What you need to know for the general level of erudition. How to increase your erudition and broaden your horizons. Strategy “A lot about everything”


To increase your erudition, you need to apply titanic efforts and spend time. It is necessary to develop simultaneously in several areas. It is necessary to acquire deep knowledge in order to increase erudition.

How to increase erudition and how does this manifest itself in a person’s life? The term translated from Latin means “broad knowledge, comprehensive awareness.” It is often confused with education.

These words are synonyms, but the erudite is well educated, and the educated is not always erudite.

To develop erudition, you should constantly expand your own knowledge by drawing information from sources.

Why is erudition needed?

This question arouses discussion, discussions and debates take place around it. Some argue that polymaths are eccentric people who waste time on unnecessary hobbies. Those who want to know everything absorb books that come their way and get carried away by unnecessary knowledge.

They are like collectors who enthusiastically chase after old stamps, badges or works of art. In the same way, scholars increase their knowledge by looking for new roads for this.

Reasoning this way, representatives of the first group answer the question negatively: is it necessary to increase erudition? In ideas, erudition is an accumulation of knowledge, and not the ability to make discoveries and guarantee breakthroughs in the field of technology.

The second part of people responds to such judgments with the phrase: he who is not educated is ignorant. To support this statement, they give examples where ignorance is costly for others:

a lawyer who does not understand legislative terms and rules;
a doctor who makes a diagnosis over the phone or misses signs and does not identify problems in time;
a psychologist who has superficial knowledge and gives advice without delving into the question;
a teacher of Russian, history, or another subject who has knowledge that is gleaned only from school literature.

Each of these cases has an underlying flaw professional knowledge And low level education. These problems together lead to the inability of the specialist to assess the situation in the critical spectrum. As a result, it is impossible to find correct solutions.

Erudition is the ability to think beyond primitive explanations of the existence of the world. It leads to the development of a special mental makeup.

Erudition - critical view

Knowing how to increase your erudition is useful for every person. An increase in erudition simultaneously entails an expansion of knowledge in various fields.

But that's not the main thing. By collecting knowledge from primary sources, a person can compare, draw analogies and evaluate from a critical point of view. In modern reality, such an approach is very useful, since a large amount of information comes from outside. It is important to understand what is false and what is true. Erudite individuals compare information, evaluate, check for contradictions and discard what has no scientific or historical basis.

Looking at one problem from all sides

Symbol scientific center Bonna is a sculpture representing an elephant and four blind men being touched on four sides. One feels the leg, the second the tail, the third the torso, the fourth the trunk. And everyone imagines only what they touched.

Only collective image allows you to determine that it is an elephant. This confirms the polymath. He knows how to look at a problem as a whole and evaluate it from different angles, applying knowledge.

What are the ways to increase erudition?

To increase your intelligence, you should be interested in issues in different areas and in different ways.

Learn new words and their meaning.

During school years, at college, at university, you have to learn new terms, recognize concepts, evaluate them in a certain technology. After graduating and receiving a diploma, this flow stops.

If you are not looking for new surroundings, new sources of information, your brain falls into a semiotic state. The creation of new neuron connections in the brain stops, and at the same time the development of intelligence stops.

It should be understood that by learning new words you cannot become erudite. But, considering the meaning, recognizing the chain of subsequent connections, ideas about the world undergo changes. The more connections are revealed, the broader the horizons become. Therefore, follow simple rules.

Memorize 3 new words every seven days. Simple memorization is not enough. They should be used in conversation and in writing.

Learn new synonyms that denote actions in different areas. For example, building restoration, event restoration. Did you see an unfamiliar word? use your intuition and try to determine the meaning yourself. Build the concept of the word and only after that check yourself in the dictionary.

Enlarge the thesaurus.

Increase your own by using synonyms in colloquial speech. These are different sounding words that mean the same term. Moreover, for the “uninitiated person” there is no difference between the designations of synonyms.

Only a trained person is able to recognize and clearly explain the differences between typhoons and tsunamis, rocks and mountains. It is clear to him what meaning is and what meaning is.

