Personal qualities of a creative person, motivation for creativity. Personal qualities of a creative personality Properties and qualities of a creative personality

I am glad to welcome you, my dear readers!

Today I would like to consider in detail the topic of the creative potential inherent in every person. You may not even realize it, but I assure you that the makings of a creator are inherent in each of you.

Let's consider the main character qualities characteristic of creative individuals.

1. Dreaming means getting as close to reality as possible

It turns out that dreaming is very useful!

Creative people dream a lot, turning thoughts into reality. Inspiration is unexplained phenomenon, which visits a person at the most unexpected moment.

Dreaming is necessary in order to reveal your inner potential, to give an opportunity to an idea to come into your bright head. Left alone with himself, ideas suddenly fill the inside of the creator.

Remember one thing, very famous expression: " The thought is material"... Just two words, but how much power there is in this phrase!

Interesting and bold thoughts are the result of the emergence of imaginary images in the human brain. Dreams tend to come true, so you need to dream always and everywhere.

But It is advisable to dream carefully and positively, since the results of imagination acquire a material form over time

By dreaming, we give birth to new thoughts, so dream healthy!

Conclusion: Daydreaming gives birth to amazing thoughts and ideas!

2. Observer position – as a way of receiving information from the outside

Where do creative people get inspiration from?

Creators receive information from everywhere, from all kinds of sources... They are like sponges, absorbing everything that surrounds them and what happens to them.

Being inspired by people's emotions, or, for example, traveling... while experiencing tender feelings, great people create new masterpieces. Every idea is the result of information received from the environment.

An excellent way to capture information is to record your own observations, experiences and events. By recording information, you can later reproduce it in your memory.

For example, my desk at home is covered in reminder papers... I constantly write something down, every day and at any time. It even happened that an interesting thought came to me when I was going to bed... already in bed... and what do you think... I immediately jumped up to write it down, put it on paper, so as not to lose it or forget it! And at home I not only have a desk covered in papers, but also half a dining table...

Conclusion: Wherever you are, BE THERE! Develop your powers of observation and record them in your memory

3. Overcoming difficulties - as a way of one’s own self-realization

Have you ever wondered why we need difficulties?

Overcoming them, a person grows and develops..... Is it hard to go uphill? Definitely YES! But climbing a mountain and conquering its peak, a huge force begins to grow and develop within us... Let’s imagine that the mountain is the difficulties...

So it turns out that life’s problems and difficult situations become a source of inspiration, while a person tries to fill the inner emptiness with new impressions and creative ideas.

To advance, change or improve their lives, many people use adversity as fuel for personal growth and improving their standard of living….

Experiences provoke a lot of emotions that can be realized in creativity. Spiritual development and receiving life experience- a catalyst for rediscovering oneself, as creative personality.

Creativity helps to cope with internal experiences and start living again. Therefore, the most important need of any person is, of course, self-realization.

Conclusion: Life’s difficulties often seed the seed of creativity and help in self-realization

4. New experiences inspire

Stepping outside your comfort zone is a source of inspiration. By studying the versatility of the external world, you can expand the boundaries of your inner consciousness.

By gaining experience in various areas of life, you become a successful person.

I talk about this often in my classes... what, expanding our field of vision in creativity,we get new impressions and positive creative energy

Conclusion: Curiosity and openness to everything new is the key to success in everything!

5. Failure is a great motivation to overcome obstacles

Remember what confident and successful people say? — “After a fall there is always a rise!” How do they know this? Yes, because they themselves “tried on” all the delights of failure!

Creative people often face defeat and lack of recognition as creators... And this often becomes a strong incentive to achieve greater heights.

But after a black streak of failures, a white, cloudless streak always comes. Without giving up and continuing to move forward, you can achieve great heights.

By the way, many famous artists, actors and composers suffered fiasco, but got up.... And they walked again towards their dream, towards their goal, firmly believing in success!

Failure only makes a strong-willed person stronger.

Conclusion: Failure gives birth to new, ingenious creative solutions

6. Curious debates help find the right solution.

Do you like to argue?

Did you know that the solution to many problems comes through argument? By exploring life, asking questions and receiving logical answers, you can come to the right conclusions.

