Those who just do sports. Powerful and motivating sports quotes and aphorisms. Activities with infants

Motivation is one of the most important keys to success, including in sports. If you learn to motivate yourself, then life changes will better side will not keep you waiting. Famous athletes: athletes, basketball players, wrestlers - found the right words on how to force yourself to train.

Michael Jordan

If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.

Bruce Lee

It doesn't matter how slowly you go. The main thing is that you don’t stop.

Anita Lutsenko

Just 15 minutes and five exercises on different parts of the body are enough, and you will be a beauty. Push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, abs, chair triceps push-ups three times a week work wonders.
Where to look for motivation to workout? Only in the gym) neither Instagram, nor photos of others, nor motivational texts will change you and make you fall in love with training. Just starting to run, you get a taste for the process, starting to squat, only by the end of the approach do you start to get a buzz...motivation in the process itself.

A small selection of motivational quotes

1. "Purpose turns on the ignition, starts the engine and fuels our souls"

2. "Do everything possible on your own, God will do everything impossible"


3. "Most people are much stronger than they think, they just forget to believe it sometimes."


4.“The highest pleasure is to do what others think you cannot do.”


5. “If you like something, then you can make it a profitable occupation, regardless of your field of activity.” Harvey Mackay:


6.The most goal-oriented person- this is the one who really wants to go to the toilet. All obstacles seem insignificant. Agree, it’s funny to hear phrases like:
I peed myself because:
- there was no time to go to the toilet.
- I was too tired.
- lost hope. I didn't believe that I could run.
- Well, of course. He got there. His legs are so long.
- I'm too stupid to do this.
- I’ve described myself 5 times already. I'll never be able to run.
- this is clearly not for me.
- I knocked on the toilet, but they didn’t open it for me.
- I lacked motivation.
- I was depressed.
- I don’t have money, I can’t afford it!
- decided to go tomorrow

Do you often find yourself walking towards a goal as if you were running to the toilet?


7.If you really want to do something, you will find a solution. If you don't really want to, you'll find an excuse


8.Take a step and the road will appear by itself.


9.You can get everything you need if you really need it


10. A small action is better than a big plan without action.


11. 3-15 years will pass, and you will regret more about what you didn’t do than about what you did wrong.


12.The number of successful events on your path depends on your desire to act


13. We invent our own problems, obstacles, complexes and frameworks, free yourself - breathe life and understand that you can do anything.


14. Never tell people about your plans. Just take it and do it. Let them be surprised by the results, not by the chatter.


15. Discipline is the decision to do what you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.


16. Only the one who conquers himself wins in this life... the one who conquers his fear, his laziness and his uncertainty. © Javier Hernandez


17. The main thing to remember is that any falls prepare us for new ups.


18. "Ideas are the key to the future"


19.Only actions change something. If there are no actions, then everything remains the same.


20. "First you form habits, and then habits form you."


21.Every morning is the time to start life again. Paulo Coelho


22. The problem is that without taking risks, we risk a hundred times more. © Marcus Aurelius


23. “Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we might have won if we weren’t afraid to try.”

In one distant country there lived an ordinary girl. But she knew that the time would come and she would become a princess, she just needed to wait a little, then a little more, and again. And while other girls worked hard to turn into princesses, the heroine of this fairy tale still waited. Many years have passed, and the heroine is already tired of waiting. Are there really old princesses? She looked with envy at her peers who had lived happy lives, and realized with bitterness that she had motivated herself incorrectly and, as a result, was left broke.

Motivation is often the factor that determines whether a person achieves success in something or not.

What is motivation?

There is a lot of talk about what motivation is, where it comes from, and how to find it. Motivation is something like a perpetual motion machine that makes a person do something that he really doesn’t want to do. And what more difficult work which you don’t want to do, the higher and more serious the motivation should be. Motivation is a way that helps you overcome a serious obstacle such as: “prepare for exams,” “lose 5 kilograms of weight,” “get up earlier,” or “achieve success in sports.”

