What countries will be in Argentina. General information. Argentina phone code and domain name

Water resources

In the east and south Argentina is washed by Atlantic Ocean. The northeast of the country is crossed by the Parana River, the second largest in South America.

Neighbor states

In the north and northeast it borders with Bolivia, Paraguay and Brazil, in the east with Uruguay, in the south and west with Chile.


The climate in Argentina varies from subtropical in the north to humid tropical in the center of the country and temperate in the south. The Andean regions are characterized by rainy weather and floods in the summer season, intense heat, snow cover in mountainous areas and dry hot winds, which are called Sundas. In lowland areas, heavy rains often fall over impassable wet forests and savannas. The amount of precipitation decreases from east to west. average temperature January +5C, July from +20C to +22C


In area (2,780.4 thousand sq. km) it is second only to Brazil.


Buenos Aires


In July 2003, Argentina's population was estimated at 38.74 million people. Life expectancy is 71.72 years for men and 79.44 years for women. This territory is dominated by one ethnic group- whites (mostly Spaniards and Italians), who make up 97% of the population. Unlike some other countries of South America, the Caucasian element dominates - the descendants of Spanish colonists and emigrants from European countries. The remaining 3% are mestizos, American Indians and other non-white groups.


Spanish, Italian, French, English, German and Portuguese are also common.

Administrative structure

Argentina is a federal republic and is divided into 23 provinces and one federal district Buenos Aires.

Currency unit

Argentine Peso. 1$ = 3 AP. In large shopping centers, hotels, and restaurants, American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards are accepted for payment.

Political structure

In accordance with the Constitution of Argentina, the country has a republican form of government and representative politic system, with a moderate role of the federal government (about the same as in the United States, which in many ways served as a model for Argentina). However, unlike the United States, in Argentina the provinces do not participate in the adoption of constitutional amendments. The president is the head of the executive branch of the country and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, appoints the government (cabinet of ministers) and determines its functions; appoints heads of state-owned enterprises, as well as judges and ambassadors, with their subsequent confirmation by the Senate; determines foreign policy; has the right of veto in matters of legislation; in the event of a threat of military attack, may declare (with the approval of the Senate) martial law, temporarily restricting certain civil liberties. Legislative power in Argentina belongs to the National Congress, which consists of the Chamber of Deputies (257 members) and the Senate (72 members).


90% of the population profess the Catholic religion, which has always played an important role in social and political life countries. The Constitution guarantees citizens freedom of religion, however Roman Catholic Church has long occupied a privileged position in the country. The constitutional reform of 1994 eliminated many of the remaining forms of state trusteeship over the church, and also abolished the requirement that the president and vice president be members of the Catholic Church; However, even after this, the constitution retained a provision obliging the federal government to “maintain the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith.”

Internet domains.ar

Important phone numbers

Telephone code: +54

Timezone UTC −3

Buenos Aires, the city of "good winds" is the vibrant and dynamic capital of Argentina. A city of tango, mate and football, where the warmest months are December, January and February, and the coldest are May, June and July. However, you can go to this city at any time of the year; it will always find something to surprise its guests.

To my According to legend, Argentina owes its name to an erroneous rumor about countless deposits of silver (argentum). The country is located in the southeastern part of South America, right down to the southernmost point and in terms of area occupied among Latin American states it is in second place, confirming its right to the silver prize.

The formation of the state and its people began in the 16th century with the conquest of the ancestral Indian territories along the Atlantic coast, the mountain peaks of the Andes, Tierra del Fuego and the plains of Patagonia by the Spanish conquistadors.They exterminated the Patagonian Indians, and the imported African slaves died in wars with Brazil and Paraguay.Almost the entire population of modern Argentina are descendants of European emigrants: Catholics in spirit, Spaniards and Italians in expression of thoughts, Europeans in lifestyle. 90% of Argentines live in cities, of which 40% are residents of the capital, which puts Buenos Aires among the twenty largest agglomerations in the world. This port city consists of contrasts of colonial architecture and modern skyscrapers, respectable neighborhoods and dangerous poor slums.

The country's relatively short but turbulent history is associated with Argentina attractions, which you can meet in the central area of ​​the capital.