Drawing information resources from many sources, you fill your own world useful information, which may be useful to you in life.

Conclusion: In disputes and discussions the truth comes

7. Every person is an inspiration

By observing people, their behavior and drawing on their energy, creative individuals are able to obtain unique ideas that can be implemented different ways: both on canvas and paper.

By getting to know a person, studying him and interacting with him, the creator reveals the essence of human nature.

Curiosity and special observation of human nature have given us a huge number of literary and works of art... Like everything ingenious, it is at the same time simple and at the same time complex...

Conclusion: The best creative ideas come to us through exploration. human essence... in other words, the study and knowledge of human psychology

8. Loneliness – as an expression of freedom

The best works of artists and writers are the result of their solitude, some renunciation of reality. The creative potential of a person depends on internal balance, the connection of mind, soul and body.

For example, I spend most of my time in my workshop, I tune into the wave of creation in deep solitude... just canvas, my idea and music... I mainly select the genre of music to match the plot of my future work. For a calm landscape, for example, I listen to jazz and blues, and when I paint a contrasting, impulsive picture, there is already rhythmic, fast music...

And it happens that when I listen to my favorite style of music (hard rock of the 70s), it’s as if I fall into a special state, thanks to which new works are born, unlike others... experimental, and very successful.

Therefore, I can say with confidence that music has a direct impact on both the plot and the character of your picture... oh, I’ve moved away from the topic, I’m back... and I confirm that Only in deep solitude can one contemplate and generate great ideas

Conclusion: Contemplate while alone with yourself

9. Lack of frames and restrictions

Inspiration comes at the most unexpected moment; it is simply impossible to predict the time and date of your visit. The best hours to receive information from outside are considered to be early morning and late evening.

Creative individuals do not tolerate restrictions and strict execution of assigned tasks. Most likely, Creativity suffers defeat in captivity.

Conclusion: Let your inspiration run free

10. Following your desires, success comes unexpectedly

In the pursuit of success, creators receive excellent motivation, which stimulates them to action. Talent is revealed through decision. complex tasks and overcoming difficulties. The end always justifies the means, so desires become reality.

Conclusion: Desire secured by motivation is doomed to success

11. Immersion in the world of creativity

Creating masterpieces of creativity, the authors of many works are immersed in a special state of their own consciousness, in which the passage of time is lost. Concentrating and immersing himself in his favorite activity, the creator renounces reality, being in a state of euphoria.

Yes Yes,…. This is exactly what I wrote about above.. Remember... loneliness, canvas and the right music.... And the whole world in my eyes ceases to exist for a while!!!

Conclusion: Dissolve and feel reconnected with the creative world

12. Beauty surrounded by the creator

Do you like different beautiful things?

For example, I adore different figurines, beautiful artistically designed furniture, mysterious and bewitching paintings... this is of course my taste, it may be different for everyone

In general, a sense of taste is inherent in every creative person.

By surrounding themselves with beautiful things, creators create a special atmosphere in which they feel comfortable living.

So we get the CONCLUSION: beauty begets beauty!

And at the end of this article I will summarize. Non-standard solutions, originality of actions, the will of imagination and love for the creation process are the key to the success of creative self-realization.

The right emotional mood and calmness are mandatory companions for a creative person. By concentrating and completely immersing yourself in your work, you can create a real work of art.

Unlocking your creative potential and achieving success is very simple; to do this, you just need to persistently pursue your goal... to become a creative stubborn person.

My dears, dream, argue, absorb, follow your desires, show curiosity and expand your horizons in art and creativity... and be brilliant creators of your life! Good luck to you in any creative endeavors!

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Creativity is not a rare privilege of extraordinary individuals. Most people create something new in their Everyday life. Each person creates his own ideas and puts them into public use. In turn, he draws ideas from his social environment, renews and enriches its views, skills, knowledge and culture with new elements.

Differences between people in this regard are only quantitative; they determine greater or lesser socially significant value what this or that person creates.

