Fitness secrets from Tracy Anderson. What is Tracy Anderson's weight loss program?

Madonna's secret weapon: the fitness guru who "gave" the 50-year-old singer the body of a 25-year-old girl

She is almost 50 years old, however, she has the body of a 25 year old girl. How does she do this?
Love her or hate her, you can't deny that Madonna looks incredible. Although she will turn 50 this year. The charming blonde looks only half her actual age.
Her muscular arms are always toned, her abs are rock solid, and it's simply impossible to notice the signs of aging in her body. And as the first single from her new album, "Hard Candy", drops this week, people want to know how she does it?

But paparazzi photos only tell us half the story. Slender and flexible Madonna was seen returning from another workout. She is often seen with a cute little blonde, silently following Madonna in London, New York and Los Angeles. This is her fitness guru Tracy Anderson, who on this moment becomes a secret weapon in the struggle for the ideal body of all top figures.

The first person to find this fitness trainer was Madonna's friend Gwyneth Paltrow. After she gave birth to her son Moses in 2006, the actress firmly decided to fight the excess weight acquired due to childbirth. (I dialed 21/2st - anyone know how much that is?)

Following a strict diet, the actress was able to lose half of her hated weight in just a few weeks. However, she was unable to lose the other remaining half, and therefore had to wear a special elastic belt for months.

On the day of the premiere of her new film "Iron Man" iron Man") Gwyneth made one last desperate attempt to restore her body to its former state and called Tracy for help. It worked. The actress immediately felt the results and at the moment, despite the birth of two children, she has a body that she has never had before.

Talking about what it's like to train Madonna herself, with whom she worked 6 days a week for Last year, Tracy said: "This is a very hard working person. Someone who gives absolutely 100 percent. I prefer to coach selfless people, and this woman is not afraid to work."

Tracy is actually less of a trainer and more of an inventor; she doesn't believe in old-fashioned traditional gym training: "Through years of research and practice, I've discovered a method whose principles are contrary to many things that are accepted in gyms today. So if you put me in a gym, "The gym would be a nightmare for me, it's not where I want to be. I trained on almost all the machines and they made me bulky."

Today, most trainers focus on large muscle groups and biceps or abdominal exercises.

"Things like this are exactly the opposite of what I'm trying to achieve. If you work out in the gym with traditional machines, your body will become more toned, but you will hardly lose weight. I train on a completely different principle," says Tracy.

Looking at Tracy now, it’s simply impossible to believe that she was ever fat. But one day this 152 cm tall blonde gained extra pounds, despite the fact that she was a dancer.

She grew up with the idea that, due to genetics, she would have to accept being overweight. Her father was obese. "As a young dancer at 20, I gained 21/2st. And later during pregnancy I added another 4st."

She tried as hard as she could to lose weight, but nothing worked. Inspired by the dancers she watched every day, Tracy began creating her own training methods, resulting in her new ideal body. Creating a different, slender and healthy body changed her own life so much that the girl decided to help other people fight weight. "The thing that's really hard to deal with is my love of food. That's why it was incredibly important for me to come up with a method where I could continue to eat normally without gaining weight," Tracy says.

This method is created not only for Hollywood stars. "My approach isn't just for the elite. It's for every person. I'm just trying to be the one who says, 'Hey, there's a new way to do this.'

"I'm trying to see if I can free a woman from her genetic predisposition to being overweight and give her a dancer's body. And guess what? It definitely can be done."

Tracy's Principles

Diversity. Tracy claims that the main mistakes are monotony.

"Every time you do the same exercise, you make your muscles bigger. It's important to vary the exercises and target the muscles differently each time," says Tracy.

This is what Tracy says about star Gwyneth Paltrow: “I constantly have to come up with new exercise systems for each workout.”

With her clients, Tracy uses a machine that she created herself (Hybrid Body Reformer machine). Unlike a traditional Pilates machine, the Tracy machine works on muscles from several sides at once, rather than just one, which allows the trainer to create more than 40 new exercises per month.

To start. If you're going to a gym, Tracy advises starting by making sure you have at least 30 minutes of your favorite music on your iPod.

