Astronomy for children 5 7. Planets of the solar system for children. Rocket from a plastic bottle

Astronomy - ancient science about the Universe, the subject of study of which is space objects, as well as processes and phenomena associated with them.

Since the first human flight into space, the main children's answer to the question “What do you want to become?” was the answer “Cosmonaut!”

People's interest in space will never fade; it attracts us with its secrets and universal scale. Looking at the starry sky, people have always asked themselves the main questions.

Today, in times space rockets, satellites and lunar rovers, we have something to tell our children.

However, the scale of the universe is difficult to imagine even for an adult.

All that remains is to figure out how interesting it is to tell your child about space and introduce him to the first basics of astronomy.

How to tell

Given the characteristics of childhood, it is very important to make the story simple and effective. To do this, you can use visual experiments; we describe an example of such experiments below. Thus, it will be much easier for the child to become familiar with thematic concepts that are difficult for him.

Today, parents are offered a large number of thematic materials that can also be used in their story.

Children preschool age perfectly absorb the information presented in game form, in the form of a fairy tale or poem.

And if you manage to surprise and charm a child’s imagination, perhaps the child will not only become interested in astronomy, but also fall in love with this science.

When telling your child about space for the first time, think about the fact that maybe, as an adult, looking at the stars, he will remember your activities and smile.

What to tell


Look at the sky. It seems that it is very close - stretch out your hand and touch the sun or the moon, but what if you climb onto the top of your head tall tree, then you will end up next to them. But actually it is not. Neither we can reach the sky with our hands, nor the trees with their tops. The sun, moon and stars are very far from us. This major planets, to which you need to fly on a spaceship.

There are 8 planets in the solar system. They all revolve around the Sun, constantly along the same path, which is called an orbit. And one of these planets is our Earth.

What to tell:

The Sun is a large and very hot planet - it is a star - a huge, hot ball. It is very far away, but the heat from its rays reaches all the planets circling around it, and ours too. That's why it's warm here.

Not all stars are like the Sun. There are small stars, and medium ones, and huge ones - larger than the Sun.

The brightest among all the stars in the sky are the North Star and Sirius.

The sun is much larger than our planet. If you compare them, it’s like a watermelon and a small pea.

Visual material:

To compare the size of the Sun with the size of the Earth, you can take a pumpkin or watermelon and a pea. The pea is our Earth, the pumpkin is the Sun.

The earth is as much smaller than the sun as a pea is smaller than a pumpkin.


What to tell:

The Moon is a satellite of our planet, it is located only three days ways.

The Moon moves around the Earth counterclockwise.

We see the moon only at night. The moon, as we see it in the sky, is not always the same shape. There are the following phases of the moon: new moon, crescent moon, first quarter of the waxing moon, waxing moon, full moon and then decreasing: waning moon, quarter of the waning moon, crescent of the waning moon, new moon again.

If the crescent in the sky looks like the letter C, then the moon is “old” and waning. If we visually draw a stick and get the letter P, then the moon is growing.

These phases can be depicted for the child on paper or by cutting them out of colored cardboard.

Visual material:

To demonstrate why the moon is sometimes round and sometimes crescent-shaped, take a regular table lamp and a ball. Conduct an experiment together by creating a moon at home. Show your child that we only see the illuminated part of the ball.

our planet

What to tell:

Our planet - planet Earth - is surrounded by an atmosphere. This is a protective layer that saves inhabitants from the sun ultraviolet radiation, as well as from most meteorites. It can be compared to a blanket of air. It is thanks to him that our planet has the air that we breathe.

The most important difference between our planet and others is the presence of life on it.

It is believed that the rest of the space is lifeless. The faith and desire of people to find life on other planets forces us to design spaceships to travel into space in order to study it.

Visual material:

You can boil a chicken egg and use its example to explain to your child what the Earth’s atmosphere is. Our planet is surrounded by a multi-layered atmosphere, just as the yolk of an egg is surrounded by white.

Other planets solar system

What to tell:

There are only 8 planets in the solar system.

The largest of them is Jupiter. And the most interesting one is Saturn, because it has huge rings around it.

Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune also have rings, but they cannot be seen from Earth.

Pluto was one of the last to be discovered. At first it was considered to be the ninth planet. It was discovered in 1930. But, over time, it was classified into another category of cosmic bodies, “dwarf planets.”

