Table of regular and irregular English verbs with translation. Irregular verbs. Irregular Verbs. Three forms of irregular verbs

English is a language of exceptions, where when learning a new grammatical rule, students are faced with a dozen buts in which this rule does not apply. One of these rules is the use of irregular verbs in the past tense. For many English learners, this topic is a nightmare. But you can’t do without them, because these are the realities of English! However, there is good news - modern English is gradually getting rid of irregular verbs, replacing them with regular ones. Why and how - we'll look at it in the article.

Why are English verbs irregular?

Not only foreigners, but also native speakers themselves experience difficulty in using irregular verbs. But nevertheless, for English philologists, the non-standardity of this part of speech is not a drawback, but a reason for pride. They believe that irregular verbs are a cultural monument that perpetuates the history of the English language. The explanation for this fact is the Germanic roots of the origin of irregular verbs, which makes British English a traditional variant of the language. For comparison, Americans are trying hard to get rid of the irregular shape, converting it into the correct one. Therefore, the list of non-standard verbs increases for those who learn both versions of the language. Thus, the incorrect version is ancient, which is reflected in prose and poetry.

How many forms does a verb have in English?

Speaking about verbs in English, it should be noted that they have 3 forms:

  • infinitive, aka ;
  • I, or Participle I, - this form is used in the simple past tense (Past Simple) and the 2nd and 3rd cases of the conditional mood (Conditional of the 2-d and of the 3-d case);
  • Past Participle II, or Participle II, for the simple perfect tense of the past tense (Past Perfect), passive voice (Passive Voice) and conditional of the 3-d case.

The table "Three in English" is presented later in the article.

What are regular and irregular verbs? Education rules

Regular verbs are those in which the past form (Past Simple) and the form Participle II (Participle II) are formed by adding the ending -ed to initial form. The table "Three verb forms in English. Regular verbs" will help you better understand this rule.

There are some features when forming Participle I and Participle II:

  • if the verb ends with the letter -e, then adding -ed does not double it;
  • The consonant in monosyllabic verbs is duplicated when added. Example: stop - stopped (stop - stopped);
  • if the verb ends in -y with a preceding consonant, then y changes to i before adding -ed.

Verbs that do not obey are called irregular general rule during the formation of temporary forms. In English, these include the Past Simple and Participle II verb forms.

Irregular Verbs are formed using:

    ablauta, in which the root changes. Example: swim - swam - swum (swim - swam - swam);

    the use of suffixes different from those accepted in the grammar of the language. Example: do - did - done (do - did - did);

    identical or unchangeable form. Example: cut - cut - cut (cut - cut - cut).

Because each irregular verb has its own inflection, they must be learned by heart.

There are a total of 218 irregular verbs in the English language, of which approximately 195 are in active use.

Recent research in the field of language shows that rare verbs are gradually disappearing from the language due to the replacement of the 2nd and 3rd forms with forms of the regular verb, that is, the addition of the ending - ed. This fact is confirmed by the table “Three verb forms in English” - the table presents a number of verbs that have both regular and irregular forms.

table of irregular verbs

The table "Three Forms of Irregular Verbs in English" includes the most frequently used verbs. The table shows 3 forms and translation.

Irregular verbs came to modern English from Old English, which was spoken by the Angles and Saxons - British tribes.

Irregular verbs evolved from so-called strong verbs, each of which had its own type of conjugation.

Researchers from Harvard found that the majority of verbs used are irregular, and they will remain so because they are used more often than others.

There is also a phenomenon in the history of the English language when a regular verb became irregular. For example, sneak, which has 2 forms - sneaked and snuck.

Not only English learners have problems with verbs, but also native speakers, as even they find themselves in awkward situations when it comes to this difficult part of speech.

One of them is Jennifer Garner, who all her life was sure that sneak was the correct verb.

She was corrected by the host of one of the programs in which the actress took part. With a dictionary in hand, he pointed out to Jennifer her mistake.

Therefore, you should not be upset if you make mistakes when using irregular verbs. The main thing is that they do not become systematic.

