History of the land of Irkutsk textbook. History of the land of Irkutsk: Textbook. allowance. "History of the Irkutsk Land"

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Presentation on the topic: History of the land of Irkutsk

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1. EconomyThe agrarian reform of 1861, which abolished the dependence of peasants on landowners, led to changes in the composition of the population of the province. After the reform, the flow of immigrants to Siberia increased. From 1861 to 1891, more than 20 thousand people arrived in the Irkutsk province. Most of them began to engage in agriculture, receiving plots from abandoned lands or developing new ones for grains and potatoes. The main tools for cultivating the land remained bagel plows and wheeled plows

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1. Economy New plows also appeared, which were called “Permyachki”. They were almost entirely made of iron, so they were more durable and productive. Soon an iron plow also appeared, and the old pink salmon scythe was replaced by a factory-made Lithuanian scythe

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1. Economy late XIX V. Threshers, winnowing machines, and sorting machines began to appear. All this made it possible to increase the sown area. This was especially noticeable in the Balagan and Irkutsk districts, where greatest number migrants. In 1895, the peasant farms of these districts had 113 threshing machines and 654 winnowing machines. Grain harvests were varied, on average they ranged from 40 to 60 poods per tithe, but there were also more productive years

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1. EconomySecond industry Agriculture The province consisted of cattle breeding. In terms of the number of heads, goats and sheep were in first place, cattle were in second place, and horses were in third place. Breeding horses was a significant source of income on the farm. With the development of capitalist relations in the village, social stratification intensified. According to the household census of 1887-1889 in the Balagansky, Irkutsk, Verkholensky and Nizhneudinsky districts of the province, poor households accounted for 42 percent, average households - 34.3, and wealthy households - 23.7

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1. Economy Since the occupational form of land ownership prevailed in the Irkutsk province, individual farms were able to plow up to 300 acres of land, they kept several dozen heads of cattle and horses. The poor often rented out their lands, and sometimes abandoned them and went to the city or to " "piece of iron", that's what the railway was called back then

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1. EconomyThe peasant reform of 1861 gave impetus to the development of commodity-money relations in the village, the deepening of its social stratification, increased the flow of migrants, and contributed to the involvement of free lands of the province in economic circulation. With the abolition of serfdom, changes occurred in the industry of the province. It was very difficult for state-owned factories to adapt to the conditions of the free market for hired labor, since they mainly employed exiles and convicts

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1. EconomyBut there were also enterprises where, along with hard labor, hired labor was also widely used. These included the Usolsky salt plant and gold mines. The transition to hired labor made it possible to increase labor productivity in many enterprises

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1. Economy Despite the improvement in gold mining technology, the work of workers in the mines remained difficult. This is evidenced by the stories of the Irkutsk writer M.V. Zagoskina. In the book “Irkutsk and Irkutsk Province,” published in 1870, he wrote: “Work in the mines is not easy. Workers rise at dawn and venture into the cuts, which are often filled with water and filled with mud. They are given no more than three hours of rest during the working day, which is considered to be 18 hours - from 3 am to 9 pm. The food at the mines is almost always good. But hard work in any weather and in constant dampness has a disastrous effect on health. After 5-6 years of such a life, the worker becomes, if not crippled, then worthless for anything, except perhaps for service somewhere as a guard.”

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1. Economy In 1893, 1822 pounds of gold were mined in Eastern Siberia, which accounted for 75 percent of its production in all of Russia. In the second half of the 19th century. The coal industry begins to develop in the province. Coal was discovered at Grishevskaya Zaimka, 8 versts from Cheremkhov, where its mining began back in the 50s

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1. Economy However, most of them were of the handicraft or semi-handicraft type with the number of employees ranging from 10 to 50 people. This was especially typical for Irkutsk. In 1889, the main industrial enterprises The city included three vodka factories, two flour mills with steam mills, two breweries and one yeast factory, as well as a match and tobacco factory. During the post-reform period in industry, the number of private enterprises and production increased, and the number of hired workers increased. But industry developed more slowly than in the European part of Russia. This was due to government policy: Siberia still remained a storehouse of valuable raw materials, as well as an extensive market for the sale of industrial products and goods from central plants and factories

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2. Economy of the indigenous population More and more plows, mowers, horse-drawn rakes, reapers and threshers appeared on their farms. All this tied the Buryat population to a permanent place of residence and the introduction of transhumance cattle breeding. With the onset of spring, they drove the cattle to summer pastures located on long distance from winter roads, that is, permanent settlements of the Buryats

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2. Economy of the indigenous population At the end of August, after the end of haymaking and hay harvesting, the cattle were again driven from summer pastures to winter roads, where until late autumn they fed on fields and hay meadows mowed in the summer, and after harvesting - in the fields. With the onset of winter, the cattle moved to stalls content. Only herds of horses remained to graze. When there was heavy snow, the horses were fed with straw and hay and driven into yards. The Buryats built covered khotons (flocks) in which the cattle were kept at night. On the farms of Buryat families they began to use manure to fertilize the soil, and they fertilized not only the arable land, but also the hay meadows - utugi. Irons were usually located near winter dwellings; they were protected from damage by being surrounded by a fence.