Planets are considered to be cosmic bodies that:

  • revolve around some star (in the case of the Solar System, this is the Sun);
  • have their own gravity, which explains their spherical (round) or close to spherical shape;
  • are not located near other similar large bodies;
  • are not a star.

Visual material:

To remember the names of all the planets in the solar system, you can learn a short rhyme:

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
He is the eighth in a row.
And after him, then,
And the ninth planet
Called Pluto.


What to tell:

The closest star to us is the sun.

There are a huge number of stars in space that cannot be counted.

Any star is a hot ball of gas that was formed from hydrogen molecules joined together.

A cluster of stars forms constellations.

Visual material:

To tell why the sun shines so brightly, take a regular flashlight or phosphor stars. With the lights off, hold them close to your baby so he can see how bright they burn.

Then slowly move to the end of the room, demonstrating that the luminous objects, moving away, become small and faded. Explain that the stars only appear small because they are very far away from us.

Telescopes help us see them closer by zooming in on images of stars and allowing us to see them better.

How a rocket flies

What to tell:

On April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. On this day in 1961, our people's dream of flying into space came true - the first cosmonaut in history, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, flew into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. Its flight around the Earth lasted 108 minutes. Since then, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year on this day.

Visual material:

Inflate the balloon and pinch the hole with your fingers. And then unclench your fingers and your ball will suddenly burst upward. This happens because air escapes from the balloon. And when the air runs out, the ball will fall. Balloon flew like a rocket - it moved forward as long as there was air in it.

A rocket flies into space using approximately the same principle, only instead of air it has fuel. When burning, the fuel turns into gas and bursts back into flame.

A rocket is made of several parts called stages, and each stage has its own fuel tank.

The first stage runs out of fuel - it falls away and the second stage engine immediately turns on and carries the rocket even faster and even higher. So only the third stage - the smallest and lightest - reaches space. It launches the cabin with the astronaut into orbit.

Games on the topic

1. Game "What will we take with us into space"

Lay out the drawings in front of your child and ask them to choose what they can take with them on the spaceship.

These can be the following pictures: a book, a notebook, a spacesuit, an apple, candy, a tube of semolina, an alarm clock, a sausage.

2. Game "Space Dictionary"

The game will help the child replenish his lexicon words related to the theme of space.

Whoever can name the most words related to space wins.

For example: satellite, rocket, alien, planets, Moon, Earth, astronaut, spacesuit, etc.

3. Game "Say the opposite"

The goal of the game is to teach the child to choose words with opposite meanings - antonyms.

For example:
Distant -…
cramped -…
big -…
get up -…
bright -…
fly away -...
high -…
famous -…
include -…
dark -…

4. Game "Navigating by the stars"

Together with your child, imagine that you are sailors lost in Pacific Ocean. Ask your child to cut out little stars from paper and help them glue them on. reverse side tabletops so as to create the constellations Ursa Minor and Ursa Major.

Cover the table with a blanket - this will be your ship, take a flashlight and climb inside. It's night, the only compass has sunk, and all you can see are the stars above your heads (you can illuminate them with a flashlight).

Show your child how to use the stars to find their way.

Try together, looking at the stars, to determine which direction you should sail if you are heading east.

5. Game "Space Stones"

Every kitchen has baking foil. Such material can easily turn into space balls-stones.

Scatter them in visible places so that the child can then collect these space stones. Then they can be thrown at a target or simply into a bowl, training accuracy.

Books for children on the topic

1. "Amazing starry sky. Atlas with stickers", S. Andreev.

2. "Discovering Space", Morton Jenkins.

3. "Professor Astrocat and His Journey into Space", Dominic Walliman and Ben Newman.

4. “Space”, D. Kostyukov, Z. Surova.

5. "Fascinating astronomy", E. Kachur.

6. Series "Your first encyclopedia", book "Wonderful Planet", publishing house "Makhaon".

7. Series "The very first encyclopedia", book "Planet Earth", publishing house "Rosman".

8. “My first book about space”, K. Portsevsky, M. Lukyanov.

9. "Stars and Planets. Encyclopedia for Children", E. Prati.

10. “Petya’s extraordinary adventures in space,” A. Ivanov, V. Merzlenko.

