells and restore the injectivity of injection wells.

In food and chemical industry:

The most well-known industrial products of microbial synthesis include: acetone, alcohols (ethanol, butanol, isopropanol, glycerol), organic acids (citric, acetic, lactic, gluconic, itaconic, propionic), flavorings and substances that enhance odors (monosodium glutamate). The demand for the latter is constantly increasing due to the tendency to consume low-calorie and plant-based foods to add variety to the taste and smell of food. Plant-derived aromatic substances can be produced by expressing plant genes in microbial cells.

The world around us amazes with the variety of species of its inhabitants. According to the latest census of this “population” of the Earth, 6.6 million species live on land and another 2.2 million roam the ocean depths. Each species is a link in a single chain of the biosystem of our planet. Of these, the smallest living organisms are bacteria. What has humanity managed to learn about these tiny creatures?

What are bacteria and where do they live?

Bacteria - This single-celled organisms microscopic sizes, one of the types of microbes.

Their prevalence on Earth is truly amazing. They live in the ice of the Arctic and on the ocean floor, in outer space, in hot springs - geysers and in the saltiest bodies of water.

The total weight of these “charming little ones” that have occupied the human body reaches 2 kg! This is despite the fact that their sizes rarely exceed 0.5 microns. A huge number of bacteria inhabit the body of animals, performing various functions there.

A living thing and the bacteria in its body influence each other's health and well-being. When a species of animal becomes extinct, its unique bacteria also die.

Looking at them appearance, one can only marvel at the ingenuity of nature. These “charms” can have rod-shaped, spherical, spiral and other shapes. Wherein most of them are colorless, only rare species are colored green and purple. Moreover, over billions of years they change only internally, while their appearance remains unchanged.

Discoverer of bacteria

The first explorer of the microworld was a Dutch naturalist Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek. His name became famous thanks to the occupation to which he gave everything free time. He was passionate about manufacturing and achieved amazing success in this matter. It is to him that the honor of inventing the first microscope belongs. In fact, it was a tiny lens with a diameter of a pea, giving a magnification of 200-300 times. It could only be used by pressing it to the eye.

In 1683, he discovered and later described “live animals” seen through a lens in a drop of rainwater. Over the next 50 years, he studied various microorganisms, describing more than 200 of their species. He sent his observations to England, where gray-haired scientists in powdered wigs just shook their heads, amazed at the discoveries of this unknown self-taught man. It was thanks to Leeuwenhoek’s talent and perseverance that a new science was born - microbiology.

General information about bacteria

Over the past centuries, microbiologists have learned a great deal about the world of these tiny creatures. It turned out that exactly Our planet owes the birth of multicellular life forms to bacteria. They play a major role in maintaining the circulation of substances on Earth. Generations of people replace each other, plants die, household waste and outdated shells of various creatures accumulate - all this is utilized and, with the help of bacteria, decomposes in the process of decay. And the resulting chemical compounds return to the environment.

How do humanity and the world of bacteria coexist? Let’s make a reservation that there are “good and bad” bacteria. “Bad” bacteria are responsible for the spread of a huge number of diseases, ranging from plague and cholera to common whooping cough and dysentery. They enter our body through airborne droplets, along with food, water and through the skin. These insidious companions can live in various organs, and while our immunity copes with them, they do not manifest themselves in any way. The speed of their reproduction is amazing. Every 20 minutes their number doubles. It means that one single pathogenic microbe generates a multi-million army in 12 hours the same bacteria that attack the body.

There is another danger posed by bacteria. They cause poisoning people consuming spoiled foods - canned food, sausages, etc.

Defeat in a victorious war

A great breakthrough in the fight against pathogenic bacteria was discovery of penicillin in 1928- the world's first antibiotic. This class of substances is capable of inhibiting the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The early successes of antibiotics were enormous. It was possible to cure diseases that were previously fatal. However, bacteria discovered incredible adaptability and the ability to change in such a way that existing antibiotics were helpless in the fight against even the simplest infections. This the ability of bacteria to mutate has become a real threat to human health and led to the emergence of incurable infections (caused by superbugs).

