What is the name of Sergei Alexandrovich's mother? Grand unconventional prince Sergei Alexandrovich. "white marriage" that never happened

I took revenge for the blood and tears of the people.
All my life I carried it without a trace.
I killed the evil serpent with thunder, -
The fight ended in victory 8.


On February 4, 1905, at 2:45 p.m., a carriage drove off from the Nikolaev Kremlin Palace. At that moment, when she was driving along Senate Square, there was an explosion of such force that one might think that an earthquake had started in Moscow. The blast wave broke the glass in all the windows of the nearby four-story Judicial Institutions Building (Senate).

The people who came running saw a carriage torn apart by the explosion along with the passenger sitting in it, horses rushing about in fear and a mortally wounded coachman. The confusion of the first minutes gave way to the realization that he was riding in the carriage Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, former Governor-General of the Mother See 1, and what happened is nothing more than a planned terrorist act.

The perpetrator of the murder, socialist-revolutionary I.P. Kalyaev was captured at the crime scene. The remains of the Grand Duke were transferred to the Nicholas Palace, then to the Alekseevsky Church of the Chudov Monastery. At the same time, the public began to be escorted out of the Kremlin, although crowds of curious people stood for a long time at the Spassky and Nikolsky Gates, on Red Square, near the building of the Historical Museum and the Upper Trading Rows. Mourning flags were raised at the Governor General's house.

“A terrible crime happened in Moscow,” Emperor Nicholas II wrote in his diary, “at the Nikolsky Gate, Uncle Sergei, riding in a carriage, was killed by a thrown bomb, and the coachman was mortally wounded. Unhappy Ella [Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, wife of the murdered man], bless and help her, Lord!" 2

Monarchist newspapers wrote about the villainous murder; about the shame to which Moscow has lived; about the shock of all of Russia. "Moskovskie Vedomosti" 3 complained about the connivance of the authorities, who turned a blind eye to the murders of officials 4 and ultimately achieved that they reached the royal relatives. "New Time" 5 asked the question: why could not the murder be prevented? “Everywhere one could hear sincere indignation against all the sowers of trouble and seditionists who had forgotten Divine and human laws” 6 .

Residents of Moscow gathered in groups and talked among themselves, but in these conversations there was not only condemnation. Over the long years of being General Governor, Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich managed to prove himself in different ways - the general public heard outrageous episodes, to which revolutionary propaganda tried in every possible way to draw attention. The Grand Duke was reminded of the Khodynka disaster, tough measures to combat dissent and other “lawlessness” committed by him. In clandestinely distributed pamphlets and proclamations, murder was called sacred. They also stated that it happened with the general rejoicing of the people. Bombist I.P. Kalyaev, or the Poet, as his comrades called him, was proud of his perfect deed and repeatedly repeated that if he had not one, but a thousand lives, he would give them all for a just cause 7:

Many knew that Moscow public opinion, being influenced by revolutionary ideas, was irrevocably changing. Including the Grand Duke. Six months before his death, he wrote to his nephew Emperor Nicholas II: “Things have worsened even more, and the situation in Moscow worries me extremely in a political and social sense... We are going through terribly difficult times, and internal enemies are a thousand times more dangerous than external enemies. Fermentation of minds, for example, things are bad in Moscow, I’ve heard things from all sides that I’ve never heard before” 9 . And if at the beginning of 1904, enthusiastic and patriotic demonstrations took place at the Governor General’s house on Tverskaya about the beginning Russo-Japanese War, then already at the end of 1904, during student riots, stones were thrown at the windows of the same house.

The Grand Duke, being in a desperate situation and seeing no prospects for further service, submitted his resignation. In January 1905 it was partially satisfied. Sergei Alexandrovich was no longer Governor-General of Moscow, but retained the post of commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District. However, an attempt to retire did not give the desired results. The Grand Duke did not find inner peace, as evidenced by correspondence and diary entries. In addition, he still remained an odious figure, a symbol of the conservative monarchy.


The murder was committed in a deliberately daring manner: in broad daylight, in the very center of Moscow. It was both intimidation, demonstration, and challenge 10. The imperial family was in turmoil. At least that's what it looked like from the outside. Of all the Romanovs, only Sergei Alexandrovich's close friend and cousin, Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich 11, came to say goodbye to the deceased.

