What document identifies the main responsibilities of the class teacher. Official instruction "Class Leader". Cyclogram of the work of the class teacher

  • Class teacher - teacher of the school, performing the functions of the organizer of children's life aimed at preserving, strengthening and developing mutual understanding of students, their parents, teachers and other participants in the educational process.
  • The class teacher, as an administrative person, is appointed and exempt from his post by order of the School Director.
  • The management of class managers is carried out by the Deputy Director of the School / Head of the Training Part.
  • The main tasks and content of the work of the class teacher.
    1. To promote the creation of a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each student and the conditions for the development of skills communicative culture Pupils.
    2. In accordance with the age interests of students and the requirements of the school's charter, contribute to updating the content of class life. Participate in the creation of students' self-government.
    3. Participate in the implementation of the Federal Experimental Program "School as a Center for Integrating Main, Additional and Home Education", projects "Children in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg in Children", "School Library-House of Children's Book", "Joint Planning of Students", conduct experimental and methodological work on various educational problems;
    4. Use a variety of techniques, methods and means of educational work, contributing to the expansion of interests and forms of knowledge, awakening in children of active research interests. Learn individual characteristics, interests of students and promote the creation favorable conditions For the development and moral formation of the identity of the child.
  • The mode of operation of the class teacher.
    1. General rules for organizing the work of the school and the pedagogical team leak out from the Code of Labor Laws Russian Federationreferred to in Art 18.
    2. Hour class leader ( class hour) - Once a week (forms of classroom hour can be the most diverse: themed class hour, a class meeting, preparation for a general-school or general-cool business, preparation for excursion, summing up the excursion, etc.).
    3. The number of educational events - in accordance with the plan of educational work of the school.
    4. The number of class parent meetings - in accordance with the plan of educational work of the school.
    5. In vacation, I. summer time School operation mode is set according to an additional plan.
    6. In order to organize the work of class managers and to provide methodical assistance in the work, a methodological association is created.
    7. Coordination of the activities of class managers and control over their work is carried out by the Deputy Director of the School Head of the Training Part.
  • Cool leader should be able to:
    1. communicate with children, encouraging children's activity, responsibility, feeding your own example of deliberation and responsibility;
    2. see and form your educational goals;
    3. make a plan for educational work in its own class;
    4. organize an educational event: conversation, dispute, excursion, hike, class evening, cool hour, etc
    5. organize and hold parental assembly;
    6. use psychological and diagnostic tests, questionnaires and correctly use them in educational work.
  • Official duties
      Classroom teacher:
    1. leads a magazine of student performance (electronic and paper version);
    2. carries out control on the design of class journals (electronic and paper version) for all academic disciplines in accordance with the learning and thematic planning;
    3. leads personal affairs of students and monitors their design;
    4. organizes cool team: distributes orders, works with a class asset, organizes collective creativity, forms duty duty;
    5. organizes duty in class, school and other public premises;
    6. take care O. appearance students;
    7. works with the student diaries, contacts parents about student performance;
    8. creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests, expanding the horizons of students (participation in the competitions, competitions, reviews, quizzes, visits to circles, optional classes, organization of excursions, campaigns to theater, exhibitions, etc.);
    9. contributes to a favorable microclimate in the classroom, forms interpersonal relations of students, adjusts and regulates them;
    10. controls the learning successes of each student, noting the successes and failures in order to provide timely assistance;
    11. assists students in the learning adaptation process;
    12. promotes the participation of school students in urban and international competitions, Olympiads in subjects ("Bear", "Kangaroo", etc.)
    13. cares about the health of students, involves them in physical culture, sports activities;
    14. conducts thematic cool hours periodicity 1 time per week, meetings, conversations with students;
    15. provides protection and protection of students' rights, especially paying attention to "difficult" children;
    16. carries out vocational guidance work with students of 9-11th grades, contributing to the independent and conscious selection by students of the further profession, taking into account their abilities and life plans;
    17. organizes and conducts parental meetings by periodicity 1-2 times to Trimester. Works with parents individually, attracts parents to the organization of extracurricular activities;
    18. accounts for personal responsibility for ensuring the protection of the life and health of children during extracurricular activities. Accompanies students during excursions and other extracurricular and out-of-school events. Performs rules and norms of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
  • Documentation and reporting.
    1. He leads a map of individual development of the child, taking into account his psychophysical opportunities, constantly increasing the level of child involvement in the educational process, contributing to improving the effectiveness of the learning material (1 time per week will replenish the ICR by the work of students on all academic disciplines). Systematically stimulates the intellectual efforts of the child. Creates conditions for improving the child's confidence in their own forces and upbringing certain independence of views.
    2. Daily finds out the reason for the lack of students, promptly informing the administration of schools and parents about the absence of a student. In writing fixes the lack of a student, indicating the reason for the absence in the relevant magazine and the class journal. Creates conditions for assimilating the child's missed educational material.
    3. Until 01, the beginning of each trimester is a report on the results of studies of the state of socio-psychological microclimate in the children's group.
    4. Once in the academic half (December, April - high school, March -Primary School) Organizes and conducts a presentation of children's achievements, drawing to the discussion of the results of the parents of school students as external experts educational program and pedagogical partners of the school.
    5. Until 25, the end of each trimester / half of the year collects qualitative characteristics Class students from subject teachers, summarizes and gives an analytical certificate of school teacher.
