How folk wisdom teaches us to preserve the inviolability of the Russian. What folk wisdom teaches. What exactly are proverbs and where did they come from?

My grandmother spent her youth in her village in the Volodsk region. And there, Russian folk tales, proverbs and sayings were not only in use - they literally accompanied all actions. And she taught all sorts of wisdom- often said proverbs when I was quarreling with my younger brother. Only now I understand that many of them were written not only about family relationships, but, rather, about the indestructibility of the Russian people.

How folk wisdom teaches us to preserve the inviolability of the Russian people

Our ancestors knew for sure that strength lies in unity and friendly living. They carefully passed this idea on to their children and grandchildren, and those to their grandchildren and children. So folk wisdom has survived into our century - for my brother and me from my grandmother, for someone from my mother and father. I will tell my children the same proverbs that I heard in childhood:

So many beautiful phrases, but all about one thing - if people fight over little things, if his people behave selfishly, then for sure will lose even the weakest to the enemy. My brother and I have seen this ourselves from our own experience. Together, it’s faster to build a snow fortress, and it’s more convenient to climb a tree - first I help my brother, then he holds my arms.

What exactly are proverbs and where did they come from?

In general, proverbs are simply a treasure trove of clever thoughts. That's what they call short and pithy phrases, often with a simple rhyme. But rhyme is not the most important thing in them, the essence is what is most important. For all occasions, we received a “legacy” from our great-grandfathers - phrases about family, and about harvests, and about the weather..

They were transmitted exactly orally- who could write them down! Later, when the people became more literate, they wrote it down, but everything was in words and in words.

It's a pity, now they are gradually forgotten, because if they are not passed on to new generations. I use them myself in everyday life, my husband is already used to them, they also stick to him. Now my little son is growing up - next in line. I think my grandmother would be proud of me.

Social cognition. 10th grade. Profile level. Social science. 1. Statement “Archaeologists have established that the ancient Slavs lived in dugout houses with

gable roofs covered with turf" is an example of 1) scientific knowledge 2) everyday knowledge 3) folk wisdom 4) mythological knowledge 2. Are the following judgments about the object of knowledge correct? A. The object of knowledge can be the entire world around us. B. The process of cognition can be aimed at studying the characteristics of an individual person. 1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both judgments are true 4) both judgments are false 3. A statement connecting several judgments together, for example, “The gods are immortal. Zeus is the supreme deity. Therefore, Zeus is immortal” is an example of: 1) ideas 2) perceptions 3) concepts 4) inferences 4. Ordinary (everyday) knowledge is based on 1) understanding of life experience 2) displaying the world in artistic images 3) putting forward scientific hypotheses 4) ideas about beautiful and ugly 5. Social cognition, unlike other types of cognitive activity, is characterized by 1) the use of special research techniques 2) the coincidence of the subject and object of cognition 3) the desire to establish the truth 4) correspondence to the cognizable reality 6. Establish a correspondence between the methods and the level of scientific cognition (research): for each position in the first column, select the corresponding positions from the second. METHODS LEVEL OF SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE (RESEARCH) A) theoretical B) empirical 1) identifying general and special qualities of a phenomenon 2) conducting a laboratory experiment 3) putting forward a hypothesis 4) establishing the nature of interactions within a system object 7. Find in the list given the features characteristic only of the social cognition, 1) the object and subject of cognition coincide 2) limited opportunities for experimentation 3) fixation of generalizations in the form of laws 4) obtaining quantitative data about the object being studied 5) aimed at studying man and society 6) explanation of existing relationships

The + Pythagorean theorem is one of the fundamental theorems of Euclidean geometry. C establishes the relationship between the sides of a right triangle.

write down the numbers under which they are indicated

1) It is difficult to study on your own.

2) Its discovery was based on observations.

3) It is presented in the special language of mathematics.

4) To confirm its truth, a proof based on experimentally established data is proposed.

5) TO describe it, the method of theoretical explanation was used

6) its truth was established by generalizations of folk wisdom

Are the following judgments about deviant behavior correct?

a.deviant behavior can have not only negative consequences
b. one of the psychological reasons for a teenager’s deviant behavior is the reluctance to lag behind others, the desire to join a group that is attractive in his eyes.
1)only a is true
2) only b is true
3) both judgments are correct
4) both judgments are incorrect

Parents teach their son: “Always keep your promises.” Parents tell their son:
1) folk wisdom
2)legal norms
3) moral standards
4) rules of etiquette

The family, unlike other small groups, is characterized by:
1) group norms
2) common hobbies
3)common life
4) unity of views

P.8. Let's remember

1. Which peoples of Russia did we meet on the pages of textbooks in grades 1-3?

Answer: In grades 1-3 we learned that Russia is inhabited by many different peoples: Russians, Tatars, Chuvash, Mari, Mordovians, Nenets, Chukchi, Yakuts, Ukrainians, Belarusians and many others.