Regular verbs

The table "Three forms of regular verbs in English with transcription and translation" is compiled on the basis of the most frequently used verbs.

Past Participle I and II





borrow, borrow

copy, rewrite



carry, drag

call, call


decide, decide




cry, scream

finish, finish, end




to help

happen, happen




move, move


to be necessary, to need





study, learn

stop, cease

start off





try, try



walk, walk



Examples of using 3 forms of verbs with translation

Above we looked at 3 forms of verbs in English. A table with examples of use and translation will help reinforce the topic.

Here, for each grammatical construction, two examples are given - one with regular and one with irregular verbs.



Example in EnglishTranslation
Past Simple
  1. Peter worked yesterday.
  2. She felt bad last week.
  1. Peter worked yesterday.
  2. She didn't feel well last week.
Present Perfect Tense
  1. James has already helped me.
  2. Have you ever been to Thailand?
  1. James has already helped me.
  2. Have you ever been to Thailand?
Past Perfect Tense
  1. I understood that I had used my last ticket.
  2. Helen noticed that she had forgotten her documents at home.
  1. I realized that I had used the last ticket.
  2. She realized that she had forgotten the documents at home.
Passive Voice
  1. Amy was taken to the zoo last Sunday.
  2. A baby is sung a lullaby every night.
  1. Amy was taken to the zoo last Sunday.
  2. The baby is sung a lullaby every night.
  1. If I had money, I would buy a car.
  2. If she could help us, she would have done it.
  1. If I had money, I would buy a car.
  2. If she could help us, she would.


To better memorize irregular verbs, you need not only to learn them by heart and repeat them, but also to perform various exercises.

Exercise 1. Here is the table "Three verb forms in English. Irregular verbs." Fill in one of the three missing forms.

Exercise 2. Here is the table "Three verb forms in English. Regular verbs." Insert forms Participle I and II.

Exercise 3. Using the tables, translate the following sentences into English.

  1. I was reading a book.
  2. We saw them yesterday.
  3. The Smiths lived in London until 2000. They then moved to Manchester.
  4. Alice was a university student in 2014.
  5. They worked in the same company two years ago.
  6. He just finished training.
  7. When we were children, my mother often took us to this park.
  8. I drove a toy car as a child.

Answers to the exercises

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.

asked, borrowed, closed, decided, explained, helped, started, traveled, used, worked.

Exercise 3.

  1. I read a book.
  2. We saw them yesterday.
  3. The Smiths lived in London till 2000. Then they moved to Manchester.
  4. Alice was a student of Univercity in 2014.
  5. They worked in the same company two years ago.
  6. He has just finished training.
  7. When we were children we took for a walk to this park.
  8. I drove a toy car in my childhood.

Make it a habit to periodically repeat the basic forms of the English verb. A table with irregular verbs, doing exercises and periodic repetition will help you quickly cope with the difficulties of the English language.

The verb is the king of the English language. Even the shortest sentence always contains a verb. Conversely, a verb can be used to form a one-word sentence, for example “ Stop!” (“Stop!”).

Verbs are sometimes called "action words." This is partly true. Many verbs convey the idea of ​​action, of “doing” something—for example, “ run” (run), “ fight” (fight), “ do" (do), " work" (work).

But some verbs mean not action, but existence, not “doing,” but “being.” These are verbs like “ be" (be), " exist" (exist), " seem” (seem) “ belong”(belong).

A subject is attached to a verb as a predicate. So, in the sentence “ Mary speaks English” (“Mary speaks English”) Mary is the subject and the verb speaks - predicate.

Thus, we can say that verbs are words that explain what the subject does ( does) or what/what is ( is), and describe:

  • action (" John plays football” - “John plays football”);
  • state (" Ashley seems kind” - “Ashley seems kind”).

Verbs in English have one peculiarity. Most words in other parts of speech - , etc. - do not change (although nouns have singular and plural forms). But almost all verbs change according to grammatical forms. For example, the verb “ to work” (“work”) five forms:

  • to work, work, works, worked, working

Note, however, that this is not much compared to languages ​​in which one verb can have 30 or more forms (for example, Hungarian) - if you have started learning verbs in , you can breathe a sigh of relief.