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2. Economy of the indigenous population Along with agriculture and cattle breeding, the Buryat population continued to engage in traditional crafts - hunting, fishing, collecting mushrooms, berries, nuts, various herbs and roots in the taiga, making national clothes, shoes, jewelry made of bone, stone and metal, and fishing tools and hunting In the second half of the 19th century. changes occurred in the social relations of the Buryats. With the development of trade, a demand for free hands arose, especially in connection with the development of industry, agriculture, and cattle breeding. According to the household census of 1887-1897, 21.7% of Buryat farms used annual and term hiring of workers

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2. Economy of the indigenous populationIn the 80s of the XIX century. steppe dumas were abolished and “foreign” councils were created. The head of the council was chosen from local residents, usually from young rich owners. So, the Ida steppe duma was divided into Bohanskaya, Bilchirskaya, Ukyrskaya, Uleiskaya, Molkinskaya “foreign” councils. Along with them, the positions of tai were abolished -shey - the main ancestors who were replaced by inheritance. Peasant “foreign” bosses, that is, representatives of the tsarist administration, began to oversee the “foreign” self-government

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2. Economy of the indigenous population At the end of the 19th century, the certification of the indigenous population and the determination of places of permanent residence began. All Buryats were required to have a passport when applying for a hired job. The passport was issued for a year, and its renewal depended on how the person paid the tax. So, on the one hand, electivity appeared in the formation of foreign self-government, and on the other hand, it increased administrative control both for self-government and for each indigenous resident

Explanatory note.

This working training program compiled in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

    by law Russian Federation“On Education” in the current version.

    “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in general educational institutions”, approved by Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189.

    Federal State educational standard main general education, approved by order of the Ministry
    Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 N 1089

Document structure.

Working programm academic subject“The History of the Land of Irkutsk” is a comprehensive document that includes five sections: explanatory note requirements for the level of training of students; educational and thematic plan; topic content training course; list of educational and methodological support.


Kosykh A.P., Rabetskaya Z.I. Course program history of the land of Irkutsk. 2004

Textbook: Kosykh A.P., Rabetskaya Z.I. Textbook for high school educational institutions areas. – Irkutsk: Irkutsk book publishing house “Symbol”, 2002.

general characteristics educational subject.

Historical local history is one of the most important sources of expanding knowledge about the native land, instilling love for it, and developing citizenship among students.

Local history is a comprehensive study of any territory, carried out on a scientific basis. The objects of study are the socio-economic, political, historical and cultural development of a village, city, district, region. The history of the native land is considered as part national history, and local events as a manifestation of the patterns of the historical process. This means that local history material is closely linked to courses school programs on the regional component, local history and national history. The course “History of the Land of Irkutsk” will give students an idea of ​​the development of our region from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. Enriches cultural experience in the field of historical local history.

Place of the item in educational process

To study the subject “History of the Land of Irkutsk” in the 10th grade in the regional component of the basic curriculum, 35 hours per year are allocated, which is 1 hour per week, which corresponds to the author’s program of Z.I. Rabetskaya.

C e l k u r s a: promoting the development of a person as spiritual and moral, free, self-developing, socially active, creative personality; as a citizen and patriot of his country and small Motherland.

This goal course is implemented by solving a series task:

· Familiarize students with the body of knowledge about the main stages of the historical path of the peoples of the Baikal region, the variety of forms of historical existence and the activities of the inhabitants of Siberia in the past;

· Providing students with the most reliable information possible about the main events, trends and problems of socio-political, socio-economic and cultural development of the Irkutsk region;

· Developing in students the ability to consider events and phenomena of the past and present, using the techniques of historical analysis; apply historical knowledge when considering issues of the history of the native land and assessing modern events;

· Formation of value orientations and beliefs of schoolchildren on the basis of personal understanding of the social, spiritual, moral experience of people in the past and present, nurturing the ideas of humanism, patriotism and mutual understanding between peoples;

· Introducing schoolchildren to values national culture, education and respect for the history, culture, traditions of one’s own and other peoples, the desire to preserve and enhance the cultural heritage of one’s native land, one’s country and all humanity.

Requirements for the level of training of students.

Students should know and understand:

    periodization of the history of the native land;

    spatial and temporal framework of the studied historical events;

    the significance and role of the Irkutsk land in the history of the Fatherland;

    historical conditionality of social problems and conflicts in the territory of the native land;

    the specifics of the historical path of the Irkutsk region in the history of Russia;

Students must be able to :

    search for historical information in various types of sources;

    critically analyze the source of historical information;

analyze historical information presented in various sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series);

    participate in discussions on historical issues, formulate own position on the issues under discussion, using historical information for argumentation;

    present the results of studying historical material in the form of a synopsis, abstract, historical essay, resumes, reviews;

Students should use:

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.

    use historical information for a critical analysis of modernity and the possibility of building your own algorithm of life;

    use historical information - facts, opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations to establish cause-and-effect relationships between phenomena, spatial and temporal frameworks of the studied historical processes and phenomena

By the end of training in this program, it is assumed that students, having received strong, deep knowledge in the history of the region, they will be able to prepare and deliver messages and reports at history lessons, regional, local history competitions and conferences. The final certification of students can be carried out in the form of a presentation, creative report, project defense or creative work etc.



Our land in ancient times

Baikal region during the Middle Ages

Land of Irkutsk in the 8th century

Irkutsk province in the first half of the 19th century

Irkutsk province in the second half of the 19th century

Irkutsk land at the beginning of the 20th century

Between two revolutions

Revolution and civil war

Irkutsk land in 1921-1941

The Great Patriotic War and post-war construction

Irkutsk region in 1961-1985

Irkutsk region in 1986-2000



Introductory lesson

The Irkutsk region is part of Great Russia. The place of Eastern Siberia in the history of mankind, in the history of the Fatherland, is common and unique in our history. The peoples of Siberia, its historical geography: assessment of ethnic and natural factors. The ratio of internal factors and external influences in the development of Russia. The role of the Irkutsk region in geopolitics. Basic concepts: geopolitical position.

Section 1. Irkutsk Land in the distant past

Topic 1. Our land in ancient times.