Critical and analytical reviews can help.

Studying the opinions of competent journalists, politicians and other specialists allows you to compare your own judgment and draw conclusions about the correctness.

If you initially study the issue yourself, 3 opinions will immediately become available:

primary source;
a competent specialist;
Search the Internet for sites

There are resources on the Internet designed for professionals. They allow:

open the mind;
build an objective picture of the universe;
think critically;
make comparisons.

Write more

Spend time writing, and take only certain topics: philosophical, artistic, scientific.

By expressing thoughts on paper, a person structures sentences and builds logical chains. Through the letter you will determine what your strengths and what you need to improve your knowledge of.

Spend a lot of time reading

Choose books with exciting stories to spark interest. Choose books that describe scientific experiments and present the thoughts of philosophers on topical topics. Suitable for raising erudition works of art. Choose educational publications with logical tasks. Memorize poetry and prose quotes.

The degree of erudition is directly related to the degree intellectual development. Learn to perceive information, remember it for a long time and use it in your own life.

23 January 2014, 14:58

Only a schoolboy is afraid of being considered too smart (what if they start teasing him as a nerd?). Adults understand: there is no such thing as too much intelligence.

If there was a magic wand that could instantly improve your thinking and boost your erudition, it would instantly become a bestseller.

Is it possible to develop intelligence as an adult?

There is an opinion that one needs to “get smart” in one’s youth: they say, in one’s third decade, a person reaches his ceiling; Then there is only one task left - to stay in occupied positions.

Even scientists shared this idea in the recent past.

Previously, theorists and researchers had argued that intellectual ability peaked around age 20, but it is now clear that this conclusion was based on an incorrect interpretation of the limited research data available at that time.

Observations that were carried out in the 20th century using the longitudinal method (that is, long-term experiments) showed that after graduating from university a person has more than a real chance of increasing his own intellectual level.

“But what about the physiological changes?” readers will ask. Psychomotor reactions in a young guy will most likely proceed much faster than those of his grandfather.

The point is that the efficiency of the mind not limited to biological potential nervous system.

R. Cattell and D. Horn identified two types of intelligence - “fluid” and “crystallized”. Fluid is the basic abilities that allow you to learn new things (memorization, perception of connections between objects, etc.). It tends to weaken with age. Crystallized intelligence - the accumulated amount of knowledge and experience - grows over the years and compensates for the decreasing speed of thinking.

With speed, fortunately, everything is also not so primitive.

A person who constantly practices intellectual skills, processing multifaceted information using different methods, does not become less learnable. He simultaneously manages to maintain clarity of thought and operate with the accumulated baggage of ready-made data.

Great discoveries - especially in humanitarian sphere- were made not by 20-year-olds, but by 40-50 or even 70-year-old scientists.

An inspiring example. The famous physiologist I.P. Pavlov died at 86 years old. A year before his death (!), he mentioned in a letter to I.M. Maikov: “Until now, I do not allow changes in the distribution and size of my activities.” Even in last hours In his life, the academician managed to surprise his colleagues. Already forgetting the words, he excitedly repeated: “Excuse me, but this is the bark, this is the bark, this is swelling of the bark!” As it turned out later, the diagnosis was absolutely correct.

Some people think they support their intellect by working. However, many types of mental work are associated with the performance of the same type of operations, which, moreover, is gradually brought to automation.

To develop the mind, it is necessary to use intellectual capabilities to the maximum - for example, by engaging in self-study.

"Intellectual" exercises

I don’t want to disappoint readers who opened the page in search. special exercises for the development of intelligence. Such problems exist; they are published in whole books.

Here are examples from a popular book Tom Wujek's "Mind Training"(published 2011).

