Class hour on the topic: “A minute saves an hour. Class hour "Take care of your health from a young age!" The purpose of this decision is to attract people’s attention to nature, improve the condition of forests, remind people that the forest must be protected and restored

Borisenko Violetta Nikolaevna

GKOU RO boarding school of the VIII type in the village of Matveev Kurgan

mathematics teacher, 6th grade class teacher

Class hour on the topic: "Take care of nature!"

Goal: developing a responsible attitude towards nature.

    promote a responsible attitude towards nature and the formation of an ecological culture;

    introduce the rules of behavior in nature;

    introduce children to the Red Book and some of the animals included in it.

Design: multimedia projector, presentation, video, children's drawings “Nature and us”.

Progress of the class hour.

1. Organizational moment.

Presenter: - Hello, friends! Hello nature!

2. Introductory part of the class hour.

Our planet - Earth

Very generous and rich

Mountains, forests and fields

Our dear home, guys.

The sun rises early,

Lights up the day with a ray.

The bird sings merrily

The day begins with a song.

How good, take a closer look

Maples, birches and fir trees!

Learn to sing from the bird,

And the bee's hard work.

3. introduction teachers.

Humanity has lived on planet Earth for almost a million years, but people think little about the fact that all the riches of the earth are not eternal, that they need protection, replenishment and careful handling.

In past centuries, when the number of earthlings was small and industry was poorly developed, people rarely thought about the consequences of gross interference in nature. And gradually, with the development of scientific and technological progress, the attack on nature led to the depletion of soils, the shallowing of rivers and lakes, the death of vegetation, and the formation of deserts. In recent years, the environmental situation has deteriorated sharply, many species of plants and animals are disappearing and becoming rare, and many corners of nature are losing their value. Many people began to worry about the deterioration of the environmental situation on earth. And then they began to create entire territories in the world, in which entire natural components began to be protected, including here in Russia.

Nature is the house in which we live,

And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.

Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,

We want to live in that house forever.

Nature is home under the snow and rain.

In any frost or heat it works great.

Keep this house we live in

We have the right to this peaceful home.

We must learn to love and take care of everything that surrounds us. And our meeting today is dedicated to this goal.

(Children read poetry)

    On our globe on the earth,
    Where we were born and live,
    Where is the summer dew in the grass?
    And blue skies
    Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -
    Full of mysterious miracles.

    A gray wolf wanders through the forest,
    And the thin lily of the valley blooms,
    In the steppe feather grass is like delicate silk,
    The breeze brushes.
    A waterfall thunders on the rocks,
    And the splashes fly like a rainbow.

    And in the blue sea there is a blue whale -
    Big as a house, it sleeps on the waves.
    Don't destroy this world
    Girls and boys
    Otherwise these miracles
    They will remain only in the book.

    So that there is Narzan in the springs,
    From the clearing - strawberries,
    Be careful like Tarzan
    Make friends with wild nature!
    - You are also part of her miracles,
    And the forest darkens for you,
    And the bright river flows,
    And everything will bloom in the spring.
    And we have to try
    We can't part with this!

4. Conversation about the Red Book.

– How beautiful these creations of nature are! I would only admire them, amazed at how generous nature is with inventions, if not for one painful circumstance: many of them are listed in the Red Book and all of them are threatened with extinction from the face of the earth. Today we will talk about the Red Book. Let's find out what kind of book this is, what it is for and why?

International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources created the “Survival Service Commission”, which in 1966 published volume 1 of the Red Book. Why was she called Red? Red color is a danger signal. She seems to be calling on all people: plants and animals are in trouble, help them. The International Red Book looks like a thick desk calendar with pages of different colors.

Children read a poem.

Protected by a book

So many rare animals and birds,

For the multifaceted space to survive

For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

So that souls do not become empty,

Animals are protected

Snakes are protected

Even flowers are protected.

The Red Book is Red!

So, you can’t waste even a moment,

Calls to preserve all living things.

Let him not call in vain

Red Book. Red Book!

And the anxiety for life is tireless,

So as not to perish in the cosmic darkness.

Let's exhaust all the oceans

Let's exhaust everything on Earth.

We offend forests and fields,

The rivers groan from bitter insults,

And we forgive ourselves

And we forgive ourselves

But the future will not forgive us.

The red color of the book is a prohibitive color: stop, stop! This cannot continue. Red color is a danger signal.

Let's get acquainted a little with the contents of the Red Book.