Old Stone Age: ancient sites; people's homes and occupations; works of art. Mesolithic on the territory of the region: classes; tools; sites of the Mesolithic period (Buret, Malta). Research by A.P. Okladnikov. New Stone Age: improvement of tools; domestication of animals; the importance of hunting and fishing. Neolithic sites. Cave drawings. Basic concepts: Mesolithic; Neolithic; petroglyphs.

Copper-Bronze Age: tools made of copper and bronze, jade, bone and horn; connections with neighboring tribes. Shamanism as a unique phenomenon of spiritual culture. Beginning of the Iron Age(first millennium AD): tools and weapons; blacksmith craft; domestication of wild animals (horse, ram, bull); Iron Age monuments. Basic concepts: Chalcolithic; shamanism; altars.

Section 2. Baikal region during the Middle Ages.

Topic 1. Indigenous people of the Baikal region.

Kurykany. Kurykans are a people of Turkic origin. Resettlement of the Kurykans. Sources of knowledge about the Kurykans. Occupations: cattle breeding, agriculture, blacksmithing. Housing and culture. Semi-nomadic lifestyle. Writing. High level of art. Kurykans are the ancestors of the Buryats. Basic concepts: Kurykany; Khitan; Turks; writing.

Buryats, Evenks, Tofalars. Territory, activities and social order Buryat. Formation of the Buryat people. The transition from the primitive communal system to feudalism. Blood feud. Evenks. Settlement of the Evenki, social relations, housing, clothing, life of the Evenki. Tofalars are a small ethnic group in Eastern Siberia. Reindeer husbandry and hunting are the main occupations of the Tofs and their home. Suglan. Names of cities, villages, geographical places originating from the language of the Buryats, Tofs, Evenks. Basic concepts: Tofalars, Tofs (Karagas); barguts; Buryats; Evenks; ethnos; suglan; shulenga, tent, yurt.

Topic 2. Advancement of Russians to Siberia.

Russian advance into Siberia. Paths of advancement. The first forts: Ilimsky 1630, Ust-Kutsky 1631, Bratsky 1634, Balagansky 1654. Foundation of the Irkutsk fort in 1661, Ya. Pokhabov. Ilimsk Voivodeship: development of agriculture and crafts. The beginning of the Irkutsk Voivodeship. Yasak. The significance of the annexation of the Baikal region to Russia.

The first Christian churches and monasteries. Innokenty Kulchinsky. Development of culture. Description of the land of Irkutsk by Semyon Remezov. Popular unrest of the 17th century. Basic concepts: explorers; prison; yasak; drag; voivodeship.

Section 3. Formation and development of capitalist relations in Eastern Siberia.

Topic 1. Baikal region in the 18th century.

Social and economic development of the region. Population growth, its occupations. Moscow tract. Duties of the working people. Development of industry and crafts. Telminsky manufactory. Ilginsky Distillery. The first entrepreneurs of the region. Irkutsk is a provincial city. Management of Irkutsk land. Population. Irkutsk is a center of trade and crafts. Irkutsk merchants. Basic concepts: manufacture; trading and fishing company; “yasak foreigners”; city ​​council; viceroyalty.

Culture. The first schools. Monastic schools, " navigation school", "civil school". Theological Seminary. Irkutsk Main Public School. "Famous" people of the 18th century. Exploration of Siberia. Kamchatka expedition of V. Bering. G. F. Miller, I. G. Gmelin, I. Georgi, S. P. Krasheninnikov, E. G. Laksman. A. N. Radishchev in Ilimsk exile. G. I. Shelikhov - “Russian Columbus”. Basic concepts: “Mungal school”; theological Seminary; teacher's seminary; navigation school; ethnography.

Topic 2. Irkutsk province in the first half of the 19th century.

Economic development. Agriculture and peasantry. Forestry. Rural community. Agriculture among the Buryat population. Industry and working people. Development of trade and merchants. Cities of the Baikal region. Urban society. Participation of the population in the Patriotic War of 1812. Raising funds to equip volunteers. Siberian regiments in military operations. Basic concepts: rural community; “classes by condition”; mines; "rural" cities; bourgeois.

Decembrists in Irkutsk province.(2 hours) Names of the Decembrists and their places of residence. M. S. Lunin, F. B. Wolf, V. F. Raevsky, S. G. Volkonsky, S. P. Trubetskoy, Muravyov brothers. The wives of the Decembrists and their participation in the cultural life of the province. The contribution of the Decembrists to the development of Siberia. Basic concepts: forwarding point; settlers; political hard labor; Decembrist evenings.

East Siberian General Government. Governor General of Siberia. M. M. Speransky and his transformations in the management of Siberia. Governor General of Eastern Siberia N. N. Muravyov - Amursky. Aigun and Beijing treaties. Enlightenment and education in the first half of the 19th century. Opening educational institutions. Irkutsk Syrupital House of E. M. Medvedkova. Irkutsk – administrative and Cultural Center Eastern Siberia. Architecture of Irkutsk. Life and everyday life of Irkutsk residents. “Famous” people of the region: G. S. Batenkov, P. I. Pezhemsky, E. A. Avdeeva - Polevaya, M. I. Peskov. Basic concepts: general - governorship; province; districts; volosts

Topic 3. Irkutsk province in the second half of the 19th century.