Obelisk of Buenos Aires, built in 1936 from white Spanish stone exactly in the center of the metropolis on Revolution Square in honor of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city, rose almost 70 m high and has long become a symbol of the capital. The stela resembles a giant pencil, the four outer sides of which are marked historical dates. The monument was erected at the intersection with the Avenue 9 July highway, the world's widest avenue (140 m), with two-way traffic on 14 lanes. The place was not chosen by chance - the flag of Argentina was raised here for the first time. Townspeople come here to celebrate a festive event, for example, the victory of a football team, and lost tourists use it as a landmark or a convenient meeting place.

Argentina has come a long way from the declaration of independence in 1816 to the creation of the federal Argentine Republic. The head of state was the president, and the highest legislative body was the National Congress. The Casa Rosada Presidential Palace is located at the eastern end of Plaza de Mayo and is free to visit. According to legend, the unusual pink coloring that transformed the building in 1862 symbolizes the reconciliation of the warring parties of the “red” federals and the “white” uniates. The pragmatic version of events: the secret of adding bull's blood to the paint was applied to ensure the durability and stability of the walls.

Countries Latin America It is united not only by geography, but also by linguistics. They speak Spanish, Portuguese, French, the basis of which is Latin. Another important unifying factor is common religion. The majority of Argentina's population is Catholic.Main Catholic Church - Buenos Aires Cathedral is located in the center of the capital in the San Nicolas district on the corner of San Martina and Rivadavia streets.

The original temple that previously stood on this site was built of wood almost immediately after the founding of the city. The cathedral that we see now was opened in 1791, but the columns of the facade, symbolizing the 12 apostles, were erected later.Since 1942, the cathedral has been officially recognized as a cultural heritage and included in the list of historical monuments of Argentina, while remaining a functioning temple, where services are held three times a day and parishioners can confess. But tourists come here not only to admire masterpieces of art or listen to the organ. One of the relics is the tomb where the remains of General José de San Martin are buried, national hero, liberator of Argentina, Peru and Chile from Spanish rule. When exploring the sights of South America, you should pay attention to this object, which has an enduring cultural and historical meaning exceeding the scale of one country.

A walk through the central Plaza de Mayo would not be complete without visiting the Old Town Hall, a landmark dating back to 1725. It was here that Argentina’s independence from Spain was declared in 1810, and those wishing to visit the museum located inside will be told in more detail by its exhibits.

On Avenida de Mayo there is an office building, unique in terms of architecture, with national status historical monument. According to the architectural design, the mausoleum of the great Italian poet Dante Alighieri was planned here, whose remains were supposed to be transported to Buenos Aires. The 22 floors of the hundred-meter building represent an allegory of hell, purgatory and heaven from “ Divine Comedy» Dante. After the name of the first owner and customer, this structure is called Barolo Palace. Every month on the 25th, the lighthouse on the tower turns on and illuminates the night sky over Buenos Aires for half an hour. Interesting fact is the existence of a twin palace called Salvo in the capital of Uruguay, Montevideo.

The forests of Palermo will give you the opportunity to take a break from the city noise, heat and bustle associated with the understandable desire to see everything and be on time everywhere. The green area of ​​Palermo belonged to the Argentine dictator Juan Manuel de Rosas, and only after he was overthrown in 1852 did it become common property. This place is very popular with the local population. It includes a rose garden, a Japanese garden, Botanical Garden, zoo and planetarium. Entrance to the Japanese garden is paid, but unlike other places, it is open even on Monday.

Another mystical and world-famous attraction will allow you to escape from the hustle and bustle - Recoleta Cemetery.

The architectural ensemble of parallel and perpendicular streets, where 200 years of Argentine history rest in peace, is located in a prestigious urban area. The most prominent or very wealthy citizens of Argentina find peace in the “city of angels”, which amazes with the beauty of the statues and the richness of historical characters. The guide will tell the story related to the May Revolution, the Paraguayan War, and will tell you why the image of Evita Peron lives in the imagination of Argentines even after death, and her grave is one of the most visited.

