Why you will never become rich. What happens if you drink human blood? No you won't get any younger

Useful tips

Exists interesting theory about how long wealth remains with a person and his descendants. It is said that wealth tends to “last” three generations: the first generation makes it, the second spends it, and the third loses it.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but have you ever thought seriously about wealth and what What does it mean to you personally?

Or did you just think: “What wealth? I’m always broke, my father also lived his life, it’s family.” If you feel like wealth is out of your reach, then you are not alone in your thoughts.

According to some experts, there are millions of “clueless would-be millionaires” living on our planet who could occupy very high positions on the “ladder of wealth” if only they got rid of several bad habits.

But you may be very skeptical of this claim, and rightly so. Because being rich is for different people means different things. However, there are financial mistakes that many people make that keep them from becoming rich.

What is wealth after all?

Most people don't equate wealth with mansions and a big yacht. In fact, a tiny 7 percent of US and European respondents associated wealth with material possessions such as cars, houses and boats.

Rather, for many, being rich means having enough money to not worry about it until your next payday. 33 percent of respondents think so.

Another 26 percent said that being rich means having more than enough money to quit your job. However, few people indicated a specific amount. 17 percent of people believe that a rich person is someone who has income at least 1 million dollars, at the same time, 11 percent emphasized that the six-digit annual income would make them feel rich.

It's worth adding that most people who are actually rich don't consider themselves so. Maybe this is because “being rich” has less to do with material wealth and more to do with what people think about themselves.

However, according to financial experts, you will never have enough financial resources if you are stuck in the following points:

Financial mistakes

1) You spend more than you earn

If you are living beyond your means, know that you are not alone. According to the survey, 52 percent of people like to spend money, most often dip into their savings, with 22 percent relying on credit cards.

If you spend all your income every month, you will never achieve financial well-being. Start recording your daily expenses, analyze where you can save, create your realistic monthly spending budget, and invest the rest in an emergency fund or retirement savings.

2) You are not saving enough money

Welcome to the club! The majority of people who took part in the survey save extremely small amounts, less than 5 percent of their income. Saving should be a priority if you want to accumulate wealth.

Start with an emergency fund. Once this amount becomes significant, move on to other goals, such as buying a house or paying for college.

3) You have too much debt

Some debts are precursors to financial success, such as purchasing real estate or starting a business. However, there are no credit cards that are good for you, so pay off your highest interest debts first.

4) You don't have a clear plan

Without a specific plan, becoming rich will remain just a dream. This will reinforce your excuses for overspending rather than saving. Those who fail to plan are doomed to fail.

Creating a financial plan may seem tedious, but it really isn't. You will understand when you get down to business.

Causes of financial problems

5) You don't have an emergency fund.

Experts say you should have at least six months' worth of income saved up. This is in case of an emergency. Life is complicated, and not having this type of safety net can turn an “uncomfortable” life situation into a real disaster.

6) You started too late

Time is slipping away very quickly. Just like working out at the gym, the hardest part about saving money is getting started. Even if you have debts, your income is not very large, or your expenses are very high, you can always save something, even if just a little.

7) You complain instead of taking action.

“I don’t make enough money,” “Life is too expensive,” “It’s hopeless, I’ll never get out of debt.” Are you familiar with such statements? Or maybe you use all of them?

Old habits die hard. However, as long as you don't do anything to change anything, nothing will change. Stop complaining and making excuses. Instead, take responsibility for the habits that are holding you back and focus on how to break them.

Financial difficulties: reasons

8) You live for today and forget about tomorrow

Don't underestimate the time it will take you to retire. Sooner or later this will happen. The problem is that impulsive and unregulated spending leads to permanent debt.

Do yourself a big favor: stop being guided by the “buy now, think later” mentality and start thinking “save now, get rich later.”

9) You put all your eggs in one basket

You might get lucky if you invest all your money in one thing. You might also get lucky in the lottery. But this is not a strategy for life, or for getting rich. Keeping all your money in one place is not recommended because it involves a lot of risk.

Your investment portfolio should include several investments with different levels risk and liquidity.

10) You hope for chance

You may be one of those people who believes that if anything happens, there will definitely be someone who will come and save everyone. So why then worry about saving and worry about debt?

Maybe you will be incredibly lucky and you will get a fantastic job, a significant increase in salary, or you will find yourself the heir to a huge fortune, etc.

The topic of love for all people is touched upon quite often among people who are passionate about personal development, spiritual growth and the like. It is believed that as a person develops himself, he gets rid of a number of complexes and internal restrictions, which contributes to greater openness. In the environment of spiritual development, we sometimes talk about universal love that permeates everything around. And in religion, you generally need to love everyone as you love yourself.