Economy of the region. The flow of settlers after the reform of 1861. Improvement of agricultural tools. The development of capitalist relations in the village, social stratification. Captive form of land tenure. Industrial development. Formation of the working class. Private capital. Gold mining is the most profitable industry. The beginning of the development of the coal industry. Khaitinsky porcelain factory. Siberia is a storehouse of valuable raw materials. Economy of the indigenous population. Reorganization of management. Construction Trans-Siberian Railway. Development of communications. Trade and merchants. Trade routes. Development of trade turnover. Famous Irkutsk merchants: Basnins, Sibiryakovs, Trapeznikovs, Belogolovs. Philistinism. Basic

Public life. Irkutsk is the center of public life. M. V. Zagoskin. V. I. Vagin. The role of political exiles in the social life of the region. A. P. Shchapov. K. G. Neustroev. Publishing newspapers. Alexandrovsky Central. Polish exiles. Basic concepts: movement of “regionalists”; colonial policy; "Alexandrovsky Central"; Petrashevtsy; populists; Marxists; Social Democrats.

Cultural life of our region. Enlightenment and education. Opening of new educational institutions. Teachers and organizers of public education. Scientific - technical life in the province. Literature. Public library. Theater and artistic life. V. P. Sukachev. Construction in Irkutsk, city architecture. Changes in the architectural appearance of the city after the fire of 1879. Construction in the province. Cultural monuments of the Angara region. Basic concepts: syrup house; Maecenas; VSORGO; eclecticism; Russian Baroque; Russian - Byzantine style.

Section 4. Irkutsk land in the 20th – early 21st centuries.

Topic 1. Irkutsk land at the beginning of the 20th century.

Economy of the region. The contradictory influence of the railway on the development of the territory. Level of industrial development. The government's attitude to industrial development in Siberia. Monopolization of production. The situation of workers at the enterprises of the province. Agriculture. Relocation to Siberia. Involvement of peasant farms in market relations. Stratification of the peasantry. Influence Russo-Japanese War on the situation of the working population of Siberia. Basic concepts: monopoly capitalism; diversity of the economy; classes; estates; market relations.

Socio-political development of the region at the beginning of the 20th century. Labor movement: growth of the strike movement; transition to political demands. Irkutsk social democracy. Socialist organizations. Political exiles of Balagansky district (I.V. Stalin, P.P. Postyshev). Revolutionary actions in the province in 1905-1907. The beginning of the revolution. October political strike. Revolution and the army. Peasant struggle. National movement. Decline of the revolutionary struggle.

Basic concepts: opposition; revolutionaries; social democrats; strike.

Topic 2. Between two revolutions.

Economic situation of the province. Industry. Deepening monopolization of production and capital, growth of share capital. Agriculture. Agricultural policy of the government of A.P. Stolypin. Peasant movement. Irkutsk Cossacks. Further stratification of the peasantry. Prosperous Siberian economy. Labor movement in Irkutsk province. The tension in the Lena mines. Start of the strike. Strikers' demands. Lena execution of 1912. Consequences of the Lensky shooting. Social political life. Political parties, public organizations and public associations. Periodicals. During the First World War. The impact of the war on the economy of the Irkutsk province. Intensification of the class struggle. Hunger riots, strikes. Social political situation in the region on the eve of 1917. Basic concepts: resettlement policy; agrarian question; share capital; stratification of the peasantry; World War.

Culture of the province at the beginning of the 20th century. Education. Scientific life. V. A. Obruchev, A. P. Shchapov, N. S. Romanov, A. M. Sibiryakov. Literature. Theater, music, cinema. Artistic life. Monument to Emperor Alexander 111. Picture gallery of V. P. Sukachev. Architecture. Basic concepts: zemstvo schools; commercial schools; archival scientific commission.

Topic 3. Revolution and civil war / 1917 – 1920

Events of 1917. Attitude to February revolution population of the province. The rise of the national liberation and social movement. October in Irkutsk. Officer-cadet uprising in December 1917. Statement Soviet power. Basic concepts: development alternative; bourgeois-democratic revolution; socialist revolution; national liberation movement; dual power.

During the years of the civil war. Start Civil War and military intervention. The power of the Provisional Siberian Government. Establishment of the dictatorship of A.V. Kolchak. Partisan movement. Events of the Civil War on the territory of the Ust-Udinsky and Balagansky districts. The defeat of Kolchak. Establishment of Soviet power. Basic concepts: civil war; military intervention; red and white terror; dictatorship.

Topic 4. Irkutsk land in 1921 - 1941.

Social and political situation after the civil war. Public organizations and movements. Establishment of undivided dominance in the power structures of the Bolsheviks. Centralization of economic management. Economic recovery. Industry situation . Nationalization. Situation in the village: activities of food detachments; the revival of communes; assistance to the starving people of the Volga region. Transition to NEP. Competition between enterprises. Trade. The growth of capitalist relations in the countryside. Contradictions and difficulties during the NEP period. Results economic activity. Basic concepts: nationalization; NEP; tax in kind; competition; consumer cooperation; communes.

The Soviet model of modernization in Eastern Siberia. Industrialization. Beginning of industrialization . The first-born of the industry is a metal plant (plant named after V.V. Kuibyshev). Construction of an aircraft factory. Socialist competition. Results and lessons of industrialization. Problems and contradictions. Collectivization. The beginning of mass collectivization. Features of collectivization in the Baikal region. Organization of collective farm life. Collectivization on the territory of the Ust-Udinsky region. Collective farms before the war. Social and political situation in the 30s and 40s. GULAG on Irkutsk land. Bloody 1937. "Public Enemies". Basic concepts: modernization; industrialization; collectivization; socialist competition; "fist"; counter-revolutionary; GULAG; repression; NKVD.