    6. Monthly together with students forms a portfolio. Until 01 The start of each trimester represents a temptation to check the student portfolio. At the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting issues portfolio students (accumulated over the year creative and test papers Students).
    7. Every year until September 10 issues the parents of the student's tabel (for all academic disciplines) in order to develop uniform interaction mechanisms between adults and children.
    8. Creates conditions for writing school students with mandatory writings: "Which I see school in the new school year," "My ideal teacher" -satem; "Children's Future Children", "My Island of Bomotam" - October; "My achievements and achievements of my classmates" - May. Until 25.09 and 25.05, the writings give the writings to the articulation to analyze the state of the educational and educational process of the school, determining the tasks and ways to solve the problems identified.
    9. Twice a year (until December 05 and until May 05) prepares parents of letters about the achievements of children in educational activities. Letters are handed over to the school teacher with the aim of clarifications and additions in the information received about school students for subsequent departure to parents.
    10. It is responsible for the timely execution of all sections of a class journal in accordance with the requirements of this kind of documents:
      • until September 05 fills the pages of the class magazine: " General about students "," Health Sheet "," Information about the occupations in after-school time ";
      • in the first week of each trimester, instructing safety instructions;
      • the day before the end of each trimester, there is a final estimate on the page "Consolidated statement of student performance accounting";
      • until 01, each trimester, checks the presence of an execution record curriculum in the trimester signed by the subject teacher;
      • until 28.05 checks in the journal for each subject the presence of final annual estimates;
      • until 01.06 fills the personal affairs of students and learn to check the school's department.
    11. Monthly gives great magazines to check the school teacher.
    12. Once a week checks and evaluates the maintenance of diaries of class students.
    13. Once a week participates in the operational meetings conducted by the school.
    14. Every year before August 28, plans for educational work for the upcoming academic year. Leads educational work with students according to plan approved by the school administration.
    15. Until 01, each month, a report (on the form established at school, a check list) of the work done over the past month with the simultaneous signing of the act of work performed to accrual wages.
    16. On duty at school on schedule, organizing free time Children during school changes for the safety of life, children's health and reasonable rest.
    17. In case of disability, the school administration is informed in a timely manner.
    18. Creates conditions for the passage of final certification for the course of the main (9kl.) And high School (11kl.): Preparation of the necessary documentation for exams, decision organizational issues (promptly informs students and parents about the progress of final certification, present during certification with students and has moral support). Controls the readiness of students to pass the final certification.
    19. Within professional competence, it works with parents. In the case of a conflict situation with a student or parents, the school administration immediately informs to develop a joint optimal solution to the problem.
    20. Official duties of the class teacher are an integral part of the NEO Treaty "Private Communication School Unison.
    21. Official duties can be changed by the school administration unilaterally. In this case, the class teacher must be informed a week before changes in force. Class leader's rights. Cool leader has the right:
    22. Participate in the work of school structures of self-government: pedsovet, school council and other public bodies Schools.
    23. Act with the initiative, to make proposals for improving school activities, perform with business, constructive criticism.
    24. Get acquainted with the documentation educational institution.
    25. Receive regular information about the physical and mental health of children.
    26. To be present at any lessons and events conducted by subject teachers in the classroom (without the right to enter the class during the lesson without an emergency and make comments to the teacher during the lesson).
    27. Inviting parents (persons replacing them) to an educational institution.
    28. Attract students for actions that violate the educational and educational process, in the manner prescribed by organizational documents of the general education institution, to disciplinary responsibility.
    29. Encourage students in the manner prescribed at school.
    30. Cooperate with social specialists, medical institutions, juvenile inspections.
    31. Determine (to develop, create jointly with a psychologist, social workers, doctors of individual work with students and their parents.
    32. Enhance your qualifications, attend seminars, courses.
  • Cool leader has no right:
    1. To humiliate the personal advantage of the pupil, insulting it with the action or word, inventing nicknames, hanging labels, etc.
    2. Use an assessment (school score) to punish the student.
    3. Abuse the confidence of the child, violate the word to violate the pupil, deliberately mislead it.
    4. Use family (parents or relatives) to punish the child.
    5. Discussing his colleagues for the eyes, to present them in a disadvantage, undermining the authority of the teacher and the entire pedagogical team.
  • The responsibility of the class teacher.
    1. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without a valid reason for the Charter and other rules enshrined in the organizational documents of the school, the legal regulations of the director, official dutiesestablished by this Instruction, the class teacher carries disciplinary responsibility in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
    2. For late and inaccurate design, maintenance and storage of documents, as well as for their loss, the class teacher is responsible provided for by local school documents.
    3. Guilty of causing a school of damage in connection with the execution (non-fulfillment) of their official duties, the class teacher carries material liability in the manner and within the limits established by the Labor or Civil Law of the Russian Federation.
    4. The class teacher can be exempted from duties in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for use, including one-time, methods of mental or physical violence against the student's personality.
  • Cool leader should know:
    • Constitution of the Russian Federation;
    • documents of the Government of Russia and the Education Education Bodies on Education;
    • Convention on the Rights of the Child; pedagogy, psychology, age physiology and hygiene;
    • basics of prefigure medical care;
    • basics of civil law;
    • pedagogy children's;
    • age and social psychology;
    • psychology of relations: individual and age features of children;
    • age physiology;
    • school hygiene;
    • pedagogical ethics;
    • theory and methods of educational work;
    • programs and textbooks;
    • learning tools and their didactic capabilities;
    • basics of labor legislation;
    • rules and norms of labor protection;
    • safety and fire protection.
  • Added to the site:

