Five reasons to take this self-motivation course! The double trap of the word "should"

Every person has internal resources to achieve any goal. But what to do if work does not bring results, and the daily routine is so boring that it does not bring joy? First of all, you need to find out the reasons and learn to motivate yourself to achieve your goal.

Make your dreams come true - learn to set goals

The training “Self-motivation or how to make dreams come true” can serve as an impetus for development. CiBest International Academy has developed a program to teach you how to set goals and find motivation.

The program, developed based on the experience of a group of practitioners and experts in the field of psychoanalysis, has helped many to overcome their laziness and uncertainty in order to continue moving towards the intended result.

Self-motivation is a tool that every manager and employee needs. It is she who helps you smile when hard times come and go through this period with confidence, make your dreams come true and make a profit that you had never even thought about before.

The training “Self-motivation or how to make dreams come true” will help motivate yourself to action and break out of a vicious circle of problems. You will learn to enjoy every moment you live.

Don't lose it. Subscribe and receive a link to the article in your email.

From time to time, each of us inevitably faces certain difficulties in life. All of them are connected with different areas of our lives: work, business, family, friends, finances, etc. But there are situations when difficulties relate not to something external, but specifically to ourselves and our internal state. The biggest problem of all the problems that affects a person most strongly is internal imbalance. One of the manifestations of this imbalance is the lack of desire to take any action, develop and achieve goals. In other words, it is a lack of motivation. And if you can sometimes influence someone else with enviable ease, then it can be very, very difficult to effectively influence yourself. In this article we will talk about practical ones, applying in practice that any person can rekindle within himself the unbridled desire to move forward with his head held high.

Without long introductions, let's get straight to the point.

If this topic seems interesting to you, you want to understand it in more detail, sign up for, where you will learn practical techniques for self-motivation, stress management and social adaptation to always control your emotional and mental state.

The first method: leave aside everything unnecessary

You must learn to ignore everything that distracts you from achieving your goals and pushes you off your intended path. Developing this skill is not that difficult, but the results you get from using it can be amazing. Take some free time to think about what your plans for life are. Think about what tasks you have set for this moment and realize whether you need absolutely all of it. Surely, you can find something that does not require your effort and that you can simply throw aside. It happens that some aspirations are imposed on us by society, advertising, even parents. If you really want something, keep only this for yourself and forget about the rest. Anything unnecessary is a psychological burden that prevents you from using your full potential to achieve what you really need. The energy released as a result of ignoring everything unnecessary will constantly fuel you and increase your personal productivity.

Method two: Keep a “Success Journal”

A success journal is a very effective tool for motivating yourself. It is a kind of diary in which you must record all your achievements. Even the smallest ones. This could be a successful acquaintance that occurred on your initiative, praise from your boss for a well-prepared report, an increase in income, getting rid of a bad habit, etc. It is advisable to keep this diary every day, because every day is filled with many events, among which there will certainly be good ones. The more you write down, the more success you will have in your journal. Scroll through and read it in the morning and evening, and whenever you are in a bad mood and feel low energy, loss of motivation, or feel like you are standing still and not making progress. Visually displaying all your successes and achievements will give you a new positive charge and strength to continue to act.

The third way: work in a suitable environment

At first glance, this may seem naive, but in fact, the environment around us has a very strong influence on our mood and our motivation. Where you work doesn't matter. But if your workplace in disarray, dusty, everything is not the way you like it or the situation generally irritates you, be sure to correct this state of affairs. You should work in an atmosphere that suits you, gives you positive emotions, where you feel comfortable and comfortable. Clean up, arrange everything the way you like, use your own Creative skills: hang a couple of pictures that inspire you, stick on stickers with motivational inscriptions, put a book next to you that you like to read, turn on your favorite music. “Your” environment will have a beneficial effect on you and contribute to productive work, because you will enjoy being in it.