Changes in the sphere of culture. The fight against illiteracy. School education. Vocational and technical education. Science in the 20s - 40s. Cultural and educational life: radio, print, cinema. Literature. I. Utkin, P. P. Petrov, I. Molchanov-Sibirsky, I. Goldberg, In. Lugovskoy, K. Sedykh and others. Theater. N. P. Okhlopkov. Artistic life. Art Museum. Associations of artists. Basic concepts: Gubgramcheka; health centers.

Topic 5.

The leading edge is deep in the rear. The Fatherland is in danger. Restructuring the economy on a war footing. Feat on the Siberian Field. Nationwide assistance to the front. Science and culture are at the forefront. Fellow villagers are home front workers. Irkutsk residents in battles for their homeland. The heroism of Irkutsk residents on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War: defeat German army near Moscow (78th rifle division Far Easterners under the command of A.P. Beloborodov; 93rd East Siberian Rifle Division; 82nd motorized rifle division); participation in the battles for Sevastopol, Stalingrad, on the Kursk Bulge; crossing of the Dnieper (heroes from Ustudino S.V. Tereshchenko, V.K. Belomestnykh); liberation of Eastern Europe(a native of the village of Ust-Uda A. M. Andreev); Berlin operation. Our fellow countrymen are participants in the war with Japan. Fellow villagers are participants in the Great Patriotic War. The greatness of our victory. Basic concepts: Patriotic War; mobilization; evacuation; guards division; Wehrmacht; militaristic state; surrender;

Social and economic development of the Irkutsk region (1946 – 1960) State of the economy in post-war period. A new stage of industrial development of the economy. Construction of new enterprises: Angarsk Petrochemical Plant; Bratsk and Mamakan hydroelectric power stations; Korshunovsky Mining and Processing Plant; Irkutsk Aluminum Plant; Irkutsk television center; Baikal pulp mill; Siberian cities. The beginning of BAM. Difficulties of agriculture. Results of the development of industry and agriculture in the region by 1960 Socio-political situation and cultural life. Post-war repressions. "Renaissance" of the Irkutsk Gulag. Strengthening party dictatorship. The influence of the 20th Congress of the CPSU on the public life of the region. Education and science. Literature. G. Kungurov, M. Sergeev, P. Malyarevsky, K. Sedykh, G. Markov. Theater. Painting. Cities. Basic concepts: industrialization; MTS; shortage of labor resources; “virgin” area; repression; the apogee of Stalinism; rehabilitation; universal education

Topic 6. Irkutsk region in 1961 – 1985.

Social and economic development of the Irkutsk region. Territorial production complexes (TPC) – new form industrial development of the economy. Bratsko-Ilimsk TPK; Verkhnee – Lensky TPK; Angaro - Usolsky industrial hub; Scope of capital construction. Bratsk hydroelectric power station; BRAZ; Ust-Ilimskaya HPP; Ust-Ilimsk timber processing plant; furniture company "Baikal"; BAM; oil refineries; shoe company "Angara"; and others. Results and lessons of the new stage of industrialization of the region. Transformations in the agricultural sector of the region. Consolidation of collective farms. Increase in specific gravity state farms. Deepening production specialization. Reasons for the lag of the agricultural sector. Basic concepts: TPK; industrial hub; virgin soil; ecological problems.

Social and political life. The leading role of party committees. The split of society into Stalinists and anti-Stalinists. Periodicals. Support for the human rights movement. Contradictions in public life and the decline in the authority of the CPSU. Basic concepts: cult of personality; "Thaw"; neo-Stalinism; dissidents; human rights activists; "Developed socialism".

Cultural life of society. Science: formation of a new center of science; construction of an academic campus; Computer center; scientific fields. School and education. Reform of public education. Professional education. Literature and art. The writer is fellow countryman V. G. Rasputin. A. V. Vampilov. Problems of cultural life. Indigenous population of the region. Life, everyday life, production activity, indigenous culture. Administrative-territorial structure: Tofalaria; Ust-Ordynsky Buryat autonomous region, Katangsky district. Basic concepts: scientific and technological revolution; reform of secondary and vocational schools; aimag; Orthodoxy; Buddhism; datsan; lama.

Lesson on learning new material with elements of generalization

Topic 7. Irkutsk region in 1986 – 2008.

Political and cultural life of the region. Restructuring steps in the region. Local authority. Governor Yu. A. Nozhikov. Legislative Assembly of the region. City Council. B. A. Govorin. Economic, political, ideological changes. Governor A. Tishanin. The process of unification of the Ust-Orda Buryat district and the Irkutsk region. Elections in State Duma in 2007 in the region. Elections of the President of the Russian Federation. Basic concepts: Perestroika; publicity; Legislative Assembly; City Council; governor; referendum.

On the path of economic reforms. Transition to the market. Crisis in the economy. Changes in social structure population of the region. Falling standard of living. Unemployment. The beginning of an economic recovery. Economic development of the region in the 21st century. Development prospects. International connections. Basic concepts: voucher; price liberalization; privatization; market; shareholder; farmer; inflation.

The program provides for the study of the history of the region from the standpoint of a modern vision of the historical process, the study of historical local history as an integral part of the history of the Fatherland. In the classroom, much attention is paid to the present, inextricable ties with the past are traced, the beginnings of historical thinking are laid, and targeted work is carried out to make each high school student aware of his personal connection with the history of the Motherland.

To achieve these goals, it is planned to widely involve local material and publications in the media.

Schoolchildren gain knowledge of local history in lessons as they are presented by the teacher. educational material or work with textbooks, documents, as well as through scientific - research work.

