Day of Russian Sciences middle group. Presentation "Science Week" project (preparatory group) on the topic. Thursday – magnetic laboratory

IN kindergarten Science Week has passed. The purpose of the event is to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, and the desire for independent knowledge and reflection in children.
In the Ladushki group, the week was devoted to the study of water. The main task of the teachers was to expand children's knowledge about the importance of water in our lives. Introduce some properties of water. To give children the first basic knowledge about the water cycle in nature.

During the week, children watched educational presentations: “Water”, “Droplet’s Journey”, “Water the Sorceress”, cartoons “Kapitoshka”, “Come back, Kapitoshka!”, read fairy tales and poems about water “Droplet’s Journey”, “Why did the brook cry ?", "Once upon a time there were two clouds", "Why is it raining?", "Good water", "A cloud spoke to a cloud...", riddles about water; played outdoor games: “Stream”, “Rain, pour, pour”, “And the fish swim in the sea like this...”, “Water, water”, “The sea is worried”, “Blow up the bubble”, “Stream”, “Lake” ", "Clean-Dirty", "Walk by the River".
September 29 children senior group No. 2 showed experiments with water to the children junior group №7.
And on September 30, together with group No. 3, a joint entertainment “Water Day” was held.
It had been raining all day and all night the day before, and a drop of water fell on the children in the kindergarten! The children enjoyed watching the presentation about “The Droplet’s Journey.” Children learned to determine the properties of water and show trick experiments: “Colored water”, “Leaky bag”, “Why is the napkin dry”, “Arrows in a jar”, ​​“Tornado in a bottle”, “Water mill”, “Rainbow”, “What sinks, what floats?”, “Why does a boat float?”, “Live flowers”, “Why does a plant need water?”, “Mixing paints”, “Transparent water”, “Water takes shape”, “Water is a solvent”, “How to clean water from turbidity?”, “Ringing water”, “Melting ice”, etc.
The guys found it interesting and exciting! They promised that they would repeat these simple experiments with water at home with their parents!

Pribytkova Elena
Entertainment scenario “Science Day” (senior and preparatory group)

Presenter: We invite the Active and talented, as well as the curious, to a joyful holiday! There are already a few physicists and somewhere even lyricists! A little time will pass, And there will be a generation of Scientists, and with awards! We are glad to have such guys! Actively are developing, They smile openly and love to solve everything. We are glad to have such guys! On our holiday

So let's start the parade sciences!

Postman: Telegram for you. Receive and sign!

Presenter: This is probably a congratulatory telegram. No, the return address is the planet of lazy people. Something is wrong here. So let's read quickly!

Reads a telegram:

“Great, boys and girls!

I had a little fun!

I stole everything from you Sciences.

And to your parade there will be no science!

Ha ha! But what a parade I will have!

Baba Yaga."

So what should we do now? What about our meeting of representatives? sciences?

We must stop Baba Yaga! Need to return Sciences! How can we find her? Yes, here is the telegram. There is a return address here - Planet of Lazy People. How to get there? There must be some magic words.

Since this is the planet of lazy people, that means magic words such:

I DON’T WANT, I CAN’T, I WON’T, I DON’T KNOW... (There is a roar. The music of wonderful transformations sounds).

Presenter: - Hello, grandma! And who are you? Woman- Yaga: Hehehehe! Didn't you really find out? I am Baba Yaga! What, it doesn't look the same? Smarties: Nooo...

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha. What did you think - I’m crooked and have a bone leg? This only happens in fairy tales. Why are you here? Smarties: Baba Yaga, give us ours Sciences. Why do you need them? Woman- Yaga: I'm having so much fun. I love to do dirty tricks on someone.

They decided to hold a meeting, but Babusenka-Yagusenka was not invited?

And why would you Sciences? They are of no use. One head pain: you have to count, write, read all day long... And I won’t give them to you just like that. First, guess the riddle. Show how smart you are. Do you agree?


She speaks silently, but it is understandable and not boring. You talk to her more often, you will become ten times smarter. (Book.)

Presenter: Baba Yaga, we solved your riddles, now give us ours Sciences.

Baba Yaga: And I deceived you. I won't give it to you Sciences. I hid them in my magic book. It will be better for you. You won’t learn anything, you’ll have time, at least more than enough: walk as much as you want...

Presenter: Baba Yaga, so are you without you can't get by with science.

Baba Yaga: Well, they made me laugh! I'm getting along great.