Method four: set clear goals

Fifth method: use motivating materials

This method is one of the most motivating. It lies in the fact that you systematically (for example, half an hour or an hour a day) get acquainted with the success stories of different people. And you can find a great many such stories. See artistic and documentaries, which tell the story of how someone achieved success. Read books and articles, listen to motivating audio recordings. Thanks to the Internet, today you can find an incredible amount of a wide variety of motivating materials on almost any topic. By practicing this method regularly, you will be able to provide yourself with a constant flow of only the information you need, which will charge you with creative energy, change the direction of your thinking towards achieving success and motivate you. In addition, success stories of different people are clear examples of the fact that any person can achieve the most amazing results.

Sixth method: perform different tasks

And finally another effective recommendation: always remember that time tends to pass and life passes. And it’s up to you how you live it: will you remain among those who failed to grow themselves, letting your whole life take its course, forgetting about your goals and betraying your dreams, or will you pull yourself together and make yourself the way you want and will be able to achieve what you want more than anything in the world! Think about the fact that you will always have the opportunity to throw up your hands and head, cry and become a slave to circumstances. But only today and only now can you decide to become a winner - a winner over your fears, your insecurities, your bad habits and, ultimately, over yourself!

Dear readers, leave your comments and share your opinions. Which of the above methods did you find most effective? What else can you recommend to people who want to increase their motivation and learn to be able to be more often psychological readiness act?

DIP: Well, our project “Self-motivation Bogachev” has come to an end, where for 12 weeks Maxim Vorobyov, the main participant in our reality show, shared with you his successes, failures and enlightenments about Philip Bogachev's training on self-motivation. Today I am publishing a review on my blog about the final, twelfth week of this training. This is a real review from a very real person who went through the training from beginning to end.

Friends, hello everyone! This is the final review of the “Self-motivation” training from Philip Bogachev and

How it all began?

Somehow I can’t believe that summer is already coming to an end and the training is coming to an end. I want to tell you a little about myself, how I got to the training and why I went to it. My name is Maxim Vorobyov, I come from the westernmost point of Russia - Kaliningrad. I am a student, I am 21 years old, until now I worked as a waiter, I love sports and travel. Yes, I quit my previous job, but more on that later. I’ll tell you how my life went before the training.

I worked 14 and sometimes 16 hours, about 16-18 days a month. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Let's do the math, take the average: 15 days of 15 hours, that's 225 hours a month. I had this schedule for a long time. last year. With an average duration working week for an ordinary person 160 hours. In general, I worked enough, and I earned good money, about 40-50 thousand rubles, and I didn’t complain. Now I understand that this is nothing special, but when you just come back from the army, this is a lot of money for you, but time goes by, and you want more.

I've heard a lot about Phil since the time of the RMES project

The man is a legend, to be sure. I heard about “Self-motivation” by Philip Bogachev a couple of years ago, I even remember that the first streams were free. And I also heard from the RMES party about an acquaintance who went to SM and is doing well. He opened his own travel company, bought a car, and travels. In general, I came to success. I didn’t have a close relationship with him and didn’t know all the details, but at the time it greatly influenced me. How am I worse than him, I thought?!

Somehow I came across a site and saw a banner that they were recruiting for the next stream of “Self-Motivation” and decided that I wanted to go. I trust Phil, because I know that all his trainings are of high quality (I have completed his training programs before). So I left a request, the manager called me, I left him an advance payment and before the start of the training I paid the rest.

If there are any thoughts that the company can “throw away money!” There is no divorce here. I give you 100%. Philip is not the kind of person who will cheat for 15,000 rubles, believe me. This is not what web training was created for, and the group of participants is recruited so that people achieve results.

I didn’t have any specific goals before starting. I wanted changes in better side- earn more money with less workload, change your field of activity, etc. Simply put, I went to SM for the sake of a “kick in the ass.” Oh, Phil knows how to give it))

Already at the beginning of the training

you enter into an agreement with yourself to complete the training, you promise yourself to complete the tasks. If you do not fulfill them, a very unpleasant punishment awaits you. You choose this punishment for yourself. I chose my punishment - to stand in the central square in my underpants with a sign: “He didn’t do his homework.” This is a shame for me. Adds motivation.

