An essay on the topic of man is nature, but develops and forms his society. Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society” (V.G. Belinsky) Nature creates man, but develops and forms his society

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a great Russian writer. I really like his work.

And I also completely agree with his statement that man is created by nature and raised by society.

We know that man is a biosocial being with great abilities compared to animals.

From birth, a person behaves like an animal. Since he is not yet able to express himself and use his abilities. Everything happens gradually. He begins to think, conceive, talk, create tools and use them. But all this is given to us by nature. And so that a person could prove himself in something, he must use his abilities.

Society is also the main component in a person’s life, since a person cannot live without it. In society, we interact with people and thereby we gain experience and knowledge on a different level.

First, a person gains knowledge in kindergarten, then at school. This is the second stage in a person’s life. But then we grow up, stop studying in higher institutions. And a personality is gradually formed.

And if a person does not have all this, then such a person remains at the natural level and may go crazy. He ceases to be a person and will be able to satisfy only his biological needs. Since even nature dictates that a person must interact with others and he does not can exist outside of social connections and relationships.

This is also a problem of humanity and it is relevant in our time. We know many cases from television that parents keep their child at home and do not raise him, do not give him interaction with others, and such a child has to get out of such a problem himself. And therefore he finds various dogs and these dogs raise him. He enters a dog pack and then it is difficult to take him away from there and make him a normal person.

Because of such problems, human degradation occurs. And it is impossible to resist this.

Thus, appearance, appearance is his biological essence, and what lies inside is the social basis and, in my opinion, the social structure of a person is the most important thing in life.

“Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him” (V. Belinsky)

The author in this statement touches on such a topic that is relevant at all times, such as the role of society and nature in the development of man, in his formation as an individual. V. Belinsky says that a person, when born, is a product of nature, a part of it, since this is a biologically inherent process, but in the process of his life, interacting with the environment, with society, he develops social qualities in himself, thanks to which he becomes into a “man”, different from all other animals, having such traits as: readiness and ability for socially useful work, freedom, responsibility, reason, thinking and articulate speech. Thus, I agree with the author’s opinion that a person could not have appeared without the intervention of nature, but he becomes a person only within society.
In order to understand this topic in more detail, it is necessary to consider some terms. Man is the highest level of development of living organisms on Earth, and differs from other creatures in that he is a biopsychosocial creature. Within the framework of this topic, I would like to touch upon the biological and social aspects of man. When we say that a person is a biological being, we mean the fact that all people, when born, have the same body parts, the same organs, the same functioning, and so on, this list can be continued for a long time. This illustrates man as an individual. An individual is a single representative of the human race. But, also, people are not completely identical, their similarity is manifested only in physiology and general structure, but the color of eyes, hair, height, and the size of any parts of the body are very different from each other, since each person is individual. Individuality is the unique uniqueness of biological, social and mental qualities that make it possible to distinguish one person from another. This definitely proves that man is created by nature, since society and the people included in it do not in any way affect, for example, hair color. Let's move on to the social side of man. People throughout their lives need to develop, improve their skills and abilities, in a word - not stand still and somehow move. This process is called socialization. Socialization is the process of a person acquiring new knowledge, skills, abilities, and the lulling of social norms. Socialization includes agents and institutions of socialization that shape, direct, and stimulate or limit the development of a person’s personality. Agents of socialization are specific people responsible for the assimilation of cultural values ​​and social norms. Socialization institutions are institutions that directly influence the process of human socialization and guide it. There are two types of socialization: primary socialization and secondary socialization. Primary socialization is characteristic of the first stage of a person’s life; its agents are the immediate environment, such as relatives, friends, and so on. In this case, the institutions will be represented by the family, school, and kindergarten. Secondary socialization lasts until the end of a person’s life, and is more typical for adults, helping them decide on their future life. Thus, thanks to socialization, a person can form himself as an individual. Personality is a set of socially significant qualities that are determined by society. Society is a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, which includes ways of interaction between people and forms of their organization. Thus, the author says that a person is able to become an individual, to form his own “I” only while in society. This can be proven with the following examples.
Firstly, there are many cases in the world where a child was left, for some reason, without parents, among animals. For example, wolves, dogs, cats. In this case, the child begins to copy the habits of these animals and live based on instincts. Such children lack the process of socialization, they become wild and cannot be called “real” people.
Secondly, society is a dynamic system, which is characterized by constant development, the emergence and destruction of any of its elements. There are several approaches to the development of society, and one of them is linear-stage, which consists in continuous improvement of the future, that is, the further, the better. A person living in society develops with it. This means that society makes him smarter, improves him and helps him contact each other. If a person is separated from society, then he will degrade, will not learn new information, and develop in accordance with general progress.
Thirdly, there is an experiment being conducted in Japan called Moritao. This experiment takes place according to the “Zen” system and consists in the fact that a person will be placed in a cave, where his communication will be completely limited, forbidding him to communicate even with himself. According to the testimony of people who have passed this test, the thirst for communication by the end of the experiment becomes simply unbearable, and further meeting with any person brings great joy. This once again proves that man is created to live within society.
Thus, having examined some terms and given arguments, we were able to prove the author’s correctness, who claims that man, created by nature, can only be finally formed through contact with society.