The transience of time will sooner or later end any journey. But the impressions that will give Argentina, photo and souvenirs will make them unforgettable. From here they bring leather goods, silver jewelry, mate sets, and stone figurines. Souvenirs can be purchased at La Boca area- a favorite place for tourists to visit.The history of the settlement, founded in 1536 by Pedro de Mendoza, began from this eastern outskirts. Here are the origins of Argentine football and the birthplace of tango. Tango shows are held on the main street of Caminito; life is bustling at any time of the day - right on the street, artists paint, musicians play, dancers offer Argentine tango master classes. Multi-colored houses create a unique flavor. The area is not safe for tourists; it is better to come here by taxi and not move away from the center.

To end your visit to Buenos Aires, it’s nice to watch the sunrise over a cup of mate on the shores of the Rio de la Plata Bay.

Useful information for tourists about Argentina, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of Argentina, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions in Argentina.

Geography of Argentina

Argentina occupies the southeastern part of the mainland of South America, the eastern part of the island of Tierra del Fuego and the nearby Estados islands, etc. It borders on the west with Chile, on the north with Bolivia and Paraguay, on the northeast on Brazil and Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The shores are little indented, only the La Plata estuary cuts into the land for 320 kilometers. The territory of Argentina is elongated in the meridional direction. Its greatest length from north to south is 3.7 thousand kilometers.


State structure

Argentina is a federal republic. The head of state and government is the President, elected for a term of 4 years with the right to be re-elected for another term. Legislative power belongs to the National Congress.


Official language: Spanish

German, French and Italian are used.


The majority of the population are Catholics.


International name: ARS

Argentine peso, equal to 100 centavos. Banknotes in circulation are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 pesos, and coins are 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 centavo.

In large retail outlets, hotels, and restaurants, American Express, Visa, Master Card and Eurocard credit cards are accepted for payment.

Popular attractions

Tourism in Argentina

Where to stay

Unique geographical position Argentina's special climate and vast territories attract tourists from all over the world. As for hotels and hotels, in Argentina, everyone will find what they want, since there are plenty of places to stay in this country to suit every taste and budget: from the most luxurious and expensive to the relatively cheap.

There is no official star classification for hotels in Argentina. There are two types of hotels in the country - local and international “chains”. The former tend to undeservedly assign themselves one extra star, while the latter fully correspond to the declared level. In total, there are about 150 thousand hotel rooms in the country. Unfortunately, there are few hotels that operate on an all-inclusive basis in Argentina; in most cases, hotels offer breakfast or half board.

The cost of rooms in hotels in Argentina is significantly lower than in European hotels of a similar level, although Argentine hotels are perhaps the most expensive on the South American continent.

There are many chain hotels in Argentina. Most of the country's most luxurious hotels are located in Buenos Aires. Basically, these are four and five star hotels. The rooms of these hotels have thoughtful interiors and excellent service. As for ski resorts, there are hotels of different star ratings and price categories.

Budget family hotels in Argentina are represented by hotels of the hosteria and pousada type (analogous to the European “Bed & Breakfast”). Esterias hotels located on farm estates, designer hotels of the Design Suites chain and tango hotels are especially popular in the country.

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in Argentina

Argentina is the second largest country in South America. This huge country with stunning natural landscapes is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque corners of the world. Argentina has the highest mountains with excellent ski resorts, fertile plains, lush forests, many kilometers of beaches, most beautiful cities with an abundance of historical and cultural attractions and, of course, the birthplace of tango.

The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is one of the largest cities in the world and Cultural Center countries. Buenos Aires is considered the most European city in South America. Interesting tourist spots in the city include the old district of La Boca, the San Telmo district (where beautifully preserved 19th-century buildings in a magnificent colonial style that belonged to the Spanish aristocracy belonged to the Spanish aristocracy) and the heart of modern Buenos Aires - Plaza de Mayo. Among the most interesting sights of the city, it is worth highlighting the Casa Rosada (the official residence of the President of Argentina), the National Congress building, the Colon Theater, the Palacio Barolo, the pedestrian bridge Puente de la Mujer (“Bridge of the Woman”), the Cathedral, the Holy Trinity Church , the synagogue Temple of Liberty, the Recoleta cemetery and the Tres de Febrero Park. Buenos Aires also has a huge variety of museums: National Museum fine arts, Fernandez Blanco Museum, Museum of Natural Sciences, Cinematographic Museum, etc. Many discos, clubs, casinos and bars provide a very dynamic nightlife of the city.

