The blinking of the sun on October 17th. Black Sun over the Planet: The Sun blinked and switched! A new era has begun! The video shows the red-purple Sun and its blinking in the sky in Nigeria and Belgium

How the luminary will destroy our planet

A series of powerful solar flares attracted the attention of scientists and alarmed many of our fellow citizens. What is this, what is it fraught with? And don’t such active processes occurring on the star closest to us mean the beginning of any serious changes that could threaten earthly life in the foreseeable future? We tried to find answers to such questions with the help of research physicist Ivan Nazarenko.

September 2017 claims a place in the list of natural records, thanks to the powerful “cannonade” created by the Sun. One powerful flash, another... Powerful streams electromagnetic energy that hit the Earth... Scientists warn of possible negative consequences in the form of communication failures, accidents on transport systems, and deterioration in the well-being of weather-dependent people. But could something more global follow?

Irreversible changes occur on the Sun throughout its entire “life” – millions of years. These are the laws of physics,” emphasizes Ivan Nazarenko. – In the end, quantitative changes will turn into qualitative ones, and our luminary, having exhausted, so to speak, its energy resource, will die. The overwhelming majority of experts believe that this may not happen very soon - in 5-8 billion years.

However, some of their colleagues are much more pessimistic and predict the likely onset of an imminent “solar demise.” They indicate the possible development of processes on the Sun, which will lead to a supernova explosion. As a result, the outer solar shell will explode and for some time will emit energy in enormous quantities - the same amount per second as the Sun released in normal mode over the previous 10 thousand years.

Some of the supporters of this version believe that one of the signs of the beginning of a supernova transformation is, among other things, powerful flares on the Sun.

– Could this process take a long time? In other words, will there be enough solar life for our lifetime?

– Scientists do not have a common opinion here. For example, the Dutchman Piers van der Meyer once stated that the Sun would go supernova in 2010. He called the discovered noticeable increase in the temperature of solar matter one of the arguments in favor of precisely this development of events. However, as we have seen, the Dutch researcher, fortunately, was mistaken. Although the processes of activation on our luminary in Lately noticeable. Among them, of course, are the current very powerful outbreaks. However, to be honest, we still cannot give an unambiguous answer to the question - will the Sun die in the foreseeable future? We still know too little about the star closest to us and what is happening to it.

– Can you imagine what the picture of the death of the Sun will look like if the gloomiest forecasts come true?

This is easier to do than to predict its “longevity.” Taking into account the distance to us from the star, earthlings will see its explosion about eight minutes later. The entire sky will be engulfed in a glow from the bright white flame emitted by the exploding star. The power of this glow will be such that night on the planet will disappear. Most likely, all living things - including people - will die at this first stage of the cataclysm.

Streams will then fall upon the Earth radioactive radiation– so powerful that the earth’s magnetic field cannot protect against them. Radiation will complete the destruction of flora and fauna. And all traces of their existence on the planet will then be incinerated: under the influence of anomalous solar radiation, the temperature on the Earth’s surface will quickly rise to 3-5 thousand degrees. All the water will evaporate and form a thick cloud cover at an altitude of tens of kilometers from the “ball”. But this is still only a “preliminary apocalypse.”

Due to the explosion, the Sun will “swell” many times, and the streams of plasma emitted by it will collapse on the Earth. This dynamic impact will cause our devastated, charred and melted planet to be knocked out of its orbit and set off on an unpredictable flight beyond the solar system.

However, other scientists argue that the Earth and at least some of its inhabitants still have a chance to survive a solar cataclysm. According to these predictors, the most likely process is in which the Sun will first turn into a red giant, and then, having ejected part of its matter into the surrounding space, become a white dwarf. With such a metamorphosis, our planet can be “pushed” by solar radiation to a greater distance from the star, and it will begin to rotate around it in an orbit with a large radius, which will ultimately protect the Earth from excessive overheating. There is a chance that these new conditions for the existence of the Earth in circumsolar space will turn out to be suitable for preserving biological life on the surface of the planet. Although we must not forget that with such an “emergency evacuation” our “ball” may collide, for example, with Mars. Here the chances of survival and preservation of the planet are zero.

As Nazarenko said, according to some scientists, periods of particularly high solar activity capable of influencing events occurring on Earth, exacerbating the “negativity”. Here are just a few examples from the collection collected by the researcher.