    Official instruction of the class teacher[Name of general educational organization]

    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions, FZ of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", section " Qualification characteristics The posts of employees of the education "Unified Qualification Directory of the posts of managers, specialists and employees, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of August 26, 2010 N 761n, and other regulatory acts regulating labor relations.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. The class teacher refers to the category of pedagogical workers and directly subordinate [the name of the position of the direct supervisor].

    1.2. A person having a higher person is appointed to the post of class manager professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Education and Pedagogy" or in the field that is appropriate to the subject taught, without the presentation of work experience, or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional professional education in the field of activity in the educational organization without presentation of the experience Work.

    1.3. To the post of a class manager in accordance with the requirements of Art. 331 TC RF assigned a person:

    Not deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activities in accordance with the judgment of the court who have entered into legal force;

    Without or unwaiting, not subject to criminal prosecution (with the exception of persons, criminal prosecution for which is discontinued on rehabilitation grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of personality (with the exception of illegal premises in a psychiatric hospital , slander and insults), sexual integrity and sexual freedom, against family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional system and the security of the state, as well as against public security;

    Not having an inconsistent or outstanding conviction for deliberate grave and especially grave crimes;

    Not recognized as incapable in accordance with the procedure established by federal law;

    Not having diseases stipulated by the list approved federal organ executive authority performing functions to work out public Policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health.

    1.4. Cool leader should know:

    Priority directions of development educational system Russian Federation;

    Laws and other regulatory legal acts regulating educational activities;

    Convention on the Rights of the Child;

    The basics of general theoretical disciplines in the amount required to solve pedagogical, scientific and methodological and organizational and managerial tasks;

    Pedagogy, psychology, age physiology;

    School hygiene;

    The method of teaching the subject;

    Programs and textbooks on the subject matter;

    Method of educational work;

    Requirements for equipment and equipment of educational books and utility rooms to them;

    Learning tools and their didactic capabilities;

    Basics scientific organization labor;

    Regulatory documents on the training and education of children and young people;

    Theory and methods of management of educational systems;

    Modern pedagogical technologies productive differentiated learning, the implementation of the competence approach, educational training;

    Methods of belief, the arguments of their position, establish contacts with studying different ages, their parents (persons who replace them), work colleagues;

    Technology diagnostic reasons conflict situations, their prevention and permission;

    Basics of ecology, economics, sociology;

    Labor legislation;

    Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

    Rules of the internal employment regulation of the educational organization;

    Rules for labor protection and fire safety;

    Basics general psychology, pedagogical psychology, general pedagogy, physiology of children and adolescents;

    Methods and skills of communicative communication with students, social psychotraining;

    Features of the educational system.