Presenter: No, Baba Yaga, you’re wrong, now every science will prove it to you.


Writers: Literature – science for the soul. For example, fairy tales... Miraculously good! They contain wisdom, mystery and magic, and the majority will agree with this. Books mean nothing to us replace: We must take care of them and value them.

Baba Yaga: So what about your fairy tales? What's the use of them?

Presenter: Baba Yaga, but in our books they write about you too. Take a look at this book and you will find out. (Gives Baba Yaga a book of fairy tales.)

Baba Yaga: Oh, so it's me! How beautiful I am here. What kind of book is this?

Literature: These are Russians folk tales. And there are many more books about you. And if there is no literature, then there will be no books. Including about you. And everyone will forget you.

Baba Yaga: What would it be like without me? No one will need me? No, it turns out we can’t do without literature. I will be friends with you.

Presenter: Come on, writers, show how you can solve riddles

Low hut

a fox and a frog live in it,

mouse, hare, gray wolf --

They know a lot about strong friendship.

The bear also asked to come to them,

only it didn't fit.

Climbing he could

break the whole (Teremok)

The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What awaits her in a fairy tale.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole.

Anyway, that's enough. Do you need a hint?

Who is that girl? Whose fairy tale is this? (Thumbelina)

Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day. (Firebird)

Grandmother lives in the forest, collects herbs and collects potions. Paul sweeps the hut with a broom. Her leg flies through the sky in a mortar, made of bone, and her name is….

She is the most important of all in the riddle Even though she lived in the cellar, she helped Grandfather and Grandma pull the turnip out of the garden bed.

He is looking for a golden key on land and under water. He sticks his long nose everywhere. Who is this... Pinocchio

A game "Collect the heroes of fairy tales"

Woman. Yaga. You see how smart our guys are! They know all the fairy tales perfectly! Let's do something else better let's let science go. Look, we will raise your authority. Woman- Yaga: Let's. Which one should I let go? Me and I don’t know science anymore. That's the story... History? Isn't there such a thing? Sciences? Historians- archaeologists: History... It happens different: Cheerful, sad and important. We have been living on the planet for how long. Of course, we are responsible for all matters. Our ancestors taught us wisdom. What will children in the thirtieth century know? History flows, flows inexorably. A can it be the other way around?? From century to century we walk around the world, listening to the wise council: Don't forget the past, friends, You can't build the future without it.

Baba Yaga: What can you tell about me? Do you know anything about my past?

Story! The first mentions of Baba Yaga date back to the 9th century. Woman- Yaga: Am I really that old? I heard something about excavations... Who are historians doing this.... THERE ARE ARCHAEOLOGISTS IN OUR ACADEMIC COUNCIL.

Archaeologists are conducting excavations. In the field and on the hill. And in the southern desert and in blizzard Siberia And in all parts of the country They are objects antiquities Looking for museums. So that mouth-watering people can look into the depths - how we lived in old Baba Yaga O!No wonder I dabbled in my spare time. I tore the illustrations for fairy tales into pieces and buried them in the sand. How I felt... my dirty trick would come in handy. Well, let's get started, archaeologists.

How old am I now then? I don't know how to count. smart ass 2 : And we will call Mathematics for help. Woman- Yaga: What kind of Mathematics? Mathematicians: We want to tell you about mathematics. For many Sciences, she is her own mother. To keep everything in order, you need an account. And here, of course, she will not let you down. And we know logarithms and equations very well! And we’ll count everything in the world without hesitation! Mathematics: If it became known about you in the 9th century, and now it’s the 21st century, then you are already 12 centuries old, that is, 1200 years old!

Baba Yaga: How much, how much? So, is it time for me to retire? And I also wanted to learn. Smarties: Baba Yaga, maybe I should ask the Serpent Gorynych for some rejuvenating apples? Woman- Yaga: What are you talking about? I won't eat that much! smart ass 1 : Let's invite science biology. I will now conduct a test in all areas of biology. 1 mushrooms


Maybe she will give some advice? (Biology comes out.) Biology: 1200 years, Baba Yaga, is your actual age. But there is also biological age. (He carefully examines Baba Yaga.) From your anatomical portrait it is clear that you are no more than forty-five years old!

Baba Yaga: I am so glad! Baba Yaga is 45! Baba Yaga is a berry again! Yes, now I would like to go to the Canary Islands. I need to tell Koshchei, let him keep me company. (Wants to call on his mobile phone.) In fact, he also doesn’t know where these Canaries are.