During the lessons it is expected to use:

1. To activate mental activity:

  • modeling

    role-playing game

3.To solve problematic problems:

    event analysis

    analysis of conditions

    development analysis

4.For feedback and control:

  • test papers

5.For written works:

6.ICT in the classroom:

    search for information

    usage electronic textbooks, illustrations

    working with tests for control tasks

    educational presentations

Basic skills acquired and developed during the course:

Name the dates of the most important events, chronological frameworks, draw up logical and synchronistic tables, characterize periods in the development of historical processes;

Describe historical events;

Find, organize and analyze historical information in one or more sources;

Consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical nature and belonging to a specific people and a specific historical era;

Compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, determine and justify your point of view, mastering logical methods of reasoning and evidence based on historical material;

Gain experience in active development of historical and cultural heritage own region, mastering research skills;

Compose theses, notes, write an abstract, convey your information to the audience.

calendar-thematic planning

Lesson topic

Lesson type

Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students


the date of the

Our land in ancient times – 1 hour

Our land in ancient times.


To acquaint students with the peculiarities of the development of the Irkutsk land in ancient times

Know: parking ancient man on the territory of the region of the Mesolithic, Neolithic, Paleolithic periods.

Be able to characterize the features of the life of ancient man.

Notes in a notebook.

Baikal region during the Middle Ages – 2 hours

Indigenous population of the Irkutsk province.

Learning new material

To characterize the features of the life of peoples of different nationalities living in the Irkutsk region.

Know the peculiarities of life of the Kurykans, Evenks, Buryats, Tofalars.

Comparison table.

The annexation of the “Bratska zemlitsa”. The first Christian churches and monasteries. Popular unrest.

Learning new material

Consider the features of the annexation of Siberia to Russia, identify the causes of popular unrest.

Know the dates of construction of forts on the territory of the Irkutsk region.

Be able to characterize the causes of folk


Oral survey

Land of Irkutsk inXVIIIcentury – 3 hours

Socio-economic development of the region in the 18th century.

Learning new material

Characterize the social and cultural development of Irkutsk land in the 18th century.

Be able to characterize the importance of education for the development of the province.


Irkutsk-provincial city. The first schools.

Learning new material

Famous people of the 18th century.


Show the importance of the activities of A.N. Radishchev and G.I. Shelikhov for the development of the Irkutsk land.

Know the names of scientists who visited the Irkutsk province in the 18th century.

Be able to characterize the contribution of N. Radishchev, G.I. Shelikhov to the development of our region.

Presentations about N. Radishchev and G.I. Shelikhov.

Irkutsk province in the first halfXIXcenturies -3 hours

Irkutsk province in the first half of the 19th century: economic development, participation of the population in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Learning new material.

Describe the development of the economy in the first half of the 19th century. Show the importance of Siberians in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Know the features of the economic development of the Irkutsk province in the first half of the 19th century.

Oral survey.

Learning new material.

Consider the significance of the activities of the Decembrists in the Irkutsk province. Characterize the activities of M.M. Speransky.

Know the names of the Decembrists and the contribution they made to the development of the province.

Oral survey.

Enlightenment and education in the first half of the 19th century. Irkutsk is an administrative and cultural center.

Learning new material

Characterize the cultural life of the Irkutsk province in the first half of the 19th century.

Know the features of the development of education in the first half of the 19th century.


Irkutsk province in the second halfXIXcenturies -5 hours

Irkutsk province in the second half of the 19th century. Economy and economy of the indigenous population.

Learning new material.

Consider features economic development Irkutsk province in the second half of the 19th century.

Know the features of economic development in the second half of the 19th century.

Reports from students.

Trade and merchants in the Irkutsk province. Siberian railway and communications.

Learning new material.

Identify the features of trade development. Consider the significance of the construction of the railway.

Know the states with which trade relations were developed in the second half of the 19th century.

Oral survey.


Consider the activities of public figures: V.I. Vagin, N.M. Yadrintsev, G.N. Potanin.

The significance of Vagin’s activities on the development of the province.

Polish exiles.

Enlightenment and education.

Learning new material.

Characterize the causes and consequences of the Polish exile. Describe the development of enlightenment and education.

Oral survey.

Scientific and technical life in the province. Literary and theatrical life.


Consider the features of the development of scientific, technical and cultural life of the province.

Know about the activities of VSORGO and VSORTO.

Be able to characterize the development of the cultural life of the province in the second half of the 19th century.

Reports, presentations.

Irkutsk land at the beginningXXcenturies – 3 hours

Irkutsk land at the beginning of the 20th century. Economy

Learning new material.

Describe the features of economic development at the beginning of the 20th century.

Know the features of the development of agriculture and industry.

Oral survey.

The labor movement and Irkutsk social democracy on the eve of the revolution of 1905-1907.

Learning new material.

Characterize the activities of the Social Democrats on the eve of the revolution of 1905-1907.

Know the situation of workers at enterprises in the province.


Revolutionary actions in the province in 1905-1907.


Consider the significance of the first Russian revolution for the Irkutsk province.

Know the causes of the revolution, political organizations, results of the revolution.

Reports, presentations.

Between two revolutions - 5 hours

Between two revolutions. Peasantry and Cossacks.

Learning new material.

Describe the significance of the Stolypin agrarian reform for our region.

Know the reasons for the resettlement of peasants to the Irkutsk province. Be able to characterize the results of the Stolypin agrarian reform for our region.


The economic situation of the province between two revolutions.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of economic development.

Know the difficulties of workers and peasants that led to the Lena events.


Lena execution of 1912

Learning new material.

Describe the events of 1912.

Know the reasons and course of events of the Lena unrest.

Be able to name the results of the Lena speeches.

Table "Lena execution"

Social and political life and culture of the Irkutsk province at the beginning of the 20th century.


Consider the features of the socio-political and cultural life of the province.

Know the position political parties after the revolution of 1905=1907.