Creative abilitythis is a special ability to rearrange elements in the field of consciousness in an original way so that this restructuring provides the ability to perform new operations in the field of phenomena. This definition assumes the existence of two "fields" − fields of consciousness, And fields of phenomena, that is, the physical environment from which a person receives information. All people create, at least in childhood. But for many this function atrophies quite quickly; For some, it not only remains, but also develops, and constitutes the goal and meaning of their entire life.

Science is a means of creating new knowledge. Therefore, when solving scientific problems, the realization of human creative potential requires possession of the necessary knowledge. Scientific creativity is available only to professionals, specialists who, with the help of imagination, create images and concepts that have universal value.

All science can be divided into "primary" And "secondary". The first is the sphere of obtaining fundamental knowledge. The second is the sphere of development and practical (applied) use of fundamental knowledge. Both spheres closely interact with each other and cannot exist without each other.

For geophysics, the lack of understanding by academic and ministerial authorities of the fundamental importance of this interaction turned out to be far from harmless. Geophysical science was artificially divided along departmental lines into fundamental (academic research institutes) and applied (industry research institutes of the Ministry of Geosciences and the Ministry of Petroleum Industry). This division has become one of the reasons for the current crisis in domestic geophysics.

When analyzing creative activity, it is important to distinguish between concepts such as "creation" And "productivity". A productive scientist can, without having high creative potential, be an excellent systematizer, formalizing and developing into a specific system ideas and hypotheses proposed by other specialists (this is the sphere of “secondary” science). A scientist with great creative potential may be unproductive in terms of the number of things he creates. scientific works. But we can point out many scientists who simultaneously combined high creative potential with high productivity (Euler, Gauss, Helmholtz, Mendeleev, N.I. Vavilov, L.D. Landau, I.E. Tamm, N.V. Timofeev-Resovsky, V. P. Efroimson, A. A. Lyubishchev).

Why do some people create masterpieces: paintings, music, clothes, technical innovations, while others can only use them? Where does inspiration come from and is it initially clear that a person is creative or can this quality be gradually developed? Let's try to find answers to these questions and understand the secrets of those who know how to create.

When we come to an art exhibition or visit a theater or opera, we can answer with accuracy - this is an example of creativity. The same examples can be found in a library or cinema. Novels, films, poetry - all these are also examples of what a person with a non-standard approach can create. However, work for creative people, whatever it may be, always has one result - the birth of something new. Such a result is the simple things that surround us in everyday life: a light bulb, a computer, television, furniture.

Creativity is a process during which material and spiritual values ​​are created. Of course, assembly line production is not part of this, but every thing was once the first, unique, completely new. As a result, we can conclude: everything around us was originally what a creative person created in the process of his work.

Sometimes, as a result of such activities, the author receives a product, a product that no one but him can repeat. Most often this applies specifically to spiritual values: paintings, literature, music. Consequently, we can conclude that creativity requires not only special conditions, but also the personal qualities of the creator.

Process description

In fact, no creative person has ever wondered how he manages to achieve this or that result. What did you have to endure during this sometimes very long period of creation? What stages needed to be overcome? A psychologist from Britain at the end of the 20th century, Graham Wallace, was puzzled by these questions. As a result of his activities, he identified the main points of the creative process:

  • Preparation;
  • incubation;
  • insight;
  • examination.

The first point is one of the longest stages. It includes the entire training period. A person who has no previous experience in a particular field cannot create something unique and valuable. First you have to study. This could be mathematics, writing, drawing, design. All previous experience becomes the basis. After which an idea, goal or task appears that needs to be solved, relying on previously acquired knowledge.

The second point is the moment of detachment. When long work or searches do not produce a positive result, you have to throw everything aside and forget. But this does not mean that our consciousness also forgets about everything. We can say that the idea remains to live and develop in the depths of our soul or mind.

And then one day inspiration comes. All the possibilities of creative people open up, and the truth comes out. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve your goal. Not every task is within our power. The last point includes diagnosis and analysis of the result.

Character of a creative person

For many decades, scientists and ordinary people have been trying to better understand not only the process itself, but also to study the special qualities of the creators. of great interest to people. As experience shows, representatives of this type are usually distinguished by high activity, expressive behavior and cause conflicting reviews from others.