My good friend and I, the founder of the adventure project “On the Edge,” decided to write a blog about my experience of undergoing extreme self-motivation and you can read and watch all the reviews for each week of the training in video format on his website (list of weeks at the end of the article). I want to express my huge gratitude to him, without him I think I would not have achieved such results!

I think it’s worth telling what I achieved during the training:

1. I've lost weight.

When you run every day for 30 minutes, it is very difficult not to lose extra pounds. By the way, one of my goals was to add extra ballast. Therefore, if, my dear reader, you have a desire to lose weight, go for self-motivation. Tested for myself.

2. I started listening to audiobooks all the time.

It turns out that this is very convenient. I don't have the opportunity to read often, and I'm just lazy anymore. It became easier for me to replace reading with listening. Especially convenient while jogging. I liked it, you listen to the book and don’t want to stop at an interesting moment, and then you continue to run.

3. I dreamed of cycling to the Baltic coast.

From Kaliningrad to Zelenogradsk, but did not dare to do it. And I did it. 34 km one way and back. This is my personal achievement this summer. IM proud of myself.

4. During the training I sold my game console.

I've wanted to do this for a long time, but somehow I gave up on it. And during the training they are prohibited from playing electronic games. As it turned out, I had so much free time, both for books and sports. Even a permanent girl appeared.

5. I started working less, but my wallet didn't suffer from it.

My efficiency has doubled. I only worked 2 days a week. Previously, I worked 18 days a month. It's nice when you have twice as much free time.

6. During the training, I never drank alcohol or smoked cigarettes.

Before the training, I sometimes smoked cigarettes when I drank. I drank about once a week. Relaxed, as I thought before. Now I don’t want to drink or smoke, especially.

7. I donated blood.

One of the most memorable tasks in the training. You begin to feel differently when you start helping people for free. I liked this feeling and will donate blood on an ongoing basis. Moreover, blood renewal is good for health.

8. I realized my dream.

I visited “big” Russia. Visited the banks of the Kama and Volga. Words cannot describe how beautiful it is there. And I decided for myself that I wanted to visit everywhere possible on the globe. Communication with different people and experience a different mentality - no amount of money can buy that.

9. Yes, by the way, I have a permanent girlfriend.

Better than what I had before. Girls especially feel when you become better. And they begin to reach out to you. Nice :)

10. The most important thing is why I came to the training.

I achieve my goals. No matter how beautiful it may sound, no one except yourself will force you to get up every day 1.5 hours earlier than usual and run for 30 minutes, and then douse yourself with cold water.

11. I have roughly decided what I want from life and where I need to strive and what to do for this.

Friends, in conclusion I would like to advise you to go to Bogachev’s “Self-Motivation” training. If you are still thinking and cannot decide: do you need this, can I do it, how will I combine work and training, then I want to say that everything will work out for you. The main thing is to believe in your capabilities. And any person has a lot of these opportunities, as it turns out. It is clear that water does not flow under a lying stone.

The main thing I understood from SM is just do it.

If you want to run, run. If you want to earn more, develop in your field. Be the best. There is no need to make someone guilty; we ourselves are responsible for the results of our lives. I remember that during the training I watched a film about hunters from Siberia. So: in the taiga, people live at temperatures of -40C, which feel like -100C under normal conditions. And these hunters live in ordinary hunting huts all winter. I can't imagine how this is possible, but it is possible. No one there complains about the weather, the government, low wages, etc. Either you get the game or you die. And you also have a family, children. Farming. And living in comfortable cities, we have much more, we just don’t even think about it.

There are always things that are not as interesting as others, but they need to be done. Because we need the result of these cases. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what this result is - money, health, or just comfort - to achieve them we still have to make an effort on ourselves. And this effort sometimes consumes more energy than the task itself.