Konstantin Konstantinovich's diary entries reflected disappointment with the behavior of his relatives. He reasoned that, due to the fear of new assassination attempts, it was impossible to stay locked up all the time, and cited the example of St. Petersburg Governor-General D.F. Trepov 12, on whom more than one attempt had been made on his life, but who nevertheless came to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. However, according to V.F. Dzhunkovsky 13, namely D.F. Trepov, who knew well the difficult state of affairs in the secret police, persuaded the emperor not to go himself and not to let the grand dukes in. Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, who was very afraid for the life of the imperial couple and the heir to the throne, also asked them not to come 14.

For five days after the murder, while the remains of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich were in the Alekseevsky Church of the Chudov Monastery, those wishing to say goodbye were allowed into the Kremlin through the Spassky Gate. A line of people stretched from the Spassky Gate to the monastery, many stood in line for 5-6 hours. Servants of military units, students of military educational institutions, women's institutes and gymnasiums were allowed out of line during specially designated hours. At two o'clock in the afternoon and at eight o'clock in the evening official funeral services were held daily, which were attended by representatives of the city authorities and various deputations.

From the diary of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich: “Under the arches of the temple, separated by arches from the church where the relics of St. Alexis rest, an open coffin stood on a small elevation in the middle. Only the chest of the uniform of the Kiev regiment with gold epaulettes and aiguillettes was visible; cotton wool was placed in place of the head , covered with a transparent veil, and it seemed that the head was there, but only covered. The arms folded crosswise below the chest, as well as the legs, were covered with a silver brocade cover;

A funeral service was scheduled for February 10. At 10 o'clock in the morning the sad ringing of the Kremlin bells echoed throughout the city. The top officials of Moscow, representatives of societies, the wife and adopted children of the deceased 16 went to the Chudov Monastery to participate in the funeral ceremony. Her sister Princess Victoria of Battenberg and her brother Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig and his wife, as well as the Duchess of Edinburgh, the sister of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, came from England to support Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. The Kremlin gates remained closed. A crowd gathered on Red Square. On the same day and at the same time, a funeral service took place in the church of the Great Tsarskoye Selo Palace (a suburb of St. Petersburg) in the presence of Nicholas II and members of the imperial family.

The sealed coffin with the remains of the Grand Duke was moved to St. Andrew's Church of the Chudov Monastery. It was probably assumed that it would be transported to the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg - the burial place of emperors and grand dukes, starting from the time of Peter the Great. However, the funeral of the Grand Duke became an exception to the existing tradition 17.

Secret burial

For the burial of the Grand Duke in that part of the Chudov Monastery, which was directly adjacent to the Nicholas Palace, in a year according to the design of the artist P.V. Zhukovsky, a temple-tomb was built in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh 18. In this tomb on July 4, 1906, on the eve of the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, a solemn burial took place. It differed from the traditional grand-ducal funeral in that it was not public, but “closed” or even secret, and was held not during the day, but at night. The “conspiracy” was explained by the unstable socio-political situation in the country (the revolutionary wave that swept the empire in 1905 was stopped only in mid-1907).

The funeral ceremony began at nine o'clock in the evening. It was attended by the wife and adopted children of the Grand Duke, members of the retinue, senior ranks of the Governor-General's Department, as well as Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich and his wife Elizaveta Mavrikievna, Grand Dukes Alexei Alexandrovich (Sergei Alexandrovich's elder brother) and Boris Vladimirovich, who specially came to the funeral. Queen of the Hellenes Olga Konstantinovna (cousin of Sergei Alexandrovich) and her son Prince Christopher the Greek.

After the all-night vigil in St. Andrew's Church, the coffin with the remains of the Grand Duke was transferred to the Alekseevsky Church, where a lithium was served. The remains were then moved to the tomb. A sad procession with a coffin and lighted candles crossed Tsarskaya (Ivanovo) Square several times, where the ranks of the 5th Kyiv Grenadier Regiment, whose chief was Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, stood in trellises. A memorial service was held in the tomb temple, the coffin was lowered into a pre-prepared crypt, and the highest officials sprinkled sand on top. As the Historical Bulletin reported a few months later, “the funeral was arranged with extreme severity and secrecy. Not only the population, but even the newspapers were not aware of the burial of the remains of the Grand Duke scheduled for that day” 19 .