In fact, no model developed by psychologists is an exact template. For example, such a trait as neuroticism is often inherent in people who create spiritual values. Scientists and inventors are distinguished by their stable psyche and balance.

Each person, creative or not, is unique, something in us resonates, and something does not coincide at all.

There are several character traits that are more characteristic of such individuals:



    not too friendly attitude towards others.

    The latter is probably due to the fact that people think differently. They feel misunderstood, judged, or not accepted for who they are.

    Main differences

    If there is a very creative person on your list of friends, then you will definitely understand this. Such personalities often have their head in the clouds. They are true dreamers; even the most crazy idea seems like a reality for them. In addition, they look at the world as if under a microscope, noticing details in nature, architecture, and behavior.

    Many famous people who created masterpieces did not have a usual working day. There are no conventions for them, and the creative process occurs at a convenient time. Someone chooses early morning, for some people, their potential awakens only when the sun sets. Such people do not often appear in public; they spend most of their time alone. It’s easier to think in a calm and familiar atmosphere. At the same time, their desire for something new constantly pushes them to search.

    These are strong, patient and risk-taking individuals. No failure can break faith in success.

    Modern research

    Previously, the opinions of scientists agreed that a person was either born creative or not. Today this myth is completely dispelled, and we can say with confidence that developing talents is available to everyone. And at any period of your life.

    With desire and perseverance, the basic qualities of a creative person can be developed in yourself. In the only case where it is impossible to achieve a positive result is when a person personally does not want to make changes in his life.

    Modern research has led to the conclusion that intellectual abilities increase if you combine logic and creativity. In the first case, the left hemisphere is involved in the work, in the second - the right. By activating as many parts of the brain as possible, you can achieve greater results.

    Work for a creative person

    After graduating from school, graduates are faced with the question: where to go? Everyone chooses a path that seems more interesting and understandable to them, at the end of which a goal or result is visible. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize the potential inherent in us.

    What do you think is the best job for creative people? The answer is simple: any! Whatever you do: housekeeping or design space stations- everywhere you can show resourcefulness and ingenuity, create and surprise.

    The only thing that can really interfere with this process is third-party interference. Many managers independently deprive their employees of the desire to make independent decisions.

    A good boss will support impulses for development and creativity, of course, if this does not interfere with the main process.


    Let's think about why the character of a creative person is so difficult to clearly analyze and structure. Most likely, this is due to a number of paradoxical traits that are inherent in such people.

    Firstly, they are all intellectuals, well-grounded in knowledge, but at the same time they are as naive as children. Secondly, despite their excellent imagination, they are well versed in the structure of this world and see everything clearly. Openness and communication skills are only external manifestations. Creativity very often hides in the depths of personality. Such people think a lot and conduct their own monologue.

    It is interesting that by creating something new, they, one might say, introduce some dissonance into the existing course of life. At the same time, everyone is insanely conservative, their habits often become more important than those around them.

    Genius and creativity

    If a person, as a result of his activities, has created something impressive, something that has amazed those around him and changed his ideas about the world, then he wins true recognition. Such people are called geniuses. Of course, for them creation and creativity are life.

    But not always even the most creative people achieve results that can change the world. But sometimes they themselves do not strive for this. For them, creativity is, first of all, an opportunity to be happy at the present time, in the place where they are.

    You don't have to be a genius to prove yourself. Even the smallest results can make you personally more confident, positive and joyful.


    Creativity helps people open their souls, express their feelings, or create something new. Anyone can develop creativity, the main thing is to have a great desire and a positive attitude.

    It is necessary to get rid of conventions, look at the world with different eyes, perhaps try yourself in something new.

    Remember - creativity is like a muscle. It needs to be regularly stimulated, pumped up, developed. It is necessary to set goals of various scales and not give up if nothing works out the first time. Then at some point you yourself will be surprised at how dramatically life has changed, and you will begin to realize that you also brought into the world something necessary and new for people.

The personality quality that helps today's students live in a new, constantly changing world is creativity as a readiness for constant, lifelong personal and professional development. Readiness for further development is understood as a system of properties and qualities of a student, providing him with the need and opportunity to “re-equip himself” (V.I. Slobodchikov) with new knowledge and skills, new strategies and tactics of interaction with others.