Against the background of statements of this kind, drawn from various “authoritative” sources, coupled with a set of their own illusions, many people have the impression that with proper liberation from fears and complexes, increased awareness and emotional well-being should manifest themselves in the form of love for people. That is, if there are no complexes, no traumas, no negativity, it is expected that a person should love everyone and help everyone. And if this does not happen, apparently your head is still full of garbage and you need to continue cleaning it.

On this site we discuss all sorts of manifestations of resentment, so the topic of the presence or absence of love for all people should also be touched upon. Let's say you've done some work on yourself and got rid of all your grievances. What will happen to relationships with other people? Will you love them?

Harmless relationships with people

It would be strange if letting go of grievances did not affect your relationships with people. After all, resentment initially appeared in your life in the process of communication with someone, subsequently coloring further interactions with other people. But does this mean there will be love?

It should be noted that there will definitely be less negativity. In practice, this will manifest itself in the fact that it will be much more difficult to piss you off, insult you, and, even more so, offend you - it will be almost impossible. Firstly, during the work that will need to be done to get rid of the resentment, your emotional background will shift towards neutral or slightly positive. Secondly, your internal dialogue will subside at least a little. Your emotions will no longer be fueled by the story about yourself that constantly plays in your head. Even if you are suddenly insulted and a negative emotion arises, it will disappear simultaneously with any reaction in the body and will not “linger” in your consciousness.

So, in short, you will be less angry at people. Will anything else be affected? What about the ability to connect and understand people?

Of course, this skill will also naturally develop, since you will no longer have complexes and internal limitations, and you will understand how people work, their emotions, their minds no worse than any good psychologist. You will know why people react the way they do, you will know where their beliefs come from, and this will give you the opportunity to establish contact very effectively if you so desire.

But there will be a problem with the last four words in the previous paragraph :). Contact will be possible, but will you have the desire?

To answer this question, let’s make a small digression and give a small diagram of the emergence of resentment.

Scheme of resentment

Resentment arises as a result of very simple mechanism. It consists of three stages - an external trigger, a mental reaction and the final result in the form of resentment. There is a trigger in the external environment - for example, a phrase, action or complex behavior of a person. This trigger passes through the prism of your mind, filled with all those problems that we strive to get rid of - illusions, emotional traumas sitting in the subconscious, restrictions and complexes, etc. - and ultimately produces resentment in your consciousness.

Based on this scheme, it turns out that we work, first of all, with the second stage, that is, with the subconscious causes of resentment. When all the causes of resentment have been eliminated, the trigger passes through the mind without resonating with anything, and as a result you do not get resentment - at most a slight irritation in the spirit of “what is this?”

Simply put, just because you are a person with a clear brain does not mean that those around you are not emotionally disabled, people full of complexes and limitations, or simply assholes.

For example, you used to have a grudge against your husband, then you got rid of it and now you are perplexed why your relationship with your husband has not yet been established. It would seem that you are no longer suffering, there is no longer an emotional reaction to his behavior, but your husband remains who he was. You may no longer feel resentful about it, but you will see how your husband seems to be trying to push all your buttons, trying to evoke the same reaction. So what will happen to this relationship now?

Not only have you gotten rid of the resentment, but as a result of the work done, you no longer have internal limitations and fears, so leaving any relationship will become much easier than you may have used. Therefore, if there are assholes around you, you will not love them more because you have gotten rid of the resentment. You will either ignore them or walk away from them.

What about people in general?

We talked above about the people in your immediate environment, but what about people in general? Not everyone gets on your nerves. Well, okay, there is a black mark in the family, and your partner may not be an angel, but what about other people?

So, in the process of working through it, the contents of your mind will be very clearly revealed to you, and what you see cannot be called pleasant. In fact, every person who has not engaged in elaboration remains in a kind of blissful ignorance, albeit clouded negative emotions. Of course, you will cope with this content with the proper intention, but at the end you will realize that the heads of others are filled with exactly the same content.

Is this bad? In my opinion, no. To everything that has been said above, I will personally add that you will not need this love. You will be completely self-sufficient, and you will not need anyone to be happy. And in general, everything is determined by your priorities. Do you want freedom from the garbage in your head? Then you will move forward, despite any changes in your social interaction that may occur. Or they can't :).

At one time, I didn’t even have a choice - to eliminate garbage from my head, dooming myself to possible ungluing from people, or to keep it in my head, clinging to illusions. I knew that there could be no other path other than the first option. And I didn’t regret this “choice” at all, despite my inability to love people. I wish the same for you.

© Creative Job LLC, 2014

© Polski, V., 2014

© AB Publishing, 2014

Chapter first. How is the poor different from the rich?

There is a stratification of society into poor and rich people, and it is difficult to argue with this. But most of us dream of joining the circle of rich people, and some envy them... Why is it that many of us, supposedly people not deprived of intelligence, are forced to live from paycheck to paycheck? Deny yourself many things just to have enough money to live on? And why do few people around us become not only rich, but even just wealthy people? Are the rich really a separate “species” of people, and is it impossible to break into their number?