Cartoons on the topic

1. Cartoon series "Children and Space"

2. Educational cartoon "Planet Earth"

3. Entertaining lessons from Sahakyants “Astronomy for the little ones”

4. "The Secret of the Third Planet"

5. "Dunno on the Moon"

7. "Pep Pig", episode "A Trip to the Moon"

8. "Star Dogs: Belka and Strelka"

9. "Belka and Strelka: lunar adventures"

10. "Egon and Donchi"

11. "The Lunar Expedition of Christopher Cullumbus"

12. "Tom and Jerry: Flight to Mars"

13. "The Mystery of the Red Planet"

14. "Planet 51"

15. "Great Space Adventure"

16. "Planet of the Wind"

17. "Let's fly to the moon"

18. "Wally"

19. "Treasure Planet"

20. "Smeshariki: pin code collection"

Educational material on the topic

  • Magazine "School of 7 Dwarfs - 4+: Kids about stars and planets";
  • Magazine "The World Around Us", No. 1,5,7;
  • Solar system map;
  • Thematic cards;

Space crafts for kids

1. A rocket with a photo of your child astronaut.

Needed: photo of your baby, colored cardboard or paper.

2. Rocket from a plastic bottle.

Needed: plastic bottle, sock, cardboard, foil and thread.

3. Constellation spotlight.

Needed: a flashlight, circles cut out along the diameter of the flashlight with holes made in the shape of a constellation, paper cupcake molds, string.

4. Touch space box.

Needed: clear plastic box, lentils, black beans, decorative glass balls, shiny sequins, space toys, small lanterns.

5. Space robot suit.

Needed: large cardboard box, tape, old wires, foil, stickers, markers, fantasy.

Where to look at the stars in Moscow

1. Observatories

Observatory- a specialized scientific structure and/or institution used for observing terrestrial and/or astronomical phenomena.

Some observatories make observations only when the weather is clear.

The operating hours of observatories should be clarified with the institution; please note that some observatories are open only 2 summer months a year, others from May to September.

Moscow City Palace of Children and Youth Creativity

M. University, st. Kosygina, 17, cor. 1
Price: free.

Astronomical Observatory of Moscow State University(State Astronomical Institute named after P.K. Sternberg at Moscow State University)

Moscow, Universitetsky Prospekt, 13
Price: free.

Observatory at the Moscow Planetarium

M. Barrikadnaya, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 5, building 1
Price: on weekdays 250 rubles, on weekends 300 rubles.

People's Observatory on the territory of Gorky Park

M. Gorky Park, Oktyabrskaya.
Price: 200 rub.

People's Observatory on the territory of Sokolniki Park

M. Sokolniki, park territory
Price: 150 rub.

From Thursday to Sunday you can rent an external telescope for 50 rubles.

2. Planetariums

Planetarium - scientific and educational institution that demonstrates celestial sphere with stars, planets and satellites, comets and meteors; as well as phenomena associated with celestial bodies.

Moscow Planetarium

Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 5, building 1
Price: from 100 rub.

Planetarium of the Central House of the Russian Army

Moscow, Suvorovskaya square, 2, building 32
Price: 200 rub.

Planetarium cultural center Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Moscow, Suvorovskaya sq., 2, building 32.
Price: 200 rub.

Quiz about space for preschoolers 6 – 7 years old “Journey to the Solar Kingdom”

Kovalchuk Valentina Nikolaevna. Educator. Kindergarten No. 90. city ​​of Tyumen.
Description: This quiz allows you to consolidate and expand children's knowledge of astronomy in preschoolers preparatory group And primary school. It is very important that children receive the scientific foundations of astronomy in a language they can understand.
Target: Develop a cognitive interest in astronomy.
To consolidate and clarify children’s ideas about planet Earth, the planets of the solar system, stars, some cosmic phenomena and objects moving throughout the Universe.
Enrich and activate children's vocabulary in astronomy.
Develop coherent dialogical speech of children.
Develop visual-figurative thinking.
Develop a culture of communication, the ability to listen without interrupting.
Preparation: Reading books, looking at illustrations, making observations, memorizing poems, solving riddles.

Quiz progress

Questions and answers

1. What is the sun? The sun is a star in the solar system. The Earth and other planets of the solar system revolve around the Sun.
“Sunny is a coin,” the stingy man grumbled.
No, a frying pan! - the glutton cried.
“No, it’s a loaf,” the baker said.
Compass,” the sailor said with conviction.
The sun is a star, the astronomer announced.
“A good heart,” the dreamer decided.