The maximum solar activity was noted in 1937-1938. In this period:

On May 6, 1937, the world's largest German airship, the Hindenburg, crashed near New York;

On June 11, the trial in the “case of Marshal Tukhachevsky” ended in Moscow, which began large-scale repressions in the army;

in July, Japanese troops invaded China, during the war, Mikado's soldiers brutally killed many civilians;

July 29, 1938 on Far East fighting between Red Army units and Japanese troops began in the area of ​​Lake Khasan;

From November 9 to 10, Kristallnacht occurred, when mass pogroms took place against Jews in Germany.

The solar “peak” of 1969 “came back” with a whole series of successful and failed coups d’etat and assassination attempts on state leaders:

January 22 during the ceremonial meeting of the crews spaceships Soyuz-4 and Soyuz-5 an attempt was made on the life of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee L. I. Brezhnev;

On January 25, in North Yemen, the military tried to overthrow the government, but in the end they failed, all the conspirators were killed;

On March 25, under pressure from the high command of the army, the President of Pakistan, Field Marshal Ayub Khan, resigned;

On October 15, in the city of Las Anod, an unknown person in a police uniform shot the President of Somalia, Abdirashid Ali Shermark, and after that a military coup took place in this country;

in early December, unsuccessful coup attempts occurred in Libya and Sudan, one after another.

"Peak" of solar activity in 1979:

On January 16, an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale occurred in the Iranian province of Khorasan;

in February–March, a short-lived but very fierce Sino-Vietnamese war broke out;

On August 11, two Tu-134 passenger planes collided over Dneprodzerzhinsk, killing 172 people, including football players of the Pakhtakor team;

For ten minutes on November 9, the world was on the verge of nuclear war due to a computer failure in the American NORAD system;

at the end of December Soviet troops were introduced into Afghanistan, and Afghan President Hafizullah Amin was killed during the storming of the palace.

"Peak" 1989:

On April 9, in Tbilisi, troops dispersed a rally attended by more than 60 thousand people, killing 16 people and injuring hundreds;

On June 4, two passenger trains burned down near Ufa as a result of a gas pipeline explosion, killing 575 people and injuring more than 670.

Another solar maximum occurred in 2000-2001:

On November 11, a stop train fire in the Austrian ski resort of Kaprun killed 155 people;

September 11, 2001 - the largest terrorist attack in the United States, hijacked airliners rammed the World Trade Center towers, killing about 3,000 people;

On October 4, a missile launched from the Crimean training ground during Ukrainian air defense exercises accidentally shot down a Russian airline Tu-154 passenger plane, killing 78 people;

Uranus, A Mercury And Jupiter There will be conjunctions with the Sun and will not be available for observation for the entire month. Venus And Mars will converge closely on morning sky above the eastern horizon. Saturn is located low above the southwestern horizon in the evening. Neptune can be observed throughout the night in the constellation Aquarius.

Moon get close to the indicated planets: October 3 at night with a waxing phase of 0.94 - with Neptune, October 7 at night with a waning phase of 0.98 - with Uranus, October 17 in the afternoon with a waning phase of 0.08 - with Mars, October 18 in the morning with a waning phase of 0.04 - with Venus, on October 20 in the evening with the new moon - with Jupiter and Mercury, on October 24 in the evening with a waxing phase of 0.16 - with Saturn, on October 31 at night with a waxing phase of 0.76 - with Neptune. For observations, it is better to choose nights when the Moon is close full phases does not pass near the observed planet.

Visibility conditions are given for the middle latitudes of Russia (about 56° N). For cities to the north and south celestial bodies will be located at the indicated time, respectively, slightly lower or higher (by the difference in latitude) relative to their places in the sky of Bratsk. To clarify the local visibility conditions of planets, use planetarium programs.

MERCURY moves in the same direction as the Sun through the constellations Virgo and Libra. The planet is not available for observation for the entire month, passing top connection with the Sun on October 9. The movements of Mercury against the background of stars from September 30 to October 19 can be observed in the field of view of the SOHO coronagraph (Mercury - bright object in the photographs, shifting from right to left above the Sun). The angular distance from the Sun changes from 6° to 1° (at conjunction), then to 13° east of the Sun.