    1.5. The class teacher is prohibited:

    Provide paid educational services to the student in this organization, if it leads to a conflict of the interests of the class teacher;

    Use educational activities for political campaigning, coercive students to adopt political, religious or other convictions or abandoning them, for inciting social, racial, national or religious retail, for agitation, promoting exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of social, racial, national , religious or language affiliation, their relationship to religion, including through the report of students in unreliable information about the historical, national, religious and cultural traditions of peoples, as well as for encouraging students to actions contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

    1.6. The class teacher is appointed for the position and exempt from it by order [name of the head].

    2. Functions

    The main activities of the class teacher are:

    2.1. The organization of the class team of students.

    2.2. Organization academic work Class collective and individual students.

    2.3. Organization out training activities Class.

    2.4. Studying personality and correction in educational education.

    2.5. Social assistance and protection of students.

    2.6. Interaction with parents, other educators, social workers.

    3. Official duties

    The class teacher has the following job responsibilities:

    3.1. Leads a magazine student performance.

    3.2. Leads "personal affairs" students and follows their design.

    3.3. Organizes a class team: distributes orders, works with a class asset, organizes collective creativity, forms duty duties.

    3.4. Organizes duty in class, school, dining room and other public premises, on duty for which is enshrined in the charter of the general education organization.

    3.5. Organizes the procedure for the power of students.

    3.6. Forms financial support Cool needs and controls its execution (Class Fund, payment of various services, etc.).

    3.7. Carries out traffic attendance.

    3.8. Works with the student diaries, contacts parents about the performance of students.

    3.9. Creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests, expanding the horizons of students (participation in the competitions, competitions, reviews, quizzes, visits to circles, optional classes, organization of excursions, campaigns in the theater, at exhibitions, etc.).

    3.10. Promotes a favorable microclimate in the classroom, generates interpersonal relationships of students, adjusts and regulates them.

    3.11. It assists the student in the process of adaptation to learning.

    3.12. Conducts thematic class hours with a periodicity [value] once a month, meetings, conversations with students.

    3.13. Provides protection and protection of the rights of students, especially paying attention to "difficult" children and children who remain without parental care, actively cooperating with the social teacher.

    3.14. Resets and keeps records of children of socially unprotected categories, children from disadvantaged families.

    3.15. Carries out vocational guidance work that contributes to the independent and informed choice of learning further profession.

    3.16. Organizes and conducts parental meetings with periodicity [value] times in a quarter.

    3.17. Operates on high professional level In accordance with the approved working program.

    3.18. Complies with legal, moral and ethical norms, follows the requirements of professional ethics.

    3.19. Respends the honor and dignity of students and other participants in educational relations.

    3.20. Developing students cognitive activity, independence, initiative, creative skills, forms a civil position, the ability to work and life in conditions modern Mira, I forms a study culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

    3.21. Applies pedagogically substantiated and ensuring high quality form education, learning and education methods.

    3.22. Takes into account the features of the psychophysical development of students and their health status, respects the special conditions necessary to obtain education by persons with limited features Health interacts if necessary with medical organizations.

    3.23. Systematically increases its professional level.

    3.24. It takes certification for compliance with the position.

    3.25. It takes place in accordance with the labor legislation, preliminary during admission to work and periodic medical examinations, as well as extraordinary medical examinations in the direction of the employer.

    3.26. Training and testing of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection are underway.

    3.27. Complies with the Charter of the educational organization, the provision on the specialized structural educational unit of the Organization exercising training, the rules of the internal labor regulation.

    3.28. [Other job duties].

    4. Rights

    Cool leader has the right:

    4.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including:

    On abbreviated working hours;

    For additional professional education by profile pedagogical activity at least once every three years;

    On the annual main elongated paid leave, the duration of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

    For a long vacation for up to one year at least every ten years of continuous pedagogical work;

    To the early appointment of an old-age labor pension;

    For providing out of the queue of residential premises under a social hire agreement (if the employee is registered as in need of a residential premises);

    For the provision of residential premises of a specialized housing stock;

    To make compensation for expenses for residential premises, heating and lighting [for residents and working in rural settlements, workers' settlements (urban-type settlements)];

    For additional costs of medical, social and professional rehabilitation in cases of health damage due to an accident at the production and receipt of the professional disease.

    4.2. Get acquainted with the draft management decisions regarding its activities.

    4.3. On issues in its competence, proposal to improve the management of the organization and improvement of working methods, as well as options for eliminating the deficiencies in the activities of the organization.

    4.4. Request personally or on behalf of the manual from structural divisions and specialists, information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

    4.5. Attract specialists of all (individual) structural units to solve the tasks assigned to it (if provided for by provisions on structural unitsIf not - with the permission of the manual).

    4.6. Require the creation of conditions for the fulfillment of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and norms, etc.

    4.7. To be present at any lessons and events conducted by subject teachers in the classroom.

    4.8. Attract for the disciplinary responsibility of students for actions, a disorganizing educational process, in the manner prescribed by organizational documents of a general education organization.