2. Is it possible to walk on the Sun? No. The sun is a star, a huge hot ball of gas. If anything falls into the sun, it will immediately turn into gas. This is such unimaginable heat in the sun!
3. Why do people affectionately call the sun “sun”? Because people love the Sun. It shines, it warms, there is a whirlpool of water in nature, plants produce oxygen, solar power plants produce electricity.
Our sun has a hundred worries:
Heat our garden
Bloom all the flowers,
Stay on the veranda
After the rain, on the run,
Make a rainbow arc.
And Natasha-laughing
Throw hemp on the nose.
4. Where does the sun spend the night? Our planet Earth constantly rotates around its axis and exposes the sun's rays first to one side (then day comes), then the other side (then night comes).
Why, in the evening, the sun
In a hurry to escape?
Probably by the sun
Desire to lie down?
Probably by the sun
Is there a soft bed?
It's probably sunny there
It's terrible to sleep softly!
Maybe it's just the sunshine
We are tired of shining
And the sun really needs it
Recharge yourself?
Good night, Sun!
We can wait
And tomorrow with the first ray of light
You will come to us again!

5. Why is there winter and summer? The imaginary axis of the planet Earth is tilted. Planet Earth moves in orbit around the Sun whole year. When the northern hemisphere, in which our country is located, turns away from the sun, winter sets in. It's summer in the southern hemisphere at this time. The Earth runs further in its orbit, and little by little the northern hemisphere turns towards the Sun and spring comes here, and then summer. In the southern hemisphere, autumn comes first, and then winter.

6. On what planet does day last for a whole year, and night lasts for a whole year? On Mercury. Why? Mercury rushes around the Sun in its orbit much faster than a spaceship, and rotates around itself very slowly: a year is day, a year is night.

7. How many planets are there in the solar system? Eight. In what order are they from the sun?
All planets in order
Any of us can name:
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars.
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Behind him is Neptune.
Author: Arkady Khait

8. Why is Mars red? The earth on Mars is red-brown.
9. Which planet is the largest? Jupiter.

10. What is the name of a star that is visible even during the day? This is the planet Venus. It appears to be a shiny silver ball, but it does not glow itself, it simply reflects sunlight. Up close, its surface is reddish-brown.

11. Why does everything fall to Earth? The force of gravity acts.

12. Why doesn't the Moon fall to Earth? The Moon is a satellite of the Earth (it rotates around the Earth in its orbit). Like the Earth and other planets of the solar system - satellites of the Sun (rotate around it).

13. Why is the Moon in the evening sky sometimes full and round, sometimes only half visible, sometimes a thin crescent? The moon circles our planet in 28 days. And the part of the Moon that is illuminated by the Sun is bright.

14. Which planets do not have satellites? At Mercury and Venus.
Which planet has the most satellites? Jupiter now has 60 known.

15. Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.
It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.

Saturn has the most developed ring system. What are Saturn's rings made of? Saturn's rings made of dust and ice.

16. What are stars?
What are stars?
If they ask you -
Answer boldly:
Hot gas.
And also add,
What's more, it's always
Nuclear reactor -
Every star!
Author: Rimma Aldonina

17. Is it possible to count the stars in the sky? No.
18. Can stars fall from the sky? No. These small solid meteoric bodies, falling from outer space, become heated and, burning, begin to glow like stars.
19. What have astronomers done to better navigate the sky? Astronomers divided the sky into regions, and the stars into groups, constellations. The most bright stars in a group they connected each other with imaginary lines and saw what it resembled. This is how Cancer, Swan, Cassiopeia, Hercules appeared in the sky, Big Dipper and Ursa Minor...

20. What are the names of the astronomical buildings in which scientists observe and study the stars? Observatories. They are located far from populated areas or in the mountains. Equipped with telescopes. After all, you can watch the stars only when clear sky.

21. What are the names of the instruments with which you can observe the stars? Telescopes.
22. Milky Way. What is this?
Black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From edge to edge
It spreads easily
It's like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We are a star system
We see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.
Author: Rimma Aldonina.

Outdoor game “Let's collect the stars”

The teacher lays out the group colorful stars. You need to collect the stars in different baskets, sorting by color.

Third from the sun,
Not the largest of the planets.
But of all the planets, she is the only one
On which there is life.

A large bucket is visible in the sky.
Children dream of drinking from it.
(Big Dipper)

At night he looks into the darkness
Through a huge pipe.
He wants to open his
A very distant star.

There is a special pipe
The Universe is visible in it,
See the stars kaleidoscope
Astronomers in …(telescope).