Endangered species, the salvation of which is impossible without special protection measures, are placed on red sheets of paper.

Declining or vulnerable species are species whose numbers are rapidly declining. Information about them is printed on yellow paper.

Rare species are found in small numbers or may soon disappear in limited areas. They are listed on white pages.

The gray pages of the Red Book contain information about little-studied and rare species.

Recovered species were previously in one of three categories, but their numbers have now been restored due to conservation. Information about them is printed on green sheets.

The black pages of the Red Book contain species that will never exist on Earth again. This is the result of man's barbaric attitude towards nature.

5. Video “Animals listed in the Red Book.”

6. Conversation about children's drawings. (Each student talks about his drawing.)

Famous writer M.M. Prishvin said: “Take care of nature! If there is water and not a single fish, I won’t trust the water. And even if there is oxygen in the air, but birds don’t fly in it, I won’t trust the air either. A forest without animals is not a forest...”

...You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her.
On pleasure trips
Don't trample its fields!
And don't exhaust it to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn her recklessly
There are few of us - and she is alone!

Guys, now take turns naming the rules of behavior in the forest, according to the signs:

    Don't pick flowers.

    You can't destroy anthills.

    Do not break branches of trees and bushes.

    Do not damage the bark of trees.

    You cannot take eggs from nests.

    Don't light a fire in the forest.

    Do not pick mushrooms, even those that are not edible.

    You must not dig holes or disturb animals.

    In the forest, in nature, it is prohibited to make shouting and noise.

    When relaxing in the forest, do not leave trash behind!

7.Work on proverbs and sayings.

Guys, how many of you know proverbs and sayings about nature, about caring for it?

Let's continue with the proverbs.

Stork on the roof - // peace in the house.
Although the earth feeds, // it also asks for food.
Life is given // for good deeds.
A good deed // praises itself.
A lot of water - // a lot of grass.
Plant - // earth decoration.
A lot of forest - // don’t destroy it, a little forest - // take care, no forest - // plant it.
Feed the birds in winter, // they will repay you with kindness in summer.
The nightingale does not need // a golden cage, but he needs // an earthly branch.
The bushes were cut down - // goodbye to the birds.
I saw a starling - // spring at the porch.
Spark the carcass // before the fire, avert trouble // before the blow.
Groves and forests are the beauty of our native land.
The fate of nature is // the fate of the Motherland.

8. Summary of the class hour.

Protecting nature is the responsibility of every person. And I hope, guys, that each of you will treat it with care.

Reflection. A paper silhouette of a tree is hung, onto which children stick leaves of a certain color:

Green - if you love nature, know and follow the rules of behavior in the forest, you want our planet to be a blooming garden.

Yellow - you don’t care what happens in the surrounding nature, what happens to plants and animals.

Red - if you treat nature not with care, not economically, but selfishly, take an example from ignorant people who thoughtlessly destroy nature.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

Sun glare on the path...

Take care of young shoots

At the green festival of nature,

The sky in the stars, the ocean and land

And a soul that believes in immortality, -

All destinies are connected by threads.

Take care of the Earth!

Take care...

List of used literature:

    From the Red Book. Animals and plants // Children's encyclopedia. – 2008. - No. 2.

    N. F. Vinogradova, " Mental education children in the process of becoming familiar with nature", M., 1978.

    Derekleeva N.I. Motor games, trainings and health lessons M., 2004.

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Class hour“Take care of your time and the time of others”

Goals: introduce the history of watches; teach students to value their time and the time of others, to be punctual; show the importance of following a daily routine; cultivate responsibility.

Methods: a story with elements of conversation and games.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, reminders.

Materials for class hour : “Poems about a man and his watch” S. Baruzdin;

A. Pugacheva’s song “Time for business, time for fun”, fairy tale “The Mystery of Time”

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech

Guess the riddles.

What cannot be returned?

What is faster than thought?

It has no legs and no wings,

He flies fast, you won't catch him.

Yesterday it was

Today there is

And it will be tomorrow.

(This time.)

What helps us recognize time?

Guess the riddle:

Ain't afraid of no one
Counts his age
And everyone is not human. (Clock) (The clock helps us.)