100 main verbs in English

Below is a list of 100 basic English verbs. It will be useful to first learn these most popular verbs in the English language. The verbs in the table are given in descending order of frequency of use:

Basic verb form

Verb in past tense
(Simple Past)

Past participle
(Past Participle)

have (to have)

do (to do)

say (speak)

get (receive)

make (to do)

know (know)

think (think)

take (take)

see (to see)

come (to come)

want (want)

use (use)

find (find)

give (give)

tell (tell)

work (work)

call (call; call)

try (try)

ask (ask; ask)

need (need)


become (become)

leave (leave)

put (put; put)

mean (mean)

keep (keep)

let (allow)

begin (start)

seem (seem)

help (help)

show (show)

hear (hear)

play (play)

run (run)

move (move)

believe (believe)

bring (bring)

happen (happen)

write (write)

sit (sit)

stand (stand)

lose (lose)

pay (pay)

meet (meet)

include (include)

continue (continue)

set (set)

learn (learn)




lead (lead)


watch (watch)


stop (stop)

create (create)

speak (speak)

spend (spend)

grow (grow)

open (open)

win (to win)

teach (teach)

offer (offer)

remember (remember)

appear (appear)

buy (buy)

serve (serve)

die (to die)

send (send)

build (build)

stay (stay)

fall (fall)

cut (to cut)

reach (reach)

kill (kill)

raise (raise)

pass (pass)

sell (sell)

Anyone who has ever sat down to read an English textbook knows about such a phenomenon as a list of irregular English verbs. What is this list? It contains verbs that deviate from the standard rules for forming past tense and participle forms. It is believed that about seventy percent of irregular verbs (the English name of the term) are used in everyday speech.

From this we can conclude that knowing the list of irregular verbs in English is simply necessary if you want to speak fluently and understand your interlocutor.

The total number of irregular verbs is about 470 words. Is it possible to learn such a volume? Of course, this is quite possible. However, in order for you to feel confident when speaking English, you just need to know 180 verbs.

Before turning directly to the list itself, we will give some tips on how to quickly and efficiently achieve the desired knowledge.

Rote learning

The technique of rote memorization of information is one of the most common techniques. But how effective is it?

When memorizing, we often notice that a large number of words are quickly forgotten, and some completely refuse to settle in our long-term memory. In order for this technique to show itself only with the best side, it is necessary to use the learned verbs in practice as often as possible. By the way, subsequent listening to them in some movie, program or just a song helps a lot.

Be sure to have a list of irregular English verbs with translation.

First, you will have to become well acquainted with the meaning of each new word. Usually all irregular verbs tables include a translation column, so you don't have to worry about hours of independent work with dictionary. Once the correct associations with your native language are in your head, you can calmly move on to the forms being formed.

Irregular Verbs in Poems

Don't worry - you're not the only student trying to master the full list of English irregular verbs, and there is someone to share your hardships. And some craftsmen even try to help somehow.

On the Internet you can easily find all kinds of poems created specifically for such purposes. They contain a number of the most common verbs, skillfully integrated into the overall rhyme and tone of the work. There are also a lot of funny associations, so it will be even easier to remember the necessary information.

using irregular verbs

The games can be played not only by children, but also by adults. And when it comes to learning a foreign language, then games are one of the most effective ways to memorize. You can also find ready-made options on the Internet. Usually these are flash cards, various animations or mini-games, accompanied by sound examples If you don’t really want to play on the computer, then you can easily do something with your own hands, for example the same cards. If you have an English learning partner, then analogue word games or creating dialogues consisting of irregular verbs would be appropriate.

Meet Irregular Verbs

Having talked a little about the methods of memorization, we move on to the most important thing. So, we present to you a list of irregular English verbs with translation.

Verbs in alphabetical order (a, b, c, d)

Verbs starting with a:

abide - abode - abided - abide, hold on;

arise - arose - arisen - rise, arise;

awake - awoke - awake; awoke - to wake up, wake up.