The fate of the memorial

Two years later, on April 2, 1908, at the site of the death of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, instead of a temporary cast-iron cross, a massive eight-pointed bronze monument-cross in the Old Russian style by the artist V.M. was installed. Vasnetsova. On the cross one could see relief images of the crucified Savior, the grieving Mother of God and cherubs. The inscription at the bottom of the cross read: “Father, let them go, for they do not know what they are doing.” Nearby, an unquenchable lamp burned in an original Old Russian style lantern.

The consecration of the monument took place solemnly. At noon, to the sound of Kremlin bells, a religious procession led by Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Vladimir (Epiphany) emerged from the Alekseevsky Church. The troops of the Moscow district were lined up on the square. After the prayer service and sprinkling of the monument with holy water, flowers were laid at its foot. The ceremony was attended by the wife and adopted children of the deceased, his elder brother Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and Moscow officials 20.

After ten years, in the spring of 1918, the cross monument came under the decree of the Council of People's Commissars "On the removal of monuments erected in honor of the kings and their servants..." and was demolished before the May Day demonstration. In 1929, the Chudov Monastery itself was destroyed, along with all the buildings located on its territory.

More than half a century has passed. And in the summer of 1985, during excavation work on the site of the former Chudov Monastery, the surviving tomb of the Grand Duke was inexplicably discovered! The relics found in it were transferred to the funds of the Moscow Kremlin museums, and the coffin with the remains of the Grand Duke in the fall of 1995 was moved to the Novospassky Monastery. In 1998, here, based on the sketches of V.M. Vasnetsov, the monument-cross was restored. Thus, Sergei Alexandrovich became the only Grand Duke of the late imperial period buried in Moscow along with the ancestors of the royal house of Romanov.


1. Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (1857-1905) - fifth son of Emperor Alexander II; from February 26, 1891 to January 1, 1905 - Moscow Governor-General; from May 1896 until his death - commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District with the rank of lieutenant general. He was married to Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, nee Princess of Hesse-Darmstadt, sister of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna.
2. Diaries of Emperor Nicholas II (1894-1918). M., 2013. T. 2. Part 1. P. 19.
3. Moscow Gazette. 1905. N 36. P. 2-3.
4. In March 1901, the Minister of Public Education N.P. was killed. Bogolepov, in April 1902 - Minister of Internal Affairs D.S. Sipyagin, in May 1903 - Ufa governor N.M. Bogdanovich, in July 1904 - Minister of Internal Affairs V.K. Plehve.
5. New time. 1905. N 10388. P. 3.
6. Chronicle of the Historical and Genealogical Society. 1905. Issue. 1. P. 14.
7. After the trial, Kalyaev was hanged in the Shlisselburg fortress. He categorically refused to submit a petition for pardon.
8. Murder c. K. Sergei Alexandrovich, socialist-revolutionary I. Kalyaev. M., b/g; Kolosov A. Death of Plehve and V.K. Sergei Alexandrovich. Berlin, 1905.
9. “We are going through terribly difficult times.” Letters from Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich to Nicholas II. 1904-1905 // Historical archive. 2006. N 5. P. 105.
10. During the Soviet period, this murder was regarded as a feat, and the moment of the murder served as the subject of several paintings: 1924 - “The assassination attempt of I.P. Kalyaev on Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich on February 4 (17), 1905.” (artist N. I. Strunnikov); 1926 - “I.P. Kalyaev throws a bomb at the carriage of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich in Moscow in 1905” (artist V.S. Svarog).
11. His younger brother Pavel Alexandrovich also came to say goodbye to Sergei Alexandrovich, who had no right to return to Russian Empire, but received permission to attend his brother’s funeral as an exception. Accordingly, he attended the ceremony not as a representative of the imperial house, but as a private citizen.
12. D.F. Trepov was the closest assistant to Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich from 1896 to 1905, holding the position of Moscow Chief of Police.
13. At that time V.F. Dzhunkovsky was the adjutant of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich.
14. Miller L.P. Holy martyr Russian Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna. M., 1994. P. 102; Vostryshev M.I. The most august family. Russia through the eyes of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. M., 2001. P. 283; Grishin D.B. Tragic fate Grand Duke. M., 2008. P. 263.
15. Quote. by: Grishin D.B. The tragic fate of the Grand Duke. P. 265.
16. Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna did not have their own children; they were the official guardians of the children of Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich - Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (the younger) and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich.
17. For more details see: Serova S.A. (Limanova S.A.) Black obelisks: Funeral ceremonies of the emperor, grand dukes and princesses at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century // Rodina. 2012. N 2. P. 85-88.
18. Stepanov M.P. Temple-tomb of Grand Duke Sergius Alexandrovich in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Chudov Monastery in Moscow, M., 1909.
19. Historical bulletin. 1906. N 8. P. 657.
20. Historical Bulletin. 1908. N 5. P. 765-767.