2. Representatives of which peoples of Russia live in your region?

Answer: Representatives of different nationalities and peoples live in our region: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Germans.

3. What promotes mutual understanding between different peoples of Russia?

Answer: Mutual understanding between the different peoples of Russia is facilitated by the fact that all these peoples live in one country, as well as the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws, and government.

Look at the artist's painting and photographs. Write a story about how memories of the past, creative work in the present, and hopes for the future help people feel united.

Answer: The memory of the past is the foundation for building a worthy society in the future. The experience of the past helps us draw conclusions from the mistakes that we made in the old days, and helps us today to use all the experience that previous generations passed on to us. The past unites us into a single Russian people, our traditions, customs, commandments, language, all this is passed on from generation to generation. Thanks to our work today, each of us is building our common future brick by brick. Labor has always united people, entire communities of peoples moved towards a common goal - the preservation of the cultural wealth of Russia, its unity and strength, as well as ensuring its worthy future.

What events of the past are the common heritage of the peoples of your region? What is being created now by common labor for the benefit of the Fatherland?

Answer: Many important events took place in the history of our country. The most important events are the annexation of Siberia, the overthrow of the autocracy, the October Revolution, victory in the Great Patriotic War, human flight into space. Today, through common work, we are creating the future of our country. New factories, factories, roads, cities are being built, people's lives are improving. Each person, through his work, contributes to the formation, prosperity and development of the future of Russia.

But for us schoolchildren, the common denominator is good studies and help for parents.

Let's think!

1. In what ways can you now show love for your Motherland?

Answer: First, it’s good to study. And also, keep order in the yard of your home, school, and do not throw garbage. Help adults on cleanup days. Don't break something that was created by someone. Create something new and unusual with your own hands, thereby becoming an example for younger children.

2. What projects do you dream of completing in the future for the prosperity of Russia?

Answer: For the prosperity of Russia, I would like to implement the following projects: to increase the level of education, since children are the future of our country, to build new houses, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, sports grounds and stadiums, concert halls. Resume production at plants, factories and other industrial enterprises, improve the environmental situation in the country. So that adults and children lead a healthy lifestyle and are cultured. So that crime is eradicated. Natural areas were revived and the mistakes of the past would never be repeated.

Let's check ourselves

1. What is the purpose of the state language in a multinational country?

Answer: The state language in a multinational country serves to unite all peoples on the territory of the state, which is a sign of a single state. Most often, the language of the most numerous people becomes the official language. The main task of the state language is to serve as a means of communication in all spheres of life.

2. What is called the state symbols of the Russian Federation?

Answer: State symbols are what distinguishes, defines and emphasizes the peculiarity of a state in the world, that is, its symbols. The Russian Federation has its own flag, coat of arms and anthem.

3. In what significant event of 1812 did many peoples of Russia participate?

Answer: Many peoples of Russia took part in the Patriotic War of 1812.

4. How does folk wisdom teach us to preserve the inviolability of the Russian people?

Answer: Folk wisdom is passed down from generation to generation. In these thoughts lies the assessment of life, the wisdom and experience of the people are preserved. Many tales, fairy tales, legends, proverbs and sayings define the unity of the Russian people. This is how folk wisdom teaches us to preserve the identity, unity and inviolability of the Russian people.

Proverbs and sayings (folk wisdom) surround every person. That's not news. But few people think about what the program of folk wisdom is. What does it set a person up for? In other words, what does folk wisdom teach? We'll talk about this below.

Object and subject of folk wisdom: the ordinary citizen

First of all, we must understand that folk wisdom was sculpted by simple people, for the most part without outstanding intellectual and spiritual sophistication. But their main advantage was that they were respectable. Therefore, folk wisdom is mainly aimed at the majority, which forms the basis of any society.

But this does not mean at all that proverbs and sayings are not used by the intellectual elite. On the contrary, such elements of folk wisdom are present in their vocabulary, but it is unlikely that people who have their own, different from the majority, opinion about reality obey some program set over the centuries. What is it? In short, folk wisdom almost exhaustively expresses itself in an everyday aphorism: “Every man must do three things in his life: build a house, raise a son and plant a tree.” Let's look at each point in detail.