For pedagogy, both objective creativity, represented by original, new socially significant products (new theories, scientific discoveries, works of art), and subjective creativity of students, manifested in the mastery of new ways of cognitive activity for a given individual, in the discovery of new meanings in previous activities, are significant.

The dynamics of the development of a student’s creative potential are judged by the development of such personal new formations as:

    the ability to discover new knowledge;

    the emergence of new motives and goals of educational activities;

    possession of new (for the individual) ways of activity;

    improvisation as the ability to quickly make decisions;

    expansion of the field of intellectual activity;

    creativity, i.e. fruitfulness in educational and cognitive activity.

Personal new formations enrich all components of human activity: motivational, intellectual-logical, emotional-volitional, practically effective.

Training, being an integral part of education, is developmental if its content, methods of organization, forms of implementation are focused on more effective holistic development of the individual, the formation of his readiness for further self-improvement throughout his life.

7.3 Technologies for developing the creative potential of the individual

A necessary condition for organizing educational and creative activities aimed at developing students’ creative abilities and innovative thinking is the creation of a developing, cultural and educational environment in educational institution. In modern theory and practice of education, the term “adaptive school” is increasingly used.

Adaptive(from lat. adaptatio - device) a school is one that is able to help each student achieve an optimal level of general and intellectual development for him in accordance with his natural inclinations and inclinations. Such a school is the cultural-forming environment in which the development of each student as a subject of life creativity is ensured. An adaptive school implements the principle: “the school is for the child, not the child for the school,” which is the defining attitude for the education system of the 21st century. Schools that adapt their students to independent decision educational and life tasks, to learning as self-change, self-creativity, are created based on the following principles:

    principle of adaptability, i.e., creating a school that, on the one hand, is maximally adapted to students with their individual characteristics, and on the other hand, it can respond flexibly to socio-cultural changes in the environment (not a child for school, but a school for a child!);

    development principle involving the creation of conditions for each student to fully realize his abilities;

    the principle of psychological comfort, aimed at removing all stress-forming factors of the educational process, creating a relaxed atmosphere that stimulates creative activity;

    the principle of a semantic relationship to the world, requiring not abstract knowledge and attitude to the world, but one’s own, conscious knowledge about the world around us;

    principle of the orienting function of knowledge, aiming the school “not to impose on the student the world created by adults, but to help him transform the directly obvious sensory world with thought” (P.P. Blonsky). Indicative basis various types Cognitive practical-transforming activity for a schoolchild is the knowledge he acquires. A personality is formed not only as a knower, but also as a creator;

    principle of learning activities, requiring not only to act, but also to set goals for activities, identify tasks, the solution of which leads to the achievement of intended results, monitor and adjust the progress of activities;

    creative principle, aimed at developing the child’s need and ability to independently find solutions to previously unheard-of academic and extracurricular problems.

In the educational practice of adaptive schools, innovative teaching technologies are used. In pedagogy, there are several classifications of technologies; in accordance with one of them, two groups are distinguished: subject-oriented and person-oriented (developmental) technologies.

Subject-oriented technologies include technologies for complete assimilation educational material students, level differentiation technologies, concentrated learning technologies. These technologies implement the traditional approach for education: with proper organization of training, the vast majority of schoolchildren are able to fully master the required educational material.

Personality-oriented technologies are aimed at more effective personal development and self-development of students as subjects of activity, based on their individual characteristics and experience.

The criterion feature of student-oriented learning technologies is not only the level of acquired knowledge, but also the formation of mental qualities and personal formations in students. Therefore, such technologies are also called developmental.

An important role in creating an environment that stimulates the creative development of students is played by the form of organization of their educational and cognitive activities.

In the system of classroom and lesson organization educational process so-called unconventional, unusual lessons appeared. These include those in which the student participates in the “production” of his knowledge, skills, and ways of interacting with classmates and teachers. Non-traditional lessons are those built on the original organization of mastering educational material: peer teaching lesson, eureka lesson, reflection lesson, portrait lesson, panorama lesson, game lesson. Lessons similar to organized events activate the creative search of students and teachers: auctions, conferences, a dissertation defense lesson, a dedication lesson. These lessons require joint design of learning activities, when the student interacts with the teacher as a partner, acquiring knowledge together with the teacher. In such lessons, technologies such as “brainstorming” and “brainstorming”, which have already been discussed, work productively.