Starting with the letter b:

backbite - backbitten - backbitten - to slander;

backslide - backslid - backslid - fall away;

be - was (were) - been - to be, to be;

bear - bore - born - bear, be born;

beat - beat - beaten - to beat;

become - became - become - become, become;

befall - befell - befallen - happen;

beget - begot (begat) - begotten - generate;

begin - began - begun - to begin;

begird - begirt - begirt - to girdle;

behold - beheld - beheld - to mature;

bend - bent - bended - bend;

bereave - bereft (bereaved) - bereft (bereaved) - deprive;

beseech - besought (beseeched) - b-esought (beseeched) - beg, beg;

beset - beset - beset - to besiege;

bespeak - bespoke - bespoken - to order;

bespit - bespat - bespat - to spit;

bestride - bestrode - bestridden - sit down, sit astride;

bet - bet (betted) - bet (betted) - bet;

betake - betook - betaken - to be accepted, sent;

bid - bad (bade) - bid (bidden) - command, ask;

bind - bound - bound - bind;

bite - bit - bit (bitten) - bite;

bleed - bled - bled - to bleed;

bless - blessed - blessed (blest) - to bless;

blow - blew - blown (blowed) - blow;

break - broken - broken - (c) to break;

breed - bred - bred - to grow;

bring - brought - brought - bring;

broadcast - broadcast - broadcast - distribute, scatter;

browbeat - browbeat - browbeaten - to scare;

build - built - built - to build;

burn - burnt (burned) - burnt (burned) - burn, burn;

burst - burst - burst - burst, explode;

bust - bust (busted) - bust (busted) - split (someone);

buy - bought - bought - to buy.

Verbs starting with:

can - could - could - be able to, be able;

catch - caught - caught - to catch, to catch;

choose - chose - chosen - choose;

cleave - clove (cleft, cleaved) - cloven (cleft, cleaved) - cut;

cling - clung - clung - cling, cling;

come - came - come - to come;

cost - cost - cost - cost;

creep - crept - crept - crawl;

cut - cut - cut - cut.

Verbs starting with d:

dare - durst (dared) - dared - dare;

deal - dealt - dealt - to deal;

dig - dug - dug - dig;

dive - dived (dove) - dived - dive, plunge;

do - did - done - do;

draw - drew - drawn - draw, drag;

dream - dreamt (dreamed) - dreamt (dreamed) - sleep, dream;

drink - drank - drunk - to drink,

drive - drove - driven - to drive, drive;

dwell - dwelt - dwelt - to dwell, to linger.

Continuation of the alphabet (e, g, f, h)

Verbs starting with e:

eat - ate - eaten - eat, eat.

Verbs starting with f:

fall - fell - fallen - fall;

feed - fed - fed - to feed;

feel - felt - felt - to feel;

fight - fought - fought - to fight;

find - found - found - to find;

flee - fled - fled - to run away, to escape;

floodlight - floodlighted (floodlit) - floodlighted (floodlit) - shine with a spotlight;

fly - flew - flown - fly;

forbear - forbore - forborne - to refrain;

forbid - forbad (forbade) - forbidden - prohibit;

forecast - forecast (forecasted) - forecast (forecasted) - predict;

foresee - foresaw - foreseen - to foresee;

forget - forgot - forgotten - to forget;

forgive - forgave - forgiven - to forgive;

forsake - forsook - forsaken - to leave;

forswear - forswore - forsworn - to renounce;

freeze - froze - frozen - freeze, freeze.

Verbs starting with g:

gainsay - gainsaid - gainsaid - deny, contradict;

get - got - got - get;

gird - girded (girt) - girded (girt) - girdle;

give - gave - given - give;

go - went - gone - go, leave;

grave - graved - graved (graven) - engrave;

grind - ground - ground - sharpen, grind;

grow - grown - grown - to grow.