They shine in the sky in the dark,
Although no one turns them on.

You are coming to us from space,
You pull your long tail behind you.
Some of you
They visit us more than once.

You are the empty areas of the Universe
Beyond the boundaries of celestial bodies.
You are darkness, almost a vacuum,
Exciting the minds of scientists.

Twelve times a year is born,
He either loses weight or gains weight.
Lights up a clear night
But it doesn't warm up.
(Moon, month)

Solid from space
Weighing from grams to tons.
Flies through the atmosphere
It hits the Earth.

A wide white stripe ran across the sky
Night sky divided in half.
(Milky Way)

Black velvet sky
Embroidered with stars.
Light path
Runs across the sky.
From edge to edge
It spreads easily
It's like someone spilled
Milk across the sky.
But no, of course, in the sky
No milk, no juice,
We are a star system
We see ours from the side.
This is how we see galaxies
Native distant light -
Space for astronautics
For many thousands of years.
Author: Rimma Aldonina
Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.
It is spread like a tent over you and over me,
Sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s blue, sometimes it’s bright blue.

From time immemorial, astronomy has interested many people. Young children often notice the dark starry sky, unlike adults who have little interest in space. If children see a lot of stars at night and look closely at the Moon, they will definitely ask questions. Not every parent knows the answers to all questions. Astronomy for a child is a very exciting subject. Here parents will be able to break away from everyday problems and plunge into the study of nature and remember their childhood. Below are tons of fun options for learning about astronomy.

The stars turned on at night

Even 20-30 years ago, parents put their children to bed at 8 or 9 pm. Nowadays, the saying “it’s still childhood time” has been preserved. Especially in the summer, when the sun sets quite late, it is almost impossible to wait until midnight to admire the stars. It is best for a child to study the starry sky in the summer, when it is warm. This will introduce entertaining astronomy for preschool children into the family circle. Ideal option It will be the month of August, because it gets dark early, and severe cold has not arrived. In addition, it is at this time that the chances of seeing meteor showers are high.

It is advisable to monitor the weather forecast to plan an outing. IN big cities and illuminated populated areas there is no point in watching the stars. If there is a house in the village or a dacha, then it is better to go there for one cloudless night. Astronomy should be interesting for a child. In an open field you can see a lot. It is also convenient to observe from the attic of the house, if trees and a burning lantern do not interfere. You can say to a child: “Look, what beauty! What bright stars! To our right is the Moon - the satellite of our planet Earth.” The child will probably ask many questions.

and why is she so different

If you regularly observe the Moon for a month or two, your child will notice that it is illuminated differently. He can ask the appropriate question. It is better to answer it with the means at hand. The parent places a lit candle on the table, takes an orange in his hand and asks the child to look at the fruit, standing or sitting opposite. So he will see the full moon. To show your child the phases of the moon, it is better to ask him to get up from the table and look at the orange from the sides. You need to ask him if he sees the shadow on the orange. If yes, then you can safely talk about the lunar phases. In conclusion, it is enough to explain to the child that he looked at the orange and the candle in the same way as the Earth, our planet, “sees”.

We live on a round planet

It's good if you have a globe at home. If it doesn’t exist, you can draw it yourself. It's even more exciting. Homemade educational objects about planets are a very interesting and educational astronomy for children. The solar system is studied in a game-like manner. First, parents need to demonstrate the Earth. You can take an old ball and paint it with acrylic paints. Have your child color the ball blue or cyan. When the paint is dry, adults paint the pole caps with white paint. The child will watch and listen at the same time. It’s good if parents remember at least a little geography and can depict the continents with green paint. When the globe is ready, you can again tell the child about the continents and show where we live. To do this, you should mark something or stick a small object. Astronomy for a child began with the study of the starry sky, and continues with the study of planets. If you start with studying the Earth, it will look incorrect. The child simply will not understand what is being said to him. He must show interest himself.

Books to help the curious

When the baby understands what the Earth, Moon and Sun look like, then you can introduce him to other planets. It is difficult to explain to a child what size all the planets are relative to each other. At the same time, it’s worth telling how the Sun is a huge luminary. Not only a ball with an orange will help in the demonstration, but also other various round objects. It is better to lay them out on the floor or table. Poor parents may be confused, because not everyone knows astronomy. I would like to give children decent knowledge, maybe it will help them in life. A large illustrated encyclopedia will save the situation. Astronomy for children should be taught in book formats, not through a laptop screen. Children need to be taught to love books.

