At the end of October, the inhabitants of the planet will be covered by a powerful magnetic storm. At the end of October, the inhabitants of the planet will be covered by a powerful magnetic storm. Causes of magnetic storms

October is recognized as an extremely calm and balanced month in terms of strong activity magnetic storms. Experts have drawn up a schedule of magnetic storms for October 2017 in advance to help weather-dependent people protect their own health from the adverse effects of this well-known natural phenomenon.

Magnetic storms for October

Such a phenomenon of our nature as a magnetic storm is known to many people. It is most carefully studied by weather-dependent people who, with various changes in the atmosphere, begin to feel unwell. The danger of a magnetic storm lies in the fact that its activity can cause the activity of chronic diseases, as well as negatively affect the general well-being of heart patients and hypertensive patients.

When magnetic storms are planned in the atmosphere for October 2017, a schedule of days and hours will certainly help to carry out effective prevention against the development of serious illnesses. It is important to know that specialists can determine a reliable and most accurate schedule only a couple of weeks before rush hour. Preliminary forecasts are also compiled that accurately indicate negative dates, but are not able to indicate unfavorable times.

In the coming October, the activity of our solar system is in a calm state. Won't be noticed bright flashes in the sun, accordingly, natural phenomena will not manifest themselves as strongly as possible. A total of 3 negative dates are expected when activity solar system will be increased. Such dates may become unpleasant for weather-dependent people, but for an ordinary person they will not cause any trouble.

1 - opens autumn month an atmospheric storm that is weak in its own strength. During this period, headaches may worsen. If a person suffers from inflammatory processes, then he may experience a sharp increase in temperature levels to high limits. Hypertensive patients need to be careful, as they are likely to experience sudden jumps in blood pressure.
29 - the second magnetic (and also weak) storm can become dangerous for people who suffer from insomnia. At this point, the likelihood of a drop in blood pressure continues. Besides, emotional condition A weather-dependent person may also suffer - irritation, mood swings, aggression and moral apathy may occur.
30 - the month ends again with a weak natural negative phenomenon. All the warnings of the dates described above remain, so a weather-dependent person should be especially attentive to the changes occurring in the body.

Security measures

If the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 is known in advance, then maximum efforts can be made to minimize natural negativity. What needs to be done to avoid suffering from atmospheric change activity?

You should not indulge in “junk” food, this includes fatty and salty foods, smoked and pickled foods. On negative dates, it is not recommended to eat dishes prepared by frying. The ideal food is food prepared by steaming or stewing.
It is important to reduce communication with people, especially strangers and business partners. A negative mood encourages quarrels and conflicts; the less communication, the less the risk of being to blame natural phenomenon enemies and ill-wishers.
You cannot engage in heavy physical or mental labor. The body needs rest, not overexertion.
On days when the sun is active, you need to walk more often and be in the fresh air, so walks in the park or in the forest are very important for health and good mood.

Nowadays, even a child knows that a magnetic storm can contribute to a deterioration in health. This natural phenomenon causes particular harm to the health of weather-dependent people, which include the elderly and patients with chronic diseases. It has been proven that even many newborns feel the onset of a negative phenomenon; they become capricious, lethargic, and refuse to eat. In order to protect yourself as much as possible from the negative effects of nature, it is important to study the schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017, as well as identify ways to prevent unpleasant health consequences.

Magnetic storms in October

Negative phenomena in nature pose the greatest danger to those people who suffer from cardiac or vascular chronic pathologies. At the moment of the magnetic storm activity itself, complications or negative consequences may appear in patients suffering from:
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the bone apparatus;
  • Nervous disorders.

People who have had a heart attack or stroke may also experience a sharp deterioration in their physical well-being. To prevent the risk of complications, it is important to determine the exact schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017.
Experts on magnetic storms claim that autumn October is expected to be quite calm in terms of strong activity of this negative phenomenon in nature. During this month there will be no strong surges in the energy charge of the sun, and accordingly, strong magnetic storms will not appear in nature. But weak activity will still become a pattern. It is possible to determine exactly when magnetic storms will manifest their cosmic power in October 2017; the schedule by day and hour is as follows:
  • 1 - a weak natural phenomenon is expected in terms of strength. It will not bring any particular negative impact to a person’s well-being, but prevention will help set the body in a normal working state;
  • 29 is again a weak natural phenomenon. It is possible that weather-dependent people will experience mood swings, arrhythmia or “interruptions” in normal blood pressure;
  • 30 - a weak magnetic storm completes the series of natural phenomena; its activity is dangerous due to the appearance of insomnia, irritability or tedious headaches.