In the chapter about training with words Wujek recommends reading:

  • phrases in which the letters are written in reverse order;
  • statements written without spaces;
  • sentences from a literary text - and then, without looking, repeat them in order from last word to the first;
  • printed text on an upside down sheet.
  • “Alphabetical order”: temporarily write down as many words as possible in which the letters coincide with the alphabetical “direction” (ray - “l” comes before “y”, and “y” comes before “h”);
  • “Through letter”: name the letter and figure out which one it should be; quickly remember maximum amount suitable words (“sh”, third from the beginning: cat, cup, tails, etc.);
  • “Duplets”: take two words with the same number of letters and build a chain from one to the other, replacing one of the letters in each link and using only nouns in the nominative case, singular (turn “goat” into “cake”: goat - bark - court - cake; try to catch a “fish” in a “net” or turn a “pen” into “ink”);
  • “Anagrams”: create words only by rearranging letters (it’s better to play with ready-made sources - murmur, bug, mouse, carriage, ash, herd).

To develop mathematical abilities, Wujek suggests doing exercises with numbers- pronounce number sequences:

  • from 1 to 100 and from 100 to 1;
  • with increasing or decreasing by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9;
  • with increasing and decreasing alternately - for example, by 2: 2 - 100, 4 - 98, 6 - 96, 8 - 94, etc.

I advise you to look for more games in the book “Develop your intellect: exercises for development, memory, intelligence and intelligence” (K. Philip, Moscow, "Astrel", 2003). It is inconvenient to retell fragments from it, since many tasks will be incomprehensible without illustrations.

This is all very exciting and great, but to be honest, I doubt that you will become a giant of thought just through such exercises. More serious loads are also needed - for example, self-study.

Study, study and study

Take an online math course or just work your way through a high school math textbook, and you'll improve your thinking in a much more significant way than counting from one to a hundred and back. Likewise with other areas of knowledge that matter to you. The materials will be found (see), if only you had the right attitude.

If you want to become more intelligent and improve your memory, learn a language on your own; this really helps. Scottish scientist Thomas Buck conducted a study using the same longitudinal method that I mentioned at the beginning of the article. Dr. Buck determined the IQ level of a group of people, first in 1947 (the experiment participants were 11 years old), then in 2008-2010 (“Learning a second language in adulthood can slow brain aging”, “The Telegraph”, 06/2/2014).

It turned out that by the age of seventy, people who studied a foreign language usually remained in good intellectual shape. One caveat: the effect was noted when knowledge was acquired not for the sake of knowledge, but for active application, and did not lie in memory as a dead weight.

Give preference to the language in which you intend to at least sometimes communicate, read, listen to programs, watch films.

Here you will find practical advice for self-learning English:

Don't have the energy to exercise regularly? Okay, play doublets and anagrams in the evenings, and “What?” on weekends. Where? When?" or " Reasonable people" In “Reasonable People” and “ChGK”, what leads to success is not so much rich erudition as flexibility of thinking.

Physical education for the mind

Physical activity turns out to be very beneficial to intellectual activity.

A.F. Akhmetshina, N.P. Gerasimov (Kazan National Research Technical University them. A.N. Tupolev, Naberezhnye Chelny branch, article “The connection between physical education and sports and the development of intelligence”, conference materials “ Contemporary issues physical culture and sports: retrospective, reality and future”) they write that exercise has an effect for development:

  • attention;
  • observation;
  • speed of consideration, etc.

Improvement of cognitive skills is facilitated by good health (problems with blood supply to the brain, which occur in many diseases, greatly complicate thought processes). This time.

Intense movement requires both muscle tension and mental effort. That's two.

And what, the more you train, the better? No.

In the article “The influence of physical exercise on the body and intellectual abilities of a person” (E.N. Kurganova, I.V. Panina, Orlovsky State University named after I.S. Turgenev, materials “Science-2020”) we read:

Proven interesting fact that the connection is established only between intelligence and the general indicator of a person’s physical fitness. This has nothing to do with sports achievements, exhausting training leading to overwork. Mental and cognitive abilities are more developed in a person who regularly engages in physical exercise, but does not set himself the goal of achieving high athletic results.

The body's resources are limited. Too intense training does not tone you up, but exhausts you.

How to increase erudition?

Since you have decided to increase your level of intelligence, think at the same time about how to develop your horizons. An adult is constantly bothered by things to do, but if he wants, he can set aside half an hour a day for educational rest.

