Challenge May. What is a challenge for YouTube and which one can be done. Give up a bad habit

We love challenges because it's not only a challenge to yourself, but also a fun time with friends. In 2017, several more games were added to the collection of popular challenges. Some of them can be easily repeated at home. But - be careful! - Not all.

The floor is lava

When you hear the war cry of “the floor is lava!”, you have five seconds to escape and climb onto whatever is closest to you. If you are lucky and you are at home, then this could be a chair, bed, sofa. And if you are walking along a deserted street, then it’s time to climb a lamppost. In general, this challenge develops a reaction. And although he could get tired of it all year, Lately little is heard about him: which means you can safely resurrect traditions! In the meantime, check out these cool guys who created lava in their home using computer technology and tried not to fall on the floor.

Straight arms

A new challenge: you need to hold any drink at arm's length and try to drink it without spilling yourself. This, of course, is almost impossible, but very fun. The main thing is to remember safety precautions so as not to choke!

Hot Water Challenge

The most dangerous challenge of 2017. This definitely does not need to be repeated under any circumstances. We have already written, but in a nutshell: in this challenge, people voluntarily pour boiling water over themselves or drink a glass of boiling water. But under no circumstances remove such a challenge, because it has already ended in tears for some of its participants.

Invisible box

Compared to the previous one, this challenge . You just need to imagine an invisible box in your path and, after climbing onto it, jump back to the floor. Even Justin Bieber enjoyed participating in it, so you can join in!

Gummy Food VS Real Food

The challenge that took over Youtube in 2017. You need two people to play: in front of you are two covered plates, one of which contains real food, and the other a marmalade version of it. You chip in on rock-paper-scissors, and whoever wins gets to choose his plate. But even if you win, you still won’t know what’s inside, so you can choose either a regular dish or a huge marmalade. Moreover, it is advisable to play in several rounds to make it more fun.

You get to know yourself better on the road. Instead of resort and hotel travel, which restores strength and tranquility, sometimes it’s useful to get into trouble. Your limits (or lack thereof) are ready to be tested in crazy challenges around the world: from climbing Kilimanjaro to sled dog racing. Weak or not weak?

Rally: by car, motorcycle or rickshaw

Participation in a rally takes you away from the well-trodden tourist path. During an active journey, the country through which the racing route passes will not be seen from the typical angle from which it usually appears to a foreign guest. Because both places and customs can be seen from the inside. And in addition - to get truly natural, close communication with the locals.

Where to look for adventure? There are four main companies that organize the rally: Large Minority, Travel Scientists, Dakar Challenge and The Adventurists. The conditions and timing of the test are always different. Sometimes it takes 9 days (for example, The Philippines Challenge), but it can last up to 2 months, like The Mongol Rally. Route, vehicles, hotels, medical assistance - the organizers do not always help the participant with this. You often have to figure out how to finance a race yourself, especially if you don't ask for an entry fee before the start. If they ask (for participation in Dakar the fee is $20,000), you can count on something.

You can choose a rally anywhere in the world: conquer the Siberian Ice Run in 12 days, drive across West Africa in The Banjul Challenge for 3 weeks, or travel 1000 km of The Monkey Run in the Sahara. In addition to these, the best races are The Lanka Challenge, The Central Asian Rally, The Amazon Challenge.

Fans of exotics found a curiosity: as opposed to the traditional meaning of rally, racing on cars or motorcycles, the auto-rickshaw rally in India The Rickshaw Run.

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The first marathon runner in history, a Greek messenger with news of victory, ran the distance, conveyed the news to his fellow citizens and died on the spot. After which it was decided that the marathon was really a good idea for those who want to test their strength.

Today, marathons are run everywhere and often. One of the fiercest is the World Marathon Challenge, the essence of which consists of 7 separate distances of 42.2 km in 7 days on 7 continents: in Europe - Madrid, in Asia - Dubai, Australia - Perth, Africa - Cape Town, Antarctica - Novolazarevskaya station, South America- Barranquilla, and North - Miami.

Pepper was added to the traditional challenge in Brazil, where they created the Jungle marathon (entry fee: $3,185). The distance has increased to 240 km, the time has increased to 6 days, and to the runner’s weight, feel free to add the supplies that he or she will have to drag along the Brazilian Amazon tropics. Jungle marathon is more like an obstacle course, where you will climb, crawl, and risk meeting a jaguar, snake or scorpion. True, regular medical stations with mobile donkeys and medicines will come to the rescue at any time.

You can spend 6 days (and 225 km) on the run in another location, choosing The Marathon des Sables across the Sahara, in Morocco. Don't forget your Panama hat if you don't want to get sunstroke in the sand dunes.

