Summer intensive courses in interior design at the British Higher School of Design. Summer plans: review of courses, lectures and intensive courses for adults and children What you will learn

    Professional graphics

    General information. Tasks and types of architectural graphics, the role of graphics in architectural design, graphic execution of drawings at different stages of design. Types of graphic design of drawings: linear graphics; tonal, black and white and polychrome. Construction drawing: general information about architectural and construction drawings. Rules for the preparation of project documentation.

    Basics of architectural composition

    Composition is one of the most complex and fundamentally important disciplines in the professional training of a designer. In the process of teaching the basics of composition, the basic rules of working with compositional space are studied. Techniques and means of conveying various concepts are studied, such as: symmetry, asymmetry, rhythm, space, etc. The composition course is of paramount importance in developing an understanding of the structure of images, imaginative thinking, creative expression and helps you find the necessary resources to create and visualize ideas in the creative design process.

    Color Basics

    Color theory. Basic characteristics of color (hue, lightness, saturation). Color circle. Means of color harmonization. Psychological impact colors. Color associations. Color and space.

    Drawing by representation

    Graphic professional language of the designer for expressing ideas in the development of design solutions. Point, line. Geometric structures: linear constructive drawing of flat geometric shapes and tel; tonal pattern of geometric bodies; combinatorics. The relationship between freehand drawing and computer modeling in design Mastering the skills of drawing by representation makes it possible to depict any designed forms, helps students develop volumetric-spatial thinking, analyze the shape of an object, its plasticity, and proportions.

    Interior sketching

    A live, professional design drawing is an effective tool for communication with the customer, allowing you to most quickly and efficiently respond to all comments, wishes and questions, making it possible to raise the professional status of the author in the eyes of the customer, which cannot but affect the overall assessment of the work. The purpose of the classes is to teach students to be fluent in sketching techniques in order to be able to quickly and efficiently depict their ideas.

    Topic 5. History of styles.

    The general concept of style, style as a living historical fabric, constantly changing and developing. Patterns of style development. History of decor. History of interior styles from ancient times to the present day. Leading schools and design masters. The role of design in modern world. Stylization methods for decorating residential premises. Fashion trends interior solutions for public and residential premises.

    Ergonomics Basics

    Basic concepts of ergonomics. Principles and techniques of ergonomic research of environmental objects, elements of equipment and the content of spaces for various functional purposes.

    Functional organization and stylization of residential interior

    Properties of interior space, techniques and means for solving enclosing surfaces. Artistic image of the interior. Modern methods stylization and decoration of residential interiors. Ergonomics of living space, its functional zoning. Color in the interior. Organization of lighting of living space and its functional zones. Emotional-spatial properties of color, the concept of color scale in living space, harmonious color combinations. The concept of “conditionality” of color. Furniture and equipment, elements of the subject environment, their role in the life and image of the designed living space. Selection of furniture, accessories, fabrics and materials, lamps, decorative elements in a residential interior. Selection of visualization techniques for interior solutions.

    Specifics practical activities designer. Drawing up technical specifications, Carrying out measurements. Work with the customer and subcontractors. Site visits.

    PR for designers

    How to get published? What promotion opportunities are there besides publishing interiors in magazines?

    Working with suppliers of interior finishing materials

    The classes are designed to familiarize students with the types of finishing materials used in interiors. Natural and artificial finishing materials, their scope in various interior solutions. Newest technologies and materials. Ways to implement interior design ideas in the process of implementation when selecting finishing materials and equipment elements in the living space. During classes, students attend master classes, salons, professional exhibitions, and production facilities.

    Architectural design

    Design as a view creative activity. Norms and rules for interior design. Design order. Sequence of interior design work. Specifics and features of environment design, taking into account the specific functional purpose and ergonomic requirements. Sketch stage of design in the process of searching for a conceptual idea for a design solution. Structural components of the interior. Means of implementing the interior design in the project using such means as: interior finishing materials, color solutions, functional lighting with the selection of lamps, decorative additions, etc. Working with catalogs and reference books on equipment and finishing materials. Selection of visualization techniques for interior solutions. Implementation of interior design projects for public and residential premises with mandatory protection.

We will talk about lighting design. If in Europe this direction has long been one of the important components of interior design, then we are just beginning to form an understanding that the development of competent lighting is as important a part of the interior project as competent zoning, layout, color combinations, selection of materials and furniture. The main objectives of the course are to explain to students the nature of light, teach them to think with light, and give them working lighting techniques with which they can implement their ideas in interiors. The course is designed for both young and experienced professionals, interior designers and architects who want to expand their knowledge of lighting and learn how to use light as a tool in their work.