Grand Duke, son of Emperor Alexander II. Reactionary. Participant in the Russian-Turkish War 1877 78; Moscow governor general in 1891 1905, killed by I. P. Kalyaev ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

Sergei Alexandrovich, Grand Duke (1857 1905). Son of Emperor Alexander II. Moscow Governor General (since 1891), commander of the Moscow Military District (since 1896). Reactionary, anti-Semite. Killed by the Socialist-Revolutionary N.P. Kalyaev in Moscow ... 1000 biographies

- (1857 1905), Grand Duke, Lieutenant General. Son of Emperor Alexander II. Husband of Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. Participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 78. Initiator of the creation (1882) and first chairman of the Orthodox Palestine Society. In... ...Russian history

Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich. Sergei Alexandrovich (1857, Tsarskoe Selo 1905, Moscow), Grand Duke. Emperor's son. Participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 78. Since 1887, commander of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. In 1891 appointed to Moscow,... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

- (1857 1905), Grand Duke, son of Emperor Alexander II, lieutenant general (1896). Participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 78; Moscow governor general in 1891 1905, since 1896 commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District. Killed by I.K. Kalyaev. * * * SERGEY… … encyclopedic Dictionary

I Grand Duke, fourth son of the Emperor. Alexander II, b. April 29, 1857, since June 3, 1884, married to the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse Ludwig IV, Elizabeth Feodorovna (born October 20, 1864). In 1881 he led. book WITH.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Romanov, Russian Grand Duke, fourth son of Emperor Alexander II. Participated in Russian Turkish war 1877 78. In 1887 91 commander of the Life Guards of Preobrazhensky ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Sergey Aleksandrovich- (1857 1905) led. book, 5th son of the emperor. Alexander II, general from infantry, gene. adjutant, member of the State. advice. Participated in Russian tour. war 1877 78, awarded the order St. George. Founded by Imp. Palestine region (1882) and Russian. church in Palestine, on the mountain... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

Sergei Alexandrovich Buturlin (1872 1938) Buturlin, Sergei Alexandrovich (September 10 (September 22) 1872, Montreux (Switzerland) January 22, 1938) famous Russian Soviet ornithologist, traveler and game warden, author of works on the taxonomy of birds of Russia ... Wikipedia

Sergey Afanasyev Sergey Alexandrovich Afanasyev in 1998. Photo by Mikhail Evstafiev ... Wikipedia


“This is an adventurer of the worst kind. Insidious, resourceful, slippery, unscrupulous. As they reported to me, after leaving Russia, he succeeded in all sorts of dark affairs. He managed to inherit in Europe, and in America, and even in Asia. I am informed from reliable sources that Fandorin has fallen beyond all measure: he conducts investigations on behalf of private individuals and does not disdain to accept remuneration - it seems that his clients include money aces and even, unfortunately, foreign sovereigns. Over the course of five years, Fandorin has acquired for himself these dirty tricks. his activities have a certain fame. I have no doubt that he knows many dirty secrets.”

“I warned you, this is a lot of impudence!” (1896)

“Do you know what your mistake is? You believe that the world exists according to certain rules, that there is meaning and order in it. But I realized a long time ago: life is nothing more than chaos. There is no order in it at all, and there are no rules either Yes, I have rules, but these are my own rules, invented by me for myself, and not for the whole world. Let the world be on its own, and I will be on my own as far as possible. Own rules, Afanasy Stepanovich, this is not a desire to arrange the entire universe, but an attempt to somehow organize the space located in your immediate vicinity. But not more. And even this little is not very successful for me" (1896)

Women of Fandorin

Elizaveta Alexandrovna von Evert-Kolokoltseva Daughter of an actual state councilor, wife of Erast Petrovich. She died on her wedding day. Fandorin is 20 years old, Lizanka is 17. “A sort of Medchen-Gretchen doll: golden curls, eyes, mouth, cheeks. Nothing special.”