Verbs starting with h:

hang - hung (hanged) - hung (hanged) - hang;

have - had - had - to have;

hear - heard - heard - hear;

hew - hewed - hewed; hewn - chop, hew;

hide - hid - hidden - hide;

hit - hit - hit - hit, hit;

hold - held - held - to hold;

hurt - hurt - hurt - to cause pain, to offend.

Second part of the alphabet

Verbs starting with i:

inlay - inlaid - inlaid - to put in, to lay out;

input - input (inputted) - input (inputted) - enter;

inset - inset - inset - insert, invest;

interweave - interwove - interwoven - to weave, cover with a pattern.

Verbs starting with k:

keep - kept - kept - keep;

ken - kenned (kent) - kenned - to know, to recognize by sight;

kneel - knelt (kneeled) - knelt (kneeled) - kneel;

knit - knit (knitted) - knit (knitted) - knit;

know - knew - known - to know.

Verbs starting with l:

lade - laded - laded (laden) - to load;

lay - laid - laid - put, put;

lead - led - led - to lead;

lean - leant (leaned) - leant (leaned) - lean, lean;

leap - leapt (leaped) - leapt (leaped) - jump;

learn - learnt (learned) - learnt (learned) - teach;

leave - left - left - throw;

lend - lent - lent - lend;

let - let - let - let go, give;

lie - lay - lain - lie down;

light - lit (lighted) - lit (lighted) - illuminate;

lose - lost - lost - to lose.

Verbs starting with m:

make - made - made - create;

may - might - might - be able, have the opportunity;

mean - meant - meant - have meaning;

meet - met - met - to meet;

miscast - miscast - miscast - incorrectly distribute roles;

mishear - misheard - misheard - mishear;

mishit - mishit - mishit - miss;

mislay - mislaid - mislaid - put in another place;

mislead - misled - misled - to confuse;

misread - misread - misread - misinterpret;

misspell - misspelt (misspeled) - misspelt (misspeled) - write with errors;

misspend - misspent - misspent - save;

misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood - misunderstand;

mow - mowed - mown (mowed) - mow (lawn).

Verbs starting with r:

rid - rid (ridded) - rid (ridded) - get rid of;

ride - rode - ridden - ride on horseback;

ring - rang - rung - call;

rise - rose - risen - rise;

run - ran - run - run, flow.

Verbs starting with s:

saw - sawed - sawn (sawed) - sawing;

say - said - said - to speak, to say;

see - saw - seen - to see;

seek - sought - sought - to search;

sell - sold - sold - trade;

send - sent - sent - send;

set - set - set - install;

shake - shook - shaken - shake;

shave - shaved - shaved (shaven) - shave;

shed - shed - shed - to spill;

shine - shone (shined) - shone (shined) - shine, shine;

shoot - shot - shot - shoot, shoot;

show - showed - shown (showed) - show;

shut - shut - shut - slam;

sing - sang - sung - sing;

sink - sank - sunk - to sink, sink, sink;

sit - sat - sat - sit;

sleep - slept - slept - sleep;

slide - slide - slide - slide;

slit - slit - slit - to tear, cut;

smell - smelt (smelled) - smelt (smelled) - smell, smell;

speak - spoke - spoken - carry on a conversation;

speed - sped (speeded) - sped (speeded) - accelerate, hurry;

spell - spelled (spelled) - spell (spelled) - write or read, pronouncing each letter;

spend - spent - spent - spend;

spill - spilt (spilled) - spilt (spilled) - to spill;

spin - spun (span) - spun - spin;

spit - spat (spit) - spat (spit) - don't care;

split - split - split - split;

spoil - spoilt (spoiled) - spoilt (spoiled) - spoil;

spotlight - spotlit (spotlighted) - spotlit (spotlighted) - illuminate;

spread - spread - spread - spread;

stand - stood - stood - stand;

steal - stole - stolen - to steal;

stick - stuck - stuck - to prick, glue;

sting - stung - stung - sting;

stink - stank; stunk - stunk - smell unpleasant;

strike - struck - struck - to strike, beat, go on strike;

swear - swore - sworn - to swear, take an oath;

swell - swelled - swollen (swelled) - to swell;

swim - swam - swum - to swim;

swing - swung - swung - swing.