In fact, this is not true. Rich people are almost the same as you. And believe me, you too can join their number. But it’s unlikely that you will succeed until you change your worldview and your habits. But we will tell you how to do this. To make the absorption of new information more fruitful, place a notepad and pen nearby in advance. They will be useful to you, and you will learn a lot of interesting things about yourself.

1.1. What is a habit?

What is a habit? Dictionaries give us the following interpretation this concept: “This is an established way of behavior, which in certain situations becomes a need.” A habit is your immediate type of reaction. You don't think twice before doing something. For example, if you have developed the habit of turning off the lights before leaving the house, you will completely automatically perform the necessary actions. Habits can be both good and bad. In particular, smoking is also a habit of its own.

And regarding money, we develop certain habits, useful or not. Think about it: are you used to saving money or do you spend money on petty whims? Are you used to keeping track of what you earn and what you spend?

There are a number of habits that completely destroy your ability to gain wealth. And if you have them, you are unlikely to become rich.

So, habits that are detrimental to well-being are:

– Inability to save and invest. After all, how do rich people differ from poor people? You work for a salary, but you spend your salary on urgent needs. It's a cycle, isn't it? The rich look for and find opportunities to make money work for themselves. They try to maintain and increase their income.

– Lack of personal and career growth. Tell me, do you change jobs often? Or are you sitting in your usual place, although you have long since outgrown your position? Most of us strive for stability and do not try to change the situation. After all, changing jobs is associated with certain risks: will we stay in the new place? Will they pay wages? And, of course, change is always stressful for a person. And few ordinary people would willingly agree to endure another stress on their own initiative. Rich people go where there is (or can be) money. They have not yet reached financial heights; they have tried many opportunities. Read biographies richest people planet, and a lot will become clear to you!

– The poor, instead of increasing their incomes, usually cut back on their needs. Savings of this kind, of course, can be a good help for spiritual development. After all, many saints renounced worldly things. But what if you are not yet ready for such extreme measures? Maybe stop saving on what you need and think about how else you can earn money?

- The poor expect a miracle. It’s like in a fairy tale: suddenly a goldfish appears, gives you a magic wand - and you’re covered in chocolate! Hence the crowds of those deceived in all sorts of financial pyramids, and the ruined casino visitors, and those who lost to smithereens... After all, wealth is unlikely to fall from the sky. Rich people, unlike poor people, work, develop their skills - and earn money.

– Every person has a whole range of talents and abilities that can bring profit. Do you know how to cross stitch? Create computer programs? Why don't you turn yours into a business? strengths? Unlike the poor, who, even if they are smart, do not use it, the rich are able to “see” money where it has not yet turned into cash.

– Rich people know how to generate ideas and work to implement them. Learn to create ideas. Do not dream and fantasize, but rather invent and think through real ways to generate income. In this case, even if you don’t have enough personal funds to implement your idea, you can go to financially successful people.

You won't steal your purse. You won't steal the car. Don't kidnap a child. You won't shoot a policeman and steal his helmet. You won't shit in his helmet. And you will not send him to the inconsolable widow. And you won't steal it again. Downloading movies online is theft. If you do this, consequences are inevitable.
- These pirate videos are just killing me.

Don't ask a person whether he loves you or not. If you don’t feel this in his actions towards you, then it means you already know the answer.

If a miracle does not happen, it just means that you yourself did not let it into your life.

Age is something that exists in our thoughts. If you don't think about it, it doesn't exist.

If you love a person, you will not interfere in his personal life.
You will not dare to violate the boundaries of his inner world.

There is no right choice in reality - there is only the choice made and its consequences.

If you don't make mistakes, you decide too simple tasks, and this is a big mistake.

Only a person’s actions speak about his personality and attitude towards you, do not believe words, just observe and you will see the truth.

Enjoy what you do and you will never work in your life.

“The study has proven that the blood of young people can prolong life and prevent age-related diseases”

Raw blood is a source of infection. Unlike animals, which are adapted to digest raw blood, a person can even die from an excess of iron in the body. If you decide to drink blood, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes this can be useful, but you definitely shouldn’t drink random blood. And you shouldn’t inject yourself with someone else’s blood.

If you still decide that you want blood, then give preference to non-human blood. Blood - good source squirrel. Like any meat product, it must be stored properly. Because it is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

The study we started the conversation with didn't even suggest that anyone should drink human blood. In the Nature article " Global problems aging” only mentioned the experience with injections of plasma from the umbilical cord into mice, which improved the memory of elderly individuals.

As fact-checking site Snopes points out, some have decided to link this to research by startup Ambrosia LLC. They argue that people may receive some benefit from proteins found in young blood. But since they did not share their data with the scientific community, their reports cannot be considered reliable.