The most popular tourist destination in Argentina is the city of San Carlos de Bariloche (or simply Bariloche). It is located in a protected area on the shores of the picturesque Lake Nahuel Huapi in the foothills of the Andes. The resort is especially attractive for lovers active rest(excellent ski slopes, fishing, hunting, golf, trekking, etc.). Among the local attractions worth seeing are the Cathedral of La Catedral de Bariloche, the Museum of Patagonia, the Municipality, showroom(in the building of the former Post Office), the monument to Julio Roca, the Chapel of San Eduardo, Tempo Mayor and El Centro Civico. Travelers will also be interested in visiting cities such as Cordoba, Salta, Mendoza, Mar del Plata and Ushuaia. Miramar is considered the largest and most interesting seaside resort.

Argentina is famous for its unique natural landscapes. A significant part of the country is occupied National parks and nature reserves, many of which are protected by UNESCO. The most impressive thing is National Park Iguazu, located on the border with Brazil and Paraguay. Iguazu Falls - a complex of almost 300 individual waterfalls - is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Also famous are such protected areas as Ischigualasto Park (Valley of the Moon), Los Glaciares National Park and its famous Perito Moreno Glacier, Talampaya National Park and Nahuel Huapi National Park. Places worth visiting include the Cueva de las Manos (“Cave of the Hands”), lakes Traful and San Martin, the Salinas Grandes salt marsh, the Inca Bridge and Punta Tombo (the largest colony of Magellanic penguins in the world).

Argentina cuisine

A piece of meat and a bottle of red wine are the main components of lunch in Argentina and part of the gastronomic ritual. The country is famous for its beef, and many restaurant patrons prefer it. The southern lands of Argentina offer exotic dishes based on venison. Mutton and lamb are also very popular in the south. A typical Argentinean lunch includes empanadas (meat pies), chorizos or morcilas (pork blood sausages), ashuras (offal), but these are, of course, only appetizers. The main course will be beef de shrozo, tira de asado or lomo with various salads. A delicious pie with whipped cream will finish off the meal.

Access to the ocean, as well as highly developed livestock farming, allow Argentine chefs to prepare dishes that can satisfy the most sophisticated gourmet. Roman style shrimp, fried, boiled, stewed, smoked; “spicy” oysters, “mustard” chicken (as well as steamed chicken, with mushrooms, with paprika, with almonds, with herbs, soaked in beer), lamb ribs, pintxos or churrasco (local kebab), cold gazpacho soup made from pureed tomatoes and cucumbers, champignons in boiling wine, etc. This is just a very short list of typical Argentinean dishes. But they can be not only Argentinean. After traveling through Argentinean restaurants, you may get the impression that you have visited most countries in South America, such is the love of local chefs to “borrow” recipes from their neighbors on the continent.

The Atlantic Ocean washes the eastern shores of Argentina, and the subantarctic currents wash the southern shores.

Administratively, the state is divided into one Federal. The territory of the state is formed by: the southeastern region of the South American continent, the eastern region and several nearby islands (and others).

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general information

The name of the country can be translated as “silver”. Although it has nothing to do with this precious metal. The main wealth of Argentina is primarily the vast pastures and fertile lands. Today the country is able to surprise tourists with its rich architectural and cultural heritage, and the capital is increasingly called by many as the Paris of the south.

State structure: federal republic, the head is the president (the current president -), who is elected by popular vote for a 4-year term with the possibility of extending the presidency for a 2nd term. The supreme legislative body is the National Congress. Full list Presidents of Argentina, see.

Official language: Spanish, Italian, French and German are also spoken here.

Religion: Mostly Catholic.

Currency: (ARS).

Favorite sports games: primarily football; basketball, motorsports.


Due to the long distance from north to south, it is characterized by amazing landscape diversity: in the north there is a flat tropical savanna, turning into the subtropical steppes - Pampas, in the south there is the Patagonian Plateau, known for its harsh climate.