The apparent size of Mercury remains at 4 arcseconds with an incident magnitude from -1.4m to -0.6m. Mercury's phase changes from 0.98 to 1.0 (conjunction), then to 0.93. To successfully observe Mercury during periods of visibility, you need binoculars, an open horizon and a clear twilight sky.

VENUS moves in the same direction as the Sun through the constellations Leo and Virgo. The angular distance (elongation) from the Sun decreases per month from 24 to 17 degrees. The planet is visible for about an hour in the morning above the eastern horizon. On October 6, Venus passes 12 minutes of arc north of Mars.

The angular dimensions of the planet's disk decrease from 11 to 10 arcseconds. The planet's phase increases from 0.91 to 0.96 at a magnitude of -3.9m. Through a telescope, an oval is visible with a simultaneous decrease in the size of the planet, because the distance between Venus and Earth increases.

MARS moves in the same direction as the Sun through the constellations Leo and Virgo. The planet's brightness remains at +1.8m, and angular size- about 3". The planet can be observed in the morning sky above the eastern horizon. At the beginning of the month, Mars is visible for 1.5 hours, by the end of the month increasing visibility to 2.5 hours in mid-latitudes.

For observations, a telescope with a lens diameter of 60-90 mm is required. The best time to observe details on the disk of Mars is the moment of opposition, which occurs every two years. At other times, Mars appears through a telescope as a tiny reddish disk with no details. The closest opposition of Mars will occur on July 27, 2018 (Great Opposition!).

JUPITER moves in the same direction as the Sun in the constellation Virgo. Gas giant is not visible in the sky all month, passing through conjunction with the Sun on October 27. The movements of Jupiter against the background of stars from October 18 to November 9 can be observed in the field of view of the SOHO coronagraph (Jupiter is a bright object in the images, moving from left to right above the Sun). The angular diameter of the giant planet in the sky is 30 arc seconds at brightness - 1.6m.

SATURN moves in the same direction as the Sun along the constellation Ophiuchus. The planet is observed in the evenings low above the southwestern horizon for less than 2 hours at mid-latitudes. The angular diameter of Saturn is 15 seconds of arc at a magnitude of +0.7m.

In a small telescope, the ring around the planet and the satellite Titan (+8m) are clearly visible. The apparent dimensions of the planet's ring are about 40x18 arcseconds. Currently, the planet's rings are open at 26° and illuminated by the Sun North Pole gas giant.

The position of Saturn in the evening sky in October 2017

URANUS moves backwards through the constellation Pisces near *omicron Pisces, approaching the moment of its opposition on October 19, 2017. The best period in 2017 for observing the distant planet has arrived, which will last until December. The capsized planet is visible throughout the night. The planet's brightness is +5.6m with an angular diameter of 3".

During periods of opposition, Uranus can be observed with the naked eye in a clear, transparent sky, in the absence of illumination from the Moon (near the new moon) and away from city lights. In a 150-mm telescope with a magnification of 80x and higher, you can see the greenish disk (“pea”) of the planet. The satellites of Uranus have a brightness less than +13m.

NEPTUNE moves backward along the constellation Aquarius near *lamda (3.7m), being near the moment of its opposition with the Sun. The planet can be found low above the horizon, where it is visible with optical instruments throughout the evening and night. The planet's brightness is +7.9m magnitude and is almost no different from the surrounding stars.

Binoculars or a telescope using star charts and a clear, transparent and moonless sky will help you find Neptune during periods of visibility. To view the disk of the planet, you need a 200 mm telescope with a magnification of 100 times or higher (with a clear sky). Neptune's satellites have a brightness less than +13m.

It's time to repair it in the Sun, or replace it under warranty

Yesterday, October 17, 2017, at the beginning of nine in the morning, I received an SMS from a friend from Pskov: “Go outside, look at the Sun.” I went out, but the Sun was not visible due to dense clouds.
It turned out that in Pskov, which is 50 km away. from me to the northeast, people are discussing what is happening with the Sun. It had strange, jagged edges, and glowed an unnatural red color. Many people recorded this.

But this is what eyewitnesses told me. At some point, the Sun blinked and turned into a black circle in the sky. But it didn’t get dark! Then the daylight “turned on” again, but no one had time to photograph the moment at which it turned black. And most of them didn’t even see it.

Here are more photos of eyewitnesses from Pskov:

And today it turns out that on this day there was pitch darkness in Finland and Sweden...