Other worlds

When the encyclopedia is open on the right page, it is better to offer your child help to pick up round objects. Together we can build the entire solar system on one table. For example, a large orange or yellow ball can act as the Sun. The smallest and most distant planet Eris (data on the outermost celestial bodies constantly varies) is worth demonstrating as a pea. Entertaining astronomy for children continues with the fact that the Sun is very hot, it is impossible to get to it. The planet Mercury is uninhabitable for the same reason. It's extremely hot. Only on Earth is it good for a person to live because it is warm. The planets next to Earth are cold. The further you go, the colder it gets. There is nothing to breathe on other planets; there is no oxygen there. If there is an opportunity and desire, and especially the child’s interest, then you can supplement the story by telling about the satellites of all the planets. Rings for Saturn can be made from a hat. It is enough to put the planet on its bottom.

Has anyone been in space?

Children may ask, has anyone been in space? We first need to tell them about the first traveling dogs Belka and Strelka, who safely flew into space and returned to Earth. It is advisable to find photographs in an encyclopedia or other sources so that children know what they looked like.

Some time later, the world's first cosmonaut, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, flew into space. It would be a good idea to show his photograph. Children need to know these things. When they grow up, they will be able to distinguish between months and years, and it will be easier for them to grasp dates and specific events. We definitely need to talk about Sergei Korolev as the creator of the world’s first rocket, which took Yuri Alekseevich into space and safely delivered him back to Earth.

About telescopes

Any child will want to take a closer look at the Moon and the Sun. It’s one thing to see it in pictures, and another thing to see it yourself, without frills. Other planets may also be of interest to the young amateur. We need to tell him what a telescope is. If neither your family, nor friends or acquaintances have it, then you can first show it in the encyclopedia. It’s too early to tell a child how refractor and reflector telescopes differ, for smart older children. Therefore, we must limit ourselves to the fact that telescopes are all different, and not everyone can see the planets. There are special binoculars for stargazing. If you manage to find a telescope, then an adult should adjust it so that the child can see from different angles heavenly body. For example, you won’t have to look for the Moon or the Sun for long in the eyepiece; they are large. First, you need to study for yourself whether there are spots on the Sun, whether they are visible, and then show it to the kids and explain.

Visit to the planetarium

You shouldn't limit yourself to home experiments. It is useful to take children to the planetarium to learn more about the Universe. If there is an observatory in the city that is open to visitors, it would be a good idea to go there. Children should be taken to public institutions at a conscious age, when they already understand and are interested. There is no point in dragging them around in the hope that they will be attracted to everything that adults are curious about. Not every person has the chance to visit Star City, where future cosmonauts are trained. But if it appears, you should definitely take advantage of it. Astronomy for a child is the same science as any other in terms of complexity of perception, so you need to be able to explain simple things, otherwise he will lose interest. Children's programs are usually provided by planetariums and museums.

Studying the constellations

After self-study planets and stars, trips to interesting places, you can return to the dacha again. For example, in August the first study of the sky and space was carried out, in the cold season we went to the observatory and planetarium, and in the spring we can again study the abyss with the naked eye. It would be a good idea to arm yourself. The child, together with his parents, will look for the necessary constellations and learn to determine their location. It is advisable to purchase a colorful star map or download it to your smartphone. Fortunately, there are now “Astronomy for Children” applications. The constellations are depicted there for a reason; they are superimposed on translucent corresponding pictures. The child will be interested.

About asteroids, comets and galaxies

It may be more difficult for preschool children to explain what a comet, galaxies, and asteroids are. It is much better to show them just pictures from the Astronomy for Children encyclopedia. The stars and galaxy can be explained in person by showing the Milky Way in a clear sky. This is our Galaxy. When the baby grows up, he will be able to easily learn something new in a science such as astronomy. Particles from an asteroid that fell to Earth are found in astronomical museums. Comets can only be seen through powerful telescopes.

Parents need to be prepared for what their child will ask unexpected questions. If they don’t know the answer, it’s better to admit it honestly, rather than brush it off or make it up. It's time to sit down with the whole family in the evening in bad weather at home and read the encyclopedia.

Our planet Earth, on which we live, is part of the solar system. In the center of the solar system, a hot star shines brightly - the Sun. Eight main planets revolve around it at different distances from the Sun. One of them, the third in a row, is our Earth.