    4.9. Encourage students in the manner established by organizational documents of a general education organization.

    4.10. Cooperate with specialists of social services, medical organizations, juvenile inspections.

    4.11. [Other rights provided labor legislation Russian Federation].

    5. Responsibility

    Cool leader is responsible:

    5.1. For violation of the charter of the general education organization.

    5.2. For use, including one-time, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the identity of the student.

    5.3. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    5.4. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities, within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

    5.5. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the Labor and Civil Law of the Russian Federation.

    The job instruction is designed in accordance with [Name, number and document date].

    Head of Personnel Service

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]



    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    The instructions are familiar with:

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    For almost two years now there is this article and a lot of readers complained that my words were not justified by anything, only on experience. Required to provide regulationsBut I could not find anything. The search for a response to a question of one of the users accidentally brought me to the order of the Ministry with the methodological recommendations on the work of the class teacher and I decided to update the article and comment on it in accordance with the regulatory act.

    Even working at school, I was struck and outraged how much the teacher should do everything if he is also a cool leader. I already wrote a little "professional faces" of the teacher. This article will describe the functions of the class teacher from the point of view of the Ministry of Education.

    Schools and teachers can focus on their work on order Of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 3, 2006 No. 21 "On approval of methodological recommendations on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state general educational institutions The constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal general education institutions ", which regulate the activities of the class teacher.

    Classroom teacher - This is a teacher for any subject that leads the whole life (at school and outside the school) of one attached to him class and communicates with parents.

    By law (Part 1 of Article 60.2. Labor Code RF) anyone extra work Must be carried out with the written consent of the employee and for an additional fee. In fact, the class leadership is prescribed in the employment contract and the teacher automatically agrees with the performance of this work when signing. Rarely who can refuse this, although it has full right, and it is paid far from the proportionality of time and forces.

    The functions of the class teacher and what is needed to implement them:

    • Know Name, surname, home address, telephone (preferably) each child In his class, as well as the names of parents (legal representatives), their phone. I also requested data on the place of work of the parents, but they are most likely redundant.
      IN this case The following functions of the class teacher from organizational and coordinating are being implemented:
    • - ensuring the connection of the general education institution with the family;

    • - establishing contacts with parents (other legitimate representatives) students ...;

    • These data are also required to implement the following function:
    • - documentation (class magazine, personal affairs students).

    • Know Features of the nature of the child (if possible) . Not all character traits and tendencies are visible to the teacher at once or even with time. Parents see the student in their own way, in another setting. We all want the child to be perceived as a person with all the characteristics of the character and behavior, so tell about them to the class teacher.
      It may be necessary for:

      - organizations in the classroom of the educational process, optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students in the framework of the activities of the general-cool team;

      interacting with each study and class team as a whole;

      For communicative functions:

      regulation interpersonal relationship between students;

      establishing interaction between pedagogical workers and training;

      assisting students in the formation of communicative qualities

    • Know the reason for the absence of a child in classes . The class teacher is responsible for the life and health of the child during class. Therefore, you are asked for, certificates, etc. Based on these documents, the administration is the official order for the liberation of a child from classes. Thus, the responsibility for the life and health of the child during occupation takes on the parent (legal representative). This is the function of the control:

      monitoring attendance of training studies learning.

    • Must prepare and conduct Meetings I.

      consultation, conversations with parents (other legal representatives) of students;

    • check diaries at least once a week (Estimate estimates, incur important information for parents, report on the date of the parent meeting, etc.). Now there electronic diaries, as well as most of the information is postponed on the School website (the school is obliged to constantly update information on the site to ensure the information openness of the educational institution, have this in mind). But many parents would like to receive information from paper carrier in the old way.

      monitoring the performance of each trainee;

    • Know Medical testimony and contraindications of each child - recommended
      The teacher is not entitled to demand medical conclusions and diagnoses. But parents can tell if a child has allergies or physical characteristics that need to be taken into account when organizing educational process (for example, bad vision).
    • Know social status families (Is the family of the low-income (officially), how many children are in the family, are parents in divorce).
      This information is going to work. social teacher.

      help parents in educating learning (personally, through a psychologist, social teacher, teacher additional education)

      Hiking with children in cinema, theater and holding other educational or entertainment events

      organization of educational work with students through the conduct of "small pedsovets", pedagogical consultations, thematic and other events;

    Methodical recommendations are covered and the forms of work that the class teacher can use to carry out its functions: individual (conversations, consultation); Group (for example, self-government bodies, which for some reason now stopped being relevant, at least in my school); Collective (contests, performances, concerts).