Main part

A story about the history of watches

But once upon a time, a very, very long time ago, people did not have clocks at all and they knew the time by the sun. The sun has risen - it's time for people to get up and get to work. The sun rose higher - it was time for dinner, but the sun hid and set - it was time to return home and go to bed. One day a man noticed a shadow falling on the ground from a tree. He took a closer look and noticed that the shadow did not stand still, but moved after the sun. A man watched a shadow running in a circle and came up with a clock: he dug a pillar into the ground, drew a circle around it, and divided the circle into parts. Each part was equal to one hour, so man inventedsundial. This was the first watch that man invented, but man could not always use it.

Why do you think? (Children's answers)

People recognized time andlive hours . This clock walks importantly around the yard and shouts “ka-ka-re-ku”.

Did you find out who it is? The rooster wakes up early in the morning and wakes people up with his singing. But it's hard to tell by the rooster's crow exact time. And how do you find out the time at night?

And the man came up with another watch, more reliable. Water was poured into a tall glass vessel with a hole at the bottom. Drop by drop it oozed from the hole. Marks were made on the walls of the vessel, which showed how much time had passed since the moment when water was poured into the vessel. These werewater clock , but they also turned out to be inconvenient, because water had to be constantly added to the vessel.

People began to think about how to come up with a better clock so that it would show time both day and night. And they came up with it. Two glass vials were connected to each other. There is sand inside. When the clock is running, sand from the upper bubble is poured into the lower one. Sand spilled out, which means a certain amount of time has passed. This watch was calledsandy.

They are still used in clinics and hospitals. Patients receive medical procedures using this clock, but it is impossible to find out what time it is from them.

But according to the flower clock you can. A long time ago, people noticed that flowers open and close not when they please, but at their own specific time. Some in the morning, others in the evening. This is how they appearedflower clock , but they only go in sunny weather; in cloudy weather all the flowers are closed.

The man thought a little more and came up with a watch that we still use today. Thismechanical watches . Inside them, a man placed a spring, twisted it so that it unwinds at a certain interval, and attached a toothed wheel to it. The wheel spins, turning the arrows attached to it, which show the time. To keep the clock from stopping, it must be wound constantly.

Then a man came up with a watch without a spring. Instead, there is a small electric motor inside the watch, which is powered by a battery. There is no need to wind such a watch. The man didn’t stop there and came up with a clock without hands. These watches have only luminous numbers on the dials that change with each passing minute. This watch is calledelectronic and operate on electricity and batteries.

And a man also came up withwrist watch, floor, wall, table . There is even a fairy tale clock. They hang on the wall of the Central Puppet Theater in Moscow. The fairy tale clock hangs on the wall of the Central Puppet Theater in Moscow. As soon as the hands freeze on the number 12, the golden rooster sitting on a high pole turns importantly, spreads his wings and shouts throughout the street: “Ku-ka-re-ku-u!” - inviting people to the show. The ringing of bells is heard, followed by 12 measured strikes. Everyone is waiting for a miracle. And a miracle happens.

One after another, the doors of the magic houses open, and musicians, led by a bear, appear and begin to play cheerful music. The donkey dashingly strikes the strings of the balalaika, the ram stretches the bellows of the harmonica, and the cymbals ring in the paws of the bear. “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden,” the musicians sing cheerfully.

The musicians will play and hide in the houses again.

And the most important clock was the Kremlin chimes. They are installed on the Spasskaya Tower in Moscow.

In Donetsk, the clock at the Main Post Office has been repaired." As a result, at 00:00 and 12:00 the clock will repeat the melody of the chimes on the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower, in the daytime it will play the melody "In the clear sky of Donetsk", and in the evening - "Dark mounds are sleeping" Each new day begins and ends with the chime of these clocks. And the arrival of each New Year is announced by the chimes.

Working with the clock

Do you all know how to use a watch? (Children use a clock model to determine the time.)

Do you know how to calculate time correctly? For example, how long will it take to put everything in a briefcase? (Children name the approximate amount of time.)

Let's check it out with you. (One student puts his supplies in a briefcase, taking into account how much time it takes.)

Conversation about following a daily routine

There is a procedure that helps you correctly distribute your time and not be late anywhere and manage everything. What is this? (This is the daily routine.)

Why do you need a daily routine? (To get up and go to bed on time, do homework at the same hours, go for a walk, not be late for classes, etc.)

Which adult has a strict daily routine? (For military people, athletes, astronauts)

How do they benefit from strict adherence to time? (It allows adults - athletes, astronauts, scientists - to achieve high results).

When does a person become the master of time? (If a person learns to follow a daily routine, then time will become subject to the person).