How to protect yourself?

If magnetic storms are indicated for a certain date in October 2017, then weather-dependent people need to prepare for a possible deterioration in their health a couple of days before rush hour. It is important to note that health can deteriorate sharply, both before the onset of a natural phenomenon and after this time.
What negative symptoms do weather-dependent people experience in the midst of a magnetic storm?
  • Sharp and aching headaches;
  • Aches in muscles and joints;
  • Sharp pain in the bones, especially in people who have suffered fractures/dislocations of the lower or upper extremities;
  • Increasing blood pressure regimens;
  • Insomnia;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Mental state disturbance (irritability, aggressiveness, apathy, excitability, etc.);
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Change (deterioration) in visual acuity;
  • The appearance of causeless fatigue.

Unfortunately, there is no medicine that would prevent the effects of a magnetic storm on the human body, but there are many proven ways to reduce possible negative consequences:
  • Hypertensive and hypotensive patients, as well as people suffering from chronic heart pathologies, are required to always carry appropriate medications with them.

Magnetic storms in October 2017, as a rule, do not have a negative impact on the general well-being of healthy people. But effective methods prevention will help eliminate possible negative changes.

  • In anticipation of the arrival of a negative natural phenomenon, it is important to get a good night's sleep; night's sleep at this moment should not be less than 8 hours;
  • If weather-dependent people react to a natural phenomenon in a peculiar way, that is, with emotional deviations, then plant-based sedatives (tincture of motherwort or valerian) will help them calm their nerves and put their psychological state in order.
  • A contrast shower will help lift your spirits;
  • During negative numbers, it is important to stop drinking alcohol. You should not get carried away with eating fatty or salty foods;
  • When unpleasant symptoms appear, you cannot wait for them to disappear. It is important to either drink a soothing herbal decoction or use medications to normalize your well-being.

Magnetic storms bring weather-dependent people many unpleasant minutes and even hours. And especially in the fall - when magnetic storms are also accompanied by cooling, jumps atmospheric pressure and sometimes even a sudden change in weather. Therefore, weather-sensitive people need to know the schedule of magnetic storms for the second month of autumn. Ukrainian News will also tell you how to protect yourself from the negative influence of the geomagnetic environment.

Heliophysicists gave a long-term forecast of magnetic storms for October 2017. reports this.

Maybe, sunny wind will cause excitation of the magnetosphere as early as October 1. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. Negative Impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased.

What can you do to relieve stress?

The reaction to magnetic storms is individual for each person. However, if you are susceptible to illness, have a weakened immune system, or are stressful situation– your body may malfunction and react to the geomagnetic environment with a serious deterioration in well-being.


During magnetic storms, as well as before them, adjust your diet. You will need to refrain from alcohol and overeating, as well as from fatty, spicy and salty foods. At this time, it is better to focus on healthy foods. Autumn is a time of delicious and healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables - pay attention to them!

More water

Try to drink as much water as possible. Teas, compotes, and herbal infusions are also suitable. And try to refrain from coffee, strong tea and any invigorating drinks - with this you can overload the cardiovascular system. This is especially true before bedtime - these drinks will only worsen your well-being during the period of adaptation to cold weather.

Fresh air

During magnetic storms and especially during adaptation to cold and autumn, try to spend more time outdoors.

Relieve your nervous system

During the period of active negative natural phenomena, it is necessary to avoid intense sports, as well as various mental work. Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony.

Magnetic storms bring weather-dependent people many unpleasant minutes and even hours. And especially in the fall - when magnetic storms are also accompanied by cold temperatures, surges in atmospheric pressure and sometimes even a sharp change in weather. Therefore, weather-sensitive people need to know the schedule of magnetic storms for the second month of autumn. Ukrainian News will also tell you how to protect yourself from the negative influence of the geomagnetic environment.

Heliophysicists gave a long-term forecast of magnetic storms for October 2017. reports this.

Perhaps the solar wind will excite the magnetosphere as early as October 1st. This will be the aftermath of a strong outbreak that occurred at the end of September. The probability that excitement will develop into a storm is approximately 2%, which is extremely low.

The solar wind caused by the solar flare on October 9 will reach Earth around October 11. The negative impact will immediately be quite strong. Almost all weather-sensitive people will feel this effect by the second day of magnetic excitation. Proper rest will help you cheer up - walks in the fresh air, meditation, relaxation.

