Biography of Vandal Doubloon from Monster High. Biography of vandals doubloons. Vandal Doubloons doll in the ordinary life of ghosts

translation of bio by KlioEterna especially for Monster High Club

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Name: Vandala Doubloons.

Note: the name Vandals is derived from the word “vandalism” - “wild, merciless robbery, barbarism”, which, in turn, comes from the name of the East German tribe of Vandals who sacked Rome in 455.Surname Dublons (in English pronunciation- Dobluns) - comes from the name of the Spanish coin doblón. Since in Spanish The family prefix "Du" is very common, we found it more authentic to call Vandala Dublons rather than Doublons or Dabloons.

Age: 16 years

Parents: Ghost Pirate

Killer Style: Marine "Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum" chic. The soft, flowing silhouette reminds me of the salty spray of the open sea and the fair wind in my sails.

Bizarre flaw: Agrr, this is so embarrassing to say, but sometimes I get seasick. I'm a ghost, how is this even possible? And sometimes my thirst for adventure completely turns off my ability to predict consequences.

Pet: A cuttlefish with a patch over one eye. Aye, his name is Aye (Aye!)

Note: in nautical slang "Aye!" - it means yes! Eat!"

Favorite hobby: Explore the unexplored places of the deep terrible sea. You never know what lands you will find or treasures you will unearth.

Sore callus: It's very annoying when a ghost can't make a decision. The captain must be decisive, so either give me the order, or give me the helm and I will lead.

Favorite food: Fish and crisps

Favorite color: Sea foam green

Best friends: Kiyomi Honterly,

Vandal statuses:

  • Going for a swim in the Haunted High pond. This is the only place with water where I won't get seasick.
  • I LOVE cards, especially ones with an X on them.
  • I don't cause trouble, I love my adventures - as every good pirate ghost should.
  • My favorite color is seafoam green. It reminds me of shipwrecks on ghostly seas.
  • My pet cuttlefish Ai is my most trusted friend, but sometimes he knows exactly how to rock the boat.

2011 2018, . All rights reserved.

Profile (biography) of Vandal Doublons - a new student at the School of Monsters.

Vandala: “I love cards, especially those with cross marks on them.”

Name: Vandala Doubloons

Parents: Ghost Pirate

Age: 16 years

Bizarre flaw: Damn, I'm so embarrassed to say this, but sometimes I get seasick. I'm a ghost - how can this even happen? Also, sometimes my sense of adventure overwhelms my ability to think about the consequences.

Favorite food: Fish and hiding places.

Favorite hobby: Exploring the unexplored regions of the deep boo-sea. You never know what new lands you will discover or what treasures you will unearth.

Killer style: Marine Yoo-Hoo Boo-Hoo chic. Smooth silhouettes remind me of water splashes on the open sea and tailwinds under sail.

Pet: Cuttlefish with an eye patch. Ai, his name is Ai.

Sore callus: When a ghost can't make a decision. The captain must be decisive: either order me to drop anchor or give me the helm to steer the ship.

Translation for the website - Kamshat Akmuratova.

Vandal Doublons profile in Russian (click to enlarge the picture):

Reference. Pirates - sea ​​robbers in the old days, they sailed the sea and attacked other ships. It was a dangerous occupation; only brave and desperate people dared to do it. Vandala's outfit is made in a pirate-sea style; she has a pirate hat on her head.

The whole world knows the novel about pirates “Treasure Island” by writer Robert Louis Stevenson. Vandala's wooden leg may be a reference to the novel's character, the one-legged pirate John Silver. The pirates in this novel were looking for treasure on the map, and this is exactly Vandals’ favorite pastime.

The Vandals' surname comes from the word "doubloon", which is the name of an old Spanish gold coin. Pirates loved to hide doubloons in their treasures.

The ghostliness of Vandala may be associated with the legend of the ghost ship "The Flying Dutchman", which forever floats on the sea and cannot land on the shore. This type of ship appears in the film Pirates of the Caribbean.

Cuttlefish is a small sea animal with tentacles, a mollusk. Vandal's pet wears a bandage - the same bandage worn by pirates wounded in battle. Previously, some sailors believed that a huge monster lived in the depths of the sea - this is a giant mollusk capable of grabbing and sinking a ship with its tentacles.