Maintaining a daily routine is especially important for athletes, astronauts and schoolchildren in order to grow up healthy. How many of you follow a daily routine? (Provided rough plan daily routine.)

2. Reading a poem by S. Barudzin.

1 student:
Who knows how to live by the clock?
And appreciates every hour,
This is not necessary in the morning
Wake up 10 times.

2nd student:
And he won't talk
Why is he too lazy to get up?
Do exercises, wash hands
And make the bed.

3rd student:
Will he have time to get dressed on time?
Wash and eat
He will have time to stand at the machine,
Sit at a desk at school.

4 student:
Friendship with watches is good!
Work, rest.
Do your homework slowly
And don't forget the books!!

Practical work

It is necessary to organize exercises for children in correct actions. The teacher tells the children that they must bring their favorite book to class by a certain date (in 3 days), and emphasizes that he will no longer remind them of this. Those who rely on their memory need not write down the task, and those who do not hope should write it in their diary. The teacher himself must remember to check that the assignment given to the students is completed within the time limit that he has assigned. If such small tasks are given often enough and supervised, then children will learn to complete them on time.

Physical education minute

Children bend to the sides like a pendulum, gradually increasing the pace.

The clock strikes on the old tower:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

And the wall ones faster:

Tiki-taki, tiki-taki.

And the pocket ones are in a hurry:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

Let's think together. "Brainstorm"

Imagine that all the clocks on Earth have disappeared. What will happen then? (Children's statements are listened to.)

Fairy tale "The Mystery of Time"

Do you know where the minutes, hours, seconds are even running away? No? I'll tell you...

One day this secret was revealed to me.

On one very ordinary, unremarkable day, I woke up later than usual. At first I didn’t even pay attention to what was happening, but when I washed my face, did my exercises and sat down to have breakfast, my gaze fell on the kitchen clock. I was horrified: it was already well after noon, the clock hands showed 16:10. They were spinning somehow quickly. Indeed, on ordinary days it is almost imperceptible how the minute hand moves. And on this day she was spinning quite quickly. It seemed like time was running away, or maybe he was in a hurry to get somewhere? I ran around the entire apartment and checked all the clocks in the house, even my grandmother’s old wristwatch, which had not worked for a very long time. Everywhere it was the same: time was rapidly “running away” somewhere.

For a minute I panicked, got scared and shouted loudly into the void: “Where are you running?!” And, most importantly, why?! What's happened?!"

The room began to rotate, a column of vortex began to spin in the middle, growing with each passing moment. All the things in the room, the room itself and even me - everything was spinning in some kind of crazy whirlwind. I found myself no longer in my own room, but in some other room.

It’s hard to even call it a room; it was more like a hall of some palace.

Having come to my senses a little and looking around, I decided to leave this shelter and try to find out where I ended up.

Stepping beyond the threshold of the hall, I found myself in a large, bright room in which there were many people. They were: some long and thin, others shorter and thicker, but all of them seemed to have pointed heads. And each little man had a cap on his head that looked like a cap. The hats differed only in color. Those who were taller wore blue; those that are lower are red. And the thinnest and thinnest ones, who seemed like they were about to break, wore green caps.

The room had large and sparkling chandeliers, the windows were decorated with beautiful curtains, and there were many candles in amazing candlesticks on the walls. In the very center stood a pedestal on which stood a majestic throne.

I realized that I was in the very heart of the castle. This was the throne room. I was very struck by the fact that the throne itself and the pedestal around it were the same colors as the hats of the little men around me. The throne was empty.

But now I was more interested in something else: where did I end up and how can I return home?

The people in the hall didn’t seem to notice me. They spoke very, very quickly and anxiously in a language I did not understand. It was as if they were in a hurry to get somewhere and were afraid of not making it in time. They did not stand still for a long time: some moved faster, others a little slower, only the smallest ones were in no hurry and stood a little imposingly in place.

Suddenly the trumpets began to ring, music began to play and, apparently, the owner of this castle entered the hall. Everyone fell silent and parted. He walked to the center and took his place on the throne.

“My dear loyal subjects, I have gathered you here so urgently in order to convey the most unpleasant news. Due to the increasing incidence of wasteful use of time, I, as the ruler of this country, declare general unemployment and release you all from any responsibilities related to time. I apologize for not being able to meet all your expectations and resolve the situation in a timely manner. I have made another important government decision: I am leaving my post.”