A man must be hardworking

This is certainly a positive quality in the eyes of the people. Moreover, the work must certainly be physical. as an occupation was not understood and widespread in the environment from which most of the sayings came.

Proverbs and sayings for intellectuals were forced to be invented by representatives of this social group themselves. Remember the poem by N.A. Zabolotsky “Don’t let your soul be lazy.” This is just a work about the importance of working on oneself spiritually and intellectually.

Of course, folk wisdom does not ignore education, but preference is still given to practical learning, mastering some skill so that it can later be applied in work.

Moreover, work is not perceived by the collective image of the hero of proverbs as a means for making money. In other words, he doesn't want to mine "more gold." He approaches his work from a purely concrete and practical perspective. For example, they say: “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty,” or “When you’ve done the job, go for a walk.” Of course, now sayings are filled with a more abstract meaning, but previously “work” meant manual labor. However, it is time for us to move on.

Every person should have a family

“Raising a son” means that all a person’s thoughts should be directed towards his family and children. He must strive for this with all his might. But folk wisdom is weak in that it advises abstractly, focusing on man in general, who does not exist in nature. At first glance, all this is very harmless. Just think, family. Imagine if the majority uses these kinds of moral imperatives as a guide to action. For example, everyone should have a family, but what about those who are unlucky? Let's not take extreme examples, let's take one completely ordinary one. A guy in his early thirties, no children, no wife. And so everyone around him begins to ask him: “And how? And what? And why?” But all this is because people are sure: everyone should have a family. We hope it has become clear what folk wisdom advises on quality and character. Go ahead.

Every man should have a harmless hobby

The phrase “plant a tree” prescribes certain canons of behavior for the head of the family. No poker on Fridays, no beer with friends, no football games or baths after exercise. A man, instead of all this nonsense, should be concerned with trees and beautifying the outside world.

Is the image of such a man fabricated by women’s hopes and cherished desires?

We can imagine how women and girls now smile dreamily and think: “Yes, that would be an ideal husband.” But, as I. Talkov sang: “Oh, don’t rush, dear ones, don’t be so naive.” Such a man expects certain behavior and attitude from a woman. In this case, it should be, according to Kurt Vonnegut’s apt definition, a “birthing machine” and a “food processor.” And although the man in this family acts as a “bad or good earning machine,” he requires every kind of treatment and respect.

Some modern women find the patriarchal model sweet, and they are ready to pledge their souls to the devil if only such a man could be found for them. But others, those who are moderately emancipated persons, are unlikely to be delighted with such a person - “the master of the house.”

Signs work only on a psychological level. Mirrors

Particular attention should be paid to signs, because they are the ones that keep many people from sleeping peacefully at night. For example, among the people (and not only Russians) there is a belief that breaking mirrors means bad luck or the imminent death of the one who broke it.

Mirrors are endowed with special mystical powers. Many peoples have the custom of covering them with cloth when there is a deceased person in the house. The mirror is a transition, a door to the world of the dead. If a person left through it, then he must be prevented from returning back, which is why everything is curtained. And yes, besides, no one wants uninvited guests from the world of nothingness. Sometimes folk wisdom tells scary stories.

Probably the sign with the mirror is based on this legend. If a person thereby attracted attention and acted badly with the dead, they will remember and take revenge.

It is not difficult to understand that terrible legends affect a person on a subconscious level, and he programs himself for imminent death. These are the signs. Folk wisdom can also be a little creepy.

Black cat

It’s also time for the little animal to blame folk medieval European legends for its unsweetened life. It was at that time that there was a belief that the devil was incarnated in black cats, which is why they are treated with caution to this day.

Why can't you climb onto the dining table?

Here, too, everything is quite simple. In villages, a coffin was usually placed on the table in the hut. Therefore, it is believed that if a person climbs onto the dining table, he will bring about his own death or the death of someone in the house. Here's the story.

The path to yourself. Testament of Peter Mamonov

Is there an alternative to worldly wisdom? Yes, it consists in especially not listening to the people and the majority, but going your own way. This may sound rude to some, but sometimes even those closest to you should not listen blindly, because they have their own ideas about life. We must go home, as P. Mamonov says. As for the majority, it is in its nature to put pressure on an individual and force him to become the same as everyone else.

In conclusion, I would like to apologize to those readers who expected to find proverbs about folk wisdom in our article. The answer to the silent question is this: there is no need to write here what is found in abundance in the minds of every person. But there is not enough analytical material on the topic. All those phrases that rumor prescribes to the people are their wisdom. This is how the article turned out, which examined folk wisdom (sayings), or rather its meaning, psychological and philosophical meaning.