Features of sports motivation

Sports motivation is practically no different from ordinary motivation. With a few amendments. Sports motivation consists of two parts: short-term and long-term. Short-term motivation is a decision here and now, to achieve a certain goal in a specific period of time. Long-term motivation is the decision to achieve a larger goal, the path to which consists of small successes.

If sports motivation is not good enough, then you don’t need to count on great success. In addition, it is worth remembering that the motivation of a bodybuilder will not become the motivation of a football player. Each sport has its own method of interest, which fully corresponds to the characteristics of the training.

Motivation and psychotypes

Motivation for sports activities directly depends on the characteristics of the human psyche. It will be difficult for a loner to adapt to team play, and an extrovert will get bored of playing tennis alone. Therefore, for each person it is necessary to initially choose the right sport that is suitable for him. Motivation in sports organizations begins precisely from the definition



Type of sport and motivation

Typical extrovert

He is highly sociable, loves loud companies, and has many friends. Constantly seeks support and approval from others

Sport should be regarded as a place where you can find many new acquaintances and make friends. interesting people. The best choice would be rhythmic classes with music in a large group.


In many matters, such a person does not need company; he is moderately sociable and if he does something, it is exclusively for himself, and not for show.

During sports activities, such a person can get the maximum benefit, since, while performing certain exercises, he can think about his own things. You can try yoga, martial arts, a gym or a fitness club


For such a person, everything that is acceptable at a social event is acceptable. That’s just the peculiarity of communicating with everyone invited, which negatively affects sports activities. If such a person works out on his own, then he will constantly run from exercise machine to exercise machine and ultimately will not do anything.

It is better to start playing sports by finding a coach who can choose an interesting program for such a person and will monitor its implementation

Hard worker

A person is so busy with work that there is no time even for food, let alone sports? Such individuals need a quick effect that can be seen in a short period of time

The best solution would be complex exercise equipment, which has a good effect on both the upper and lower body.

4 ways

With personality psychotypes, everything is more or less clear; now it has become known which sport to give preference to. The war against one's own laziness always has a variable effect. Therefore, you need to force yourself to play sports at any cost.

For such a case, sports psychologists have 4 wonderful methods:

  • Reward your efforts. A ghostly goal like “I will live a long time” does not particularly contribute to the desire to tear yourself away from the sofa. But watching a new blockbuster after a workout is already a more compelling argument to go to the gym.
  • Promise in public. All people are masters of their own words: if they want, they give, if they don’t want, they take it back. But once you make a public promise, the rules of the game change dramatically. There will definitely be those who will remember these words, and in order not to fall in the eyes of the public, they will have to work on their promise.
  • Think positively. The morning is never good, but once you visualize how you can enjoy hot cocoa and a new book in the evening, the morning turns into the most joyful time of the day. Positive visualization is another reason that will make you go to training.
  • Financial question. Let them say that money does not bring happiness, but it is money that rules the world. And if you look at the amounts that average athletes receive, the desire to go to the gym stings so sharply that a person only remembers about motivation when returning home.

Motivation for girls

Being slim is fashionable now, and which girl doesn’t want to look beautiful, fashionable and overall perfect? That’s right, everyone wants it, but only a few are working on it. The most effective thing for girls is beautiful clothes. As soon as you take out your favorite dress from the closet, which has not fastened on your figure for 5 years, the desire to get up from the sofa will become much greater.

In general, sports motivation for girls differs only in gender specifics. And this is very noticeable if you look at the factors that make girls want to play sports:

  • Fit into your favorite dress, which is already a bit tight.
  • Other people's achievements, especially if they are achievements ex-girlfriend beloved.
  • As soon as a girl imagines what a beauty she would have become if she had started playing sports a year ago, an indomitable desire to go to the gym immediately appears.