Verbs starting with t:

take - took - taken - take, take;

teach - taught - taught - learn;

tear - tore - torn - tear;

tell - told - told - tell, say;

think - thought - thought - think;

throw - thrown - thrown - throw.

Verbs starting with w:

wake - woke (waked) - woken (waked) - wake up, wake up;

wear - wore - worn - wear (clothes);

weave - wove (weaved) - woven (weaved) - weave;

wed - wed (wedded) - wed (wedded) - to give in marriage;

weep - wept - wept - cry;

wet - wet (wetted) - wet (wetted) - wet, moisturize;

win - won - won - win;

wind - wound - wound - wind up (mechanism);

write - wrote - written - to write.

We hope that after reading the article, the English language has become a little clearer for you.

You can find many variations on the Internet lists and tables of irregular verbs in English . We, in turn, also invite you to download a table of verbs that have irregular forms in the most pleasant format. In the continuation of the article you will read additional material on this topic, plus you will find video how learn quickly all irregular English verbs. The ZIP archive contains the most complete information on the topic “Irregular Verbs”, including irregular verbs in poetry.

What does the table of irregular verbs mean?

The first column of the table shows infinitives irregular verbs without the particle “to”. In this form they can be used, for example, after . I can become a singer - I can become a singer. The second column shows past tense form(Past Simple). I became a singer a year ago - I became a singer a year ago. In third - Past Participle form(past participle), which can be used independently or participate in the formation of completed tenses (Perfect Tenses). I have already become a singer - I have already become a singer. The last column is translation. In addition, the table of irregular verbs contains transcription.

How to quickly learn English irregular verbs: video

Dear site visitors, I found a funny video on the Internet about teaching all the irregular verbs in America. Who will repeat for an encore? A very easy and fun way, I recommend it! 😮

Our topic today is getting to know such an interesting phenomenon as forms of irregular verbs. As you know, the English language is very cunning. This language often lays all sorts of traps for us. One of them is irregular verbs. English is not the only language that has irregular verbs. The French language is also rich in irregular verbs.

Irregular English verbs have three or four forms?

Romanian language, German, Latin, Greek also contains irregular verbs. And even the Russian language is replete with them. I think you have repeatedly heard about irregular verbs in English, in other words Irregular Verbs. Why are such verbs called irregular? It's very simple: in the past tense they are conjugated in their own way, have their own special form, while all other verbs in the past tense have an ending -ed.

For comparison, let's conjugate 3 regular regular verbs in the Past Simple:

Work - ra sing
I worked I translated I managed
You worked You translated You managed
He worked He translated He managed
She worked She translated She managed
It worked It translated It managed
We worked We translated We managed
They worked They translated They managed

As you can see, all 3 verbs are conjugated the same way, according to the pattern of stem + ending -ed.

The situation is completely different in the case of irregular verbs. Let's conjugate 3 more verbs in the simple past tense (Past Simple), which are irregular, and here pay attention to the fact that each of these verbs has its own, completely different form at the end or even at the root of the word:

Blow blow Go - go Bring - bring
I blew I went I brought
You blew You went You brought
He blew He went He brought
She blew She went She brought
It blew It went It brought
We blew We went We brought
They blew They went They brought

Even the naked eye can see that each of these verbs appeared in its own form, completely different from the others. The catch is that there is no specific rule by which you can find out the form of an irregular verb. Each of them is conjugated differently. The English language, friends, is full of tricks and underwater reefs. Another catch is that each irregular verb has not one form, but three.

Three forms of irregular verbs

So what are these three forms?

  • The first is the infinitive or initial (indefinite) form of the verb
  • The second is Past Participle I, that is, the form that corresponds to the simple past tense (Past Simple), it is also used in the 2nd and 3rd cases of the conditional mood (Conditional of the 2-d and of the 3-d case)
  • The third is Past Participle II, the one that is used in the present perfect tense (Present Perfect) and in the long past tense (Past Perfect). The same form is used in the passive voice (Passive Voice), in the conditional mood of the 3-d case and some other grammatical rules.