Storm. Swiftly and continuously, the gloomy and cold surface of the water rolled from side to side. The sun was hidden by black, as if spilled on
sheet of paper ink, clouds. The wind, shaking tons of water, forced them
rise many meters higher than usual. Among the unimaginable hurricane in the distance
the ghostly sails of a huge sea vessel appeared, which passed through
raging elements... Yes, the last new character of the animated film “Ghostly” is a brave pirate, captain of her own ship “Salty Phantom” -
Vandala Dublons (I like this variation of her last name much more than anyone else)
the rest), which was also included in the “Ghost Disciples” collection. I'll be honest, I'm just ready to squeal with delight when I see something related to a pirate theme and can't do anything about it. Exit
I was looking forward to vandalism more than anything that could happen, because she told me
I liked it before the explosion of actions at the exhibition last fall. She
instantly sank into my soul, made me fall in love with both the doll and
a rather unconventional and very cool character. I waited with rapture
cartoon, just to see the animated Vandala there and lower it again
I'm jaw-dropping at the coolness of this heroine. I didn't even care about the plot. I will repeat again that the doll, in spite of everything, is simply unrealistically cool. Even me,
a person who constantly looks for flaws in dolls just couldn’t resist
I couldn’t find anything negative from her. Vandala is an energetic heroine with a sense of humor and a simply amazing character. Yes, undoubtedly, for me personally she became the best among
all the Monster School dolls. The image of the girl is simply imbued with my favorite pirate theme - light and floating outfits, a wooden leg and just... just
magnificent hat Vandala's outfit is a flared, light, diagonal dress made of a very pleasant material. On the other side the dress continues
transparent mesh with a branchy pattern. At the waist, not only is there whole
armor made of chains intertwined with each other, and also a small belt in the form
falling ribbons. The chains are pink and look like something folded
suit with coral armor. At the ends of the chains they dangle and flutter
shards, anchors and keys from treasure chests. And the main bomb is the hat. She is simply stunning, gorgeous and detailed. I'm just delighted with this cute pirate
ship of a blue tint on herself and a feather. The second plus of the pirate doll
theme – wooden leg! Wooden, all in patterns, on a platform with images
the sides of a sea vessel - it looks amazing! I would like to express a separate plus based on the girl’s face. The look is so light and thoughtful, and the light half-smile makes you also involuntarily smile.
I'm glad that Vandala comes in a deluxe box with a comb, a stand, a diary and a bag in the shape of an anchor wrapped in mud. Just... Wow! The art on the character’s box is amazing; I even pinned it above my desk)

But it was impossible to lose sight of such a wonderful, brave and daring pirate, and therefore meet Vandal Dublons!
We have already seen the boxes of this collection from River and Kiyomi, and therefore we know what they are and are practically no different from each other, so let’s skip this point and look at the back of the box.

At the back is art by Vandal Dublons full height and a short clipping from her - where we find out that she is 16 years old, she is the daughter of a ghost pirate, and what’s funny is that such a brave and daring ghost pirate as we saw her in the trailers of the cartoon... has seasickness. Well, nothing happens to anyone?
From the cartoon we also learn that she has a cute pet - Ai. However, Mattel did not include the cute cuttlefish with the doll, which is sad, because a pet would have complemented her well. However, we are no longer used to it - basic dolls now rarely come out with pets, and more often than not, Mattel prescribes in their biographies that they do not want to have a pet or that they do not have one for some personal reason.

This is how Vandala appears to us out of the box. Strong, brave and independent! What is quite sudden is that she is a ghost without transparent parts, but this suddenness is purely personal for me. However, her skin tone and unusual material for Monster High dolls still let us know that our girl is quite a full-fledged ghost.

Just like Sirena, she often suffers from the lack of a nose in photographs. But don't be alarmed, she actually has a wonderful little nose and its disappearance in photographs is just a feature of the material, as was the case with Siren Von Boo.

Vandala carries a wonderful and stylish turquoise anchor handbag. The handbag does not open, but it perfectly complements her pirate look. At the anchor is the familiar Monster High shard, only with a pirate patch on one eye. On the sides of the bag there is a relief of chains, and on the bottom there is a relief of algae.

Well, what is a pirate without his ship and captain’s hat! Vandala has two important pirate items in one - a boat on his hat. The same goes for feathers, shells and starfish. If you look closely, you can see that her boat is the most ghostly, like the Flying Dutchman, with its ghostly holes in the sails.

The hat is held on by plastic nails that prevent it from falling or moving to the side. This is certainly good - on the way to you, the hat from the doll will not fall off or fall off, nor will it slide off immediately after unpacking, but the studs make it difficult to see its stitching, profile and back, so we will cut them off and look under Vandala’s pirate hat.