Fracture period

Even the best athletes, who are charged with the lion's share of motivation, went to this extreme. The so-called breaking period, when a person sees that he already has some results. But what next? He no longer has the desire to go to the gym. And the word “want” suddenly turned into the word “need”. Only 7% of those who start playing sports achieve outstanding results. After all, only a select few can overcome the period when you don’t want to do anything, constantly forcing yourself to go to the gym.

Sports lyrics

Sport is not only constant training that physically strengthens the body, it is also an internal core that allows you to overcome all obstacles. Everyone has this core, the main thing is to find a way to ignite it. Sports films, sports anime, invigorating music or sports quotes... Motivation can come from anywhere, the main thing is to remember that first moment when you really wanted to play sports.

Motivation is the key to success

  • “If there is a driving force that guides me forward, it is a weakness that I despise and turn into a strength,” Michael Jordan.
  • “Do once what others say you can’t do. Afterwards you will forever forget about rules and restrictions,” James Cook.
  • “Every victory consists of five elements - tenacity, speed, strength, skill and will. Moreover, it depends only on the will whether a person wins or not!” - Ken Doherty.
  • “A person who strives for something with all his heart will definitely achieve it. Even if it seems unrealistic, even if others laugh at him, the power of faith will not be broken by such ridiculous obstacles,” Chuck Norris.

This is only a small part of what people who achieved success in sports left as a legacy.

A good jump starts with good support, and in the case of sports, this support is motivation.

Outdoor and dacha sports complexes are specifically designed for outdoor sports. They differ from home complexes in the installation method, usually in a larger footprint and in a larger selection of sports equipment.


Universal sports grounds are usually equipped with football goals, volleyball and basketball stands, badminton stands, etc. You can learn more about sports fields by reading our article.

Activities with infants

Do you think babies don’t need sports? Whatever the case! After all physical development a child is directly related to mental abilities. Morning exercises, exercise on a fitball... There are plenty to choose from!

Physical activity for a child

Do you want to know what exercise stress optimal for children? What contraindications exist for playing sports? When is the best time to start playing sports and is there physical education for newborns?

“Nothing depletes and destroys so much human body, as physical inaction" (Aristotle).

“Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise.” (Claudius Galen).

“You must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be mentally healthy” (Lev Tolstoy).

“With assiduous mental work without movement and bodily labor - real grief” ( Lev Tolstoy).

“Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking it out of dust, so gymnastics cleanses the body.” (Hippocrates).

“Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the daily life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life.” (Hippocrates).

“Great sport begins where health care ends” (Bertolt Brecht).

“No effort is in vain: Sisyphus developed muscles” (Paul Valery).

“Sport does not develop character, but reveals it” (Heywood Brown).

“Nobody remembers who finished second except the one who finished second.” (Bobby Unser).

“A professional is an athlete who has no profession and is forced to earn a living through sports.” (Jean Giraudoux).

“For your team to win the high jump, you need one guy who jumps seven feet, not seven guys who jump a foot each.” (Frederick Terman).

“A person who goes in for sports can even endure cultural life” (Oliver Hassenkamp).

“I want to use whole body gymnastics to make him more balanced” (Socrates).

“If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick.” (Quintus Horace Flaccus).

“Whoever gives up physical exercise often wastes away, because the strength of his organs weakens due to refusal to move.” (Avicenna).

If you engage in physical exercise, there is no need to take medications taken for various diseases, if at the same time you follow all other requirements of the normal regimen.” (Avicenna).

“Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth” (John Locke).

"In mass development physical culture and sports, I see one of the best options in the battle for human health, its creative activity and longevity" (Petr Kuzmich Anokhin).

“Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness”

“The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else. Without correct application hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation.” (Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky).

“Love gymnastics, it will give you good physical development and health, good spirits! My 90 years guarantee you this!” (Nikolai Alexandrovich Morozov).

“After walking and swimming, I feel that I am younger, and most importantly, that I have massaged and refreshed my brain with bodily movements.” (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky).

“Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite activity” (Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky).