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Bike challenge

You can find classic challenges for two of you on a bike in The Telegraph or by flipping through The Guardian. But if your soul asks for hardcore, it’s time to sign up for a cycling race, the 400-kilometer route of which lies above all others in the world - along the Himalayan peaks in Nepal’s Annapurna. The highest point of the Yak Attack cycling tour is 5,416 meters. But these are not all bonuses: in addition to the temperature balancing down to -15C, there is snow, mud, slush and possible landslides. They will charge you $2,539 for participation, but they will feed you, give you something to drink and put you to bed.

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Triathlon for amateurs and pro-level athletes is a regular event in time and space. For example, Triathlon Travel and RaceQuest Travel will help you search for competitions, where options are not limited to the contest itself, but include training, training camps, short or large-scale tours.

If all standard triathlons are too tough for you, pay attention to The Brutal Double Iron Triathlon, which is located in national park Snowdonia in north Wales. In some places it is called a killer, and there is an explanation for this: the brutal triathlon begins with a 7.7 km swim in the ice-framed Lake Padarn, continues with a 360 km bike ride through the hills and an 83 km running distance, and for dessert - an ascent of Snowdon, the highest mountain in Wales (1,085 meters). All this lies within a time frame: you need to manage it in 42 hours. If the challenge is accepted, expect to pay $494 for solo participation or $653 for a team.

Climbing the mountains

Most mountainous regions are willingly given over to those who want to overcome themselves. Even private companies like The Dolomite Mountains in the Dolomites offer similar challenges, adding a dozen other collective and solo activities to the climb. And in the summer of 2018, for example, enthusiasts are climbing Elbrus. Large centralized “races” are also not in short supply. Do you want to climb Kilimanjaro? Join the 2019 TANZANIA Climb Kilimanjaro Open Challenge and get your gear ready.

Hiking and trekking

This version of the test is not as ceremonial as a rally, triathlon or summit: it does without the intensity of rivalry, race and grandiose prize fund. But popular mountain (and mountainous) routes, especially over long distances, do not go unnoticed. For example, The Travel Pocket Guide talks about the best in the United States and one Australian route, and you can find a selection of ideas for Europe from Iceland to Corsica at Fodor’s Travel. Organized tours for groups of hikers and trekkers, for obvious reasons, do not expand to several thousand participants: it is not very convenient. But you can fit into small challenges. For example, travel tens of kilometers along Mont Blanc.

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River quest

For a water lover there are special challenges. If you can navigate a kayak 715 kilometers across the water, Canada's Yukon River Quest is just what the doctor ordered. It is the world's largest canoe race each year. You can become a participant in the summer quest alone or with a team: the size of the contribution depends on this, which ranges from $300 to $1200 Canadian dollars (you can split the larger amount with your friends). The distance is designed for 5 days. During this time, the organizers promise you rest stops, ice water, sometimes bears and a polar day. Because alternative name quest - the Race of the Midnight Sun. And if you are especially addicted, you can sign up for membership in the association.

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Sailboat race

The Vendée Globe does not require any payment from you. True, in order to sail a solo yacht without stopping and without help, first prove your skill. A potential participant must either have previously completed any transoceanic solo race on the same vessel, or have qualified to sail at least 2,500 miles across the ocean at an average speed of 7 knots or more. And then, when there is no doubt about the experience, the yachtsman undergoes sea survival courses, medical examination and training.

The Vendée Globe takes place every four years. From November to February, participants, leaving France, pass the North and South Atlantic, go around Antarctica and return to Atlantic Ocean, following the path of the 19th century wool clipper ships.

Good news: between Tanzania and Zanzibar there is a route of a lighter (if only in comparison with the previous) race, the Ngalawa Cup. Here, in 7 days, have time to show all your speed and skill. The Arctic Circle Ski Race. The challenge at sub-zero temperatures will take 3 days and 3 nights (skiers stay overnight in special tents). Participant fee - $1849 including transfer and services for your basic needs. And if you want to wax your skis in a country that is less predictable for this, go to the annual race in Afghanistan.

Sled dog race

You can test the endurance of not only yourself and your friends, but also your team of four-legged companions in Alaska by signing up as a participant in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, a dog sled race. The program includes a distance of 1850 kilometers through the mountains, forests and rivers of the northern part of the USA. The route is designed for 9-10 days, and, as the organizers warn, it requires serious preparation. This is confirmed by the amount of the fee: the entered team pays $14,000.

So, New Year It’s already been almost a month, and the holidays are long over. How are your plans to start? new life? Even if you haven’t managed to change everything radically yet, that’s okay. It is believed that in 21 days you can develop a new habit, and in 30 you can completely consolidate the material and forget that it was once different. Think about your plans and dreams for this year. Take one task and do something to achieve it every day for a month. At the end of this period, you are guaranteed to not only have a new habit of working towards your goal, but you will definitely be closer to realizing your grandiose plans.