Each planet has its own orbit in which it moves around the Sun. A complete revolution around the Sun is called a year. On Earth it lasts 365 days. On planets that are closer to the Sun, a year lasts less, and on those that are further away, a full revolution can take several Earth years. The planets also rotate around their axis. One such complete revolution is called a day. On Earth, a day (a revolution around its axis) is approximately 24 hours (more precisely 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds).

Presentation for children: Planets of the Solar System


A bright star located at the center of the solar system. The sun, like a hot ball of fire, distributes heat to its nearby planets. True, those planets that are very close to the Sun (Mercury and Venus) are very hot, and those that are further than Mars are very cold, because the warm rays almost do not reach them. But on planet Earth, the temperature turned out to be neither low nor high, which was very convenient for the emergence and development of life on it.


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun on one side. Therefore, on one side of Mercury it is very hot, and on the other it is very cold.


Second planet from the Sun. On it, like on Earth, there is an atmosphere, it’s like this air envelope. Only, unlike our earthly one, it consists not of oxygen, but mostly of carbon dioxide. Therefore, it is impossible to breathe on Venus, and it is very, very hot on its surface. So there are no plants, no animals, no bacteria there.


This blue planet, the third from the Sun, is ours common Home. Here we live, animals, people, fish, birds - all under one roof. And the roof of planet Earth consists of an atmosphere in which there is a huge amount of oxygen necessary for life. Here we build our world, write history and from here we observe other planets and stars. And planet Earth also has a little friend - the Moon, which is a satellite of the Earth.


Little red planet, the fourth in a row. There is very little oxygen on it, almost none. There is also almost no water, although scientists are constantly looking for it, because once upon a time there may have been a lot of it on Mars. Then, many, many years ago, there could have been rivers, seas and oceans on the planet, but then something happened and the water disappeared. This mystery has yet to be solved.


The largest, fifth planet in the solar system. Jupiter is made of gas and is called gas giant. Storms and whirlwind winds constantly occur on its surface, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis, like a top.


Beautiful and unusual planet, sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is the ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, only in reality it is not a solid disk, but thousands, thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.


Mysterious planet, the seventh in a row, which for unknown reasons lies on its side and rotates completely differently from other planets. Uranus has an unusual Blue colour and it looks like a round ball with a smooth surface.


The icy, very cold planet, the eighth in a row, is very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays almost do not reach the surface of this blue planet. Strong winds blow on Neptune and therefore the weather on it is not just winter, but by cosmic standards, completely cold, so that everything on it, even gas, turns into ice.


Once upon a time, this planet was the ninth in a row and was part of the solar system, but it turned out that it was too small to be called a planet and is now called a dwarf planet and is not allowed to be associated with adult planets from the name. Maybe Pluto is still just a baby and just needs to grow up)

Galina Medvedeva
Lesson summary for the preparatory group “Visiting Astronomy”

Integration of educational regions:

« Cognitive development»

"Socially - communication development»

« Speech development»

"Physical development"

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, productive.

Target: Create conditions for children to consolidate knowledge and use it in practice.


Cognitive development:

Enrich children's understanding of the properties of the Earth, introduce them to the rotation of the Earth around its axis, as the reason for the change of day and night;

Update knowledge about natural phenomena;

To develop curiosity and cognitive motivation in children.

Social - communicative development:

Create conditions for the development of child interaction with peers

Speech development:

Involve children to participate in collective conversation: answer questions, give reasons for the answer

Develop the ability to analyze and find ways to solve the problem raised

Physical development:

Encourage the desire to perform basic physical exercises

Material and equipment: a ball with the image of a galaxy, a map of the planets, an electric lamp, plates with the names of the planets, a globe, chips, pictures of the sun (happy, sad, serious).

Introductory part

To become nature's friend

Find out all her secrets,

Solve all the riddles

We learn to observe.

Let's develop mindfulness together,

And our curiosity will help us find out everything.

The world around us is huge and diverse, in which life never stops for a minute. We looked into different corners of the world of animals and plants, which are studied by zoology and botany, noticing and discovering unusual and interesting things in the inconspicuous. The veil of secrets of the sorceress of Chemistry and the sorcerer of Physics was lifted. And today we will go to guests…

Guys, I forgot which science guests, I wanted to invite you. But I have a hint. Where is she?

Surprise moment Yes, here she is (I pick up the napkin, under which there is a ball with a picture of the Galaxy.)