“With the help of exercise and abstinence, the majority of people can do without medicine.” (Addison Joseph).

"Football match: a duel between the referee's whistle and the whistle of the stands" (Slawomir Wroblewski).

“Defeat is a temporary state; giving up the fight makes it permanent.” (Marilyn vos Savant).

“He who wants to be strong and brave becomes one. A real man cannot avoid sports. And if he loves a woman, he must be healthy, strong, generous!” (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

“I have no desire to prove anything to anyone, I prove to myself that I can become even better and even stronger with every workout!” (Dwayne Johnson).

“The most amazing feeling is when you know exactly what your opponent is going to do and you carefully lead him to make a mistake. If you play the combination correctly, you win. Pure chess" (Vladimir Klichko).

“To train selflessly for hours, every day, a person needs to give up ordinary pleasures and relaxation. He must have a strong sense of self-denial, a sense of purpose, which will help him in overcoming temptations. A person whose mind is burning with the desire to learn everything on the chosen Path will devote every possible minute to training” (Masutasu Oyama).

“I like that I do something that others don’t do, so I’m a winner!” (Jay Cutler).

“Life is not only wrestling, but also other sports” (B. Krutier).

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

“If anything moves me forward, it is only my weakness, which I hate and turn into my strength.” (Michael Jordan).

“If I lose, I'll walk away and I won't regret it... Because I know I did everything I could.” (Joe Fraser).

“No matter how many important fights a boxer has, the most important in life is the next one.” (John Ruiz).

“Wrestling is my whole life. It starts with talent, turns into a hobby, becomes a profitable business and profession, but this is not enough to be completely satisfied, to achieve success in wrestling you just need to love it.” (Karam Gaber).

“If a person doesn’t want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him.” (Yogi Berra).

“Will is what makes you win when your mind tells you that you are defeated.” (Carlos Castaneda).

"You're not a loser until you give up" (Michael Jordan).

“Becoming a champion is much easier than holding this title and living with it all your life.” (Roy Jones).

“Strength of spirit destroys any strength of muscles!” (Sylvester Stallone).

“The most important thing for success in bodybuilding is education. But this is not a school, not a college or a university, but a constant study of all available information on this issue." (Flex Wheeler).

If it seems that an athlete’s movements are easy to repeat, but in reality you have to learn them for years, this is a real athlete. – G. Alexandrov

The physical side of development is the basis for the mental one. Without sports it is impossible to build a healthy, prosperous and developing nation. – A. V. Lunacharsky

Sports news: amazing swimmer Nyrkov was able to “outdo” the previous record for underwater swimming. The delighted commission handed it to the relatives gold medal and, at the same time, the body of a swimmer. – A. Sadovsky

Sometimes in sports there seems to be a clear victory, but you still can’t wash it off.

Gradually, sport is becoming a fashionable movement again. Perhaps soon sport will also become the only expression of thoughts. – V. Klyuchevsky

Oh, are you running? And who are you from? – “Labor reserves”. - Maybe Dynamo is also running? – You won’t believe it... everyone is running.

The most beautiful thing in sports is improvisation - Georgy Alexandrov

You simply blew up the Russian public! This is incredible! You need to be made a millionaire. It costs a lot to lift the spirits of the Nagano Games participants

Read more quotes on the following pages:

Boxing has a serious drawback - all the bumps go to the head. – Georgy Alexandrov

Sashurin, a biathlete, comes to me

The elbow is close, but you won’t bite - a prohibited technique. – Andrey Kozak

Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise. – Galen

“What stunning legs! Where did you learn karate?” – Vlad Veselovsky

Remember: it doesn't matter whether you win or lose; All that matters is whether I win or lose. – Darrin Weinberg

Gymnastics, physical exercise, and walking should become firmly established in the everyday life of everyone who wants to maintain efficiency, health, and a full and joyful life. – Hippocrates

Big sport is not only a loss best years, but also prize money.

If the wind is always in your face, then you are running too fast.