Read popular science books and science news. Look documentaries- it is easy to absorb information from them due to a combination of visual and auditory perception. Don’t get hung up on the hunt for purely factual information: fresh emotions also teach a person to think more broadly - for example, those provided by classical music (see?)

But - important advice- Grow in areas that are right for you interesting and/or useful.

There is no point in grasping at everything at once: to become a real polymath in the 21st century, you will have to literally live in books twenty-four hours a day. And in the end it turns out that Yandex and Google are still an order of magnitude smarter than you.




Always pay attention to what you read. It’s one thing to read articles from the Internet, and another thing to read serious fiction. Before talking about the concept of “serious literature,” we must define its concept. It is understood not as pulp novels, but when it is based on philosophy, psychology, history, when it expands the horizons of readers and is necessarily written good language. Only these three conditions are intended to call the book serious fiction. An additional advantage is that such reading will have a beneficial effect on your oral and writing, and this, in turn, will help develop the ability to express your thoughts coherently and correctly. Second, studies scientific literature.

Engage in what you read. Books that help you understand the world, develop intuition and erudition, curiosity and the desire to learn even more. Explore the world not only around you, but also your own inner world. Philosophy is the science of human life. Read more philosophical literature, literature on psychology.

Think and analyze more. A very effective remedy - after reading a book and seeing that you are interested in some aspect, write an essay or note on this topic. Share your knowledge with friends and colleagues, discuss. Discussions help and promote the ability to make critical conclusions based on facts, and also develop memory and logic. It is advisable that your interlocutor has a clear understanding of the subject of the conversation.

Try not to limit yourself to a narrow range of interests. Broad knowledge in various fields indicates high intellectual and spiritual development of the individual.

Train your mind more often, study foreign languages, write poetry, listen to classical music.

But we should not forget that there is no limit to perfection. Just because you learned something new does not mean that you have become smarter. Get into the habit of thinking about new information. Be sure to put your knowledge into practice and share your impressions with people. Spend your time usefully, learn the latest news, play useful board games, take part in discussions, you will feel more knowledgeable and confident. The desire for self-improvement will certainly open up new horizons for you.

There is one simple example of how to develop erudition. The point is this: for example, you are sitting in your room. You are surrounded by some objects (TV, chest of drawers, bed, table, flowers, computer, cell phone). Try to tell about each item, who created it and when it appeared. Start, for example. from your clothes: find out where jeans came from and why they have a small pocket. If you learn about 10 things a day, then in a year you will learn about 3650 concepts. And remembering them is not so difficult. The main desire.

You can increase your erudition in many ways, but the surest way is to read a variety of books on history, philosophy, psychology, scientific and fiction literature.

About methods that not only transfer knowledge, but do it live game form

All parents want to be proud of their child, to see him successful and interesting person. IN modern world this is impossible without developed erudition: you need to have a large amount of knowledge in a variety of fields. But how to raise a child to be truly smart and at the same time sociable, comprehensively developed, without having him sit in front of textbooks around the clock? We addressed this question to the head of the Eureka school for the development of erudition in children, Rustam Nazipov.

Nazipov Rustam Salavatovich - head of the School for the Development of Erudition in Children "Eureka"


Rustam Salavatovich, what does erudition give to modern children?

— We must understand that erudition is not just the amount of knowledge in memory. This is the basis for communication leadership qualities and strategic thinking. Firstly, it is easier for an erudite child to find friends: it is always pleasant to communicate with an interesting person who can carry on a conversation on any topic. It is easier for an erudite child to study at school and university: he stands out positively from other children, and teachers notice him. In the future, it will be easier for him to work and conduct business: knowing more, he can be significantly ahead of his competitors. Imagine that your child knows the countries, capitals, flags of all states, can guess the works of classics by the first notes, is familiar with the works of famous artists, understands how various interesting things work - from a hoverboard to spaceship, - and also knows all historical figures different countries world, main events, dates and so on. Do you think this will help the child in the future?

WITHWhat difficulties can you encounter when increasing a child’s level of erudition?