Thus, to summarize the material presented in this module, we note that:

1 The development of students' creative potential in the educational process can be effectively carried out if educational and cognitive activities are organized as educational and creative activities using personality-oriented, or developmental, teaching technologies. These technologies are implemented based on psychological mechanisms such as associations and axiomatization, as well as on heuristic methods and techniques (heuristics) of training (brainstorming, brainstorming, the method of heuristic questions, the method of analogies, the method of synectics, gaming methods and technologies, etc. ). Named technologies and methods:

a) aimed at more effective personal development and self-development of students as subjects of educational and creative activity, based on their individual characteristics and experience;

b) allow you to increase the degree of motivation and emotionality, cognitive activity and independence of all participants in the educational process. The experience gained in educational and creative activities will help the individual solve non-standard life and professional problems, anticipate and prevent failures and mistakes, thereby ensuring the effectiveness of any type of activity.

2 A necessary condition for organizing the educational and creative activities of students is the creation of a developmental, or cultural and educational, environment of the school (university). In modern educational practice, there are a number of schools - an adaptive school, a school of self-determination, a school of dialogue of cultures - each of which is a developmental environment that ensures the development of the student “along an individual trajectory” as a subject of educational and creative activity. The principles of creating such an environment are: the principle of adaptability, development, psychological comfort, semantic attitude to the world, the indicative function of knowledge, learning activities, creativity.

3 The most important direction in the development of students’ creative potential is teaching the ability to solve and compose educational problems of a certain degree of complexity. At the same time, a mandatory component of students’ readiness to solve problems is the emotional component, the creation of a positive emotional mood and atmosphere. The emotional development of a person expands her intellectual capabilities and stimulates the formation of creative abilities.

4 Lessons aimed at organizing the educational and creative activities of students and developing their creative potential include the so-called non-traditional educational classes (game lesson, press conference lesson, mutual learning lesson, etc.), in which:

a) students are involved in the “production” of their knowledge, experience and methods of communication;

b) the principle of transformation (translation) of acquired knowledge into the emotional state of the student is implemented.

Psychologists of the humanistic direction (G. Allport and A. Maslow) believed that the initial source of creativity is personal growth; According to Maslow, this is the need for self-actualization, the full and free realization of one’s abilities and life opportunities.

A number of researchers believe that achievement motivation is necessary for creativity, while others believe that it blocks the creative process. However, most authors are still convinced that the presence of any motivation and personal passion is the main sign of a creative personality. To this are often added characteristics such as independence and conviction. Independence, focus on personal values, and not on external assessments, can perhaps be considered the main personal quality of a creative person.

Creative people have the following personality traits:

1) independence - personal standards are more important than group standards; non-conformity of assessments and judgments;

2) openness of mind - receptivity to the new and unusual;

3) high tolerance to uncertain and insoluble situations, constructive activity in these situations;

4) developed aesthetic sense, desire for beauty.

Among the numerous facts that confirm the crucial role of family-parental relationships, there are the following:

    As a rule, the eldest or only son in the family has a greater chance of showing creative abilities.

    Children who identify themselves with their parents (father) are less likely to show creativity. On the contrary, if a child identifies himself with the “ideal hero,” then he has a greater chance of becoming creative. This fact is explained by the fact that most children have parents who are “average”, uncreative people, and identification with them leads to the formation of uncreative behavior in children.

    More often, creative children appear in families where the father is much older than the mother.

    The early death of parents results in a lack of pattern of behavior with restricted behavior in childhood. This event is typical for the lives of both major politicians, outstanding scientists, and criminals and mentally ill people.

    For the development of creativity, increased attention to the child’s abilities is beneficial, a situation where his talent becomes an organizing principle in the family.