Children, what do you think this is?

What science studies the Universe?

Here's to We will go to visit astronomy.

IN guests They don’t go to complete strangers, do they?

What do you know about Astronomy as a science? What is she studying?

Expected answers from children (a ball, a house for air, can be a means of transportation for small objects, etc., the Universe)


-Astronomy studies the Universe, galaxies, stars, planets, comets, meteorites, clouds of dust and gas...

Blitz poll

What planets do you know?

Which planet is the largest?

Which planet has rings around it?

What are these rings made of?

Name a red planet?

Which planet is sometimes called the morning or evening star?

Each of the planets moves around the sun along its own path. This path is called an orbit.

Is the sun a planet?

Mercury, Venus, earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

pieces of rock, cosmic dust and ice.

The sun is a big star.

Planetary Map - The Sun and the planets revolving around it make up the solar system. - The solar system includes all the planets and moons, comets and pieces of rock, cosmic dust and ice.

Guys, look at the planet map. On it we see that the closest planet to the sun is Mercury, and the most distant is Pluto. The Earth is located third from the Sun between Venus and Mars. Analyze this map and answer the question

Why is Mercury a fiery planet, and Pluto a planet of cold and ice?

Suggested answer

Mercury is close to the Sun, and Pluto is very far from the sun.

Experience - Guys, let's check it out.

Imagine that the lamp is the sun, i.e. a source of heat, and your hands are the planets. Come closer, reach out your hands to the lamp, but do not touch it. Tell me how you feel?

Now slowly remove your hands from the lamp. How do you feel?

Your chairs are located at a distance from the lamp (sun), go to them and talk about the sensations near the heat source and away from the heat source.

Suggested Answers (warm, warms, etc.)

Children's answers.

Conclusion: The closer to the heat source, the hotter and the further from the heat source, the colder. Therefore, Mercury has the highest temperature, Pluto the lowest.

A game: "Cosmic round dance"- Guys, have you noticed that our earth is not alone in outer space. Together with her, other planets are circling around the sun in a delightful giant dance. Let's organize the same cosmic round dance. Here I have signs with the names of the planets. Choose who would like to represent which planet in our round dance. But first, let's decide which of you will be the sun.

And now there is a cosmic round dance, a round dance in which there will be a place for everyone and no one will feel crowded.

Children distribute roles. They take places in their orbits (layout on the floor, each moves in their orbit to the music (lines) around the child - "sun".

Guys, our earth moves not only around the Sun, but also rotates around its axis, like this globe.

What is a globe?

Our huge globe rotates like a top, only very slowly.

Let's mark with a marker where we live. Look, the lamp is our sun. The globe is our planet earth. The chip on the globe shows the place where we live. Is it lit now?

So what's going on in our city now?

Now I turn the globe and you see what?

What time of day do you think it is now in our city?

When will we have daylight again?

Who guessed why the change of day and night occurs on Earth?

Correctly, the Earth exposes the sun to one side or the other. That's what they say "Day and night - a day away"

On earth, our days are gloomy, gray, dark. Why do you think?

Then think about one more question. What is closer to us: clouds or the Sun, stars, moon?

Model of our globe.

Day (light)

Our city ended up on the sunless side of the globe.

When the earth turns again and the sun shines on us again.

The globe was rotated around its axis, and the globe is a model of the Earth, and the Earth also rotates around its axis - the change of day and night occurs from the rotation of the earth around its axis.

Clouds, clouds block the Sun from us (moon, stars)

If clouds obscure the sun from us, it means they are closer.

Why do you think we call some people "Sun"?

You are absolutely right. But that's not the only reason. Do you know what I thought about now? The sun is a star that gives warmth and light. It seems to embrace our planet with its warm rays, without demanding anything in return. He gives it away just like that. So we call people who share with others their warmth, the warmth of their soul, people who bring joy to others "Sun".

Who do you always feel warm from, who could you call "Sun"?

Do you want to be what they call you? "Sun"?

And we will all be warm and good, friendly and cozy together. Suggested answer

People we love, whom we want to praise, if this good man etc.

Mom, grandmother, etc.

Children's answers.


Tell us what you learned today at class. Begin your answer words: I found out..., I was interested to know...

You have 3 on your tables sunshine: joyful, serious and sad. Choose the one that suits yours mood. Show me. Well done!

Thank you for your work Children's answers