To participate in the intensive, we managed to assemble a team of the best lighting professionals in our country. Listeners will be able to consider the issue of lighting from all sides: this includes architecture, design, lighting engineering, and lighting control. Representatives of design companies, representatives of lighting factories, architects and designers will come to us and talk about their experience working with light and about completed projects. One of the days of the intensive will be entirely devoted to creating and developing your own lamp, which will be an excellent opportunity to understand how different materials and shapes work with light. In addition to lectures, practical workshops will be held daily ( practical lessons in general, are the basis of our intensive), where intensive participants will work directly with lighting equipment, model and create their own lighting scenes, learn to select lamps and luminaires for their projects and justify their choice to the customer.

Our course is an introductory part to a very interesting profession. Light is a powerful weapon with which space changes and transforms. It’s difficult to master all the nuances of the profession in eight days, but I hope we can lift the curtain and awaken interest in lighting design. In addition, we, of course, will give the necessary theory, teach you how to calculate illumination and explain why LEDs are good/bad. But the main thing that our listeners will get at the end is a powerful tool for transforming space, which they can use in their projects.

I live in America, or rather in sunny, sunny California, almost on the coast Pacific Ocean. If you ask me “Was it difficult to move?”... Friends, of course it was difficult! But what I was 99 and 9 percent sure of was my English. Because already at that moment I could talk and the Americans even understood me. […]

Vitaly Nadezhdin

I have been living in the UK for 3 years and studying at the Glion Institute of Higher Education. London stole my heart forever. I just love this city. But it’s quite difficult to live here without proper knowledge of English. Therefore, I want to say a huge thank you to the Start2Study courses! There was no cramming and no tediousness at all in these courses. And most importantly, there [...]

Pyotr Kuznetsov and Elena Bykova

Completed an English language course under the Start2Study program. The impressions are excellent, I finally got my head around the grammatical rules, which used to be very scary and seemed complicated. Classes are held in small groups, but there is always an individual approach, teachers answer all questions that arise, leaving no one unattended complex topic. The courses also include classes with native teachers [...]

Denis Trukhin

For a very long time I dreamed of starting to learn English, but as always, everything was either postponed or abandoned. One friend suggested that I go and look at the Start2Study courses. I arrived there, took the test, talked with the teacher, and my level was determined to be Elementary. The courses started literally in a week and I didn’t have much time to think, so I decided to start! […]

Tatiana Nikitenko

I owe my knowledge at the Upper-Intermediate level to the teachers of the Start2Study English language courses. Starting from Pre-Intermediate, for a year I studied with different teachers, both Russian-speaking and native speakers. It should be noted that each of them is unique, but all are united by high professional qualities, love for their field of knowledge and for us, students, as well as the ability to […]

An intensive English course is chosen if:

  • are you planning to switch to new job associated with English language;
  • you are about to travel independently or on a business trip abroad;
  • an English exam awaits you in the near future, and you want to quickly prepare for it;
  • you have to study or work abroad.

Another group for which this course optimal - those who have already studied English before. In this case, it is enough to remember the half-forgotten theory and use it as a basis for deeper mastery of the language at an accelerated pace.

Features of training

Intensive English courses in Moscow have a varied schedule. Depending on the availability of free time, these can be daily or 3-4 times a week for several hours. There are also weekend groups, in which case the number of hours per day increases proportionally.

In addition to increasing the number of classes, accelerated courses are based on an intensive communicative methodology. Its essence is training built on real communication: up to 80% of the lesson is speaking. Teaching is carried out according to a comprehensive scheme, which also includes reading, writing and listening. This practice allows you to quickly overcome the language barrier.

Acquired skills

Intensive English courses are conducted for students with different levels preparation: both for beginners and for those who want to improve. To determine your level of language proficiency, you need to take a test. Based on its results, you can choose the optimal program for yourself.

The multi-level system of courses according to the international standard CEFR includes 7 levels (from 0 to 6). The skills you acquire will directly depend on your goals. Knowledge of level 1-2 is quite enough to do without the services of an interpreter when traveling abroad. Levels 3-6 are designed for those who plan to study or work, as well as permanent residence abroad.

Price range

The cost of Intensive English group courses starts on average from 300 rubles. per academic hour. If you want to study individually or with native speaking teachers, the cost may be higher.

Distinctive features

Intensive programs are a training format that allows you to master the required amount of English in as soon as possible. Its main points:

  • material regular course absorbed approximately twice as fast;
  • progress is achieved by increasing hours, while the quality of training does not suffer;
  • Thanks to the rich program, you can deeply immerse yourself in the language environment.