The double trap of the word "should"

The problem is that if the matter is not exciting and interesting (otherwise questions do not arise), we fall into a double trap:

If the task is routine and unpleasant, doing it, we quietly hate ourselves for this self-torture. And no matter how useful or necessary it may be, in our souls we are always looking for a reason to evade its implementation. Ideally, don’t even begin this torment.

And when we don't do what we need to do to get what we want (money, health, comfort, prospects...), we reproach ourselves for being weak-willed and unable to do something worthwhile. We begin to feel like we are putting our lives on hold, and when we see others doing this, we are convinced that this is so.

And in the end, you are either a sufferer or a loser - choose as you wish. Someone chooses suffering, because the very thought that you are a loser torments you even more. Others find a good excuse for themselves and refuse to win: “It’s better not to have what you want than to suffer like this...”

Stories about people who take everything from life, enjoy every day and find interesting what others consider routine, seem like fairy tales to us. There’s something they’re not telling us... these “beautiful covers.” But when we start asking questions, we notice that among our friends there are people who have managed to bypass the “double trap”...

And then we understand that self-motivation is the cornerstone of success. Because you can’t last long on willpower alone. And the joy of achieving a goal is too fleeting.

What is the trick to successful self-motivation?

For self-motivation to always work, you need to use two fundamentally different strategies at the same time. One - for the lungs and quick start. The other is to make a routine task interesting and exciting. And then every task begins to be easy for us and bring joy.

First strategy helps us build our attitude towards the result. It should be such that we simply have no chance of not achieving it. Setting a goal alone is certainly not enough. We also need the right focus of attention, a systematic view and connection to feelings. Then we simply cannot sit still and do nothing.

Second strategy changes the way we usually do things. A task seems routine, boring or unpleasant only because we do it that way. But there are at least 9 ways (that I know of) to change your usual way of “doing” so that it becomes pleasant, exciting or interesting.

Combine these two strategies and you will forget about what it means to “force yourself” to do something, and you will be able to easily take on things that were previously scary to even think about.

Please do not contact manual sewage disposal workers!

To make it easy to master these strategies, I made a simple step-by-step algorithm. By following it, you will be able to immediately turn routine tasks into exciting activities, and once you set a task for yourself, you will begin to do it without hesitation.

I’ll be honest, activities that inherently disgust you cannot be turned into pleasure. Manual sewage disposal workers, please do not apply;) But if your task requires self-motivation, everything you need is here.

Training in a box "Ways of self-motivation"

The training consists from manuals with step-by-step guidance and audio recordings of lectures with detailed explanations and answers to questions from participants. Duration of the lecture is 1.5 hours. The step-by-step guide is designed to quickly apply the technique to a specific problem.

In the training program:

How to “tune” your mind for success?It's all about how we think about things and things.

Why is the usual strategy of self-motivationDoesn't always work, what's missing? Let's fix it!

- “Resulters” and “Processors” - who are you? And which motivation strategy is closer to you?

How to find your personal “keys” of motivation? We build a personal self-motivation strategy.

Strategy of motivation through results: 7 steps, after which you simply cannot do nothing.

We increase motivation for results significantly: nWe find our leading value and build a goal system.

We create our own personal “neuro-code” of motivation that will support us every day.

How to make a routine more exciting?A strategy of motivation through pleasure in the process.

Nine ways of "doing" that will change your life. Anything can be enjoyable and interesting!

A comprehensive system of self-motivation. What should you pay special attention to?

Energy and cycles. Two most important rules, without which no method of motivation will work.

Two simple ways increase the power of your self-motivation.

Dear Egor!

Thank you for the training! You have provided excellent self-motivation tools in a logical, understandable manner. I completed the training with a specific goal, and started taking action from the first day.

I really like using both motivation strategies (through the process and through the result at the same time). I’m still at the beginning of my journey, but I’ve already taken several significant steps towards achieving my goal in a few days, and this is motivating in itself.