“Wait!” I could only shout, I was so struck by the king’s speech. "Take your time! Maybe it’s still possible to fix everything?!”

“No,” said the king sadly. “Who are you, girl, and how did you appear here?”

I was just about to start my story when he stopped me. in the following words: “Wait, dear child. Let’s go to my office, where you can tell me everything in detail.”

We went into the king's office, after which he listened to my story about the extraordinary appearance in his country. Now it's my turn to ask questions. Having received permission to do this, I began: “Your Majesty, would you be so kind as to explain to me where I am, what happened here and how can I return home?”

“Your curiosity is understandable, little why. I will try to answer your questions. You ended up in the Great Country of Time, and I am the King of this country, at least I was until today. All the little people you saw in the throne room are residents of our country. Yes, yes, these are: seconds, minutes, hours. How to figure out which of them is which is not at all difficult. You've seen the clock face more than once. Thin and small hands mean hours, thicker and longer hands mean minutes, and very thin ones mean seconds. I hope I answered your first question, but then... You see, the unexpected happened, although, probably, it could and even should have been foreseen! People started wasting time. For example, how much time do you spend on breakfast?”

I answered, after thinking a little: “Well... about forty minutes, or maybe even an hour.”

"Why so long?" - asked the king.

“I’ll eat a little, then chat on the phone, then eat again, sometimes I’ll get distracted by an interesting program on TV, or look out the window...” I began to list.

“That’s right, but I could have had breakfast in about twenty minutes. If I hadn’t been distracted, or to put it another way, I wouldn’t have wasted my time! And so every day any person spends and wastes precious minutes. And time wasted turns into stupid, unnecessary time. These minutes and hours can no longer work, they hang around the streets uselessly and will never be able to benefit people. The situation today has developed in such a way that there is more useless time than useful time. If this continues, all the time will become useless. I don't want to see my Great Country collapse! So I decided to take all the minutes, hours and seconds from my posts and stop time.”

“But how can this be?!” - I exclaimed, “And we, people? We cannot live without time! It’s how we get up in the morning and go to bed, it’s how we go to school and work, it’s everywhere, in everything! I want to help restore lost, useless time, just tell me what needs to be done?”

“The situation is very difficult,” said the king, “You need to think... You know, there is one very smart Owl who has lived in our country since time immemorial. Let's ask her! Maybe she can advise us something.”

We went to Owl. While we were walking, I was able to see all the streets in the Land of Time, they were very colorful, but at the same time, there was not a single unnecessary detail on the streets. Everything in one way or another benefited the inhabitants of this unusual country. All the streets were filled with little men, like the ones I had seen earlier in the throne room, and they were all busy with business, no one was just hanging around. As the king later explained to me, this happened only in the center, near the royal castle.

Approaching closer to the outskirts, the picture became more and more sad, the streets became more and more monotonous, and the residents were increasingly loitering around.

Finally, we reached the house of the Wise Owl. She received us with great respect and joy and listened very carefully. After thinking about it, she answered us like this: “Only a very wise ruler can cope with such a difficult task, and we have one. And we will also need a great desire to correct the situation, I think we also have this, since you, girl, will not be able to get home if you do not return to your place all the time. Your sincere desire to return will be enough to correct the “mistake” that you people have made. For this, I think, the Wind of Change threw you here.”

“Sorry, dear Owl,” the king said very politely, “What still needs to be done?”

“I think you should collect all the time that is uselessly wandering around the streets of the kingdom and make him remember how and when it became useless. You need to collect all the minutes, hours and even seconds without missing anything. As soon as they remember the time of their transformation from useful to useless, you must whisper the following spell over them: “Time, time, don’t be lazy, you will turn into useful!” and everything will fall into place! Good luck, friends, don’t waste a second!”

Leaving the Owl's house, we immediately moved through all the houses and streets, looking into every alley, we kept our eyes open, trying not to miss a single minute, hour, or even second! The streets became more and more colorful with each passing moment.

And I understood that very soon I would be able to get home. When the king and I left the last house, where we probably said the magic words for the thousandth time, I was completely exhausted, but my soul was very joyful and light!

The king looked at me very warmly and said: “Dear child, I was very glad to meet you! I am grateful to you for not letting me give up in a difficult moment, but it’s time for us to say goodbye, unless, of course, you want to stay here.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I really want to go home. You taught me to appreciate not only the hours, but every minute. Now I understand how important this is and how all this can turn out.”