Clarissa Stump The recently rich old maid confessed her love to Erast Petrovich on the Leviathan and firmly intended to spend some time with him upon arrival in Calcutta. Erast Petrovich did not object. Fandorin is 22 years old, Clarissa is 39. “Looks like an Englishwoman and an Englishwoman, nothing special: boring whitish hair, not in her first youth, quiet, sedate manners, but in her watery eyes there’s no, no, and there’s a flash of some kind of devilry. We know, we’ve seen such people. Who does it live in still waters?" “Well, she’s not young. Well, she’s not beautiful. But she’s not stupid and has money. And that’s much better than a middle-aged, stupid ugly woman without a penny to her name.”

Midori-san Fandorin is 22-26 years old, Midori-san - ?

Ariadna Arkadyevna Opraksina Countess, wife Privy Councilor and the chamberlain, “good friend” of Erast Petrovich. The latter “destroyed her, seduced her, took her away from her husband, the most worthy and noble of people.” Fandorin is 30 years old, Addie is about 30 (or less?). “From the door leading to the inner chambers, where the courier, of course, was denied entry, a lady of rare beauty in a floor-length red silk robe looked out. The beauty’s lush dark hair was styled in an intricate hairstyle, her slender neck was bare, her hands were white and completely covered in rings. crossed on a high chest. The lady looked at Anisy with huge black eyes with disappointment, slightly wrinkled her classic nose." "Beautiful, with a regal bearing and an arrogant gaze."

Angelina Samsonovna Krasheninnikova Orphan, from the bourgeoisie. She moved to Fandorin in 1888, after he helped her “in one difficult matter.” In gratitude, she gave Erast Petrovich her love. Fandorin is 32 years old, Gele is ? “Angelina is beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes: her light brown hair is braided into a lush braid, arranged at the back of her head like a buttery pretzel, her face is clean, white, her large gray eyes look seriously, and as if there is some light coming from them the world pours out. A princess, truly a princess, albeit of a simple bourgeois class." "Angelina Samsonovna, of course, is not of blue blood, but by God, she can outshine any high-ranking noblewoman. Anyone else would have taken such a pearl as his lawful spouse and would not have disdained. Whatever it is, I would consider it happiness."

Esther Absalomovna Litvinova The daughter of an actual state councilor, a nihilist, fell in love with Fandorin at first sight, despite the difference in political views. Fandorin is 35 years old, Esther is about 20. “The thin young lady, sitting at the piano and somehow finding herself aloof from the main events, did not look bewitched. Her matte black eyes burned with indignation, her pretty dark face was distorted with hatred. scarlet lips, silently whispered something furious, extended her thin hand to the handbag lying on the piano and fished out a small elegant revolver.” “First he saw the fur collar of a fur coat and the semicircle of a sable bonnet, then, reflecting the light of a distant lantern, huge eyes flickered on a triangular face. Erast Petrovich looked more closely and noted two circumstances. Firstly, Mademoiselle Litvinova, framed by fur dusted with snowflakes, in pale in the light of the gas, stars and moon, she was dizzyingly beautiful. And secondly, her eyes burned something too bright for hatred alone.”

Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, belonging to the Romanov dynasty, was slandered by both revolutionaries and representatives of high society. He was vilified abroad, but the church remained merciful and gave this man consolation, and he, in turn, took advantage of it. But cruel world continued to pursue him until Sergei Romanov was brutally killed.

Centuries have passed, but even today there are those who continue to slander the prince. But in fact, we know little about Sergei Alexandrovich, about his nobility and spiritual beauty. Who is he really - Grand Duke Sergei Romanov?

Brief biography of Sergei Romanov

The son of Emperor Alexander II was born on April 29, 1857. At first he was raised by the maid of honor A.F. Tyutcheva, and from the age of seven this responsibility was transferred to D.S. Arsenyev. His teachers saw in him good man, unusually kind.