Special thanks for the “blowtorch” method - it works great in my case. I will apply the materials of this training in the future, for other purposes, and develop the necessary skills.

Once again, thank you so much for such a high-quality and practical product.

Julia, Moscow

You definitely need this training if:

You often put things off until later, or start and don’t finish them.

- Do you have a big project that you want to launch, but still don’t dare to start?.

- Routine eats up your strength, but you can’t avoid doing it.

- You don’t know how to enjoy simple things, like morning exercises, cleaning the house, cooking, but you want to learn.

You feel like you urgently need to change something in your life, but for some reason it doesn’t change...

You do not need this training if:

You don’t have goals that you strive for, and you can always shove off routine tasks and entrust them to someone else.

You like to force yourself to do something, constant struggle with yourself is your style life

You forgot the last time you got off the couch, and you plan not to get up for a couple of years.

Hello friends, today I would like to continue a series of articles on personal growth and self-development. Agree that today, many are trying to achieve certain success, but not everyone succeeds.

Unfortunately, a lot can be said about this, but in fact, this is a very important thing that distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful ones. An example could be a trainer of this method for self-development, which will be discussed further.

Agree that modern man- this is a person who sees a perspective in front of him, he constantly plans his actions, and also receives significant result. So, I can say for myself that I am such a lazy person who has enough knowledge, but cannot apply it in practice.

Is it normal?? I think not, since each person can get the results that he plans in advance. For example, you want an apartment in an elite building, a car, a monthly income of $10,000, fame, then for this it is not enough to just do something, you need to do everything consciously and correctly.

Naturally, I am not an expert, but just an ordinary blogger who, like everyone else, is lazy, sleeps for a long time, and also sets ambitious goals that are so difficult to achieve. Okay, but seriously, there is a solution to all this.

And so, I hope you watched the video in which business coach Phillip Bogachev talked about what self-motivation is, what it is for and what practical results it can give.

By the way, this person I know firsthand, I’ve already seen a lot of his videos on YouTube. A really cool person who is an expert in his field. He started as an ordinary loader with a salary of $5 a day, and now his monthly earnings have long exceeded six-figure sums. Moreover, as he himself says, in any currency (that’s something to envy).

So why am I all this...

Moreover, this training, which will be conducted by Phillip Bogachev, is just suitable for people who set goals for themselves, but for some reason cannot achieve them. The training itself will begin on June 1, so don’t wait too long.

Who is this training suitable for? Eh?

1. For people who set goals for themselves, do not achieve them and believe that they are not real. Here, you will have a living example in the form of Phillip, who went from an ordinary loader to the owner of a business with a turnover of several million.
2. For those people who are tired of the “gray swamp” and want to gain financial freedom and success.
3. Those individuals who are tired of working for others and want to open a business. As we know, the problem of modern business lies in several things, this is fear in the beginning, as well as choosing the right idea. All this will be in the training, so I RECOMMEND signing up for it.
4. For those who already have some results and income, but want to increase them. In this case, this training is simply necessary in order to complete it. Why? It’s simple, students begin to increase their results right during the training.
5. If a person is simply tired of everyday life, he wants a bright life that he did not have before.

Of course, the training will provide unique knowledge, techniques, and tasks, after which you will gain invaluable experience, thanks to which you will get excellent results.

It is together with Phillip that you will be able to reach the finish line, which will take you “straight by the hand” to the finish line, where you will be able to reveal your full potential. Don't believe me? And look at the reviews about this person on the Internet.

This is funny, I just read that he trained not only ordinary people who could not get any results, but also various celebrities. For example, Vitaly Melnikov, who is a world record holder in swimming. In general, visit this page, read and accept correct solution, which can completely change your life.
That's all for me, I hope that you liked this course and signed up for it. Well, let me take my leave, see you soon on the pages of my blog, bye everyone.

Sincerely, Yuri Vatsenko!