    Successful work is proposed to evaluate by level social Development students (general culture, discipline), that is, according to the results. The work process itself is also assessed, that is, as a class manager organized educational work with students, as interacting with the team of school and parents.

    But some things are still not covered in the document, but, in my opinion, it is important for work - this is what it is impossible to do in the work of the class teacher and a little about his schedule.

    Cool leader is not entitled

    Finally ...

    Two years later, I returned to the article with other ideas about the school and work in it by the class teacher. Some readers did not agree with my opinion (though, without explaining why). Now I understand that much depends on people and a lot of teachers who are very like to be exactly a class teacher and a large number of functions do not scare them and does not annoy. For me, this work was in a burden, as I wanted to make more preparation for lessons, and not counting the remaining money for food and diaries.

    Have something to add or argue? Write in the comments. Waiting for groups of VC and classmates.

    Official instruction of the class teacher

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. This job description is developed on the basis of the tariff-qualification characteristics of employees of employees of educational institutions agreed with the Decision of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1995 No. 46, taking into account changes made by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 22, 1995 N 65. In drawing up the instruction Approximate recommendations on the organization of labor protection service in the educational institution of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 92 of 27.02.1995; guidelines to organize the activities of the class teacher in general education institutions (a letter of the Ministry of Education of 21.06.2001 No. 480 / 30-16); Methodical recommendations "On the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state and municipal general educational institutions" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 21 of 03.02.2006).

    1.2. The class teacher is appointed by order of the Director of School from among teachers working at school with the consent of the pedagogical worker.

    1.3. Monitoring the activities of the class teacher is carried out by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

    1.4. In its activities, the class leader is guided by the Constitution and Laws of the Russian Federation, the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and the management authorities of all levels, the rules and norms of labor protection, fire protection equipment, as well as the Charter of the school and others local actsComplies with the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    2. Functions

    The main functions of the class teacher are:

    1. Organizational coordinating:

    Establishing a binding of a general education institution with family;

    Interaction with teachers-subjects working in class, other specialists of the general education institution;

    Accounting and stimulating the diverse activities of students, including in the system of additional education of children;

    Individual, impact and interaction with each student and class team as a whole as subjects of this activity;

    Documentation (Class Magazine, Diaries, Personal Cases of Learning, Work Plan, Class Leader, Class Manager).

    2. Communicative:

    Regulation of interpersonal relationships between students;

    Establishing subject-subject relationship between the teacher and the student;

    Promoting a general favorable psychological climate in the team;

    Rendering assistance to educational in the formation of communicative qualities.

    3. Analytics and prognostic:

    Studying the individual characteristics of their students and their speakersdevelopment;

    Determining the state and prospects for the development of the class team.

    3. Official duties

    Cool leader performs the following job responsibilities:

    3.1. Plans to work in the class for every academic year and every studio quarter. The work plan is approved by the Deputy School Director for Educational Work no later than five days from the beginning of the planned period.

    3.2. Ensures the safe conduct of the educational process, promptly informs the administration of the school every accident, takes measures to first-informerable assistance;

    3.3. Organizes the study of learning rules for labor protection, rules road, behavior in everyday life, on water, etc., conducts briefing students with mandatory registration in a class journal or a journal registration of the briefing;

    3.4. Forms motivation to the teachings of each individual child, studying its age and individual characteristics for the development and stimulation of cognitive interests;

    3.5. Carries out help studying in learning activities; reveals the causes of low progress, organizes their elimination;

    3.6. Complies with the rights and freedoms of students;

    3.7. Promotes additional education to students through a system of circles, clubs, sections, associations organized at school, institutions of additional education of children and at the place of residence;

    3.8. Creates conditions for the successful existence of a child in secondary schoolpromotes versatile creative development personality, spiritual and moral formation;

    3.9. Together with the bodies of self-government, students are actively promoting a healthy lifestyle; Conducts physical cultural, sports and other events that contribute to the health improvement of students in the classroom;

    3.10. Ensures the unity of educational impact on the student of the family and school, conducts work with parents; If necessary, connects the competent authorities to protect the rights of the child or providing financial assistance, provides social defense children;

    3.11. Creates a favorable microenvironment and a moral and psychological climate for each classroom study;

    3.12. Contributes to the development of the students' skills of communication, helps the learning to solve problems arising in communication with comrades, teachers, parents;

    3.13. Exercises the study of the personality of each study in the class of his inconsistencies, interests, directs the self-education and self-development of the student's personality, makes the necessary adjustments to the system of its upbringing;

    3.14. Analyzes the state and determines the prospects for the development of a class team;

    3.15. Represents the Deputy Director of the School on educational work a written report on its activities at the end of each school fourth;

    3.16. Leads in the prescribed order class documentation, controls the filling of the learning diaries and the stimulation of estimates in them;

    3.17. Participates in the work of the Pedagogical Council of the School;

    3.18. Systematically visits in conjunction with the class of communal measures;

    3.19. Systematically raises their own professional qualifications; participates in the activities of methodical associations;

    3.20. Works on schedule compiled by the approved school principal;

    3.21. Organizes class duty at school according to the schedule approved by the school principal;

    3.22. Complicate ethical norms of behavior in school, in everyday life, in public places corresponding to the public situation of the teacher.