Bacteria as allies and friends of humanity

Now let's talk about “good” bacteria. The evolution of animals and bacteria occurred in parallel. The structure and functions of living organisms gradually became more complex. Bacteria weren’t dozing either. Animals, including humans, become their home. They settle in the mouth, on the skin, in the stomach and other organs.

Most of them are extremely useful because helps digest food, participates in the synthesis of certain vitamins and even protects us from their pathogenic counterparts. Poor nutrition, stress and indiscriminate use of antibiotics can cause microflora disturbances, which necessarily affects a person’s well-being.

Interestingly, bacteria They are sensitive to people's taste preferences.

In Americans who traditionally consume high-calorie foods (fast foods, hamburgers), bacteria are able to digest foods high in fat. And some Japanese have intestinal bacteria adapted to digest algae.

The role of bacteria in human economic activity

The use of bacteria began even before humanity knew of their existence. Since ancient times, people have made wine, fermented vegetables, knew recipes for making kefir, curdled milk and kumiss, and produced cottage cheese and cheeses.

Much later, it was found that tiny helpers of nature - bacteria - are involved in all these processes.

As knowledge about them deepened, their application expanded. They were “trained” to fight plant pests and enrich the soil with nitrogen, silage green fodder and purify wastewater, in which they literally devour various organic residues.

Instead of an epilogue

So, humans and microorganisms are interconnected parts of a single natural ecosystem. Between them, along with competition in the struggle for living space, there is mutually beneficial cooperation (symbiosis).

To defend ourselves as a species, we must protect our bodies from the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, and also be extremely careful about the use of antibiotics.

At the same time, microbiologists are working to expand the scope of application of bacteria. An example is a project to create light-sensitive bacteria and use them to produce biological cellulose. When exposed to light, production begins, and when it is turned off, production stops.

The organizers of the project are confident that organs created from this natural biological material will not experience rejection in the body. The proposed technique opens up amazing opportunities for the world to create medical implants.

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Xenobacteria are successfully used to clean up soil and water in nature during oil and petroleum product spills.

Treatment plants

A person uses a large amount of water for his personal needs, solving the issue of wastewater treatment using septic tanks.

The efficiency of treatment facilities is ensured by special bacteria used in septic tanks.

Microorganisms used in septic tanks decompose organic compounds of any origin, when treating wastewater they successfully destroy a specific odor.

The composition of the bacterial flora of a septic tank is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic cultures.

Anaerobic (oxygen-free) microorganisms carry out primary water purification, and aerobic bacteria further purify and clarify the water.

When using microorganisms for a septic tank, there are certain rules for wastewater treatment:

  • it is necessary to maintain a certain level of microorganisms in the septic tank;
  • The presence of water is mandatory - without it, microorganisms will die;
  • Do not use aggressive chemicals for cleaning - they will kill microorganisms.

Bioprocess Tools

The main tools of biotechnology for obtaining the most effective microorganisms are selection and genetic engineering.

Selection is the targeted selection of highly efficient individuals in a population due to natural mutation of microorganisms.

In nature, the process is quite long, but under the influence of mutagenic factors (hard radiation, nitrous acid, etc.) it can be significantly accelerated.

The advantages of selection are environmental friendliness and naturalness of the product.

  • duration of the process;
  • the inability to control the direction of mutation is determined by the final result.

Genetic engineering methods in biotechnology

Genetic engineering methods change the cells of microorganisms and yeast, turning them into efficient producers of any protein. This opens up wide possibilities for the use of genetically modified microbial and yeast cells to obtain the final organism with specified characteristics.

The use of genetically mutated microbial and yeast cells by humans in everyday life raises well-founded concerns - there are many both supporters of genetically modified substances and their opponents.