Before we get to the hair itself, let's take a look at her cute face.

It's worth noting that Vandala from the cartoon Haunted has bangs in her official art and promotional photos, but our doll has it brushed to the side.
Vandala's peculiarity is the color of her pupils. This has never happened before among MX dolls, so that the pupil is a couple of shades darker than the eye color itself, except for Kiyomi with her white eyes. The make-up is made in pleasant blue colors, peach-colored lips. The nose has disappeared from the photo again.

Time to take your hat off, yarr!

So what do we see? "Wonderful firmware"! Which, of course, was not noticeable under the hat. But it’s okay - the hair roots are hard and heavily patched. And if you wash her hair, the whole thing will fluff up and the bald spots won’t be so visible. As a last resort, if you come across the same firmware - if you have gold handles, you can interrogate the strands or simply put hats on top.

As I said before, Vandala has a wonderful nose, and her whole profile as a whole. He is very sophisticated and beautiful, and in appearance, in profile, she looks even more mature than many dolls with an average body. You can immediately read her character, which she shows in the cartoon - daring, bright, courageous and independent. Gorgeous pirate, nothing to say!

Vandala has only two shades on her hair - turquoise and white. The hair reaches the doll's hips and becomes more wavy at the bottom. The two colors go well together and look very harmonious in her look.

Let's move on to accessories. First of all, Vandala Dublons has regular human ears with hook-shaped earrings with pearls on them. From this angle you can see that her shadows turn into a soft purple, which is really very beautiful.

Another accessory is a large pale pink top in a nautical style with chains. Like River Styx, the accessory is soft and easily removed from the belt.

Octopus tentacles extend from the waist down, holding plastic chains. On them we can see an anchor and a familiar skull, as well as a small pink key on one of the chains - apparently to her secret chest with treasure.

Vandala is a unique doll. One of her legs looks like a pirate's wooden prosthesis. Therefore, Dublons only has one sheer shoe, so don't expect to try her shoes on anyone else. And if you decide, you will have to either dress the doll in two different shoes, or play with them “Cinderella”, who lost one shoe at the ball.

Let's look at her first leg. It is the same color and material as the main body - there is nothing special about it. On the shoe itself we can see “fasteners”-chains that are located throughout the shoe. Instead of a platform or heel on the pirates' shoes, there is a treasure chest. It is convenient, however, to have money in your shoes without the fear of forgetting it at home or in your school locker. Apparently, the key on her belt is from this chest.

Her second leg is made to look like a wooden pirate prosthesis and has a terribly beautiful wooden relief. All over the leg there is a relief of pearls, octopus tentacles, and on the ankle you can even see a shard. If you look closely, you'll see a pretty mermaid on her heel, which shows that Mattel paid great attention to detail. Such maidens (latrine figures) often appeared on the bows of ships, both ordinary and pirate. In ancient times, it was believed that such figures protected the ship from harm, or scared away sea monsters and sea gods from attacking this ship.

The peculiarity of the leg is that it can be easily pulled out and leave the poor Vandala without a leg, but like a real pirate. This leg has a very large pin compared to the pins on the palms and elbows.

Now we remove the pink top, leaving only the dress, and we get a cute Vandala, who, without a hat and pink accessory, looks like a completely ordinary and very stylish monster girl. Vandala's dress sits just above the knee at the front and below the knee at the back due to the mesh hem, which we'll talk about a little later.

The Vandala Dublons dress features mesh sleeves with a glitter scale pattern. They are part of the dress itself. Just please be careful - the pattern may crumble. The dress itself is turquoise shades (dark and light) with a marine pattern, on which you can see dark tentacles, patterns and even shark fins. On top of all this are small specks of coral color.

At the back of the dress, in the form of a train, there is the same mesh flowing down and decorated with a shiny pattern.

The belt on the dress is, alas, not separate. The accessory is sewn to the dress, which is fastened at the back with Velcro.

Among other accessories, Vandala has only one bracelet, decorated with chains and pearls. She has very cute arms and it’s worth noting that they show through a little in the light, as do her legs. No wonder, because she is a real ghost!

And this is what Vandala looks like without clothes. Her body does not have any bright features or patterns and is practically no different from others, except for the presence of one regular leg and the other in the form of a prosthesis.