Irkutsk region during the First World War.

Learning new material.

Consider the contribution of the residents of the Irkutsk province to the First World War.

Be able to characterize the impact of the First World War on the economy of the Irkutsk province.

Oral survey.

Revolution and Civil War (1917-1920) – 1 hour

Revolution and civil war (1917 – 1920). 1917 in the Irkutsk province. During the years of the civil war.

Learning new material.

Characterize the rise of the national liberation movement in the Irkutsk province. Consider the features of the development of the province during the Civil War.

Know the main events of the revolutionary movement in the Irkutsk province. Know the stages of the Civil War.

Oral survey.

Irkutsk land in 1921-1941. - 4 hours

Irkutsk land in 1921 - 1941. Socio-political situation after the Civil War

Learning new material.

Consider the features of the development of the province in the first years of Soviet power.

Know the features of the establishment of Soviet power.

Economic recovery. Agriculture. Industrial development: successes and difficulties.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of the economic development of the province in 1021-1941.

Know the principles of development of agriculture and industry

Collectivization: how it happened.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of collectivization in the Irkutsk province.

Know the stages of collectivization and its results.


Socio-political situation in the 30-40s. Development of culture.

Learning new material.

Consider the impact of political repression on the life of the region. Describe the features of cultural life.

Know the results of the repressions.

Questions on p. 244-245.

The Great Patriotic War and post-war construction (1941-1960) – 2 hours.

The Great Patriotic War and post-war construction.


Reports, presentations.

The Great Patriotic War and post-war construction.


Describe the contribution of Siberians to the Victory in the Second World War.

Know the features of the development of the region during the Second World War. Be able to characterize the contribution of Irkutsk residents to the common Victory.

Reports, presentations.

Irkutsk region in 1961-1985. - 3 hours

Territorial production complexes. Development of industry and agriculture in 1961-1985.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of economic development after the Second World War.

Know the stages of development of the Irkutsk region after the Second World War.


Cultural life of the Irkutsk region in 1961-1985.


Consider the features of the development of cultural life after the Second World War.

Know the features of the development of cultural life after the Second World War.

Economic and socio-political life of the Irkutsk region in 1961-1985.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of the development of the economic and socio-political life of the region in 1961-1985.

Know the features of the development of the economic and socio-political life of the region in 1961-1985.


Irkutsk region in 1986-2008. - 2 hours.

Irkutsk region in 1986 – 2008. Political and cultural life.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of the development of the political and cultural life of the region in 1986-2008.

Know the features of the development of the political and cultural life of the region in 1986-2008.

Economic reforms in the Irkutsk region in 1986-2008.

Learning new material.

Consider the features of economic development of the region in 1986-2008.

Know the features of the region's economy in 1986-2008.

Repeating and generalizing lesson


    The computer provides students with multimedia capabilities.

    The projector increases the level of visibility in the teacher’s work, allows students to present the results of their work to the whole class, and increases the efficiency of organizational and administrative performances.

    Printer – allows you to record on paper information found and created by students or the teacher.

    A stereo system, TV, DVD make it possible to include educational process information images of the surrounding world, use a large amount of illustrative material.


1. Kosykh A. P., Rabetskaya Z. I, Sverlik G. I. History of the Irkutsk Land: tutorial for senior classes of educational institutions in the region. Irkutsk: Irkutsk book publishing house “Symbol”, 2002.

2. Frolova S. A. Historical atlas. Irkutsk region. Moscow: DIK Publishing House, with the participation of the Drofa Publishing House. 2000.


1. Aganbegyan A., Ibragimov Z. Siberia firsthand. M., 1881.

2. Kilesso G. T. Street named after... Irkutsk: East Siberian book. Publishing house, 1984.

3. Kuznetsov I. I. Golden stars of Irkutsk. Irkutsk: East Siberian book. Publishing house, 1982.

4. Kuznetsov I. I., Kuznetsova T. P. Young patriots of Eastern Siberia during the Great Patriotic War. Irkutsk: publishing house Irkutsk University, 1985.

5. Kosykh A.P., Panov V.N., Tyukavkin V.G. History of the Irkutsk region. Irkutsk, 1983.

6. Sergeev M. Irkutsk. Three centuries. Pages of life. Irkutsk: East Siberian book. publishing house, 1986

7. Sutormin A.G. At the Victory Parade. Irkutsk: East Siberian book. Publishing house, 1985.

8. Petrov I. F. Obelisks of glory. Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House, 1984.

9. Khafizov R.Z. Glory - not to fade, traditions - to live! Irkutsk: Symbol Publishing House, 2002.

10. Shinkarev L. Siberia. Where did she come from and where is she going. Irkutsk: East Siberian book. Publishing house, 1974.

additional literature:

Lezhnenko I. Bridge between the past and the future - Irkutsk Land. 2000, No. 12. P. 47-50

Reader on the history of the Irkutsk region / ed. A.P. Kosykh. Irkutsk, 1969

Dulov A.V. Monuments of history and culture of Irkutsk-Irkutsk, 1993

Sitnikov L.A. Grigory Shelikhov. Irkutsk, 1990.

Romanov N.S. Chronicle of the city of Irkutsk for 1881-1901. Irkutsk, 1993.