If a pig loses weight, it will still remain a pig.

Enthusiast about your body.

Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. – D. Locke

Not only brains are flowing out of the country, but also muscles, if they have brains. – Mikhail Zhvanetsky

To maintain health, and especially to prevent normal diseases, there is nothing better than physical exercises or movements. – M. Ya. Wise

The Chinese are small in height - on average 1.55 m, but they reproduce quickly. And if you put 3 Chinese on top of each other, then they will get the highest basketball team - and the most numerous

Proportion, beauty and health require not only education in the fields of science and art, but also lifelong physical exercise and gymnastics. – Plato

Going to football without vodka is like going fishing without a fishing rod!

Bodybuilders dream of making their body a work of art. It's a pity that they have neither taste nor sense of proportion. –

Sorry for my indiscretion, but Yeltsin can’t cope with me on the court. Korzhakov can't cope. Luzhkov lost three times. The last time we played with Luzhkov for 5 thousand tons of butter. – Alexander Lukashenko

The ability to swing your arms and legs is a side effect of martial arts, achieving harmony with yourself is their true goal. – Vavilin Andrey Valerievich

Big backwards jump. – Arkady Davidovich

The results of our track and field athletes will be much better if they are given beer and not allowed to pee, and if there is a toilet at the finish line. –

The black man doesn't play hockey!

Alice, my girl! You still can't escape sports glory!

He loved football so much that he only watched hockey. – Leonid Leonidov

Physical education is excellent because it leads to health to perfection. – Georgy Alexandrov

There is a lot of noise in the stadium and nothing - the score is 0:0. – Andrey Kozak

Exercise can replace many medications, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise. – A. Mosso

The stayer enjoyed passing the time on the distance.

If you practice moderation in sports, you may not even become a world champion. – Georgy Alexandrov

World champion in fighting with the mind.

I know the body movements of each of our athletes! I'm still shaking when our guy was taken down 2 km before the marathon finish! This was done by a Russian judge: This is the subject of a special conversation, including with the Russian leadership.

The most masculine sport on TV is football. – Alexander Krasny

Even physical exercise will not help us... - Vladimir Vishnevsky

Good body geometry is the algebra of good sex.

To set a record, you need to make fun of your body. – Georgy Alexandrov

The sport is based on the idle interest of connoisseurs of unique fights. – Georgy Alexandrov

A person who exercises moderately and in a timely manner does not need any treatment aimed at eliminating the disease. – Avicenna

The boxer was so eager to defeat his opponent that even during breaks between rounds he continued to train. – Vladimir Semenov

If you want to put together a team to win the high jump, you're looking for one guy who can jump seven feet, not seven guys who can jump a foot each. – Frederick Terman

Do you think the stars are all so slim by nature or due to incredible willpower? Hell no! Each of us has a personal fitness instructor and a special diet, where everything is calculated down to the last calorie. Otherwise, many would have been blown away... - Sarah Gellar, actress

Just as clothiers clean cloth, knocking out dust from it, so gymnastics cleanses the body. – Hippocrates

These are the laws of modern sports: if you don’t score, then you have democracy! – Andrey Kozak

Nothing can be better than light physical training - Georgy Alexandrov

And even in technical tennis, deception makes a victory. – Georgy Alexandrov

Professional athlete: a public whore who is required to behave honestly. – Jean Giraudoux

He was especially good at false starts. – Vladimir Kolechitsky

“I love smart football players” sounds about the same as “I love muscle-bound chess players”

The most important condition for improving memory performance is the healthy state of the nerves, for which physical exercise is necessary.

If a person does not want to run in the morning, nothing can stop him. – Yogi Berra

The physical education of a child is the basis for everything else. Without the correct use of hygiene in the development of a child, without properly organized physical education and sports, we will never get a healthy generation. – A.V. Lunacharsky

Jogging is an activity for people who are not developed enough to watch morning television. – Victoria Wood

In a healthy body healthy mind. – Juvenal

Gymnastics illuminates the perfection of the body with its flight of beauty. – Georgy Alexandrov

Sport is physical education plus electrification of the entire country. – Alisher Faiz

The important thing is not to win but to take part. – Pierre de Coubertin

Weightlifters are rude people, they will push the barbell and won’t even apologize.