We looked at the stand in previous reviews, so we’ll skip this point. There is only one thing that distinguishes the stand from the baby stand - the mount for the doll is much wider, because Vandala is already on an average body, and not a child’s. But there is also a minus - the stand does not give the effect of a ghostly floating above the ground, which was so clearly noticeable with River, because the size of the stand has not changed, but the doll will be larger. Vandala can calmly stand on this stand and not float. However, if you still need the effect of a ghostly flight, you can always raise the mount, but you can’t lower it down because of its features.

And of course, it comes with Vandala. On the cover we see the Monster High logo, although Vandala studies at Haunted High, her first and last name is Vandala Dublons. And like many monsters, down below she threatens us with the fact that if we read her diary, we will find ourselves locked in Daivy Bones' locker (a pun on the name "Davy Jones", another reference to pirates and their legends.)

At the end of the diary, as always - full biography character on English language, part of which we saw at the beginning of the review on the back of the box. Bio Vandals in Russian can be read in the post.

On these wonderful notes we conclude our short review of the Vandala Dublons doll. She has her own pros and cons, which I talked about, but to sum it up, this is a very interesting and beautiful doll. It is very important that Mattel put a lot of detail into her leg and accessories, creating a unique pirate image, where audacity and courage borders on tenderness and sophistication.

See you again in the next reviews!

2011 2018, . All rights reserved.

The endless sea, azure waves, black sails and a rapidly flying brig towards the unknown. Great, right? Many of you imagined yourself as a participant in such a journey, for the character of the Haunted school, which we are going to tell you about today, this is nothing more than simple everyday life. Vandal Doubloons doll is the daughter of a ghost pirate and part of the newest collection of ghost dolls from Haunted Student Spirits. We have already begun to get acquainted with these characters, and now it’s the turn of this young sea traveler.

Vandala Doubloons doll - treasure hunter.

Many of you immediately noticed her strange name- Vandal. Somehow it is very reminiscent of the word “vandal”. If you think that this is nonsense and it’s just a coincidence, then you’re wrong. What else do pirates do besides robbery, barbarism and robbery? Yes, in general, and nothing. They sail on their own ships, look for treasures using ancient maps, rob merchant ships and ports - so she doesn’t need to make any concessions. She is one of those who, without irony, can be called a “bad girl.” But Vandala Doublons herself pays little attention to those who don't like her because of her name or her pirate habits. A cocked hat on her head, in her hands a handbag in the shape of a sea anchor, light clothes decorated with corals and fish bones - this is her favorite style and dreams of uncharted lands that she has yet to visit. But now is the time to study.

She is one of those for whom courage and valor are not empty words. Vandala Doubloons is always guided by these principles in everyday life. However, she is often let down by a complete lack of fear and inability to think about the consequences. Fearlessness is, of course, good, but in some moments one could have acted a little differently. The vandal always rushes ahead, in any situation, believing that only the brave and brave are lucky.

It’s a shame, but apparently in the naval battles Vandala Doublons lost her leg and now instead of her right leg she has a wooden prosthesis, the same as her father’s. Oh, these pirates, they don’t take care of themselves at all, only gold and treasures are on their minds. As the heroine herself assures, the absence of a leg does not bother her at all, because she has long adapted to move with the help of this not entirely straight piece of wood.

Vandal Doubloons doll in the ordinary life of ghosts.

You won't believe it, but Vandala often suffers from seasickness (in other words, she gets motion sickness). She herself doesn’t understand - how can she rock an experienced sailor, and also a ghost?)) But this does not stop her from constantly dreaming of a new distant voyage, in which she will have to reveal the secret of some island with a bunch of treasures hidden on it .

In addition to her good friends River Styx and Kiyomi Haunterly, whom she made friends with at school, her favorite pet is always next to her - a sea cuttlefish, whose name is Ai. She, as befits a pirate's pet, has a bandage that hides one eye.

What Vandal Doublons dislikes most is indecisiveness. Since she herself lacks this quality, she constantly notices it in others and this makes her very angry. She believes that indecisive monsters and ghosts should not only not go on long journeys, but even set foot on the deck of a ship at all. By the way, if she is offended or irritated by something, then you can return her to a good mood with fish and crisps, which she considers her favorite food.

Would you like to get this badass pirate, Vandala Doubloons? Buy it here and now.

You can buy a Vandala Doublons doll on our website by first placing an order and confirming it with the operator, who will contact you after a while. A ghost girl, and also a pirate, and also a student at Haunted School - how can you pass by here? Moreover, very soon Monster High and Haunted will form the basis of a new cartoon. Well, go ahead and meet the adventures.