Kolmakov Yu.P. Irkutsk Chronicle 1661-1940-Irkutsk, 2003

Popov I.I. Forgotten Irkutsk pages - Irkutsk, 1989

Vinokurov M.A., Sukhodolov A.P. Economy of Siberia 1920-1928 - Novosibirsk 1996

Irkutsk: three centuries. Irkutsk, 1986

Dulov V.I. Peasantry of Siberia during the years of the first Russian revolution - Irkutsk 1956

Bengarova I. History of the peoples living around Lake Baikal - Irkutsk, 2007

Contents: 1. Where is our region and its neighbors. 2. Date of birth of the Irkutsk and Bratsk regions. 3. Population: Russia, region, district. 4. Big cities Irkutsk region. 5. Outstanding people of the Irkutsk region. 6. Wealth of the region 7. Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region 8. Forts of the Angara region, the indigenous population of the region.

1 Irkutsk is located in the Asian part of Russia in Eastern Siberia, 5042 km southeast of Moscow, 2887 km northwest of Vladivostok, 520 km north of Ulaanbaatar, and 1650 km northwest of Beijing. Irkutsk is located on both banks of the Angara River at the confluence of the Irkut and Ushakovka rivers, 55 km from the unique UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lake Baikal, on the southern edge of the Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo Plain. Irkutsk is located in the Asian part of Russia in Eastern Siberia, 5042 km to the south. east of Moscow, 2887 km northwest of Vladivostok, 520 km north of Ulaanbaatar, and 1650 km northwest of Beijing. Irkutsk is located on both banks of the Angara River at the confluence of the Irkut and Ushakovka rivers, 55 km from the unique UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lake Baikal, on the southern edge of the Irkutsk-Cheremkhovo Plain

2. Irkutsk was founded in 1661 Irkutsk was founded in 1661 Irkutsk prison laid by the Cossacks under the leadership of Yakov Pokhabov. The fort got its name from the Irkut River, a tributary of the Angara, and Yakov Pokhabov justified the choice of this particular founding site by the fact that ... here is the best place, suitable for arable land and livestock release, hay cuttings and fishing are all close... Indeed, the place turned out to be so favorable for the development of trade, industrial and expeditionary routes that soon after its founding it was already the most important stronghold for trade with China. The Irkutsk fort was founded by the Cossacks under the leadership of Yakov Pokhabov. The fort got its name from the Irkut River, a tributary of the Angara, and Yakov Pokhabov justified the choice of this particular founding site by the fact that ... here is the best place, suitable for arable land and livestock release, hay cuttings and fishing are all close... Indeed, the place turned out to be so favorable for the development of trade, industrial and expeditionary routes that soon after its founding it was already the most important stronghold for trade with China. Bratsk was founded on December 12, 1631. A group of 40 Cossack explorers, led by Panteley Demidov, founded a small fortress on the Angara River at the mouth of the river. Oka and called it the Brotherly prison. The name comes from the ethnonym Buryat, reinterpreted by the Russians as “brothers”, “brothers”. Bratsk was founded on December 12, 1631. A group of 40 Cossack explorers, led by Panteley Demidov, founded a small fortress on the Angara River at the mouth of the river. Oka and called it the Brotherly prison. The name comes from the ethnonym Buryat, reinterpreted by the Russians as “brothers”, “brothers”.

3. Population of Russia – for 2013, people. The population of the Irkutsk region is 2.5 million people in 2009. Population of the Bratsk district - as of 2010, people

5. People born in the Irkutsk region, who with their work, talent and calling glorified our Siberian region, far beyond its borders. EEEEE vvvv yy inn ii yyy A A A A lol her kk ss aapa inn ddt rr ooo vvvv ii chchch E E E E vvvv tttt uuuu sh-sh her inn kko ooo - Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR AAAA lol her kk ss aapa inn ddt rr V V V Va aapa lol her inn tttt ii inn ooo vvvv ii chchch V V V V aapa mm pp ii lol ooo vvvv - Russian playwright. WWWW aapa lol her inn tttt ii inn G G G G rrii yy ooo rrry ee her vvvv ii hchch R R R Ra aapa ss pp uuuu tttt ii inn - Writer and public figure. DDDD her inn ii ss L L L L her ooo innn ii ddt ooo vvvv ii hchchh M M M Ma aapa vvts uuuu her vvvv - Russian pianist.

6. Riches of the region. On the territory of the region there is the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal (its western part). Main rivers: Angara, Lower Tunguska, Lena with tributaries, Vitim. In the Irkutsk region, brown and hard coal, iron ore, gold, rock salt, cement and facing raw materials, refractory clays, kaolin, gypsum, etc. are mined.

The coat of arms of the Irkutsk region is an image of a shield with an image of a babr. The heraldic description of the coat of arms reads: “In a silver field there is a black babr with scarlet eyes, holding a scarlet sable in its mouth.” Irkutsk region shieldbabrababrsobolya Coat of arms of the Irkutsk region shieldbabrababrsobolya The heraldic colors of the coat of arms mean: The heraldic colors of the coat of arms mean: silver truthfulness, innocence, purity; silver truthfulness, innocence, purity; silver black prudence, humility, sadness; black prudence, humility, sadness; black scarlet courage, courage, fearlessness. scarlet courage, courage, fearlessness. scarlet 7

8. Indigenous populations Indigenous peoples on the territory of the Irkutsk region are represented by Buryats, Evenks, and Tofalars. The indigenous non-Russian population, which retained its ethnic territories, native languages ​​and traditional cultural and everyday features, was everywhere involved in close ties with the Russian neighbors who came to the territory in the 17th century. Indigenous peoples in the Irkutsk region are represented by Buryats, Evenks, and Tofalars. The indigenous non-Russian population, who preserved their ethnic territories, native languages ​​and traditional cultural and everyday features, was everywhere involved in close ties with Russian neighbors who came to the territory in the 17th century. Buryat Evenki Tofalaramirussian of the Irkutsk RegionBuryat Evenki Tofalaramirussians

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research development

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study NOT development

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# study


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study ^4 development

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Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
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