Until 1884, there were rumors that the Grand Duke had many vices. They began to ridicule him, and high society rejected him. Against all this, Prince Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov found a good remedy - a cold face, an unapproachable appearance, excessive severity. Maybe this is the whole secret of his duality: a strict appearance and a vulnerable soul. Attacks from society decreased in 1884, when Sergei married Elizaveta Fedorovna. It was truly a spiritual marriage, although some thought quite differently.

Politics of Sergei Romanov

After the death of his parents, young Sergei joined the guard, until 1887 he commanded the royal battalion and then the entire regiment as a major general. In 1891 he became Governor-General of Moscow. Already here Sergei Aleksandrovich Romanov becomes a supporter of autocracy and acts as a cruel conservative. He develops a clear conviction that only loyalty to Orthodoxy can save the country.

Having such convictions, Prince Sergei made himself many enemies. He began to deal with the labor issue that was acute for Russia at that time, doing everything to ensure that the working class lived better. Thanks to Sergei, people were able to send their complaints to the police. In February 1902, Sergei Romanov organized a workers' demonstration.

This policy caused discontent on the part of revolutionaries and capitalists. The latter even achieved the liquidation of workers' organizations. Sergei Aleksandrovich Romanov himself was an opponent of the revolution, he was against the creation of a people's government in Russia.

Already after “Bloody Sunday” on January 9, 1905, the opposition proclaimed Sergei Alexandrovich as the culprit of the use military force. already then she pronounced a death sentence on Prince Romanov.

On January 1, 1905, Sergei Romanov left his post and became commander-in-chief of the troops of the Moscow Military District.

The last days of the Grand Duke

Although Sergei Alexandrovich resigned, he was dangerous for the revolutionaries. A hunt was announced for him, so he received threatening notes every day.

On January 9, Prince Romanov moved with his family to the Kremlin, from where every day he went unnoticed to the governor’s house. He knew that an assassination attempt was being prepared on him.

On February 4, Sergei drove out of the Kremlin gates and was torn apart by the so-called infernal machine, which was thrown by the terrorist Kalyaev. The remains of the deceased were transported to the Alekseevsky Church. Already on February 10, the funeral service for the deceased was performed.

Sergei Romanov died with the knowledge that his life was under threat, that a hunt had been announced for him. But despite all this, he did not respond to any entreaties about caution. He was the kind of person who could not be frightened or forced to change his beliefs and principles.

Burial of Prince Romanov

Sergei Alexandrovich Romanov, Grand Duke, was not buried in St. Petersburg. His remains were buried in the temple that was built under the Alekseevsky Cathedral of the Chudov Monastery. In 1995, the remains were transferred to the Novospassky Monastery.

The murder of Prince Romanov was a shock to the monarchical circles of society. Many people came to the defense of Sergei Alexandrovich, saying that he was a humane person and did good ordinary people without showing it off. This is why many people loved and respected him.

Appearance of Sergei Romanov

Sergei Romanov was tall, had natural beauty and elegance. But to those around him he gave the impression of a reserved and cold person. Many claimed that he was self-confident and cruel. This opinion is false, since Sergei Alexandrovich was kind person, helped people, but secretly from everyone.

Opinions about Sergei Romanov

Many people believed that the Grand Duke played a major role in the fall of the empire. There was an opinion that Sergei was ignorant in matters of commanding troops, flaunted his shortcomings, giving society a reason for slander and slander. But few people knew that behind the mask of a cold and unemotional person hides a vulnerable and kind soul. Those who knew Sergei Alexandrovich well could say with confidence that he was a sensitive and responsive person, although he never showed off his real feelings. Mask " iron man“he put it on thanks to those who ridiculed him so vehemently. And since he was a deeply vulnerable person, this caused him considerable pain.

In memory of Grand Duke Sergei Romanov

Russian devotee Orthodox Church The Grand Duke was a patron and member of many institutions, ranging from public, scientific and ending with charities. He was the chairman of the Historical Museum. The entire Romanov dynasty could be proud of Sergei, since he had great services to the Church and the country. He was a hero of the war with Turkey, a hero of Plevna. But, perhaps, his greatest merit was the strengthening of Orthodoxy in Palestine and throughout the East.

During the twelve years of his governorship, the prince tried to raise the capital. The significance of shrines, landmarks, and the way of life in Russia, which had been lost under the influence of other cultures, not only returned under him, but also increased significantly.