As you might imagine, emergency phone numbers in the Scandinavian countries are red hot. The most common was the message about the beginning Ragnarok, of course. Ragnarok is translated as: - the end of the world.
There is no information about calls from Pskov residents to telephone 112. Ours don’t care about a light bulb or a lantern: - “the whole world is a mess, and the Sun is a fucking lantern.”
However, there are many videos that show the Sun flickering like a light bulb experiencing a power outage. Just 4 days ago in Nigeria, many people witnessed a stunning picture:

So... Do we continue to believe that the Sun is a hot star millions of kilometers away from us, or is it something else?

On October 17, 2017, at the beginning of nine in the morning in Pskov, people saw a strange Sun. According to eyewitnesses, it had torn edges, and the light itself was unnaturally red. This phenomenon was captured by many.

As eyewitnesses say, and their words are confirmed by numerous videos filmed in different areas of the planet, suddenly the Sun began to “blink.” That is, its brightness changed abruptly from zero to maximum, during which the Sun’s luminosity far exceeded its usual indicators.

Then, after a series of such blinks, an absolutely black circle appeared in place of the Sun. You can even call it black hole– this phenomenon looked so unnatural. This transformation was captured on video. It looks monstrous.

But, as eyewitnesses note, at the moment of the Black Sun it did not become dark, and night did not come. Let me remind you that this took place at the beginning of nine o’clock in the morning.

After this, the Sun turned on again. Gradually flaring up from the Black Sun, it returned to its normal state. The parameters of the day did not change at all.

A similar phenomenon was observed in other parts of the Earth. On the same day it was recorded in Finland and Sweden. But there, at the moment the Sun turned off, there was pitch darkness. She was caught on camera.

The incomprehensible behavior of the Sun was recorded by the emergency services of the Scandinavian countries, because the population went into panic and literally cut off the emergency phone numbers. In Pskov, such behavior of residents has not been recorded.

Eyewitnesses and observers came to the conclusion that numerous videos show that the Sun behaves like a light bulb that experiences power outages.

Although there is another explanation for this phenomenon. As I already said, the Sun is part of the vacuum lamp, its anode. The lamp itself is similar in its functioning to the radio tube of conventional amplifiers. When a certain signal passes through, such lamps change their brightness. We observed approximately the same thing in the behavior of our Sun.

In Catholic countries, the same phenomenon was associated with the appearance of the Virgin Mary. But before we plunge into modern times, let's remember history.

Catholics documented the first “miraculous” behavior of the Sun exactly 100 years ago – on October 13, 1917. This phenomenon was noticed in the town of Fatima, located in Portugal. According to three child eyewitnesses, they saw a woman “more brilliant than the sun.” She conveyed messages to the children, and after that the “miraculous” behavior of the Sun, similar to the modern one, began.

The Virgin Mary turned her hands. Rays shot out from her palms towards the sun. As a result of this, the sun began to turn pale, then turned into a silver disk, which everyone could look at directly without protecting their eyes. Then multi-colored rays shot out from the Sun in all directions. And after that, the Sun began to spin madly around its axis, turning into a giant wheel of fire.

After this, the Sun began to dance wildly. And then, as it seemed, it broke from its orbit and began to fall to Earth. People screamed and began to ask for mercy. Suddenly the Sun stopped its fall, and in the same rotating movement it began to rise upward until it took its original place in the sky.

There were reports about this phenomenon in several newspapers at the time, and the number of direct observers is estimated at 50 to 70 thousand people.

Similar “miraculous” behavior of the Sun was repeated more than once. On April 23, 1991, it was recorded in Puerto Rico - in front of a crowd of 100 thousand people. March 5, 1993 in the Philippines - in front of a crowd of 300 thousand people.

On October 16, 2017, the Sun turned red in the UK. This phenomenon was recorded by numerous media and eyewitnesses not only on the islands, but throughout the world. Including in Holland, Germany, Portugal, Russia, the USA... Scientific explanation We won’t cite it so that the scientists who gave it don’t look like idiots.

The sun blinked and switched - a new era began. Photos and videos of this event from different parts of the planet...

VIDEO 25 minutes

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In Stockholm, the Sun rose normally and was shining in the sky as usual, and then, about an hour later, it suddenly turned red and darkness fell. The photo shows a street clock that shows the time - 15:29.