Start on the treadmill. Run to one song, jump rope to another. So, changing exercises and songs, train for 30 minutes. And then start toning your body. Start with 10 repetitions and continue up to 100, perform them daily. If you have any doubts about your health, consult a specialist.

Exercises that increase muscle tone

Hands. Take 1.36 kg dumbbells and stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly raise both arms up in a V shape and bring them above your head.

Bend your elbows and wrists slightly. Then gently lower your arms back down, and then raise them again without a break. So 100 repetitions.

Exercise for one arm. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides. Take a dumbbell weighing 1-1.5 kg. With your elbow slightly bent, raise one arm above your head and then extend your arm fully in the same position. Stay in this position for a while. Do 100 repetitions with both hands.

"Ballet Grand Plié" Place your heels together and point your toes slightly apart. Bend your knees and lower yourself down as low as possible. Make sure your back remains completely straight. Stay in this position for a while and then slowly straighten up again. Perform 100 repetitions.

Abdominal exercises. Lie on the floor, arms by your sides, legs in front of you. Raise your body slightly until you feel a slight “crunch” in your abdominal area, and then lower your body again. The most important thing in this exercise is to make sure that your legs are completely straight. Do 100 repetitions.

Picking. Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides. Raise your legs up 90 degrees and then slowly lower them. After lowering, without stopping, raise your legs up again 90 degrees. The upper part of your body should be on the floor. Both arms and legs should remain straight, with your toes pointed up. Perform 100 repetitions.

Advanced Piking. Lie on the floor, legs in front of you, hands behind your head. Take a 1.36 kg dumbbell and try to reach your feet with your hands, raising them 90 degrees. Then simultaneously slowly return your legs and arms to the starting position. Both arms and legs should remain straight, with your toes pointed up. Do 100 repetitions.

Dancing + tone up

Tracy's program combines various muscle-toning exercises with intense cardio exercises. Tracy also offers a dance cardio aerobics program that she created to help her clients lose weight. And it works. Many people lose up to 23 cm in size in just the first ten sessions!

If you have the opportunity to go to the gym, you can combine strength training and dance cardio exercises. Tracy also recommends taking ballet lessons, but doing so with a 1kg weight on your ankles.

As for cardio, Tracy says, "You can go outside and do an extra jog, jump rope, or gallop. It's important to alternate between these exercises."

All about accessory muscles

Tracy believes that instead of training the major muscle groups, it is better to pay special attention to the small muscles that are located “around”. And if you train them correctly, it will be possible to make your body structure more miniature. If you want to train the accessory muscles of your body, you shouldn't go to the gym - it's better to stay at home and do 100 repetitions of non-strength exercises.

Ask a personal trainer to help you create a workout program that will allow you to move away from strength training on your major muscle groups to exercises on your accessory muscles. If you don't have access to a trainer, continue to do strength and cardio exercises at home, but remember these key points:

1. NEVER lift anything heavier than 1-1.5 kg

2. ALWAYS do abdominal exercises

3. MAKE SURE you include both strength and cardio exercises in your daily workout

When you lift a weight, you need to use your imagination, lifting it in different directions, this will force your auxiliary muscles to constantly work.

Warming up

"Dancers spend a long time training in warm rooms, usually because they don't have the means to provide good air conditioning," Tracy says.

“As a dancer, I noticed that training in a hot room really improves the performance of the elements. After consulting with doctors, I realized that there is a medical explanation for this: the muscles become more elastic.

Train in a room with a temperature of 26C, but this may be too hot to start with. So adjust the temperature according to your preference.

Every day on the move

Madonna spends at least 2 hours a day working out, and Gwyneth Paltrow has her own Pilates machine. Of course, not everyone has a lot of free time and money. However, it is within your power to live on the move every day.

Tracy says: "I believe you should do 30 minutes of strength training and 30 minutes of cardio every day. If you don't exercise, your skin loses its elasticity and you gain weight."

And finally

Stop making excuses, just do it.

Jennifer Lopez at 45 will give odds to any 20-year-old girl. Largely thanks to the program of fitness instructor Tracy Anderson. What is especially valuable is that all exercises can be done at home. Shall we try? Okay, but first a little history.