Sergei Romanov was truly amazing person, who managed, in times of general depravity of minds, not to lose faith in God, to show the whole society as an example of his family life, until the end of your days, be devoted to your inner convictions and duty. He, who experienced severe moral and personal shocks, ridicule and betrayal, managed not to lose himself.

Atheistic propaganda did everything to erase Romanov from Russian history. Many cliches were fabricated that were placed on his life. And thank God that today we have the opportunity, by reading archives and looking through original documents, to discover the truth in this complex issue.

Moscow Governor-General (since 1891), commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District (since 1896). Killed by a Social Revolutionary N. P. Kalyaev in the Moscow Kremlin.

Sergei Alexandrovich (04/29/05/11/1857-02/17/1905), leader. Prince, fourth son of the Emperor. Alexandra II. On June 3, 1884 he was married to the daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse, Ludwig IV St. prmts. led book Elizaveta Fedorovna. In 1887 he was appointed commander of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, and in 1891 - Moscow Governor-General, later commanded the troops of the Moscow Military District. He held the ranks of lieutenant general, adjutant general, and was a member of the State Council. Participated in the Turkish campaign of 1876-77. In 1881, together with the Grand Dukes Pavel Alexandrovich and Konstantin Konstantinovich, he traveled around Europe and to the Holy Land;

the result of the trip was the formation of the “Orthodox Palestinian Society”. Villainously killed by a revolutionary bandit. Site materials used

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Russian people - http://www.rusinst.ru
Eyewitness testimony The third son, Sergei, ended his days tragically: he died at the hands of a terrorist on Kremlin Square. Smart, elegant, graceful, Sergei was the commander of the Preobrazhensky regiment. The officers adored him. His personal life was the subject of gossip throughout the city, which made his wife Elizaveta Fedorovna very unhappy. He was a rare reactionary and loved to discuss with the king political issues

. Nicholas II listened with obvious pleasure to the conservative ideas of Sergei Alexandrovich; he never contradicted his uncle and brother-in-law (their wives were sisters), but he had enough

common sense

, so as not to follow the advice of this representative of the last century. When the Grand Duke was appointed governor-general of Moscow - a post for which he would have been perfectly suited a century ago - he was pursued by terrorists who targeted him as their main victim. Elizaveta Fedorovna visited the murderer in prison, petitioned the emperor for his pardon, and then became a nun. I can't find it in his character. Being a very mediocre officer, he nevertheless commanded the Life Guards. Preobrazhensky Regiment - the most brilliant regiment of the Guards Infantry. Completely ignorant in matters of internal government, Grand Duke Sergei was nevertheless the Moscow Governor-General, a post that could only have been entrusted to statesman with a lot of experience. Stubborn, impudent, unpleasant, he flaunted his shortcomings, as if throwing a challenge to everyone’s face and thus giving his enemies rich food for slander and slander. Some generals who once attended the officers' meeting of the Life Guards.

Emperor Nicholas II should not have allowed Grand Duke Sergei to retain his post as governor-general after the disaster on the Khodynka Field. As if to further emphasize his unpleasant personality, he married the Empress’s elder sister, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. It would be difficult to imagine a greater contrast than between these two spouses! Rare beauty, remarkable intelligence, subtle humor, angelic patience, noble heart - these were the virtues of this amazing woman. It was painful that a woman of her qualities had linked her fate with a man like Uncle Sergei. From the moment she arrived in St. Petersburg from her native Hesse-Darmstadt, everyone fell in love with Aunt Ella. After spending the evening in her company and remembering her eyes, complexion, laughter, her ability to create comfort around herself, we despaired at the thought of her imminent engagement. I would give ten years of my life so that she would not enter the church to marry hand in hand with the arrogant Sergei. I was pleased to think of myself as her “cavalier servente”*, and I despised Sergei’s condescending manner of addressing Aunt Ella, exaggeratingly speaking in St. Petersburg and calling her “my child.” Too proud to complain, she lived with him for about twenty years. It was not pose or panache, but true mercy that prompted her to visit her husband’s killer in a Moscow prison before his execution. Her subsequent departure to a monastery, her heroic, albeit unsuccessful attempts to lead the queen and, finally, her martyrdom in captivity of the Bolsheviks - all this provides enough reason to canonize Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. There is no more noble woman who left the imprint of her appearance on the pages of Russian history.