“Turn around,” said the king, “The Wind of Change is flying behind you. I can already see the whirlwind that is approaching us so rapidly.”

Before I could say “goodbye,” I took off and spun at such an incredible speed that even spaceships would envy me.

And suddenly - silence and only bright light in the eyes. I wince, open my eyes and find myself on the bed in my room. And the light is a sunbeam shining into my eyes. Looking at the clock, I see that it is now 8:15. That's it, it's time to get up, because not a single minute should pass in vain, without doing anything.

I don’t know if I had a dream or if it really happened, but since that very morning I have been firmly convinced that it is impossible, simply unacceptable, to waste even the smallest second.

What do you think?

Conclusion . People need time. It cannot be returned, so it must be appreciated.


Time only moves forward. You can't get back lost time. You must be able to value your time and the time of other people, adults and your comrades.

Follow a daily routine: go to bed and get up on time, sit down for homework at the same hours, know the time for a walk, for entertainment, for sports.

Never be late for anything, always arrive at the appointed time, take care of the time of others.

You need to leave the house so that you arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson.

You must not be late for the start of a theater performance or film show. extracurricular activity. Calculate to be on time.

Come visit at the appointed time. Don't keep yourself waiting. If for some reason you cannot be there, please inform the hosts in advance.

If you promised someone to come at a certain time, to return a book, notebook, game within a certain time, be sure to fulfill your promise. If something happens and you cannot fulfill your promise, report it.

If someone promised to come to you at a certain time, wait for him, so organize your time so that you do not have other things to do at that moment.

Discussion of proverbs

Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won’t catch it.

Time is not money, if you lose it you won't find it.

If you miss a minute, you'll lose an hour.


What conclusion did you draw for yourself today?

People need time. It cannot be returned, so it must be appreciated.

Thank you all for your work. Here's what advice the magic watch gives you.

(Memo is distributed to all students)

Magic clock tips.

1. Never be late for anything. Take care of others' time.

2. Always calculate your time so that you arrive 10 -15 minutes earlier.

3. Don't keep yourself waiting. Come to the meeting on time.

4. You cannot be late for the start of a theater performance or film show, or for an event. Time yourself to arrive on time.

5. If someone promised to come to you at a certain time, wait for him, so organize your time so that you don’t have other things to do at that moment.

Class hour in 2nd grade on the topic “Take care of your time and the time of others”

Goals: teach to value time, be punctual; show the importance of following a daily routine.

Equipment: watch model, reminders.

Class progress

Teacher's opening speech

Guess the riddles.

What cannot be returned?

What is faster than thought?

It has no legs and no wings,

He flies fast, you won't catch him.

Yesterday it was

Today there is

And it will be tomorrow.

(This time.)

What helps us recognize time? (The clock helps us.)

Working with the clock

Do you all know how to use a watch? Tell me, what time is it?

(Children use a clock model to determine the time.)

(Children name the approximate amount of time.)

Let's check it out with you.

(One student folds his briefcase according to his diary, taking into account how much time it takes.)

Timed competition

1. Who quickly and well packs his things into a briefcase.

2. Who can sew a button quickly and well.

3. Which row will line up faster and then take its previous places.

4. Who will quickly, accurately and correctly prepare for the next lesson.

5. Who is faster and how long will it take to change clothes for physical education.

Conversation about following a daily routine

There is a procedure that helps you correctly distribute your time and not be late anywhere and manage everything. What is this? (This is the daily routine.)

Maintaining a daily routine is especially important for athletes, astronauts and schoolchildren in order to grow up healthy. How many of you follow a daily routine?

(Children’s answers. It is advisable to remember all the stages of the daily routine. Give an approximate plan for the daily routine.)

Practical work

It is necessary to organize exercises for children in correct actions. The teacher tells the children that they must bring their favorite book to class by a certain date (in 3 days), and emphasizes that he will no longer remind them of this. Those who rely on their memory need not write down the task, and those who do not hope should write it in their diary. The teacher himself must remember to check that the assignment given to the students is completed within the time limit that he has assigned. If such small tasks are given often enough and supervised, then children will learn to complete them on time.

Physical education minute

Children bend to the sides like a pendulum, gradually speeding up the pace.

The clock strikes on the old tower:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

And the wall ones faster:

Tiki-taki, tiki-taki.

And the pocket ones are in a hurry:

Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

You can use another physical education minute.

One day the mice came out

View: what time is it?

One two three four,

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a strong thunder,

The mice have run away!