Tracy Anderson's own experience will inspire anyone. Even those who initially do not have very good data. Tracy is naturally overweight, has a big bone and has a big sweet tooth. But now she looks tiny. It all started almost 20 years ago. Tracy was expecting a baby and managed to gain 25 kg during her pregnancy. Her history included a failed ballet career and a desire to advance. She took her weight problems as a sign: Tracy, it’s time to change something in this life! As a result, she developed her own training system, honed her figure - and at the same time acquired celebrity clients, including Jennifer Lopez, Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakira. Those who also need to lose significant weight can lose up to 20 kg in six months. Many of Tracy's clients who were planning to undergo liposuction canceled the operation after several months of training. Another advantage of the Tracy Anderson system is that the muscles are not pumped up excessively, and the figure remains feminine.

A set of exercises according to the Tracy Anderson system

Running in Plank

Get into Plank position. The body line should be straight from head to toe. Bend your left leg and bring it as close to your chest as possible. Place your foot on the floor and perform the same movement with the other foot. Having increased the speed, “run” in place in this way at an average pace for about 30 seconds. The exercise strengthens the abs, core muscles and buttocks.

This is one of the basic abdominal exercises. The palms in “Plank” are located exactly under the shoulders, forming an angle of 90°. Do not arch your back under any circumstances to avoid injuring your lower back. For best results, try to look forward rather than at the floor.

Abdominal exercises with a ball

Take a medicine ball (usually made of thick rubber, has a non-slip surface and filled with sand) weighing 1.5-2 kg, lie on your back with your legs straight. Hands with the ball are raised up. Bend your knees, lift your head, shoulders and shoulder blades, sit up smoothly and place the ball between your feet. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Raise your legs with the ball up and grab it with your hands, then straighten your legs again. Perform 15-20 times. This pumps up not only the abs, but also the arm muscles.

Great exercise with extra weight. Be sure to tense your abs while doing this and watch your breathing. If you don't have a medicine ball, you can replace it with dumbbells or a heavy book.

Table Pose

Sit on the floor, leaning on your hands behind your back. Legs are bent. Raise your body so that your arms and legs form the legs of a “table”. Hold this pose for 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times. This effective exercise is borrowed from hatha yoga. It not only works the abdominal muscles, but also strengthens the muscles of the arms and buttocks, corrects posture and stimulates the functioning of the digestive organs.

The very next day you will feel muscles that you didn't even know existed. Gradually increase the number of approaches and after a couple of weeks you will notice changes in the shoulder area.

Push-up with leg swing

Get into Plank position. Tighten your abs. Lift your right leg up. Return to the starting position, lower your leg. Repeat the same with your left leg. Do the exercise 10 times.

The exercise strengthens the back muscles, triceps, buttocks and, of course, the abs. You can alternate the direction of the swings - sometimes up, sometimes to the side. Don't forget to breathe: lower as you inhale, and rise as you exhale.

"Swallow" from the chair

Stand facing the back of a chair, rest your hands on it. Raise your right leg, bending your knee at a 90° angle, and press it against the right edge of the back of the chair. Having straightened your leg, swing it back and lock it in the “Swallow” position - your body is tilted towards the chair, your arms are bent at the elbows. Repeat the combination with each leg 20 times. The exercise tones the muscles of the buttocks and lateral abs.

It is advisable to warm up before this exercise, otherwise there is a risk of getting a sprain in your leg due to too sudden a swing. Therefore, it is better to perform it at the end of the workout.

  • Think about the fact that everyone (including you!) can have an amazing body well into old age, regardless of age and genetics.
  • Exercises should be performed not mechanically, but consciously. Do them as if you were performing in public, like Madonna. Then the effect will be faster and more noticeable.
  • It's better to practice in front of a mirror. Looking at your reflection in the mirror, evaluate yourself like a work of art: what you like, what you don’t, and think about how to fix it.