However, the fact remains that there is a lack of information about the impact of genetically modified bacterial and yeast cells on the human body and nature as a whole.

Genetically modified bacteria and energy

Geneticists are working on the issue of an alternative energy source. The main task is to create chemical raw materials, and then fuel as a product of bacterial metabolism.

One of the areas for humans to obtain energy from bacteria is working with genetically modified cyanobacteria.

Biologists from the University of Tübingen have discovered microorganisms that have the properties of a battery and are capable of both accumulating energy and transferring it to other bacteria.

The energy produced by these bacteria can be used by humans for nanodevices.

In China, a device was built in which bacteria produce hydrogen from acetates, while the device has no external source of energy, and the raw material is cheap industrial waste. In turn, hydrogen is a source of energy for eco-cars.

Microbiologists at the university South Carolina have discovered a bacterium that can generate energy by feeding on toxic wastes such as problematic PCBs and harsh solvents.

Californian researchers have proposed a method for processing brown algae with modified E. coli, producing ethyl alcohol as an output - an excellent source of energy.

Hydrogen as an energy source was obtained by American scientists from the decomposition of glucose by anaerobic bacteria.

Pros and cons of GMO (genetically modified organism)

Human use in Everyday life Genetically modifying bacteria and yeast to produce modified organisms has both positive and negative aspects.

The advantages of genetically modified organisms include:

  • production of any organs for transplantation that will not be rejected;
  • production of feedstock for biofuels;
  • production of medicines;
  • creation of plants for technical purposes (production of fabrics, etc.).

Known disadvantages of genetically modified products:

  • the cost of genetically modified vegetables and fruits is almost 30% higher than natural ones;
  • seeds and fruits of GM plants are not viable;
  • fields with GM crops require increased amounts of pesticides and herbicides;
  • cultivated GM plants are capable of producing hybrids with wild plants.

The human use of microorganisms in everyday life and in production can be limited only by the properties of the bacteria themselves. And the more scientists pay attention to bacilli, the more interesting and useful properties of microorganisms they discover.

Bacteria produce energy, extract minerals, purify water and soil - bacteria have recently been discovered that eat even plastic bags (!) - catalyze production processes, are used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and in many other areas of human life.


Harmful and beneficial bacteria

Bacteria are microorganisms that form a huge invisible world around and inside us. Because of the harmful effects they cause, they are notorious, while the beneficial effects they cause are rarely talked about. This article gives a general description of some bad and good bacteria.

“During the first half of geological time, our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures are still bacteria, and each of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria." - Richard Dawkins.

Bacteria- the most ancient living organisms on Earth are omnipresent. The human body, the air we breathe, the surfaces we touch, the food we eat, the plants around us, our environment, etc. - all this is inhabited by bacteria.

Approximately 99% of these bacteria are beneficial, while the rest have a bad reputation. In fact, some bacteria are very important for the proper development of other living organisms. They can exist either on their own or in symbiosis with animals and plants.

The following list of harmful and beneficial bacteria includes some of the most well-known beneficial and deadly bacteria.

Beneficial bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria/Dederlein rods

Characteristic: gram-positive, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Varieties of lactic acid bacteria are present in milk and dairy products, fermented foods, and are also part of the oral, intestinal, and vaginal microflora. The most predominant species are L. acidophilus, L. reuteri, L. plantarum, etc.

Benefit: Lactic acid bacteria are known for their ability to use lactose and produce lactic acid as a by-product. This ability to ferment lactose makes lactic acid bacteria an important ingredient in the preparation of fermented foods. They are also an integral part of the brining process, as lactic acid can serve as a preservative. Through what is called fermentation, yogurt is obtained from milk. Certain strains are even used to produce yoghurt on an industrial scale. In mammals, lactic acid bacteria help break down lactose during the digestive process. The resulting acidic environment prevents the growth of other bacteria in the body's tissues. Therefore, lactic acid bacteria are an important component of probiotic preparations.