The vast territory of the country is divided into 4 natural zones:

  • Andes mountain region;
  • northern plains (with part of the Gran Chaco and between the Paraná and Uruguay rivers);
  • The Pampas are vast, treeless plains lying south of the Gran Chaco, east of the Andes and north of ;
  • - vast steppes, south of the Rio Colorado.

From the west, the borders of Argentina are bordered by a massive mountain system, consisting of ridges and ridges parallel to each other; to the south, the Andes stretch into a single ridge with glaciers and snow fields.

The boundary of permanent snow rises more and more to the north, the mountains gradually turn into the vast lake region of Argentina in the provinces of Rio Negro and Neuquen, with a delightful lake. The area with many picturesque lakes extends throughout Chile.

Short story

It's hard to believe, but at the beginning of the 20th century, Argentina was considered the richest country in the world. There was even a saying: rich as an Argentine. Many thousands of Europeans flocked to the picturesque foothills of the Andes, hoping to find prosperity - Italians, Pyrenean Basques, Catalans, Galicians, Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Irish and Scots, Russians and Ukrainians and Jews. The government's efforts to populate the empty territories of the state were unsuccessful because most of the immigrants settled in the capital region.

Due to the fact that the Patagonian Indians, like the Africans, were almost completely exterminated in the wars with Paraguay and Brazil, a “white” or “silver” country was formed on the South American continent: Catholic - in religion, Spanish - in the way of communication, and French - in way of life.


Until the 16th century The territory of today's Argentina was inhabited by numerous Indian tribes:

  • Diagits also lived in the north-west, leading a sedentary life, practicing various crafts;
  • in the northeast lived the guar, who were mainly engaged in agriculture;
  • in the eastern part of the country (in Pampa) lived small tribes of nomads (Kerandi, Charrua, Puelche and Het);
  • Patagonia was inhabited by the Araucan, Tehuelche, and Alcaluf tribes, who traded fabrics and skins with neighboring peoples.

In the 16th century Spanish colonization of South America began. As throughout the continent, in Argentina it was accompanied by the ruthless extermination of the indigenous population. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Indians, under the pressure of European immigrants, were pushed into the most remote corners of the country. Today, a small number of them live in the north - in the provinces of Formosa (Spanish: Formosa) and (Spanish: Chaco); in the northwest - in the provinces of Jujuy (Spanish: Jujuy) and Salto (Spanish: Salto); and in the south - in Patagonia (Spanish: Patagonia). Today, small groups of Indians flock to the cities, where they work in the service sector, but the bulk of the aborigines prefer to live the old fashioned way, apart from society.

In the northeast, European colonization was carried out by Jesuit missionaries who arrived to convert the local population to Christianity, and, ultimately, to turn them into uncomplaining and obedient servants of the Spanish crown. Among the Jesuits there were mainly Spaniards, Italians, Germans, French and Poles - that is, this was the first influx of immigrants from various European countries.

During the era of Spanish expansion, access to Argentina for other foreigners was severely limited, because in order to obtain entry permission, one had to live in Spain for at least 5 years. Only after the state gained independence, free entry into the country was opened, so the government implemented a policy to attract immigrants to develop the sparsely populated territories of the state.

It was immigration that had a significant impact on the formation of the national composition of the population, largely determining its distribution and demographic structure.

The national composition of the immigrants was characterized by great diversity, but the Spaniards and Italians undoubtedly predominated. The rest of the immigrants were represented by the French, Poles, as well as refugees from pre-revolutionary Russia(Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and Russified Germans), who created agricultural settlements along (Spanish Rio Parana).

In Argentina, there is a law according to which everyone born in the country is an Argentinean. In its current form, the Argentine nation was formed by European immigrants in the 19th-20th centuries, so more than 85% of the population belongs to the white race. Today, about 97% of the state's population consider themselves Argentines (mostly mestizos - descendants of mixed marriages of European immigrants and indigenous Indians), only 2% call themselves Indians. Therefore, today the country is one of the most Europeanized Latin American countries. In addition, people from Europe, Asia and neighboring South American countries live here.