The Tracy Method is a combination of cardio, dance aerobics and specially designed exercises for specific parts of the body. The program involves training 5-6 times a week, a strict diet and no indulgences. Regular exercises make the buttocks elastic, and the stomach flat and “nulliated.” So don’t believe those who claim that getting into “pre-pregnancy” shape is almost impossible.

Who is the Tracy Anderson system suitable for? The answer is simple - purposeful women who are determined to succeed and will not quit after a week.

It’s not for nothing that the stars love Tracy so much; her programs are really effective. But you should understand that J. Lo spends at least an hour in the gym every day - out of habit, not everyone can withstand such an intense load.

The twelve step system you'll learn about here is probably the most effective method achievement of any goal ever developed. It is used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world to revolutionize the own life. It was adopted by corporations to carry out reorganization, increase sales and profitability. It is simple, like all great things, but effective to such an extent that it continues to amaze even the biggest skeptics.

The purpose of this goal achievement system is to help you create a mental equivalent of what you want to achieve in the outside world. The Law of Thought states that your thoughts materialize into reality. You can become and achieve what you think about. By thinking, thinking about something extremely clearly and concentratedly, you will achieve it much faster and with more high degree probability than otherwise.

There is a direct relationship between a clear vision of an already achieved goal within yourself and the speed with which it materializes in the outside world. The Twelve Step System takes you from abstract uncertainty to absolute clarity. It gives you a treadmill to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

Step one: create desire - strong, burning desire. It is a motivational force that allows you to overcome the fear and inertia that inhibit the motivation of many people. The greatest obstacle to setting goals is fear of all kinds. Fear is the reason why you sell yourself short and settle for much less than your abilities allow. Every decision you make is based on an emotion - fear or desire. A stronger emotion always suppresses a weaker one.

The Law of Concentration states that whatever you think about increases in size. When you think about your own desires, talk about them, write them down, constantly make plans for their implementation, eventually the desires become so strong that they drown out and push aside your fears. A strong, burning desire to achieve a specific goal allows you to rise above your fears and move forward, overcoming any obstacles.

Desire is invariably personal. You can only want something for yourself, not because someone else wants it for you. When setting goals, especially the main goal, one should be a complete egoist. This should be your own goal. It is necessary to be absolutely clear about what it is, what you want to have, do, who you want to become.
What is your main goal? Which goal dominates all others? If you were guaranteed success in any specific field, what would you want to achieve? Review the seven goal-setting questions until you are clear on what will bring you the greatest happiness. The starting point of any greatest achievement is determining your true desire.

Step two: develop a belief. In order to activate your subconscious mind and, as you will discover, your own hidden abilities, you must be absolutely confident that you can achieve your goals. You need a strong belief that you deserve this goal and it will come true when you are ready for it. It is necessary to strengthen your confidence and conviction until they form an absolute belief that your goal is achievable. Since faith is the catalyst that activates your thinking power, it is very important to set realistic goals, especially in the beginning.

When aiming to increase earnings, you should set the goal of increasing earnings by 10, 20, or 30 percent over the next 12 months. These are goals that you can believe in, goals that are accessible to your mind. They are realistic and therefore can be a source of motivation for you.

If your goal significantly exceeds everything you have achieved in the past, then setting it too high turns it into a demotivator. Because of its remoteness, you make very slow or no progress towards its implementation. It is easy for you to lose your presence of mind, and you may soon lose faith in the possibility of achieving this goal.

In my case, when I first started using this process to set goals, I was making $40,000 a year. This bothered me, and I decided to set a goal of earning $400,000 a year in 12 months.

As a result, nothing happened. The goal of making 400k a year was beyond what I could have believed. Therefore, my subconscious simply refused to perceive it as something possible. It ignored my commands because there was no real faith behind them. Realizing my mistake, I lowered my goal to 60 thousand - a 50% increase in last year's income, and I achieved this by changing jobs six months later.

Napoleon Hill wrote: “The human mind can achieve anything it sets its mind to or believes.” However, completely unrealistic goals are a form of self-delusion, but you cannot create the illusion of achieving your goal. This requires persistent, systematic, practical effort, working in harmony with the principles we describe.