Characteristic: gram-positive, branched, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Bifidobacteria are present in the human gastrointestinal tract.

Benefit: Like lactic acid bacteria, bifidobacteria also produce lactic acid. In addition, they produce acetic acid. This acid inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria by controlling the pH level in the intestines. The bacterium B. longum, a species of bifidobacteria, helps break down difficult-to-digest plant polymers. B. longum and B. infantis bacteria help prevent diarrhea, candidiasis, and even fungal infections in infants and children. Due to these beneficial properties, they are also often included in probiotic preparations sold in pharmacies.

Escherichia coli (E. coli)


Habitat: E. coli is part of the normal microflora of the large and small intestines.

Benefit: E. coli helps in breaking down undigested monosaccharides, thus aiding digestion. This bacterium produces vitamin K and biotin, which are essential for various cellular processes.

Note: Certain strains of E. coli can cause serious toxic effects, diarrhea, anemia, and kidney failure.


Characteristic: gram-positive, filamentous.

Habitat: These bacteria are present in soil, water and decaying organic matter.

Benefit: Certain streptomycetes (Streptomyces spp.) play an important role in soil ecology by decomposing organic matter present in it. For this reason, they are being studied as a bioremediation agent. S. aureofaciens, S. rimosus, S. griseus, S. erythraeus and S. venezuelae are commercially important species that are used to produce antibacterial and antifungal compounds.

Mycorrhizae/Nodule bacteria


Habitat: Mycorrhizae are present in the soil, existing in symbiosis with the root nodules of leguminous plants.

Benefit: Bacteria Rhizobium etli, Bradyrhizobium spp., Azorhizobium spp. and many other varieties are useful for fixing atmospheric nitrogen, including ammonia. This process makes this substance available to plants. Plants do not have the ability to use atmospheric nitrogen and depend on nitrogen-fixing bacteria present in the soil.


Characteristic: gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Cyanobacteria are primarily aquatic bacteria, but they are also found on bare rocks and in soil.

Benefit: Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae, are a group of bacteria that are very important to the environment. They fix nitrogen in the aquatic environment. Their calcification and decalcification abilities make them important for maintaining balance in the coral reef ecosystem.

Harmful bacteria


Characteristic: are neither gram-positive nor gram-negative (due to their high lipid content), rod-shaped.

Diseases: Mycobacteria are pathogens that have a long doubling time. M. tuberculosis and M. leprae, their most dangerous varieties, are the causative agents of tuberculosis and leprosy, respectively. M. ulcerans causes ulcerated and non-ulcerated nodules on the skin. M. bovis can cause tuberculosis in livestock.

Tetanus bacillus


Habitat: Tetanus bacillus spores are found in the soil, on the skin, and in the digestive tract.

Diseases: Tetanus bacillus is the causative agent of tetanus. It enters the body through a wound, multiplies there and releases toxins, particularly tetanospasmin (also known as a spasmogenic toxin) and tetanolysin. This leads to muscle spasms and respiratory failure.

Plague stick


Habitat: The plague bacillus can survive only in the body of the host, in particular in the body of rodents (fleas) and mammals.

Diseases: The plague bacillus causes bubonic plague and plague pneumonia. The skin infection caused by this bacterium takes on a bubonic form, characterized by malaise, fever, chills and even cramps. Infection of the lungs by the bubonic plague pathogen results in plague pneumonia, causing cough, difficulty breathing, and fever. According to WHO, between 1,000 and 3,000 cases of plague occur worldwide each year. The plague pathogen is recognized and studied as a potential biological weapon.

Helicobacter pylori

Characteristic: gram-negative, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Helicobacter pylori colonizes the human gastric mucosa.

Diseases: This bacterium is the main cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers. It produces cytotoxins and ammonia that damage the gastric epithelium, causing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. Helicobacter pylori is present in half the world's population, but most people remain asymptomatic, and only a few develop gastritis and ulcers.