Final essay: “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him”

Works selected for argumentation: D. Defoe “Robinson Crusoe”, I. A. Goncharov and “Oblomov”

Introduction: Man and society are inseparable concepts. One cannot exist without the other. Of course, nature creates man. She gives him life, physical development, strength, beauty of the body.

Nature can reward a person with some unusual ability (for example, body flexibility or a unique voice). But everything else: character, habits, professional abilities, certain personality traits a person acquires in society.

He learns to live within the limits of time, space, ideas, beliefs, economic relations, personal experiences. And a person’s behavior in society is determined by his knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of everything that surrounds him.

Can a person live outside of society? We all know the story of Mowgli - a boy raised among animals. Raised by a wolf pack, he behaves like them because this is the society in which he lived. Mowgli adopted animal habits, learned to hunt, growl and bare his teeth. What distinguished him from an animal? Nothing but a human appearance. Isolation from people led to a lack of development (except for physical development).

Arguments: The famous “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe is read in one sitting. The reader wonders how a man could live completely alone on an island for 28 years? Could Robinson have lived on a desert island for such a long time without the knowledge and skills that he acquired while living in society?

He would have spent much more time and effort on growing bread from grain or taming a wild goat, following an experimental path, but not using accumulated experience and clear ideas about what he was doing. Would Robinson be able to arrange his home so that it would become cozy and safe at the same time if he did not know how and why?

Without communicating with people, a person can lose his speech skills, culture of behavior, rules of etiquette, etc. How glad Robinson was when he discovered Friday on the island. He felt human again. And as soon as Robinson Crusoe had the opportunity to return home - to society - he, without regretting anything, boarded a ship and sailed to his native land. This is proof that society is necessary for man.

But if in the novel by D. Defoe only the idea of ​​the impossibility of human existence outside of society is confirmed, then in “Oblomov” by I. Goncharov we see the degradation of man through the fault of this very society. The main character Ilya Ilyich leads a passive lifestyle. He cannot decide on anything, start anything, or live to the fullest. His weak character and lack of willpower lead to his existence, to living his days without comprehending the joys of life.

Who is to blame for this? Oblomov's family, the people who surrounded him in childhood, could not give him the opportunity to take from life everything that it could give him. The lack of aspiration, persistence, and activity raised Oblomov to be a soft, spineless, weak-willed person who had no hope for anything. It was society that made him this way. And it is society that is to blame for his miserable existence.

Conclusion: It is very difficult for a person to live alone, outside of society. Nature gives life to man, and society fills it. The influence of society is so great that it can help to survive, or it can ruin a person’s life. There is only one law of nature - self-preservation - survival of the fittest, but society has many laws.