Let's think together

Imagine that all the clocks on Earth have disappeared. What will happen then?

(Children's statements are listened to.)

Conclusion. People need time. It cannot be returned, so it must be appreciated.


♦ Time only moves forward. You can't get back lost time. You must be able to value your time and the time of other people, adults and your comrades.

♦ Follow a daily routine: go to bed and get up on time, sit down for homework at the same hours, know the time for a walk, for entertainment, for sports.

♦ Never be late for anything, always arrive at the appointed time, take care of the time of others.

♦ You must leave the house so that you arrive at school 10-15 minutes before the start of the lesson.

♦ You must not be late for the start of a theater performance or film show, or for an extracurricular activity. Calculate to be on time.

♦ Come visit at the appointed time. Don't keep yourself waiting. If for some reason you cannot be there, please inform the hosts in advance.

♦ If you promised someone to come at a certain time, to return a book, notebook, game within a certain time, be sure to fulfill your promise. If something happens and you cannot fulfill your promise, report it.

♦ If someone promised to come to you at a certain time, wait for him, so organize your time so that you don’t have other things to do at that moment.


Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won’t catch it.

Time is not money, if you lose it you won't find it.

If you miss a minute, you'll lose an hour.


Why do they say: “Time is more valuable than gold”?

Additional material for teachers (dramatization)


A. Barto

Characters : Seryozha, his classmates - 8 people. Class.

1st student.

It's already the end of the lesson,

It's already ten o'clock.

The door opened wide

Seryozha entered the class.

Seryozha enters the class.

2nd student.

Why, why?

Is Seryozha an hour late?

We were on the tram,

the dog was run over,

pale from fear,

the dog barks, poor thing,

and everyone around is pale

and everyone is crying, poor things.

But I am with a firm hand

I take a dozen needles

and sew the muzzle and tail where needed.

The dog comes to life

gets up from under the tram,

gets up from under the tram. -

“Hello,” he says, “I’m alive.”

3rd student.

He will tell a hundred stories.

4th student.

He will find five hundred reasons.

(Imitates Seryozha.)

First of all, I have measles.

5th student.

Secondly, I treated a tooth,

6th student.

Thirdly, I died, guys.

Everyone is laughing.

7th student.

And fourthly, I’m not lying:

Hidden in my mouth

A device for lying.

I wouldn't lie, I'd be very happy

The damn machine is lying.

Everyone laughs; Seryozha is sitting at his desk, quickly writing something in a notebook. A group of schoolchildren comes to the fore. They are concerned.

1st student.

How can we wean Seryozha?

2nd student.

Put a stamp on your mouth?

3rd student.

The key should be attached to the tongue?

4th student.

No, shout to him: Ku-ku!

Everyone (happy). Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Seryozha (stands up).

There was a crush on the tram, I was carrying a rabbit.

I'm sitting on the bench, and he's sitting below.

We drove and drove.

We groaned and groaned... Finally we arrived.

Me and twenty rabbits...

All. How? How many?

Me and twenty rabbits!

I sat down near Sverdlov Square,

he was alone, honestly

by the time I got to the station,

there are many more of them.

I looked under the bench,

I see a whole family

they all look alike...

all with tails on their sides...

4th student. Oh, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo!

Seryozha (hotly).

I couldn't show up on time:

I was fishing for magpie in the river,

I helped the fisherman.

Seryozha (desperately).

I have a giraffe

I fed her from the closet.

Jumped straight to the ceiling!..

Everyone (with the audience). Oh, cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Seryozha (shouting). I was drowning...

Everyone (with the audience). Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Seryozha (shouting). Why did you find fault with a trifle?

(Giving up, quietly.)

Well, I slept on my side...

All. Ah, this is not “peek-a-boo”!

“Take care of your health from a young age”

Class hour in 4th grade

Target: consider the importance of promoting health from a young age for children and the state in which they live; introduce some exercises that improve health; attach to healthy image life.

I Org moment.

Listen to my statement and tell me how you understand it? “My health is the wealth of the nation, the health of the nation is the strength of the state!”

    Your statements...

Not everything I told you is clear, and therefore I invite everyone to figure it out together. We will visit various stations

II Traveling through stations

1. “Desires.”

But first I want to give you a gift. I I want to give you a flower, but this flower is not easy. This is a seven-flowered flower that can fulfill 1 of your wishes.

Take it in your hands and read what wishes are written on its petals.