So, a family environment, where, on the one hand, there is attention to the child, and on the other hand, where various, inconsistent demands are placed on him, where there is little external control over behavior, where there are creative family members and non-stereotypical behavior is encouraged, leads to the development child's creativity.

The hypothesis that imitation is the main mechanism for the formation of creativity implies that in order to develop a child’s creative abilities, it is necessary that among the people close to the child there is a creative person with whom the child identifies himself. The identification process depends on relationships in the family: not the parents, but the “ perfect hero”, possessing creative traits to a greater extent than his parents.

Inharmonious emotional relationships in the family contribute to the child’s emotional distance from, as a rule, uncreative parents, but in themselves they do not stimulate the development of creativity.

For the development of creativity, an unregulated environment with democratic relations and the child’s imitation of a creative personality are necessary.

The development of creativity may proceed according to the following mechanism: on the basis of general giftedness, under the influence of the microenvironment and imitation, a system of motives and personal properties (nonconformism, independence, self-actualization motivation) is formed, and general giftedness is transformed into actual creativity (synthesis of giftedness and a certain personality structure).

Control questions

    Name the signs of a creative personality.

    By what principles should school education and upbringing be organized to achieve the greatest development of students’ creative potential?

    Name the technologies known to you for developing the creative potential of an individual.

    What factors of family education contribute to the development of a creative personality?

The more you do what you do,
the more you get of what you have.

There is creativity in almost every person. However, in the activities of some people, creativity is manifested to a greater extent, while in others it is less so.

Creative thinking requires you to continually dig deep within yourself and come up with ideas that are bigger, better, newer, faster, cheaper, and that you can use to improve your life. Creative people have at least seven special personality traits. When you practice one or more of these qualities, you become more creative.

The first quality of creative thinkers is their active curiosity. They strive to learn something new and constantly ask questions: “How?”, “Why?” etc. In this they are like children. Then they ask: “Why not?”, “Why can’t I do it?”

2. Thinking from the ground up

The second characteristic of creative people is that they practice “thinking from the ground up.” The philosophy of this approach means asking yourself: “If I weren’t doing what I’m doing now, and knew what I know now, would I start doing this?”

And if the answer is no, they stop what they are doing and start doing something else. It's amazing how many people persist in doing something they have no inclination to do.

3. Ability to change

Creative people have the value of being open to change. They recognize that in our world, unwillingness or inability to change leads to sad results. And if you prefer to be responsible for your life, you need not only to be prepared for inevitable changes, but also to organize them yourself.

According to one study, 70% of the decisions we make turn out to be wrong in the long run. This means you have to be willing to change your mind and try something else most of the time.

4. Admit when you're wrong.

The fourth creative component is the willingness to admit that you are wrong. A huge amount of people's mental and emotional energy is spent defending themselves from admitting that they have made a bad decision. Truly open-minded creative people must always be flexible and willing to change their minds and admit when they are wrong.

5. Continuous learning

Highly creative people have the freedom to admit that they don't know something. No one can know anything about everything, and it is very likely that almost everyone is wrong about some subjects.

Regardless of what problem you are faced with, someone has probably already dealt with it at some point and this solution is in use today. The easiest and most effective way to deal with the problem is to find a ready-made successful solution and copy it. Learning is all about learning from other people's experiences and putting them into practice.

6. Focus

The activities of creative people are focused on their goals, in achieving which they can be realized. They live productively and knowing exactly what they want; have a great idea of ​​what their goal will look like if it were a reality today. And the more they visualize and imagine their goal as a reality, the more creative they become and the faster they move towards achieving it.

7. Control your Ego

And finally, the seventh characteristic of highly creative people is that their ego is less involved in decision making. They are more concerned with what is right than who is right, and are willing to accept ideas from any source to solve their problems.

Creative thinking generates new ideas

The most important part of being a creative individual is. And the more ideas you generate, the better their quality will be. The more ideas you have, the more likely you are to succeed the right idea at the right time.

But Thomas Edison said: “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent labor.” The true sign of a creative person is the ability to come up with an idea and then put it into practice. Every time you generate new idea, make a plan for its implementation, and then carry it out, you develop your creative abilities. And the more you develop them, the more you will achieve in every area of ​​your life.