Since the storm will be protracted, it will be harder and harder to hold on every day. Even healthy people can feel this pressure from the outside. Fatigue will be increased.

The storm will be protracted, and every day it will be harder and harder to hold on. Photo:

What can you do to relieve stress?

The reaction to magnetic storms is individual for each person. However, if you are susceptible to illness, have a weakened immune system and are in a stressful situation, your body may malfunction and react to the geomagnetic environment with a serious deterioration in well-being.


During magnetic storms, as well as before them, adjust your diet. You will need to refrain from alcohol and overeating, as well as from fatty, spicy and salty foods. At this time, it is better to focus on healthy foods. Autumn is a time of delicious and healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables - pay attention to them!

Focus on healthy foods. Photo: Pikabu

More water

Try to drink as much water as possible. Teas, compotes, and herbal infusions are also suitable. And try to refrain from coffee, strong tea and any invigorating drinks - with this you can overload the cardiovascular system. This is especially true before bedtime - these drinks will only worsen your well-being during the period of adaptation to cold weather

Herbal teas will help you cope with stress more easily. Photo: Pikabu

Fresh air

During magnetic storms and especially during adaptation to cold and autumn, try to spend more time outdoors.

Nature and walks will help you cope with magnetic storms. Photo: Pikabu

Relieve your nervous system

During the period of active negative natural phenomena, it is necessary to avoid intense sports, as well as various mental work. Try to avoid quarrels and conflicts. In addition, it is recommended not to take on work that requires concentration or monotony.

To cope with the autumn cold and magnetic storms, you should go to bed a little earlier. Photo:


Forecast of magnetic storms in October 2017 from will be useful to all weather-dependent people.

After the stormy September solar cataclysms, I would like to believe that the next month will be calmer, and the weather forecast will be encouraging with minor surges in the geomagnetic situation. However, the sun is in no hurry to subside, and almost the entire month of October will keep us on our toes.

Throughout the month, and especially in the middle and end of October, serious manifestations are expected solar activity and several magnetic storms. Therefore, you should be on guard so that they do not take you by surprise and spoil your well-being and mood in the middle of autumn.

of the year

During October 2017, significant solar activity is expected.

Magnetic fluctuations are possible 1, 2, 15, 16, 17, 22, 27, 28, 29 numbers.

Magnetic storms are expected 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 24, 25, 26 numbers.


years - the cause of occurrence

Geomagnetic disturbances on Earth periodically occur due to processes occurring on the Sun, especially in the region of dark spots. During solar flares Plasma particles burst into space at enormous speed and, reaching the lower layers of the earth's atmosphere, cause storms on our planet.

years - feeling unwell

During magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations, people sensitive to them often experience headaches, insomnia, disruption of the cardiovascular system, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased performance, loss of strength, increased adrenaline in the blood, stress and depression.

The body's reaction to magnetic storms is different for each person. Scientists have not yet found an exact answer to the question of why solar activity can greatly affect our body. It is believed that the cause of a person’s poor health may be the state of his health at this moment. Whether we are healthy or sick, what is the state of our immunity, whether we suffer from depression or other mental disorders - all these factors influence how we will survive the next magnetic storm.


In addition, suspiciousness is an important factor. It is believed that only 10% of humanity truly suffers from excess solar activity, and the remaining 90% invent symptoms for themselves and believe in them.

Whether this is really so is up to you to decide and check. We can advise how to behave during magnetic storms in October 2017.

What to do to make it easier to survive of the year:

  • limit work that requires increased attention and concentration, or postpone it for another time;
  • try to avoid stressful situations;
  • relax more and walk in the fresh air;
  • monitor your blood pressure;
  • take sedatives: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, sage, soothing teas;
  • follow the recommendations of your doctor and always have the necessary medications with you;
  • Eat right to lower your blood cholesterol levels. A plant-based diet, consumption of natural juices, decoctions, chicory, a dairy diet and lean meat are recommended. Avoid drinking alcohol during this period.


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Magnetic storms magnetic storms 2017 magnetic storms in 2017 magnetic storms in October magnetic storms in October 2017 schedule of magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 schedule magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 in detail magnetic storm calendar for October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storms in October 2017 magnetic storm schedule magnetic storms in 2017 schedule days of magnetic storms days of magnetic storms in October days of magnetic storms in October 2017