(happiness, health, academic success, money, strength, intelligence, beauty.)

    Think about what you would like most and tear off just one petal.

(Children’s opinions on choosing this particular petal are listened to.)

    Your desires and opinions are different. Let's think about what is the most important thing in life for a person?

    I will be passing around the talking pencil to listen to your opinions.

    So, the most important thing in our life is our health. Because a healthy person can get a good education, get a job Good work, earn money, raise healthy children and be beautiful and happy.

2. “A healthy person is...”

    What does a healthy person mean? (teeth, posture, has no bad habits, goes in for sports,)

    spend less time watching TV and computer,

    observe the rules of hygiene; to walk outside;

    to harden; engage in sports, tourism;

    do interesting and useful things;

    to do good.)

    Who will do the breathing exercises?

    Who will do eye exercises?

    Well done!


There are proverbs and sayings throughout the classroom. Now you must stand up and choose those proverbs that talk about health. Health is a peak that everyone must climb themselves. Health is more important than money. Cleanliness is the key to health. Take care of your health from a young age.

    How do you understand them?

Learning to read and write is always useful.

A scientist loves everything.

The whole earth is open to a wise man.

It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

Learning is the path to skill.

Love your work and you will become a master.

Measure seven times, cut once.

The lazy one is always behind.

Sleeping a lot won't do any good.

As is the master, so is the work.

    “Water is a life-giving drink.”

    What can’t a person, animal, or plant live without? (Without water)

    People say that water is a life-giving breath.

    Did you know that a person should consume 2.5 liters of water per day? I know that you drink a lot of water and that's right, because children should drink more than adults, because children have a more intense metabolism.

    Have you ever had hiccups?

    Now I will teach you how to get rid of it with a small amount of water.

    If you stutter, then someone should take a glass of water and give you a drink, but without letting you take large sips. And the one who hiccups should reach for a glass and try to take a sip. Thus, pressure is placed on the chest, excess air is removed from the body and the hiccups stop.

    Let's try to do this. (1-2 times)

5. “Bad habits.”

    The nasty-dirty one, with whom you are already familiar, sent you a telegram. But to read it, you must complete several exercises.

1 exercise.

You must walk sideways along the rope and walk back on your heels.

    Guys, do you think this exercise is useful? For which part of the body? (Feet)

Exercise 2.

    Do you like to enjoy Kinder surprises? And you probably throw away the plastic egg? Now I will show you another exercise that will be very useful for your feet. We will use a plastic Kinder Surprise egg for this.

(The egg is placed on the floor and, sitting on a chair, we put a leg on it and roll it. Then we do it with the other leg.)

    Do it!

    Well done! I'm reading the telegram.

“I can’t wait to see you! I will come to visit you soon and teach you all

bad and even very bad habits


    That's a telegram! Neither hello nor goodbye. Although, what can you take from her, she’s an ill-mannered, nasty, dirty little girl.

    Guys, do you want to learn bad habits from the Grumpy Dirty One?

    What bad habits of people do you know about? (smoking,)

    How do they influence bad habits per person? (spoil his health)

    Now we will conduct an experiment. Do you love blowing up balloons?

Who can help me inflate the balloon?

    Look how handsome he is. He looks very much like a cheerful, cheerful person.

    Now look at how smoking affects our body (deflated balloon)

    The same thing happens with human skin. She becomes flabby, pale, ugly.

6. “Autogenic training.”

    You are probably tired, a little overtired after a day of school.

    I suggest conducting auto-training to relieve fatigue and overwork.

    Close your eyes and mentally repeat the phrases after me, imagining what you are saying to yourself.

    My hands are very heavy

    My arms and legs are very heavy

    My whole body is heavy.

    My hands are very warm.

    My hands and feet are very warm.

    My whole body is heavy and warm.

    My heart beats calmly and evenly.

    I breathe evenly and freely.

    My whole body is heavy and warm, my heart beats calmly and evenly

    I feel completely calm.

    Open your eyes.

III Summary of the lesson.

    Tell me, what was our lesson about?

    What new have you learned?

    Let's return to the statement with which we began our class hour: “My health is the wealth of the nation, the health of the nation is the strength of the state!”

    How can you explain this statement now?

    If every person takes care of their health, then our entire people will be healthy.

    There will be many scientists who will make new discoveries,

    There are many athletes who bring prizes to our country.

    There will be competent economists and politicians who will be able to govern our state well.

    B means our state will be strong, invincible, developed.)