Just 4 days ago in Nigeria, numerous observers witnessed the blinking of the Sun. This happened in the middle of the day with a large crowd of people, and some of the eyewitnesses filmed the “wonderful” behavior of the Sun on a video camera.

I remembered my mother's stories. She told me that when she was a girl, on Kupala (on the night of June 21-22) all the village youth gathered at the forest edge. Early in the morning, around 3 - 4 o'clock, they met the Sun - to watch how the Sun played. Sometimes it danced in the sky, sometimes rays or circles emanated from it. The most important thing is that in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century this phenomenon was very common in the Tula region. I have no information about other areas.

Materials on the topic of the Sun

2000 kilometers to the Sun

Round meter: the Sun is only 2 thousand kilometers away?

Was there no sun before the 16th century? It is not clear to what time the word “sun” appeared...

It turns out that the phenomenon recorded by eyewitnesses in October 2017 is not so rare. And this in itself raises certain questions.

For example, if at some hour on October 13, 2017, the Sun blinked over Nigeria, then why was not similar behavior recorded at the same moment in other parts of the world? If the Sun is one for the whole Earth, and it shines equally for the whole Earth from a distance, then how to explain the fact that in some places the star blinks, but in others it does not?

Or do we have several Suns - one for each continent? Therefore, while in Africa its own, local Sun was blinking, in Eurasia its own, local Sun was shining as usual.

By the way, psychics and I have explored the issue of the number of suns and moons many times. Each time the answer was that the Earth has many of both. In my video "" I examined a situation in which the specific illumination of the Moon can be explained by the presence of five Suns.

Numerous Suns have already been observed. There is a video that does not capture the halo that everyone is already accustomed to, but namely many Suns. An eyewitness filmed the incident on his mobile phone. The video shows that several objects glowing like the Sun are located in different parts of the sky. Moreover, a directed stream of light emanates from one upward.

Now about the essence of the phenomenon. Naturally, each religious sect pulls the “blanket” of this phenomenon onto itself. Catholics have associated the “miraculous” behavior of the Sun with the Virgin Mary, in whom they believe. Pagans in Rus' in the 20th century associated the dancing Sun with Kupala.

In Scandinavia, people perceived the signals sent by the Sun as a “bell” to the beginning of the Ragnarök period. This word is usually translated as “end of the world.” Representatives of other Christian movements became hysterical in the same way.

Representatives of the scientific religion remained silent - they officially do not have God, and without him there is no one to blame for what is happening on anyone. Space objects should not have such properties. Therefore, learned sectarians do not believe their own eyes and simply fence themselves off from what they have established. scientific principle: Science is based on observation.

Naturally, I don’t know what’s going on in the sky. But in my videos I have already examined some moments of this behavior of the Sun and recorded a “miracle”, and in one video I predicted for Dasha that such behavior of the luminary should soon take place.

Briefly, my concept goes like this. Our world is not the usual physical one. It is material, but artificially created. There is a virtual world generated by a certain supercomputer, within which our Earth and its entire environment are formed by software.

Our world is shaped like a vacuum tube - the kind that used to be used in amplifiers. In this lamp, the Sun and Moon are the anode and cathode, respectively. The earth is a grid through which the control coming from these two luminaries passes.

Every 259 years there is a change of era, and the Earth passes into a different state. As a result of this, the climate of the Earth changes, and all the rules of the Game change on it.

The change takes place in the sixfold system, in which there are three Suns and three Moons. Each Moon is literally a screen for the Sun of the previous era. When all three Suns are closed, three Moons are visible in the sky; the number of Moons in the sky indicates the number of eras passed and, accordingly, the number of closed, “shine” Suns.

The next change of the Sun, according to my calculations, should take place on the 20th of November 2018. But perhaps this happened in October 2017, as recorded in the above videos. Or this is just a prelude for now, and the real change will take place next year.

By the way, let's remember the Bible. It says that the light of day exists regardless of the Sun, and God created the Sun and Moon only to control day and night. We emphasize - for control, and not for lighting or heating.

Moreover, this is said in the very first lines of the very first chapter of the very first book - “Genesis”: “3 And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. 4 And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening, and there was morning: one day.”

Obviously, observation - as a true scientific way of understanding the world around us - shows us that the Sun is not at all a “star”, as the scientific sect portrays to us. The sun is the control element of the system. A system called Earth.

Andrey Tyunyaev, Chief Editor newspapers "President"