Do you want to see the constellation live Eh! My youth is passing. Woman- Yaga: Why are you giving me this ball? Geography: This is not a ball. This is a model of our Earth.

Baba Yaga: (Laughs.) That made me laugh! It's round! If the earth were like this, we would have fallen long ago! Geography: There is a law of attraction. Let Physics go, she will tell you about it. Woman- Yaga: Release Physics. (Physics and Chemistry exit.) Woman- Yaga: Why did you two go out together? We are releasing everyone one by one. Physics and Chemistry: (Together.) We can't live without each other. We are interconnected. Physics studies the nature of bodies, and Chemistry studies their properties. Woman- Yaga: OK. Physics, about your law, whatever it is... you’ll tell me later. But you, Chemistry, tell me about the properties of my skirt! What is this it turns out: I let everyone go, but I was left with nothing? Nobody needs me! (Cries.) Science: Don't cry, Baba Yaga, come with us! We will teach you everything. Woman- Yaga: Aren't you angry with me? Do you forgive me? Will you be friends with me? Science: Certainly. We forgive and do not hold grudges. We will live peacefully from now on.

Baba Yaga: Hooray! I won't do it again! I promise! smart ass 1 : Just hurry up, the path to our planet is not close. But how can we return? Woman- Yaga: This is us quickly! Even though I can be mischievous and try to cause mischief, But sometimes I help and come in handy for something! Chufir-chufir-chufir!

Everything is fine. Sciences liberated. We want to extend these holidays with the main song This is the anthem! (Smart ass 1 : Getting into our society is not easy, because KNOW, friends, this is very serious! Only a child who strives for knowledge from the cradle can get into the NOU. smart ass 2 : In our research society, all the guys are just great! We read reports at conferences, We win at Olympiads. In general, we have a lot of children that we can be proud of now! smart ass 1 : Our holiday has come to an end. I would like to believe that all the efforts and labors scientific society They won't go to waste as they will help you in the future! If it’s difficult, don’t be discouraged, Study all subjects better, He who goes forward wins more often, He who seeks knowledge will find it!

Egghead 1: Not all of you will become scientists. Everyone will choose their own path. smart ass 2 : This must be a path of goodness. smart ass 1 : We wish you all good luck and victories! smart ass 2 : We thank everyone for their work. See you again!

February 8 is All-Russian Science Day. The science - special kind cognitive activity, aimed at obtaining, clarifying and disseminating objective, systemically organized and substantiated knowledge about nature, society and thinking.

Science in modern society plays an important role in many industries and areas of people's lives. The level of development of science serves as one of the indicators of the development of society, and it is also, undoubtedly, an indicator of economic, cultural, civilized, educated, modern development states.The field of science undoubtedly affects the stage of preschool childhood. A preschool child by nature is already a researcher, showing a keen interest in various kinds of research activities aimed at “discovering” something new. Research and search activity is the natural state of a child. He is determined to understand the world around him, he wants to know it. Exploratory behavior for preschoolers is the main source of gaining ideas about the world.

On World Science Day, studentssenior group No. 1 “Cockerel” , turned into scientific researchers. During the experimental lesson experimental activities The guys studied how water is filtered and made their own conclusions about its properties. The experiment “How can you get a needle out of water without getting your hands wet” aroused great interest among preschoolers. Such experiments with a magnet allowed young physicists to independently identify the peculiarity of this object.

Such forms of organizing activities with children allow them to model in their minds a picture of the world based on their own observations, answers, and the establishment of relationships and patterns. Thus, they contribute to the development of initiative, independence, and activity of the child’s personality.