I was interested in the statement of the Russian literary critic V. G. Belinsky. This statement is relevant in conditions of constant socialization of individuals.

From the course of social studies we know that a person is born an individual. Socialization is the process of society influencing an individual as a result of which he accumulates social experience and becomes an individual.

There are two stages of human socialization: 1) primary (period

from birth to the formation of personality) 2) secondary (period associated with a person’s professional self-realization) Personality is an individual possessing a set of socially significant traits and qualities for life in society.

Secondly, in the process of living in society, an individual accumulates social experience, becomes familiar with traditions and customs, that is, it is the people around him who influence his upbringing and development.


socialization has the property of reversibility. A person can lose his accumulated social experience without interaction with society.

I want to confirm my theoretical reasoning with the situation that happened in India. An eleven-year-old girl lived for several years in a troop of monkeys. After she came to people, she could not talk, walk on two legs or eat with a spoon. She was only an individual.

Another example of the fact that a person cannot exist normally without society can be considered the situation associated with Ivan VI Antonovich in the 18th century. The daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, imprisoned the young emperor within the walls of the Riga Castle. Elizabeth forbade anyone to talk to him. After he was released, he walked on four legs and forgot the power of speech.

Summing up my thoughts, I would like to emphasize that society is an integral part of the life of every person. To become an individual, you need to constantly interact with people.

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Man is the highest stage of development of living organisms on earth, a subject of socio-historical activity and culture, but his most important characteristic is his biosocial essence.

Belinsky V.G. in his expression he very accurately and succinctly characterized the dual nature of man. Firstly, man is a creation of nature, is a chain of evolution, the same organism as everything that surrounds us. Biologically, humans are no different from animals. Secondly, he is a creation of society. This point is more complicated. What is clear is that thanks to social development, man became human. A person without society is nothing; it is not for nothing that in ancient times expulsion from society was the most terrible punishment. There are many examples in the modern world of the “Mowgli” syndrome, when a child was raised by an animal and therefore behaves like one, and not like a person, which only indicates that the social in a person is not genetically embedded, but is given by society. This is also confirmed by Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe". Without the knowledge that society has accumulated, Robinson Crusoe would have had a hard time surviving. Or maybe it’s impossible. He tried to repeat, to understand everything that was created in society.

To summarize, I would like to note that man and society are inseparable concepts. It is thanks to society that man as a biological being was able to become the person he is. The body is given to man by nature, and the mind and soul by society.

Every person in a broad sense is a “child of nature.” According to biological laws, man became isolated and developed from the animal world. Therefore, animal instincts are quite understandable in human essence; they have a natural origin. However, a person would be no different from an animal if these instincts, bestowed by nature, constituted his deepest fundamental principle and determined his entire existence.

Society has a decisive influence on the formation of a person. By society in this case we mean a part of the world separated from nature (the totality of natural conditions of human existence). Established moral norms and rules of behavior, cultural achievements, political and legal features, socio-economic relations - all these are various components of society as a whole.

Only in society does a person acquire personal characteristics (that is, such socially significant traits that characterize the individual as a member of a particular society).

Thus, in my opinion, V.G. Belinsky was deeply right when he noted that biologically man is created by nature; but the human personality acquires and develops its essential characteristics in society, in interaction with other individuals, entering into various relationships with them.

On the other hand, it seems that in this statement V.G. Belinsky, these two concepts - “society” and “nature” - act as diametric opposites. I don't think this is correct. Man, society and nature are very closely interconnected and influence each other. It is known that, on the one hand, the natural environment, geographical and climatic features have a significant impact on social development, accelerating or slowing down its pace and, ultimately, determining the mentality of the people (as a set of social values, attitudes, willingness to act or think in a certain way) . On the other hand, society also influences the natural environment of humans. Recently, the negative impact of human society on the environmental situation has been most often noted.