The population of modern Argentina is increasing mainly due to natural growth, today it is about 42.6 million people, this is the third largest national group in South America, ahead of only Brazilians and Colombians.

Argentina is ahead of many Latin American countries in terms of living standards. For example, the average life expectancy of local residents since the mid-50s of the twentieth century. increased in men - from 60 to 73 years, in women - from 65 to 80 years.

The distribution of the population is characterized by a high concentration in the coastal region of Pampa and a high level of urbanization. In general, Argentina today is not a densely populated country (with an average density of 10 people/1 km²).

In today's Argentina, 83% of the population lives in cities; among South American countries in terms of the share of urban residents, it is second only to Uruguay. Bright distinctive feature The settlement of the country is the so-called hypertrophy of the capital - more than 1⁄3 of the population and more than 2⁄5 of the population of cities live in the capital, Buenos Aires, this city is one of the ten largest agglomerations in the world.


The climate here is completely unique: in the north it is subtropical; V central regions— humid tropical; in the south - mild, moderate. Please note that winter/summer in the southern hemisphere coincides with ours, only exactly the opposite.

In the mountainous region of the Andes, rainy weather alternates with intense heat in summer, snow cover in winter, and frequent dry winds - “probes”. In humid, virgin forests and savannas of lowland areas, heavy rains are frequent. Average temperatures: in January about +5ºС, in July +20…+22ºС.

The best time to travel to the Southern Andes and Patagonia is in the summer (December - February). A visit to the northern and northwestern regions can be planned for the winter (May - September).

In spring and autumn you will have a great time in Buenos Aires, the foothills, Mesopotamia, the provinces and La Rioja. And the snow-covered slopes of the Andes from May to October await fans of alpine skiing.

Natural and historical attractions

On the territory of the country, which has an area of ​​almost 3 million km², with different climatic and geographical zones, many different natural scenarios are developing. Natural phenomena harmoniously combine with the sophistication and originality of the city of Buenos Aires. The endless Patagonian Plateau, stretching south of the Lake District, is famous for its enormous glaciers. Between the Atlantic rocky coast in the east to the majestic Andes in the west, where the seven-thousandth mountain reigns, virgin expanses stretch. The list of natural wonders of Argentina ends with the majestic Antarctica.

The territory of Argentina is rich in monuments classified as UNESCO World Heritage Sites:

  • national parks "" in Patagonia and "Iguazu" (Missiones province);
  • Jesuit tribal missions;
  • cave Cueva de las Manos (province of Santa Cruz);
  • the luxurious parks of Talampaya and Ischigualasto, where ancient flora and fauna that arose 230 million years ago have been preserved;
  • Jesuit buildings in the surrounding area;
  • natural and historical artifacts in the Quebrada de Humahuaca Valley, along the famous ; and many others.

Here you can walk through the snow-capped Andes on horseback, swim near fur seals, dolphins and whales, hang out with penguins in Patagonia, watch exotic birds in the American Serengeti.

The famous resort is located south of Buenos Aires, in a mild climate zone. About 600 thousand residents live here, and there are up to 6 million guests and tourists per season! There are many parks here where tourists are offered shows with fur seals, dolphins and sharks. “Eco-tourism” is becoming increasingly popular - excursions to farms where you can watch sheep being sheared and feed newborn lambs, and also enjoy . A wine festival with fiery dancing, enchanting shows and the election of the Queen is regularly held in Mendoza.

A wonderful excursion to the city, the second largest in the country, but not inferior to the capital in terms of architecture. The city has the best historical museum in Argentina.

Natural attractions - national parks, Iguazu, etc. Ocean cruises to Antarctica, Patagonia and Cape Horn are very popular among travelers.

“Gaucho Fiesta” and “Tango Show” are fiery dance shows that introduce the customs, way of life, music and national cuisine of local gaucho cowboys.

Largest cities:

Name Population*
3 050 728
1 346 092

When planning to spend their holiday abroad for the first time, many focus on the availability of beaches or historical attractions. But it also happens that out of all the countries in the world, it is precisely one that attracts - Argentina: a bright, large and interesting country.