If you want to lose weight, do not set a goal to lose 10, 15 or 20 kilograms. Instead, set a goal to lose 2 pounds over the next 30 to 60 days. After losing the first 2 kilograms, put new goal- lose 2 more, and so on until you reach your ideal weight. Losing 2 kilograms of weight is quite believable, while losing 10 kilograms significantly exceeds your current understanding of your capabilities. Therefore, your subconscious mind will not take your goal seriously.

One of the kindest and most helpful things you can do for your own children is to help them set realistic and trusting goals. Help them develop the habit of setting goals and achieving them. It doesn't have to be a habit of setting big goals. There's an old saying: When you save pennies, the dollars take care of themselves. Children develop the habit of setting and achieving small goals and eventually move on to setting medium goals and then goals of any size.

Achieving big goals requires significant effort. Sometimes it takes weeks, months and even years of hard work and preparation before you are able to achieve something truly big. In each area you must pay in full in advance. Unless you are exceptionally gifted or talented, you must be honest with yourself and admit that if this goal is worth achieving, then it is also worth patient and persistent work.

Many people set goals that are far beyond their capabilities, work on them for a while, and then give up. They become discouraged and conclude that setting goals is meaningless, at least for them. main reason The reason this happens is that they are trying to do too much too quickly.

You are responsible for creating and maintaining a positive mental attitude that stems from the confident expectation and belief that by continuing to do the right thing in the right way, you will eventually attract the people and resources required to achieve your goal on time. “You need to have absolute confidence that by putting in the necessary effort you will ultimately succeed.

Step three: write it down. Goals that are not written down are not goals. These are just desires or fantasies. Desire is a goal without energy. By writing a goal down on a piece of paper, you crystallize it. You turn it into something concrete and tangible - something that you can pick up, look at, hold, touch, feel. You have taken it from your own imagination and put it into a form where you can do something with it.

One of the most powerful methods of implanting a goal into your subconscious mind is to write it down clearly, distinctly, in detail, exactly as you would like to achieve it in reality. Decide what is true before deciding what is possible.
Make your goal description absolutely perfect in every way.

Crystallize the ideal images you created after reading Chapter 1, “Make Your Life a Masterpiece.” Don't worry about how the goal will be achieved just yet. On initial stage implementation, your main task is an absolutely accurate idea of ​​​​what you want. Don't worry about the process of achieving it.

Several years ago, during the height of the financial crisis, my wife and I had to sell our house to raise money to pay bills. We temporarily moved into the house you rented and lived there for two years. During this time, we decided to take the dream of our future home very seriously.

Despite financial difficulties, we subscribed to several magazines, replete with pictures and descriptions of beautiful houses. About once a week, Barbara and I would sit down to leaf through these magazines, discussing the various features of the home we wanted. We temporarily put all thoughts about cost, location and down payment out of our heads. We ended up coming up with a list of 42 features that our future home needed to have. Then we put the list aside and began to work without straightening up.

Three years have passed and a thousand different things have happened. We bought a beautiful house and moved out of the rental one. All sorts of unexpected and unpredictable things happened. When the dust finally settled, we moved again, this time to a beautiful 460 square meters in sunny San Diego, California.

While unpacking, we found a list compiled three years ago. As it turned out, the house we had just moved into had forty-one of the forty-two characteristics we had written down. The only thing it was missing was a built-in vacuum cleaning system, which was last on the list.

We knew the house would be somewhere in California. This was marked on our list under the heading "location". Barbara imagined a house with a backyard without a fence. She clearly saw “an unobstructed view without any obstacles.” I explained to her that for security reasons, almost all houses in California have fences.

Sometimes even entire blocks of houses are surrounded by fences with security devices and barbed wire. But she was unshakable. She imagined a completely open backyard and a horizon that stretched as far as the eye could see.

It turned out that our dream home overlooked a beautiful valley with a beautiful golf course surrounded by two lakes. The long slope behind our house, the valley and the lakes provided sufficient security and made a fence unnecessary. The visualization turned out to be true.

This is just one of hundreds of stories about what comes from the act of writing down your goals in clear terms and then constantly thinking about them. The most important reason for writing them down, other than getting them figured out in your own head, is that the very act of putting them in writing intensifies your desire and deepens your belief that your goal is achievable.