Here are some examples of 3 forms of irregular verbs:

  • To arise - arose - arisen - to rise
  • To be - was, were - been - to be
  • To bear - bore - born - to give birth
  • To become - became - become - become, become
  • To begin - began - began - to begin
  • To catch - caught - caught - to catch, to catch
  • To choose - chose - chosen - to choose
  • To dig - dug - dug - dig, dig
  • To dream - dreamt - dreamt - dream, dream
  • To feel - felt - felt - to feel
  • To forget - forgot - forgotten - to forget
  • To have - had - had - to have

Now let’s look at these 3 forms using example sentences in all of the above verb tenses.

  • So, the simple past tense of the verb (Past Simple Tense):

Yesterday she felt herself bad ( to feel). — Yesterday she felt bad. Last Wednesday we met Jim ( to meet). — Last Wednesday we met Jim. Last night I dream you ( to dream). “Last night I dreamed about you.” I was in Paris last year ( to be) — I was in Paris last year.

  • Present Perfect Tense:

I have just seen him ( to see). - I just saw him. Tom has already brought my books ( to bring). — Tom has already brought my books. Have you ever been in London ( to be)? - Have you ever been in London? Ann has already forgotten her boy-friend ( to forget).- Anna has already forgotten her boyfriend.

  • Past Perfect Tense:

I noticed that I had forgotten my keys ( to forget). — I noticed that I forgot my keys. He understood that he had lost his documents ( to lose). — He realized that he had lost his documents.

  • Passive Voice:

The dog is fed by me ( to feed). — The dog was fed by me (I fed the dog). Made in France ( to make). - Made in France.

  • Conditional mood of the 2nd and 3rd cases (Conditional). The second and third forms appear here:

If I had money, I would buy a car ( to have). — If I had money, I would buy a car (real condition). If I had money, I would have bought a car ( to have, to buy).- If I had money, I would buy a car (unreal condition, past tense).

How to learn all forms of irregular verbs?

Cheat sheet for memorizing Irregular Verbs

As mentioned above, there are no rules by which the forms of irregular verbs are formed; everyone has their own. But we hope that this poetic form will help you quickly remember these irregular verbs:

To write-wrote-written
To eat-ate-eat
To speak-spoke-spoken
To break-broken-broken

To come-come-come
To become-became-become
To run-run-run
To swim-swam-swum

To know-knew-known
To throw-threw-thrown
To blow-blew-blown
To fly-flown

To ring-rang-rung
To hide-hid-hidden
To bite-bit-bitten

To send-sent-sent
To spend-spent-spent
To sleep-slept-slept
To keep-kept-kept

To tell-told-told
To sell-sold-sold
To teach-taught-taught
To catch-caught-caught

To fight-fought-fought
To think-thought-thought
To buy-bought-bought
To bring-brought-brought

To cut-cut-cut
To shut-shut-shut
To cost-cost-cost
To lose-lost-lost

To lead-led-led
To feed-fed-fed
To feel-felt-felt
To hold-held-held

From this funny poetic form we see that some irregular verbs have the same letter combinations, which allows them to rhyme and thereby make it easier for us to remember them.

"Fourth" form of irregular verbs

There is a common belief that there is also a 4th form of irregular verbs. This 4th configuration is formed according to the scheme stem + ending -ing. It defines the Present Participle, that is, the present participle in such tenses as the Present Continuous and the Past Continuous. In other words, it is the present and past tense of the imperfect form. It follows from this that there are not 3, but 4 forms of irregular verbs. But this 4th configuration is, as it were, unofficial.

Let's look at this very 4th form using examples of sentences with the Present Continuous:

The same 4th form in sentences with Past Continuous:

To teach-taught-taught-teaching - to teach
I was teaching at school. — I taught at school.
To choose-chose-chosen-choosing - choose
We were choosing a new dress fir Kitty.- We were choosing a dress for Kitty.