Getting to know Argentina

Argentina is one of the largest and most developed countries in Latin America. Official name state - the Argentine Republic, or the Republic of Argentina. In terms of territory size, this country ranks second after Brazil, and in terms of the number of total inhabitants, it ranks third after Brazil and Colombia. The area of ​​Argentina, excluding disputed territories, is 2.78 million square meters. km.

The capital of Argentina is. The currency of Argentina is the Argentine peso. The name of Argentina comes from the Latin word argentum - “silver”, since it was this metal that, according to legend, the first conquerors were looking for.

According to experts, in 2015 the population of Argentina was 43,417 thousand people. About 85% of Argentines are members of the white race. The Indian population makes up only about 1.5% of the total citizens. About 92% of Argentines profess Christianity.

When specifying what language is spoken in Argentina when purchasing a tour, be sure to indicate the specific place where you are going. In addition to the official state language– Spanish – others are used in some areas. It depends on the history of the development of Argentina and on the traditions of the indigenous Indian peoples.

Geography of Argentina

Argentina is located in South America, in its southeastern part. The Republic of Argentina also includes islands - the territory of the state extends to the eastern part of the Tierra del Fuego archipelago. Argentina shares borders with Chile in the west and with Brazil and Uruguay in the northeast. In the north, the state borders on Paraguay and, and in the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Geographically, Argentina is located from north to south, which has a beneficial effect on its economy.

The large extent of the Argentine state has provided the country with a variety of species of flora and fauna. According to the relief, the whole country is divided approximately into two parts: plains in the north and east and hills in the west and south, where the beautiful mountains of Argentina are located. The entire western border is the Andes - the largest mountain range in the Western Hemisphere. The highest mountain in Argentina and throughout South America is 6962 m.

The largest river in Argentina is the Paraná, which flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Natural resources

Argentina's varied topography has made it rich natural resources, due to which, on a par with agriculture Heavy and processing industries are actively developing. There are no large deposits of world-scale minerals here, except for uranium ores.

The vegetation in Argentina is very diverse: from impenetrable tropical forests to semi-deserts in Puna and. Valuable tree species (cedro, lapacho and araucaria) and shrubs grow here. The river banks are mostly covered with palm groves. The flat areas are represented by green meadows, and the lowlands are represented by swamps with reeds, water lilies and reeds. Cacti, low-growing trees and thorny bushes grow in deserts.

The fauna is not very diverse, but is distinguished by a large number of endemics, such as the Pampas cat and deer, the Magellanic dog and the spectacled bear. In Argentina you can find puma, chinchilla, vicuna, otter, and armadillo. Of the birds, it is worth highlighting the heron, hummingbird, flamingo and ovenbird.

Climate and weather in Argentina

The territory of Argentina is crossed by three climatic zones: tropical, subtropical and temperate. The far south of the country is characterized by cold weather conditions. Average summer temperatures usually do not exceed +15°C.

The region is considered a real “heat pole”; it is located in the north of the country and falls into the tropical zone. Summer temperatures here remain stably at +30…+40°С, winter temperatures – +17…+20°С.

Precipitation falls to a greater extent on the eastern coast in the amount of 1400-1600 mm; closer to the western borders these figures decrease to 100-300 mm. There is no division into wet and dry seasons in Argentina.

Government system and symbols of Argentina

Argentina's form of government is a federal republic. Argentina is divided into 23 provinces and one Federal Capital District of Buenos Aires - a total of 24 administrative territories. The Argentine Constitution was adopted in 1853 and divides power into executive, legislative and judicial powers.

The country is led by a president elected for four years. The Cabinet of Ministers is headed by the Prime Minister of Argentina. The highest legislative body of the Republic, the National Congress, is divided into the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The President of the Senate is also the Vice President of Argentina.

The official ceremonial flag of Argentina has existed since 1812.

Cities and resorts of Argentina

The largest metropolitan areas in Argentina after the capital are and. You can also note the following big cities Argentina:

A special feature of Argentina is the variety of options, and the presence of excellent beach and ski resorts.

Sights and entertainment of Argentina

Argentina has a huge variety of both natural and man-made:

Argentina's culture is reflected in its and. Throughout the country, holidays are held annually, Catholic Easter is celebrated, military historical events and family holidays are honored. Public holidays like Independence Day and Teacher's Day stand out.