Anthrax bacillus

Characteristic: gram-positive, rod-shaped.

Habitat: Anthrax bacillus is widespread in the soil.

Diseases: Anthrax infection results in a fatal disease called anthrax. Infection occurs as a result of inhalation of endospores of anthrax bacillus. Anthrax mainly occurs in sheep, goats, cattle, etc. However, in rare cases, transmission of the bacterium from livestock to humans occurs. The most common symptoms of anthrax are ulcers, fever, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, etc.

We are surrounded by bacteria, some of them harmful, others beneficial. And it depends only on us how effectively we coexist with these tiny living organisms. It is up to us to benefit from beneficial bacteria by avoiding excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics and staying away from harmful bacteria by taking appropriate preventive measures, such as maintaining good personal hygiene and undergoing routine medical examinations.

Bacteria appeared approximately 3.5-3.9 billion years ago, they were the first living organisms on our planet. Over time, life developed and became more complex - new ones appeared, each time more complex shapes organisms. Bacteria did not stand aside all this time; on the contrary, they were the most important component of the evolutionary process. They were the first to develop new forms of life support, such as respiration, fermentation, photosynthesis, catalysis... and also found effective ways to coexist with almost every living creature. Man was no exception.

But bacteria are an entire domain of organisms, numbering more than 10,000 species. Each species is unique and has followed its own evolutionary path, and as a result has developed its own unique forms of coexistence with other organisms. Some bacteria have entered into close mutually beneficial cooperation with humans, animals and other creatures - they can be called useful. Other species have learned to exist at the expense of others, using the energy and resources of donor organisms - they are generally considered harmful or pathogenic. Still others have gone even further and become practically self-sufficient; they receive everything they need for life from environment.

Inside humans, like inside other mammals, there live an unimaginably large number of bacteria. There are 10 times more of them in our bodies than all the cells of the body combined. Among them, the absolute majority are useful, but the paradox is that their vital activity, their presence within us is a normal state of affairs, they depend on us, we, in turn, on them, and at the same time we do not feel any signs of this cooperation. Another thing is harmful, for example pathogenic bacteria, once inside us their presence immediately becomes noticeable, and the consequences of their activity can become very serious.

Beneficial bacteria

The vast majority of them are creatures that live in symbiotic or mutualistic relationships with donor organisms (within which they live). Typically, such bacteria take on some of the functions that the host body is not capable of. An example is bacteria that live in the human digestive tract and process part of the food that the stomach itself is not able to cope with.

Some types of beneficial bacteria:

Escherichia coli (lat. Escherichia coli)

It is an integral part of the intestinal flora of humans and most animals. Its benefits are difficult to overestimate: it breaks down indigestible monosaccharides, promoting digestion; synthesizes vitamins K; prevents the development of pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines.

Macro photo: colony of Escherichia coli bacteria

Lactic acid bacteria (Lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, etc.)

Representatives of this order are present in milk, dairy and fermented products, and at the same time are part of the intestinal and oral microflora. They are capable of fermenting carbohydrates and in particular lactose and producing lactic acid, which is the main source of carbohydrates for humans. By maintaining a constantly acidic environment, the growth of unfavorable bacteria is inhibited.


Bifidobacteria have the most significant effect on infants and mammals, constituting up to 90% of their intestinal microflora. By producing lactic and acetic acids, they completely prevent the development of putrefactive and pathogenic microbes in the child's body. In addition, bifidobacteria: promote the digestion of carbohydrates; provide protection of the intestinal barrier from the penetration of microbes and toxins into the internal environment of the body; synthesize various amino acids and proteins, vitamins K and B, useful acids; promote intestinal absorption of calcium, iron and vitamin D.