Many people do not put their goals in writing because deep down in their hearts they are not sure of their feasibility. They think that recording doesn't do anything. They are trying to protect themselves from disappointment. But in doing so, they become disappointed and are content with small achievements throughout life path. By disciplining yourself by writing down a goal, you suppress your own failure mechanism and turn on your success mechanism at full capacity.

Step four: Make a list of all the benefits that come from achieving your Goal. Just as goals serve as fuel for the furnace of achievement, reasons serve as forces that intensify your desires and propel you forward. Your motivation depends primarily on the reasons that motivate you to act, and the more reasons you have, the higher your motivation.

The German philosopher Nietzsche wrote: “A man can bear any what if he has a big enough why.” You can motivate yourself to do great things only by having big dreams that excite you. Your “why” should be uplifting and inspiring. It should be big enough to guide you forward.

It is when you have good reasons to achieve your main goal that the “goal intensity” increases, making you invincible. If your reasons are strong enough, your convictions are strong enough, and your desire is intense enough, nothing can stop you.

Canadian millionaire Brian Tracy, whose biography is certainly worth studying, became famous as an expert in the field of business development strategies and the developer of his own method of achieving goals.

Using Tracy's system, anyone can change their life for the better, influence the attitude of others towards themselves, achieve any goal and make their wildest dreams come true. This statement may seem like too bold an exaggeration, however, as practice has shown, Brian Tracy's technique really works.

Brian Tracy. Biography of a future millionaire

The childhood years of the President of Brian Tracy International, motivational speaker and author of training manuals (Tracy was born in 1944), were spent in the Canadian city of Vancouver. The businessman celebrates his birthday on November 27.

In addition to Brian, there were three more sons in the family, so there was always not enough money. Having dropped out of school, Tracy got a job at a shipping company as a laborer. For eight years he traveled around the world on a tramp ship, and upon returning to his native shore, he left this job and went into sales.

Following the example of his experienced colleagues, Brian was appointed senior salesman a year later, and a couple of years later, when this capable worker turned 25, he was already sitting in the chair of the company's vice president.

Tracy the businessman

Before becoming an authoritative specialist, Brian Tracy (Tracy's biography - a business coach - is a story no less fascinating than the story of his promotion in the field of sales) was engaged in marketing, and also studied economics, psychology and all kinds of techniques for achieving success.

In 1981, he created his system for achieving success, and in 1985, Brian Tracy’s system was recorded on audio media, thanks to which millions of people gained access to the Psychology of Achievement.

In 2008, with the support of partners, Tracy co-founded the company iLearningGlobal, whose activities consist of conducting trainings and seminars on-line, and in 2010 he founded his own network project for managers and entrepreneurs.

Today Tracy is a developer of marketing strategies that enable new and experienced business people to achieve higher business and professional level. Brian's clients include such large companies as Toyota, Nissan and Bank of America.

Brian Tracy: books, video and audio guides

A person who has already achieved everything one can only dream of, like no one else, is able to provide his followers with all the necessary information regarding the specifics of business development, the psychology of sales and the basics of self-development.

As an authoritative author, Brian Tracy is confident that anyone can become successful. Even those who have nothing... except the desire to take the first step into the world of successful people. What exactly needs to be done? Change beyond recognition: become someone you have never been, but do not change yourself - that is, do not sacrifice your own spiritual values.

What does Brian Tracy call for?

Dreams generate success, you just have to learn how to dream correctly. All people who have achieved success are big dreamers who were able to imagine their future in the smallest detail. Brian Tracy (the biography of this man is a vivid example of the action of force positive thinking) at one time he worked hard to implement his plans and received everything that he has now.

The ability to dream is not the only topic that Tracy touches on. A serious obstacle to success, according to the millionaire, is the inability to effectively manage one’s time. Successful people They master this skill perfectly - no matter what they do, they never kill time.