    4. Rights

    Cool leader has the right within its competence:

    4.1. Receive information about the mental and physical health of children;

    4.2. Control the performance of each student;

    4.3. Monitor the attendance of training sessions by children;

    4.5. Coordinate and guide the work of this class teachers in a single bed;

    4.6. Organize educational work with educational class through "small pedsovets", pedagogical consultations, thematic and other events;

    4.7. To make an administration for consideration by the Council of the General Education Office, agreed with the class team;

    4.8. Inviting parents (or persons replacing);

    4.9. In coordination with the administration of the general education institution, contact the Commission on Minors, to the Psychological and Medical and Pedagogical Commission, to the Commission and advice to facilitate the family of school at enterprises;

    4.10. Determine the individual mode of operation, with children based on the specific situation;

    4.11. Will experimental work on education issues.

    4.12. On the premium to the official salary, award and other measures of material and moral incentives;

    4.13. Participate in contests, festivals and other events, both personally, and his pupils;

    4.14. On the logistical and methodological support of the educational process organized by them;

    4.15. For support and assistance from the administration;

    4.16. For advanced training and professional skills in the school walls and the system of additional vocational education.

    5. Responsibility

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a cool leader is responsible:

    5.1. For the life and health of the student class during the events held by them, as well as for violation of their rights and freedoms.

    5.2. For non-fulfillment or improper performance without valid reasons for the Charter and Regulations of the Internal Labor Regulations of the School, the legal order of the School Director, local regulations, duties established by the job description;

    5.3. Personal responsibility for improper performance of anti-terrorist safety requirements in school in accordance with applicable law.

    5.4. For use, including single, methods of education associated with physical and (or) mental violence on the personality of the study, as well as the commission of another immoral misconduct;

    5.5. For the guilty causing school or participants educational process Damage in connection with the execution (non-fulfillment) of its official duties, the class teacher carries material liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil law.

    6. Relationship. Communication by position

    6.1. Interacts with subject teachers, represents the interests of their pupils on pedagogical Council, includes them hourly work on subjects, a variety of subject circles, electives, participation in subject weeks, Olympiads, thematic evenings, etc. Events;

    6.2. Together with the teacher-psychologist, the individual features of students, the process of adaptation and integration in micro and macro-society; Coordinates the connection of the psychologist and parents, helps to determine the choice of profession on the basis of psychological and pedagogical research;

    6.3. Cooperates with teachers of additional education, contributes to the inclusion of schoolchildren in various creative associations for interests (mugs, sections, clubs) operating both at school and additional education institutions;

    6.4. Contributes to the inclusion of children in the activities of a children's public organization, cooperating with senior counselors, organizing informing about existing children's and youth public Organization and associations;

    6.5. Collaborates with school librarians with the aim of expanding the circle of reading learning;

    6.6. Organizes work to improve the pedagogical and psychological culture of parents through parental meetings, joint activities

    6.7. Constantly cares about the health of his pupils, using the information received from medical workers.

    Institute cool leadership In secondary schools, it is determined by the need to coordinate educational and educational work on average and senior training links. The class teacher is a multifunctional responsibility that superimposes serious personal responsibility for the results of the development of children and groups of students on the teacher.

    Therefore, the duties of the class teacher at school are regulated by a special position. This document is provided for by the list of internal mandatory regulatory documents in an educational institution.

    Official duties of the class teacher

    The appointment to the position of a class manager is carried out by order of the Director of the Educational Institution and is controlled by the Deputy Head of Educational Work. Mandatory condition is the presence of higher or pedagogical education.

    there is an organization of education, extracurricular development and children in the class, the protection of the interests of children and the children's team in the school and educational environment, the organization of work with the parents of students.

    The results of the work are provided in analytical form, reports to all interested in the subjects of the educational space: the pedagogical team, administrative authorities, parents. The structure of official duties includes the following sections:

    • Directions and tasks of work.
    • Working with students.
    • Formation of a children's team.
    • Work with the external environment.
    • Educational work.
    • Training.
    • Necessary knowledge and skills.
    • The rights and responsibility of the class teacher.