— The most important thing is not to turn your child into a nerd and a nerd. To do this, you need to use techniques that not only transfer knowledge, but do it in a lively playful form. This is precisely the task I set for the staff of my research institute when developing programs for the School of Erudition Development. And we succeeded: the children don’t get bored with the classes—on the contrary, they really like them. The guys are maximally involved in the process, do not get tired at all and periodically notice that in some “magical” way, without straining, they memorized, for example, the capitals of 30 countries in one lesson. And all this thanks to effective teaching techniques.


— You said that the development was carried out by a research institute. What kind of institute is this?

— Among other things, I am the head of the Eureka Research Institute, which has been developing effective teaching methods for almost two years. Initially, we created methods for developing memory, attention, logic and other skills, prepared and published more than 30 books for independent work. A little later, based on requests from readers, we decided to open a full-fledged school for the development of erudition, which works precisely according to these methods.

— Tell us in more detail how classes are held at school.

— Before signing up for a lesson, the child goes through an interview with his mother or father, grandmother or grandfather. The methodologist determines the child’s current level, motivation, and goals. Based on this information, the teacher decides whether our training is truly suitable for the child. If yes, then we select a group for him according to age and level, as well as a convenient schedule. Classes are held twice a week, each dedicated to a specific topic. In addition to the main classes, we periodically conduct intellectual games between groups. This allows children to gain self-confidence and make new friends.

Erudition - what is it? The word itself came into Russian and some other languages ​​from Latin and means enlightenment, training, erudition and a sharp mind. An erudite person has a deep and broad knowledge of general educational subjects, he is able to think critically and logically, and also fully understands the specifics of his type of activity. For example, an erudite lawyer knows the law deeply and thoroughly, he has extensive knowledge regarding the socio-historical context of the law, and he is also aware of the laws of other cultures. Erudition in literary work includes knowledge and conclusions covering many different areas.

“From the point of view of banal erudition...”

Taken out of context, the expression became quite popular and was intended to ridicule the excessive overload of scientific terminology in a number of texts. When exactly the phrase appeared, no one can answer for sure. All we can say with certainty is that this funny expression is decades old. The ending of this sentence is as follows: “From the point of view of banal erudition, not every individual is able to ignore the tendencies of paradoxical abstractions.”

Repeating this phrase at a fast pace can be an excellent exercise for those who would like to practice public speaking and improve their rhetorical skills. If you replace complex scientific terms in a sentence, you can clearly see the meaning of the entire expression, namely: “Some people can see meaning in non-existent and intangible things.”

Thus, the word “eruditeness” does not have any special meaning. What was important here was not the meaning, but the form. The first part of the expression can be a great place to start when answering any question.

General erudition

Erudition refers to the level of training and volume of knowledge, as well as high quality intelligence and a fairly broad outlook. Not just anyone educated person may be an erudite, but any erudite must be educated. A high level of erudition implies a certain amount of knowledge necessary for his professional suitability. While they should not be limited to knowledge exclusively in one type of activity, an erudite is a versatile person who has deep knowledge in many other areas of life.

Erudition - what is it and how to increase it?

An important point is self-education and the ability to find the necessary information, and not just absorb what is taught in universities and other educational institutions.

Absolute erudition - what is it? Speaking in simple words, this is the highest form of knowledge, an unattainable ideal, which is still worth striving for. How can you increase your level of erudition?

Firstly, you should not limit yourself to knowledge only in one specific area of ​​knowledge: by expanding our horizons, we force the brain to work more intensely, thereby increasing the level of intelligence.

Secondly, useful recommendations would be reading good literature and serious publications, not the yellow press, visiting all kinds of scientific exhibitions and cultural events. When traveling, you should not only enjoy the local landscapes, but also be interested in the history and mythology of the country you are visiting.

Enlightenment comes from understanding

To become an erudite person, you need to constantly, ideally throughout your life, work on yourself. You need to read more and train your brain, raising your intellectual level.

So, what is erudition? When answering the question, it is important to understand that enlightenment is achieved not only by learning, but also by understanding what has been learned.