According to Brian, a person who dreams of becoming a “high-flying bird” should not spend time with pompous turkeys. Brian Tracy, whose biography began in a poor family, did not expect help from his parents, and they could not help him in any way - they barely had enough money for the necessary things. Today, Brian has soared so high that his name is known in almost every corner of the globe, and the training programs and books he compiled are popular among aspiring entrepreneurs from different countries.

What Tracy Offers

As a writer, Brian Tracy (the famous speaker’s books have now been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world) works in perhaps the most popular genre today: “methods for achieving success.” Below is a list of some of the works of this author.

The book “Achieving the Maximum” is instruction for aspiring entrepreneurs who are ready to make an effort and improve their standard of living. Those who study this manual will learn to earn more and will be able to believe in themselves and their uniqueness.

“One Hundred Absolute Laws of Business Success” is a list of universal laws that underlie the success of a modern business person. Brian illustrated the operation of each of the laws with examples from real life.

Another topic that Brian Tracy touches on is the psychology of sales. All ace sellers, the author believes, are somewhat similar to each other. Tracy has devoted more than one book to this topic. Here are some of them:

  • “Effective Selling Methods” is a manual that contains specific techniques that allow you to achieve success in trading.
  • Become a Super Sales Agent is a book about Tracy's own strategies that brought him to the top of his game.
  • “The Complete Guide for a Sales Manager” is a collection of practical and theoretical principles of work. This book talks about how to choose the right trading partners and how to work with them.

After reading the “Achieving Your Goal” manual, young businessmen will gain an understanding of the basic principles necessary to turn an ephemeral goal into real life.

The book “Manage your time and double your results” is one of the most readable works, authored by Brian Tracy. Time management and self-organization are the levers without which it is impossible to learn how to productively combine work and personal life.

How to become successful

Before embarking on the path to success, a new salesperson needs to devote some time to working on himself, says Brian Tracy. Sales psychology is a tool that will work effectively in the hands of a person who knows exactly what he wants to do. It is important! After all, when an entrepreneur thinks about what he really wants to achieve, his heart begins to beat faster, filling him with creative emotions. And this positivity is felt by those around you.

- First rule. Your life will only get better when you become better. If you want a better wife, be a better husband. If you want to have the best children, then be the best parent; if you want to have the best employees, become the best boss. In short, if you want to change your life in any aspect, then start with yourself. Your life will become better only then and only if
if you yourself become better.

Second rule. It doesn't matter where you started from. It matters where you are going. The past has already passed, and irrevocably. Perhaps a lot of nonsense has accumulated on your “personal account”, you have lost a lot of time and money. All this should be taken into account only if you have learned something from these mistakes. And it doesn’t matter at all where you started from. Where you are going is important, and the choice of destination depends solely and exclusively on you.

Third rule. In any situation, it makes sense for you to respond to a new challenge. This approach pays off. Of course, starting is always difficult. But do you know why people develop? It depends on how open they are to new challenges and willing to take thoughtful and calculated risks. Successful people know how to develop themselves and develop others, they become better and better, fully prepared for challenges, failures and learning.

Fourth rule. You are able to learn everything you need to achieve your goals. You have the potential to be a better leader, manager, engineer, technician, parent, spouse, or cook. Are you able to master foreign languages and master any other skills. Just; learn everything that will bring you closer to your desired goal.

Fifth rule. You set the boundaries of your own freedom. By being aware of all the possibilities, you make certain decisions and are open to alternative approaches. Therefore, it is important that you develop the ability to change your point of view and do
choice among many possible options. You are only free if you have the opportunity to choose. Without alternatives, you are deprived of your freedom. Then your actions will be completely determined by the external situation.

Sixth rule. All difficulties carry an equal potential for solving the complications that arise. You can find a way out of any situation. And solving the biggest problems gives you invaluable experience and knowledge that will help you succeed in the future. All prosperous and successful people have learned the hard way that problems are valuable experiences. If you encounter problems, interpret them as important lessons leading to a better future.

Seventh rule. You set the true boundaries of who you are or what you do. This rule is the most important of all. The moment you understand it, achievements will become available to you beyond anything you have ever achieved before in your life. By identifying with the leader's personality, you will give yourself additional confidence, respect and pride. You can become everything that is currently hidden within you.