    Directions and tasks of work

    The activity of the class teacher is carried out in the three most important areas: an individual approach to each student, relations with the school team of students, interaction with the external environment. These activities are interconnected by each other. Individual work The student includes harmonization of relations with peers, its self-realization in the educational and extracurricular environment. Successful socialization in the children's team is the development of personality.

    In turn, the class as a subject of the educational environment serves as a natural ground for self-realization of each student.

    The sense of significance for the collective and recognition of the child in the school environment - organic elements in the system of training and development of children.

    The duties of the class teacher include the establishment of creative, positive relations with parents of children. The organization of joint events is the shortest way to establish contacts at the "School-Family" level.

    Work with students

    The class teacher participates in the formation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the student's personality in intellectual, physical and spiritual spheres. For this, he must know the features of the identity of each child, the conditions of his life in the family. The classroom of the class leader includes:

    • A visit to the family of the child and establish contacts with parents.
    • Analysis of student academic performance.
    • Registration of personal affairs students.
    • Control of visiting classes and the prevention of deviant forms of behavior.

    Based on the knowledge of students and, taking into account their personal opportunities, the teacher helps the disclosure of the participating potential in the team fully.

    Formation of a children's team

    The class teacher is responsible for the formation of a school team, for the processes of socialization. Because a lot of them depends on their effectiveness: students, their first experience in the process of socialization, the experience of relations with the senior participants in the education process, learning performance.

    The class teacher includes the formation of a qualitative sociocultural environment in the form of a school union of students. What ways of work are provided to achieve this goal?

    • Cold organizational events.
    • Analysis and evaluation internal climate Student team.
    • Extracurricular cultural, sports and intellectual events.
    • Joint events with parents.
    • Trips and participation in events of different levels: regional, urban, regional.

    Work with an external environment

    Working with parents, protection and presentation of the interests of each student and the team as a whole in the external environment (school, city) are important points that are included in the functional responsibilities of the class leader.

    A class leader is aimed at helping the child in awareness of himself a member of the school society, helps children understand their share of responsibility for collective achievements.

    To form a healthy climate of the children's educational environment, the formation of favorable conditions for students is included in the duties of the class teacher at school. For this purpose used:

    • Organization of cultural and sports events.
    • Organization of duty.
    • Assistance in the process of self-organization of collective forms of activity.
    • Participation in contests, intellectual events, Olympiads.

    Educational work

    Education in school is the leading activity, but other functions are equally important. Educational work of the class manager by the group of students is a conscious formation of positive and socially meaningful forms The behavior of students aimed at making them moral prescriptions of the Company. Education is carried out in various forms:

    • Thematic collections.
    • Educational activities.
    • Active participation in socially popular forms of behavior (assistance to veterans, participation in subbates, organization of concerts, speeches, competitions).


    Self-development skill must be inherent in each teacher.

    increased qualifications in accordance with the plan of the educational institution, as well as as an element of self-education. It can be:

    • Participation in creative competitions for teachers.
    • Visit the pedagogical seminars, conferences.
    • Participation in professional exchange.
    • Studying printed materials and publications on the subject.
    • Work on practical seminars on the development of modern communicative techniques.

    Required knowledge and skills

    For professional implementation, the teacher must have a certain complex of knowledge and be able to use them in practical activities.

    • Own knowledge of children and and physiology.
    • Master to be able to establish contact with students and parents.
    • Know working methods with groups and own modern methods individual work.
    • the knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Law "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on Human Rights and Freedoms, Local Acts and Rules of Work.

    The rights and responsibility of the class teacher

    Pedagogue is a high degree of responsibility. The duties are challenged to be a model for behavior. Violation of these rules is fraught with negative consequences for the teacher himself.

    Since it is impossible to demand compliance with the rules from children if they violate the one who is responsible for the upbringing.

    The rights and obligations of the class teacher have both external, regulatory regulations and internal, moral prescriptions whose violation may lead to serious consequences that affect the behavior of students.

    Cool leader has the right:

    • Receive information about the psychophysiological characteristics of the student.
    • Control the results of study.
    • Show the initiative to improve the forms of work at the school level.
    • Receive methodological, consulting support from administration and narrow-profile specialists.
    • Invite to school legal representatives of students to address issues on their upbringing and training.
    • Protect the honor and dignity in case of disagreement with an assessment by the administration, parents, students, other participants in the educational process.

    The responsibility of the class teacher:

    • For non-fulfillment or improper execution of rules and prescriptions defined by internal regulatory documents.
    • For violation of the norms of Russian legislation and the law "On Education"