We at How to Green have prepared our own list for you. Choose 1 or 2 tasks from it and practice them every day for a month, adding them to your own tasks. We promise that at the end of our challenge you will clearly realize that you have become a new the best version myself.

1. Practice getting up early

Starting your day at 6–7 am, you will probably feel that the day has become longer. You can get a lot done in an extra hour and a half. For example, start learning something new foreign language, listen to an online course of lectures, or finally start doing simple exercises in the morning and preparing yourself a delicious, healthy breakfast.

2. Start every morning with something inspiring.

To set the right tone for the day and learn something new, spend up to half an hour watching a TED Talk, saying positive affirmations, reading useful articles, or studying the autobiographies of famous people who inspire you.

3. Prepare and eat a healthy breakfast

You've probably already heard about the exceptional importance of your morning meal. Just in case, let us remind you: breakfast charges you with energy and nutrients to start a long day, kickstarts your metabolism, and reduces the chances of overeating during lunch and dinner. Try eating a healthy meal every morning for 30 days, and you will notice how a couple of extra centimeters will disappear from your waist without much effort.

4. Work on optimizing your routine

Time management, even outside the office, is an approach that significantly increases our productivity. Make a to-do list for the day and try to tackle the most important ones first. complex tasks– this will help avoid procrastination.

5. Learn one new skill

Everything here is individual and depends on your interests, work and personal qualities. Here are options you might like: healthy food preparation, public speaking skills, punctuality, delegation, .

6. Give up a bad habit

Perhaps you feel that there is some kind of attachment that interferes with a healthy lifestyle or doing important and useful things during the day. Here are the most common ones that are best to say goodbye to: smoking, frequent consumption of fast food or caffeine, watching TV, playing video games, the habit of staying up late (especially while looking at your social media feed). Finally, take the important step and give up your harmful attachment. We guarantee that after 30 days you will wonder how you could follow her lead for so long.

7. Keep your workspace in perfect order

Removing clutter and clutter from your workplace will help reduce your stress levels. If this is not relevant for you (maybe you spend most of your time at home raising your baby), then there is an alternative - just get rid of one thing you don’t need every week. If you hate to throw it away, then sell it or just give it as a gift.

8. Minimize your time spent on social media

Many people nowadays reach for their smartphones a hundred times a day. IN morning hours this greatly reduces concentration, and in the evening it overstimulates the brain and deprives you of quality sleep. Limit your “too close relationship” with devices for a month - and positive effect won't keep you waiting long.

9. Half an hour of physical activity every day

A weeklong combination of light cardio, strength training, yoga and the pool is a recipe for excellent physical fitness, mental focus and endless energy. Try it, and in a month you won’t be able to live a day without fitness!

10. Read every day

11. Summarize your day by writing it down.

Don't stop there. At the end of one challenge, when you already have a new one good habit, proceed to the next task. By being in a mode of constant interest and discovery, becoming more productive and active, we lay the foundation for positive changes on many fronts. We become more flexible, creative, learnable, able to do the most objective assessments, and most importantly, we begin to truly love life.

Dear participants!

The challenge ended at midnight on May 29th. Thanks to everyone who chose the books in our selections for themselves, read to the end, or just barely made it. It was strong! We counted which of you managed to complete the main task and sent congratulations to all successful participants on June 5 and 7, and also held a drawing for the main prize - the Onyx Boox e-reader. Giveaway Winner: Reader with Address [email protected] . Congratulations! We will contact you to transfer the prize. Video of the draw.

Winners of the review competition #mybook_challenge_may on Instagram:

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Congratulations! These readers hooked us with their vivid descriptions, witty criticism, and sincerity of emotions from what they read. They will receive a 1-month premium subscription as a gift. If you didn't make it to the list of winners, don't be upset. After all, you read and wrote, first of all, for yourself and your friends. Together with you, we told people about good literature. Thank you!

From June 9 to June 14, we will send prizes and bonuses by email, and will also assign gift subscription days automatically for accounts without email addresses.

Have you read 4 books but haven't received a congratulatory letter? Here are some reasons:

– The letter has ended up in the Spam or Junk mail folder. Check them out please.
– We don't know your email address because you registered in MyBook using your phone number or social media profile. Don't worry, your account is also included in the book reader's drawing, and we will credit the bonus from MyBook in personal account automatically.
– You read books from one, two or three collections, not four. According to the rules, you had to read at least one book from each collection.
– A technical error has occurred. Your device did not report reading statistics information. This could happen if you were not connected to the Internet after reading or there was a connection failure. Write to us and we will sort it out.

If you have completed, signed up to subscribe to the challenge and have not received an email, please write to support@site. Please indicate your account from which you read. We will recheck the data and correct everything.

Below is a book that will help you develop speed reading skills. Will come in handy for your next book challenges! ;)