Even in a sports fight, sometimes money is won - Georgy Alexandrov

Sport is a waste of time and a waste of energy. Below the athlete is only his spectator. – Marina Tsvetaeva

Profanation of sports. – Evgeniy Kashcheev

Olga Ilyinskaya was never able to tear Oblomov away from the sofa: in that era, women of her circle did little physical labor. – Mikhail Genin

Everywhere you look, there is a world record. – Andrey Kozak

Sports: fun until you sweat. – Maurice Decobras

Yesterday the rider Avangard Ovsov performed at the limit of human capabilities: he came to the finish line first, leaving his horse far behind. – Mikhail Genin

Victory in sports is not brought by the possession of information, but by its application – Sports Stalker

Although a coward “doesn’t play hockey,” he often ends up with a puck in the hands of others. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Our team's gold medals at the Olympics are a consequence of the poor preparation of our opponents!

Karate is a form of martial art in which people, after years of training, are able, using only their arms and legs, to create some of the worst films in the history of the world. – Dave Barry

The amateur athlete these days is one who only accepts cash and not a check. – Jack Kelly

In sports, delusions of grandeur are of no help. But persecution mania helps a lot. – Stas Yankovsky

The first breath is for everyone, the tenth is only for champions.

Gymnastics is complete nonsense. Healthy people do not need it, but it is contraindicated for sick people. - Henry Ford

With such transport, we... don’t even need gyms!!!

Faster. Higher. Stronger. Smarter – Elena Ermolova

The lack of octane number on a bicycle does not allow it to participate in Formula 1 - Georgy Alexandrov

Sport creates a culture of optimism, a culture of cheerfulness. – A. V. Lunacharsky

He is fat, he is soft, he wears your clothes, he was born on the same day as you, but he has become too old and you are afraid that if you stop running, he will catch up with you. Just do it. Nike – Dan Weeden

Gymnastics prolongs a person’s youth. – John Locke

A body that is too healthy can hold too little spirit. – Alfred Konar

The best thing about exercise is taking a break from it.

Serious sport has nothing to do with fair play. Serious sport is war minus murder. – George Orwell

Again, running in place began with a false start... - Yana Dzhangirova

It is necessary for every person to join physical exercises. Without this, no talk about healthy way life. – Nikolay Amosov

If you don’t train your brain in time, the entire load will fall on your muscles. – Mikhail Mamchich

Even at lightweight, you have to push a heavy barbell to win. – Georgy Alexandrov

Sport improves physical qualities and tests moral ones - Georgy Alexandrov

If I ever need a brain transplant, the best donor would be a sportswriter. A guy with a brain that hasn't been used. – Norm Van Brocklin

The capital's residents are lucky to have a talented mayor. Athlete, all-around athlete, football player, tennis player... - AiF, 97, 37

Sport becomes a means of education when it is everyone’s favorite activity. – Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Even a boxer can't beat a good runner.

In sports, as in casinos, it is very difficult to win by chance. – Georgy Alexandrov

Only in a strong, healthy body does the spirit maintain balance, and character develops in all its power. – G. Spencer

Gymnastics is a healing part of medicine. – Plato

Alpine skiing is a downhill race for money. – “Kommersant-Money”

Sport is physical education taken to the point of absurdity. – Lev the Brief

five rings one end - Olympics in Salt Lake City - Igor Sivolob

Oh sport, you are the world! – Pierre de Coubertin

They pump up the muscles, pumping them away from the brain. – Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Everyone should do twelve push-ups without shortness of breath. – Georgy Alexandrov

I want to ask you: could we organize a small race somewhere around here? Such, you know, a brothelero...