Argentina is known to many for its beautiful tango dance and gaucho cowboy culture, and the art of playing football leaves no one indifferent. By the way, tango in Argentina is also music.

The country is simply huge: from very modest rooms to luxurious palaces. The establishments are represented by family-type hotels, standard hotels, tango hotels, designer hotels, country esterias, etc. There are about 500 hotels in the capital of Argentina alone.

The cost of living is significantly cheaper than in Europe, but significantly higher when compared with other Latin American countries. For example, accommodation in a three-star hotel costs $40-120 per day per adult, and in a five-star hotel you will have to leave $200-400.

For thrifty tourists in Argentina there are boarding houses and hostels where you can rent a bed for $10-30 per day. Camping is also very popular among tourists. IN major cities You can rent an apartment of any format and even an apartment.

is a mixture of food traditions of indigenous Indians and many recipes of European settlers. Since livestock farming in Argentina is the most important economic characteristics, then they eat a lot of meat here and in all types.

Fried pies with minced meat or other filling are very popular in Argentina. They are usually served with red wine. Each region has its own culinary characteristics, for example, in Patagonia, a traditional dish is spit-roasted lamb.

The extensive coastline feeds the country with plenty of seafood. Be sure to try the crab or smoked eel. You will find echoes of Italian cuisine in any establishment: lasagne, pizza, pasta, etc. For dessert, you will definitely be offered tiramisu, croissants, ice cream or pancakes with condensed milk. The latter is held in high esteem by local residents.

A classic favorite among drinks is mate, a special drink with a traditional recipe for preparation and drinking. There are plenty of catering establishments in Argentina: from chic restaurants to modest eateries, where in addition to national cuisine you will find dishes from European countries.


What vacation to a distant land doesn't end with shopping? Different regions of Argentina will offer you completely different things. You'll find plenty of handcrafted trinkets to choose from, but the ultimate souvenir has always been and remains the yerba mate making kit.

Leather products, especially buffalo, are in great demand: jackets, wallets, bags, shoes, etc. Fine silver trinkets can be purchased at a reasonable price. Alpaca wool products are highly valued in Patagonia. Penguin figurines, home decorations made of valuable wood and rhodocorosite stones will make excellent gifts.


It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, keep large sums of money, expensive accessories and phones in sight. Don't go out in public with tourist card, and it is better to study the route to the hotel in advance. Keep valuables in the room safe, and it is better to carry your passport as a copy. It is safer to order a taxi from a hotel or public establishment rather than catching it on the street.

There are a lot of scammers in Buenos Aires, so try to prevent unfamiliar contacts. Avoid traveling to public transport During peak hours, pickpocketing is everywhere. In restaurants, keep your purses with you, do not hang them on the back of your chair. Avoid walking alone at night; even one block in an unfamiliar city is better to take a taxi.


Sufficiently developed. There are rural, paved and express roads, some of which are toll roads. IN last years They are actively developing multi-lane and high-speed highways that connect several large cities. Most of these projects are still under construction. There are excellent bus services throughout the country.

The railway is currently in decline. Most passenger transport has long been closed, and only in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, is it in great demand, mainly due to the convenience of transferring to the metro. The capital's metro has been operating since 1913.

A huge amount of goods and passengers are transported along rivers and a network of water canals.

The airspace is divided between the following companies: Aerolíneas Argentinas and LADE. , both in the capital and in other large cities and provinces.

Customs and visa

Since March 18, 2009, Russians do not require a visa to holiday in Argentina. If the purpose of the visit is not tourism or the stay is planned for more than 90 days, then you will have to apply. To enter the country you need a passport and a round trip ticket. Citizens of the Russian Federation and CIS countries can clarify all questions at the Argentine Embassy in Moscow.

Customs requires you to declare all gold and gold products that you import or export, as well as amounts above $10,000. It is prohibited to import any food products (not canned food) into the country, as well as export objects of historical or artistic value without special permission.

If you still don’t know where Argentina is and what country it is, then start getting acquainted with South America precisely from this state. You will receive not only an excellent experience, but also many vivid impressions.