Harmful (pathogenic) bacteria

Some types of pathogenic bacteria:

Salmonella typhi

This bacterium is the causative agent of a very acute intestinal infection, typhoid fever. Salmonella typhi produces toxins that are harmful exclusively to humans. When infected, general intoxication of the body occurs, which leads to severe fever, rash throughout the body, and in severe cases, damage to the lymphatic system and, as a result, death. Every year, 20 million cases of typhoid fever are recorded worldwide, 1% of cases lead to death.

Colony of Salmonella typhi bacteria

Tetanus bacillus (Clostridium tetani)

This bacterium is one of the most persistent and at the same time the most dangerous in the world. Clostridium tetani produces an extremely toxic poison, tetanus exotoxin, which leads to almost complete damage to the nervous system. People with tetanus experience terrible pain: all the muscles of the body spontaneously tense to the limit, and powerful convulsions occur. The mortality rate is extremely high - on average, about 50% of those infected die. Fortunately, a tetanus vaccine was invented back in 1890; it is given to newborns in all developed countries of the world. In underdeveloped countries, tetanus kills 60,000 people every year.

Mycobacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, etc.)

Mycobacteria are a family of bacteria, some of which are pathogenic. Various representatives of this family cause such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis, leprosy (leprosy) - all of them are transmitted by airborne droplets. Every year, mycobacteria cause more than 5 million deaths.

: useful and harmful? Types of bacteria that help the body and which ones harm?

Consider all the bacteria living in the body. And we'll tell you everything about bacteria.

Researchers say that there are about 10 thousand varieties of microbes on earth. However, there is an opinion that their variety reaches 1 million.

Due to their simplicity and unpretentiousness, they exist everywhere. Due to their small size, they penetrate anywhere, even into the smallest crevice. Microbes are adapted to any habitat, they are everywhere, even if it’s a dried-out island, even if it’s frosty, even if it’s 70 degrees hot, they still won’t lose their vitality.

Microbes enter the human body from the environment. And only when they find themselves in conditions favorable to them, they make themselves felt, either helping or causing, ranging from mild skin diseases to serious infectious diseases that lead to death in the body. Bacteria have different names.

These microbes are the most ancient species of creatures living on our planet. Appeared approximately 3.5 billion years ago. They are so tiny that they can only be seen under a microscope.

Since these are the first representatives of life on earth, they are quite primitive. Over time, their structure became more complex, although some retained their primitive structure. A large number of microbes are transparent, but some have a red or greenish tint. Few take on the color of their surroundings.

Microbes are prokaryotes, and therefore have their own separate kingdom - Bacteria. Let's look at which bacteria are harmless and harmful.

Lactobacilli (Lactobacillus plantarum)

Lactobacilli are your body's protectors against viruses. They have lived in the stomach since ancient times, performing very important and useful functions. Lactobacillus plantarum protects the digestive tract from useless microorganisms that can settle in the stomach and worsen the condition.

Lactobacillus helps get rid of heaviness and bloating in the stomach, fight allergies caused by various foods. Lactobacilli also help remove harmful substances from the intestines. Cleanses the entire body of toxins.

Bifidobacteria (lat. Bifidobacterium)

This is a microorganism that also lives in the stomach. These are beneficial bacteria. Under unfavorable conditions for the existence of Bifidobacterium they die. Bifidobacterium produces acids such as lactic, acetic, succinic and formic.

Bifidobacterium play a leading role in normalizing intestinal function. Also, with a sufficient amount of them, they strengthen the immune system and promote better absorption of nutrients.

They are very useful, as they perform a number of important functions, consider the list:

  1. Replenish the body with vitamins K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, proteins and amino acids.
  2. Protects against the appearance of harmful microorganisms.
  3. Prevents harmful toxins from entering the intestinal walls.
  4. Speed ​​up the digestion process. - Helps absorb Ca, Fe and vitamin D ions.

Today, there are many medications containing bifidobacteria. But this does not mean that when used for medicinal purposes there will be a beneficial effect on the body, since the usefulness of the drugs has not been proven.