Since ancient times, people have been interested in how the world and everything that surrounds them works. The emerging interest contributed to the development of knowledge and science. With the improvement of these areas, the life of mankind improved and its capabilities expanded. New technologies, nanotechnologies, robotics, inventions, communications - all this was created thanks to science and scientific achievements.
The holiday of November 10 - World Science Day - is dedicated to people who have contributed and are contributing to the development of science. It is celebrated by professors, researchers, other scientists, students and laboratory assistants around the world. In our kindergarten, Science Day was dedicated to the Day of experiments and experiments “Miracles from a scientific point of view.” The institution's teachers are confident that childhood is a joyful time of discovery. Knowledge of the environment takes place in the child’s direct interaction with the natural world and unfolds as an amusing trip so that the child enjoys it. Significant role In this direction, the search and cognitive activity of preschoolers plays a role, taking place in the form of experimental actions.
It is important to support the desire of preschoolers to learn everything, to explore everything, directing this interest in the right direction. Everything that has long been familiar to us, adults, is understandable and does not raise any questions, is unknown and unstudied for little researchers. The kids are interested in everything, they notice a lot and want to try it themselves. For middle and older preschoolers, the day began with tricks, experiments and experiments, they became acquainted with natural phenomena, carried out experiments.
With the help of a simple experiment, the children expanded their understanding of the properties of water, magnets, natural minerals, etc. While in the laboratory, young scientists actively participated in experimental activities and shared their previously acquired knowledge. This made an unforgettable impression on the students. During the experiment, preschoolers developed cognitive activity, knowledge about the properties of objects expanded, speech and interaction skills with peers in the process of joint activities became more active. During the experience, the children also became acquainted with the profession of “laboratory assistant”, “researcher”, “scientist”. Each child had the opportunity to try on the role of a young discoverer.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, a desire to learn should be formed in preschool childhood the world, formulate hypotheses and plan their solutions, formulate conclusions and evidence in speech. This can be achieved by organizing a subject-spatial environment that allows experimentation and discovery. In mid-August, you can devote time to studying the interaction of different substances in the world around you, tell children about physics, chemistry, archeology, open a summer school and create conditions for a variety of educational and research activities. You will find a description of interesting experiments for preschoolers, poems about science and conversations with children in the appendix to the “Science Week” Thematic Week plan.

Social and communicative development

Creating conditions for social and communicative development, the adult organizes the work of children in small groups, talks about devices that help people study the world around them and make discoveries.

Cognitive development

Speech development

Speech development occurs in the retelling of short stories, games with sounds and words, as well as board games. The teacher introduces children to dictionaries and the meaning of using scientific literature.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Children make observation journals for the laboratory, draw treasure hunt maps, look at a collection of photographs and learn about the history of cameras. Artistic and aesthetic development is facilitated by the creation of characters and the filming of the cartoon “Paper.”

Physical development

To solve problems physical development allow experiments to clarify the features of the circulatory system, outdoor games different nations world and work with ophthalmic simulators.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Conversation “Why and how people study the world around them.” Goal: talk about the importance of science in life.Replenishment of the experimental corner with new equipment. Goal: to attract attention to experimentation.Problem situation “How to find out... (look at something small, etc.).” Goal: to develop the ability to build hypotheses and activate children’s speech.Drawing with shaving foam. Goal: to recall drawing techniques with children.Physical exercise “We went to the forest edge.” Goal: remember words, please children.
S.r. game "Laboratory". Goal: develop the ability to bring the game to the end.Independent experiments while walking. Goal: learn to formulate a hypothesis and plan work.Exercise “Find the place of the sound in the word.” Goal: to strengthen the ability to determine the location of sound.Independent games in the theater corner. Goal: to promote the development of creativity.P.i. "Obstacle course" Goal: continue to teach children to jump on two legs while moving forward; improve skills of climbing under arches; improve coordination of movements. P.i. "Blind Man's Bluff." Goal: to please children.
2 p.d.Games in a corner of solitude. Goal: to promote the development of communication between children.Presentation “What physicists do.” Goal: to tell children about the profession of physicist.Inclusion of encyclopedias on the study of nature, history, etc. Goal: to show the importance of literature in understanding the world.Structural-model activity “Boats”. Goal: to produce equipment for naval combat.Exercise “Health Products”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the usefulness of foods and things necessary for health.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.Exercise “The wind blows on...” Purpose: to promote the development of friendly relations in the team.Game "Build a week." Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.Exercise “Which word got lost?” Goal: to develop the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.Making characters for the cartoon "Paper". Goal: expand knowledge about animation.Experiments to clarify the features of the circulatory system. Goal: develop the desire to experiment, learn to explain the data obtained.
Socially useful work. Goal: improve the ability to work in small groups.Looking at anthills. Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the characteristics of the life of ants.Game "Sea Battle". Goal: to promote the development of the respiratory system.Distribution of roles for the cartoon “Paper”, drawing up a script. Goal: to develop acting skills and responsibility.P.i. "Needle, thread, knot." Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game. P.i. according to children's choice. Goal: to consolidate the ability to choose a driver.