Unfavorable microbe Corynebacterium minutissimum

Harmful types of germs can appear in the most unlikely places where you wouldn't expect to find them.

This species, Corynebacterium minutissimum, loves to live and reproduce on phones and tablets. They cause rashes all over the body. There are a lot of anti-virus applications for tablets and phones, but they have never come up with a cure for the harmful Corynebacterium minutissimum.

So you should reduce your contact with phones and tablets so that you do not become allergic to Corynebacterium minutissimum. And remember, after washing your hands, you should not rub your palms together, as the number of bacteria decreases by 37%.

A genus of bacteria that includes more than 550 species. IN favorable conditions Streptomycetes create threads similar to mushroom mycelium. They live mainly in the soil.

In 1940, streptomycins were used in the production of drugs:

  • Physostigmine. The painkiller is used in small doses to reduce eye pressure in glaucoma. In large quantities it can become poisonous.
  • Tacrolimus. Medicine of natural origin. Used for treatment and prevention during kidney, bone marrow, heart and liver transplants.
  • Allosamidine. A drug to prevent the formation of chitin degradation. Safely used in killing mosquitoes, flies and so on.

But it should be noted that not all bacteria of this kind have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Belly protector Helicobacter pylori

Microbes existing in the stomach. It exists and multiplies in the gastric mucosa. Helicobacter pylori appears in the human body from an early age and lives throughout life. Helps maintain stable weight, controls hormones and is responsible for hunger.

This insidious microbe can also contribute to the development of ulcers and gastritis. Some scientists believe that Helicobacter pylori is useful, but despite a number of existing theories, it has not yet been proven why it is useful. It’s not for nothing that it can be called a belly protector.

The good bad bacterium Escherichia coli

Escherichia coli bacteria are also called E. coli. Escherichia coli, which lives in the lower abdomen. They inhabit the human body at birth and live with him throughout his life. A large number of microbes of this type are harmless, but some of them can cause serious poisoning of the body.

Escherichia coli is a common factor in many abdominal infections. But it reminds us of itself and causes discomfort when it is about to leave our body in an environment more favorable to it. And it is even useful for humans.

Escherichia coli saturates the body with vitamin K, which in turn monitors the health of the arteries. Escherichia coli can also live for a very long time in water, soil, and even in food products, such as milk.

Harmful bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus)

Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of purulent formations on the skin. Often boils and pimples are caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which lives on the skin of a large number of people. Staphylococcus aureus is the causative agent of many infectious diseases.

Pimples are very unpleasant, but just imagine that Staphylococcus aureus penetrating through the skin into the body can have serious consequences, pneumonia or meningitis.

It is found on almost the entire body, but mainly exists in the nasal passages and axillary folds, but it can also appear in the larynx, perineum and abdomen.

Staphylococcus aureus has a golden hue, which is where Staphylococcus aureus gets its name. It is one of the four most common causes of hospital-acquired infections that occur after surgery.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)

This microbe can exist and reproduces in water and soil. Loves warm water and swimming pools. It is one of the causative agents of purulent diseases. They got their name because of their blue-green tint. Pseudomonas aeruginosa living in warm water gets under the skin and develops an infection, accompanied by itching, pain and redness in the affected areas.

This microbe can infect various types of organs and causes a bunch of infectious diseases. Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection affects the intestines, heart, and genitourinary organs. The microorganism is often a factor in the appearance of abscesses and phlegmon. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is very difficult to get rid of because it is resistant to antibiotics.

Microbes are the simplest living microorganisms existing on Earth, which appeared many billions of years ago and are adapted to any environmental conditions. But we must remember that bacteria can be beneficial and harmful.

So, we have dealt with the types of microorganisms, using an example to look at which beneficial bacteria help the body and which are harmful and cause infectious diseases.

Remember that following the rules of personal hygiene will be the best prevention against infection with harmful microorganisms.